hl AMAI H I AM RAII ROAD St hptlule ut I reiqht Rales In I If« I Sept. I, 190b All freight, rvgardleaa of claaailica tmn, tn either dir.vtion. between Thrull, CITY BRUII 5. Your Credit is T Mr. ami Mr* C. C. Oiiluotul nlm have been ruRtnaling al iMrsaa rvliiiii- rd Imiiir Tuvaday fur Sal»» Clirnp. a 12 (out h | i »» w etist*. Frank Aukeny. Cal., ami l\«k<-gania. lire . in leas than kllvn t'liniunghaiii ol Nd« iu nho lia- On all Invii here un tiiulwilan«i bum nr**, rv carload Iola, regarvileaa of classilication. turned li«»m« baturday. tn either directmn, Iw-tween the alwive to A. .1 Manning'll tor *ta terminals. 25 cents |>er cwt. Regiatrr <»l the l^kwien I.ami < »Iti«-«-. AU freight. r»-gardl«'»a of .-lassith-a .1. \\ a I am i. a* voui | »a niod by Ills » it«', tnm. tn either direction, to intermediate armed in tide city M*»mlai ■ hi a « i.'il l«> points between I'hrall and l'ok«s;ama, friends. 25 cents per Ilk* Uta. Cliukv line ui Cigar* al Frank F All freight «smsignevi to intermediate points between Thrall ami Pok«-gania Ankeny’s. carload lots, 35 «-«Nils |«er cwt. must be prepaid, as there are no agents. On dry lumber in carload lot a from all point» to Thrall, minimum IkkikKi Ilia.. $2 per thousand feet, board nmasure. Except, low it: That all freight, such as dynamite, powder and all other arti cles taking, under the Western classiti tion. a higher rate than first-class, the above-mentioned rat«1 of 35 cents per It»» lbs between terminals, ami 25 cents yier llW lbs. for intermediate points, will be doublevl. trebled, etc., as the case may be. on same basis as applied by the Southern Pacific Railway Company. No ahipmont less than 25 cents. DeoM«rr«me, Slot woe and torwarliaii lbarge* Mb S W £ £ V At the Brick Store Co. We are closing out all our Corsets. Summer Lawns. Summer Shirt Waists. Summer Dress Skirts. We are Giving Big Bargains in all Summer Goods. Fancy Silks, Lacesand Embroideries W q\ W ************ Remember When you are in need of SHOES, that you will find a complete line at WILLI TS, and at prices that defy competition. ! at the rate» charg<-d by the Southern , Pacific Railway Company. At Pokegama, Ore., same will lie store«l forty-eight hours free. After said forty-eight h« urs rates for storage will lie the same ax charged by the Southern Pacific Company at Thrall, , Cal. No baggage except hand baggage ‘ will be carried unless checked. \t When in need of CLOTHES that have fit style and workmanship, at Prices to suit your Pocketbook, you will find them at WILLITS. Agent to tils Majesty, the American Oentleman, for first class goods * g w*^******^*^******* ****** ----------------—------------------------------------------------------- SIIMMEW FXWORITES TOILET CREAM—For Tan and Sunburn I I I t : ANTI8EPTIC SOLUTION—Iriainfectant and Germicide BLACKBERRY CORDIAL WITH JAMAICA GINGER—Diarrhoea and Summer Complaint I Chitwood’s • • Store J U. f THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA LITTLE LIVER PILLS—The Ideal Laxative I 1 I CRATER LAKE With it» beautiful scenery, including Anna Creek Canon, Seven Mlle Spring Creek, Klamath Indian Reaervation, Indian Bury­ ing Mounds, its glorious fishing, hunting and camping places, can be refined easiest, by way of Fort Klamath and HOYT’S HOTEL at Fort Klamath. Guides, teams, pack and saddle horses and camp outfits. Address C. E. Hoyt, Fort Klamath, Or. Dog» will only be carried in baggage compartments, ami for their trouble with same, conductor» will collect and ' retain 25 cents for each one carried, regardless of distance. first Claw* Passeaqer laritf'. 