Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 13, 1906, Image 4

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    iiutifiil prominent
>W W H« Is * • «!.«•
m .
I Lv master maona
n « imp*i«sib|p !«• get th»«
In Medford altere
t L * *4. i m ' uJ.on '1 ml
staple» t* la Mio* n a* >t;tple* M t
(’la) Wil*<»n, W vm I. i ) S(.H*k
well, A H 1’rächet. B R Miller, (‘lia«
W r.i»b>i r F Mci.»lu x, Mm k ",
H I*. Palmer, <■ A, Harms. Min ti K
Harms. K II staples. "
B Prachet,
Taiten, t'apt H E Hansbury, O K
All the name* an- not published, for
thv rwutatn that tw<» non a of the KL»wvr>
Kingdom «aw rtt tn givv thvir ennavnt
by placing their nainen in Chiiu^v char­
(apt llan*bury gave hl* O K
to thv document, and now it ia up to
him to |>er|M*tuate the name by pointing
out thv prominence to all future pa*
*engvra id thv Wineiua
u it I --i .in I
u.u »
• Lu cinrnt*
ottered lias «ail—« <i th»«
.L-arth oi bricklayer* in tin* *wtion,
am! no* with thv winter season com.ng
«»n. there is alarm among the contrac­
tor* that thv I m » vs mav drride to go
south, lor the winter. Kwrv intlucv-
i mvnt i* l»ving livl«l out to hold them.
however, ami a nuuiiier have signified
i their intentions of staying it <>Ut III
Klamath balls tin* winter
Fruit Associati >n. In justice to Mr
Ihtvis it must la* stated that Inspector
Stearns was mistaken, and the peaches
he confiscated were all right.
Stearns has recognised his error and ha«
paui for the peaches. The cause of the
mistake was a fungus growth on the
¡reach, and this same thing was the
cause of contiscation m several other
cities in the st «te.
Th«* Republican,
however, was correct in stating that ills-
eased an*i wormy fruit has t*eeu s.'.ip|>e«i
in here m boxes marked by this asso­
ciation's brand. Mr. Stearns is making
a strenuous effort to stamp out fruit dis­
eases ami to protect growers and con­
sumers and he ought to have the earn­
est siip|ort ot the |«ople here
It any­
one find-that the fruit '-rlered them is
disease*!, «i«rcayr-*t or wormy ibex -i,..u:d
get the peddler. name alii notlly Mr.
S'rart » at once.
Inig’» Jt»n<»* wa* d«*wn fmm Pelican
Bay Sunday and re|*»rta all a* well in
that vicinity.
* mg »
L. J. Ml RR \\ . Editor
Klamath Falls. Or.. Thursday. September 13.
iqo 6
City Engineer Zumwalt Isgan Mon­
day to prepare the plan, for a complete
eewer ay.tein for the city. He I» mak-
ng a »urvey of the city, so as to ascer­
tain the most practical method of in­
stallation, and as this and other details
will require a great amount of work it
will he several weeks before he has his
estimate ready for submission to the
city council.
Klamath Falla is to have a new jewel-
rv store. It will open tor business on
or alsmt October IS in the Republican
bl*s k by Mr. Heitkemper. Jr.. of Port­
land. The name “Heitkemper” ia to
the Pacific cx>ast what “Tiffany” la to
The Heitkenq*er company
are pioneers tn the jewelry busim-s* in
Portland and the tiriu is known throuh-
out the .tale for its reliability-
Heitkemper ia the junior member of
this firm. He is a jeweler in every
sen«e of the woof, ami no piece of work
is too intricate or difficult (or his ex­
pert hands. His coming to this city is
due to two reasons: He l«elieve» in Its
future greatness an I he is »«reking a
change of climate for his health.
Mr. Heithemj*er will arrive here a-
hout October 1. aceompinted bv Mi-.
Heitkemper. who is a coimn to Mrs. I
K. B an* fen burg, and little son. The*
»ill undoubtedly t*e cordially welcoiiu«'
E. Whitlock, who recently eml*ark«sl
in the undertaking business, having
purchasexi the undertaking business and
stock of undertaking supplies from B.
St. George Bishop, is having erecte«! on
his property, at the corner of Pine ami
Sixth streets, a building which he in­
tends to use as a morgue ami chapel.
The chapel will have a capacity of 100.
and will be turnisliexl throughout m an
up-to-date manner.
When c*-mplet< vi
the establishment »ill t*e second to
Grand Master W. A Carter, of Gold
none in the state.
Hill, and («rand secretary K K Sharon,
of Portland, of the I. 0. 0. K. jurisdiction
««I Oregon will vi*it thv Klamath Kails
C j .
