Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 02, 1906, Image 2

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E. J. MURRAY, Editor
Klamath Falls, Or., Thursday, August 2, 1906
The necessity of issuing additional ad
vertising matter about Klamath county
la very urgent. The first lot of pam­
phlet* have paid handsomely on the in-
The next one should lie
larger ami more clalsirate.
The Berlin police auibortUts Intend
to take sever* measures to suppress the
icsvties of l Isglng poker tn public
plan s.
\\ lidcats are on the Increase In Scot-
Led llue nu asuring four feet long was
captured In a trap in Fuolew* a few
weeks age'
The Liverpool police hav* stopped the
practice -common ther* of canvassing
for the sale of co thus al houses where
a death has taken plac*.
It is expected that th* expense* of
Germany s colony In Southwest Africa
will reach over l70.MV.UMl before the
present insurrection is put down.
"This is a gross case." said a Man
cheater magistrate to a prisoner, who
was making his one hundred and forty-
tourth appearance before him for drunk­
The French army administration I*
organising an extensive automobile train
service, to b* used as convoy*. Th*
train* are built after the designs of Cui.
Renard, a well-known writer on military
The British Army and Navy Carette
asks: 'Is It not a sign of racial <legen
er-tion when our soldiers feel pride lu
wearing upon their breasts, in the recog­
nised place for war decoration*, medals
gained through attending processions?"
While thefonndatlonsforth* London­
derry new municipal t.-chnlcal schools
were being mad* recently a large num­
ber ot human skeletons were unearthed
The place Is near the Royal Bastion
where there eras heavy lighting during
the siege In IGSS.
The British war department
alarmed at the horse outlook The de­
velopment of the auto Is diminishing
the horse breeding business, the class
of horses demanded for war purposes Is
deteriorating, and foreign purchasers
«re draining the available supply.
the year. Throughout the county can
hu found truck gardens containing the
most tender vegetaldes. tn this city
can lie found numerous gardens with
|was, iM-ans, beets, squash, tomatoes,
i celery, lettuce, cabluige, onions, corn
I and other vegetalilvs. The l«est cherries
f et us have street signa
on the we have ever seen or tasted were grow ii
corn era ami remove thia stigma of pro­ in this city by Mr. Stearns. There are
vincialism. The city council should see many sections in the county where all
that this is done, and in doing it should this can lie duplicate,!.
purchase the blue back-ground and
In Mr. McLnen’s estimate there ma,
white letter enameled signa. They are . be no area ol land that can be cultivat­
a little more expensive but they last a ed, until tl.e lakes are drained ; but the
hie time ami are easily read.
United States Reclamation Service says
there are over 150,000 acres, and it is
The popularity accorded the sugges­
spending the greater |>ai t of $1 .IWO.tWO
tion <4 the Republican, makes it almost
to put water on it—not take it off.
certain that the commissioners will ap-
When the diaiuage is con>plet«*d, alsuit
propiiate the (1000 authorised by law
lOO.lXh) additional acres will l»e brought
h»r exploitation purposes, anti that two
under cultivation. Judging from ll»e
representative citizens will be sent into
length of time lie stayed here, he did
the middle west to tell the people of
not seek very heavy investment* in
that section alsmt Klamath county.
l swamp lands.
He swallowed the snake and toad
While the difficulty an.l exjiense
makes it practically impossible to bring story like the reptiles swallow the
in sewer pipe at this time, it does not mythical shower of toads—this so-called
furnish an adequate excuse (or the toad-manna from the heavens. We will ;
maintenance of nuisances and unsan­ wager he never saw a real snake while
itary condition, such as prevail along here.
