TALI OF A TRAMP «HIP where air la ruw wanted. Tbs holes st water «>u the bes.-.m w<>..J|>lle. The the tsittom of the burner should be kept try was lying bound si a hill« l*uw|ab « llwlleil »I««« ll.eeliosri Innes. open, ao aa to let plenty of air tn w here It* ort from ( nlcuita today Jones perforee ebsyed. "Hny, 'An .•« smoke. An old chimney lets a better KLAMATH FALLS with a tai» of mmikeya nmt rml and OREGON cape at the lutites! W'steh On«' tree light through than a new one. and a By MARCUS CL.ARKH green paint, l*unjsb gusta, enmel« nini Point! H«-m| ou (o Eaglehawk!* Quick, =!- ■hallow bowl lamp la better for poor faca reacuña, anys tint New York World. now.” What the world la waiting for la the grade« of oil than a deep bowl lamp, Bou— Fallior, wliy do tura gol bald ||lu Hlt. desllmvl for Hi« Ilarini- Jones, comprehending the force of denatured onion. The wise liotiaewlfe will pasts tbea« 1-—«■•— 1 - ... ........ . where for >cura ,«... tbe lhl‘l**h itov* thia maneuver, which would have the sooner tilan woiiksi ? Fatbvi I IhH'ause facta on her oil can This will keep I ernment lina bee® trying to eaitibllali eff.s-1 of 'llatraetlng atteutlon from the they don't wear tlielr trilr so lung I An Arkansas mati has named his son them In her memory, and they will In CHA1TER XXHt —«Continued > ttoa was put. and than haatened to tak* No« », naaaatafl tha aadaa with a grin Him I ace your social rival. »Mlsa them without much am*«**»»* Tlu*y made Batan, la Hier« nu B. 1*. C. C, |n Ar Th» axparl»nc*d convict disciplinarian advantage of (hla uvw op«*uing for «'«»n •'You're a knowing one. Damly Jack," Budd, lias twr pietur« In Io day's papor. things lively on the voyage oier 'Uhl ctdentaly be a standing reproach to kansaa ? ** a quvrr atury. A wall« said he. the oil mau whenever he conies around. did not rate tbs ability of John Rex vrraation. Iler Indued! I................. W hat • «us slw ‘ cured - * of “ ? nearly ...................... kill«*«! the cook — ’ - s ' black h>’l|*r, highly anongh. From ths Instant th* kno«u charaetar in my th*«* -S4r llleh John Rex acknowledged the eonipll- | Musan lee Mohamed Allah, who lower« It la not believed tliat Si-lnnora. the Czar convict had heard his «»ntenc* of life ard IMvIne. A mlaerlr oM curtnudgton, ment by mieoehlng the earblue "Hol.! 'There Is not a public abuse on the would die uf grief If tlie itouuia would banishment, h* had determined upon es­ H-xluey Du you hav« trouble with <1 feet 3 III ilia bar»' flat f**t. out your han.la! Jemmy Vetch! Come whole eastern coast w hich does not re­ caping. am! had brought all the powers with a aeapr graee aon,M go tislllng and fall in. KilfilN I hi u on hit hln |ipg avoid up. am! He our fricn.l Jones Gabbett. “slisir* ami ••will”» Dickey Nupei , The ship »»• out "f i'alcu:ii tour ceive the enthusiastic approval of some of hia scut* and unaerupuloua Intellect •htiwing hia «»itiotion Thia wrga th«» are hare you go< (he axesY' "There'» only uiy wife say« "you aliali,” and I lay days when alm ran Into a fruti Harvard graduate Fifty years ago the to the consi'teratiou of th* best method ond tlm» that the name of hla daad "lie.” said Gabbett. «Then bring that, "I w IIL"- Fuck. John D. ItiM-kefeller la «aid to dread of water that prefaiwd one of IT* »erst school« were aup|>o«cd to free us from of achieving hi* purpose. Hi* pretended fath«*r had been apokrn In hla hearing ami any tucker you can lay your ham!