Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 09, 1906, Image 1

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Official Newspaper of Klamath
County and Leading Journal
of the Interior Oregon Country.
The Largest Circulation and Is
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Pu
NO. 19
Various Publications Are Preparing In a Rallread ¡'ubllcatlui Dus tn Tlie
Write-Ups of Klamath
R. ft. N.
A. O. U. W. Takes Initiative In Offer­ Frank Ira Whits Interestingly Dis
ing Room
cusses Conditions Here
"Go away from hottie to learn Ilio
At its meeting Tu- »day evening the
l or tin- lb at time in its hisl< ry,
Therm is a large movement of lionrw-
tiewe," will I mi an espte«»loii that w ill Kluniulh ■■■Minty Uus reel »cd the alton,
1 A. O. U. W. » .t' l fits« to lie nsed in »i-eki-r» from throughout lhe country to
aliorlty louiliul Ilie ii-aiihml of Klamath lion oi 11.« railroads. Ik-yond a mere
fumfehing a rooui in the Catholic hos- the Pacific coast, and a large peopaftion
county that lliere is much sismi his incutimi that it win on the map, thin
¡ii.il that i* l< •>.- tight I or this city. of these people are seekinu hs-ationa in
Mwtiuii that li» duoa not know, Tills county I i . ih I m - i - ii passed by in all of the
Tlii» is the first t'-nder ot assistance a- Oregon. This state i* probably attract­
will oeeiir tlisimgli III«« publication ol elaborate publications hetelofore istun)
I long this line and will undoulitedly lie ing more people of the agricultura) class
article» in Murerai uf tire Iva hug Par ili ■ by thu imlronda ol Oregon. 1'he Re
followi 'l by like action mi the part of at present than at any time in its his­
«Mat uiagasiiH'n la-arliig on the re- pillili oil- I-I K-ceipt Ilf a IsMiklel jual Í
, the other l«xlgr-». The Elk», while hav­ tory and in a degree greater than thu
«o<iri-cs of Klamath i-oiiiity and the i- i I fiy the O. II. ft. X., auntaineil in
ing no l<»lr>' hi re, have aiguifii- I their most sanguine boosters antici|«ie«J.
great oppoitunillv" awaiting the corn- winch i> a eom'i«>, well illustrated ar­
I intention following the example set by
Be< ause of lhe lack of transportation
id t.mi ■•( l Im 111 fl ■• i c- n l unit» of tin- KI in ti Iu i n Klamath county and Crater
tin- Workmen, and the other aocieties facilities into tlie Klamath Basin, this
alb Project.
REPRESENTATIVE > will prolnbly do»0at their next meeting. section has not receive»l lhe uouaider-
t .d.c.
Almut one aiztb of the Isiokh-t
I h tlm |>a»t rrveral monili »mno «d is d< vutvil to this county.
*( If th' Sisterr -4 8t Franci» see that aion that it should from the new com­
The illus­
the l^wt antera in Viuvrlca lime virit trations are: "City of Klamath Falls,”
' the i«-opl«- of thi« city are lieainma they ers. Owing to the persistent and intel­
<«d thia aeclmii tor Ilio puri........ il.ailu-t. "On tin* way to Klamaili Falls,”
come here, lb will seeuit in the establish­ ligent advertising and personal work
fug dala lor limo«« arid Ira.
Mu< !l <-i ■ Klamath Fall" HUtanier,*“'Williamson
i Il TY HAVI. «dONiri! !» THEIR IN­
ment of a hospital at a much earlier done by individuals and corporations
tills work lisa lawn d-ui« quietly.
It lllvir," “1'ilicun Bay,” "Iur't Klam­
: dal«- than would '.therwi»e lie the ease, I interested here, this section M begin-
allows It»» intereat thia great UUVertf ath Indian Agency,” "Crater Lak-,”
mid the action of the lodge« serves the ning to lie better known and the te-
Jam«* F. Fnrrahcr, of Yreka, attor­
tuetit work ia atuuaing not only on the "Iw » views of Mt. Sbatta,” "Abandon-
I. -n And«-r»on, in company with AVal- double pnrp-we of securing hospital ac- 1 suits of the publicity are seed sown up­
coaat.liut throughout Ilio I’nii. l -i.it>
ti-r T iok and II. 8now
went to the i-omrii'iatioris for their rnernliers and on the public mind, to put it metaphor­
i-d Binucki-. ! nt Klamath,” Abandon- ney for the Klamath ('anal compiiny,
A law days agv a letter was re. vivi I ‘ o.l run-ei»
inter«, Fort Klamath, I* la in the city for flu- purpose <4 prepar­
Falla luit week to prove up on his hastening action mi the hospital.
