Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 26, 1906, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper of Klamath
County und trading Jeurngl
of the interior Oregon Country. ¡
The largest Crruww and I»
lhe test Medium M te«chH<
«TYoarercus and Trading Rubric
NO. 17
ABOUT COMPLETED Big Corporations Buying
Mark l_. Burna Returns f rom larssil-
fitfk and Bring» Good *TRoA
Iwcrt.tolhu tem.iRd
Claims Near Bly
(ft Pritts Ptuan Mvch «MdFdkt MantetsWd W
Khnrmt* County
and People Hold Off
*aa amazed with hia aticre«»
Tie ia
it would not lie »urpn»lng il Metrill
Col. M <i. YViMriw«, «-ho «ns caBH F>
Mark I. Hirrn» returned Tueaday Irrltn
was made the distributing point Io­
J. R . Alexander, repretenting tbe ■ TuyaTlup a couple of weeks ago by the very mvoW jr“ -a»rd with thia section, Errjfineers Will Be In the
Merrill, Menan»*, Bly, B.nry and Lake­ Grass latke, tlm present terminus ol the Weyorhanser I.iialier Oorr.jxny, J. H. death of Ids grandson, returned to Ibis ■wed 1»"looking for a water right AoostSion.
Field Next Week and
view. This I» only a surmise, but it California-Norlhraslesti. In di»cu»»ing Koehler, rrpreaentinganO»koehWis>-oo- city Mondm . 1t<- cornea back rein­ He also negotiated for the purchase of
The deal,
can readily ls- •eeri that it Wire hl the present »tatt.s bl the rrrad he sold vfiti lumlx-r synihcat» and M. C. rireto- forced in the good opinion of lliia sect ion 1 the George dloyce ranch.
Run Lines
•The rosd i« completesl tort» <Sr»»s vey. accompanied It* two "Sew Orleans
hWtWer, haa not been consumated.
a quick or a<r«’i<-» Io »».xit
■ ■
; lake, and arrangement» are being made
There are a large number of touriats
M IB Result In Great Benefit to Thh ol these place», for it «onl( »ave for an agent at that point, and within a i-apitalnrs,representing ■ Ixiuiiuiiia luru- the coming regional Oregon.
Principal.» are Silent Regarding Che
, Ivr comjmny. have lu-en in this city for
“Let me tell you," »aid the Colonel, j in this anelten 04« we ormer, coining
! the long ■lag« trip necessitated il
Inum. **a May Rc»«k In
SlbVt, but Indication» Point to
t-b*- p»»t two wMvk« i-tiyiug timlo-r 1 m riris office at the Klamath Lake Navi- i here and to Odell lakes from Eugene
the mail came kero and »« »ent out
ship|Hxl from this station in thv rngvlm ciriore. il.elaml it located in fl-e ri- ration Company, •that -even the inavt j »nd the Willamette valley, attracted by
Many bhangea
Tangible Results
Ir-un this city.
I cinity of Bly, in this cot-nty, and ia cov­
The now» of thl* change was eecgritod way.
optimistic <4 we has— no tdrt iff the the fine fiahing.
•'BiAwwn <trassLAr swY Mt. Il»brws. ered with some of the tax». Umber ta
'a;» !W ii * i |> rff ri«» city and •country. U>
T.. R. Hall, general agent of th. Bom
A* -announced in the Republican hero with much ploksnre Yiy all parlies.
all 1 he heavy work on cuts an<J Wt.• is the Cascades. 1h<-»e gentlemen denied
<lir«r weeks agri. Klamath l all» i» tu
can’t gra»p it, but tire «rest
years NEW
Improvement company, left thia
FULTON AND HAWLEY aliout completed. The finishing touch- ' that the trsn»acueas represpnted any- will see a rreatrr change take place in
*hav* another outlet to Ike world, by
city Tse-day morning, aiv-ompaniad by
»re being pvt on the big cut and fill ehtv.g bt.t an investment proposition,
ay o( Laird« kaudtrs Wild ihu Caltlur •
«his Vicinity than has occurred at any
J. I). Boyle of Seattle,(or the purpoaa of
just tins ride of lira»» Lake. Fv>r alswtl and stated that there was ne rarlroad or
1 place on the I’aciffc toast in a like pe- When Completed Will Be Occaffed driving over th* reate of th, propose.!
nia-Noi’fhtHU'i n.
