Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 13, 1906, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
IX I A /VI A 'T* |-I
l\ I /1 1 V 1 /W 111
I) 17 DI I D |
L< 1 VJ
A 1\J
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
NO. -24
Hill and Harriman are Preparing
for Supremacy Fight
Klamath Countlan I 'eitcd to Import­
I he Klamath Canal Company Is Sue*
ant Office
ceedcd By Another.
I he Proposed Invasion
Will Be Sure to Give the
Klamath Project Ample
RailroadlfacilitiesW ith
in the Next I: c w
The follow mg Itom tl»«* ^an I fMfU'l*!*"
Clironn le will lie •»( interest.
Hut the
Chruni« i«* 1» griping in th«* dark
•tat«’in«*nt published rx«’lu»iv«4y in last
\xwks Republican is the teal progruin
a pritgram that will b«* only chaiigv«! to
• »vetColli«« |<q»ograpiil«'«l difficulties. Il*’
• t«*ad <»f two gieat railroads • (intending
|»»r th« l>us»n«’»» of Cvntral Grrg«»n,
tltrre will l«e ««ngag« d in thia gr«u»l
•trugglr a thin! fa«t«»r. «-qual, II »•••I
greater, than the two n4«*ried t«i by the
Chr<*nit It*.
Tlds third h«« tot is l»«»i e
<»thcr than th«* Western Pa« Hi« . now l « -
hig l »nlt mt«» Kan I ian« t»« *' !•' Gould.
IhHhling iailr«»xds on papvi i» a tar
«•a»i«’i a»»d «piicker task than l»m¡«lll»g
ttiem «m •"Ini gr«»uh«l
It take» tune,
and Irnttt three to fixe vears will elap»r
Itrfiife the net work indicated il» I*»*
week** Republican will lw «-«»mplet« «1.
The <*>H«'lilt I«’ XI11« lr f-
The Han Fran« lac«»
ilr lax fc«yx that tl»«’
ment that tl»e U «’•••!
rvtrn«l«-d l»v the Southern Pacific ami
the Wee«! Natron l-r-m h made a main
line f«»r traffic l*tw«*«*n Portland an<l
ban Frai»vi«M'«». waa I«» «••neral the real
meaning of it* purchase by tl»« Harri­
man rumple The (’hrnnicle xav*; A
railr<«a<l war <»f the keenest Interest to
Californian*, an ! h «Vili, a« the prit«
the control ol tl»«* heart <>l * (regmi, is
now liring waged by two huge mietest».
¡hr Hill I- I «taml ti e Hair.man in
ter«*«t« are battling f« r the control «4
the rich land* '»I Or«-g<»n an«l the vast
stietcliea '4 country to I m * o|N*t>e«l »11» by
the irrigation pr«»px*l* in the Klamath
Th«« war i« none the |e*a «lea«lly I mp -
(*au»«* «4 the quietness w ith which It i*
Iw’ing c«»n4»n*tr«l. N ’plan» hi «* hrtHl«l-
e«l. but l»«»th sides ar«’ going into the
matter with the grim «letetmination to
win. Tl»«’ first intimation of the strug­
gle that came from th«« «'ifadeis «4 tl»e
twi* for» <’>• xxa* tlie iinnmit • rin«-nt ma«le
l-y th«’ bout her n Pacific < inpanx thtt’
it l>a«l piHrhrt»«*<l th«* California North
<a*tern. In «»r«ler t«» v«*il tl.«« »iifnifi
cal»«*«* of tl.«« pureha»«* tl»e <»fli«’i»«.s inti­
mate«! that in Um«’ this r«»rt I uouhl bv
used a* on«« of the main lines f<»r the
traffic t«» the n«»rth, and that the Kha»ta
route w«»iild pass «»ver th«’ pr«q»»sr<i line
«•I th«» Cali(«»ri»ia-North«*rtxtern.