1 From Thrall. Calif., to L. F. WILLITS t r tnmvry. cutlery. iioli«»n*. vic. At Thrall, Cal., the rates for storage as Waiciivf». I., llva Lem*. siSipted by the Southern Pacific Com W. F. I'« ddi«*«»rd. i»»rmvrh ¡»nMi'diri I: |>an.v will govern. «»i thv frilninv. Forada, Minn, arrived At Pokegama. Ore., freight will tie in thia city hi*l nvek. He vxjivrls t«» stored a reasonable time without charge remain |»et manvnlly. In no case w ill any charge be made for For ring* go to I.. Aha I a » mi *. N K vm ! storage until after the consignee has been duly notified that after a fixed ilate line jimt arrived. storage charges will accrue. If storage Third Mtrwl ih I* ing gia»led, amt the is charged the rate will be one cent per w*»rk Hill nvceaaitaie a cut «»! iirarh It»» lbs. for each day that said freight fifteen levt. I he gilding will lie e\ remains in warehouse. lemled into the Buena ViMta a«lditi«»n, Demurrage charges at Thrall, Cal., Frank Ankeii) i.irrivj» tally fresh will tie the same as those charged by candles anti ct»nfta’li«»nvry. the Southern Pacific Railway Company. Mr*. M. A. Ja« k*»»u, uho haa Iwen At Pokegania. Ore., a demurrage charge of one dollar per day will In- the guest «d Mrs. K. M. \Vve«l, rvlurne«l Before leaving made after three days that cark«ts re­ to her lioine Momlay. main unloatied; said three days to «late Mr*. JM«kson rontracled with A. M from receipt of notice by consignee that Taylor for the erection of an eight room two »lory Itotiae on the llot Spring* cars are on the track. Car-kind lots of sugar, salt, cement, addition. nails, fence wire and general merchan For *alr- I L, hor*v power water n»u- dise will be unkiaded at Pokegania by tor. Meias A Armand. If the Railroad Company free of charge Heavy machinery, castings, boilers ami engines, which cannot be convenient ly handied or stored on the platform or in the warehouse at Pokegania. will be . unloaded by consignees on the team | track. At the request of consignees same will tie unloaded by the Kailroad Company at the net cost thereof, same DRAFT HORSES not to exceed in any case, $5 per car. UTAH K»\M When beer in bulk. ni< aning in bar­ CLASS . . rels (not in bottle»» is »hipped over the 1 3 year <»1«! and over Klamath laike Railroad from Thrall to 2— 2 year old and «»ver. .... Pokegama, the empty barrels will be 3— 1 year old ami over M AKKM delivered from Pokegama t«> Thrall froe 4— P.vHt mare ami auckinir mil of charge. Upon request of consignees, freight 5— Best In«» year old will be forwarded to points east of Po­ it—lie*t one year ohi . kegama by first responsible freighter H OHM KM OF ALL WORK—H ' who will lake the same, fr«^ of charge 7— Best 3 year old and over i by the railroad company. In other H—Best 2 year old ami over ... j words, no forwarding charges vill be ma aim i matie. 9- Peet mare ami em king mil.. Rule* and Rate* Reqardiaq Batgisqe 10- Bert one war old. either srx One hundred ami fifty pounds of tiag- J At km gage will be carried on each full ticket 11- Best 3 tear ohi and over ' and 75 p >ur ds on each half ticket, free 12- Best 2 year old ; of charge. Excess over 150 lbs will l«e |3-Brst I year old ■ charg«-d for at the rate of tiO cents per 100 lbs. or fraction thoreof, rt-gardless 14- Best jennet................................. C'ATrLK—MHoirr MORN, 1»«'RM AM 1 of distance. No excess charge less | than 25 cents and no single piece carried 15- Best 3 year ol«i ami over IG-Beft 2 year old which weighs more than 250 lbs. Baggag«- will be stored at Thrall,Cal., 17 Brat I jrar old Bogus I 50 Birch's 60 Steel Bridge 76 Fall Creek 1 I«) Hot Springs Junction 1 26 Way’s 1 50 Dixie.................................. 1 75 Pokegama. 2 I») j From Pokegama, Ore., to Dixie. I 25 Way’s 60 Hot Springs Junction 76 Fail Creek. 1 Oll ! Steel Bridge............. . 1 25 Birch's 1 50 Bogus 1 60 Thrall 2 00 Isicak between imtermediate points will be the same as shown on above schedules. No second «-lass tariffs and no deductions on single round trip tickets. Passengers will procure ticket» at Thrall ami Pokegama before boarding the train. Cxmductors will collect ten cents in addition to above fares from passen gers who do not procure tickets at terminals where tickets are sold KLAMATH LAKE R R CO., By E. T. A bbott , General Mrnager. For dixrra, windows, screens monld- iaga, flooring, ceiling, rustic, lattice work, fancy scrolls and column», turn­ ing and wood work of all kinds while you wail go to the Crescent Saeb t Door Factory. Phone S81. Midway Bar, W. H. Dulaney agent, is now open again with a lol of new im­ provement» that make this cozy little place the neatest, cooleit and heat kep refreshment place in Klamath Falls. For rent, an- eight-room ho its» near the high sr hool. Hot and «»M water, bath and toilet, cold storage, eta. In quire of Mrs. M. L. Beebe. Cigars and tobacco of all grades at A. J. Manning’». , IK-B.'»