ically, is about to Le returner] many
imin I*»iil 8li-mp, A»-i-tinl li... il nini ‘‘Anun t'reok Canyon,” lieing a ro- ing articles of ineor|~ontioii fur th.- I lie California In» salon Will Undoubt­ hoiuestead.
fold. In an interview given to the Ore­
(M»»iH*tiger «gent of Hi,- Houlln ih P.n ill.-, pmluctioti of photographs mu Io nt the Klamutli I .ills l»m-l A Tian-: ututi .n
D*'Ipb Anderson return«! about two old now, and has under construction gonian last week by Frank Ira White a
edly Be l ei paed lJy tire
Iiy A T. T» vlor, n ho I« I - e m 1 .- hi timnWiUinu E. Curtia of thu Chicago icmii|*ny, tili* nw cur|"«ration that suc-
wn-ka ago from California, where he had '.-.«-riti- »o irri. iti- 1 projects. In that most comprehensive view was presented
t-rvd" alni takes «ivi r the Imldllip of tl *-
tereat uf llr.-h • 1 ni l I ,>im. Mi. 1
llecoid Ili-rald was hero.
I- :i to regain hi« health. But aftei time 241 miles of main canal, 1IH miles of the conditions here and it was im­
lur ll»a juat complet. I 11 1 artk'ls mi
The I hhi U under the title of "Oregon Klamath «'unul company. The Incorpor­
la-ing In ri- a few days he got worse and
pressed upon the realer that the great
thia county l»r hi» pubiivitlon. lie wu* Outings,” » ■» prepared bv Rinaldo M. atur» nr» Hi» pre-vut owe rs of the
The Portland c.;:urslonlsUs will l.a» now ri-tnrm-1 to the »unsbine state, 4 dirtrilmting system, .»< miles of ni-ed of this section to make it cue uf
frqnoatoil to write onu for the
.1.1-1 11»' I. a h > 11.1 ■ c iisrg'- ol I ho advertising ' t 'aiml «-ompnny and «ev-r.il of the lead- h.ive Hie tuttriqx,Hr. for Ibi» city to­ in company with bis father.
tunnels have U-en constructed. What ¡the most productiva diatrkls ia th*
M»g»»i»e, Ilio well known pulbo-nleUi (or the O. Il ft. X., nn-l Ilian whom no I ing litiaim s im-n of this city Tin- oh-
Mr. Ackley ir putting up a cook house wa» »upposiil, at the time the bill cre­ country is farmers, and that no lietter
*0 Ilio Nmtlierii Pa- ills raib >u I
In re better udvcrti-i'ig cX|H'rt I« to be found 1 j'*> t of the new company, rui tln'y will
chance for the man of email means is to
14x40 feet, to feed his logging men. Jefl
>ip jratiou, night.
Ti..' I.:’- t re; t stales that Howard, of Ashland, is driving one of ating the service was passe«I, would lie be found anrwhere than in Klamath
(■Il ing <■> Mr. Taylor's .i > pla ■ e, Mr on the coast. '1 his l.it<*el publication is 1 iM-t forth in the artn les <-f
imply .1 tail to the kite of the Geologi-
tMmilp »ara :
an a I le I laurel tn his wreath, and w ill lx-to buv un I sell land, <• m-‘ rit-i lift;. Ii.iv ■ tfgniUcd their intention to Ackley's team».
il Survey, has, by the indomitable county. Asked by the Republican con­
"Uo have several arti !-, 011 band KUm al Ji c . unity is indrbted to him and and iqi'iatc the electric railway that Ì»
jolnthe party mid lit»' twcaty-Hve
Mr. Ackley has purchased four heavy push of tie- beads of the various cerning the ont-Iook for Im migration
Which will Im run in thu -ui - *' v< 1
the O. R A. X. for the valuablo a-lvor-
draft liunK-s to log with. The purchase l-r i « i - •>:<•« • 4 the service, developed into und bu«!m-'» con liti •:.« a* retie ..cd ai
•iiorlly, but in Vli-W id the li I th it il I« living it will ri .-idvu through tiira source. ber yar>le, own and operute »teiiuile-uts Pullman re- rrvatlor.s It. 1 tx'- it mule.
price was t'/M.
th<- greatest factor in the devel-U'iueut Portland, Mr. White said:
and launcher, engage in lumi and water Ai-curding to these figures, Portl.irx!
