Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 23, 1906, Image 2

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E. J. MURRAY, Editor.
Klamath Falls, Or., Thursday, August 23, 1006.
In <Hir interne« with A. II. Naftzger
last week we quoted “the mayor ot the
city aerved upon us a copy ot an inelrii-
lueut which he said the city coiincil
would p«M Hie following evening.'' Thia
should have read “there w ill lie pceeenle.1
lor adoption at a meeting ot the city
couucil, to I m * held at the city hall.
Toeadav, etc., an ordinance, a copy ot
which ia herewith delivered and served
upon you."
la there a man in the United Stater
of matured year* who. after changing
hi* localitMi lime and time again, cannot
look lw< k and aay of aluioet any ol the
place* he hax lived, “III had only Maid.’
The opportunities are not all in one
plate. They ate waltered l>roa.lea»t over
the land ami il ia the fellow who goe* to
work and kee>>* al il, not the one who
goe* moving about, that win*. Some­
time* a change i* derirable, Ixit ten men
lore hy moving where one gain*. In
every plate are a tew men who have
driven their »take* and are making
money, while Iota of other* are making
their hoard and clothe*.
What ia the cause of this run-about
spiritT In most case* it ia dislike foi
anything like steady employment. It ia
easy to start fresh au<l bright in the
morning. Everything looks fair and pro­
mising, hut when it comes to beating
the heat of the day, continuing from
morning till night, we, in a majority <d
canes, are not there.—Salem Journal
* Favorite Rpcvpcs •*( F iihhmi * IVople/’
giv«»a a «h*lin«t oiitfitialilv I»» them*
pag»*H. The* htim«‘liiiil«lrr *dlgvl mtn»«*
pplriitli'i hlvas in \\ II Wilk in««»n.» il
luMral«sl arlh lt*. “An < »hi lluuae Al
lervd.” aii«l in Aliev Kellogg*« article on
• Furni**hin< the lloitm»; treating o<
IhcNMiig the list I
An>l for I hr cliihlrvn
are M«»i i «* h an«l aniiia« * men tn aril calcu­
lated I'» kwp lirmns and lingers busy.
All km«l- o( aoit drinks at Manning**
.In«I k «» C. II. WniAon oi Aahlaml. W
M. Wynn«» oi Portland ami J. S. Tavloi
• »I Klamath Falla haw ivturnr I (r«»m a
inp ol (our «lay* al Crater ).akv ainl the
trip aaa rvf>pl«m«lrnt will» valuahlr di*
«x»v«»ri<H» (mm the *tand|M»int »»( a nv*»h»
gi*t. Jm*Kr WaiMon haa math* a Mmlv
td the *uhj«‘«'t siib't* having \i*H««l
Crater latke in |s**2 ami the a*«* m*|»ir
tug sight hro'ight forth a «lesu,» to ina*-
irr the mihjvct aa thoroughly ae | h »** i I»I«*
. ami hia »li*«*«»v»i \ “I a *•*»*« »11« I crater lake
a it Inn itaell ami local«*«l «»n the island
P»in«sl hy the lor liter riuptmn, n* one
that Mill lie hailed hy »a'irnl 1*1* through
out the m «> i M. The newly »lima»vei«‘«l
crater is la*loa the con«* on th«* tslainl
and 1* |irrha|M» our hnmli«*d ami twenty
liw i«*«*l in a itlih with the ap|w*a»aiicv
of great depth *»n a«v«iiint of lieing lull
ol waifi, aol wilh
I 1
\ dpaiaH » ii» dtiial«*«l on Valparaito
B.i\ and ha* a |*t*p ilati**n ol alsnit
i «ODDO |<rop|«*, coiii|M»*tt*«| ol a mix tur«*
oi Spiiiiaitls an«l miiivt'* w Illi a« omddet
«!•!** numh i ol >pani*h hloo«l ami a lew
ruto|H*aiis ami kmrrlerii*
III«* city
h <• nlìei» «I « lien It «»tn curl litpiak«**» ami
the hoir*« ;ii«» lutili wry *ltongly ami
ime-llv ol ad«»la* ami »mt» slot) hi height
niatioii ah«iulng th.it tin* to c oi the
volcano ha i moiii the cium ; ot «lidi in
such a manner that at a later p «* ii « h | it
ha«l lievn a'l«» to force it« w through
I II the |toinl namc«l. lina in addition the
iiarovery ol a n«w udacivi ol con>id«*i
ihh* sia»* on th«* mainland, ju*d *«*uth
W«»M ol III«* 1'1.111*1. Will III «k«* an intci
«*»ting stiidv lor giado^i'lN.
luihctd«* icpotiM a*« wr go it» pt«*MN in» i
I «1 in h * that «'wi v t ii\ in l'hih h.is I h *«* ii
<1. iio\«d. I os* o| hl«* h nu an»l mat
Trl«*graplii«* iicm s inlotrms in that th«* tMiM'd tinti.
cil\ ol \ alpaiai >. <'lull, >0111 h linerie.1.
