Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 23, 1906, Image 3

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Is Your
Hair Sick?
0 •
e e -
"Npeaklng of «(range and unaccounta­
ble rxpeririprs," remarked the man with
(lie Imlboue nose, "I ntn reminded of one
that Impi»<*ni«i| io i» friend of mine In the
summer of *V3, while he waa at the Co-
lumbluti rijMiettloii. He waa la Ilia Tina
Arte building, looking at the picture they
called ’Breaking Home Ties.' when be
heard a vo.t-e behind him eay distinctly,
*That'e wh.it 1« hap|»ening at your houae,
©ver on the west aide.* lie turned and
looked to aee alto It waa that epohe. and
(here was nobody near him."
”is that all?” aakvd the mao with th»
fiabr eye.
the etrnngret part la to noms
Whet* lie n<*nt h'iue In tha evening he
found that his youngest brother had elop
ed uith thr hired gitl and gone to Nt.
!«4»ma. It l«a<i tAkrn place, loo, at the eg
act moment when he heard the voice (low
do you « apia n that. I’d like to know 7
Waa it telepathy? Or what waa It?**
’’H umph I Who telle that story?**
**The man hltnaelf Ike Ntrlngham.’*
••(>, Ntrlngham tells it, d«»ea he? Why,
you g-mrdhrad, that's tbe eaplaDatiou.”—
CbHegu Tribune.
Th» u»w admiulstratloii ami jobbing
bouse building art < ted by the W. L.
I) >nglaa Him» Co. ». » part of Ila main-
ir.otli maiiufsctiiring plant In Broctton,
Mass., wae de«ll<'at»d Juns IV. Th»
program IncIu«l»«l opan hou»« fiom 11
lu the morning until X in the evaning.
There was a musical program au«l re­
freshments were eervml all day.
Im-Il ttioiisarnl invitations were sent out
Including over 11 ,n<H) retail dealers In
the Halted States who handle«I the W.
L. l><uglas shoes.
Mr. Douglas eave
that his three large factories, also the
new building just dedicated, will al­
ways be o|«en to Inspection anil visitors
from everynhsre will l>e welcome.
The new jobbing house just dedlcat-
ml will enable hurry orders for Ikiuglas
shoes to be shippml the same day they
are received. The new building Is 200
feel long, tit) feet wide and two stories
high. The jobbing department occu­
pies the entire lower floor and the new
of! I roe of the D«nigiss Shoe company oc­
cupy the entire second floor.
In the
new t>uilding there will lies|>ecial ofllcee
occupim! by the Western t'nion and
Poetal Telegraph companiee; also by
the telephone companiee an«l there is
an elalxirate mailing department. The
completion of this new administration
building marks the establishment of a
modern, up to date wholesale jobbing
house and oflice building.
Mr. Douglas has long consider»«! the
a«lvisabilitv ot a jobbing house, not
only for the purpose of supplying tile
own retail store« more readily, but that
the 11,0011 «lealere thnnigtxmt the
!’nit<*‘l Klates handling the W. L.
Douglas shoes might be able to obtain
slioee for immediate nee with greater
The new building is said to tie tho
most complete and convenient of any
ever built for a commercial house in
the Unitml Htate». co were the expree
slonwof appreciation by the many per
sons alio visited It lor inspsctlon sin­
cere and of a highly ctmgratulafory na
lure. Architectural beauty as well as
ailaptahility to the uses to which it is
to be put has l«een the aim in construc­
tion, and the result is most satisfactory,
to the visitor a» well as the Arm.
Axi.* 1 I ' r
'I heitry
I’ mm I*.
To prevent a mud bulo turualuff
iiruiind n w titering tank »i strutture
Ilk«« thia can I m * built
A h«»l*‘ <>** pH
la dug th»* alzo of til© tank tu « d»plb
of el* fiat and la tilled with broken
Tim tank la I I m - ii iim unt***l oil
Mhat«*x**r kind of foundation disinibì©
w hb h can I m * mad«* of brick <»r atom*.
