KLAM A TH REPUBLICAN E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON TWO DOLLARS THE YEAR IN ADVANCE. Klamath Falls, Or., Thursday, July 26, 1906 ■F SEND THEM EAST but the damaged material, h'r went through one of there factories one time, and passing by a large quantity of chub ready for shipment, we were asked to guess where it was going. Of course we tailed to name the consignee. The gentleman who was taking ua through STCpj TORFZCO WITH HAND were r.*l«u«l by l’uit«l Males lh.tr». j Jiklx»- i tri«*« npin haben» onrpue pro- cMntitigs, Momlay. Th«*»«' mon were re- tnamk«l in tin* custody of ihe United State-* Marshal by Court t’oimmssionor Kellogg al Appleton last week.sn.l were sent to jail in default of *'.kkki liail. Court Coniiniasiom*» Kellomt I'*’ l*«*n cited l»v Jislgt* Quirlea t > allow eauw why they should not la* giveu their free­ dom. Tmtwliiv a deal waa mmle whereby Wiu. AddiiHMi.hs* «obi his ranch ol LIS»1 seres on the east side of Hear Crm*k ami atsiut (our ntili*a north of Ashland, known as lhe James Wells plao* to­ gether with 175 head of callle, to F. M an.) F. II McMayhon, two stockmen recently from Alberta, Canada, lor a consideration of * 19,«10. Alxuit 3UU acres of the place ars* in cultivation and it is admirably »limited for stock purpose». Messrs. MeMayhan are stockmen «Im have l*een engaged in the business sue- OMsfully in the far northwest conntrv and have devoted their Ilves to the rais­ ing ol idooded horses Iron» the finest im­ ported stock. They .> the Iitti» gunia In good eondltlon and la th» foundatlon of a gcmd set uf Ueth ‘ *TC»»r» country h«> It» h»ro>s smt It 1» r»tr»»hina to read ».*m»thliis uf th» hrrvlc |u th» history counlrir» »outh of us." said a thuuahtful uisii to th» N< w Orleans Tiniws-IWmmraL "In a recoil hlat. ry of South Amtrlcs attrullou la call»,) to a numberol thin«» whi» that th» popular eatiuiai* of valor and heroism lu that sectl, n of tha World may rot b*- all**»rth«r th» correct oc» It 1» r»lalad that once th» i’> ruvlan monitor llua.car tvu*bt asaiust thr«» Chilean »hq a "After both Admiral Grau and hl» fia« Iteutauanl w»ra killed, rapt A»ulrr» took command, waa kllltd, and than auc- csadsd by Capt Carbajal, who waa put hors d» <*ombat by a ahrll. Ths eotu- JAPS' VIEW OF WHISKERS. m tnd dssoltsd th, n on l.lcut Kodrlsurx, who waa killed, thru on l.l»ut Palacloua. who waa tllaabltd. and finally l.i»ut Scantia» They Are. Higher the Cl vili- antlou, la the Quatut Ballat Oarsyoa. with th» ship on fir», thr»» la»t '* of lalaudara. of water In the hold, and with* luss of half hl» officers and crew wax forced The Japancae think they represent to strik» hu Hag On July U. 1ST», ths Huaacar was in aciion against the the highest In» of devol.>pa>»ni bo- Chilean ship Abtao Torpedo»» at that cause la the process of evolution the? time w»r» r.ot much untlrraUxxl. and out, have almost eliminated wh Inter» To them a thick growth of under b- Ing fired from th» Huaacar throush faulty mechanism returned bark brush In which the field mice may straight upon the ahlp Seelu« thia, and build lheir neats and res- thelr young knowln« that If the ahlp wa» »truck she does not repicsvol the highest type of But »Ink. l.leut Dial Csnaeo «umped etvlllaatlcn Juel how they learn to conduct ware overboard and in th» water with hia hands alter«! It» ccurae Just bators It says the Illinois State Journal, run the politics of the country and pick the cam« in contact with the ship." «Inters in the horse races without FILLING CHILDREN'S TEETH hanging around a barber shop la not quite clear, but as they manage to do Youngsters Kxhlblt Oraat Fortttud» these things it la evidence they have some avenues of Information unknown During Long Opérations OU to the Caucasian race* Th«it Molars. If they are correct In their aurmls». "Tou would ba aurprlaad to see the Is explain« why the beardlsse youth fnrtltnds children exhibit In having In thia country knows ao much mum their tcetb filled ” said a dentist lu than hta bewhlakered father. the New Turk Cress tbs other day "1 The suggest itst contained In last week’» Republican that two tncn froui tlilk county go east, ha* met Willi such a favorable reception that *t Is al lie mt certain that the minlnn was a |w*n»onal friend, and lie volunteered will lie undertaken. It I k recognized the information that the cloth was for a an all aides that this county nitikt be big mail order house; that It was infer­ presented to hotueaeekers in such a ior in quality, having lx*en damaged in manufacture, and that his firm wouM manner that they will know what tn not sell it to liis regular customers; that expert when reaching hen*. The they had a standing order for a'l such heat anil m»«l effective way talhmogh material from mail