I'ht* peoplt* ol iht'gon a* well a* th«w*«»
uaa almost lot.div «l«*>l i«»\ «s| l>\ an
«»at t«n|iiak«* lo|io\w«l hv a hi«* Unitile t*\«'iynh«*ir it«» speciali v iiilrt«*Mt»«l in
\011 it'd the min* in mmh th«* Mam«* th«' Ia« I that I lien* at«» (food lit«» 111*11«
uianm‘1 a* San I-laiici**1«'«» uhi * «h*>lrow«l. am «' «‘«impani«"» ami l»a«l lit«* inaurati» r
«ompaiiH**» and it ia to I m * h«»|««*«l that Im j
I'h<* ah««cks Mere h it limisi ay night and
«‘Xtvndvil thioiighoul lot* Inde* monti he* ow 11 pi«»i«t t ioti e\et v man wh«»cfti»
tain region and the l«ws ol lif«* will I m * in** tii«* in hi am«* 01 eveiv man uh«»
\e«y laigr. Iiiu.il Inai* ait» Irli in *h«uil«l cari v liir iii*uraiirv ami •lun’l !
marni«* circles i* • 11««* pul n an op*n ot.«» do so, will lo*»k ov«»r the h*l ol rvliuhlr
«'oinpaiii«*»* ami !»«• gui<l»'«l ae«*or«linglv.
¡ami manv ves.*»G may have prrndi«Ml.
The Campbell Power Printing Press Just Installed
This Coupon is Worth Money Io You
UM >•<><» for
CLUB COUPON Limited to 50 members
Tollman, Photographer
Io adverti** inv work and get samples of ’lie
same* in every home in Klam.Uh ( ills. I make
this unprecedented oiler,
The bearer of Ibis Coupon on presenting it at
the Studio and the payment of ;o cents and
getting tlu* ollicial signature Incomes a member
of the Club entitling them to one dozen ot my
BEST $4 00 Cabinet Aristo Platino photos also
one $5.00 !6t20 bromide enlargement in bl.uk
and white.
Ibese Coupons must lx* sold in
P> dax’sand can be used until DEC. 1st. 1006.
I be balance $?.;o payable at lime of sitting
NO EXTRA CHARGE for groups.
J. W. lol I MAN
M ason & S lough
The excursionists from Portland, to
the number of lorty-ninr, came from tlie
railroml hy stage to Keno, and were
met by a delegation from the Cliamlwr
ot Commerce of Klamath Falls. They
weie all jolly go«! fellows. Some of the
party were hi such a hurry to get to
Keno that they left the stage and came
Clyde Nickerson, in coni|>any with
another engineer, is somiding the Klam­
ath river above Keno to see bow great is
the depth.
Our school ni’aui returned to Keno a
few days ago pre|«ratorv to commenc­
ing school on time. It is hi lie hoped
that the school will lie well attended,
for in this age the young should le
equipped with a goo*l education.
Mrs. Suowgoose was taken ill a few
days ago and Dr. Maston wascalled and
Boon gave relief, but she is Mill quite
feeble. It is to tie liope.1 that slie will
soon he fully recovered.
- r - -r-w*
, .sm.Ti- e
U «•
in» il<* alh*nlloti Io our F ILING < I III \ FT si s I'KM
The circulation of the Republican has grow n so fast, that the okl-fashioned method of printing the paper was
inadequate, the result being that The Republican has been late in making its appearance t<»r several weeks past.
This growth necessitated better facilities, and a Camplvll Power Printing Press w is p n\ h is, J, md w as installed
this week. It is the first power press to make its appearance in Klamath county. I he pl.k ing of this immense
machine required so much time that we are necessarily late this week: but. barring accidents, it will lx* the last
time. This is only another step in the direction of our efforts to make Ihe Republican the best paper in the state
We have i « holce line of land* In Ua< t* large or amali, to Milt pur
ch narra ; ¿tlao city pr»»|n*rly of nil diwr Ipl Iona.
