KLAMATH COUNTY BANK 1 Ai l \ M UITIN, pK',l*lvnt The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County l ust hemi Annuni hi.itciiieiit Jun» 30, | imh > Beai ill «Cea I rsasurrrs Notie«. Notice i» horuby given ilist there are I I2O.AII.4II F iiik I m in flip ('otinty Trtastiry lor tliu U3. i I ih . im n di fuplioh of all Klitinalh ('oiiiily War- fi'-' «.KJ 23 rsnis pr y ;,«> ui » h Hlalv «if < >trgofi ('olitili <»f hl.itiiufli SIMH.K SliWIMJ MAUHINLS l-WIVl: »40. I or fi Drawer IJrop Head Genuine linger Baldwin the Hardware Oraler Yim can buy embroidery lor nImort iiothiiig nt tlm K. K. K •nie. ■torr •iHM'iul Notice of .Sale of Unpelented Swamp land« Notice la hervir, given that the «late land Hoard will recebe aealed Md. unlit I e^elurk I* M Jul, .'I IWM lor an, Inter«*«« the Hi«'e n>«> hevein ihe lullnwtuc ?, el HW *, ,.i Heriton .'I and W,or ».I tlu.i SI T t:. n II n > . ili» lan.l. in Mevll.m U being unaur re, nd. All Irld. inii.l Ire arcompeuied b, «n appli­ cation an*l aiti'lavlt tu purebaaw In anrordan*'« with Meeilun car.' oi Hellin,er and I'atlon'« <'«el<-and dm-laratlon a. |*r<>*l«l«*d b, Hrcllun in-an.| by < a*n or cheek lor full emuuni of fared. N» bld for le.» than fl uu por acra will In- con.hlered. Th« right Io reject an, and all bid« I« re wnerl. Appllcallnil. and bld. rhould Ire addracaed lot* tl liro w n I'1er k Htaiv la nd Hoard. Halvin m* «<>n. and marked, ".application and bld to purchaw Unparented Haamp land. " tl tí. Hr»«n. t'lerk Hata land Hoard Paled Illi. 3Uh da, of April. I«U>. A, 1 I»re Mr. Urlffilhe ha1 b«w«e quitted u/ B I last August, happening to l • nn In II» >.f rhfidleh reeni wl.rnoiir • b*i»f eaa. •»«ted at « tabla In th« ho. «ui mother's traaat. >«l. my uo longer myaterlou«. but now Oh Ota» rffif-igr sf oui '•MMhOod* Oh till >lr»a<1ful, sc quali* tance. Mr. Georg« h-vt whirl neve* fahsred’ Grlffl'lia. Tei w ho»« aim ; Miti*« »o tendur not a w>r- My duty, I decided, after a rr*om»nt'« mw wo »mal» th« kiro» «» ur dur»»andlrur for th* refi«*<*«lon, waa plain to denrmnve sod f’ »• 1-»t of ron»' Ih g. dillvir him to th» antlM>riUe* Till th* f b«gac to rod away, ar.d Quickly, therafore. I«at he should lov» tu Ifghtsr aJt li-ava i*«fore I could have him airvatad, I »xplalned myewlf aa well •« I waa lluw otun In th» atrita mc»l *»e| irnu^Ire • hl» to the naareet p«*llr»tnan. He Bo» e « man long for that comfort that looked, aud was unb«ll«vln<. Ho. too, h* ran to me a were th« others whom bs summoned H' jw In tl »• n«' t eh »'ruggiti cf tb» world, to h«ar my s«-ory II» »corn of sorrow, That part of It !><•»• he >»-Afn f'>r the» sympathy, whkn r«l«rr»d tn the '»perniino wax no thought of gvlf (j»n;e«l received with a «mile, and the upshot How mnny HrruR wl«n wrung by VOSS OF of it vu «hat. •” far from effecting my as nail»nt a '‘apture. I vu my self w<»rn by hArdrM sfrtiggilnc. !>«/•■ h« pine to flee tte w<.r‘d's ftSVSS 'Ightly ridiculed aa a madman fight. In heart m d soul oppretseff. But I could »<>« allow myself to be And Ilk«* r ut*:« r|,| 4 again, » ll K out the! ozffled lu what I nonaldered my clear 'leer 1eper drn» ». AII hl» r atur» fa«.» ita power < t Ita soft- my knowledge of the truth, aud to enlr.g H..ny; tominuulcate at once with the New And rr>< »< i.uman tn hia fallow», mora ra York ell/ police, while continuing to »I» -i.aix p t«> aJ| feeling, la t h» ri un u I . BEAL ESTATE! REAL ESTATE «EH ESItTh, : BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED Property handled in every part of Klamath County Some splendid Bargains in Farm Lands, Faw Lands and Cultivated Lands Some Sage Brush and Timber Land as