order houses; and personal representation and wdicita- that while it had all the ap|x*araiicvs of »l«m, and If this ia done systematic­ first-class material it was in many re­ ally and thorongbly the remilts will spects worthless. This cloth, he further inform«*d us, would lx* turn«**l over to he amazing. A movement la «>n foot tn present sweat-shops for manufacture into cloth­ DAIRY DOINGS a petition to the County (\>mniia*ion- ing. Anyone w ho ever visit«! or reaard to and a general idea prevails as to the «lefective, inferior in <|uality or impure his help. krallon. nothing is known almut the and unhealthful, and while you may A party of German friends met at the country to be reclaimed, the climatic save a little at the time it is louglit. you residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gixlfrev Beck ronditiona here, the crops that can will spend more for repairs or for «loc- last Sunday ami |*ass«l the day visiting. Capital Stock. $100,000 he raised, the prkv and quality of tor’s than the article cost originally. “Solo" was the diversion of th» gentle­ land. Aside from tire fact that the An article purchase«! mun a mail order men present, and so greatly did tliev en­ ' the came that it was almost dark ami rica x people know that the government to house carries with it the assurance that joy preparing to reclaim 250,000 acre» of it is cheap, defective, unbsalthful am! a I ls*fore they could break away from it. Bill}- I'rlimann objects to being called land, the people in the middle-west­ ;>ossible transmitter of disease, ami should lx* avoidol as carefully as an in- Urham" by the Repul*lil*an. He isn’t ern and eastern states are igrmrant of dividual afflicted with a contagions anxious for the fame which comes from conditions here. It is to enlighten malady. the misspelling of his name br the them on this point tint this missum- Aside from these considerations, which printer. ary work was proposed. In addition are sufficient reasons why mail order Theae «lays are hot enough to suit a Io coming into direct contact with hous«*s should ba avoided, is the duty Senagambian. but the nights arc de­ »he people who are dt-sirous of asccr- yon owe to your home merchant. Who lightfully root and comfortable. For raining tlie facts, thousands upon is it that give-« you credit when cool summer night» Klamath county In its New Building now under construction thousands of others will be reitched you can’t pay? Who is it that will can beat the world. money when you are ! loan you through the publicity given our rep- on the corner of Fifth and Main JStrccLs I don't wonder that southern Califor­ * * Who is it that contributes resentatives by tl»e newspapers In tbe nians come to Klamath county for their to the funds to help advertise your coun­ communities vtsiterf. If thiaissup- summer outing, for here they can get try, in order to attract investors and en­ W/// do a General Banking Business plementixl with a little biB-powting. the best fishing extant, ami they also tertain them awhile here? Who war it »be rami* will Ur ex<-eed the experta- irri^Um ' kir get surcease from the flea pest, while »ions of the most optiimatic. The Klamath county? Who is It that is al- here there are no fleas—the dogs, even, C1IA8. E. W orden , Pres. F kep M ei .n ase , \ ico are not annoy«! by them. time is ripe for action, s<* let wavs really to ext*m*l lhe helping hand .1. W. S iemens , Cashier James Wight retnrned from hto re­ go to work on it now. whenever it is needed? Not vour mail *riiK T. W. STEPHENS REAL ESTATE »0 INSURANCE 2, 100 acre dairy ranch; no limit on holdings; surplusage of water a snap at terms most reasonable If you have property to sell, if you wish to buy or exchange, see me > a* > > > > Insure your property with Companies that pay their losses in full. I represent five cash companies, and solicit a share of your patronage *r. \v. js^rici’ii . : Bank and Crust Co Will open for business about September /, 19o6 order house, but vout local merchant. cent trip to Portland last Sunday,whi'h- You owe it to him as a duty of cot»- cr, rumor say«, lie went to help bis HIGH LICENSE. , science to patronize him ; to help build brother in lanil matters—with what suc­ np his business ami not tear it down; to cess I have not heard. It is rumored that several of Yonna’s appreciate his efforts in your behalf ami Scarcely had the Republican ap- I reciprocate with your patronage. He farmers are soon to lx- call«l to Portland pea red on tlic streets last we»-k lefore I does'nt demand pay in advance; he a» witnesses in land cases before the I'. we were congratulated over the plrine he does not refuse to pay the freight and 8. Court. lor the attitude taken on the ques- stand the loss of breakage. Ifo