Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 26, 1906, Image 8

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Illite* tn k«*T txn n Mxtrvii* rott
W. K. Brown of this city and George
11.. Gould of Hollister, returned Friday e.u.a Iiicluding one nailor net, one gón­
Ironi a fi*hing trip to Spring Creek. dola conch, Weldwr piano, two Iwdroom
See Ady for inareh land*.
r»-|«irt having caught fish until (tilt., one clieffunier, two .tun<!., one
Warren Snyder, of Mkeview, I* liere
tired of lhe.»j»>rt and came combination china eloeet, a White «ow­
(or a few day *.
ing machino. a typewriter desk,on* heir
K. B. Hall ami witeot Wbitvlake were
ii»attrc*e. one oetrrmoor uiattroe*. stove*,
livre tlit* week.
carpet*, curtain., picture« and
maw« Indian school, arrived in the city
Souvenir good* at Winter»’.
Monday. He I* going to Yainax,where, dishes. Anyone wishing to purchase
All »ervice» a* u»«»l at the Proebyter- duimg his vacation, lie will take charge will pleas» call won a. wo are leaving
tan church uvxt Sunday.
of a »utllera »ton* iii which lie is inter­ town. Mr*. II. E. MeKciiny. Kth >1.
The Klamath county fruit in»|»vtoi
Vp-to-date commercial pi in ting done est cd.
give* notice else* livre that the »tale
at the Republican othee.
M.irru-d, Sunday evening, July, 22, at
Have the home ol Dr. Maston. J. W Tollman law . governing tile importation ur »ale
latunehca aro all the go now.
of infected fruit* will he strictly enforced
Tellorvi A Son make you one.
and Mis* Grace Cheadle of Portland,
in that county, lie
that there ha»
W. O. Smith, who made a trip to
Iwen much complaint in the pa«I ol un­
man is the well-known photographer of
I’aiilev last week, returned Friday.
scrupulous dealer« and iwxldlcr» from
this city.
Repairing a »pccialty at Winter»’.
thi» valley making that comity the
O. B. Allen, who ha« lwn a faithful dumping ground of relime fruit, lie
R. M. C. Brown will sell a tine ranch
ami valuahle employ»*« ol the Republi­ eave that good, nice clean healthy liiiil
at a bargain ami on good term*.
can for the |>a»t two yeara, returned to will lie welcome but those who attempt
| The W. 0. W. excuraion to Pelican
hi« home in Ashland Sunday, where ho to toi.t diseased or infected Irtilt» upon
Bay Lodge laat Sunday wa* a mrocoM.
expects to remain, entering the employ the |w*ople out there hereafter are apt
| Lynn B. Vaden returned from hi* of the Valley Record.
to come to grief.—Ashland ruling».
homestead at Bly Wednesday evening.
The ice cream *<xial given by th*
Work is about completed on the sec
If your eye* «mart, blur or your eye­ Wom*n's Club, in the court house
ond »lory to the Brick Store block, and
sight is failing, »end them to Winter»’. grounds Saturday, «»« well |ialroniic*l.
it preMint*a bandeóme appearance. Mr.
If your watch dot-» not ruu to auit These ladies are doing a work of gnat Reame» is to lie congratulated on hi»
you. take it to Winter*.
public benefit, and well deserve any enterpriee, am! Contractor Taylor on
There will lie a l>a*el>al! gam* Sunday assistance given them.
hi* »plen.lid manner ill which lie exe­
between the W. U. W. and M. W. A.
M vKKiKu—Wedneadav, July 25. at the cuted hi* contract Mr. Taylor Í» a new
court house in thi* city, lion. II. L. arrival here, ami bi» contract ha» Isen
George Hum. who ha* been in Port­ Benson officiating, Joseph II. I'aoquet closely watched by a number ol pro­
land for the |«st week, returned home and Mis« Clara E. Washburn both of spective builder». who agree that he m
Portland. Mr. Pecquet is timekeeper thoroughly competent to execute any
| Saturday.
job lie undertake«.
Mr». I.. B. Yaden and son Boyd, went for Mason, 1‘avi* A Co.
There will tie a meeting of the Cham-
F. C. Murphy, formerly of the furni­
to thlewa Monday for a two weeks
her of Commerce next Wednesday eve­ ture firm of Sheet* A M-.ur'
-I " 1 ’
camping trip.