Th«* uv«‘rtlow pl|M* la phi* «al In tb© <*•!*
t<*r of tb«* tank lnat©ad of at tbe aldea
alib li la iHiially tin» inann«*r of atlr.«b
Ing It
Win'll tin* win«? blow* th«* water
hiHlead of sb'pplng out of tin* able*« aud
making n iinnl holo run» over the top
of I Io* wool» i >I| m * lu lb«* center of the
talik and run» down Io o«*»-p a«»y In
tb«* brukcii rm'k and porous »ulieull.
'I ll«« «<•««jnip.injIng lllustrallon will In
tlliaii* how It Is nm»tni«ded and tlie
niMiiiwr of <l|ep«»aliig of the overflow
of water from n st«»« k tank. It will
I h > Iwlter to have th«* wnter line a few
In« Inst lower tlimi tin* top «sig«* of U*
tank »•> us to |iroclu«le th«« |H>oalblllty
of any water escaping and making a
mud hole.
< rupa
•«» He Sfl*«»r$»rd.
It la Niif«* to any that in no other pru
f©N*loii, for fitriniiig I n m profvwNlon If
pro|M*rly enrri«*«! on, nr«* titer© a*» f«*w
pnirtItloiM'ia who understand the run
dmneidnl principle© of their work a«
ninong tarnwrs.
W$* mH in N |>hyah'lsii, him ! frM-l that
if h«* i’lin not h*ll nN pretty neiirly whnt
th«* trouble I n with the putlefit thnt h»*
do«**« not und«*rNtmid hla biialn«**«
glr© ii • na«* to n tawyer, ©nd If I m » insk«*©
n ni«*«« of ¡t w«* f«*e|, ©nd rlffhtly. thnt
I m * la not up In |||g prof«*aNloii. We of
th«* fnrm huv«* n pour cr«>p under nor
ninl weutlM*r <‘«>nditloiiN, and gu****a ui
11 m * ('ll U n «*.
If we ¡»low and now w© bop© th«* soli
will iiring a certain return. If It <j«M*s
not. bow many of ua can tell why? *J’b©
truth of th«* mutter I n , w© plow and **w
without mu«'h regard to why we do It,
nnd with $*v«*n l«*sa r«*gnrd of wbat our
©oil n©«d© are ami wind her w© have
supplied them.
If ©very *<>il worker In th© <*uuntry
<'*uiid tnk<* h course of on«* year hi prar
ticnl soil chcmlNtry, there would I m *
Nii«h n rhung«« In fanning o(«©rntloiiN
mid rcNults us would startle tbe world
We rend and s«««« many agricultural sue
ceases, mid In ©n< h mid every case we
would find, If we InveNtlgnted, that th«*
owner of th«* farm was well acquaint
•d with It ns well acqifBlnted with the
«*as© ns the Nu<*c«*NNful lawyer Is wb<>
wins a «-as© Ix-fore tlte bar. Why not
begin to study tbe farm? It surely wjll
pay.— hidlannpuila Xewa.
« u.H.cllr.l.
I took three end oue luiIf acre» of the
very lilgheat. drived and |aa>re*t section
of my field, l«xi fret above tho water
line, nod luteiieely cultivated It to tiw
«iepth of »lx Incliee or more. Theo I
eowitl twenty five poqiMlq of Mlfalf»
need to tlie a«'re on tlie 3<j of June and
*M> |u>und» of high grade fertiliser t«
each acre. On July 21. fifty two day,
after »ceding. I cut and cured lli.’tk
IMiunda of dry hay. and on Hept 13 I
cut aud cure«l 10.R30 |»untta more ot
dry hay, or 21.A10 pouiida, almost elev
eti tone. In 103 day» from time of »«*<1
Illg It 1» »«I' m to »My three tone to th«
»« re of dry »Ifalfa hay. I would nut
ndvtee other» to go Into the cultivation
■ >f alfalfa very extensively at flr»t. yet
I think thnt there are many high nn«l
dry Helds In New England that cotrl.l
to* utilised hr th«* production of aifatfn
Georg«* M, Clark In Fufui Mini Ranch
One (iiiglit hot t«» get the Men that a
worn <»ul pleci* of gr«>uiMl ran t* plant-
«•«1 to «1«W |M*B» one >ear and I* sown
to MMHI NO HN to • rnlne a paying crop tba
followtiitf yrnr. (*<»w |N»aa reiuivata tin*
*«<>11 mid Ntipply ’ nitrogen, but they ran
’ hot mid d<* nut entirely rebulhl It In a
I If one I imu a worn out
atrip of Mill. I m * uiuat «*l|>r« t to a|*rnd
k'lnit' tint«« mid «*ttericy un It to K«*t It hi
pro|M*r «'ondlthm. A plan iM'iurwhnC af
Trap fur Baalish Sparrow«.