•<ir purp>«»r to exploit the K 1 n.ith 1 •
‘Portland and western Oregon busi-
of the United States.
ginn coni mil maty we »limili I«* . lid in
ness men and citizens generally, are be­
will lx? repr. scnti-d Ly over double have some dental work done.
bilium-»» «u.lrai ed under tl
iinurp r-
(feed to hai » mi ano to (rmn »mi.
ginning to be acquainted with the
the number sent by our southern
atisl title.
File Mills in filling his barn with bar­
If you have not airoa ly d. . J I up m
Klamath Project ar.d learning the geo­
Coii-tr.ictii.ri work has i b .;,t 1,.
liliali .«> dgi-kilb ! hi» fli»t rattle-
ley and rye hay.
a polut •< vie » fr un who < I» lie.it tin
graphical an-l commercial relations of
»libani, wn would suggeat that it em •■lake al the bridge over Buck creek 011 • ui the cki-liii-r<sul litui will >un fr<-m
Mr. Meal is repairing Mr«. Tratt' , The attention of our young people this country to the remainder of t'us
The cuinmltteo ltavl.-g charge of
who » :-h a complete business education
lain informali m an Id, . 11.’ 1 >1 w :> . h ‘ niiday lu-l. He ia proud vl liisactiicvc- l ike to lake, tin- work being in > Luige i f
Heads of jobbing wholesalw
is called to the announcement of the
Mr. McDade, form, Hy r
Ima-t'-r ■{ lhe iiral excursion will* look after tht
«ill la* id »|"-cial inti ie-l to lb - p - l-irul.
houses that have lieen engaged in tia-le
Chester Wilson lias moved hi" family
• lax-liv« rettler, an I w I ik I i will in-;
Mr. ami Mr». Aaliwortli ol 8an Ji*<*,
to Keno.
of the Klamath country, comprehend
who enter Kept. 4, 1900, and secure a 9
Hie eriwriance l irrigator wi li. c .¡.fl <'»lit.. ate n.ak ing nn extended vhit at all -4 th.- ma Ilic i ha« I. 1 g i l l.
their former efT- .ts. The program
Charlee Withrow, of Klamath Fall.«, months scholarship for (55 00, will be to some extent the magnitude of the
■Jeiice In ilia prumlaiug future 1 (lit th» comfortable mi4 I>"*|'|I a I>I» holm of
outlined provides for the entertain­ was in Keno Monday.
entitled to attend to July 1, 1907. Thia work being done here and that in a very
Ktai»-<>)i region,
Mrs. X. S. Drew. They arrived last other month of school this «timmor. If
few years this county will be second in
will enable you to complete the full
' Tliare aie muti ill some ot the u.. I lie I'li-luy—Mi«» N tt Diew having guns to the money on hand had Im n available
population, in commen-e and in taxable
AV ■ aleni »tai, » w ho would ■»■ y gl 1 I I'ukegania with the family carriage to !<»r the next school y«-ar the din ctors giving tbetu their clioiee <f veiling
Mr. John Griffith, from I’liu-nix, is course, Commercial, Shorthand and
wealth among the divisions of the state.
to come In the Paeille toii.i I it me up' meet them.
would have had no aviiool during the cither the l-'pper or Lower lake. here I ««king after bis farms.
The friendship of the daily newspapers
to Im >a>pre«»ml wirti Iho idea that the
R. M.C. Brown hr. 1- .n • toJo»epliin young men and women should take ad- of the metropolis has been a potent in­
Jacob Rm» k ami Peter Putcrsteiner preu-nt mouth.
Monday they go to Merrill and Tui ->-
uitage of t.
most liberal offer.
Irrigation proje-t< nudar guv 1 r.metit <>uro al tliu Falla last Saturday on but
county to n .- his father, who is but ex-
Mrs. C. K. Ilamakcr mil Mrs. II. J.
fluence in educating the people concern­
«Hmllul arr not u Icquulely reni I with Im-»» < uiini ted with tlie lami contrai ol O'lhieil were tiading m Dairy last Sat­ day will be devoted to viewing this jiecteJ to live
J. B. Kendall, proprietor of Pelican ing this section, but it is a daily occur-
tramqmriatloii and maiket facile.,-. the lattur 1't the Wight Imrucalcud urday.
city at;d the government works.
Bay Ixsl^- and property .offered to trade ance and sometime» hourly, tor the
Tliero gr» men tiling un III» lui. 1» v ui claim.