Glaeee* fitted, all kinds, at Winters' ning. when officers for the ensuing year lake, assumed th» management "l l.
will lx* chosen. There are several im­ op'» furniture «tore In this city. Mi
Jewelry Store.
portant questions to come before the Murphy i« an ex|x'rienee<i man in the
S. C. Graves, who attended the wed- meeting, and a full atleiinaiice is urge*!.
btmineee and will surely give »atisfne-
■ ding of his niece at Odell, returned
Hon. Geo. T. Baldwin, who wa* in at­ tion both to hi» employer and the pa­
___ I home Sunday.
tendance at the Grand Lodge of the A. tron» of thia well known establishment
I County surveyor M. 1*. Williams went
O. I’. W. in Portland la*t week, was To Whitelake I» due the credit of Mr
I to Pelican Bay this week on a fishing elected Grand Overseer. He held the Murphy's coming to thia county.
and hunting (rip.
office of Grand Outside tiuaril, and his
Jessie Siemens left Monday for Spring recent election advances linn five chairs.
Collrg. Olrl.
, creek, where he will enjoy the fine tish-
Charles Willson and J. G. Pierce have
Krnl*- Papa m«y be very bright in
' ing for a couple of weeks.
begun work on a warehouse on l-ake business. but I don t think he know»
'< Through his inability to tell a horee Ewaun*. adjoining the Ackley dock. much about love affair» >1* asked If
i from a blabkbird, L. Alva Lewis shot This building is only atem|x>rary struc­ my Georg* was a good provider.
Eva—And 1» he. dear?
xn* and killed hi* own steeJ.
ture, it being their intenUon to erect a
Ernig—Certainly. Why. he-» been
i Cigar» ami toliacco of all grades at much larger oue as soon a* a pile driver providing me with novela, chocolate,
__ | A. J. Manning's.
can be procured.
and matin** ticket* for th* last two
Mr». O. B. Gatee gave a party laet Fri-
Boat-builder IVrry is rushing work on I year*. Pa didn't errru pl*a*rd, though
>iay in honor of her «inter, Mi*» Wagner, the 20-horsepowor gasoline launch for { —Columbus Dispatch
of Hillsboro, w ho i* visiting her.
the Klamath Canal company. The en- I
Not Up-to-Dat*.
I*rof Booth,
Rooth. who
is to have charge
of gine for it was received Wednesday. He
“Mamma.” Mid th* pretty fl n ffy-
the Commercial department of the high has already completed a model, and th* haired girl. "I think I ought to KU to
indication* are that it will be a record go to rooking arhool, don t you?"
school i* expected here in a few day*.
“It Isn't necessary. my dear,” rrpltod
Do yen need visiting cards? If »o call breaker for speed.
There aro few garden* in thi* section th* mother. "I ran teach you to cook.”
at the Republican office where you will
“Out that would never do. mamma."
. find the latest styles in cards and type. presenting a letter appearance than protected th. fair daughter, “you only
Born—In OaklanJ, Calif., July 22.
know how to cook th* ordinary things
j 1901, to Mrs. Lena Hargu*, an 8 pound wants to show his prospective investors that people really cat.”—Cincinnati En­
' son. Mother and ton are doing nicely. that thia is as good a vegetable climate quirer.
as it Is (or hardier crops, and the garden
South Klamath Falla will be the res-
An Object of Conald*ration.
he has is good evidence of the fact.
! ident district. See L. Jacobs.
"Why la »vrrybody so obsequious to
that young man ?”
Otto Hedrick lias purchased the prop-
"H* 1« an amateur photographer," an­
I ertv on Klamath Avenue, owned by the new postidlice building Wednesday.:
J Mrs. Nettie Horton,
consideration This work has been greatly delayed by swered Mlaa Cayenne
"And they're afraid h* won’t tab*
the scarcity of brick masons. This city
is luidly in need of them, and there is th*lr plctur«*?”
Col. M. L. Wilkin*, who ha» been in
"No. They're airaid h* will.“—Wash­
work enough now waiting to give em
Puyallup attending the funeral of his
ington Star
plovmcnt t j about fifty first class brick
. -e
young graudson, returned to this city
A Cutting R.ply,
i Monday.
Mr D'Avnu*- My Star»! Mor* mon-
Ackley Bro*, received a new 20 h. p.
Austin Cox returned from Sacramento
Hiiler, weighing 8t>»> |»>uods. This ad­ *y? What on *arth did you do with all
i Tuesday evening, where he has been for
I gave you Hat wick?
dition to their mill was made ms-essary :
Mrs D’Avnu*- Well. I used a Hill*
, the pur|iose of attending the marriage
by the increasing demand for lumlx-r. of It In buying a new album tor lh. pho­
of his sister.
They are now getting out material for tograph* of th* duke* and prince* I r*-
Weinharils Celebrated Lager Beer I lie »4'1,00) home to 1«! erected by David fu»*d betur» I married you.-N. Y.
on draught at the Central.
isiak on his extensive property near Weekly.