Thi" Hiinoum*eiii<w»t wh * to conceal
th«’ real in«*aning «4 th«« puivhrt-v. It i*
tl»«* plan «»f the Southern Pacific to build
tlie California-N«»rtheaatern to Kl»«inath
Fall«, which was tin* r««ilte of the pr«»*
|MN»r«l r<»ad. But the b<»uth«*rn Facifi«*
will n«»t stop at that |x»int. If the route
of th«« California* Northeastern from
Wee«!, on the main line «4 the Southern
Pacific, is produml it will lie found to
run in a northeasterly direction ami
meet th«« Oregon Short Line <»f the
Southern Pacific al Huntington. This
road will completely open up the heart
of < hegoD.
This move on th«* part of the Southern
Pacific has completly outwitted the
Hill outflit. The plan of Hill was to
build a road called the San Francisco,
Idaho and Montana, which it to start at
Butte, Mont., and run in a southwest­
erly direction through Salmon City,
Boise (Idaho) and on down to Kan
Franciaco. Tbit line would oj»en up a
new stretch of territory an«l would afford
a d«*rided cut-off for travel from the
northwest, now reaching San Francisco
by way of Portland.
The plana of the Southern Pacific will
not lx* change«! *o far as the Natron
branch ia concerned. It i* poeeible,
though not probable, that a line may
run from Klamath Falla to Huntington.
Thia ia t»eing conaidered, but not aer-
ioualy, for the reason that the Oregon
Eastern to Ontario, which connects
with the Natron Klamath Falls lineal
or near the Fort, will answer the pur-
|x»ee of the Huntington line.
Appropes to the proposed Lakeview
connection, it can l»e stated poeitively
that it will l»e built. Mr. Swarthout, to
whom reference waa made hurt wee*.-
and who represent! large monied inter-
President Naftzger and Secretary
Pierce Reach Agreement
I<a»t Finlay th«* Klamath < anal «■Offl-
WP« n (In* Ri-puhlican pr« dn t« d that
th«* Klamath drl«*gation would make it* pany, whi«*h ha* for th«* past few vea '»
iiifftiviH'v felt at Boi»v, it mad«* no ¡«11« ( play«-d »u« h an iip|*utant («art in th«*
large saw mill tn this *e«tion within th«*
rsts, is in and around l.uk«*vit*w now.
I m 'U*I
It <1*1 muki* it* Hilluvin «• fell, affair» «4 th«* rit) and ««ainty, pM*»««l
next f«*w year*. ami if it < «>ul<l lx* »h««wn
and ha» l«rrn for a week. II«* is d«»ing
ami in addition t«» lx*ing ho small fa« - [ «»ut «4 •*xi»t♦*I»«'**, having I n -«* ii »»u*4•«-♦•<I«*«!
that th»- logs from their extensive hold­
tlungs over ih«*r«* to. and in the near fu-
tor in th«* «dvvtion of Governor Cham- i by the Klamath Fall» laiml am! Train-
ing* north of her«* «mid lx* rafted from
tUr«* the «*f1«*i*ts of Ina uork will la- IllBtl-
I m rliiin a» pr«**id« nt of th«* gn at organi* |N»rtati>»n 4-ompanv. who n <*«»ii4*ern has
| the upfx-r lak»- into Lake Ewauna, it
itvst. Klamath I alls la <»n the map,
/ it ion, mi« « i'4*«|i*«j in pia« it.g one ««fit* taken «»v«*r alj *4 th«* holding* «4 th«*
wouhl be a ¡««tent influenr«* in favor «4
and it i* going to stav there, an*l there
iin n.b« r*, Jdhi«*i I \ppl«‘gHt«*, a* *«•< r« - original c«»mpaii) and the *tr«*«*t rail­ their locating their plant in this city.
tire other towns in the Khtinaih Basin,
tury and trvH"iir«*t of th«- National Wat* way frai»4-hi»4*» granted t«« < N. Haw- It i* a qu* *tion that often* up a great
too, that ar«* going to make the»r pres­
Th«* following dir«*«--
«■r I •«•«'» a-**‘« iäti* n. Thi» i* a new kins by thi» 4*ity
field for s|x*«*n!ation a* to the Ixmeficial
et»« «• f«*lt.