! 3 y«‘»r <>I<1 »ml I 1-lie.l 2 vrur <>M. 20- lirfl 1 y. ar ««l«I. IIKKKVOK1» Hl II» 21- B«Tt 3 year ohl ami ««ver 22- Heat 2 year old 23- Beil I year okl cuwa 24- Het 3 .ear ol«l ami 25- lie I 2 jear old Jli-Beat I year old Jxuax. 27-BeM 3 year ohl ami over ... 2H-Be-t 2 year old . 2I»-B«'sl I >ear old Ct 3>l- lie.! 3 year old and 31-Beal 2 ve.tr old 39-Beal I year old aw 33- Beet l.mr <4 any aim or breed 34- Beet w>a of any »»e or bie«'«i 5-Be.t now ami inter ............. eoti.rav 36- Beel trio Fly nroillh Rre'k. 37- Beal trio Unit Cochin 344- Beet tri« Brown l^tthorn. iW-Beet trio lironm turkey*. IO Beet tr io Im key e,any • I her Ind vxrirrAHt.it» 41-lleet hall btieliel red |« laloea, 42 I eet hall lilltlr while polalm'e 43- Heel hall buelivl ally variety. 44- Beet 3 eabliage any variety 45- Beet 3 11 uldiard e<|iiHeh 44k-Beat M|uai*l>, any variety 47-Beet *,bu MangelWuriel l>«'tH IH-Beet *, Im sugar I'«-«•(»............. 49- Beet ',bu turnip«, any variety 50- l.argeet and lie«tdteplay vege­ tables by any on«- pereon. rairiTt 51- Be*t 10 lb peaches any variety 52- Beet 10 lb apples, any variety 53- Beit 2«) lb four varieties........... 54- Best 10 lb pears, any variety. 55- Be»l 10 ll> pliiniH, any variety U HAIN 51 Best variety wheal. 50 lb" 57-Beet variety oat», ■*> lt>« 5S-Beet vhrtely bailey. Ml lire 64»-Beet sample timothy or ted lop A cash pure of 60 per cent ol h I hivi - amounts h ill lie riven lor second Leet exhibit» tn hve.tm k. Cash prizes will also be given for other exhibit» of special merit. noMKeTir Mi-All kinds fancy work, preserv­ ed fruit», jellie«, etc................... Cash illua ribbon for any other ol rncHl. lile When hi Town B. ST. GEO. BISHOP FEED AT THE BELMONT FEED YARD * * FURNITURE C. C. Low. Prop'r PHONE 205 MAN ■ A Few Prices at iff HURN S IIARDWARI- STORÄ, ?♦•«. X \ Irr 1 « a I « «•••k l-o «' |I3 1.» 1» •. 13 |O Ml Xo S 1« 1 till d«i -1» « 1 lilliye U itlilfriill till Ihitl* Win p«i «ut M II Mm i w Hid iui II m 12 III. Kl i A« ii*M* «diilit «1 plow • fa) ItMilli »Itsd l« \«’i haitou n lllipr«*Ve haw liven having thv time «»I I hr it W p IliIVU lite « mi thv uppvi lake. IrliltiuHl lioin«' act ( all «Aini ■ Monday. • H» II. Fine nahli ie|Miiiiiitf. I. Alva Lew m Xewa«MM A I:nd«r\t«H*l cany a lull Mm. Sila* OlnHichain ami Metri.mi line of fie*h cantht't l.oMliev* (anion > «laughter of Hr. Martin, w h«> liave la-en ami tHln*i l»«»\ k « mm | h rv«'«*iwd «laily, visiting in I angell «alley, rvturmal I he I akoldt Inn Bar. L Rtmx An home Saturd iv.' dertan (or High grade Wines Li­ Jnrl arrived at Viva lam m’*, nvn quor» and uig ir« line of jvwnlr v. Yum v.icHtii»ii will iM'imut* pl« :i ;inl H Chief t'un*irm*ti«»n Engineer li«*y ol you iriiM>iu»H*f that ICi-tm.tn k«Mlak* ran the California \*»rthvaMtein, was hei«' I m * ha«l fn»iu NviA*oui A I mlt'i wt»u»l. Snitiiday imipvcling the nurk bring .l«»ne by the dredger. SUMMERI Broken line of Ladies and Children’s Hose and Silk Gloves. 3 £ ■s »ill oil the w alm ¡ic.lt' S.iiaum ifc lib lib lib Mb W lib Clearance Sale £ £ £ Stl'plu'IIH, frp »f* Convenience.. I«» liUlke • Ulf \\ <• Declini' lip llluic U hih* u• • M.so Slat Drug Store □aertu 'Heart flcààenui'’^" H «nJiPM RH'I .lay •« ■ «if.- . c7 Mu i. (1rs. hfllky m«»lh 1«. Ari l olliplol A Milwrni«- (*«,iir«r «portal frxVi F- nfurmalluB addum *cu*rl. I nr $ drawer III op Head Genuine Singer Baldwin the Hardware Healer host Ihlmiii KI riiih II i lull« uni leiiili Sm.dai idghf, h ioni. I itnler HHV»* with Buht. Buhl*in at Merrill lÌMiiifitn Miop or the Klamath Hr publi­ It. M. C Brunn will nd I n line rum li can office. iw al h bargain and on good terms. J'. i