K LAMA TU REPUBLICA A E. J. MURRAY. Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER Or INTERIOR OREGON. lulling O,e present «arin Weather itlttl aa a pievelttative oi »1. k I •■ . « tun. the tleallli vMti.e. adv.s. « tb. . »h* .limer t.» boll the w .tel l*vl »ie l|«li.g iL «l.etl.ei n is taken Imin the nti in. it« or Wella lii this wav be ttt VM lent rtt tin« ««•««uinla\, owing to the I he Midway Bar Klamath county in this rvs|wct. This “sea of silence.’* and because «»f the en- abaein'e ot Father Feuei Irotu the city. is only another step toward maintain- tire abaence of vegetable matter, it was He will hold uervne« m Men ill on Sun- tng our place in the front rank ot l«-liev,s| that the lake would always ne­ ia\ t'ourteoii« Attention it what all times Cirtlull) f ran tt regon newsfvaperdom. More are to main a "dead sea " Aside from a pe- In the current nnnil*r of the Suneet ap|w»ais to aov one. Among those who I are seeking to t»e entertained and who follow, and when our plana arv rinally I culiar little water d>>g or Itaanl. there it an article on the Klamath Project by completed the Republican will he one were no living thing« in the lake, and C. J. Blanchard ot the Reclamation «»er- want the l>eat of attention they usually <»lthe beat equipped uewsisqwr, plants the rock-walled shores are void of vege- vu'e. It t« carefully tlluttrated. and it go where they can Ln* a*eurt*d of that in Oregon. While wr have twen tati-.n, with the exception of stunted a valuable document tor reference pur courteous attention. It le easy at all ■levoting our time and energies ' hemlock«. The water is very cold and poet*. tunes to get that attention if one knows in this direction we have not for- pum and so void of any mineral matter W.O. Hill of Fort Klamath wa« in whete to go. One of the main and Im gotten our render«, and »hortlv will or forvign mibetan.v that it offers bu' j the city thi* week making dual arrang l»ortant reason* why the Midway Rar give them optMrtunitie« to Uka a.ivaut-| little reeistance to d.atin, things. » ment to *ell hit 240 acre ranch, for has gained such popular favor is owing age of that they have never had before. that leaves, twigs and sticks remain on which he ha.« been offered |20 |»er a« re. to the tm»t careful attention |»aid to Good thing« are iu «tore for our reader« ; ’ the surface but a little while customers. T tie re it no lietler known Eiuier Applegate. Frank Ira White watch for them. Superintendent Aarnt. at well A4 the or recognised good fellow than Billy Du­ and H. L. Holgate, delegatee to the hundreds of |>eople in Oregon and other laney, the manager. He takes as much National Irregation Congrvee. returned The KepuMtcan printer? i, pret>aring sections of the country who visit the interest m the business a« though he from Boi«e I'liuraday evening a twenty page program for the tatr. It park each year, are highly elated over ownedit and he never allows it to l»e *ai«l will be neatly arranged owing to the Whenever you want freight from the that a person leaves his place who it 1 the results of the tish ■‘plant" in the greatly imonned condition« <>t th« me­ lake, and believe it will l>e a favorite railroad -emi an order to Jan. B Mmm* dissatisfied Another stnmg ami «trik chanical depai liuent. With the new and popular Ashing ground m a few at Fokvgama and you will «xt »‘olir mg reason why hl* buisness is gtowmg power pre««, the firm, bv the way, u. u years, as the tish appear to lie multiply­ freight promptly. in leap« and Itonnlt 1« owing to the Klamath county, and other nwle.1 mi- ing very rapidly. A Kirtchnvr, a well known rewi.lviit high cla«s of goods he handles. He has provement«, a rirat elaaa j b i> aartired. • •I th ij * coitntv for many year*», w ill leave Mtoiked hi* pL.iv with the l«e«t on mar The Work «ill lie ..ff the p.eaa Hol later Notice of Oisrolutlon tht* week tur hia former h<»me m Milla. ket ami he sees to it (hat only the verv ■ nan tie 2 tli and the a tu i« t.