We can hanllv agree with Mr. Me-
the lake front. Tills condition should
be »listed an 1 the source of supply stop­ I.uen's statement that this county can
ped, or this city will be scourged with nev;r l>e anything else but a stock coun
A cigarette smoker sends Into the
an epidemic. The damage done by the try. We are from Missouri; but we
hogns small-pox scare should have been are thankful lor even thia slight conces­ air about 4 iHX).i»0.(i00 particle* ot dust
sufficient warning, but it seems to hare sion on the part of our eminent inves­ at every pull, according to Dr Atkins'
failed in bringing about the much- Heel­ tigator. While we claim to have the
Experiments Justify the conclusion
best stock section on the coast—and we
ed cleaning up.
don.t have to feed five months a year, that increasing the intensity of light
200.000 times does not alter its velocity
either—we also have as fine an agricul­
by as much as two feet a second.
tural section as there is in the west. We
Prof. Molisch. of Prague, says that
can raise spuds here that will put Colo­ photographs can be taken by the light
For the purpose of showing some of rado's famous Greeley IMVtatoes in the emitted by raw potatoes and hard-
the "facts” disseminated by visitors to shade—and without irrigating them boiled eggs. In which the phosphores­
this city and county, wc publish the fol­ either. We can In-at the well-known cent germs hav* beeu artificially culti­
lowing trona tl»e “facile” ]>en o( one J. Rocky Foci sugar beet two to one. We
The degree of humidity of the at­
A'. McLuen of Grand Junction, who can raise better wheat and rye, with mosphere. say* M Jaubert. a Parts
claim* he was making a “tour of inves­
meteorologist, is shown by th* state
tigation” along the Pacific coast, and in Colorado. We can raise five tone of of the ¡vavementa. When these remain
honored ns with a visit. This extract
covered with mud there will be no Im­
from Mr. McLutn’e letter was published cut five crops a season to get it. In a mediate change in the weather.
The famous French chemist. Berthe­
in the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, woid, we can raise everything Colorado
can—and do it a little better, except lot. has made experiment* which snow
June 19:
“I took the stage over the mountains political rows. Colorado may beat us that a gramme of iodoform expose-! to
to the famous and greatly advertised iu politics ami mines, but there it stops. the air will lose ouly a billionth part
of a gramme ia in hour, and a gramme
Klainath Falls country and thia country I As for Mr. McLuen. or anyone else,
3f muss ouly a thousandth pan of
is certainly the limit, aa there is abso-, we would say that if be will cotne to that.
lutsiy nothing there but frogs, snakes
Studies at the Yerkes observatory
and pelicans in the way of agricultural I unbiased investigation he will stay here, have determine,! the varying perl. .1 »
products and it can never possibly be­ and he will make more money in five st the solar relation, in zones flve dé­
come an agricultural country, for the years than lie can make at Grand Junc­ <-*es wld*. from the equator lo lati-
following reasons; First they have frost tion in twice that time. And wc would t’id* J5 degrees. Within flve degrees
every month in the vear.itfioze ice the ask him to give au honest, truthful ans­ of ihv equitor. on either side, ihe
period of rotation is a trifle more thin
sixth of June, an eighth of an inch wer to one question: If yon did ii.t
241« days. The length of the period
thick; second there is no area of land
gradually increases toward the poles,
that can be farmed that amounts to the hotel, and ii you did not experience becoming about 25Ss day* between
anything until the lower Klamath lake »«ch rough tramping enroute, would latitude IS degree, and latitude 10
is drained and that is covered at this you have "knocked” so hard? You
Yon see, degrees, and nearly 25 1-3 days be­
time with from T to 111 feet of water, my dear friend, we remember you and tween latitude 20 degrees and latitude
35 degrees.
they call this in their advertising Title your experience w hile hete.
ami Kush land and hold it. from ten to
As an earnest that there is to be no
twenty dollars an acre, and ii a person
wants to buy a piece of it the salesman
i In England one woman in every six
takes him to a high point overlooking slavery, the W oman ’ s Home C ompanion earns her own living.
One pint ot milk produces, on an aver­
the lakeanl shows him about where in prints prominently in its August num
the lake the laud lies, that he wants to ber Die “Anti Child I ziltor Creed”—nine age. one ounce of butter.
In Italy the value of land is considered
sell him ami then locates him by maps curt paragraphs clearly defining tl.e
showing section, township ami range in faith and puipose of those who are to be 14 limts the annual rental.
China la believed to hold 2" times aa
which the land ami water is located, fighting against the abuses of child labor.
much coal as the whole of Europe does.
