Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 20, 1906, Image 3

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.Method I»» Make
l>l«ngrr .•«blc
I Il »k I iglit for Bolli
oil Fello.m r|
w|n*|i Villi
• • 1.1
!«•• epin-al" U«* ulldl'l, timi the lein| •
I titoli II, , .ime »o gtr.lt that we -«»III« •
time» |o»|
? it
|| sou have bilie
f OM I XCIlAXíil S
Lave u in I ic <I ymir parrlitM would make
H lor nm. I’r« p4'v luncL« • iLev van
• 111 s in a pa» kage : m ike it u* , a .»'aLie
a- po »ihb : d«m*t l»»ig. 1 H unni th«* la-t
minule, and than ju-t “pul up anv <»l«i
thing," remember it «tamia tinte hour«,
and it it 1» imide oi thi. kly »In e»l br«*a»l,
p Molv »plead l.'lltel, lodgi. Wild » »lllgV
invai, Il 1» m»t veiy palatable
v «» ii
would noi like to eat i'.
«I««» ’t a-k
y>»ur child lo «Io it, lor he
.«liuirn* h*r I h » lum i» ju»i t i.e ».HIM' 4»
m rato»' in from
dav , and I. -get |.«*f
on, u»uit on tin*
to at tend lb»* i »
rcvipv« lot
bili« beoti« whu li are palatable », easily
prepared ami van !»•• varrie«| a lihotti
th«« »I»« o that mm I. b it** I ami trou I •
»oim» lunch I»»».
Meat ’-andwnli«*«
neatly, -pread th«' all*
il ll»e »Hitler 1» too v«»l»l
r\ rilli heal the knil«**l»lade an
(lie »l|« « • am « «»Id lueal
r«*in »d.*l«*l.
at»!«« pi»-> » • ol ihr ebn ken
tills Item» • 1 Ill'll w i(h I* rrii. I. »|t«*»»liite
ÎH*« t • X|M*rt
••* lie»»* lu-t
4l»d Kpl» a»l Oh i"HI»l «-«I ■Ihrs.d l»t«*».l .
l'ut into lite l..«x 4 small cup»»t » ii*t4t<l.
tbii*«* sugai »»«»kirs und an apple, and
you lav«* 4 whtiit-s mr and irmptmg
I.rm from !•»*• .»mtng »«»Itened
tend »«ml Ur up the whole ci
t toigi Hing to pul tn 4 p4|«-.
i»u I -.0
lu »• broli■
.11 » lili'
l»V the
I.gg .*aiid* I» hr». — Ml.itr <»r
bread g«*n«*rou»lv nprr»«<l with
Lard l-'iicd »-gip ■ . .. pe l »».«• «ai. I mia»*d
with Hrnch d»«'*-ing. Ibidt»!»« - •li «»t
4 d
thin un I aprrad oxer thi- mi » n nn
W i
< x ■ter- ami •• •-•'i. w Illi »uit un i
I -Id -« V . » .* -W«*«'t puki.* ami ginger*
i rea I.
t > ■
near th»'
», iM ill
•pt »'4<l
«•»Ip of
«lillun. Gillie brt.nl «»i ginger n
«IV Ap|M*t in ng With th:« hit.. l»*.»li
»»rang»» gor» parli» n .»'ly u «'L w it I
Celery bandw p-Lr-
»In jam,
tl»«> •* lu.I lr Li
> ‘prend » i «•« »I
bread !li»t with bullet, ti i»«*n * Iti» vr»ri )
cli*»pjM»d line and well mixed
Altai la ‘.ux • i- m»w ae II I fig at $5 Mr.
»« »»*• Itronght him ii«-a lv
ff thi- i»n’t rioikulg
H' to the a« re.
fliofiev wit!» little outlay whaf would
y«>u call It ? The ahalfa to put ft in
the ■tack. dl«l n«»t C«'»t tt< «»W'»rr «»vef
41) 4» re, leaving a net f»r«»fit ol |4‘> or
b-’tftoMrf • ill Rechr«1
.»lui.» ins’* evef y
fee »•renin al A . 4
M »11 guarantee it to I m * good.
Sept. 27 29
Lap« aad Laps.
! In*
Vid i«» 11.i«•
. . i
I. »k«*X lew II» 1.1||
aim »ixty-rnree one
I»ist Atty, W .1 Mo»»i.• h«!i (.n K lain* hum>r«*«lth i»»n- io tlie acre.
Ai«i mind
nth I .ilb, I riday la-t
Mi Mo»n* will V»»il, hl- 1- • lily tl.e tir»t <f«»p,
I m * awm Iroin luk«‘\ i»*W f r ¡il«»ittn<» Barroa- i- m»w « »itting the ■«•«*ot»d crop
w« • k", at lending b> legal matters ami and 1 .- -ax « th«- s » mi tea w ill make at
lador«* r«*turning a ill V Hit hi« family at L*a»i
ton» m«»r«‘.
That w: 1 mak»*
eight ami **iglity*»ix one hundredth»
ton» fo the a» «•• i«»r H ip entire **») acre»
lor one v»•««’» « r«»p.
l*var in mimi y»»ur »•«| h * i i»,n««•■, mim I
m »k» it it» pl«-ii-iint (<>t them nt y<*u
tn«' bn Igv- i< !•••• th«* •• unty road I
tween Merrill and th»* Falla, Tie- sta
driver 114V brought in I*»» lame hoi««**
• •n !*•» «Iiffereiit •« . a«lone a« a* r«'«ult
them IP’lllg thrmiah the bridge .it the
Henley place
1*hlM bridge I« W.nd to
in veri ha»! con liti».n and if re|M»rt* are
true it «hotibl I m * l»»oked after l»eforv
•'•me olle get- ¡1 hof»e - leg l»r»-kcli ¿Ail«!
the county La- to pay fot it,
Fremii dreaving.