otgui ./,»• • n and it* 41411’, .n ¡» dm* t« i t«»r» and «»ffi«*<*r* were ele«*H*«i:
r«**u)ts that w uld a< crue from a canal
Mr Appi* g.»t«
114- ha* I« It tor *om«-
«4 this kind.
tim<* that a voulition *>f th«* various a*- Pivree, 1» St. <»4*«>rg«* Bishop. <
*«■4 iHti'Hi* would I n - 4-4>mlu<*ive t<* muvh Willitofl, Kummers, < N Hawkins and 2,000 MEN TO
Br«»wn. t»fti« «*r* : l*r«**id«*nt,
g*HM| , that th«* int«*r4 hang«* of id«*a* an<l • W.
tlovernment Begins Work Ibi» Week a unification and systematization of tl»v K. It. R«*am«**; vi<*«-pr«— ident, B St.
iii«*tli'-l* of •luing busin«**» and k«*«*ping
tin Another Lanai Section
th«* r««or«l» would r« -ult in th«* • solving trea-ui'-i. Al«*x Martin, Jr.; a--i»tant Southern Pacific to Kush Work on
of a «on' »»« ainl »imple form for a« • »«M-rt'tarx and managing agent. J. L.
the California-Aortheastern
W.ih F hh II v a w t<l *4 l<«r« u.trnirig « onni-
If«* pia« ••«! hi» i'l« a» Is-foi«* th«- Buell. ( "tinsel, .la». F. Farrahrr.
w"tk ««n ti»«* .* m « "|»4 l‘n:t «4 ti»«’ gr«*nt offi« « r» «»f tl.«* *. Mfi«>u» a*»« Miat ion», and
I'leivr the <*«mtr<»l 4 thi* new <*<«r|»»-
The Portland Journal of iast Sumlay
, x« rimi« ut « linai u » I» gun M *n«h«x at th«- B »is«» me«*ting th«* n«*w organiza­ ration will )»• all the la id, fram hi»«**
•ay»: Two thousand laborer» will lx?
I x«*r * ih • tli«« dat« -• t fi.r thè o|x-ning tion wa» !«»rm«*<l. Mr. Appi« gat«* was ami «»ther int«*r»**t* «4 th«* Klamath
i brought by the Southern Pacific com-
«4 i ni» f«»r thi» »«•« tion «4 tl»«* irrigati««!» mud«* t«*nq*«rary pr«*»id«*nt. but in \i«*w Canal <*<»mpi«nx ami M«*»»r*. Hawkin*
jxiny’» contractors, from work jn»t corn-
• x»t« m. tliat i» t" r«*« lami thi* v«»t « x
«4 th«* fa« 1 that h«* ha» alr«*ad\ a<qtlir»*«l and Brewn. Tlx* -tr«*«*t railway »ystern J pletc-d in the south west, to rush con-
pan»«- «4 ari«! Iaii«i*, l‘r« «« t I ngn»v««r a r«*pntation a* the I»« si |»»»»t«*d off «* al from thi* « ity t«» th«* upj«*r lak«* is be­
»triK*ti«.m 4 the < aldornia de North-
Murphx and hi* ti»»i»tant. Mr Hum- • •n n att«*r» that '»•in«* under th« Wat«*r ing «on»tru<*te«l. .«nd w ithin a very short
east«*»n railr*>a«l from We**d through to
pl»r»*>. bave I m - vii hil*«ring as»idu4>n»lv I *• i - a**o«*n«t.ot . I • ua- mad«- th** tin»«* will hav«* car» tunning th«*re<«n.
Klamath Fulls.