t«*r tin* foBowIng would work w«dl: Now
In many lu<*alltl«*s tb^ English s(mr
0v© Jan ka of vuw |MM»a ¡wr n< rv broad
cast *an«i with tb«*m four or five buu* ruw baa tMH'um© a gr«*at nulxaii'-e. Tu
dr<*d pound© "f some ¡ p »* m ! fertllln*r, ua
Ina a fertiliser u»«»re li«*avlljr endowed
xxlth ¡adnah nod pltoapborl«* add thau
tilth nltnqrrn. altbotifli It should rou*
tain souiw nltro*MU. Alw»ut II m * middle
of th«* Niimtiier ¡»low the <'ow ¡*ena un­
der. lime th«* a*»ll heavily.’fixe hundred
¡«oiinda or more t<> th«» nerr. harrow In
and *<>w h* it mliture of erlmaon cl*»ver
an«! rn|M*. Thia, plowed iwder th«* ful
loxxhttf aprlnit. would give one a noil
fulrly jpKMl f«»r sum© cultivated crop
ti|*on which a lltM*ml quantity of ter
|K»laon th«*ui is dangerous. To make an
tlllacr atiouhl |M* U«©d. Eachange.
effective trap, buy wire acnfiilng and
make a Imx cage, Corer the tup with
Marker f**r t t»rn and Henna.
thin Itoards; make a large, round hole
Tin* runner» of this murker for corn,
tn center, Inserting a wire funnel Just
bean«, etc. are of ash, with piece« of
small eitougli for tbe bird to pass
oak Ixl niilhsl on lop The. ertM«pl<*eea
through at lower end. Halt well. The
are of spruce, lx<l. I'un mark rows
bin) lightlug on the cage aud seeing
2>... 3, 3’-j or 4 fis-t. with guide pole to
bait through the funnel will readily
swing either way.
IVliat makes this
pass lu.
< srlnf
Mo •« r««m mo are.
Ths Young Man (at the other ent! of
the sofrt I Er It Isn't true. I hope. H im
Pirtle, that you told MI m Gswslp I wai
a a sardine.
Tli© Young Woman If I did, Mr.
Faintart, I take It back. You’re not the
l«»nst bit in the world like a sardine. You
ereiu to lw* terribly afraid you are crowd
Ing somebody, (’ll it's go Tribune.
That’s loo had I We had no­
ticed it was looking pretty
thin und faded of late, but
naturally did not like to speak
of it. By the way, Ayer's
Hair Vigor is a regular hair
grower, a perfect hair re­
storer. It keeps the acalp
clean and healthy.
•• I ntn wrll acquainted with Ayer*« Hr lr
Vli*<*r •nd | 11h0 II
mu« li
I Would rai.o
« 1*11» «••• 'Hntnanil l| <ia mi 01« 0II011I <lr0aaliig
f<>r ilir hair. ht>o|'i< w li aofi and ■luoulli. and
|>t0«< iilliu ili0 hair from • nllllltin al tho
rnda **
MINNIS Fuir«. Vawduni, Uhh.
• >
marker all flit* more valuable and real
ly n short ent, are the cultivator teeth
to the rear of each riiuner. These teeth
are set om* Inch I h *I ow tlie Iron alme
of the runner anti liolted fast to the
1x4 oak; they niakt* a good, soft seed
Tael* All©».
**My boy,” counseled Uncle Allen
Rparka, "It is a mighty aerlutie thing to be
« are wt «Hal Orchard»,
a /Anns mail these days, and to have to
The imin who starts out with
make your rhob'e between Opportunity
and Iteeponalblllty. TUal'e where a lot young and vigorous orchard I» quite
of you go wrong.”
likely to give It renaonable pani care,
for lie bt'lloves that, In time. It will
In the Ssrret Rubtrqurnt.
bring him go<al return», tin the other
Reporter It's to bs a quiet wedding, blind, the man with an old orchard.
lat.’t It?
that Is nil adult orchard, ho to a|teak.