low as $6 per «c: Some Choice Residence Blocks and Lots for sale on th« Installment Plan. CALL OR ADDBFH^ J. F. NOWLIN & CO •J Dtiltri la Real fiatate ' Phone 471 Willsoi Block, Klamath Fails, Or I Oroacbed and spoke to him. he recog- nlre*! me at one«; I could se« that. DR. WM. MARTIN I th'cigb at first hr pretended be did not Ì know me. W» had a soda1 Klaas to- F— I .T, DENTIST zetcer. snd spoke of many matters of general iutereat I flattering myself Klamath Falls, Oregon •hit nothing In my converMtloo or nearing Kave him tbs slightest ground to suspect rue il BONNEY A NICHOLAS That same night I •ent a brief tel- I BOUT two years ago there came lo egram to th« police headquarters In 1 I I. \i i. r II I IMI «M. IB me a tall, haudaonia fallow, who • ha metropolis, stating J my certain h HIACTIN iì Iti LINE'S KAie th« barn« of Mr. George (JilffiihA. knowledge that this man. 1 changed \\ ill (iifuieli kbaira i « of till.- «ni |>«) las»-* for noil I»'«l'|r H I • He h»1 • fearlMs eye, a chearful. ev«u -hough lie was. was the murderer of The rtanilnailott. rrgltiraliun and |><-rl«< t Kenlal ri;r*BMlun, a well ruold»d. aqut* Mr« Bates and suggesting that they lu» ul luir* • ■»!!) line note aud a spleudld uiustarb. should forthwith tend 10 Newport ■ Offk », N » • Uo«i»r !’« * M AI *■ » l R r I t trimmed and tended, evidently with lerective auppllw1 with otbet dlstlo- ■iTtipuloua care. Tn«*re wu no obvione zuiahlng mark- on .Mr Bates' person reason, certainly, why he eho’ild re­ -yesldes bls aqullln, nose end heavy I SLOSS A SONNAFRANK quire my eerr>o<^ puted this proposition, and Insisted which could be verified, among them that he had raaaoua for being weary «□ anchor tattooed on the left fore­ of the aquiline und for craving • pro arm. which I had myself, of course, Itoaria as unlike aa possible to that noticed while we were bathing togeth alth «hick nature had endowed him en To satisfy himself before artlng LAND 8UHVIYOH Seeing my curiosity aud poteltdy not on th« warrant he had brought with wishing to be dretn^d a rnalman, be him, the detective, Mr. Hanway If r was agreed, should join our bathing proceeded to explain them tn me. PROPRIETORS party on the morrow—a simple and •'After several years roughing It In KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON O-OOOO-O ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT not disagreeable preliminary to the Texas." he »aid. "I have rome bark rirh. and there Is nothing U> prevent contemplated arrest. But alas: for the sebemee of mice my enjoying myself but the pestering AND SMOKED MEATS attentions of my rvlatlvve whom I and men! Me called together at Mr had hoped to have done with forever Griffith s—alias Bates*—room In the SAUSAGES OF ALL AINOS morning and found him Luay whu when I went away, But I canno« r» some correspondence. cape them or their Importunitiei. and "If you will wait for me half an hour •*». however eccentric you may think I pre­ or so on the piazza.'* he said, “which rue. 1 must enlist ynur aerviceg your friend will find very pleasant. I'll sum? there Is no danger in ths opera KLAMATH FALLS OREGON join you for our swim In about half tlouT* accepting hl« an hour." • .No danger," I Suspecting nothing, we took our •xptanauuu aa t an eccentric man. a nose affairs, after all. were no leave, and waited for him. as be di­ Summons. rected In th«’Circuit Court <»f the Blate of Oregon huslnrae of mine, “and very little pun f But we wafted in vain Whether the practically none, in fact. Hut you l«»r the < «»iiniy of Klamath. Mr Hanway, w «»• A «right. Plaintiff, vs George Von I. must MRt*p Indoors for