I 4 KLAM A TH REPUBLICAN E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON TWO DOLLARS THE VI-IAR IN ADVANCE. Klamath Falls, Or., Thursday, September 6, i*x>6. GREAT OVATION OIVEN TO BRYAN • land for I..krai and »tale control oi I railroads, Mr. Brvan lias taken lhe bit ? m his teeth. anell ttial gate the appears .»e ut reality " H« presented a ,.!»« and protuuudly lu terested couuteuan. a “Very prolmbly But you possibly rsnienilier. tv**, that Morpheus I. a guardiau ot dreams, and tashiuu» Ibr gods desire thriu tu be Surety 1 bave fa .or In my interest in II iom * policies tor a Inch lhe lteuoK-ratic |*arty stands. I have not liad an oppoiluuity to make a Ih*ui- ucratic »;*ewli lor almost a vest, and uu Muadreds oi Thou aa ltd s Greet the one not even a political enemy—could lie so ci uel as to lorlml me to speak »1 Noted Nebrashan I those policies on this occaeiou. tint opponents have del iv«*«t not only partisan pleasure hut also i*aiti»an advantage • ■ • from the division caused in our party ; Princlpi«* Advocated by Bryan by money quest ion. • Universal peace through inter- * “They ought not. thereiore to bar- national arbitration. grudge the satisfaction that we find m Self-government and ullurate in- the fact that unexpected conditions havs ; dependence lor the Philipines Reform of cuagrem by popular I removed lhe cause of our dilference* ami electiou of senators and its conien permitted us to present a united front ; ing shortly after election and ad on present issue«. The unlookol foi ; lournment before the election I..I and unprecedented increase in the pro ; lowing y t think your dream duction of gv*l«l has brought a victory t< An income tax. , the ituri ^»1« of th. dia- Compulsory arbitration for both lhe ndvocatue of biuietallmui—tin : pules between capita) and labor. former keeping the gold standard uh id 4r«ainpalac**. Ha»» iuulh«r cup ut Vniveraal eight-hour work day they a.inte«i and the latter securing th* Silver uumtion settled by larger coffva du * volume of money received through I largei volume of money for w hich the« "Mu* thank« And you needn’t try ; increase in production of gold. contended. Wewhulatur bimetallisn to take iuj mind fr«>m that cava \ ou Extermination of monopolies by are ffoiiqf over lu Hear < anyot* t<> day are satisti«**! with our victory if tin : complete overthrow ot trusts U> dig tor gold in a cave you * iP find ! friends of monometallism are satistie Abolishment of campaign fund. ther« lh», pieHM« give thh ••n* day'» with theirs. Ami we can invite then Imprisonment for guilty trust work tu plea«« m whim of mine “ coin- : official». j to a contest of seal and endurance n bl» mg around the table and Federal license for interstate cor­ the effort to secure tu the people tl.i •heek a c«»aMiug pit poral tone. rights which have lieen gradually takei Reform of tariff abuses. “U. pahaw! VX«II. I suppose I from them by the trusts. Public ownership of railroads, must there t nothing else when a trunk lines by federal government, The sigh of relief that greetoi th. woman -•*’ local lines by lhe states. TH have your lunch readv hy th« elimination of the silver question ws Preservation cd individualism as tim« you have etii'iled Mag <’hildr«n, changed to a grasp of horror wheu Mi . alternative to socialism run for papa*« pick an I ah ival^ ahe ; Abolishment of special privileges Bryan, in measured ton«*», as if full) broke iu. il. cheerfu’ ha«t« : aa foundation of plutoctacy, w hich realising the demoralising effects hi* I Jim King «ad«ll«d th« little roan ia the menace of republics. words would have.canie out squarely foi mar« and led her up t<- the camp, tied government ow nership. He sa*d : bM dinner pail to the canlie. mounted, New York. Aug. 31.