Thu arrwntfeuwnta
twenty five miles between the pre<eut luinlier mill ecbeiee >rt.)vn under the
•for th«* inauguration of a lit rough height
rind. Th«- eyes of people <4 t>>- ssertb-
electric railroad that h <0 connect Hen­
By the Republican.
Ooor Congressional ReprerrentMKes t—rM>ir»«ri ft-* rrilruad and Mt. Hebron ' Iranaacjfoe«.
<iu! patMcngrr arrvlcn nrr about coin i
west are turned litis «ay. and all a man 1
ley, Merrill, Rhitelake and Bonanza
From outside source«, however, it ia I needs do <0 secure an audiance ia to my
to Vielt Us.
ami \V. H. Worden and ('apt»
On the property adjoining tire new with Klamsth Falla. Mr. Boyle ia one
' 1« hmnf! pro»e<trtcA by kiorceof about
! lesrned that considerable activity has 4re is from Klamath Falla. Everyone yvWtrfmer' is to lie err-Ctesf a two-story the be< known railnmd engineer, on
Mrliilyrv hdt for th<* Held »»I o|M«rationa
MUD men. Ninety day» from now aught Izeen manifested by the interested par­
wants to know srixut it
1 went to Se­ »tone business and office block, by the Pacific coeat, and bis connaction
toiay. to te«hi after the minor detail*
fTiil*-1 State» Senator Fulton and tosec train« running into Mt. Hebron. 1 ties to liecure llicae timber claims, and
¡preparatory to commencing «pertitlomi,
attle, registered at a hotel and w hen I Messrs. Page and Stratton, who recently with this work indicates that it ia to be
(*«mgie»»mati■••lis t Hawley are coming From this point to the hole in the tiie result haa been that some fancy
j returned found eight cards in my box— J ’ ptirebooed t*»x 4*e and the building «I- ef the best.
Mhiah are rt|»ected te Iwgm bet a ecu
to Klamath Fall» nest month. The ground <-W* Work is very light, the grade prices 4>ave licen paid, one claim, it is I
J^uguat 10th and I’»th.
al! belonging to leor. wKo Wanted to jacent thereto.no* occupied by the t’ity
The trip taken by Messrs. Hall and
pur|M>»e ol their
it is to become more beiug al next on a dead level, so that the ■ nderstreid bringing as high aa $3,Suff.
t-rr-rw sriiat we Yiave here. I found the meat nsartcet. The renttre lower flour Boyle ia in the nature of a reconnoia-
Th«* pr iinr movut* 111 thio new trans*
I fully m’q'tisvntid with condition* her«, only difficult piece of work 4oft to be
The pbenominal demand for Pacific | same thirst for information at Tacreaa, !
f|M»rtatinn change u
.Mesam l.uird am!
has tx-en rented by tire Republican at •ance, mid will be followed next week
1 eo that when they go lo Washington done ia at tlie pure. 111» hard to pre- coast lumber during the past two years
Portland, ew Gre trains— everywhere. t+re Mgta-s*. rent ev& paid tut a ztore- by actual wort N-ir.g began on the pre-
Itevia «htt hate bunt every energy and
they »ill be tn a position to look slier <lict just » t-re rite road will resell here, has centered the attention of the large
«pare« I no expvnau
to acwmpheh
New that lead« me to one conciesten. rootn '.Ti thts city.
When the fewilding ♦rreinary aarvey.
‘ our Inlereetw «•oclivrif. Hswskxr Fill bat ♦: is sale to say that the time set by tr.-mber.ng cet»pa«4re »( tire coswtry en
W’e must »WwreOtre. Ttre panudsb» te­ w Templeted, whidh wfil be atx>ut Oc­
Kbit result.