> aend » Xeb* taka. highest grade of gi»od« |«*ave hl« estab Noti ‘e is hereby given that the part thou-wiui or more through >ut the baun liahment. It you are comtemplatin» ■ esship busines« heretofore known a* <». F Vote of Fort Klamath came to aid in the stimulation ot attendance N"el A McKim. and doing busines« un down fr.»ui hit rain h Naturdav. and attending th*» fair ami races th» not for at the great -at lair in the l.iMorv <>i kl.AMAlM I ALLS. OUt <4<>S ■ 1er the timi name of the Klamath Fall* lem|Mirarily lelleved the butter lamilie. get to « all at the Mi lwa* Rar il vou are K auiam count' . The racing leaturv I IL IU UIF> Al.F \ MAlil IX Jr tl.FX MARTIN, seeking !« r the very l«»*t I«» l«e had heed Mill, ha* this lav dissolved l.v A. Catlel left yeaterdav mornmg tor pr miaee tu tie one of the strong > ar>li> Prr««|ih*tit \’h (.'«mill«*? There you will l»e royally welr«»med mutual consent. ». K V el «nceevdii g Portland, where he will join hl« twin I Gcal aorses are headed this way ai.it ami will raturn home w»th th»« km»*a the biisiness of sai l partm-rahip. and ilv and remain lor al»oiit one week ...ere will be a mie lively events .luring ledge that thervaie g»««*l fellows in Klam ««simung all obligations and collecting F’u»t •"** mi Annual >ta(«*m«,tit Junv «’. ?M»» the three days. The display tn the For rale or rent—Good furni«he*l h I «at R«>S(»Uf veri ath Fall* ami that there are g *1 wine . all accounts of said partnership horticultural ■■milling will undouiiteilly h<»u*e Inquire at It it ottic •« 25 Loans and Dt*cuunt* liquors and cigar« Ihited at Klamath Fail« 1>r„ Sept ie the best that has trn tar been ar­ Overdraft*. «retired amt uii*«*-iir«*«l Alwavt a freth tto< k <* i candiei m at - I MM. ». K x Honda «nd v\ urratit« ranged or piesented. The tar.ners and A. J . M inning’* W 12 E. T M c K im . Sotka ! Hanking H«» ii * v , F in tilinte sml Fittiltr* the citiaeua in general are taking holo Blue vitr»»l at the >tar Drug Store. Ihle imm Hank* and Bankets and it has settle.! down to be ot general Cash In Bank Card of Thanks sept IS, HUM. I interest auieng all. All are boosting KENO KINKS Notice 1« hereby given that the raie OHI in We thank* to tht many friends who a«si«tel it ao greatly talked alaiut. I llNHRUIll) Capitai ?*t«wk. fully paid Mr Bobbins has «old ills interest in ea«t bound troni Pokegaina t<> Thrall, in the recovery nt the l«»ly and the bur­ 4 7M Ml >urplu» and t’iidivi«!»* • profit« the saloon to Mr. Pyre. w ill lie .5 cent« per cwt. ial of oar son. William, who met such » BIQ TROUT IHRIVEf (rniividual Ih*|w>«ita, «ut»je» t to die» k .KI..17W ay The ocean salmon are now making I Ki IM XI H I LSI K K OU. I'ashler's Check« outstanding mi 2 Ci death. IN CRATER LAKE *.«d and untimely By E T. A bbott . General Manager Demand Certificates »»! iXapoait 40 rilS.IA their Fall run up the Klamath. Mr. and Mr«. M. 1. Conklin. Mr Madi«on*« new liouae is looming IW n il DM The Portland Journal «aya : Camping freasurer’M Notke up under the management of Took and ve name«l Bank. I»eing fir«t du N otic* it hereby given that there nre .Mrs. Pratt’s new house, barn and Stables. Fine, gentle horses. go*xl bug lv sworn, «Io < mv that the above tlatement It true to the t»ewl «»( my knowledge rhat fish are now abundant in Crater funds in tjie county treasury for the re wood-house are now ci.nip'eted and < <»• I b-.