• • • 1 ■lMttrriaivo • • •
Wc citriy :i full line <<t InMirancr. iiuiiMllng Life. I*•-r-< iI Areilleni
Fire. Steam Holler, Plate GI mh , anil I.Ml>ilili ln»ui.iin e.
M Makes Good Profita in Unique
Striking though the decline In meat
consumption as shown by the census
report is, none of u* will take It a*
Bom* three or four years ago Pawnee
evidence that we eat less generousljr
Bill bought up all ths loose buffalo ob­
J. B. Richardson was in Keno from
tainable and declared tba. he would
son’s Magazine. Americans as a peo- 1
raise buffs... mast tor tbs mar set. Toe
Picard Tuesday.
pie never fared better in food than
buffalo ranch baa been a success, as
Will Davis was in Saturday.
they do to-day
To make up for the
there 1* now a large bunch of as fine
George Otey sent his lieef wagon to decreased meat diet there ts but one young buffalo as was si er seen, being
Keno Monday and says it will lie lack way to turn. Have we Increased our corn fed. and they will be slaughtered
vegetable food—our wheat, corn. oat*,
and shipped east tor the holiday trade
again Thursday.
potatoes, garden vegetables, fruits,
An experiment ot crosslug lbs buffs
To see the logging w agons standing on sugar?
lo with Galloway cattle ViL be made,
the street awaiting rejairs would make
The census gives Interesting results
which should bring an animal tar sur­
one talieve that they were doing husi- In I860 Americans consumed 4>0 bush­ passing the genuine buffalo, as th*
nese. The blacksmith is kept constantly els of wheat for each loo persona; In Galloway animal la of Itself very hand­
lfWO. 623 bushels—a very marked rise
some. with a long, silsy coat aud a
on tb* move.
Corn and potatoes give very similar
Georg* Trefern and daughter Ruth percentages of Increase Hut the most kindly disposition, which should tem­
per the fiery disposition of the genuin*
were tiers from Ashland on business.
surprising change ts in the consump­ buffalo, as wed as improve the color
F. L. Padgett was in from Picard vis­ tion of oats, presumably on account of of the rob*
The a.vrwge price per
iting friends and relatives the other day. the improved methods of the manufac­ pound of buffalo meat is about 11 25—
ture of oatmeal; 90 bushels I d 1850 the loin and short ribs bringing tl SO
J. A. Walker’s boys from Ashland
to 386 bushels In 1900—over fourfold per pound -while the plate and Mew
cam* in a short lime ago. One is work­ In 40 year*
During the last decade, bring about one dollar. Tbs rob*
ing for R. A. Emmett and the other for however, the consumption of oatmeal brings |75; the head*, when mounted,
Frank Nelson in the hay field.
has lost ground relatively, dropping readily bring 575 to »¡So each, accord­
ing to size and quality B-.th the bead*
(On account of the lack of space in to 361 bushel* for each 100 persons
our issue of last week we were obliged This decrease is probably due to the and robes are very bar.dM>nie when
substitution of other "cereals" and taken at this season of the year, as
to leave the aliove items out.)
"breakfast" foods, which have in some they then have their heavy winter
. |
families wholly taken the place of oat­ coat
Oklahoma In year* past was the psr-
Now. take the market garden prod­ adls* of the buffalo
Hers I* where
uct, fruits and sugars. Anyone who th* heaviest growth* of buffalo gras*
will stop to think of the present day are found, which to the buffalo ia equal
The Imlineator for Suptraiber is pack­ grocery store with Its rows upon rows to the riches: timothy to our domestic
Pawnee B.il s ranch lies In
ed with good reading matter for every­ of Inviting canned goods trnnatoes. animals
one. The woman of bullion will tirnl corn, peas beans and all manner of the neart of this ezcellent range and
much of interest in the many page* de­ fruit*—and of the ezcellent displays he has proven beyond a doubt that
the buffalo can be raised for slaughter
voted todrese, millinery and neckwear; of green vegetables and fresh fruits,
from huckleberries to watermelons, at a profit
and tho*e who are otherwise inclined
will find himself convinced of the im­
may derive a great deal of pleasure an.l
portant part these foods play in our “MRS." NOT ON TOMBSTONE
entertainment from the literary features common diet
And then our candy
provided in thia numlier.
Harry Pain, item, our preserves Item;
no one On th* Shaft It Ia Generally "Wlf*
the well known humorist, contributes whose memory can supply a compari­
of” in Referring to th*
the Uni chapter of ‘‘xlie Diary ol a son of the candy stores of 30 years
a story that promises to la- one ago with those of to-day can fail to
How often one hears the eiproaeion,
ol the brightest and cleverest this auth­ be impressed with the increase of
sugar consumption
"Hhe just got married because she
or has ever written.