Prospective Bridegroom
(prominent generally Itelleves that Its days of iihc
ward heeler) Yea, air; de weddiu' ’ll
fulness are over ami gives It little or
be quiet enough, but we’re goln* to have
de got whoppinrat ahivarre dat ever was no can* ami. as a result. It amounts to
but little.
Ex|ierlencgd orchardlats
pulled off iu de precln’t I”
who Illite gone Into the matter exlen
slvely think that the orchard which
Is not too old Is well worth earing for
Since Using Doan's Kidney Pills Not and many of them have made them
pay handsomely by the simple process
a Single Stone Has Formed.
of cultivation of the soil, pruning and
('apt. H L. ('rule, Atljl. Wm. Watts
»praying the trees.
camp, U. C. V., Roanoke, Va., aaya:
“1 an ft e ret I a long,
Horar-KntInv In Germany.
long time with my
Germany ate IXI.H34 horses In I1MX1,
back, an.I felt drug­ which was 15.522 more than In 1004.
gy and Hat Irra and Also 407 more doge were eaten, not
tired all the time.
«■ountlng, lb«' careful statistician adds,
I lost from my us­
those dogs w lib'll wen* slaughtereil prl
ual weight, 22ft to
lately for table uses.
170. Urniary paa-
Ragea were t<M> fre
I'o Kill < nnaila Tbiatlea.
qiient and I had to
it may be a trifle early to discuse
get up often at Canaila thistles, but. If you are llahl«» to
night. 1 had head- I forget, clip this "lit and put It where
arhea and dixay I you can get It I'eiiillly, ami apply the
apella alao, hut my !reme«ly when the aeaaon conies;
gorst Buffeting was f om renal cholic,
Put half a bushel of salt In « barrel,
liter I began using I loan' a Kidney Pilla
mill hot water enough to dissolve tin«
I passe«I a gravel stone as big as a
salt; Htlr till dissolved.
A«l«l wilier
bean. Hi lice then I have never hail an
enough to nearly till the barrel ami dis­
attack of gravel, and have picked up to
solve In it one quart can of concen­
eiy former health and weight.
I am a
trate«! ijf- !*! It cool, then sprinkle
well man, ami give Doan's Kidney Pills
freely on the thistle pateb. It is claim-
credit for it.”
'rd they will wilt mid die. This ought
Hold by all dealers.
50 cents a box.
U> bo effective if anything W11L
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
H«»a» ur
U oral.
Aoxirdlng to Doctor l'etere. a well-
known veterinarian, nothing 1» better
fur worm» in th«* lung» of hogs than
creMute. It clean» out the Intestinal
tract It can be administered lu tbs
following manner with the heat atte­
< vmm : Coal creiieot«*, om* ntino; water,
ninety -nine ounce«. One pint of water
weigh» sixteen oumva. One ounce of
tin* mixture I m the done for a full grown
animal, and 1» the «lose administered
with tin* morning f«*ed. If It la m*cea-
sary to dreuch the animal, u»e a
drenching tube made by taking an or­
dinary tin funnel and a rubber tube,
pla.v tin* rul>l»*r tqlie Into the animal's
mouth and allow It to bit«* on It. and
pour th«* drench into the funnel.
Is lietter to plat« a piece of metal on
the end of th«* rubber tulie so that th«*
animal may bite on It continually with
out atopplng tla* flow by pinching tlie
rublH*r tula*.
No far ten Htutes have decllusd th©
Invitation wilt out by Assistant He*re
tary Oliver, of tlie War llopartmrnt, to
send some of llwlr iiHtloual guard or­
ganisations Into camp with the regular
troops this summer. < olorado its» tie
elliMsl bwanoe tits gourd Is too mu> li
•'altered about tint Ntute to admit of
eaay cum eiitratlou. '1 Its approaching
trials for murder of tbo labor leatlers
Jn I tin ho luive imide It prudent for the
authorities to retain the entire force of
militia within the limits of the Htate
rea«ly for any u|>rlslng against the legal
Peiinsylvanla, Maagachu-
setts and Ohio already have planned to
have thylr entire national guaní go In
to largo Htate cumiM, and are unwlll
Ing to go to the expense of another
camp, In doing which the Htate uutbor-
Itles are meeting exactly the sugges­
tions of the War Department, which Is
going to be taxed to the utmost to make
the exfiected appropriation of $7<K),<J00
meet all the oxitenaes of the combined
camps, California reports that the ex
jwrlence of the Htate troops In guarding
Hatt Fram lsco ami oilier |dn<es devas
tated by earthquake and fire and the
expeitae to which the Htate has been put
makes It lnex|M»jleut to Join In the reg
ular camping.