l<i »tari tid* great und«*rtaktng, which »« « ti-taiA and tr«*n*ur«*r f th«* new «»r- Owing to the d)ffi<*uhiv» t«« l*c met w:th
It is authoritatively der»ie<i that the
i» ti» I
«*arri«sl on under their su|»er- gamration. in»t«ad «4 it» first pr«’»idvnt. in pnx*uring eh*« trie |M«\ver. th«* «*ar*
*«ub»« rj)**r* to the Klamath Falls bonne
\ .»r i» an*l bx th«* government it»«*lf, in- for it was i«*<-ogni/.«*«I that it would lx* w ill lx* run by i»«»r*e»
! «4 $1UO,*will repudiate the sul*«.ri|»-
•t« .»'I of l»V < "fit Till t
th«* »«*vr«*tary who would mak«* th«« oh» tl»«* new «*«>mpany vai
tion*. and affirmed that the money will
s - qt|i«*tlv has the pr« paration* I mm - u J«-» t tL« i « m 4 «-ff«*<*t - x ••
Mr. Applegilt«» plant ami -tring wire#
I •- pai l if the road is • ompleted to tfie
Unt i« tl.at man) f«aivd th«* «••nslril«'- man) Irirnds « ill lx- glad t<* It-arn of hi*
When Mr. Hawkin« «a> seen regard-
Fails by March 1 next, in accordance
tioh • I fills unit wot||«| I n * <l«*hix«d But r«*« viviiig tin* a» il d«*»«*r\«*d holier.
| ing th«* statu* «4 the present tie-up in
I xx ith the terms <»f the sul»s«-ripti«>n.
it will not, and tl • fact that the work
the *tre«*t railway situation he a*ked tw
KiamatL ba»in |»e<»ple say it is not
I.as I n gun at u mu« h « arher |x’ri«*l than J. H. COLLAHAN DEAD I m * vxi * u *«*«1 from making a statement,
material that any particular pe«»|4e or
uld Lax« I m *« n |"•--ll•!« if it had 1» • n
He r«-fu-«*-l to affirm or
««r deny th«* au- i curpuraUun »hall construct the line, but
• I l»y vontimt s|Nak" \olume» for th«*
' theiitirity ««f th«* rumor that a movt-
Succumb* to Injuries tic Received
that any company that builds it under
«• *<« !ix«*ne»» ami l!«• t--ugl n«-*» «4 th«*
ment ’ Wa* <»!l f<S»t to «'o||ipro|lilM* the
the Mlxw'riptioi) contract it entitle«! to
mai'IiiiM-ry of th«* Klamath Pr"j«-«t part
matter r. “!’m not talking at thia time
J If <’• llahan, who rermied near B«»- faster a siatement will be i^ned i-ear­ and will receive the money. They »av
• 4 the II«* lam« tn»ti Kcrvme
That tire-
they would just a« willingly pay it to
I«**», « ffert iv«- and syne mat »< mergw- A am UK. «Urd al h»* hottM* at 1 «/«’luck ing <»n tn«* «{Uvstion that will be «4 in­
the Southern Pacific company as to anv
is everywhere in evi«l«’ncr, audit will I* Tu«**!ay aftvrr?«N«n. Ik*alh wa» due to terest t«» the people««f this community*.**
, other company.
t hi» xamv thorouglm« »» that w ill hasten tl««* injuri«*« he re«*vix«*<l a frw wwk*.
Returning from the B«»isc irrigation
ago. wh«*n I»«* had hi» hip l»r«»k«*n by a|
t«» a •••nipl«*ti« n tin* gnat work
congress Fn lav evening were J. Frank
At first it was sup-
I iiibrared in this »<•«•• »nd unit a FT |H fractious h«»r»«*
Adam* an«i Mrs. Adams. Judge George
mile« • •( limili «anal and 77 mil««* <»( po»e«| that it w«»u1«l m«t result *erl‘»ti*ly; Moore Brothers Ask Permission to
Baldwin, H. L. Holgate, John Shook
Th«* main «Mimi l«*gin» at a but time ami in««ii«al attention l*re<iglit
Open I p Link Rher.
and Mrs. Shook and Frank I. White of
point in •«•eliön
|own»hip .11«, south, iiu r< lief, and h«* suffered unt«»ld agon- i
Klamath Fails. Mr. White said yester-
range l(G*a-t, mar tin* hort ranch, ami )«•* f«»r a week prior t«» hi«death.
Mr C«>lluhau was al»»iit
v«*ar* of
w ill run via < Urn«* t«» a |»'int two milts
• J have heard no talk in the Klamath
i ith «4 M«*riil!