a tew days after features of my friend M a yer. Defendant« It is over. hru and where shall I were known to him. or whether thers I To g «-« i rgr \ on I. Meyer. I*rfrndant, herein call upou yout* nad. In spite of my care, been any­ i In the name of ihe mate of Oregon. You are thing in my manner to excite bls sus ­ ~CbuM you not operats here, and I vrtht rrquind to ap|M-ar aud answer the picion, I cannot say Suffice It that top a nt filed again»! you lit the above en- now!" he asked we remained s full hour on th« piazza “ ItniuMibie. Tour journey home iiikd »nit. on or brio r Saturday. the JIlh «lay and then returned to his room, to i <•( July to»., I m - iuk the last day ol the lime pre- would not be without great risk." learn that be was gone! •erlbed in the order f«»r the p'Odicaiton of this “But could I not stay here? Could Contest Notice. Good Honest Service Whither, we could never trace, and • . tl»«-hr»t publication thereof l»etiig . you not accommodate me for ihe rnort I»rparftaent of the Interior. Cnited Blate», I hare never seen him slnca. From • n the 7ih dsjr <»( June, ISSS. and If you fall m > time necea»«r.,’ the Card That Wine fioctor. I can pay Land Office. Lakeview. Oregon. July 6.1906. io »¡|H»r mol answer, (nr want thereof, the you literally for the nervice. Co'Bl 1- that day to this be has baffled tha A sufficient contest affidavit having been | ITS MINE I laliitf! herein, will apply tn the Court for the skill of the police.—N Y. Weekly, ■ filed in ibis office by Robert <>. Horning, cou- ( er; If I «o no tun. my Ideutlty «ould re relief | rayed for in the »aid complaint, lo-wlt ; testant, against Homestead Entry Ko. 3341,' How wonkl a SJieet Steel Front suit y«u again revealed to th.iae from »torn 1 for a decree of the Court removing from the made May 2S. 1904. for S’, SW\ Beetion 6. and The Great Majority. as a eubetitute fur brick; dueau'i Plaintiff*» Illi«*, a cloud rreaiod by i | ip curtain desire to epneeai it." 1 E’j NW«* Section 7. Township 37 s.. Range 10 "Isn’t it strange that there are so Thta apeecn. one would have thought Mlo-riff'ffi f lAtoconvi'v the s’w of the MK’4 of the kw | 4 would have «routed m> suapl-fon, b t many aelf-mads men in thja country. is alleged that »aid Oscar Bternburf ha» utter- of Hi-ctimi ic and l«ot e ol Sect ion xt. all In Tp. II did not. The man's trank and open Yon hear so many of them bragging , ly failed, in respect to said entry, to comply G L. NOEL dc . > <>l K *» F of the w M in Oregon; and the esprmtitlon dlairmed ine entirely, and about iu” with the public land laws of the Cnited Btatrs <.f the MKl 4 and the MKI I of the SKI 4 of I could but h«>k iqN'P him as I ba» “There are more ‘self-unmade* men, and the tules and regulations eutabliihrd I noxa 173 Section JF the Nwl I the M', of the XK1-4 and done previously, »imply «a an ecr n only they don't brag about it,"—Phila­ thereunder relative to establishing and main­ U»t< I, V . Mini 7 of Section 33. the Nwl 4 of taining residence upon said land; that he did Building Contractor .«L . u trie Individual. It »o happened ! had delphia Press. the Nw l 4 ol Section 34. the Hwt 4 of the Swl 4 not establish a residence in a house witbin six a spare room 1 could not regarl the «»I section ‘.'7, all In Tp. *ts, M of It t. E of Ihe w Re Had. month» from the «late of his said entry; that Pbti ud Ldiulrs Free M In Oregon, all ol *ai I land» being situated the question of remun ratlob with In­ occupation?" hr has never resi«led continuously upon said “Haven’t you any lu klamath **<».inty In »aid State, and for »uch difference and so, to cut a long story asked