—Mr. Brvan «as “ Experieiice lies demonstrated th»i aud shouldered pick and ahov«l, with a hang dug look the recipient yesterday afternoon and municipal corruption is largei« traceahi By MARY ft COATES. “Now. Jnu. look fur a big dogwood last night ot the most enthusiantic ova­ to the tact that franchise corporation» — , i that*« Ute mark, and there are wild deal led to control city councils aud thus tion ever tendered an American cilii*n E MUtiT g»t out of hara th blackberry bine« growing vver lb« increase tlieir dividends If lheir mana aooaar the bsttsr- that'» al mouth <»f liu rare ** in private life. From lhe time of his gers adopt the same policy, the sentí thsr« ia to It November in sigh l “Auyvyny, what*« the good euppo«- arrival at the pier nt 4 o'clock until he nient in favor of the ownership of lhei no work, nu pay dirt no, not a* al lug I should Amt itr the land'« aU ttm»h«*d his hour and a half address la* railroads by the guverniuent is likely t a sign of euiur ba.a 1 e.er found oi •laked,“ fore 30,000 people at .Madison Square increase as rapidly tboiighout lhe coun that claim." waved a Gartlen it was a continuous ovation. try aa the sent iment in favor olmunicipal Jim King looked aaroea the gulct abq>a. Ths wildest cheers greeted his every ap­ ownership has increased in the citie» to “Prue Bar" claim, which, in th, With a happy. confident heart, Mrs wake uf the latest gold stampede h, King watche't her husband ride away, pearance. At the hotel lie was fairly •'1 have already readied the condu » moblard by his admirere. at the rmvp- sion that railroad» partake so inudi ol had hastily staked; aud tu which, il till ( mi waa hitbleu by the low growing his haste and premature excitement shrubbery aloug lhe winding trail lion following his arrival al the hostelry, the nature of a monopoly ttial the« he bad brought his family. Somewhere iu th« dietanc« a quail he sinaA hands with u.any thourands, mu>t ultimately liei-ouie public properly “ ‘Prix« Bari* We ought to hae» piped a warning not« at the Madison Square garden, where lie and I* manage J by public officials ii named it Trisa Humbug’ * he mut “Jim's gon* that far already.** ah« apokeduring the evening applause greet­ the interest of the whole community in tered fropi his •eat od a log dotali said, but the could Dot are what lhe ed his every sentence, and his tiret ap­ connection with the well-detin«*d theory chair duty am- absently t«»aaad bit/ quail aaw : th« pick and shovel cached pearance calle. I lor th * pandemonium that pul'll«* ownership i» ne«'e»sar« of twig» amt fir comta into the camp under a thicket of tall huckleberries, fire as ht auminad up their situation which shook llie luiilding lor eight min w herei-oni|>etition is impossible. I di aud the rider ^xaa on. without them, "Don't freL dear, “ said hla wife taking the fork that led directly away utaa. not know it lhe country is ready fu, obser.ing his downcast looks as all. from Hear canua. As Mr. Bryan a* know lenlged the thun tlus change. I do not know if a majority cams from the tout where she ha< H«»w «till lit« morning wa> not a daring applause at the garden I torn 30,- oi uiy own party favors it, but I believe been putting the children to sleep touch of wind anywhere! .Mr« King UHO throats liieeyeg tilled with tears ami that an increasing nuuilier ot the j*opl> “Thing» may not really be as bad a. lifted her eyea to the scenic aplendur he strode nervously from side to side ol see in public ownership the sure reimsly they appear.“ uf her aurruundinga Ou av«ry border “Couldn't ba worse; grub nearly lhe narrow platforip. for discriminations between persons ami “ How can 1 thank you fur this wel­ politics, and for the extortionate rates gone, money, too, and I*ve rustle*' among the boys fur a job, but u»m come home?" lie said. **My heart for the carrying of freight and juissenger» <>f them really need a roustabout would be ungralelul if il diJ not con­ “believing, however, that the opera No, couldn't be wore*.“ secrate itself to «our service. It was lion of all lhe railroads by the federa “O, yea, they could but finish youi kind to prepare tins reception. It war government would result in the ••ci. pipe, ami come t*> bed It's dark u«*w kind of Governor Folk Io come here all lialixation which would all but oblil but you know light c.,ni«M Io th* the way from Missouri. It was kind of erate state tin«-», I prefer to see only tin morning who kuowsf sleep oftei heljw the brain to suite knotty Tom Johnson, lliat example of moral trunk lines operated l,y the le«lrial go« courage we so much need in tin» country eminent ami the local line» y prubi-ma.