Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 13, 1906, Image 2

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\\ ITMOl T A t l\ Al
il g
tiiviit Hu
Oregon Governor
dent of the National Irriga­
tion Congress.
New Off ver* Ch >«en.
President. Governor
la-t lam ol < »regnii.
First Vice-President, John
btnith, >alt l-akr City.
beeond Vice-President. U.K Maxson.
Reno. Nevada.
George W.
Barstow*. Texas.
•"ecretarv, P. H. Anderson, Chicago.
Convention city. "aeramento. Cal.
4 By Frank Ira White
Boise, Idaho, >ept. 6.—Thr Four­
Irrigation Congress
closed it» sessions this evening alter
voting to hold thr next congress at ."ae­
ramento. Cal., amt electing as president
<»f the
fifteenth congre** Governor
George E. Chatnl»erlaiii ot Oregon. The
enthusiasm of thr Californians over
Sacramento's victory was thr mote pro­
nounced because of the narro* ru.itgin
by which the victory was won. Thr at­
tractions ot thr Jamestown Exposition
had been cleverly presented. and on
the first I m I lot lor thr convention city.
Jamestown was in thr lead.
mento won on the second Ixallut, with
Jamestown received 155 votes J
Oregon adopted the unit rule early ami i
ai an early morning caucus decided up-1
on Sacrament«.' as the convention city
for 19 )7.
id »’one xx -» k
Tnl* sta tv
is gu.ii i il«*»* litat the xx««»k
will « ti e lH**t
liir uvxx kiln w
c-A*vte«i i'huisdax ami btnklaxin
Begin 1« «l.«x
Pre si
Teili«»»«! ä ,"«m. «»f ti e Falls, are
u g a -0 t H»t laun« it io» "am
• >|i|e Glbhtti» Which will la* C-»lll|
tn a tew weeks. Ihv launch l* l<
• •n the waters «»t L«»*t liver,
l.lle I mk «- s
Charlv* Murphv of Huuib«»l-lt Co,,
Cal.. puicba»v«i a 90 acre trad «»I land
j :*t »'»mb -»I-»nr city Hie i«»te part ut
the week. The sa-e was ma le through
E. E. Fitch, the real estate man
Mi*« Mabie Mishler of Albany. Oreg .
arrived la«t Tucsdax tor sn vxtrmieo
visit with her i»rvthera. O. P. a»td Tola-
Mi*hler. Miss Mishler came in by way
of Pokrgama.
I.aw ami ."late are pr«»gres«mg nn*ely
on their new launch *hn h is l»eiiig
built tor service on lawl river ami I'ule
lake. The engine wul l«e here Hi a lew
Pearl Merrill, cashier of the Merrill
l-ank. ha- begun the ert-ciiuii ot his new
l>r. lk*tn »re*t
m«»ved tn our city ami is now ¡»erma
neiillv I .»cat cd here.
B«>nanxa Bulletin J
Jim P i»u«'ll ami wife reiurne«! (r«»m
Ashland Momiax
wheie they «eut lu
take J»ui * patents that tai «»Il III»- I
return home to Marvaville.
Mr. I. Berry’s new »»¡►era house is
III« «
nearing comp eti««n. am! it i*a XWX
Governor Chamberlain was the unani­ structure. He »-Xpert- t-« giVv a gtanil
mous choice of the congress for presi­ ball when It 1« tit!l*he«i
dent, and when he was vscorteJ to the
lL«kevi»w Examiner .
platioim and expressed hi* apprecia­
«l*«W II tr-»ni Che­
Win. Hobler came «l--wn
tion m the high honor accorded him by w auc.ni la.*! ,"atii»»lav to resti the v
the representative» of 20 state# of the un the Lakevtew-Blv lel*-pli«»l e I
Union. hr was given a tremendous ova
Hr coiu menee« I with a v»ew of i
Governor Allwrt E. Mead, ol M«-nd»x to airethe p«-!e* i
the |i
Washington, presided at the final ses­ tilat wrre Set su m* lllite .»g--
I hr p
sion ami introduced the new president. are «vt a* iar as the Bunting plací
President Chamberlain said:
i»rew* vai lev. and « hrn t hl* pia« e I* I
I assure yoi that this great honor con­
•aclird the tuen w ill tii*l»h -etili g thr
ferred upon tie is appreciated, because
o » Bh
r»i s . w
* hrn
liru the
î uv wi«e
w < * V W 111 e pui
<»? ts» t«»
it came unetPcited. 1 promise you the up. Thet
The tv«»
« n trlep »nr Ime* imm here
I »est effort <f my life will !>e devoted to north have l»ern piavi , g pranks. Con­
the interests of irrigation during the versation* «»ver •» ir Ime can l*r brani on
coming year.