New roada arrt* built,
When seen by a representative of the
ton intends ts stanisn-i ths great Klam the Republican i» not far wrong.
the vast forests of Oreg* and Wash­ sted recently by the Chamber of Com-'
<dd one« •Inrifchten«*! and repair«»*!,
J. D. Carroll, who ia at the
all« pri^eot thoroughly, and tn addition
“At Ml. Hebron tlwy are making ington, and has resulted in a strung de­
and everything u »(ten in readme*»
merce must lie followed up with a larger ne* offices, which will be smong tire head ol the Oregon A California Devel-
will lake up many other questions ol arrangements lor rise reception ol !V) mand for túnber
land that shows a lair and better one. More details must be
•to allow the ollhdal* of the (*. E that
Quest in SouUrera Oreg«*-. The «-hang« epnsent company, that ia promoting
1 local interest that have been presrulcd lamUtos ol Umikards. Thu mt haa pur. «sn<vnnt ul
>f luarkctknl« timber.
The given, and then they must lie distrib­
• hey niteant btewate**.
Aa ••»on aa the
haa been I< mw 4 necessary by die large this road, he refused to make any state­
! to him from time to tiaoe
cluraed J 1,000 acre» ol land near there. isolated l.ication of K »math ermnty
•flatter waa pruaaiitud U> I’rusulvnl
uted throughout the north-west. They increase both in the circulation of the ment. He was perfectly «rifling to dis­
Ttw dale lor their arrival ha» not U'-'ti i-H> families are expected neat spring in <-au»><d it to be uvwrioat 'd by the large
Saflager. and hr examined it thorough­
should be*4ac«d in every poetoffice wad paper and amount ol commercial print­ cuss tfie magnificence of the crop« on
»et, but will lx- lielore long: an-l a» soon addition to those arriving inI'eptemlier.'’ coni|>anies until the ban ling ol the gov­
ly, hr rraddy a«-*|»n«**- ««I,mid Inatriicted
liotcl. The time Is ripe and we should ing, die present quarters being too small theCantmH af.d Henley ranches; how
a» it ia dolinilely known, areanrrmeiils
Mr Burn» is making arrangement» to ernment irrigation works and tire ad­
hna reprr>*eiitaii«e it« thia city, IE B
to permit of the ragssri and econotnierf well he was progressing with the har­
J w»U lie wiade to entertain the distin­ go to Ml. Hebron in about three week*, vent of transportation ¡»-xhtie» browelst strike hard and fast.
t 'ampbrll, to |a*rfi*i the aMtwrt», «‘MHi1
"f Isa w cartdwlly read Uie .«uggevtion •Mre-whor. -Of the orders.
vesting; the tine condition of the Yiva
guished gentlemen in a fitting mantier. to open an office lor Ihu Klamath Ikrvel- |he vast timber restsnree« of the cwsnYy j
the did. Many unhii»««vti obteta« l«*aar<M»rt
•euwimrsod m loot weeVa Republican ■*-
stock, or any other entertaining topic
«parent c oaixiiy, which corporation re the attention of th«-- mm. Il «nts
hut all of theav have finally been aaept
fiout sending a couple ot men back east.
( bat the pwn^red survey of hia electric
ownrs the Mt. Ilebron townsite. Il is not long before timber rrei.rere and a- i
I second the motion. It is one of the
Toad. A «ide from reluctantly admitting
the intention ol the com|»any to begin gents made tbrir appearance, an-1 the
TVrx ctinrwgr means more Io I hr klam*
l«st prupoeitirma advance*), and lire eit-
that this wv.mi l twgin next week, hw
Th,’editor of the Hollister Free laincc the «ale ol lot» in *1-’ near future.
seggvegatrd claims were soon smalgam- izrns of the county ought to see that it
than a passing glance auuld
would s»v nothing, except ' piat wait.”
baa his doubt» nb->ut flwhing in Klam
at ci into one compact body, having ia carried out.
It turn»» the tide ul tncNd
The people want fol
Mr. tiali also ciuabed on the Careoll
ath co«til)'. In »ix-akiiig of »ucona* ol |
been bought by the YVeyerhausers, ths know what we have here, and if tire
tehroogh a ar< tioiiof th»* country that la
wagon of lileuew. and advised bis in»
ism , p! Prtueville.
one of its citizen» who waa here recent­
McCloud I.umber Coripanv and other plata wssvarnished truth is told them
lo I m - dvirl<»|M»d by the irrigation pro«
die daughter of Mr. and Mr». <'hairies Xtitur to ’ wait and see.’- Bat notwith-
ly, it »ays:
loderst the Colonial Suggestion of l>ig carpers trews. This onprecodent de­ they will come. Go over the Varited
jrct; it giver the home seeker and in«
I Grave«, of GdeU, wed is well known U stan ling tlse rhsinClinatiOn of the prin-
“Ever Mrier In» return fro«* Ktamatb.
mand reoulted in a sharp advance in the State« with a fine to^thed comb to fieri
v rater a ghrnpae of the ir.rgiHlnde of
to enlighten the public the werlr,
ths Republican.