“ The tiames of the campfire flared to lend tits presence here. It was kind the several stale government». Ssi.r in you to recouipenee me fqllv lor being have opposed this dual ownership as up fitfully, git lug weird, white high I impracticable, but investigation bascóte lights to the trunks of ths firs in li>. absent so long troui my native lami shadow, ami above, their plumed top» thank you. 1 return to the land ol my vinced uieHint it is entirely practicable were veiled, in baau*eae by the wan birth, more proud o( my citisenship than Nearly all the railroads of Germany ai< ing moon. ever before." owned by tho »««eral slates lhe euipin I taler the Influence of the balsam Following are excgtpls from his speech not even owning the trunk line», in laden fragrance that floated up from « which bids fair to re make or break yet the interstate traffic ia nuwireoli the fir boughs spread deep over th» lent floor the remembrance of then democracy. rtrncted.” harassing situation faded from Mrs A tour through lhe Fiiilippme island, King's mind. The Ured body found has d«*epen«*d lhe conviction that we BRYAN S rest, and the weary brain waa Boon should lose no time in announcing out lulled to sleep, but the dream mind purpose to deal with the Filipinos as we flitted on, hera and there, weavlug The return of W. J. Brian from hi» mountain, forest ami campfire into a dealt with the Cubans. Every consider­ ation . commercial and political, lead« to trip aruumj the world and Ins Madison daodalour not work, which gradual thia conclusion. Buch ground as we Square Garden scarecti lia««- t>reu th« ly narrowed, through the dream tuples ui political * ir* I.-« during the alembic, to fixed dietluctneoa, ami the may need lor coaling stations or for a , chief ' Conservativr fk-mucracy moonlight on the stretching flrtopa naval base will be gladly conceded by the , past week. Filipinos, wbo simply desire an oppor ha>l a buuib dropped in its rank by the lhe hollow blackness beneath aud the glowing code became a sunlit tunity to work out their own destiny, noted Nebraskan, when he declared ••Hey. a dark ca*« and down in it* himself in favor ot national and state inspired by our example and aided by depths giittarad crystal* giobuiea ownership of railroads. Tlieir paeans of our advice. Th« brighine»« of lh«iu whatT "I return more convinced than before rejoicing over united democracy and pierced bar «yea. ol the importance of a change in the adulations to their new leader were With a start she ewoke and saw th« method of electing United Blates sens turn«*d into execrations, when the morning sun shilling straight into the tors. There io noticeable everywhere Plumed Knight of Nebraska poured bis lent through a tiny opening in ths “Wall! What a a distinct movement toward democracy volley rd radicalism into tlieir ranks and folds of the tty dream of gold it wee! and woven ot in its broadest sense. In all the coun- shattered their fondest hupea of his re­ nothing but suushine It must cer triee which 1 have visited there is a generation. “If he had just left gov­ tainly portend good luck but from demand that the government be brought ernment ownership out." they cried, earth or sky which. I wonder that's “we could have stayed. But lliat—why the p* int O. for a dream book! M» nearer to the people. I have been a been t too long to speak it’s worse than free silver.** And poor kingdom fur a dream book!” ahe said und. r her breath, then louder. "Jim. with any authority on the pul,tic senti- old democracy is split wide open. The conservative democratic press are you there r* ment in thia country at this time, but “Tea, and breakfast h nearly I am so convinced of the justn-e of the throughout the country has its guns income tax that 1 feel sure that the turned toward him. Among some ol ready, You were all sleeping so soundly I thought I wouldn’t disturb people will eooner or later demand au llie editorial comments are the follow you; but it's 1st« enough " ing: amendment to the constitution which "We'll !>e liiers iu a few minutes t’hn ago Chronicle * Ifeiu. >—Once home ' will specifically authorise an income t oms, children, break fact ia ready Mr. Bryan hastens to make us all ac ­ tax and thus make it possible for bur­ Doesn't the coffee smell g*H»l?