The snakes are so numerous aksig the
The polar currents according to ex­
lake shore that they roll up in piles as caused any neglect of entertaining lea
perts contain less salt than those from
high ss bushel baskets and people are tures is shown by a collection of lively the equator.
notallowed to kill them,for they eat up stories aocti as “The Spurs of Jealousy”
Fully WO.OOO domestic animals, valued
the frogs of which they have a shower by Rafael Sabatini; “A Diver’s Pil at $>>.(X>0.uori. are anually massacred by
quite often, this is no joke—it is the act­
wolves in Russia.
“The Wage of Sin,” by Ellis Paikei
ual truth.
Asia contains more than one-half nt
“From here I went to Pelican Bay on Buller, and “Al ami the Buzzard Per­ the total population of the earth, and
a boat.a distance of thirty miles. There plexed,” by Cioudesley Johns. ‘ The Europe nearly one-fourth.
The flnest cotton is that grown on
I had some trout fishing and came very Preserving and Canning of Fruita,”
near freezing to death. I gave the whole “Fashionable Mid-Suunner Clothes,” the low sandy islands lying on the coasts
Klamath country a thorough investiga­ and “Cool Cushions for “ummer Use” of South Carolina and Georgia.
8mail farms are the rule In Japan, and
tion and find out absolutely that there are among the practical articles on
Wvry foot of land is put to use. The
ia nochance for it to become anything
'•mfr who has more than ten acres is
but a stock country and they have to ardson gives valuable advice with nee 1- corsideied a monopolist.
leed their stock about five months out
r*rot«bly the youngest general In the
of the year. I am here with “Sister have decided upon city career* ; Marion voild is » nephew of the late shah ot
Tode’’ and am going to rest up for a few Harland, considering the question, Persia, a boy not yet 14 years old. He
days. I have received several letters “Are New York Club-Women Shallow?” nolds the rank of fuU general tn the
'root Grand Junction and was very glad makes some pointed remark-; A.lelia Persian army.
to hear from you. You may let the Belle Beard describes original sea-beach
newspaper men have extracts from this games, and, in good time for the circus
letter, as it might be the means of keep- , season, Claire Wallace Flynn tells of
Lord Radstock, known aa th* "preach­
ing people from going to Klamath Falls the merry little woman who attend* to er peer.” often delivers religious ad­
. .untry. I would rather have one gorrl the “Dressmaking for the Circus Ani­ dresses In I.oo<lon and the province*
He founded in Russia the sect known a*
ten aurre orchard in Grand valley than mals.”
the Pashkoffskl. which is synonymous
to have the whole Klamath country.”
with Bible Christians.
The letter is really amusing.
The Industrial work for women in
would never have been written if Mr.
in charge of Miss Jean Adams,
McLuen had spent three hours in inves­
a self-supporting missionary from Pitts­
He lias given facts, which lie
burg, is known to be a great boon to
declares are “actual truth.’’ Now we
Citizens This Chance.
many other» ise helpless old women, the
will give facts about his “thorough in­
large majority of whom ar* widows with
Charles Redmond, the well-known children to support.
vestigation.” He and “Sister lude”
Rev C. C. Bruce, chaplain and super­
arrived here on the evening of June fl. jsirtrait artist, of Portland, who has
At 9 o’clock on the morning of June 7 l»een in this city for the j.ast two weeks, intendent of the Beaman’s church and
.hey went to Pelican Bay, where they has made arrangements with J. W. institute of Portland. Ore., is next in
line to hi* father. Lord Thurlow, of the
remained three days, reaching this city Tollman, the photographer, whereby gcottlrh peerage He is a grandson of
ul>out 9 o'clock of the evening of June anyone desiiing to have any j«rttail of the earl of Elgin, who was succeeded as
10. They left here seven hours later, or 'scenic view enlarged can do so. Mr. governor general of India by Lord Cur­
.it 4 o’clock on the morning of June II. Redmond makes a sj>ecialty of this zon.