Jarno-T-iLin, win» formerly owned a his $1500 launch, e»en-up, for Fred Klamath county tuen who visit outside
Th« now editor of the Bonansa B ille t-
primd i « i liirac projecta who arc not
('. IL hs Ai Jers n, w ifean l fen. Hugh, ram-li on Lost river, this county, i« now Mills’ ga-oli'.e launch.
vr f-n a - gin­
Il.-.nk O'Brien I» jubilant over hi» ber­ in i» making a »•■ >1
Mr. Kendall points to be asked ‘where is Klamath
lUuJy to aucci-eif Ireiauae they are led
Bo» 1 who have been Mijoitrnirg al Pi-lioan a re i.lcnt uf Santa Bora. Mr. T-Aiin said Mr. Mills has one of the best boats coiinty, and how do yon get there?'
vi t po-apiHlt. Ilo rayst "it is »imply ning. lie will learn after »<1
p«e|Mirvd to haodle the land » ith »tiet •
“It is to answer these important quec-
marvloiiswli.it empi will grow in the ever, that * llicir«elvea” la u -l good Buy. rt turned home 8 inlay. Tin ir re- -.11 bls property here anil invested in vu wither Jake. This launch wa.» for­
try ami intelligence. 8 me of them are <>(
• «.I of Y.eiu.» v.illuy with j 1st one or grammar, an-l that "except” is n t u 'in wa« lia-t i.e I by what niialil have Mi«t, Or.-gnn, but left that pl.ue some med) the pr iwrty of Winter Knight, trons that large sums have been expen­
tlie "Imme-ten let” il.ru who ■Itili
time ayo. .In a letter to th.' Republican »»ho sold it to Mr. Mills. The proposi­ ded in advertising by various individu­
I'll a f.i I'.i
ci lit.
" I
te «e i-oiia'de r.ii.i-«. We are having a «y nonym I- r ‘ a- • vpt."
ahead ig clvlIiMthut I Ling !< 1 a pLco
he «ays lie is getting homesick for hi» tion was declined.
als ar.d corporations and that Klamath
w is c - ri.' I in j lay a! >nj the
l'<iu.|«-r crop thi« )e.ir, with only two
Dale Shook wen to town Saturday
«liere naturo will provile fur I hem
Chamber of Commerce is carrying for­
Lank of the erei-k when he lost bis bal- old stamping ground. It is to be hop.-1
ah aera «ime tlu. mid Ilo uf Juno.
Il (or a new supply of hay irandi.
«Himot work on their part.
In telling
a te arid full in. lie L: 1 as .1 companion tlie desire will grow so strong that Mr. n:ght, the franchises heretofore granted ward a vigorous campaign.
wc Lal li.id tv > or three g > «1 »"aking
Mr. n i l Mr». Emil Flack i> tv k »
"We dumi il >1 n-r, guai i.n p-n ;.. n
Irmn an iirig.illun ditch in»Uud, I really l>orx-back ride to Bouanta l»«t Satin ’.iy 'he.' V' r inf'!«'» of Mr». J. 1!. Ei. '. Tobin will once more make life home in C. X. Hawkins were reaiflrmod. The people where wo live and how to come
fluit Ib» lii»t p , j I > iiq
I | . ||><
w!i<> inn to the h '.»I. Ilia ex.■.terr.cn Kir ..ith ■■ nnty, where the greati t purp«- •« of this action was to vitiate any to see ns we cannot fail to impress them
■luii'l »<e «hat tlie farmers would Lav- evening, (or a brief call up >.i friend«.
g.Heinmeiit ahouid lie -i-ttlc I up » .ili u
attracted tlie attention of J. II. Mason ■ >p- rtunities on the Coast are to be technical objections that might be rais­ with the great advantages that thia
I - e w till theirgr.itn ami hay. Asili»,
|pm<l clava of |H>-I|>le a.id wv U lid like
C. C. I’earson has a'lcit 13, ' 1 newly of till* til) , who quickly rvc'ieillhe la 1 found.
county offers to the homeseeker. More
tills )■ a«'» crop ia the beat w•• have lu I
ed as to tlu-ir validity. A numlier of
to have an app. al uiu-Je Io t ;li 11 ila­
born») brick for sale.
P.’t. George Bishop left for the Bay bills were passed upon and utber rou­ tons of alfalfa and timo’hy are cut from
an 1 pulled him out. .(aide from a
A.id lie '»out on to any, ‘ I
ity demonstrating to ilo- -i ths
an acre of ground in Klamath county
M. I*. a:i I Ilans Xiilson have Ixu-.i at th roie’h soaking ami a laid scare. Hugh i ill iy, to join his family. He brought
d >li’l prcl ~ I lukiiia why the soil ia
tine business transacted.
tarn profit» ot Irrigated agii ult o.- ut.
where only two crops are cut each year
•o p« 'l.i'iive.