thr Ufi rr Ime. an i no coiinedions nut Id
Merrill Record.]
The new f»ank building on the S. E.
corner of Front and Main streets is be-
x pushvl
I«» c«»mpb‘ti«m.
II-«»«» liaxe • ha»ge «»I
Ch l-l«,i-s
he •l.«*cov»»rv*l.
Thr wirr-* at tiir cr*-s
ing* were fr -m K to jti tert apart, and
no one could understand w hy en».-« talk
While th«' sch«»«»l chihltvn .lie give
evert educational help. ii»«-n m«»ih« i
Manx I »«u.i II
lagne. the ptivv
t brill hax«- not I m - vii foig«»tteti.
Miller wtuiivn who air eager (<» limit-»Hull-
.vat b*iug 0*4
almut English I’vtivr cannot attend the i«gu 1
there ate l«»la
lar Writing sch«»«»ls la»« ail*r tlivx hax
•uiall chihlrril whom (hex cannot leaxi
F. P. Gr«-I»n, the Eangvll
at home, hut who max I k » hit at tin
• h»« kmaii amt ill* w lie were in l.akvx lew
«lax niir*i'ib'« ami at th«« kiinlergarirn »
a*t wvek «»n a t»uain« sM trip. Mi.i«r«»lis
ill the «lax lime
Through lite « ff««» I* «»
sax * he thinks la-vt xxill I-«» alnnit the
some ktmlvtgatten teachers win» made a
-ame ligure mat wa*paid last tail.
practice o| visiting the lil«»lhvi m «»I (In v
Jack Vincent, while driving a der- *> hool children ami thus learned thm r
nek wag-»n up the r«M«l l»elwrvii hr rv lived*, an attermton s*'ti«M«l lor these wo «
ami Pine Creek Monday evening, the men was v»ial»li»he«l.
The sch«»«d 1'
deme* |s»|r cangili <» ii anelecuic witr, «h»s«*l |r« in Rule Io llliir. when its at
alni Mt Vincent clinil»v«i up toh»>a«-n It. tendance tails l*rl«»w a certain nun l»rr
tie l«H»k ti«>l«l «»I the live wire ami was but a*< a«a»n a> there air enough w«unri i
kn«n*kv»l t«» the ground ami cunsitlerably clamoring f«»r instruvimn, it I* o|**nv«l 1
i»rui»etl up.
again. The mothers lal»«»i umh-r manx
J. B
Warner, brought a
curiosity U» the Examiner oltiw M«»n-
■ lay ami Ivit li on exhibition.
A snake
cm limier fixe teet long an«l attuili two
a».«I «-ne-hall indies in diameter al the
largest i hue. Mt. Burns raise«! tins
cm tunln-r along with oilier vegetables,
• » ii Ins Warner \ alley ranch.