« the ocean, For Pin-« Perhaps ho would Ilka It ”ls your iltllu brother ili tln> lionne, Sturma tn her rx|«-rlenng liny saved tn the nick of tlm«' from i.imtlu-r a forgery which he «lid not «smimlL toes fur a t««l voice. l*airons of the the |a>rson more adroit In carrylug out accounts and he »anted particulars of boat, aud »»•( half an h.mr'a atar( of th* Gueat (facetiously I 1 her« ar« two sea that would have toaaed them over Site, an him.” these Impulses." So says the world Sarah Furfoy was hia wife. alarm witfnal hum nti iinpret't*ilt«ti(t*.| «ponini In my tea cup. show generally administer the tenia What la Hint the rail had they not been seciiroly mnoeeut ami trusting girl, had determin­ “Bid he get them?** arhlavenmiit! \Vha( r»»uM Warder a sign of? Huolena' I.lit «• Suu That's famous psychologist. I’ref. William tora. ed to follow her hiialuind to hia place fastened. “To a cvrtalu «xtest. I hunted him Trt»ha hav* be*n about? Warder Tmk*. Janies of Harvard I'nlverslty. When of doom, ami ha on deck. They worse. Hera Rex heaved a education ami scholarship. It la tbe bleeds for her." got nothing but a portmanteau with a eignal fr»»m Dandy Jack, the nine uieti tilings alio breaks? Mrk Urnmerey - had been below sines the ship started iSHicluslon of a man who repreneuts lu sigh (hat would have mads his fortuna lot of letters from his mother I aent the he had taken to Mtt*wart‘a Bay would But, my dear, how culliti wc gel her and they were more than wild I'he Vollva, the new overseer of Zion, has the fullest sense the educated men and on th* boards. particulars to th* shipbuilder, ami by all rush hiui; and, bef»»rv he could draw to pay us tlie balam-e eu< b monili? first thing they met was the negro a rather clrvusllke name, but It Is women of the country. “You might writ* to her.” Education — accounts th* news killed him. for he diwl a piatol. (ruM him like a chicken? The n marked Muaaalen. Ho was standing »I«' ir t |ie understood and I write to my poor Sarah what other "Came to the queerest en,l of all. The driving, and Troke ha.I frit hluiaelf a.» uf nature.'' "Oh. I dou'l know.” re |y over tlie rail Into the sea. Igtior- eyes were to read?” auJ he watched The new Swedish mlulster of for properly adjusted without It. old man had left him hi* fortuue a cure. |{ow could he pt>4«|h|y gl|ea«t that Joined the demoralizer. "Kveu tlw j The mail could not swim and h's sign affairs Is Mured Trolley, and ev­ am-e is a btve«!er of crime. And crime th* parson slyly. large one. 1 believe but he'd left Eu- there wa. ■ pint in which llufua Da wee. Halite are to l>e (qund hl a>*ti you y«||a lirought half the crew to Ilio »Idi*, ami aoclety are at war and must al ­ “ N — o, you o>uld uot, ” »aid Meekin, erything will move smoothly, aa long m rope. It seems, for India, am! wa* lost in of all men. had refused tn join? know.” They thrvw u 116* |»rt*»»«*rvrr to him, ways be at war as long as crime exist». at last. the wires are In good order. the Hydaspes. Frere was his cousin.“ <'unstable*, mminted and on font, tu rtitrli, "Why duoa all the worl«l love a wlih'li I m * mum hi«ky But knowledge alone will not save so­ "Ah!" The next day Meekin, blushing with were diapa(ched to almmnnl Ihinlel, n him«* Itulhiu nitiuk«*), i i.itl«» "No truer words were ever iqniketi ' sound moral character. The educated Ilia "Heavea bless you. sir!” said Rex, gave me his son's portrait, with full par­ cation* going, retired to dinner. (lill»4C* lively «iii«» tiny n lien he htiik«» Home Cobalt ore lias gone as high as lawbreaker la capable of doing almost than tlie.e 'A fool and bla u ’ uiiey ars and took two day* to compose an epia- ticulars of his early life, ami I suppose 1 convict servant had Im rely removed th.