It Celt litlly dies nil Il lue (r nil the Falls for a couple of was none the worse for his experience, his launch with him. At last reports’
X. W. Want, '4 Vancouver, Wash., is than is taken from an acre of ground in
«aporior In any other cl»-« o: I >.
|.H>k Lku 1 ii li «oil .meli'as tiu'y bavu in
in tlie city, having brought a crowd of Southern California w here four crops
“The Klamath pmj. t 1.1 many u I
W. I. Wulidi h i« the fra:n ■ up for a home, w tier« the lialiility for such acci­ swamps tning to catch a young duck
tin- Illi.1 .1« tivi-r bottom*—Lui umk-r
Italian« intowrk on the ditch. Mr. are cut annually. This statement is
wantages to tn-tiri« Iti an
timi «<■
fur his daughter, lie wa» making such
like circuiti* «licet ihoru is 11oaoiltb.1t new mi 1 comtn alien» barn at bis place, dents is greatly lc icr'.ed.
Want is l'M-king about the country with made on the authority of dilT -rent Cal­
« annot aff n.l m overlook any oppiitnn-
I have i'v ' seen that rquul.i Ilia lor two mile» north ol Dairy.
The Steamer Winerna wont to the
«!) ->( puUlieily which will in»p ■• lhe
a view of locating if he finds what he ifornians whose homes are in the local­
pro 1 i lit.-nu«-. It ill nt I«-» the ». l.u.i-
Il is q ii’.c evident that there is a larg- Agency landing Monday m »ruing loaded printed to I.is being {luck in the mud. want". Mr. Want wa» for years with
• (gill id" l Io tile light • >rt of «el
ities of that state with which the com­
K a«li that il is »ai l Io contain. Take crop ol young c >yotea Coming on to ba- w.utl.'Ul .« of lime for tlie Agency. He was evidently preserving his equa­
"We aliali le alili lo pr.nidi gì I
the Lewi« River Lumber Co.
panion is ma le. This point is one Il­
that piv-e ol w.i> at over there a» a sani- ra«S the fanners and eat up their chick- The limo i« toben».il in building the nimity, for the air around him appeared
,»»a far illlu»tra!fou.'*
Foil DeShane, a new arrival in our lustration of many features in which
pic. About four weeks ago I bought em an I kid their calve,—j idgi 'g from big sw inuuiug tank auJ foundation fur very clear and fresh.
Tlie article« rolei i el t » by Mr. Mi.q.
city, was unfortunate in losing a fine superior inducements are Imld forth to
Dr. Bogle of Los Angeles, who is try­
ate einnprolienaivu Iu »C q«', ami de.il that |»atcli lor pn-tuii’--having no idea the cries they set up of e.eiiiugs. A the new dining hall and kit. lien, and
g Id ii;it. !i V. ,-In.».lav from a building settlers who propose to till the scil."
that it would be w.ulh cutting.
Xow concerted effort ought to be m i le to ex­ ai.-> for the f "in l it: >.1 f >r liie new elec­ ing to enjoy an outing on the Vpper
• ith the KlaiMUth Proje. t 1.1 I. .ad.
back > f the Palace restaurant where lie
Tlda Work wa» d me 1.1 quietly that n > I mk at il liip high, Handing tliick on terminate the whole- tribo ol these "var- tric plant. On its return the Winem 1 Lake is having a streuuotis time of it. hung it - -ii a nail. Returning a few mo­
tin- giouml, and il bid» fair to turn >4i niinls.” It seems to i.i • it won! I p::v will bring tw > s - >.»» L>a led w ith ties to Saturday night while sleeping in his
hint ol it eacaped. It I» only mu- <4 lhe
ments latter ho found it missing. There
twelve to fiiteen bnalivla to the acre— ths county to assist in such a m -ve lie use.1 in tlio construction of lhe boat, he was badly damagid by a I orde
rnauy indicatione pointing to tin* ■ m
is no clue to the thief.
(iieMi-ment in tlie near (mure of mio .1 ail the leiultof ju«t one »bower »nice inent by offering n gra Itia'.e I bounty- Klamath Canal and Railway Company's of mosquitoes. To make La l matters
Allen David, a former chief of the
tlicn. With 11 good waking, even now, increasing in amount in pr >p «rti>n to
' rna Vista ad u Tse.thj boa* sprung a leak, and when
tlie gruateal campaigns of pt ' ii.i'i cwr
Klamath Indians, died at life Lome on
it would turn off 23 bushel» if it did a the number kill» I luo ia lay—a i iii.it dilion.