H. B. Gates and family, O. B. Gate* Odessa.
V.T, Slow Poison.
and family awl Mis* Wagner left this
Dr. C. P. Maron has oj>ene<l up new I
"Do you drink coffe*?" asked tb* duc­
morning for Pelican bay fur a short va­ dental parlors in the Kelsey block, on tor of an aged patient.
cation and fishing trip.
"Y**." was th* reply.
Main street, opposite the American ho- |
"Cuff**," roatlnued tbn M D. '1* a
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pierce, who tel. Dr. Masmi comes here with flatter- j
J j have been visiting J. G. Pierce for the ing endorsements, and though be has •low poison "
"Y*s. very slow." r-pll-d th* old man
k past fortnight, left for their home in only been her* a short time lias made a
"I hav* taken It dally fcr naarly Sb
a I Ashland on Wednesday.
host of friends who wish him tbc beet yrars.”—Til-BIta
Capt. J. W. Siemens left Monday for of eucceia.
J Roseburg, accoiupanied by William
A party of thirty-three made a trip on
J Hick*, the Indian war veteran, who board the Steamer Klamath to Lairds
You can alway» get n g-»«l range of
Virgil A Son at the bridge on .Main st.
k goes to the rkil lier* Home.
Landing last Sunday. A good jolly time
The Liggett lx-»l epring i* noiseless,
Frank Ankeny carries only fresli was reported. Among those on the trip
bugle*» and durable. Virgil A Son,
b candies and confectionery.
were Kupervioing Engineer Hennv, who
Get your housekeeping outfit of Virgil
The Steamer Winema is hauling sand availed himself of the opportunity to
A Son at the bridge on Main atreet.
J from Modoc point to the Buena Vista get an idea of the extent of the territory
We have them. Th* l«»t lied spring
k dock. This sand is to be used in the (hat is to lie drained.
on earth ; the “Liggett ” Virgil A Son.
k ! concrete work of the tunnel.
J. D. Church, assistant constrnction
Closing out sale o( corset».
Charks Morrison, an experienced fur- engineer of the California-Northeastern
» 75c cornate
F j niturc man from urants Pa»» has laien arrived in this city Saturday. He was
I 00
:' engaged by Bishop,and will have charge accompanied by three assistants. Mr.
.............. 1 00
I of the sale room in the future.
Chnrch is here for the purpose of setting
i no
............. 1 25
L Weinhardj Gelebrated Lager Beer the stakes lor the grade through the
1 75
.... 1 50
> on draught at the Central.
2 00
1 50
Nothing can lie purchased out of which dredger will be put at work.
o M
2 50
I so much pleasure can lie had a» a gaso-
Frank Cutter of Bonanza was in town
At the Drfck More Company.
| line launch. Buy one from Telford A this week. He is employed at the Harn-
I bon. Any style, size or price.
aker saw mill, and states that upwards I For Sale—(’heap, a 12 foot *how case.
Mr. C. L. Gilliam, of New Orleans, . of 300,000 feet of lumber is piled in the Frank Ankeny.
■ I who has been here for the purfiosc of in- yard, one half of which is clear. From
Small tract, of well located tule ma rah
p vesting in Klamath county timber fiv* to ten t*ams are daily hauling build­ lami» offered for one week at »2D per
I lands, returned from Portland Monday. ing material from the mill to Bonanza, acre. Alwl Ady.
The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Ross An- Dairy, T.orellaand Bly.
' derson for High grade Wines, Li­
The evening Herald will make its
Ono rake, mower, sulkey plough ami
quors and Cigar*.
first appearance on August 1. under the
wagon, cheap. For particular» inquire
There will lie no services in the Cath­ direction of F. P. Croncmiller, It will at this office.
olic church until Sunday, August 12, on
account of the absence of Father Feuei ments can lie perfected in time, will
from the city. He left for Pendleton have a daily telegraphic service. We hay for sale. Back of court houan.
wish Mr. Cronemiller the best of suc­
J. I.. Fielder.
, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mr*. II. E. McKenny are pre­ cess in his undertaking.
Bonanza Improvement Co.
on the unique terms of ONE dollar down
and the balance on time. Step into their
office in the Hamaker Building and find
out all about it.
2,000 acres of land for sale on any
terms to the real settler . . . .
Clearance Sale
,he Brick Store Co.
We are closing out all our Corsets.
Broken line of Ladies and Children’s Hose and
Silk Gloves.
Kid and Suede Gloves.
Summer Lawns.
Summer Shirt Waists.
Summer Dress Skirts.
We are Giving Big Bargains in oil Summer
Goods, Fancy Silks, Lacesand Embroideries
P 9
t ■»
p :
When you are in need of SHOES, that you
will find a complete line at WILLITS, and
at prices that defy competition.