* ■Hur« «'llr|«enter’* r«M»ni *n«l »(»»I«* Iwo *17.000 to tbe tou. but tbe boom Is sad Infinitely more harm than the iguoraut tie which should tell Sarah Purfoy how came,! that ivory gimcrack In my breast "oup when the rrault of John Kri’» aooii parte.!,'" said I lie ueturer. dened somewhat by tlie fact that otlwr criminal. The educate«! man who con­ to act The letter wa* a model of corn­ pocket for uearly three months, pulling Ingenuity became luanifrat. The sem­ tiling.” |iltH«l a voUv f’-nu tin rear of l>ii«*ke(a «»f point, «me r«sl nn«t th«« «»th« r tuns bave only gone a* high as 17 stantly transgresses the moral law and position tn one way. It state,! every­ it out to refresh my memory every half aphore at Signal HUI had «t-»pprd work tbe ball; "we all ginv up tirty l'ente frren IU took to th«* rigging and f-»r two cent«. Ignores tlie ethics of hla relations to thing clearly aud succinctly. Not a de­ hour. I If the young gentleman was any- ing. apl's-e to get In li«rvl" ¡itterl ig the ti«»uni niiiiln<*eiety has. His power to do a line that could embarrass w as suffered • worn to hiui if |'d met hltu in Tim Burge«. “Eire the Iteacon and «addle Th«* »hip liM»k«*<| like n ituff Is-low Hu* !<> tako tin« lial or uot. to remain. John Rex's scheme of six buetoo,” my horse." The hmcon wa» tired All who are Inform I ng tbelr friends that rrany qilllt n hen he had fliilati«*!. It barm Is multiplied by his knowledge. months' deliberation was set down In the "Do you think you'd __ know him right at Mount Arthur. Mount Com the dearest tiling I ha,«« »«ell tills eon W AI yy «*«*!(* bef«»re the trn •*«*•» uf it wer« they wouldn't have married King Al It Is uot education alone, hut educa- cleaj-eet possible uiauuer. He brought ngaiu?” asked Rufus Dawes, lu a low inuiiication, and the riml mine*. To (hr s«iu,” “Tli«' drarsut?” askfl tlie hus­ foxxsu if he bad been lbe last mau In entirely r*un*vr«t. T«*llliotlk<*)' kept t.» tlou eoupleuk down un toll." "Nut haps the subdued eagernesa of the tone, tu signal to WtHsly ¡«laud." FEATS OF INDIAN MAGIC. will keep your hair from fulling out. John Rex was a bold man. but at the eontraating ao strangely with the com­ stiMtel on the jetty, a breathlr«« mr«aru- 1 at all.” answer««! the luxurious youth. It will also keep your frteuds from great great grandfather *ork««l ' parative Inconaequenee , of the theme, ger brought (hr reply. 1 A boat's crew "My >*aw««-e Ealerlalnment — Astonish- sight of the deadly thing fluttering open dropping in. in the clergyman's hand his kn«-es knock­ had cati.ed John Rex's brain to perform to One-tree I'ulnt! Five men amt from hard I ami lnve«t«s| hla motley, ail'l »« iii* Per for luanrra. Strong in hia knowledge oue of those feats of automatic synthe Eaglehawk In obrdirncr to orders!" uro i quite please,! with bliu for doing T. II. Tibbles, vice presidential can­ ed together. The au , " Tit Bit» Consular nqx.rts show that the cost didate on the Populist ticket In likM. of human nature, however, he pursued us at which we afterward wonder. The Burgess understood it at once. plan. "Read it. sir." he No tdrd of prey bn« tin- gift of w>ng. prodigat« «on—the likeness to the por­ fellow s had decoyed the Eaglehawk of living in Europe Is rapidly increas­ has passed years and years on the his desperate I .inly (engaging cook) away his face reproach- trait—the mystery of Dawes' life! These guard. ",taai i-atiarlcv ev­ ing It la pleasing to note that there frontier and among the Indians and be said, turning leaie your Inst plaee? b«>at shooting into the darkne««, mad 1 * * ' are a gentleman. : 1 can fully. "You were the links of a galvanic chain, He is one thing in which they have re- can tell some good stories about Indian Whol, mum. t!»