Lodge Saturday rven.t g >vpt. I'», all
Oddfellow* are requested to l»e present.
L. G. Sinnard. emnngratmn agent of Banquet alter meeting.
the Southern Pacific railroad. arriv«sl
in this city Mon lay night, for the pur
pose of getting a doser view of a -ex-lion
about which be has heard a great ileal
An invitati«>n i« hervbx ••xt«*n*l*«l
r-f. He was accompanied by C J.
Blanchard of Washn .'ton. [«.(’. -■ «te-- all 0*1-1 Fell*«»» an i t!.«-;r » ix.-« an-t to
tieian f t •• Keciam'i->n >riv. e, W A. .ill Rel*e, k.«li!« t • attend an informal re-
Beard of Sacramento an I Arthur Briggs tvplion and Iwnquet to Is* xixen l*y
l.»7, 1.0 o 1
of San Francisco.
Mr. Blanchard is Klamath Lo*l>je N
here to gather data for a report on the 'a'urday evening. S*pteml«er lo, Re­
Hall at !•::»> p.
Klamath Project, and Messrs Beard «vption at A. O. V.
tn., and banquet at American Hotel at
and Briggs to investegate the country.
‘‘You need, and must have, settlers 11 o'clock p. tn.
A Kershner,
here” said Mr. Sinnard. “One of the
G. R. Hum,
greatest regions on the coast is located
R. L. Fountain,
in Klamath county.
There are some­
things. however, that must Ire done be­
General Insurance
Real listate liusiness
Cart fully frinuutd
Thv Kall term «4 R«»uml take ««•Iiool
l»vgan Hept 4. with M ihm F«»*tvr ripuli­
ployed a* teacher. Siitven pupil« have
I »evil enrolled ami other* an» exptH'ted
A Mr. Pavia who bad some ix-aches
confiscated by 'Fruit Inspector Stearns, toon.
1-aM Tuvt’lrty a rattlesnake three feet,
took umbrage at the article m
week’s Kepubhcan relatite to the ship­ the and <>ne*half inehea m lenath. and
ment into this section of scaly and dis­ having a girth ineaaure «»( five inrhea
eased fruit by the Rogue River Valley wa.-t killed at tin* a<*h<Mdhou*t«
l ilt* week thv Republican Come# to
its readers in 6 column. > page site
The reason lor this change is »Mir print­
ing al« <)l our pa|»er at houir-—a distinct
When we enlarged to
rigtit page*. We Lad two t.f them print­
ed tn Portlam!, known as ¡Natent inside.
Ttir growth in our circulation and ad­
vertising patronage demanded an itn
pro von ent on tint style, and we have
met the demand bv giving our rea«lrr*
an all home-print paper. Tins entails
a radical change in mrtho«! of prodm •
tion ami much additional eipense, but
we appreciate the patronage of the read­
fore conditions are ripe for the rapid
ing and advertising public, and propoae
and permanent growth of this section,
The following is taken ¡1 ^fn»m the to show gratitude by making thv Rrpul»-
chief among which is the segregation
of the large holding« and the prepara­ Winetua L >g B.»>k, and will be of inter- llcan thr '*’* paper »nd advertising
medium in Southern Oregon.
tion of the land for the re«.*eption of the est to lake exenrsionists :
Bricklayer* are the men of the Eiour,
Thoee two facts cannot be
‘•Whereas, we are no» 14 miles out'd among the various mechanics.
hammered on too strongly.
They are
Pelican bay. I»>un*l f *r Klamath Fails, aie receiving *7 per day. or at the rate
vital and mu«t not be overlook«^.*'
/ Aim to lie Reliable
Houses and Rooms for Rent
Thv Plevna avho »1 cl«»aed Friday, and
Mr Peter*»n. thv teacher, acc nnpanied
by Clark S|«vncvr, went on a camping
trip to Crater Lake
T. XV.
Mtw-* Nv’div Ma*»n (nun thv ’Big
Ma* \ Kiting on ILound l-akr
Charlie Corbin an I family, atvom*
pain • I by Mr*. |»va i lleavilin. recently
left ( >r Mirtrtouri
We wi*h them a
pleasant trip and pnaqierit) in their
new home.
Hilbert Bntt*an of Klamath
•ni l »y :
vi‘*itc<l Round I. ike
tiiii*t l»e aoiiiv attraction to eg
young man to walk ten miles
w'orking hard all a rek
T! •• Morgan boy« .«n I ('¡inton mere at
Likrvtrw ,.K week to Hie »»n
At.E\ M tKTIk
Kl AMAIH FALLS. oRt link
U.EA MARI l\ fr
• i«r ■ 1‘re.idrnt
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
First ^ftm Anii'hi. >!at« n»«-nt June i*’ I *>»
R*«**»ur< •**
I h*c»»u!it*
«<•« ur«»«l atid im•♦♦cured
" Ariani«
ui»«- I limitili»* .tnd I a
L».tn* a»i*l
< >vrrt|raft*
B'»ml* an«!