It will crows L-*t ag« ami ha* i«--id«*<i in this «*uunty im*t
tl.l V I m *
to justify the reports circulated
II« ha«l • xtcfi»i\«’ irit«*rf*»ts
river by mean» <»f an invert«*« I <*»n« rete • •1 hi* lifi
work <>n
t«» thu effect that the >ubsvriix»r- to tie
»Iplioli UK) |e« t in length and *»\ feet in m*ar Bonanza, ami ha» »«Hay I »reII
fn.ni the
railr* ad >»• »nu- would refuse to pay thvir
m«t«*«i f«»r hi» pr»«gr«-*»»*.en«-* ami pul»-
lie spirit. II« i- -ur*. \««l by hi* wifi
r P»«u valivi «aba
passed int p—-e-Hoii of the Southern
un«l tw«( children, tw«» brether» an*l *
I*, ami ar»* « udì
Pacific, The people welcomed the new s
t«« Ix« « "ii»tru«,t<*«|.
that the >«.»uthern Pacific company ha«i
Ul«»fthix w irk
U-done by tie
taken I m IJ of the project.
e t«
xt rnr» »,iH m l**r th
b re«* ac«•outit”
confirms »nr «’X p«-v I at i«»n that Klamath
< «i . Th«* r«
i- th«* failure
Kalis a ill l»e <»n the main line of th«
iuvn-i"u* for th«* ilowtii
to r «*i\ X« bi«l» t In n (■
Tie first im- in \t xx«« k
I lumber. It was vlg»»rv»u
Southern I’.«ci tic railrva«) between Puit-
l«r«*»»*uli w h«*i I II« » I ill I*
land and >;<:» Ft.UH I-V ». Shouhl the
that tit»»«« by pr»«j«rrt>
wa» that th«’ worl
delayed, SUNDAY SER­
I.in^ ..............
ult ..................
com faint* conplete the r««ad from Weed
I hi th« contrary
¡’hi* was erren
VICE AGAIN w«»ul«i n«»t U* o«iiserve i. This pr«»twt to Klamath Fall bx the first OÍ next
th««* i ii « lirati« »n* ar«* that it w ill lx* ha-*
was sufficient to intvrfvrv with the March, as provided in the subscription
t«*m*«|. Another |»»int in fav«»r »4 th«*
(ietterai Manager Abbott Springs a d»mm«*ii«*emviit of work at that time, contract, 1 believe the I «on us will ue
gommili* nt conwtrmtion i» the saving
Pleasant Surprise
and th« qiiv-th n lia- remained in that paid.”
of inani 1 lidi*.md- «4 dollar- to th«- land
;«**mditi«»n until m«w, when it i* again
That the contractor* in charge of the
ow ner.w hi« h w«»uld otherwi»«* g«» a*
<iem*ral Manager Alds.tt sprung a revived by the renewal of the request const ruction work have received order«
profit* to c««ntno tor­
plrusant surprise on tills city last >un- that the c«»urt «iirvet commencement «4 to lush it is apparent front the state­
i'he dimension» ••( the canal are a*
ment ma le bv a contractor to the effect
day. when he reestablished, without the work.
follow* :
When asked for a reas«»n as to why. that 2,(KM) men were to be brought from
any blow mg of lrnni|iet» or previousan-
Width at laittoni, Hi fvvt ; drpt h
nouncement, the Sunday train servee thi* retjUvst ha* Ix-vn *«» long delayed, the southwest at once. He eaid they
water, •» f«*««t, surface of water, .34 f«*«*t :
la-tween Pok< gama mid Thrall.
The Mr. Mtwire statdl that up until this ha«l determined not to depend on the
Till « ubi«* f«*«t p«*r *«•«•« »m I
Th«* work
tirst intimation ol this move was when time there ha- lx«en no urgent neceaaitv Pacific northwest labor market, which
will entail th«* excavation of 570,000
the stage rolled up to the postoffice and f«»r it. hut -inve th«* ervvtion of his new is barren of available men. Ten times
cubi«- vani* «>f material, th«* placing of
dropped off the mail sacks. Boon the mill it is alteolutvly nacexaary for them as many men as cau be secured are al­
1560 cubic yanla of <*««neret«* and 35.UIO
word sprea-l that the "mail was in.” t«» make the improvement in *»rder to ready needed in Oregon to carry on de-
(«•et <4 luinlier. which is approximate!)