the woman at the kitchen door, land; that he has never made anv improve­ Agent fur Sheet Steel Front« and further relief In the pretul»»r< an to the Court short I coMer'ed. Tl IE COLUMBIA IIYDRAUUC RAM ments up«»n «aid land: that >ald alleged ab­ after listening to hi» tale of woe Interior Decoration« may aeem meet and in accordance with law Rir the purpose of more convenient sence from the said land was not due to hla re «ponded Tuff old “Yes. ma’am." and r«|Ulty. ly operating I suggested somewhat employment tn the army, navy or marine I Thl» AUiQtnnns 1« »cr\r«1 by publication timidly, th, si riAce <>• hl, brautlful Knutl "I'm a hunter." eor|Mi ol the Cnited States as a private soldier, "A hunter? Of what?" thereof in the Klamath Republican, a urekly officer, aeaman, or marine during the war muetaeh To my surprise hr aasenied •'Grub. nuTam "—Chicago Tribune. new-i <] » r. I>v order of Honorable Henry 1«. with Spain or during any other war in which •uuerly, and w«s for tile applirat on lleiiAoii, Indite of said Court, dated the 6th the United Stairs may be engaged; said parties You »lay of June, ism. requiring this summons to of eclaeon ard raed It—made to i«cigler. deceased. T mos D sakx . at Klamath Falls Oregon; and that final hear­ Cleanliness and Good Work Attorney for Plaintiff. Klamath Falls, Ore my patient. It displayed wk»' ha,' The undersigned hating been apimlnted by ing will be held at 10 o'clock a m. on August S 7 7 IB. I been concealed before hie month and the County Court of the State of Oregon, for •2.5. 1906. before the Register and Receiver at Guaranteed. the sinister espreaslon of this wait Klnmath County, administratrix of the estate the Cnited States Land Office in Lakevlow, Oregon. •uch as Io effectually nullify the hon­ of James Calvin Seiglcr, deceased, notice i» ». s: The said contestant having, in a proper 4/so Summons hereby given to the creditors of, and all per­ est geniality of his fa-e Ir fact the removal of his mustacb constituted, as sons having claims against sai«l deceased, to affidavit, filed June 39, 1906. set forth facts ' » Jr i In llu* t'lrciilt Court ol tin* State ot Oregon I promptly told him. e sufficient dis- present them verified as required by law. which show that after due diligence personal tor Ihe County ol Klamath. within six months after the first publication service of this notice can not be made. It Is rulse to baffle any number of Inqulai Hoi sprltiB» Improvement Company, a cor­ of this notice to said M. Frances Bigler at her i hereby ordered and directed that such notice tire relatives But he Insisted on th« poration. I'laintttt, va Oeorge Von I. Meyer, residence at Klamath Falls, Oregon. iw given by due and proper publication. nasal operation nevertheless. WILLIAMSON RIVER IH*l«ndain. M FRA.M'Kft SIGLER. 7 12 8 16 J. N WATSON, .trgister. Well. 1 performed It and when, Un Administratrix of the estate of James Calvin To Ueorge Von I. Meyer. tKitendant herein tn the name of the male ot Oregon. You days later. Mr, George Griffiths Ml Heiglvr, deceased. I are herr-hy required to appearand answer the my house, with nothing but a rapidly Dated July llth. to«. 7 II «2 I am prepared to take rare of ct mplauit lllvrl «118110*1 you tn ihe above eu- healing and almost Invisible, scar to people who ileaire to cauip mt Timber Land Notice. tlt le*l »ult, on or before Hetnrda,, the JMih day blemish the straight nose which now Administrator’s Sale of Real Property —Wii.i.iAMaox Ktettn— of duly, Iwm, being the laat day nt the time Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of Timber Ijind, Act June 3.167S.