> mistress »aid ery year. I trust you.” dosed the circuit, and a vivid tlasli re- for Long Bay. "I won't be fur behm l lom-y v«rsed the form and are patterning af- magic, says the Omaha World Herald. A Hou and lloiu-s« In tlie Frankfurt ail«, eudii't du wldout me. so Ol camo 'em." said the cuuiuiamlaut, "at auy “No. Rex.” said Meekln. walking loft- vealed to him—Tbe Man. ter America. • “1 do not read pri­ tu the «conclusion lluit Ol was wurtli *Zoo roared with terror unii t roie In-d Warder Troke coining up. put hie taka»** Here la one of them : Uy Into th« pitfall; (To t>a continuad.I sealed, and John hand on Rex's shoalder. “Dawes.' he ferret had more Ilian alio win glvlu' lue. and Ol trviiddlngly tesause a I. was ~ "Once during the horde’ davs I found rate letters.” it it Is rumored In Vienna that the myself ciunped near a village of Paw­ Rex felt as if somebody had withdrawn «aid. "you're wanted at the yard;" and found Its way tutu tlielr cage lift at wan»!! I'lck Me t'p. Emperor Fram-ls Joseph lutends to ab- .then, seeing bis mistake, added, with a “THE COLONELS BONNET.” nee«. The Tawnees paid our camp a a match from a powder barrel. "I tell you. man was not meant 1« An African rlephnut 1« of « slue iility In a month Mr. Meekin received a let- grin, "Curse you two; you're so much dleate. Whenever the Vienna rumor live alone. Tbe young man In tmelnaaa for It« Ivory, of wl formal visit and to amuse them one a full grow u ter. beautifully written, from "Sarah alike one can't tell t’other from which." IC»p«Bsl»e Flaery I'akra freia llrll, I Starters can't think of auy other kind who Is not luarrhwl la ej’loualy ba mil- animal yield« fnun »i’a I of our party, who was quite a presttdlg Rex," stating briefly that she to gmaJ had bean! lek skips b> Inirrh-tu Salluro. I Rufus Dawes walked off moodily; but of a rumor to set afloat they get out , ca|«|i« li a foot conscious of similar discourage out on the ojien prairie to see the tricks. suspicions he may have had were at southerly burster—had been lyiug on was simpler Hum It wouhl have lawn would you have left? T-tumy- Fifteen aero««, ami of a red mlor. entered with tueuL but nou« have been so desperate As far as we could see then' were no once disarmed, He wan Ignorant of the and off Cape Hurville for nearly three in hnppl«*r tlimw. She t wlih-, Ila- margin of which Pitcairn, of Pittsburg, is keeping find the oyater 1*11 of which he was oa- for pretty timings which she Itellewd which letter John Rex thought so high chief. Is-ars til« stamrna. were unattainable. "Mr. Ilugglna," said the attending as quiet as possible and probably Lop­ feasibly in search, but no suci-eas attend ­ "Finally a tall Indian walked out ly of that, having read It twice through But a little Willie tofore the weildlng phyalelan gravely, “I am afrnld your ing the public may speedily see or hear Tills story is t
le«-e of It every day for possible for a mau on a salary of confined tn a private asylum Moon and asked If I wanted to examine a coast of Van Diemen's Land without ex­ as near to the rugged cliffs as he dared ami bls wares liii-lmled a roll of rose wenty-Oiree years, and eh« didn't hav« after this Iw got up an argument wttii a year to save »20.000,000. deer's bead, freshly killed, which be citing suspicion. The escape was to to to take her, ami make perpetual expedl- coloml satin, exipilslte lu tint am! tex i whole lot to start on!"