Werl Garner has l»rn regaling hi»
| price of timber claims, until today they a place that dfters equal opportunities this city, where she ha» a host of friend» on the star-, ev will begva wrr.l be carried
• hr ayatam and extent of tlm district; it
who wish her a long and happy wedded
friend» with fi»h atorica.
lie claim» it
aranejwwte him within right of the great
with Klamath county and you won't life. Tire yo-wg e rem i t e «->44 make their on under the direct; ,u of Mr. Boyle
1» the greatest trout tlslitng* country on
Tlx* »ugge «lion made in last week’s [ ur dreamed <4. Keen at the figures now find it; but we must adwrtiso.”
«lirtrut that U to be rv« la lute« I thiuugh
who exp-Kts to reanain here until it >,
h-wwe inOaribrld, Wash.
■earth, and il one half lie-tale» lie tells Republican lo the effect that missionary being offered, many are holding off in
• Irainagr, !!•' «era the actual COD »tract’
This is the second wedding iu the cotnplt'tvi.
are tree he ia unquestionably tight w<>rg (lliglit to be diue iu tlie middle- the hope that eventually they may real­
Bun of th«» lailroa I that ia braJing thia
H. P. McKenny, who haa looked after
i Graves family. Miss Maude having been
With an eainertne»» that carnet con-| arat and the east, and that the county ize a higher return. It is unlikely how -1
Mray* ami cau m-r (t un the |M*riuaiirnt
interests of the Bonanza Improve­
■ married •». the home of frer parents 4»«*
vlelioti, be tella of catching one speck* I should |„ appropriate money lor that ever, that when tire land is pwrefta«--!
«nd rx|»rnsivu in-rle of construction,
ment company here, baa been compelled
led la suty that measured a little over 0 perp,»-», ha« met with the cordial a,»- as aw iw-retmen« oe « speculation that; Klamath County Want.« 1-abereT« and Thursday, the 19th, to Joseph I.. Ringo,
•that it a ill lie on«' <>( the Iwl piuCea of
of Oregon City. This wedding was the to resign on account of hia health and
foot in length and weighed eight and I pmval of the business men of this city an advance will be made on the prices.
Mechnnlca Badly
tailroad in America.
•urlmiwstiou of a coc.rtstiip thl*. begun that of Mrs MeKewny, He haa lieen
A bwat araisrr «ill hr ra'tablidir I by-
! while the young couple were attending succeeded by Mr. Hall, who will in the
taren Klamath
balls and
I^tirdr with Ills »calc« on, or on the araloa be 1 eatate men. “Homething of that sort TEACHERS
Ute State Agricultural school at Cor­ future have full charge of the extensive
However, a wagon- :e«giit tohedono,** safri »Yank Ira White.
The trip mil probably take rem»« » io «late.
realize bow difficult it is to procure men vallis. The ceremony «-as preriorwred by holdings of thiscompany. The promo­
*W mt four h itiri. ft w ill be auols a de«
(or work. Every enterprise is suffering the bride’s father, Justice Charles tion Of Mr. Hall to this responsible
thia i« seldom done, because the li.h are to have a city, and unlo«a some ««stem
lightful «teaagr from the rx¡»uririicu of
l>o»ition is well deserved. He ia a hust­
from the scarcity of help, and unlees re- Grave*.