Kouth Dakota reports
that the uatloual guaní la not «*qulppe<l
or uniformed for a season lu cump.
A merry war Is on In the House ba
tween two deserving measures, which
may result In preventing the consider
ittioli of botti at this session. Tlie pure
fessi bill, w bh’h pauses] the* Henate, ami
tin* Immigration bill, which has not
l»*en considered In the Henate, occupy
the same jxmltlon u|s>n the House cal
endar. TIuMM* two measures, with lite
naturalization bill, are lu form for con­
sideration wlH'Itever tlie Hjteaker gives
his consent and when appropriation
Itili» are not ejalmtag tlie floor. Home
of tlte leading supporters of lite luuni
gratlon bill «qqioee the passage of the
pure food bill. To prevent its consid­
eration at this session they are work
Ing t«> fiate the Immigration bill given
preference. They believe they can ac­
complish the double purpose of tern
|»>rarlly defeating the pure ftstd and of
Ms-urlng the passnge of the Immigration
bill If they tire alile to prevail upon
the H|»*nker to reeogulze tlieni. On the
utlwr itami, tlie friends of tlie pure fissi
bill have primed tlteniH-lvea to rush It
through the House as mm > u as Mr. lieft
bum la recugulxed to call It up.
The ingredients that enter into S. S. S. and the method of com­
bining and preparing them so that they build up and strengthen
every part of the Ixxly, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is nature’s
remedy— PURELY VEGETABLE —and while it is restoring the lost appe­
tite, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which
warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste
matters so that it can supply to the system the strength aud nourishment it needs to keep it
in perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow.
Spring is the season when most every
one needs a tonic. It is nature’s time for
I have used 8. 8. 8. quit» extensively anil unhesitatingly
renewing and changing; and as everything
It es the beet blood purifier and tonlo made
puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, re<M>mmend
I am a machinist by trade and at one time my system waa
the earth thaws out from its winter freezes, BO run down that by 10 o'olook every day I would be oom-
exhausted end It was with tho greatest effort that
and all respond to Spring’s call to purge I pletely
oould pull through the balance of the day. 81noe taking
and purify themselves, there is a great 8. 8 8.. however, all this has disappeared. I am a »trong
vigorous man. abundan’ly able to do my day's work my
change also takes place in our bodies. The appetite
hes been whetted up so thnt I oan oat anything
blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and my sleep la sweet and .-»freshing, and I know furthsr that
has purified my blood and put It in good condition. 1
accumulations which have formed in the It
oannot speak too highly of your gT»at remedy. 8. 8. 8.
B17 W. Broad 8t., Columbus, O. A. B. MONTGOMERY.
system, and been absorbed by it, from the
inactive winter life, and calls upon every
member to assist in the elimination. The
two oooaalona I have a»»<j s. 8. 8. In th» apring with
system is often unequal to the struggle, the
fine reaulta. I can heartily recommend it a* a tonlo a»««
appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, blood purifier. I waa troubled with headache, lndlgeation
the spirits are depressed, and a general run­ and liver trouble», which ell disappeared under the uae of
8. 8. 8. My appetite, which waa poor, wae greatly
down condition is the result.
helped. I oan eat anything I want now without fear of ln-
Then the body must have assistance— dlgeatlon, and my blood ha» been thoroughly cleansed of
all impuritiea and made rioh and strong again. As a tonio
it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, and blood purifier it is all you olalm for it.
771 E. Main St.. Springfield, O,
and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made
entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does
not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of
or the
tne so-called tonics on the market,
which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and
digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S- S. tones up
the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that
always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re­
establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms
the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S.
gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can find our­
selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season.
It acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy,
and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili­
tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of
the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well as
for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do not
experiment, but get the best—the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one
endorsed by the best people all over the country—S. S. S., THE GREATEST OF ALL
It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every
point, that the right remedy be used—one that is especially adapted to the condition, and
S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign
of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections cf
the season will not be felt as warmer weather comes on.
Another measure which will be add
ed to the list pusecsl by Congress be­
cause of the Influence of the President
Is the bill to preserve the scenic b«*auty
of Niagara Falls. The bill as agreed
ufsin by the House committee admits
ttie free us«* of water for domestic and
»Military pur|H>M*a Instead of limiting
It to a maximum quantity, as suggest
e<1 by th«* International commission.
William Livingston, president, and oth­
er members of tlie Lake farriers' Asso
net lion contend that this unrestricted
use of water will result lu materially
lowering tlie levels of the lakes ns soon
as the Chicago sanitary canal Is oper­
ating to Its^Tull capacity. They estl
mate that with 14.000 cubic feet of
water passing through the canal each
second tlie levels of Lakes Michigan
and Huron will I m * lowered nine Inches
and of Lake Huron eight Inches. This.
It 1» calculated, w 111 devreitae the earn­
ing rapacity of each 10,000-toU bout an
nually $18,500.
The Supreme Court has reatllrmed Its
opinion that the duties lnipoee.1 on
Philippine liu|iorts from this country
between the «late of the signing of the
treaty of Purls anil the enactment of
the tariff law were collected Illegally
and Uiat the President lacked power to
Impose them, not» itlistandlng that Con
gress hail ratified the previous action.
Justices White and McKenna dissent
ed. The duties to be refunded amount
to aliout fG.takt.iaal on claims already
Chief Engtnc-r Stevens, on arriving
from Panama Thursday, said that the
work had readied a ¡silnt where It
must now be known whether the canal
Is to Is* nt sea level or above. He said
that dretlgea eouhl be^gotten cheaper
In Eurojie. but were hard to get any
where, and cost $350,000 each.
would take tlftivn to twenty years to
complete the work of a sea level canal
and from eight to nine years for a lock
Heavy llraft Aalatala.
canal. There are now betwM*n lft.WL
At a recent Missouri
Association and UMAX) men at work.
meeting. Prof. Kennedy sfsike as fol­
lows about the heavy draft horse:
The 1'nlted States Supreme Court
"The heavy draft horse weighs from mieti Monday that the Ainerleau augur
to 2,000 pounds, aud Is worth, at refilling eotuimny «Mult! not recover 20
a minimum, $200.
Each of the first |>er cent of the dutle» paid on sugar Im
two additions of a hundred pounds |a>rted from Cuba tietween the date
above l.tkto liicrenses the'value of the when the reciprocity treaty was to have
horse $25, after which every addition In gone Into effect and the date of Its
weight menus $50 a hundred pound».
proclamation by the President.
Ho h druft horse of 2,000 pouuds Is
worth $500. Light draft horses, weigh­
Itubls-r heels for flat dwellers nt the
ing from 1,300 to 1,000 pounds, are used
for express wagons, tire engines and ex|H*nse of landlords Is the latest Inno
other heavy but quick work. Tb<*»<* vatlon of Washington rental agents.
bring about $125 to $200. The high- There Is a clause In the more recent
acting earring«* or t*oaeh horse la worth lenses of apartments re«|ulrhig every oc­
from $200 to $2,000. The roadster or cupant to wear rubber heel shoes while
gentleman's driving horst*, and th«* gait- lu the apartment. The purpose of tlie
cd saddle horse vary from $200 to $3<M> Innovation Is to reduce the noise in
restiectlvely up to $1,000. In the last eiowtltsl apartment houses. In apart­
ten years there Ims been an advance ment house» where go carts are permit­
of 25 |»*r cent In the draft horses of ted It Is speelthsl that the wheels must
Iowa and Missouri.
la* equlpiied with rubber tiren.