—Washington one «if tlie atteiidniits nlsoit the cor- tiona to the shore. In vain «lid he—in Consul Ravndal of Dawson says that had brought. I looked It over carefully. made In the winter months, if possible, hia eagerness for the interests of Mrs. lure. Th«' girl, tlie Instant her eye fell IJfe. revtiieas of the cl< in June or July. The watchful vessel tbe I'pper Yukon River, which u*d to It was all right, I was thru told to "Thia Is Ito first time you have ln-en wrong,” lie said, rocka, and il|s>n It, want«*«! It fur her wedding was to be commanded by some trust­ Purfoy—da tuber up the rocks. take the head Into the ring to the ma be "tbe graveyard of navigators,” Is Sounp an' ledges In some of tbe tributary streams. near was a red blanket, 1 p.cked up to left to run the gauntlet of the dogs mate, "I shall go back again, It's too accounts. In a currier of tbe. ns>m. no A missionary lately returne«! from bulldin' a fence aroun«! a wnleruielou 1 It. like and guard* unaided. ’Thia seems a dangerous cruising here.” Work on tbe American side of the line the blanket and examined It tiring nothing that went on. Suddenly, yatcii."—Washington Htur. Routh America says Unit an Indian On the same evening that Captain has not even started, yet Americans the deer bead, was all right. 1 took a desperate scheme.” wrote Rex. “but It selztsl with n happy Impulse, hla daugh­ trllMi there worships lllsinnrck as a ' "That barber seema to to doing n good look at that Indian, too is not so wild as it looks. I have thought Blunt made this resolution, the watch­ ter unrolleil two or tlirve yarils of tlm Sometimes call the Canadians slow. man at Signal Hill saw the arms of the 'milling bualneas." "Yes. He has In- ged. I.nst year tlw Indian tribe's cr«>|w "I then paced out to the edge of the over a dozen others, and rejected them rosy, shimmering stuff, - th« polnL” "It which is easy if rescue to at hand. All ture of the Iron eiinnccllur, cut «»nt This head was an ordfrary sized has an almost free hand In managing tils patrons. Th depend* upon placing a trustworthy man three revolring arms, fixed one abore pooling hnml on Ills knee. from an ilhisatnit«-d Gentian luper, nak­ one and bad two big antlers on It. And the other. The upper one denotetl unite, her love “transactions." Tbe mere love He look«sl down; site looked '11* >f gasoline, and thia gives Ito imprew- ed the farmer to make him n pr«*aeut in charge of the vessel. Yon ought to that Italian picked up that toad. stm-k and had six motions. Indicating one to marriage, which was so disturbing a know a dozen such. I will wait eigh­ Then his Im ml went <|u]etly to the little ilon tliut they own automobiles.— of the print, which r««iu«-st was will- six. The middle one denoted tens, teu thought to the mother of even twenty one end of an antler In bis mouth and teen months to give yon time to make drawer III his desk, extrm-twl 417. and Exclinng«'. tngly agreed to. *]'bereii|ioii tin- hidliins to sixty. The low«-r one marked hun ­ At>seiitmlnken. brought the picture In great pnsve ed IL It took him five minutes to get had now nearly passed over, and the Rev. A — C — , of Boetuu, bad a new fair lu these altered circumstances. The The lower ami upper arms whirled In her open palm. She was marrbsl In •Ion to tlielr temple, anil, strange to time for the desperate attempt drew it down, but It gradually went down bls telephone Introduced au« points of the compass. And then, sud­ termined on an effort for freedom. The nalman. Uvea there a man who ha» no» said, “the maneuvering mamma.” Th» semaphore signaled again — Eliza to th«' youth of her choice, tier "To-morrow I'll get out of bed loan of a atiidlu of suitable also from denly, there stood another Indian be­ name* of these eight were Gabbett. father, a sen captain, arrived In |s«rt "Number 1411." tlie Htate, mid he and Ills easels, wmie At 11 o'chx'k ami g>-( things «lone "I am hopeful that some day not far side him. Where that secund Indian Vetch. Bodenham. Cornelius. Greenhill. with Ills vessel, convoying a prise, "With arms! ” Jones said, translating Before