1 KLAMATH COUNTY BANK RACE PROGRAM KLAMATH FALLM, OULUUN Fiairr |> av Tm asuAy.Nsrr. 27. Ka.No. 1—Thrw rights mil« and rr- |*al, Irrr lor all; |Hirsr, |l(SI. User 2 Hall mil« daali. tor Klamath County horstn; purse, »75. Kacr No. 3 Nrvrn rights mil« dash. In-« tor all, pur-"«- gl«*f Ha the change aud all must ride stock sad dies. Bronco busting, hlieral prize to I* announced Isler. Roping ami liemg etour, liberal prize to be announced later. One-liuudrnl yard loot race, free for all amateurs, puree, »>• All rwee to lie run under Pacific cimsl rules as nearly as possible, and there must I* lour to enter and three to start. Ten per cent of purse entrance fee; 7<> per cent of purse goes lo winner and 70 per cent to second. The judges reserve the light lochange the hour and date of any race and any races not tilie before me Ibis 2nd day of July, IMU». K. 0. UaAVBS Notary Public lor Oregon. Correct a||eai Aia» M astín , F. K H baubs , A lbi M abtius , Ja, Directors. ARTIN 1ST th Canity Baak D. WILLIAMS Y SURVEYOR Irrjgatioi Eigimf, NO «URVEVOR htlew 4th Si., TH FALLS, OREGON TO BE HELD IN Are Va« l (all loru ia, or« gem. Notada ami bashlRgtoti Territory,** a« «■leudot foal) Ito« Futollc Laud diale« toy ari ut Auguri 4 latu later H (taulu ot dic« Latoo, mato ot Wlaruaain. toa« itole day died la ibi» »•ce tola ««ovfR eiaiomoai No BIIB tur ito« pug* bam «H Iho N* 14 ol Necti ou Nu W, lo Tuwukblp Nu * M Mange Ne B K M M. «bd «III pruot lu «tou« thaï th« laud aougbi le mur« faluatol* lut II« Ember ur «tuae tbau (ur ar»g<»n. <>n ru««4ay, ib« 4th day ff *«pU*r. »sua Ho *a>og M »W»««** 1 Moor» V top«r ol Fureal, oregot . Frrd quade. ut Foreti, Pregno ; Juliua p Wulf. ul L MvFb«r«uo. ul Awhiaad. Ureaoto: ('larvi»«'« ( li-— -L KLAMATH FALLS September 27-29 (Ooo CASH PREMIUMS TO BE AWARDED AT THE FAIR 1906 DRAFT HORSES class Ç. T. BONNEY, Attorney Md CounMlor at Law Siam Inlng Ahnt racla a Specially inuHUU J N W«T*m Everyone is urgently re quested to enter the pro ducts of their field, farm and orchard. Large pre miums will be offered, particulars of which will be announced later N«gi«i«r NOTARY RURLIC Orra » New Worden Building MD LANCASHIRE FIRE IM. CO 1 •—~—• —— , CAMPING__GROUND 1 am prepared U> take care ot people who d'aire d'etre to lo camp on — WlLUAMgOM Kivaa— Will keap a Boarding House and will kava Feature and Hay lor Horse*. ■ ORTS FOR R«NT Beet ot Treatment lor All Will carry mail lor campers to ‘and from Agency. FRANK SII.VF.H. a , I Some Sage Brush and Timber Land as low as $6 per acre. Some Choice Residence Blocks and Lots for sale on the Installment Plan. J. F. NOWLIN & CO., CALL OR AilDRF.SS Dealt rt la Real Extale Phone 471 Willson Block, Klamath Falls, Or. T MERRILL In the heart of the Klamath Basin Best investment you can make is in Merrill property at prevailing prices........... Residence property—$1.50 to $4 per front foot Business property—$10 to $15 per front foot Klamath CommercialiAgeacy Klamath’ Falls, Oregon MERRILL AGENTS FITCH A SPENCER City Meat Market 12 5ti HEISS 15 OU 10 00 3 year old and over ... 2 year old.......................... 1 year old ....................... jennet................................... 20 10 7 10 00 00 5u 00 ALL ANb j SH0KED MEATS SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS Merrill Creamery Butter CATTLIi—SHORT HORN, DIRHAM BCLLS 15- Best 3 year old and over 16- Best 2 year old ..................... 17- Best 1 year old...................... cows IS-Best 3 year old and over IS-Beat 2 year old. ....................... 26-Beat I yiar old. ....................... HKHKroBDH— at ns 21- Heat 3 year old and over. ... 22- Beat 2 year old................ 23- Beet 1 year old cvwa 24- Beet 3 year old anil over 25- Beet 2 year old................ 26- Best 1 year old 27- Best 3 year old and over 2S- Best 2 year old................ 2V-Besl 1 tsar old ............ tow» ¡»-Best 3 year old and over.... 31- Beet 2 year old .................... .. 32- Best 1 year old........................ FtEAC ESTATE We can aril your property. Liat with ua if you wish a quick aale Bargain«—A lot 160x180 feet on lake front. The beat garden spot to ba found—only »16 front foot ItM) acre improved farm six miles of the city, »25 per acre MAIN STREET PROPERTY REAL CHEAP / F. CROFT 1 CO For full particulars Address Ma names ay «itasasw; 0. ■ Moraan gi Kano Oregon Kalla Morgan. " • w Mgcofwlek of " c. Madison, of Any aqd all pfraoaa alalmlng adversely Iba aboradageHHd lands ars requested lo Ola lhair claims la ibis oBca on ot before said let Oatobw ISO». J. M WATSON, day of f KegislSr 7-Wbl B. St. Geo. Bishop f.