There always has been, and there
Acting on Information presented by
always will be, a good demand for'tlrat- Attorney General Moody, the Supreme
clasa butter. The man wlio makes gmul Court luiH Ktiinnioned Sheriff Shipp, his
butter, not necessarily butter that the deputy, and twenty-live alleged mem
groeeryiuan calls good, but butter that her» of the Tennesow'e mob which lynch­
the most critical trade ptonouncea good, ed Ed Johnson, Mnrvh 10, to appear and
will always bring remunerut've prices. »how enuee why they nliould not l>e
There Is no reason way tin farmer imnlehed for contempt. The lynching
should not be able to make as good but­ of Johnson occurred after lie had been
ter as any modem creamery. In fact, eentem«*«! to lie hanged aud after an
there are many reasons why he cau application for a writ of error had been
make better butter. It all depends up­ grant«*«! by the Hupreme Court. The Jail
on the Indlvltlual and the facllltlaa he I ulth er» ar,*..accused at actlngUa cullu
han for turning out a good product
I stun with the mob.
H.aeoaable Eaoeah.
"And what »re you joint to do when
you're ■ min?” ».ked tbe visitor.
“I'va been think.nt,” replied the bright
boy, "of etartinx an elephant farm >n
"An elephant farm?"
“Certainly. Why not? They raise pea­
nuts there."—Philadelphia Ledger.
Too Slow.
"Yon claim that your flying machine
Sir John Franklin hail made up bls
mind to discover tbe northwest passage.
la superior to the automobile?"
"I can't wait forever fur the Panama
«ranal." he said.
Glancing at the lateet dispatches from
as yet."
Washington and ascertaining, to his dis-
“That'» tfca roftrt. 'te «nean't
ItW ' rtrsr. tftaf rtlere «ras anomer deadlock as
anybody nor violate tbe speed regula-1 to the question of the type of canal to be
adopted, and that Senator Morgan was
tloua."—Wasblnrtop Star.
about to make another speech, he gave
orders for the immediate fitting out ot tbe
F bams J. < HSMBT moke» oath that he la expedition.
•enlor partner ot the firm of >'. J. ( hbmky A
For Infanta and Children.
Co., 4 lu« buMne«» lu the « tty of Toledo, Coun­
ty and State aloreeaid, end that sai«l firm will H OWARD e . BURTON -Asnayer and Chemist.
Leadville, Colorado» Bpecimea prk-ee: Gold«
p»y the >um of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for fillver,
L*-ad, |l ; Gold, * I ver ,75«* ; Gofd« Uc; Zinc or
each end every ceae ot C iuuh that cannot be Cooper,
|l, C'yiMüdo testa Mailing vnveiopes and
cured by the use of H all ', C xtxkiih C i bk .
list wot uu application. Control and V tn-
Bears the
w.irk aoUclted.
Reference: Carbonata Na»
Sworn to before me ©nd «ub#rribed In my pire
ti,mal Henk
Signature of
pretence, thli Sth day uf Decern ter. A D , is».
Notary Public. GASOLENE ENGINES > u> t bore*.
lower fully warranted, 1125. All klxes and
“I would like you to meet my young
Holl's Catarrh Cure 1» taken Internally, end kt> les at lowest price«. Write tor catalog.
friend. Mr. Coogerly."
act« directly on the blood on<l niun.ui eurt»«.-vs
of the system. Send I r testimonials, free.
“I would love to m«*et him."
Portland. Or«so<
F J. CliBSgY A co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
“He would make you a busbaud of
Hall s Family Pills ar« the beak
THE DAISY FLY KILLER dwtroya all the
whom you need never be Jealous.”
fit«-« and afford«
"Gracious, is be that ugly."—Houston
comu rt tor vary
hi dining
In summer garb, an«l with new straw hat,
room, sie**pina
Tbe commuter fared forth from his flat.
room a »d all
Mothers will Bad Mr-. Winslow's Soothing
places where
As chipper as you please.
Ries are trouble­
Syrup ths boat remedy toues for tbalr children
some. Clean.
Swiftly the "dummy" bore him to town—
during ths tseth.ag p«rio<L
n«*at and will
But swifter dropped tbe mercury down
not soil or In­
ure anything.
Some 25 degrees.
His Idea of ■ Joko.
Try th< ni once
“Jones has a queer sens« of humor."
mik I y« u will never be without them.
If not kept bv
' iw"’
apd Al Nervous Dig •»»©< dt*a ers, sent prepa d for 20c.