*! \ t ' f i a ■ gie«, reasonable prices. lake, a* a result id the ••plants” put t demptton of all outstanding Klamath rvadv for the f amt Mr. Mead did the No • r-I a(j.| «worn »o U«»L>re tn»» tht« 2nd «lay of July. I «*» there by the government several years county warrants. p*otested on a id prior work in fine sty |e laaxi.1 *. C GMAvaa Banana*, orange« and lemons—Irvah ago. Catches of .50 and fiO are reported to Ju»y 6, 1903. Notary Public l«*r oreguti ’iel—In this city. Tit«-« lay, Septetn- at ( Manning*. Correct attest by several camping parties and the fish Dated. Klamath Falls. Ore., this 2hh b.*rll, Elmer B. Hale, aged 39 Mr. A i at Maona, caught were large and fat. some of them day of SepteriP»er. 1JUH. D** you need visiting card»? It *0 call Hale came here from GoldHeld recently, E K. R a, m a». having a length of 90 inches. The fish L. A lva L kwis . at the Republican where you will and has I wen employed by Mason, Ai at Mam»«. Ja, are a special lake trout and unlike any Countr Treasurer. I I>avis Co. IVath was due to an a hares« find the latent ntvlen in cards and type Ihrwclora. TWO DOLLARS I HL 'i LAR IN ADV ANCE Klamath Falls. Or., Thursday. September 13. 1006. Venerai Insurance and Real Estate business Houses and Rooms for Rent KLAMATH COUNTY BANK The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County The Novelty Store. is growing every day. This growth is due to honest valves . Y ou get what you pay for. Only the best that money can buy is offered to our cus­ tomers and at lower prices than can be found anywhere else. We are making a success of win­ ning the confidence of the people by dealing squarely with the trade. That is the reason we are growing in favor. Millinery Dapartment THE NOVELTY STORE Klamath County's Leading Notion, Dry Goods and Millinery Store <>nc «> found at I'lie Noveltv. Special care has l>»M>n exercised in the selection of this stock, und for high quality, style and price cannot be surpass­ ed Hnywh«>re. We invite a careful insp«*<>tion of this HI'LENIHO LINK OF MILLINERY. Grand Opening Fall and Winter Goods The latest thing in Silks, Plaids, Broadcloth, Flannels, Serges, Hinley Serge, Silk Finish Gingham, Ginghams, Kimona Fleecedowns, Outing Flannel, Filirdown A full line of Calico and Fancy W rappers Muslins and Dress Linings See our Table Lilians. Napkins, Towels, Doiies. X i' 'ir.-t / Err 3' if ■. ; mi 27-inch Taffeta Silk, warranted . ... .sl.2-’> 19*inch Taffeta Silk, warranted ... 80c Plaid Taffeta Silk, as low as . 85c 27-inch China Silk . .... 50c ■San Lining Silk ................................................... 50c Amiailk 38-inch Silk Plaids............ Broadcloth, up from Silk Finish Mohair ftOe 1.25 90c Fine Line jt the Famous Zarscn Curter Fancy 1' lecced-lincd serge 12.jc Heeeedowns . 15c. Ise and 20e Eitlerilowns 35c und 50c t rotons—a splendid assortment—cheiip, 10c to 12c Silkelines, a perfect variety, and cheap, 10c to 12.J<* Calico, a largo variety of the best patterns 7c Muslin, tin- good kind, ranging in price 12JC to 15c 55c Table Linen, the best on the market 60e to $1.50 Ribbons, in all shades und widths 2c to $1.00 ork A rev >t :»•>((>-«- Panuina», rare bargains ii. price, from Brilhintini'«, the be»t of quality 50e Albatro»»—»plendid values 50c Flannel Skirting 35c \dil—a perfect assortment, ranging in price 1.0() School Plaid«—a big assortment. 17c to 35e Hinley Sergos—a perfect variety.... 18c to 25c Silk Finish Ginghutns—line values 25c A. M. C. Ginghams—in ull the lute patterns 12Ac