■o heavy fi«bermeu la-coma c»hau«tc«l ’ alj,., ¡^,,,,10* 4i,J p«arta-ab!c work ¡»done I
Notice i« hereby given that tlie < oun- j
¡s gjven
a serious delav in the
the Uam an I stag •. th it tin* pidirng«*™
ler and is possesaetl of the requisite abil­
• lU'r «few niiMMeuta M«hing. it ir a among the people who must be depend-
air anre to r«‘lull here in .1 liijipy fruit '
G SclesJ .Sui^ruitenden^ Of Klamath | (Oml,letiun <4 niany contracts will re­ present» from her school chums, ami a ity to make a snccesa of what he ma/
big country and everything inilmliug cl on to populate and cultivate our
. Owtnty will hMA the regular examina-1 sult.
of mind. Suitlicru Kina ilk unintv—•
puree filled with gold by her relatives. undertake.
tiali is limit on briKid lines, which prob­ farm«, I am afraid the growth of Klam­
Wliitelak««. Merrill, an I probably II >•
lion of applicants for State and County j This city is in weed of mechanic,— They w»H snake their home atOderil, and
ably account» for the »urpruing »eight ath county will full short of our expec­
• aura—-will b « rurv • I tlirmigli a service I
papz-ts at Klamath Fails ns follows:
Wood wanted—At Winters’ Jewelry
eae(*nters, stone-masons, brtcMayen. ’ Mr. Ringo will lie employed at the Bo­
of trout when the length is consider««!.” tations. The vtaa advanced by the Re­
For State Papers
<«> Mririll.
All the freight an I pa*«
' The highest wages on the coast can be hemian mine.
II tho Editor will come up hero we w ill publican i« a good one, and aught to
Commencing Wednreday, Augu«t H at hai|
We>| «.nditions to woik Jnder,
arngrr« for that Motion will hardly be
guarantee he will duplicate Mr. Garner's meet the hearty support of all interests
handle I through this «ily, aad th«« nr
!• o'clock a. 111. 1, and continuing until Throughout the cowaty the same is true,
experience, and by way ol remembrance in the city aa well as in the country.”
r*«w*aitatr a long hard "tag” ride from
Saturday, August 11 at 4 o'clis-k p. ni.
Mui added thereto is the demand lor
•how him Im* to catch tomt weighing
Similar views were expressed by I*. I.
hero. It is alm >«t curtain that the mat I
W«dner«lay — l’enmaneliip, history, laliorers of all kinds. The government
two ami three time» •« much a> the one Fountnin, W. 8. Slough, J. F. Nowlin,
wxbf mine in tliir wav, thus giving to
s|s-Uing, physical ge-wrephy, reading needs men on their work. »2.00 a day
relerre«! lo.
E. W. Gowen and many other real es­ and psychology.
thia city «daily rerviur once more. If
and board is the price offered for eight
tate men and citizen«. The advisability
< hi« cliang*' is mil«» in lh<» in.nl rrrvice,
New watches at Winter»’.
Thursday—Written arithmetic, the 1 hours work; ,TT>cents an hour *or driv-
of circulating a petition haa Ireeu taken ory of teaching, grammar, liookkceping,'
amj twanl for
iwiscj ^ v swssxa
nwpi teams.
tcaiuc, ’ The
iiiv work
W Ul aL
up, nml it is more than likely that <ure physics and civil government.
is not of a back-breaking kind and the
will be pn-|>«re.| for preeenteth* to the
Friday—Physiology, geography, men­
l«Mird of county commissioners, who tal arithmetic, c<ini|>osition and alge­ board is first class. The government
contractors are employing every man
will undoubtedly lend n helping hand in bra.
that comes along on the same terms.
the great work ol u|>-buildiiig the Klam­
Mltunlay—-Botany, plane g>s>mctry,'
Harvesting is now on and farmers are
ath Basin.
genera) history, English literature and paying $2.0) a day and board.
school law.
Under such conditions the mechanic,
For County Papers
laborer and homeseeker need have no
Commencing Wc.lnoe.lay. August «■ fear <4 ¿nring ¿ Klamath Falls'.
. 11«
« I
i»ii»l!l rvUirtir until 1
A. R. Kansga. in diortlmdltg th.- vari­ at 9
o’Mock <a a. is*
m. am
continuing until1 may . 1« sure of . employment
as S-on as
ous irrigation project» now being on- Friday at 4 o’clock p. ni.
he lands here.
stnicted by the government, liar this to
First, second and thiol grade certifi­
say al»>ut the Klamath project, in the cates.