Harold Somers,
“Huh J"
I 11 Ò p roiAoently curs© by Dr. Klioo's Gr*-s$
14© Dekalb avr., Brooklyn, N. Y.
“He married his dead wife's sister, yon irvaille. Dr. IL ILKDn . Ld..Ml Arch SL. Phila.l’<
know. And now be refers to ths deceased
as his slstsr-in-law."—Cleveland Leader.
Single Thoottkt.
"I think." remarked Growells the
And Donbtlwaa Will.
other morning at breakfast, "I'll get a
Eat, drink and ba merry to-day," said
the tool.
"Good!" exclaimed M.*s. G, "and I
"Why so?" aiked the «age.
"For to morrow tba price may go up." wish you would get oue for m< while
Tb's wonderful Cbl-
Doctor is called
—Louisville Courier-Journal
BvxTS or O hio , ciTT or T olxdo , (
Lveas cot MTV,
< “■
Thi Kind You Have Always Bought
'Dr. C. Gee Wo
is the wonderful raising powder of the
Wave Circle. Thousands of women are
bringing greater health and better food
into their homes by using K C Baking
Powder. Costs just one-third what you
always pay. If you have never used it
you don’t know what you’ve missed.
Don’t wait! All grocers.
25 ounces for 25 cents
Th«artleilc •' Book of PreMnta"
great because ha cur«»
people without opera­
tion that are (Ivan up
to dlr. He cures with
those wonderful Clll-
tH • • herbs roots, buds
barks and v«Ketabi«*w
that are entirely un­
knows to medical eci-
er.ee iu tb s con iiry
1 hrough the uwe oi those
haruilHka rrniedh-* this taiiiou-« doctor know»
the HCtiou of over 500 d ffer»*nc remedies which
he succeMfully uwes in difft rea. diteases. He
guarantees to cure cat arrii. luithma, lung, ihr-xt,
rheumatism, nervotisnrsn, stomach, liver; kid-
n«yx, etc.; has Imndredw of teetimoniala.
Charge* moderate, t all and see him. PaUrnia
out or the city write for blanlcr and c rculars
twnd stamp. CuNsLLTA 1’lUN b KKK.
162'3 First St., S. E. Cor. Morriaon
Portland trade Directory
Nam«, and Address«« in Portland of R«ara-
scntaliv« Business firm«.
MAGIC LAN! KHNB—Weister Co.,
lxiwest prices on Lanterns and Klldea.
HUK k LW or all klmla lor Ml. at wry raaatrusble
prier. Itiqulr« ZT4 trout Hl.
CREAM BEPARATORR—Ws guaraní«*« th« U.S.
fipparator to be ths best» Writ« lor free catalog,
ilaseiwood Co., L iflli und Oak.
Ml- vs« LOTHING - Hnfftttn .t Pendleton, nol«
ágeme Alfred Benjsmin «t Co.'« correct clothe©
Kv^ry thing in men'« furnfshingR.
Morrison and
Hixth hi reels. Oppo«it*> ixmiotRc«.
i'Ol*I.TRV FOOD—If you want your hens to lay
more rggs write us for (Yes partic ulars about PU­
RINA I’OL LI RY LEK D m — Acme Milla L'o,
1’orti and, Oregon.
i.a» pis«<> house «• pf
t itle coast Organs anti rtanm on <>asy pHyni**nla.
Write for list. I»et iim quote you a price. Allen 4k
Gllbert-Ramaker L o.. Portland, Oregon.
XX hen rttttHl ju»t right and satis ae'ory to
the wi a er In « very w »y, s a thing any
dentist can congratu ate himself upon. It's
one of the produtts ol twentieth c utury
dentlat y
I’» rhaps you're still using one
of th* od o' es. Suppose you 1st us >buw
you a celiulo d plate T
WISE BROS., Dentists
k allpig Bulldli g. Third and Washington
I A .M. to • I* M. Mui days V to 11
Main 2'W
WARTED—Mee and Women tn learn II <rber trade
In »-ubi wees«: gra<luntre earn unni gl.» to gis
weekly ; reperì I, s ro- tors: <*alal<«c free; Mole«
Hyst. m oi Collegea, -V, N. >'««uriti sr., 1'ortlaitd.
P. N. U.