When in need of CLOTHES that have fit
style and workmanship, at Prices to suit
your Pocketbook, you will find them at
I have just received two carload* <>i Furniture,
which I will sell at rock bottom prices. Being
crowded for room, I will lor a short time sell at
prices to suit everyone
lhirviiiiN, I
Olkfili'M, CiirpvtM*
iCto., iCtc'.,
1C to.
Yom’ ereil It I m ¿¿<><><1
♦ t
ft t
' i' i' rm
- ---- li
il in -»
A Few Prices at
\ I.M»
------- PAINTS,
A- 0. F. W. Building
The Hpoon Club was entertained !
paring to leave Klamath Falls and will
»ell their household furniture at reduced We<ln*s<lay evening at the home of Mrs. [
price». See list of furniture elsewhere Aldrich on Conger Avenue. Kl»e was
assisted by Mrs. J. G. Pierce. The
in this issue.
Office in new K<-I»ny Block
game of “SOO" was indulged in. The I
Wanted: Ironor» at the Klamath Falls
steam Laundry. Apply to D. U. Camp- favors were won by Miss Gates and W.
O. Smith. They were handsome sou- I KLAMATH FALLS
, bell.
venirspoonsof Klamath Falls. Refresh­
Mr. and Mr*. Oawald Harshbarger
ments were serveil, and a most pleasant
left for Han Francisco Saturday. Mr*.
evening enjoyed by the guest*.
Harshbarger has lieen here since the
The unwise man is always in a hurry.'
earthquake and was joined by her hua-
He cats in a hnriy and gets apoplexy.!
Weinhard* Celebrated Lager Beer | The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Roaa An­ 1 band alxrut a week ago.
He talks in a hurry and »ays too much.
on draught at the Central.
derton for an Optimo cigar.
A eix-horse team la-longing to A. F.
He docs business in a hurry and goes
1’ ahtvkk to i.ser.—12 mile* from Tai- ■
Go to A. J. Manning’s lor pipes, uta McIntyre'» freighting outfit ran away
broke. He reads in a hurry and is ru-1
nnx abundance of grass and water, w ill
i while coining down the S|ieni-vr hill last
tionery, cutlery, notions, etc.
jierfleial. He votes in a hurry and pro­
take in «lock at 50 cent» a head ¡>er
, Tuesday, killing two of the horses. Cal |
Watches. L. Alva Lewis.
duces corruption. He marries in a hur­
mon th. Cull on or address, Snow-
’McCalister, the driver, was uninjured. |
For rings go to L. Alva Lewis,
ry and get» a divorce. He trains his
goOae, Kent», Oregon.
Are you contemplating the pnrehas»- children in a hurry and hurries them
line just arrived.
Fine watch repairing. L. Alva Lewi*.
of a gasoline launch? If so, see Telford into evil ways. He gets religion in a
Just arrived at Alva Lewis’», new­
For Sale—One 40,000 capacity saw A Son. They make them right here un­ hurry and forgets it in a hurry. He
line of jewelry.
mill in good order, delivered on the H. der your eyes and guarantee them, too. makes his will in a hurry and leaves a
Icecream at A. J- Manning’» every P. track, »3500. Address A, A. Milliken The price is the lowest in the country. legal contest. He dies in a hurry and
day. Will guarantee it to be good.
( Fort Jone«, CaMf,
Give them a call.
g'jc* to the devil, and his trilxj increases.
Kliiinafli Full« f'r
Il is hard to be sick, But it’s easy to get
well if you have pure fresh medicines.
If you ever get sick remember that we
have an enviable reputation for supplying the
best drugs and medicines.
Star Drug store
Have purchased B. St. Geo. Bishop’s stock of
undertaker’s supplies
Holder of License No. 29 granted by the Oregon
State Board of Health. Calls promptly attended city
or country, day or night.
Telephone 10
If you aro troublod
with it try Perfect Head­
ache Powders. They
contain things that stop
the ache withotu being
in any way injurious.
Price 25 cents
»■ oh » vi.*, ono 12-liore* |iowcr englno
If you are going to Crater Luke, the
and Isiiler,
Alno fill«*
onc M'llICII
14-iin-h l»y
hv O-I'MIV
|. . .. M
Fort, F
IR hihiiwi , Merrill, or any where / iron tumin« Intin*. Wr are putting hl
elge in the county, u»e a Mammoth largi r nnu-liinery. remi» to sull.
Crescent Hu»h A Door Factory.
Stable» team, ft will inaure epeed,
Tela-pilone 3x|.
comfort and »afety,
■ -- r-
Agent to His Majesty, the American Oentleman,
for first class goods
Your Credit is
Special »ale of box ilationery at the
Chilwood* Toilet crcam will cure «un-
Red Star Drug Store.
I burli, imi and (reckles.