—Notice for Pub­ adorned bls face. I would hare wager- preverlberl In Ihe order toe Ihe publication ot Will keep a Boarding Hottie and lication. an order of the County Court of Klamath ed my case of Instruments to a ten- tltla Summon»; Ihe Ural publication thereof will have Pasture and Hay lor Countv. Oregon, duly made anti entered on United State» Ijiud Office, Lakeview, Oregon. treliig on the7lh *lay of .Hine, ISOS, an*l It you cent knife that th« most observant cf the 9th day of July, 1906, in the matter of the Horses............................................. July 6. !90i*>. (ail ,o to appear ami answer, tor want thereof his previous acquaintances would nev­ estate of Allen McDonald, deceased, the under­ Notice 1« hereby given that in compliance BOATS FOR WENT I llu* plaint lit lie rein w ill apply to the Court lor er have recognized him. signed, administrator of said estate, will on with the provisions of the act of Congress ol Ihe relief prayed lor In Ihe »aid eomplalni, to About a week after iuy eccentric pa­ and after Friday, the 3d day of August, 1906, June 3, 187H. entitled "An act for the sale of Best of Treatment for Ail PUMI-S AWAY UNCEASINGLY WITHOUT ANY ATTENTION wit: for a decree ol Ilia Court removing from tient's departure, the particulars, tto proceed to sell Nt private sale for cash in timber lauds in the Blates oi California, Ore­ Will carry mail for cauqiere to I Ihe plaintiff'» title a elrmd created by the cor- far as they were known, of s remark band subject to confirmation by the Court, all gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as and front Agency. lain Shvrift’» deed executed to you. and which ably brutal murder were r.iado public. the right, title and interest of the said Allen extended to all the Public Land States by act HYDRAULIC RAM is a i FRANK SILVER. purport» to convey llu'S and M't of the The boly of a lady named Bates, evi­ Me Donald, deceased. at the time of bis death, of \ngust 4, 1801. Vivases E. Reeder, of Keno, sW 1ami XK‘, of the sw',, ami NK, ol Ihe ! that can utilize a small fall <4 and all the right, title and interest that said county of Klamath, state of Oregon, has this dently stabled to death, hid been <*!s -Iol th«- sw',. au*l the Nw*, ol the HK1», all ->tt Haven estate has by operation of law or otherwise day filed in this office his sworn statement cl rautng a portion of it to any desired height. It is the farmer’s iriend in the In Hevllon '.'a. amt Ihe Fi>( ol the ol Sec. covered in a house tn a Notice For Publication. acquired other or In addition to that of said No. 3131, for the purchase of the s>3ae\of suburb, where sh« had i._.Jod with _■», except Block» «« ami Bl In Nlcbola Addi­ •dry season " and is inilijpcnsalile to those owning Lind high above ditches. It Alton McDonald at the lime of Ins death In Section No, 8, ill Township No. 40 B, Range No. liepartment ut the liiterin. , laud Offl* *' a« tion to Ihe city ol Klamath Fall«, Ore. All ot her husband, who had now disappear­ and to the following described real property, 7 E W M. and will offer proof to show that the Lakeview. Oregon. June 1». Ukki. will iumidt water for domestic purposes, even elevating pure water of the spring *«1 filed notice of hl« Intenti**« by means of the impure or muddy water, as found in some streams. Requires In »aid »laie,and lor Much further relief as to lice. A brief amount of attention to SW4, and the NW -, of the NE’ of Section establish his claim to said land befor« Geo. to make final primi la «iippori nt hi« via m, IM attention. I ’radically no cost oi maintenance, there being no parts to get t he Court may seem just and in accordance these published details was sufficient Kight, in Township 41 «,, R. 14 East ot Willam­ Chastain, t'lerk of Klamath County. Oregon, and *hal ««Id proof will be Iliade b«lor>' o**o. cut of order. A rani will pay for itself in a short time. Every ram initialled is alm la.