Sunday Oregonian:
Wednesday — Penmanship, liisto r y , FORT KLAMATH
“Then take the Kin mat I. country. orthography and reading.
The government is »|>en<ling over |2.(NO,-
Thursday»— Written arithmetic, the­
Work ia aliout completed on the opera
(»»> in that country and |>«oplc are flock­ ory of leaching, grammar and physiofis
house at Ft. Klamath. The building is
ing there from all parts of the Country,
■WxNO feet, with dressing rooms on
and in less than two years from now
Friday—Geogniphy, mental arithme­ cither side of the stage and a store room >
vim will see that Mr. Harriman will tic, selvsd taw nn<l civil goveniment.
in front.
Imild a line into that country and trade
Those wishing to tench in this county
Miss Kdim and T.iztle Houston of!
will emue to Portland where it belongs will please take notice as the coaat/'
and every wholesale man and numufae- IsHird is opposed to granting ]K>rniits in 1 Klamath Falla are visiting their friend.
Miss Etta Smart. Charles Emery gave
turer 'ier<> will feel the new life in this any way except through ]>apcrs
‘‘ a picnic at Sun Creek to the young folks
city’s trade. For thirty years )wst the in some other county or state,
j of the Fort in honor cf the Misses Itoua-
('iHis llay and the Klamath country has grades granted by this state,
' ton.
la-en cut off from Oregon ami have
.S'liool officers arc requested to 11» >r-
Ismght all their g<s»ls mid shipiasl all otiglily examine credentials of teachers' The largest crop of rye ever raised In ;
of their pnalucts 1« San Francisco.
1 ls-forc accepting any serviivs nml we the Wood river valley la about ready for
Hereafter this trade will come to suggest that remote districts employ! I harvest. It was grown on the Fred and '
Portland mid its value will run up into teachers having pa|w-rs tn 1
___ the '«us Melhaee ranch, now owned by Ab
the hundreds of thousands of dollars winter term.
ner Weed. The rye stands seven feet,
.1. G. W hiiiht ,
I eight inches.
each year.
For years I have noticed
School Superintendent
the eagerness with which the San Fran­
Klamath county.
The Fort Klamath banco Club gave a
cisco merchants hung on to the trade in
dance at the 0|w-ra house Saturday even­
the t'lss. Bay country mid the line of
ing. It waa largely attvhdrd by the ‘
vessels running between MarshQeld, Or.,
residents ol the town and valley.
and California has done 11 Imid office
The surveyors for the Oregon and :
Mrs. Joseph Glllicrt Pierce entertain
ed Friday in honor of Mrs. OsWold!
w,.,ic^ js
Service WAN BcjJn About
August to If Pianti Go
Shoes Worth Buying
Up to date Styles-Fit Guaranteed
The Famous
For Women
Found Only at
Boston Store
Mason, Pavia A Company rained the
wage« of laborers to
|ier day and
I hiah I for eight hours work. This move
was necessary on account of the fact that
' ranchers are now in their hay fielda and
are pai Ing |2 per day and laborers were
leaving the ditch for the hayfields, cmia-
ing the ditch work to lie nearly aban­
doned. Progress on the big tunnel just
above town ia very satisfactory and it is
believed that thia will be ready for the
I coucrete by ¡September 1/
, Natron and Klamath Falls, have run
Harshliarger of Sun Francisco.
The guests spent the afternoon play­ the perliminary line tn the stage station
ing hearts and the prlke, u beautiful eighteen miles north of Klamath Falla,
souvenir spoon, wns won by Mrs. Rnell They are now engaged in reenrveying
of San Jose. Calif.
The house was the Williamson river canyon, and when
prettily decorated with sweet peas, mid this ia completed they will continue
with the perliminary survey from the
delicious refreshments were served.
Those present were, Mies Whitney, stage station to the county aeat.
Meadames, Ruamea, Jennings, Aldridge,
Col. W. H. Holahlrd passed through
Bishop, Buell, Willitta, Steiner, Milla, here on hia way to Eugene. He stopped
Henry, Briggs, Benaon, Ward, Harsh- at Odell and Creuoent lake to enjoy the
liarger, Calef,
Calef, Pierce,
Pierce, Murray.
unequalled fishing of these places, and