Rot ieris $ Ranks
Clean Cut Cutía
and Edged Too Is
Fully’ (Juarantet :d
dill!« liltiv* they ares«» burdened willi t
h«»n*vw«»rk that thex must carelulix plan i
ami vconotniiv iheii lune in the morn­
Beanies, they receive no encour­
w h«
Irom their hu«dM*i»d*,
mock at tlieir ampliation and wlnw
Peninsular and Imperial
Steel Ranges
favorite taunt is, " Whal'd you It-ai n <•»-
day, haby'*’*
But the women krr|i
>u eastern e«lit«»r has invente«! the »tea*lily on, plodding »lowly through
most complete n liking machine yet thr punier. I m I m H ous I x ' wri'ing th«« sen
An truces »el ln*lurr them, ami stiixiug t«i
It works a* follow*:
electric mot«»r is lasletied on the rump rrmrinhei the queer English spelling
-•I tlie c«»w . the ele .’t i icily I »eilig genet at e«i A dr»lir io help their « hlhlivii is Hl the
Toot of these molilvrs* eager«-ess to
j l»y a small «lyiiaim»attachetl tu het tail,
"lie strains ti»e milk, hangs up the pail IvHrti, an«l in the evenings mother ami
ami strainer. A small ph- m*graph ac- « hiMtvn stmlx together their Iv*»«»«»» lor
the next «lax.
."««mvtimv* a mother
V«»mp'nles the (»uitit ami yells “»«>’
rv«- x lime *he in«»x«’-
It she lilts her *ux* she desires t«» study arilliinvlic *«•
i «t t«» kick a little «lituus slips .»xvr a that *hv max know h««w <•» make «*nang<-
\ lew a«l
c n iìvias ami
the ph-»n»*graph »a\« «•i iransa« t a mile Inisti •-•*.
• «lammet." ami it *hv continue* t«» ki« k xa« ««**«» la» that they i«*a«l American
a hinged arm grabs the milk * i « h »| and hi*torx . Piarlical talk* «»n the c . hv «•!
l.«ms her ail«»ver. A pattili chmti go«* «hihhen ami health principle* are in-
with theoiittit an-l w.»tk* the battei n- , clmlrd in ihv in»iim in n «•ttvrvl, and
l»vl te» •«•» «Iv v«« home* ai.«I a in«»iv i \
..i,e «osi« ai-a U-v lian in anujier.
<.!« wax ««I living slHH-i a* t In *. h«-«»l’*
warrant ami ju«tiH> at¡'«n - Marian M«-
litis III ' A I‘11 v «»f ."pevml "« n *••». ’ in
I-aiah C. Mail.t ny. w ho ha* ma h
Every I hh I x * Maga£i<i«- L»t ."« pi« mla-i
hi* home in tin* cltv u till hl* dailglilrr
Mi*, r. \\ . Pgu -• n « .|i’inu--'i-.x n->
Klamath lake Kailrmvl (‘«»mpai*',
. _
In the C ity
Went a text
orti« e of i »< neral Manage»
Thrall i n .
Week» ag«» t«» vt.*|t a
•II. Ill the M) h
Owing to the great c«»ng«•*tn*n «»I cur*
xearul hl» agr.
The remain
X» ill la- al »"an Fran« i*« >», ami t«» the inability al
lai«i ti» re*t l«e-l-lr tli*«*e oi hi* late w lie the piesvnt tune, of the »"«»«itlirrn I’»
w ho «lir i and wa« burie«l liete le*.* ihan
ill« Kadw.ix ('"inpany todelivrr irrigl t
three yrars ag»>.
notice In hereby gixen that the rale «»I
Mr. Alat he ny w o a pnuirrr among 15 « mt* |»rr i-w t. in carloa«! |<»(s »»ll *tiga«
plt «herra oi O»r*i »n. haVI• g « r«-*-••• I • h
ami salt lr««m Thrall. U h I to Pokegaina
/ :inest Line of
conhi occur.
ptaitl* t • • l lii* *lale «Eli the A pplegatr
F. M. Miller, ca«hirr of thr Ba* k of ti <in Imm Mia-ouri in 1M3. — A-hlan-l
I akeview ami ui r o the » r »prie
»r.. wih tie c«>ntlli»|e<i until Ortul»rr I
Klamath Lake l<. R. <’•».
F . T. V I»«»it «
. Mg».
Kis Easy
To acquire riches if you start right
Here is the way :
Buy* one or more lots in the Hot Springs addition
to Klamath Falls. The investment ef a few hun
dred dollars NOW means a profit of thousands in a
few years
Hot Springs addition is in the heart ef the city of
Klamath Falls, whose population will be 25000
in less
than 10
Hot Springs Improvement
Klamath Falls, Oregon
, 1
< ».