Hood’s Sarsaparilla that BLOW MARCH Off GLACIERS. In « ol,>rnd«» le.aunrl lu Muvu 97 Furl In u Year. had long I mm - ii stippowd thnt no ! glit' h'r» remain lu tbe Itocklea { Eight thousand carrier pigeons are south of Wyoming. ■ suppo»ltlon now j kept In use In the Germany Mrmy. known to be Ittcorrt-’L North of Ixtrig’a », y* There are twenty seven royal faml IH'iik two l<‘«.fl«.|da have laieu dewrllw <1 ' Ih'M In Europe, two thirds of which uru and ref<'rr«M| to « k glacier» by men of German origin. .whose determinations are entitled to f '1UT ' Tea Is very cheap In China; In one ' 'vinsldernble weight, though on th« .. — • • • whole they partake more of the nature provlme < f the empire good tea la sold j of neve am) uru «o conaldered by uouie ut I blue cents u ¡>oumL geologist». Thl» dlffereiM'» of opinion should A hive uf five thousand lx** Is entirely ex<*UMble on the ground that produce fifty piumla uf honey •very tlw dividing line In-tween neve and gln- yeur, and multiply teufold In five years < l**r 1» hidlatlnct, "th« one peaalng Into Forty years ago Japan had only the other by Insensible gradation.” <*oastlng vessels. Now It has several However, exploration» carried on lu the steamship companies, the largest uf U»t flv» year» have brought lit light an which runs sixty three vessels. I«-» stream which 1» »>> dlatlm’tly a gla­ Only one third of the world’s popu cier a» to h-uvu no chance for a dispute latioi* use bread as u dally article of ua to Its cbaraeter. It bn» tn-en visited A food. F ully one half of the people of by »xpurlencsMl gtwiloglst», mnpi*e semicircular rim of the cirque, tlie * aulii eiidviivorlng to aniootb troubled waters placed ou trial. und trust three fsw lluee will Anti you ridges running sustward from the north In a In the neighborhood. yults well." 11s got three years penul mid south peuks forming tlie wall» uf “I didn't get to tlie funeral over at th« ancient gludal valley. Thu highest «Ill'll Miiwbby, after all," anld the good we- servitude. l«»lnt on the rim of th» cirque Is 13,'UO A church at Yeovil, Homerset, F»n iihiii , one night at the supper table. fret abovu sen level. "I felt sort of disappointed wbru I gland, was suddenly Oiled lu the midst No muasurenietits were nis-ewnry t> found thr l.nriilM-o carriage was all of s senuuu with u bhluous discord convince th« first exploring party that The prvu*h«*r Im full |hi<*<* on th«< bu< k scat, aud no from the orgau. tho Ice was moving. To the student of place for an extra one. proved the opportunity fur un energetic gUdal phuuomenu th« evidence on * rh«*n I bi thought me of ¡»oor Auue attack upon the character of Kutan, every hand wuh easily read us a print­ Willard that live* dowu that nest whu bad cum« to distract their alien 'd pugs und us convincing us ■ mutho- htrert to the LarrnlMM*e. bhu's lame, tluu. Tb» dour uf lb« urgaii chamber mutlcal demonstration, but It remained you know, and pretty drvf. but I then ul>*i>ed and disclose«! the virar, to determine th« rat« of movemenL »< ream right Into her ear, eo she can who bad «ntvrvd to abut off the waler , l unrequently ou a lutcr visit th« party al way a hear me. pressure and luuctied the wrong vahe. aet up the Instrument» on th« granitic “I went right down there and found Tbs hublt of snuff taking bus heuu her alone, hr usual, and I said to her, eundriurd among savage tribes fur uges i>orth wall and pln<«xl a lin« of xinc 'Anne, I rotildu t g<*t over to Mnahby past lu Mouth Afrh a It is u»«-d among tablet» across the face of the Ice. It«- I*rp>a* Kurnnr*. to a funeral, so I did the next br»t Kuuxls, Basulos ami Malabeles. Every turning exactly one year lut«r, they An electric rnsistiince furnace w.is found that th« tablet» had moved in thing, and rnme to wv you.' Zulu today, even lu towns, carries a amounts varying from 11.15 feet at a used by I’« pts In |s|5 for the wmenta- “You’d uevwr have sus|»e<‘ted froui little square box suspended around his lion of Iron II«* t'H»k a pltMt* uf pur«*, her fa«’» how griitlfh»d she waa. Hh« neck by a plelut 3 fret from the edge to 27.7 soft Iron mid cut a «lit nlung Its length. hits tb<*<*e long fentur<*a, and tle-y snuff spouu (fur they du uut Indulgi­ feet at a point ueur the center.—Har­ The silt was filled with diamond du«t, per's Magazine. «wined to !»<« draw<*d out oulrmner than ng the homely “pinch") carved uut of which w . in presented from fulling out ikuii I, but of course I knew she was slieep’a bone, often ornamented with by fin«« Iron wire. The ¡M>rtloii of the pleased, unylnydy that •••<•< as fe OREEN TURTLES SELL HIGH w as Intricate geometrical desigua. und for wire run tn Inin g the du«t was wrnpjwd alio <1 ><-s, living out of the way and cunveulence carried hanging downward Titbit. Suiu. Tim.. Ilrl.g Murk In mien. Th«* wire thus chnrgnl was hl Ted up In that little house.** «• •’.n <»|*,n I ng the as a useful receptacle for varloua small brings $50 a pound,” said an oyster nil««ftil l|«oraMe«, wire l*«*p)S f«uind Unit the dlnimmd Csar'a Wealth In Fereata. Taklng Mo < hssre«. The umfnan. or dealer. “This rich meat come» to us O' KT HOWARD E .-Amyw .nd Oh.mM. “Thle lmi»rt«l |>nliitliig la not genu art hies be meets. du«1 hud dlsap|M*nrrd mid thnt around l-esdvllae, (.'< r*dr\ Spr- . nen price»: Gold, Few people who have not traveled The visitor had asked permission to in­ •«liver. I^sd. fl ; Gold. Silver,Tie; G< M. Me; ZtMCSf houseboy, unlveraully met with In Nu from the coral reefs of th» West In­ where It Imd I m - vu the wire bad been Ine," .util tb» «rtl.L <•pper.ll '-ysnute tee««. Ms.Ung envelope« ang about the liuMlan empire can Imagine spect the extensive works. "Now ber»'« n Imudred If you forget tai, has a penchant for aafety pins, di«*». rimvvrtrd to Bt«*c| Ixmdon Fmglnn*r. full pru e list sent on application, t ontroi and Una» “Certainly,” said the superintendent. ¡•ir w rk - ik-lted. Reference: t arbonate Na* "The turtles ar» caught In net» bow boundleM la ita wealth lu timber. It,” Mid the H