“ and dens of the federal government to be quainted with the fact that he has the quielneea of ths lent waa at an apportioned among the people in propor­ learne*! nothing iu statesmanship, but ami drowned u> the children'» laugh tion to their ability to bear them. It is as firmly wedded as ever to all his ing chatter. “Breakfast!" called a cheery voice ia little abort of a disgrace to our coun political ami economic errors ami follies again, and they trooped out. After try that, while il la able to command to call them by no harsher name. On the whole his ep«*ech is an over all had t*eeu served, Mrs King weut the lives of ita citisena in time of war, it w helming proof of ins radical unsound to th« fire and began marking in tha cannot, oven in the moot eitieiue em eool aahes with a long stick. orgency, compel wealth to bear its share uese politically, economically ami even “JUn. la there a valley anywhere of the expenses of the government,winch morally, and that he ie altogether an un near that runs along aof High moun tit and unsafe man to be trusted with tains on thia side, and scattered fir protects it. Society is justified in demanding that the great powers of our National Chief trees on thia ridge, and over here a great spur of rocka that dips into the the difference between capital and labor Magistracy. Hhe illustrated New Orleans Picayune Ind Dem.*— chaparral belowf" shall be settled by peaceful means II a with lhe right hand and with the lait The speech shows more than ever lhe permanent impartial board is create,I to carefully held her blue calico ilort which either party to an industrial dis­ next National campaign will tie between back from the fire pute may appeal or which can of its ow n Iiemocratic radicalism and Republican «rad, aare “Of course.'' he motion institute an inquiry, public opin­ radicalism. It is the most poseilul po­ leealy. ion may be relied upon to enforce the litical presentment that has l>e.*n given “Keallyf Trulyr epoka finding. Ii th*»» *• compulsory sub­ to the people emce the war, and, if signs eagerly, yet doubtfully. mean anything, it is the opening note “Certainly You hare pictured Hear mission to investigation, it is not nec tn— that there shall be compulsory of another revolution, as were llie great canyon quite correctly It ie user be- acceptance ol the decision, for a full »IMH ches on both sides in IMO and 1801. youd that peek where you see a Why. Boston Heia'd Iml — Vn'ess the brokea tree alamlmg alone. and lair investigation will, iu almost what of ItT" Democratic party is desirous of another every case, bring about a settlement “Just thia: I saw H In my dream "Thus far 1 havs dwsll upon subjects term of probation in the wilderness, il last night, end I'm going to ask you will refuse to take up this climax ol cen ­ which may be regarded as strictly non- to go *»er there and kunt tor a cava pw'tisan. but 1 am sure that you will tralization. and—• Angersd by the sharp criticisms of his if in this presence I betray 'O. yea, I know,“ antletpatlng her A Dream of Gold— And What Came of It “w I ~7 were ths mountains In lhe quivering hare of aiinshlns, unfohllng in ever changing tints and shadowy lights. |*vak lieiomi peak, aa tar a» the evs could r«a* h. they rose, gland, al III. majestic ami untamed, expreeebe *»t iineprial solitude. "8llr' Stir! Stir'" said a noisy blue* jay. and she turned tu h»r work lhe children were happy when camping ami to them th« day pasted quickly with s,-h***>l (>*>**ks amt exi'ursiuns up am! down th» mountain able for nuts, musses amt lichens, amt in untiring, never discuuragvd »varche» for "Hold " Ami a family <*f luqulsltlvc jays must receive ln»tructtoi>» in th» art of be­ havior. for which all the tal*l» scrape ware carefully hoardeil in all kinds of secrvl places ami doled out according to the merits «aruvd al each perform- an«*» Slowly the vivid noon blue of th« mountains chaugv*! l*> blue gray of sv«u am! deepened to purpl« making lh«m »«am nearer ami clearer than Iu th« morning; ami as th« shadows gath • red uvar. a lit 11« bird trlllsd a tiiuid, ew»«t vesper hymn “Come mamma Isn't It time to cook suppar?" The children brought In dry limbs and con»» fur th« night's fire “There he eon*«»! Papa's couiiug. chlldreu wavs your hands!