| and w bile the usual rush was not present. procure an ample supply of l«»gx for its. velopment projects n«»w under way.
the same a* «»n th«* first unit, tmw un­
a laige number availed themselves <>( sutwssful «»iteration. He further stated
J. F . A'lam». a mrinkr of the Boise
der contract to Maaon, Pavia (,’<».
the opportunity to get their mail many that it was immaterial to his firm convention delegation from Kiamath
whether the improvement was made by county, has the contract for construction
hours ahead ol time.
Mr. Abbott has established himself the county or bv themselves. If the of the road across the Lower Klamath
in a warm spot in the hearts of the peo- county did the work, his firm would lake swamp. The line is already built
Husk Will be laught In the High I pie of this city by his prompt and fav- gla«lly pay the toll provided fur in the from Weed to Boyes’ ranch and is in
orable response to their wishes to have | original contract.
This loll was 50 i operation to a point bevond Airass lake.
him rescind the order discontinuing the | cents per 1000 feet for floating the logs About 45 miles remains to be built.
Music Impartment : A music depart­
The route adopte«! runs in an almoat
1 ami Initilier through the prvpoetnl canal,
ment has lx«en added to the school. service.
anti «11 to la* jtaitl to Moore Bro», by straight line from Boyes to Klamath
Mias Evelyn Apffivgatc, director of
It runs directly through the
thoae who availed themselves of the uae Falls.
piano department, is a graduate of the
of the tana). He urged the neceeeitjr of Lower Klamath lake swamp. Within
I'niveraily of Pacific Conservatory of
G. X. Wendling and wife, G. Bittinger doing the work during low water, but 30 days construction gangs will be at
Music and a private pupil of Hugo
Mansfeldt. The k»cal ¡»eople know her I a >* Angeles. E. H. Moulton, wife and the court decided to postpone consider­ work all along the line. Grading work
children, Riverside, A. R. Greene, wile ation of the matter until the next term has been commenced at the Klamath
ability and preparation for this work.
Falls end, where the Adams dredger is
The vocal de|»artinent is in the hands and daughter, Riverside, Mrs. C. M. of court.
Whether the court decides to make being used to move earth.
of Mrs. Juliet Zumwalt, a pupil of Pat­ Cror . Kan Francisco. R. M. Weed, law
It is said the Southern Pacific is mak-
more, now of the Hcharwenka Conser­ Angeles. Mrs. Hugo D. Keil. Ban Ffan- the tinier or not, the construction of
vatory, Berlin.
Mr*. Zumwalt has ciaco and Mrs. C. K. Evans. Weed, left this canal, if made sufficiently deep to the Klamath Falls extension the best
■ I»ent this summer in further study, for their resj»ective homes Tuesday admit of its use for transportation pur­ piece of railroad ever built on first con­
We are confident that in no school of morning, after ten day* of sight seeing, poses, would mean much to this city struction work in Oregon.
No trestles
the grade of ours car. a lietter musical fishing and hunting in this country. and county. It would open up to navi­ pound steel io t»eing laid.
They were accompanied to («rase Ijike gation all the country tributary to the are being put into the line, but solid fillo
opportunity l»e found.
by their host, A. H. Naftigrr.
All of upper lake, and within the next few some of them fiOfeet high,are l»eing made
The work in the academic and com­
the party were entliusiastic in their years would amply repay the cost of Permanent culverts are being put in
mercial deportments is full.
praise of the wonderoue lx*auties of construction by the trade it would and the first-class standard in every re-
The tuition in music is as follow« :
i opect.
Piano, including theory and history of Klamath county scenery and fishing, bring to this city.
A. H. Naftzger, who wae president
Another im,sirtant question in con­
music, one lesson a week, *6.00 per and next summer will are them here a-
gain, accompanied by u large number of > nection with this canal is the possibility of the California A Northeastern under
month ; vocal, one lesson a week, >5 00
their frlemia.