Ample time for a thorough examina­ work, and his experience extends over r
The an hbi hop of Canterbury la said
tion! The eit|»erior intellectual attain­ nnmlier of years. During the Lewis A to be engageo in the formation of a
ment* possessed by Mr. McLuen, no j Clark fair, be reproduee.1 in colors a league n»r .he obliteration of the godless
doubt, are sufficient for him to “thor­ ! great deal of the lieautiful fair views Sundr.y from society. The association
•, to eonsut “xriiisfvely of matron* Of
_ .............. ..........
oughly investigate
” a county
size of | I that were offered for sale in Portland,
h bf», and l ady Wimborne is to be
Klamath, approximately KMH13U miles; on<4
successful was he that the de
■ resi’ler t. C< Id dinners will be one of
or the Klainath Basin which is being
th* rule* insisted upon.
reclaimed by the government and which put.
Mr. Tollman’s reputation ns a photog­
contain* 250,000 acres. During his brief
Cleeamataaeea Alt*» Cases.
stay here, practically all of which was rapher needs no recommendation. He
Crawford Does a woman always
after dark, he “thoroughly investigated” has demonstrated, since coining here,
decline her first offer of marriage?
and intelligently passed on what it toek that he has few equals in his line of
Crabwhaw That depends altogetli-
u United Hates Geological survey work. With this combination between -er on what ng» she is when it oc­
Messrs. Redmond and Tollman, the curs.—Smart Set.
aliout two years to examine.
This extended period devoted to“in- l>eople of the county will have a rare
Caws ■>< ewe*.
veat:v?tiou” is sufficient to condemn opi»ortunity to get life-size and accur­
“Please, sir, 1 want a pound of your
Mr. McLuen's statements; but we will ate reproductions of portraits or other
tougl steak ”
g. : little farther, for his letter contains pictures in either colors or Lla. k and
“Why tough?”
ir> <nv statements often made by these white. The success of Mr. Redmond
“Coz if 1 g»t it tender pa will eat it all
••fly by night” investigators.
up and 1 won't get an/.”— Life.
kVrt duu't have frost every night in a good business along this line.
Ä th f ; st .
Cook Encounter* a Numb«* cî /.ui­
mala and Etawghtsr* On: 1_;\
a Unique Manner.
"A few weak* ago. Just bsfinr* I |srt
for l>enver. we bad venison tor dtaaer
which our cook killed with bl* A>t
Gam* ii to plentiful that all on* ha* to
da la to stand on his back porch and us*
a revolver to obtain almost anything in
the way of tassl that ou* could wiab
Ii W Lang vic* president of the Den­
ver-Honduras Hanans company. u»M of
th* attraction* of hl* Honduras hum*
In th* Denver Evening l\xt
'Th* inanuer in which our cook ob­
tained th* venleon was this. (-oauau*d
Mr Lang. "W. bad beeu havlrg high
water In the Vlua river, which flow*
through our plantation, and one morn­
ing our cook nolle*,! a herd of had a
d.«*n deer swimming acroaa it. H*
Jumped tn a canoe, and hilled on* with
a blow of his fist. However, deer ar*
not th* only game which w* hav* a
chase* to try a shot at
''I-eopards. alligators beautiful tropi­
cal birds of every description, snake* of
wonderful hues, sr* all numerous \\ ild
duck* ran be secured In plenty—a few
hour»' shooting brought me io the other
day. and parrots, which make ssesilsnt
sating having much the flavor otagua*fi
ar* also plentiful “
Cotton le selline at H1’ a hai» now as
eonipared »uh |.’<i to f.’h a year sg<> AI
that rat* the total valu» of the III I ero|>
«III b» lesa than llUtt.lM»tMMI. whlie thv
IthtJ crop sulit for ove»
.'<«> «■»
li Is i ara..olirai that aa < t o r» soit of
the Increased Industry of the South. «
pianterà the» rvcelv» *3.»«» MW » mh > les» i
thejr h sd pistit, d I ms . cultlvsted Ivss and
allowed the V*’1' »revll to Itoti rl» h the)
would hsv* been brller oli The Imme­
diate effret alli he to dlstxuirss* south­
ern enterprlse and to dlmlBlah the valu*
In International ixchang* of the United
States' prliteipal attici» ot export The
eorteuanera of the sorld wtU I m PeaeU-
Busines' Property on Main Street paying 25 per cent
in rentals on selling price
Choice Resilience Property for Sale inali Localities
A very Fine Block in 2nd Addition io Fairview at
Bargain Price
Msls.«* Food festival.