docs not J. Frank Adams, the hors«* king id Mon of high license. .Many of the reuse to guarentee what lie sells. You Klamath county, was in Dairy last bun trading citizens have since commen­ see what you are buying, you get what day, enroute home from a lior»e-buying ded and indorsed our stand on the you pay for, yon do not have to run the trip to the reservation. He Ixxight sev­ question, and the genera) opinion is risk ol breakage or damage in shipment. eral saddle horses in the valley. »that the plan proposed is not only a That is why it pays to patronize the Charles Mi-Cumlwr ami Bert Hadley fair one to the city, but equally so to home merchant. He helps you and, if made a recent trip to th« Cay hart moun­ you expect him to continue doing so, tain region some 50 miles northeast of the saloons. This is the only purpeae you must help him, also. If anyone Bly where, rumor lias it, they have tak­ of the Republican. It has no axes to imagines that the mail order houses do grind. It has noquarrel with the sa- not make a big profit, we would call' en up mining claims which are said to Nionkeepcr; nor is it seekiug to inflict their attention to lhe grow th of Bears. lie gond propositions—one assay run­ ning as high as *7il to the ton. May a hardship on them. It is just as de­ Roebuck A Co. A few years ago Sears gixxl luck attend lhe venture. sirous to see them get fair play, a* if was a f>oor telegraph operator, ami his partners were no better off in worldly we were in the business ourselves. PORTRAIT Several times we have lieen iinpor- possessions. A few weeks ago they sohl out for *40,000.000. Starting with noth ENLARGEHENT •noed to favor prohibition, but have ing anortrait artist, of Portland, who has Those engaged in the business should the wise onght to be sufficient: If you Iwen in this city for the |*ast two weeks, be protected from persecution wilb want a square «leal, spernl your money has made arrangements with J. IV. Tollman, the photographer, whereby the same care as any other business­ at home. anyone desiring to have anv portrait of man scenic view enlarged can do so. .Mr. Many »»pinions have been expressed R»Mimon denomi­ of age. radically wrong. Either the people of nation, of which there will I* *184,000,- Word from Medford is that the con ­ thia county who patronize the mail or­ 000 one dollar bills and *110,000 of five- der houses do not know when they arc trolling interest in the M«lford A Cra­ dollar gold certificates. ter Lake Railroad was sold Tuesday by being buncoed or they are accepting the catalog ststements an true. When they Fee Bros., ol Coudersport, I’«., to Web­ Have a carload of cement and wood eend their money to theae mail order ber Bro»., of Michigan, who have also filler plaster for rale. Get in your order close«! a deal for stock held by Medford houses they get just what they pay for. la-fore it is all gone.—Win. W. Men­ If the article is quote»! for a lean price people. It is now expected that the re­ denhall. than what they can procure it from habilitation and the extension of the All kinds of solt drinks at Manning’s their home merchant for, the purchaser road will go ahead. Joseph Black, luhn Bla:k and August Choice line of Cigar* at Frank E. may rent assure«! that it to of an infer­ Anderson, of Shawnee, Wia., who wero Ankeny’». ior quality. Take the item of clothing: These mail recently arrested by a Unite»! States Foc*i>— A wagon jack. Owner will order houses go to the large manufac­ Marshal on indictment relating to al- pleimo call on city Marshall, prove pn>p- turer« 30 acres, adjoins Klamath Falla on the north ami west and Itorders on Link River and Upper Klamath Lake for two miles. From this addition can be >w>*n tin* grandest pummina on lhe Pacific Coast, comprising Lake. River, Valley. Hill. Mountain and Hnow-cappisl Peaks, blend into an harmonious picture of uti<*quallcd Is-auty uml mag­ nificence. Boulevards and Streets are now being graded, and these will be lined with Shade Trees. Grading work on the Electric Street Railway is now under way A completo sewerage system will lie put in. Th<* entire cut of tin* Odessa sawmill has Iwen piir< hase•■ locator! on one of tin* most pictur­ esque spots in the addition and will Is- rairrouml«l by a park. If yon want a home in the most beautiful Heetion of Klamath County, buy a lot in the Buena Vista Addition. If you want to live where you will lx- siirrounde I with Iwantiful homes, buy n lot in the Buena Vista Addition. If you want to live on the street car lino then have your home in the Buena Vista Addition. If you arc looking fornii investment that will yield returns, pur« Intra« prop, crly in the Buena Vista Addition. Office: Murdoch Build’ next door Postoti ice Klamath Canal Co I f