“ Th« horseman coming up th« grade doubled up hla palms and sent a shrill whlalls echoing along the ridgs “Uer«. children, give Mag a good sup per She's tired." he said, after uu saddling th« mar« Then he poured waler iu a ttaain picked up a bit ot soap amt began lalhvriug his bauds vigorously “Dirty, arvu't the) ?" with provoklug oo«*lnese. “Yea. but Jtm what ?“ iuterrv- guted hl» wife. "llh. 1 found the cava just where you said I would; but cave, claim and all are owned by a man over In A.hland I went over aud found the fellow ruus a little coffee house there aud *ll»ll*'l value your cave very highly Said he didn't propose to rlah anything uu such a picnic, but I could work It 'halvers.' “ Klug ran on with remark­ able glibness “Yea. of course, but what els«?“aha Instated hurriedly. “Well." he continued with a tantal­ ising drawl. “It Is a vein uf quarts that rune down the pur ph) ry aud th« i gold -" "Pocket gold! I knew it. 1 knew I Here in dreams!" • in her firin belief. I “Don't you want to see a nugget?*’ au«l he handed her a yellow Belledsur “Jim King! How could you do such a thing?" and on her face chagriu aud perplexity struggled for supremacy “Aren't you ashamed to play such a shabby trick?" shs managed to say. “Well, no You sea. you were ao bound and determines! I should find a nugget that I was sfrald to coots back without one; and It's the bee* 1 could do,“ aa amused light dancing tu hla / Aim to He Reliaba (ieneral Insurance and Real listate Business L* re fu II y 1 ru n xuclud Houses and Rooms for Rent *r. VV. STEPHENS For ealr The notili hall <»( the luitlh- ••ast quarter, Ihr «umbra«! quarter «»I Ihr norlhrawl quarter and Ihr iiurthraal quarter of ibr eouthraal quarter ol ere tion nineteen» Mouth ol rsngv eleven, vast of Willamette meridian. Impure al this ottica. tl “Issa And what etas?" met Sam Adams ou the way. Sa pul me oa the track of a )<.b as Kre- man os a ranch d>>wn below. So 1 went ov,r aud uist lb» owner M ason a A botai i hai a ill |M»y splendid Intrr rat <»n Ihr Invealmrnt. •.» runa,2 «lory and I mam - iih * III bithdintf, raal <>l Ihr in*« m I hm »I buihlhiK, rurtivr (Olli ami Pin« ml« Furcrlran l»ath and waler doari«, a ill rant rradily lor I’» ruoti» |»rr month. The building now under con* «truction will ba romi»ir(aul Hept i&, outahle and In­ sida Io receive two rúala ul paint. Prier and Irr ma <»n apullrathm Io I*. H ('amp bril. . J i-.-il. I «brvidv inn S lough ABSTRACTERS KLAMATH FALLS OREGON AILsTIt M’ is t>F TI TLE made with neatiieM and dispatch invile at lent lVi* baie a cholce line uf landa in trai la laigr ut amali, tu sull pur ch.iwr*» ; aiau city pruperty of all dea** ri pi lima • eel IlMllI’illiee . . • We carry a full line <>f liiaurain r. Including Life. I‘vtar*tial Accident Fire. Steam Boiler, Plate Glam, and Liability Inaurane«*. Buena Vista Addition TO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON RETURN T IIE PLAT OF THIS HEAl’TlFl'L ADDITION WILL BE ready sum. and lots therein will be pl ued on lhe market. The tract couiprlMMi 530 acres, adjoins Klamath Falls on the north and west and Is.rders on Link River and I'pper Klamath Lake for two miles. From tills addition can tie seen the grandest panorama on tlw Pacttk* Coaat. comprising Lake. River. Valley. Hill Mountain and Snow-capped Peaks, blend into an harmonious picture of unequalled beauty and mag nlflcence. Boulevards and Streets are now being graded, and these will be lined with Shade Trees Grading work on the Electric Street Railway is now under way. Office: A complete sewerage system will Is* put in. The entire cut ol the Odessa sawmill has been purchased, and those building in the Buena Vista Addition this summer will have flrat call on the output of thia mill. Plans for a magnificent hotel are now being prepared, and construction will begin thia summer. Thia hostelry will lie located on one of the most pictur­ esque spots in the addition and will be surrounded by a park. If you want a home in the most beautiful section of Klamath County, buy a kit in the Buena Vista Addition. If you want to live where you will be surrounded with beautiful homes, buy a lot in the Buena Vista Addition. If you want to live on the street car line then have your home in the Buena Vista Addition. If you arc looking tor an investment that will yield return», purchase prop erty in the Buena Vi»ta Addition. Murdoch Build'g, next door Postoffice Klamath Canal Co