Three members of the { of its living an iiii|«ortant factor in mak- its former ownership,haN been appointed
per month; chorus, $1.00 per month.
partv were successful in bringing down i ing thia city an available point for a' general manager and is now on the
The Weyerhaeuser ground in charge of construction anti
IRI whia was connected with- the tele- a deer. Mr. Moulton being the tnan be- large saw mill.
¡company will undoubtedly construct a operation.
y line« ol this district last Friday.£ hind the gun.
Klamath Falls Land and
Transportation Compa­
ny Take Over Present
Tarcks--Will Build Be­
tween Conger A\e. and
7th Street
At 2 <0 this afternoon an agreement
was reache«! between the Klamath De­
velopment Comfxiny, A. H. Naftzger
representing and the Klamath Falls
laind and Transport at km Conqmnv, J.
G. Pieree, representing, whereby the
street railr<*a«l Controversy has lx?en
adjm»te«l. The statement issued by Mr.
Pierce is a- follow s :
“Acting a- Secretary of the Klamath
Fall* I«a»i4i and Transportation com­
pany with Mr. Naitzger, president of
the Klamath Devek>ptnent company,
the following agreement wax reached
and ratified by the directors of oar
c<»mpany at 2:'«» this afternoon:
That the Klamath Falls Land and
Transportation l ompany take» ovrr that
portion of the -treet railway It-tween
Payne Alley and 7th etr«?vt. hereto­
fore constructe.» by the Klamath De­
velopment Coin|x«nv, paying the ex-
pense incurred in it* construction.
That the Klamath Fail* Iaind and
Tansportation company will construct,
and « perate jointly with the Klamath
Development Company, a double track
line fr<>m Conger Avenue to 7th street.
From these points the respective com-
panir* will buil«l and operate the line
al ready plan net! in«lepen«iently.”
Thia is welcome news an«l means the
joining of han«Js of these great Cor-
¡»»rat¡ »n* «»n ««ne e«»n»m«»n purpose: the
up-l>ui)ding «>f a greater Klamath Falls.
Another Company
Enters the Field
Between Here and Poke^ama
The Klamath Fail* and Fokvgaina
Transfer Company is the name «»f a new
coiHvni that this week enters the fie|«i
tor the tran*{«ortation i freight between
l‘ kegama and Klamath Falls.
«»tfirer* are: W. L. McCorinick. mana­
ger and contracting agent, Klamath
Falls; C. p. Xrw t«»n, agent at Pokega-
nia: B. E. Joy, agent at Thrall.
Thi- company is the creature of neves-
-ity. du«- to tl ♦ c«»ntinue«l congestion of
freight at P >kegama.
The Klamath
Like railroad has >«een promptly deliv­
ering freight at F«»kvgaina. but the rer
vice Iwtween that |s»int and this city
has been insufficient to meet the glow­
ing traffic.
While the new company
has no c*>nne<*ti«»n whatever with the
railroad cHinpanv and n<» discrimination
will lie made in its favor, its entrance
into the field has l»een enc«»uraged in or­
der to increase the tian-portation facili-
ti?s. and relieve the warehouses at Po-
kegarna of the immense quantities of
freight that constantly accumulates
Mr. McCormick will have his office in
this city, and will make contract* for
the tra isjK»rtat.on of freight in any
quantity, whether for special or regular
delivery at rates as low as the lowest.
W ith an Enrollment Double That of
Last Year.
The fourth year of the Klamath High
School liegan last Monday, and marked
a decided increase in the numlier of
pupils over one year ago, and of its orig­
inal t>eginning when Prof. Swan mount­
ed the rostrum to instruct a lonely
quartette of young people.
This year
the attendance is 58, and it is expected
that this numlier will be greatly in­
creased in the next few months.
The faculty is composed of Prof. J. G.
Swan, principal; Prof. XV. E. Faught,
assistant, and professor of the commer­
cial department and Miss Alice Apple­
The commercial department seems to
be popular, and is undoubtedly a wise
Quite a numlier of stud­
ents have already entered, and as it be­
comes systematized and thoroughly or*,
ganiaed, it will have a large |iercent of
the attendance of the institution.