In addition the steamer will lie awoko he and his l>evi were afloat,
inaugurated, Ibi* retuli of which wilt
Fred H. Mill», attorney for the estate,
peck. I tell you when we ; el this land a aeries of gener.il hunts might bo in id • tow a raft of littiilaer for the Buena Vis­ lie »li t some tall hustling with a tin tin- rcservati r. Iu»t Thursday. During
turn this way thu tide uf P>, -.'i. <• .1 :
film! in the Probate Court L»«t Saturday
uuJei irrigation there will be lots of II) I <r that p irp ■=» in the f ill and winter. ta lumber yard and GoeUer's planiug pail, and finally got the best ol the wa­ the Modoc war Chief Davi>l did much to
immigra Hou.
pioteet th»- settlors from the M<xloci>. the last will anti testa::: •nt of the hit»
». re fiirma in thi« valley—and then tlie It would bo g ><>d sport, and the hunters i mill.
Tina «mk i» lieing d mo in ’nd nt
lb* was 82 y . ,-» eid. The funeral, Daniel Gordon. It wa» dated Septem­
r un. 1 v.
illl l have to hire help to liar- would fee I that there wa - s -me compen­
Mr. and Mrs. Obenchain, pioneers of
ly n( local u«»i«ian> e. Tin- . r. t I
The Klamath Falls .«team laundry was
which occurred Friday, was largely ber 23, I*»», ami was witne -r I by I*. I_
11 1» Lui fair to say sation in it for them as they went aolng.
11 tremendous circulati-m. nod tin.' gli vest their crops.”
Fountain ami C. K. Brandenburg. C.
burglarised l.i«t FrnLiy night, b it the Juckson county, ar.d parents of Fheriff . attended.
that Mr. O'Brien i is not alone of that besides the general good they were do­
X. Gordon was appoint»- 1 sole executor,
the medium uf Hie .“..pli.-tn Pu- .ih-
thieve« w-cnri»l only a f.-.v dimes and O’.H'iicha’n. Mrs. Janies I.indsay, Mrs.
llul his optimisui is refresh- ing (>r tlie community nt large.
egent» i« »11 plseed a - to net th" great »:
to act without liond. Judge Griffith
It bill been the custom to Wm. Pankey ar.d Mrs. Jeff Wilson, of
a bounty would on • mirage each mini leave quite a sum of money in the draw­ this county, are visiting their children, bones of wl at lhe Smithsonian Institute ordered the will admitted to probate.
resglta by ilhoeting the attenti m of Ing, nil the Mine.
Kgga and chicken* er, but manager W. O. initli who took and are nt present guests ot Flieriff anil terms a Columbian elephant, an animal The provisions were:
The mare which Johnjr Anderton re- to do lilt best.
MCieptiibh' li >iii--«> cl.ei « to t rid 1.1
of pre-historic origin. The bones are on
but the crop
•erred by thia gr> nt »1 rti in
I I in Mi
After providing for the payment of hie
«•harg'of tho business on the t’rst of Mrs. 8il.is 0! enchain. They have beer,
exibit in the office of T. W. Stephens on
Kliollp'a letter il will be «■•en that h 1- have ipiite a history. Anderson bought of sage lions w >ul t inoe’.n.'.
last sickness and funeral expeti-v, Mr.
the r.i 'u’.h, ■!-.'»■ ie>) it hotter to p it the »¡siting tho other children in Langell
liot cateiing Io a i-l.v i who n e 1 -kier her of mi Indian several years since an 1 and culls would also l>e safer.
Gordon («queatlicd to his son Dmiel I-
in-mcy in a safer pin e. The ilcciden valley, and before returning home they
Ratliff at sl me place betw een here and
for gocci unioni limnetica I but i> the got Hank O'Brien to hteak hur.
Gordon lot 4 in bl'*ek 39 of Klamath
.»as reached r. >ne too socn, for the fol- w ill sec Cratei L ike, Eort Klamath and
(treat I hh I)- uf middle we-tern fanin r« then turned her out on the range with
Fall*, it lieing the lot Ixiek of Sunder-
Slate Tieas.irer C. 8. M i.irc, wife a:i I Towing evening the ro di.'ry was com- the huckleberry patch.