Everyone must
figures tell a striking •lory. In 1860 wanted lo have Mr* put uu her tomb
anjoy the observations of thi*precocious each man, woman and
child In Amer- stone " Now, till* seciu* a very natu­
baby, and follow with aniuaement its lea ate 23 pounds of sugar; in U00 ral statement lo the average listener,
budding career.
65 pounds of sugar
And In the 20 ■aye the Pkiladelphla Kecord, but, as
Th* Williamsons’ delightful story of years since 1880 the consumption of; a matter ot tact, there are lew tomb
market garden products and fruits has atone* that have "Mrs." on them, as
a motor boat aud its jolly crew in Hol
very recent Inlet views with grave dig
land is continued, and those who ad­ increased more than threefold.
And here is another Interesting gers and chur a seztozs nave demon
mire the two famous authors of motor '
Ten years ago potatoes out­ Strated, so the woman who Intend*
stories will learn much of them from ,
ranked market garden products more1 plunging Into matrimony with the Idea
their personal side in an article contrib­
than two to one The last census put« dial sue is going to be known a* Mrs
uted by John Harvey. There are short them In the opposite relation potato«* Jackson or Mr* Biackson after death
had better he« I late before she lake*
stone* by Ellis Parker Butler, Tudor falling behind by nearly 310.000,000
*dsqjks. and an article of practical value One of the most striking fea' jres <»f any desperate step.
Even after death a married woman
on “Ho**- Nd to Spoil the Hair,’’ by this increased eating of market gar­
Is only considered a part of her hue
Juliet Marion Lee, a specialist in this den products Is indicated by the re­
baud * property, tor out ol sevural hun
Housewives will welcome the ad­ markable increase of land covered by dred tombstones Investigc.e<l none liad
glass to supply our modern bills of
vent of M. Jean Marie Devaux, a cele­
the appellation Mr*, while every on*
fare with early and late "green stuff "
brated authority on cooking, as culinary It is scarcely a dozen years since this had “Sarah, wife of," or "Jane, wlf*
editor ot the magixine.
A feature of increase began Its ezpansion and yet of " Winn the Investigator asked an
old eelton well versed on toinbsione
special interest in this depaitment is th* census of 19<H> reports over 300
lore If there were any tombstones wilh
“The Auiinary Dictionary,** giving the acres of land covered with glass in
'‘Mrs" oo them he rephed:
meaning of the terms used in cooking New Turk state alone and nearly aa I've been seein' to the b'lryln’ of mar
and meuu-making, which ia to be con­
rled women for th* last 5U years hut I
sey, with orer loo acres each In 1111-
tinued from month to month, until
ain’t never seen * tombstone yet that
Dole and Maaaachiisetla
bad a 'Mrs ’ on It."
completed, and along with a scries of i
The Delineator
For September
A Bh’ITCAi ’ I'S OF TITLK mad«* with nruliicw» ami «lispaleh
Conaumption of Fruita and V*g*-
tablea I* on th* Increaa* in
Charles Bnowgnoae went to the Falls
F_^rxss E.ll Buys Up Loose Bison and
and invested in a washing niachine. The
man who realizes that bis wife needs all
the modern labor saving appliances is to
be commended.
Buena Vista Addition
ready M«m, and lots therein will lie pl wed on the market.
tract eoiupriM-s ...In acres, adjoins Klauialli Falla on the north und wrsl
and Isirdeis <>n
River and Upper Klamath Lake fur two mile*.
I r<an this addition can lie seen the grandest panorama on Ihe I’acitlc
< oast. ........ prising Lake, River, Valley, Hill. Mountain und Hnow-capped
peaks, blend min an hartnoniuiis picture <d unequalled lieauly unit mug-
Boulevards and Streets are now being graded, and these will be lined
with Shade Trees. Grading work on the Electric Street Railway
is now under way.
Piaux for a lutiguilli'eiil hotel are now lieing prepared, mid colisi ruction will
in tin- Hummer.
. ..pie
This lioMelry will Is- l.ieated on one of the most pielin
in the addition mill will la- surrounded by a park.
If von want a home in tin- most la-aufiful section of Klaiuatli County, Inly
a lot in Iin- Huena Vista Addition.
Murdoch liuild'g,
next door Rostof fice
Klamath Canal Co.