It mu apple can I m
« tin«*«| ulti, lb«-*«’ » ml I wu I iv » it * ill
laair v»|«r< ialh w« L, tor apple« • and cel
Fig wand
wiche», mud«' l»y »pici» ling ct 4» ket»,
thinly butter«*«! with mn-hv»l figs Would
<<>mplet«* thi* him Ii«*..n,
Beffateli* •‘.|«»dwmhr« — >li»*r ««»II
*4l«ll .e Mu I w 1« be».
ateak Int“ « erv t nili - ;••••.
1.1 x t ! ■••»«■
■ ardlio'a, H |MM»»|l.|e if
• n h»iHrr«'«| • i. . .» .of Lrra I ai d -en-of»
bone* an«l acrape *»ft » owl «*( tl.»’ o I ; them wit1 - a
then »pM'itd «»xer with
then crush the *at tine- • prend ou thin
a ma» ..niiai*«-dfr.-uig t6 whi Ii flnelv
I y buttered bread ami ■querce ¡vintili chopped »wret pn kìr ami olive» have
juic«' «»ver them.
Four OI
. ...\e-
!»«*en ad !■•«!
H »lenk «o much th»*
w rapjw'd m putadtne m .\ I m * «•«■¡'» !i«d Itetter. Thia make« a t«w»’|t-ome and
lip w 11 b the««* -un I w n •hrs
F<»r th« w !io|e-«.fn«* »un ! » . h.
With »!>•••«• anx
inevitable »weel
w I
ti everx
rhP«‘ kind 4 tr*ut i» g’*>!. ami !• r the «wret
« ravm, » I I »p;<
a Iitti«* J m••• •' pte-erv* I ginger ate!
er y are dclnioti* together,
S it ami ’ in....... " «u I
ute «lellciou- m i !e <d «•
■ ta»
►ett !« d
Thi» wi
ilio.» I-doing Ilo» »uin«' thing m*.t, ju»t
I w ent v-three
I’ fl . I >
»'t voin hm* h I 4'k. 1 ol i">\, von w lahed
yoiiioiild <ii'|M.-i' ol ili.il Im m I cu » oiii ««
1« printed a few
a» hiH»l n n I I .1 I torut I y y our lui.ch, how ,
ultei ymi 1 id li'pood »»I th...........
y »»u du.
Ions Lui I rom No Acres
«-igar »*.M»k n*«.
< »ntt.i t»>rw H
and <’hild»*r- have
the f .undation complet«*'! f r the new
bunk building
It i- 'N*Hig «*re< t«* I <»n
th»* -oiitbca-t • orn»*r f M a u a *’* I Front
4li'l Will I m *
.¡ÜX.W, two stories high.
bi.»tm-h of the Klamath (’-»ut
a ill »MX'iipy the first rt»s»r whe
• l»*« ’ ami brick -afeI y dL| ••.*’
f«e|ng built III which to keep
Ti.«■•.•« . nd rt »->r will
into «»dice r«»oin*
For rent. mi «•
the hlfll achia»},
bath and t»ulrt
It ia not dirti ’ulf tn keep theile «»iphH«*» quire ot Mr- M
’•That T, a penniless youth, should
ha,vew n the bo« >f you, brought up as
y«.n have been in the lap of luxury!"
hr exclaimed with heaving tmsom
“Oh .nr lire» of the aamr lap all th«
time ” protratdd she, archly
Three Ar» £ae*ptt«»ne.
Mrs Manning Do y»u know I hat«
a liar'*
Anal Hannah And yet Mary how
■ wnrely you apule*’ wher Mr Roper
declare«* you didn't look a day «»Ider
than 35
Boston Transcript.
!•?<!•«' • Hr«r»r
Patient 1 ». •«■t r v* ii: x »o kindly pre-
»«•nl»r a g ■d nertr fonie for me?
Doctor Why n « dear man you've
• "■
Patient Yea, .ut I want you to send
in y »ur bill
Everyone is urgently re­
quested to enter the pro­
ducts of their field, farm
and orchard. Large pre-
m i u m s will be offered.
particulars of which will
be announced later
A r f*w»l«ryr Statr»maa.
Mr» Crimsonbcak What make» yon
think that boy next do»>r wna born to
be a r*ongr«*»«n.a n *
Mr < rim»- nb«*ak — Why he inherit»
his father’s lung» and his mother*»
Y nkera Stateernna.
S«eB Forr t h ou« ht.
Hewitt !• your life insured for ths
benrfl» of y<»ur wife*
No I don't believe in dnln<
buainea if a roundab<»ut way, and so
] had th« policy made payable to her
second hueband
N Y Herald.
Th»M la Indeed.
Mias G’lach An I f'-nd of Paderew-
Indeed ! am
Why there's a
faa<dnati< n in hie very name
Mr <»rabhe -I don't know about
that bu» there's certainly a queer
spell about it
Philadelphia Presa.
U «1* A««»«h»4
"Flindera make» a regular laughing
nmr stork of himself doesn’t hr'**'
Large purses are offered foi
the big three days mee:
See program elsewhere ii
this paper
"Yee hie supply of funny stories
never rune short.**—l*hiladelphia Bul­
For full particulars
A ddress
B. St. Geo. Bishop
Most Completely Equipped Printer
in Southern Oregon
printing is obtainable, a business house is often times judge;
by its stationery. Good clothes may not make men but i
creates a favorable impression. So it is with good printing
it creates a most favorable impression for the business man,
firm or corporation.
Send in your Printing, or ask for Estimates. ‘
W* have the Equipment then we KNOW HOW.
f >