A queer festiva, le ce >brat*d In Ma
aera ever; 10 or iS je. ¡4 Ths open-
Ing ol the testiVul Is slgnsllied by s
Stand prtuesslon. in which huge piles
it ratable* take a targe aitar* At ths
sud ot ths third day th* viand* are
hurued. On this occasion Rte pile* of
'ood are pia.ed in a «peo tall y construct
hi boat, which is towed oat to sea. and
¡bar* consumed by tiro, togetbor with
ill tss ccntenla A large sun» of
won«). amountlug to »arerai thousands
I Jf dollars, was »eventi) subscribed
argel) in tilngaivr*. tor the proper ob-
Mivauc* of th* fvatital
A Number of Deep Water
Landings For Sale
Several very attractive stock ranches for sale
Insurance business of all kinds done.
liability handled.
Contractors bonds and Surety
bonds of all kinds secured
Whsl English Women Read.
A writer in th* Standard, of Ixcndon,
LARGERCROP^VORTH LESS toldly asserts that the intellectual
•vel of English women has been low-
»red in .ha tast M or 80 years
But Ita Val»* 1*
3Maa his conclusion on a at sienien I
'.bat Englishwomen nuwadaia
mly th* Ugh tei torma of literature,
Measured tn dollars, th* 11.000.«» They read French novela and playa
bale* of th* l>>4 cotton crop are worth ind sensational English fiction gener
les* than the 10.MM.MIC bales of th* IM>3 illy. Their grandmothers, he dec'arva
crop says th* New York World. Th* used to read Scott's poems and rt>
différence in total value I* enormous. A uaoces and they also read history foi
pound of raw cotton which last Febru­ >wn sake. Such girl* now would regu
ary sold tor IT cent* t* worth onl) eight arly read Freeman. Freuds, Carlyl*
cent* now.
md Stubb*.
Capitili Stock,
*r. \V. STEPHEN«
Capital Stock, $100,000
Fresh Candie» and Bon Bon», Stationery.
Motions. Cigar» and ToSaeco
Crust €0
Frenh tortili lai
Wilt open for business about
September /, I9o6
In its New Building now under construction
on the corner of Fifth anti Mailt Streets
Horning & Casey
Have all kinds of (arm property, improved
and unimproved, ranging from fifteen to
seventy-five dollars | er acre.
Will do « Genera! Banking Business
C has . E. W orden , Pres.
Fr:r • M f . ihanf , Vice l'ics.
J. W. S iemens , ( asiiier
D irectors —Fred Melhase, W. T. Sliive, G id Mdl no. J.
W. Siemens, C. E. Worden.
Hain Street near Postoffice
//.ik." somo choice tonnproperty chean. alss have sone.< Business
Lots aiid some Fine Timber Claims.
Buena Vista Addition
ready son. and Ipts Hierein will l»c pl »red o»t lite market.
tract comprises .»30 acres, adjoins Klainath Falls on lite north ami west
and borders on Link River and Upper Klamath Idtke for two miles.
From tills addition can bn seen tlw grandest panorama on tlw I’-.M'lfic
Oiaat, comprising Lake, River. Valley, Hill, Mountain and Know-capped
Peaks, blend into an harmonious picture of unequalled !>cauty and mag-
Boulevards and Streets are now being graded, and these will be lined
with Shade Trees. Grading work on the Electric Street Railway
is now under way.
A completo sewerage system will he put in.
Tim entire cut of the (Messa
sawmill has I wen purcliasod, and those building in ths Buena Vista Addition
this summer will have first call on the output »I this mill.
Plans for a magnificent hotel are now l»eiiig prepared, and construction will
begin this summer.
This hostelry will lie hs ated on one ot the most piclur-
esrjno spots in the addition and will Is- surrounded by a park.
If you want a home in the in »st beautiful section of Klamath County, buy
ft u na Vista Addition.
a lot in th
If you want to live on 11> ■ «tri!«' . ir line then hau: •«•<»• hoi.» in th« J
• na
Vista Addition.
If you are looking for an Investment Hint will yield returns, purchase prop­
erty in the Buena Vieta t Mil ion.
Murdoch Build'g,
next door Postoffice
Klamath Canal Co.