J. G. Fierce left this morning for Po- son’s store. To I.ucy I. Gonlon, wife of
«fan are p'issuaed of the ino.iii < to pur Ids other horses, au.I tor several years two son», his mother, Mrs. W. H, Mo-re milted. V> tr.u-e of the culprits has
I-'. H. Mills and wife left Saturday
chase land and tin* alnlily to Bi lk« it 11 rhe was lost. It seems that ».mie two of Portland, ami Mrs. It. I. II llllllll 'll I boen discovered as yet.
evening in hi« gasoline launch for Peli­ kegerna, where lie will S|>end ten days C. X. <ionion, he gave a strip of land
paying a« well as a pi >du. tivù invest- tears ago llulph Jackson the Sprague mid daughters, Mi.-scj Be. *ie an I Ber­ . Accirdiug to the annual report of the can Bay. Fred got lost in the maze of cruising in tlie timber, w hen he will 41x24) feet let ween Main and Klamath
leave for Portland, Seattle, Spokane. streets in block o9. To C. X. Gordon, a
liver Indian sold her to a limn named tha and Alex Martin Jr, comprise I «
county school snp.'iinten lcnts of Ore­ the talcs, and spei-.t the night on the
Willi this e -tno.iign fully in 11 tin ate I Hazen who in turn, suLI her to Horace party that'went to Williams >a rivci gon, the school population allows an in­ lake in a vain endeavor to reach a safe Couer DAlene and other points. He son, Rebecca Jane Pratt, a daughter,
and his grandchildren 1-aura Hess,
it w ill then «lo»idvu on Ilii« coniimtnity . Mitchell, mid Mr. Mitchell sold her to Sunday. Th.»y were met at the Agency crease ot cni'.y 2p »r cent in this state. liurbjr, Tlio radiant beams of morn­ will lie absent al>out a month.
In the mem lime rhe hud landing by l'rank Stives, proprietor of
to i I q Miinulhina ill its own behalf, mid llionipson.
The Card Club was entertained at Sykes Hamaker, and George and Iosin«
The income from the irreducible sclio.»l ing’- s in pointed 0:1! the right direction,
«villi lll.lt end ill View- p. ep ir.lli.cn 1». louio quite wild, and hist spring tho famous Williamson river h- stlery, fund has grow n in like proportion, and sin I be nearly hie,»- out tlie cylender tho resilience of Mrs. Stiaw by Mrs. E. anl Sherman, he gave |1 each. He also
shouJ.I bu made to supply inqiiiier» w ilh Thompson put her into the hands of with two teams, one for tlio mi inliers of the apportionment for this year is the lie.i 1 of hi« engine in his anxiety to II. Peary. The pri. ?, a beautiful souve­ i gave D.tnii I I- a lot at Keno.
nir sp on. w as w on by Miss Wilma Wag­
Infofnsatiou tint in i«t noce« irily ho lugtirl l.iskev to train,mid it was while the party and one for their b.iggag»* mi l o.inie n« it was last, |l.70per capita. reach the boat landing.
Jefl out m livello iked i.i tie.' - in,tg.nine ho win filling lo r Hint rhe tell u|s>n campoutfit. Mr. Martin expect» to re­ This county's school population has in­
Rev. II. D. Chambers, general miss­ goner. Refreshments were served und
artlutes. A committee of the ('humlx-r him, na I when she got to her feet kick- main one week, and the rest of the par­ creased 1!*7 over last year, it now being ionary of the Episcopal diocese of Ore- a good time was enjoyed by all.
oll'umiiieree has been nppointe l to de­
ty will enjoy the pleasures lin’d benutic- I.' h U.
Kl.un.itli county’s apportion- eon, III rive I hero last evening for tile
Don't forget that thedatefor the High
Loyd L. Brownell and M:»s Flora K.
risa wiiy» un I m -4'i < to m nipli-li th - most killed the young man. Thero is of Illis well known section (oi a month.
uml from the state fuu I is F- ■’ ’>.10.
puipo-o of oru.inizing an Episcopal 8,1' H>1 concert h i. been change»!, ami
result and it aliould meet with thu likely to bo i oiiH.h-r.iblu litigation over
church in thia city, lie comes at the that it will be given tlife evening. The Clark were married at the home ol the
Gm-.lv lie-'tise-' were i; -.it- I thia >-. •■ k
Mrs. M> Millon, of the I.nkvai le, n
liearty co-iqicraliun uni lliiincial i--i»t the miiniiil yet—if ,Iu<-ksoti does not pay to the following gentlemen: Tom Wi leli, ompnnied by her dm: diter Pearl, leli request of lion. George T. Baldwin, T. pro -rain, printe.1 elsewhere, shows the bride's parents in this city last evening.
unen of every coiiiii'iity uml every plop- hack th ' money he got lor her without W. D. Bui 11 It. E. I
.1.1, I, II lor I'oilhuid Monday. Miss Pearl ex­ W. Stephens, Joseph Pierce and J. L. rare mnsical treat in store for those Rev. J. B. Griffith officiating.