Banking H
I hie tr
( V*h 1 Ban
Klamath County’s Leading Notion,
Dry Goods and Millinery Store
1 hie <>i lurge-t and Uli-
dotlbtedlx th«* tine««t line
<>l milliiierv ever »bow n
in l\ Inn.it h Fall*« will be
foti nd at I I h * X't v«*lt v.
Special care has been
• *x.*r<‘i-«*«l in flu* selection
of this stock, and for
high quality, style and
pri...... .
be surpass­
ed any w here. Wo invito
a caretui inspection of
this NI’I.F.Sniti LINE OF
The latest thing in Silks, Plaids, Broadcloth, Flannels, Serges, Hinlev Serge,
Silk Finish Gingham, Ginghams, Kimona Fleecedowns, Onting Flannel, Edirdown
A full line of Calico and Fancy Wrappers
Muslins and Dress Linings
See our Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Doiies.
A full line of Embroideries and Laces. Fine Line of the ' Famous Carson Curier Fancy Work.
..... 80c
..... 85c
..... 50c
..... 50c
..... 40c
Millinery Department
Grand Opening Fall and Winter Goods
27-inch Taffeta Silk, warranted.
19-inch Taffeta Silk, warranted
Plaid Taffeta Silk, as low as .
27-inch China Silk ......... ....
San Lining Silk...................... ..
Amisilk ............ ........................
.’«--inch Silk Plaids. .........
Broadcloth, up from..................
Silk Finish Mohair ...................
< I
I O .
Many pvop!»» wonder why th«*ir phy-.
«Irian'* pr»»*« ripti *n* <!•» not have a ' Capital «*íitM‘k. hiltv paid
quicker and livttvr effect
They t*»o1 ; .'Mirplu* an»! t’ndividvd prurtt*
often blame the d>>rtor, when liea* a< Imiividual |k*p«»*lt*. rtubpn t f«» ch»*« k
rule, i* entirely free fnun blame- The i 1 I ««hier** (’lir.'k« »>ut«tanding
I>vmand Corliticato* •»( IX*p»»*ii
p tnripai cauav for thi* delinquency lie*
i.i the Urte of »»Id drug* or the changing
State of Oregon
oi the «i<H*tor*a direction*. Fr»*-|uently ,
County of Klamathi
a druggist I* out of a «ieaignated article,
I. Ales Martin. Jr < ashler <»( the shove named Hank tiring tlret du­
an»! instead of getting it or turning the ly sworn, do say that the s I njw statement is true !«» the I h - m of tny knowledge
prescription »»ver to a druggist who ran ar.«! b • ••!
ILBI M a RTIM. J*.. < a«!.¡er
bul><« ritied ami sworn t«» t»«tore tn«* tins ‘.’ml day •»! July. I'**»
till it, he s u I * 111II t PS something which
M. (’ («aavaa
hr thinks is just as good, with the result
Notary Putilic t>«r Oregon
that your prescription has not the de­
Correct attest
sire«! effect*
Xew *<»ri »k t ’ n«lera • * <I
do not change prescription*, and they
uae new, freeh «!rug*.
The Novelty Store.
is growing every day.
This growth is due to
hoxest valves . Y ou get
what you pay for. Only
the best that money can
buy is offered to our cus­
tomers and at lower
prices than can be found
anywhere else. We are
making a success of win­
ning the confidence of
the people by dealing
squarely with the trade.
That is the reason we
are growing in favor.
I l'.M M I
ft.1 . IK
Fleeced-lined serge
Fleecedowns .
15c, 18c and 20c
35c and I 50c
< rctons—a splendid assortment—cheap, 10c to 12c
Silkelincs, a perfect variety, and cheap, 10c to 12Jc
Calico, a large variety of the best patterns .... 7c
Muslin, the good kind, ranging in price 12|c to 15c
Table Linen, the best on the market .... 60c to $1.50
Ribbons, in all shades anil widths......... 2c to $1.00
A few of our prices follow:
Panamas, rare bargains in prict», from............ G5c
Brilliiiitin<*s, the best of quality........................ 5fi(.
Albatross—splenditl values ...................
Flannel Skirting.....................................
Voil—a perfect assortment, ranging in price
School Plaids—a big assortment.............. | 7<* fo 35,.
Jlinley Serges—a perft ct variety.............. igc to 05c
Silk Finish Ginghama—fine values ................ <j5c
A. M. C. Ginghams—in all the late patterns