the »«-(ting of (he sun"? twenty feet lilgli, wen- m-vinimodiiled distant tbe Russians will bare a con­ came from none of us could tell. He Sanders (calieer once hal«i««s Marriage Proposal, Standard Oil Company used to the In­ a few sleight of hand tricks which can ed!” out ’ he said. R«*x cocked the car­ ion. replied tlm nimi. A Ixnidon dentist mmle a novel pro- be done by almost any persot “How can I prove It?" cried Rufus bine with so decided a meaning In ble jury of Its com|>etltors will lie critical­ "You'll do,” an Id tlm Judge “Don’t |K>snl of marriage, lie fell In love with Truntlng to A |» pen rance», I la wee, roughly impatient. "There are black eyes that Jones banished hia hesi­ ly studied by the housewife, because Pollah Editor»' M (»fortune». you know you have to hear «...., only on« mi ehlerly patient w lal ‘ orders«! a net crimes committed which are never tation at once ami began to signal eag­ “A pliofoflcrnplipr I m really amona the they will give her Information that she Some Polish editors have a hard brought of false teeth from him. When the aldo of n <-nse In the grand Jury room? erly. I’here came pp a clinking of metal moat tritatimi of men* can use to profit In her own bualnes-«. time. In a parting word to his read them.” to light, and this Is one of and a murmur from below. “What's teeth were delivered the wonimi fouml - Bostim Herald. I "How do you make that ontr The wick, to begin with, should hang ers the retiring proprietor of the Polish “Well,” said Rex, as if weary of the keeping yer, Dandy?” "Doesn't he al ways take (H'iiple nt a milt little pro|smal engraved on the Not Pppalor, straight down Into the oil. Then the puper Gornolazak says that during the discussion, "have It your own way, then. "All right. Get those Irons off. ami plate which held the teeth. I lint man weins to be sii<*cesafn| oil will pass up more freely to the five years of the paper's existence the You know best. The private detective then we'll talk, boys. I'm putting salt their face viilu«-?" Baltimore Amer!- ough, but iiobialy Ims nhy flir Flslna th« llasponsIbllKy, flame, and a better light will l>e ob­ responsible editors have spent four and game Is hard work. I, myself, have on old Burgess' tail.” The rough Jest cu n. ♦ him. What's the iniittor?” tained. The wick should be cut with ns a half years In prison, while 13,750 has gone on a wild goose chase before now. was receive«! with a roar, and Jones, Hlster Hue Yuli didn't get home un True Bravery. Ills only Implements of progress art There's a mystery about a certain ship­ looking momentarily down from his win­ thin an edge an possible. If It has a been paid In fines. o'clock Inst IdgliL Wlgga -You haven't the courage ut III builder's son which took rne four months dow on the staging, saw, In the waning broad burning surface at the top the Itrotla-r Jack And how do you n hummer mid n muck rake." Detroit rabbit. trree Press. Every farmer hat dreams that some to unravel, and then I lost the thread.” light, a group of men freeing themselves M flame will be yellow Instead of white. know? Wagga Not of n Welsh rabbit -one "A shipbuilder's son! Who was he?” from their Irons with a hammer taken The chimney should tit tight to the day the spring on bls farm will at­ “ A little hlnl told me. ” Home people save u lot »f ||uie p« < John Rex paused In wonderment at from the guard house; while two, al­ had the lierve last night tn disagree brass burner, ^o as not to let air 'n I tract summer visitors. - that cuckoo I"- Smart Het telling th« truth. the eager luterest with which the qutw ready freed, were easting buckets uf with my mother lu luw. Eichung«, KUMATH FALLS REPUBLICAN I I' *