Brownell is an employe of the Tele­
orty owner in thu county. <iuli-idi
Williams, .1. W. Hammonds, 11.1. Crab­ pects wiiih» in Toitlaml to Low before Buell. Services will bo livid Sunday in attending.
phone and Telegraph e- m|Mny, and is
•genries aro leaiiy uud willing to give quite well, so thero is no »loublo alioiit tree. C. A. Smith, Wm. llarks, .1. A. Hymen’s alter in Sri tenilcr. After the the Methodist chuivh.
Xeil Sly and wife arrived from Klam­
well and favorably known. He is a
us aid and »»«istauce, Inti to make thi < identifying her.
Houston, G. K. Van Riper, John II. ceremony and a brief honeymoon the
Mr. F. E. Palmer pf San Francisco, ath county Thursday. The latter has
count ami to »how our earm'stnSs» to
Mr. mid Mrs. Risley, the revivalist> Martin, Tlio». Martin, Henry Hoover, young couple will return to Chico, the whose father is one of the directors been suffering from a tumor in her young man of exemplary eliarnoter, and
Miss Clark is a young lady of sunny <lis-
avail otirsslvus of every opp irtiinily to who weiti so successful ill awukvnilig .1. T. Coleman, J. A. l’arker, ,1. W. present home of her fiance.
Mrs. Mc­ of the Hot Springs Improvement neck, which was successfully removed
position who has a host ot friend" who
up-lieihl Klamutli county, wo mu«t do the sinners in mid ubout llonaiuu re­ Wright, Henry Schmoor, Jr., I I. Hurd, Millen will not return until after the company, was in this
city l'iiday by Dr. Picket next day.— Medford Oreg-
wish her all the joy a n! happiness this
more than »et hick mid applaud thu cently, begun a series of meetings al Roy W. Hott, Clin". I.on -.. Ere t Biehn, wedding, and in the meantime will bi on his wav to Crater Lake and Spring ■ onian.
world can bestow.
effort» of others whose imuriisi» uro mil Dairy last Monday evening.
Cham Biehn, J. I.. Bateman. II. D. joined by Mi .« Mane, who expects to go Creek, lie wa» accompanied by A. G.
The building now occupied by the Ex­
«0 material as our own.
Very warm days and delightful cool Stout, Verne Clift, < . A T< Iferd, True to Port land in about two weeks.
They drove from Weed, press, Attorneys 11. W. Keesee ami C.
Frank Ira White, who was in Port­
nights have bi-vii tlio rule for several IH-Iaip, E. C. Suavely.
George I'. Mims, of the firm of Wor­ uml expect to return home by Medfoid.
Brower,has been sold by Major Wor­ land last week, returned In me Friday.
The J. M Melntyre Transportation
X. 8. Ilennett, of Medford, brought den ft Minis.left for Goldfields, Xevad.r,
Captain W, Roche l-icke arrived in den to R. E.J)yar. who will remodel it. j While in the metropolis ■ > the Hate,
Co. will luovi' tlliflr fieiglit outlit to
Thill feature of the school law w hich the first load of watermelon» Io arrive Saturday. He is interested in mines in tlii» city Sunday, to assume his duties Heexi>eei» to occupy it when tlniahird. ! Mr. White gave the Du , -
, one of
Grass Lako ahoin Aug. 2l»t.
Mr. W provides that when funds lire not used ill town tills year and lie sold out quick­ that locality, uml reoelvsd word Friday as repoi ter and advertising solicitor on ! Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams were the most comprehensive interviews y» t
tl. Katos wlm luts cliarge tliere haa Just during the current year they shall be ly, returning Wednesday. Mr. Bennett that a big »trike had Im 11 made on one tho Republican. Captain Eicke has had in the city Saturday. M r. Adams state»! I published about this county. So I ill of
rotuineil Iroin a visil to relativus m the paid Imek into th« treasury, is a benefi­ re|mrls a good crop of late fruit about of hi« properties- If it is of the propor­ wide experience in Imth these lines mid that he expects to begin grading oper­ ¡information is it, that u 1" >»| n»luced
East, and repoil» tliing» booming in the cent provision.
It was the means of Medlord and will probably give us a tions reported, lie may remain there the Republican fuels lucky to secure liis ations through the Tule lands for the1 elsewhere in this issue < f the K* | uhii-
pel muimntly.
iMiisjiurlutioii liuv.
giving the children of Dairy district mi visit again soon.
i California-Northeastern verv soon.
A Splendid Offer