-— Fun I| alx — SOO acra stock ranch nsar Bly, Oregon. «00 aerss can bs culti- vatsd. 33- Beet boar ol any age or breed 34- Best sow ol any age or breed 5-Best sow and litter FOVLTRY 36- Best trio Fly mouth Rock. 37- Best trio Buff Cochin ............ 38- Beet trio Brown Leghorn........ 36-Best trio Bronte turkeys. . 40- Beet trio turkeys,any other brJ Plgnty of good rang» Running You fan buy embroidery lor almost nothing at the K. K. K. »tore special I Ml». ’ 4 41- Best half bushel red potatoes 42- Best half bush white potatoes 43- Best half bushel any variety.. 44- Best 3 cabbage any variety 45- Best 3 Hubbard squash .,. 46- Best squash, any variety........ 47- Best tgbu MangelWurtellieete 48- Best t« bu sugar lieets .......... 48-Beat ‘,lm turnips, any variety 50- luirgest and best display vege­ tables by any one person. .. j 61-Best 10 lb pears, any variety. 55- Best 10 lb plums, any variety GRAIN 56- Beat 57- Best 58- Best 1 58-Beet variety wheat. 60 lbs variety oats. 50 lbs variety barley. 50 lbs sample timothy or red top A cash prise of 50 pet cent of above ! amounts will be given for second best exhibits in livestock. Cash prizes will also be given for other exhibits of special merit. D0MHTK 60- AII kinds fancy work, preserv­ ed fruits, jellies, etc................. Cash 61- liops ............................................. 2 50 coax I PHOTOS CLUB COUPON Limited to SO members Tollman, Photographer EMMA BLOCK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON To advertise my work and get samples of the same in every home in Klamath Falls, I make this unprecedented offer. PRC ITS 51- Best 10 lb peaches any variety 1 52-Best 10 lb apples, any variety I 53-Re st 20 lb four varieties.......... I wire fgneinf. Sold with or without cattls. For lurthsr particular« enquire ol C. A. Bunting, Morrill, Ore. U CUT THIS OUT VKUKTABLKS Secretary watsr, houss; barn; corrals; 12 milss This Coupon is Worth looey to You SWINK Large purses are offered for the big three days meet See program elsewhere in this paper Tlwkar Laad, aci Jans I. 1ST» -Molle« for l'ut, Ilratloa. 1’alted »fates Land oNc«. Lakeview. Uragoa J«ly g. ISI* Mulle« 1, ksteby given that In cub pilanca «Hk lb« yrovlsluu, oí Iba ari ut roagraas ul June ». l»7«. entitled "Aa sei tur Ihr Mia ul Uwbar lande In ib» mataa of California, Orr gua. Nogada, and Waablngluu Territory." a, aatandeg tu all tka rutile Laad »talea by act of luguyt 4. NM. I'lymse t Reader, of genu, county of K latusi b, alata ol Oregon, ba. Ibi. day Had la this oNca his sworn staisuAui Mo. MSI; for its purrhsss of tbe 11, m q of o' •action go ». la Tuwn«hlp No. 4U », Mange N. Io 1 I W M, and wflt offer proof lo >buw Ibal th, land sought Is more valuable for Ila lltubef er elona iban tor agricultural purpose,, aud to establish his elali to said lami bsfurs Gao ala, Clark at manaili County A Oregon, Chaauli o«cs al K Ismaik Fall«. Orsfon on Mon at klac. day, Ike 1st day of October. ISM I IRMMD PROPRIETORS 12 fiO JACKS II- Beat 12- Beal 13- Best 14- Best Ttosber LaM Notte». RIVER WILLIAMSON Some splendid Bargains in Farm Land«, Paw Lands and Cultivated Lands . . . M*asa I— Beat uiare and sucking colt... 10- Beat one year old, either sex, RACES RACES Guaranteed. ■■ Property handled in every part of Klamath County. JKSSKV—BILLS Ckanl*n—Beet two year om .............. I—Beal one year old ................. Utaaia t*M» Orff«»» A»y aad all parguu« claimiog ad «»reel y I tor •toute dfacribed land« ar« requ«ei«rd tu Bk itoelr « ¡<|m« Ito «hU ««Ar« un or belur« Mild «(to day oí ¿pt«mber l«N stalijosh 1— 3 year old anil oyer............... 2— 2 year old and oyer.............. 3— 1 year old and over.............. REAL ESTATEI 2 »2-L’nirrigated Sweet I 68-1 frighted ______ Sweet 2 Blu« ribbon for any other of merit. OFFER The bearer of this Coupon on presenting it at the Studio and the payment of 50 cents and getting the official signature becomes a member of the Club entitling them to one dozen of my BEST $4 00 Cabinet Aristo Platino photos also one $5.00 16x20 bromide enlargement in black and white. These Coupons must be sold in jo days and can be used until DEC. 1st. 1906. The balance $<5.50 payable at time of sitting NO EXTRA CHARGE for groups. J. W. TOLLMAN *