* and equity. at his office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, ou Mon­ l'ha»lain, t’lerk of K lainaili County, Of, to convince me that my patient. Mr. ette Meridian in Oregon* Thl» «itmmoti« 1« served by publication Also an undivided one-half Interest in and day, the 1st day of October, to«. at hl» office at Klaniaih tall». Oregon, on Jrd giving utmost satisfaction. We keep a large stock constantly on hand. Writa George Griffiths, was the criminal. ibereoi In the Klamath Republican, a weekly to the NE\ of the NW’ ». and the N«, of the He names a» witnesses: day ol Augnai. I*»* vl»: la*on w Anderwi 11 ’J I lost no time In communicating to our Hydraulic Department today for illustrated literature. m-** «paper, by order ot Honorable Henry I.. NK'4 of Bret ion 12. in Township 11 IS.. R. 13 G. R. .Morgan, of Keno, Oregon UH lor thek's XK quarter Heetlon I Tp li 1 Henaoii, Jurlgeof aald Court, dale.I the nth what I knew to the police, by whom. East, and the NW’4 of the N'\ x '4 oi Section 7, Kslis Morgan,** •• •• K • K W M and lol- 11 3 and « Meetlon a Tp I • .lay of .lone, llkw. requiring Ihta summons lo It must lie said, my story waa received in Township 41 s. R. 14 East oí Willamette R. W. .McCormick.of •* •• H B7 B W N. You see, my Meridian in Oregon. lu* puhllnlied once a week lor al least six con- with some Incredulity. C. Madinon, of •• •• Ite nain«« Ihe following wliiie,«e« lo r a »ecullve w eek», and Covering a period ol con­ special branch of surgery Is but little Dated at Klamath Lails, Oregon, July 12.1906 Any and all peraous claiming diversely Hi« bla conilnuou» raaldeuce upon aud cultivan, , tinuous publication ol al least forty two days. known to the public, and It was the ■s GEORGE M< DONALD, above'ds»(ribod lands are rwjnsste»! to Ila of aeld laud, via: I no» Pttaxti. opinion of the detectives that tha mur­ Administrator of the estate of Allen McDon­ thsir claims In this office on or before said 1st L 0 Mill«, H finowgoeee. Weller T >®k and 1 Attorney for Tlslutiff. Klamath Falls, Ore 7-IH-4-2 •lay of October, 1906. J. X. WSTSOX, Tenth mid Johnson Streets derer had left the oountry some time ald. deceased A Etnmltt, all »f Keno, Oregon. • • gon. ■ i 7 JI. 7 to® JO a Regi,ter J.N,H»»«, K»gla|»a. i H W K blalb , Attorary for Administrator. I J C. I. BONNEY, My Strange Patient I A I MERRILL In the heart of the Klamath Basin Best investment you can make is in Merrill property at prevailing prices ........... Residence property—$1.50 to $1 |>er front foot Business property—$10 to $15 |>er front foot Klamath Commercial Agency Klamath Falls, Orcg^ MELVIN D. WILLIAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR Civil and Irrigation Engineer, East Main St., below 4th City Meat Market ■ ßO.-'DOI!1 sJ|“äN PjiJjfp ’ sigue * mrs mmm Klamath Falls, Or. ’ i WEISS & ARMAND I M ason &. S lough ABSTRACTERS Merrill Creamery Butter DO YOU LIKE TO DRESS STYLISH? If so, walk into the Bon Ton. Every­ thing always new in hats, veilings, etc-, etc. Ladisi and Children t Fur. nithing. MRS. G. W. FISH. BON TON MILLINERY PARLORS \ e • • I «»Ni»ii’í»nee . . . E levates W ater by WATER POWER KLAMATH BARBER SHOP J. W. SIEMENS. Proprietor. Agent for LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. CAMPING C olumbia E ngineering W orks PORTLAND. OREGON GROUND