CITY BRIEFS. Dairy: but be i’ having trouble w ith hie Iki you want to own a launch? If • > I clay, as it is *.> rich with vcgvtnbh* mold see Telford A >.>ii. They rail make you that the l>ii«k< frequently crack in the one to your liking,andguaranteo result . 8ee Uy for marsh lands. drying proce.». Being right here at home thia guarantee lion George T. Ihtldwfn ia in Port­ Cha». K. Drew was at Bonanxa on carries some weight. land. business last Monday. For a home see L. .Acobs. Jacob Knock, of IXury, was in town Mr. and Mr». T. L. Michael's baby I'rank \nkeny cart Iva only fresh Saturday. has been quite 111 lately. candles ami confectionery. C. F. Shackleford has moved hieahoe A picnic w.i, given on the Fourth nt Italiana», oranges and lemons fresh shop l>ack to the Houston block. the lesidonce ol Mr. I'etersteiiier, to nt Manning's. J. L. Padgett, the well-known old the enjoyment of all concerned. Wrinlinrds <'debiili cd 1 .igvr Beer timer of Keno was in the city Monday. The Li»ky Imy» lecently sold $tn»O on draught at the Central. "What splendid, growing weather I” worth of horse«, and have bought sever­ Have a catl.sid nt cement and W o: »rv it ia nil mo. ■ Wm. \\. •Men- is visiting her son, 'Squire Musgrave. thriving business this spring, and they denhiill. Dr.K.E.l*«o Steiner,accompanied by deserve it. South Kl.nnalh Full, will lie fl e iv his daugeter, returned from Salem G. D. Grl.zle, the tombstono man of blent district. See !.. Jacob». Monday. Klamath Fall», ha» opened a valuablo Ci.'.u« and tobacco of all g'» ut C. N. Hawkins of Hollister. Presi­ •tone quarry on the mountain-side A. J. Manning's. dent ol the Klamath Canal coiut>aiiy northeast <>l the valley, an I has been Chitwoods T< Hot cream will cute sun­ . getting out stone bases for monument« strived Monday night. burn, tan and freckle». this spring. The stone is a grey con ­ A new sidewalk was laid on llio east Card of I hank*. side ol the court house this week, This glomerate, almost aa hard as gianite. of all kinds. Gill .mJ see me lie save it is the l-ert stone ho lias been was a needed improvement. ? able to timl in the county, llo has » Mrs. R. B. Hatton of Oakland, Cali- Wo MÍ h to bought the land and thinks hiuiscll thanks for th<« fornia, is visititing friends in this city, fortunate. .«vmpatlietii* consideration shown u« bv having arrived hero .Monday. Farmers have little to do just now the it*. I . U .. and li ivlida dui ing our Miss Annie Applegate went to Pokeg­ save to sit in the shade and natch their late iH-ivaveiimnt. am* Saturday, where she expects to grain grow and gel ready (or harvest Mm. J. C. Sigler, »Phone 2-1 j teach during the summer months. Range cattle ara hit and sleek. They Joseph Monte. Project Engineer Murphv. who had All themselves with rich grasses in the been in Portland on behalf of the Klam­ Correct Piano I’uning. a mornings and evenings and lie down in ath project, returned home Monday. the shade cleviirg their cuds during t»nly a correct scale is satisfactory la i The regular meeting of the W. C. T. the day mid at night. The cow is u« the musical ear, ami there can bo no a I U. will be held Friday at 2 p. in., nt lazy as some j cople 1 know. compromise with one partly so, li a which new memln-rs will In* admitted. I Il is doubtful if there is a healthier Mm!*eii, a | iano tuner ol ex|»-rience. lor a Mr. George Kilter, one of the hard­ climate any where than here. People more than '.JOveins identified with Mier- working. prosperous farmers of Yonna have no malsrial diseases, no pulmo­ man. Clay A Co . Sun Fianeisco. now 4.%%%%%«%%%%*%% valley, was intown on business Satur­ nary complaints, asthma mid phthisis hero fur a limited time, will do tuning day last. an* rare, and even stomach trouble.« are and extensivo lepalriug ut rea« -naide *!’ X .Mrs. Frank Applegate and daughter, infrequent. The White Plague prices. Orders lelt at tho lie.) Mar « V« T» «I »I •».’*. ¿.««..».id..N.«» H’«t,,;» »j„«ud-.♦»,«I« Elixal*eth, left here Saturday morning was never known to develop in this Drug Store will !•<• promptly attended to f on a visil_to relatives in MeJford an 1 health giving atiiu spliore. As a health Notice to Creditor*. resort I believe Klamath county has no Eugene. til the County Court of the Stateol Oregon, for * A. 11. Engle, formerly proprietor of equal on earth. With mi active, out­ Klamath Count*. In the matter o( the estate <4 Jamvi Calvin , the Klamath House, and now a resident door life the person who cannot get of Gohl llill, returned here Saturday on well here m. .lit as well make bi» j»*ace Settler, dec. a-ed. 113 SO The underCgnc ! having bucn apoInfid by with his Maker, fur there is surely no l& 00 business the County Court of th» Slate of Oregon, fur <1 M better. Klamath County, admit..»irate x of thee talc I Hon. II. I.. Benson and C. M. Briggs, 3rt lit Items like this in a Missonri paper of Jatncn Calvin Fvtglcr, t! ««a«<*d, notice 1« •î* accompanied by their fami.ies, left for 11 ÏÔ hereby given to the vreditore of, an»! all p» r- IU to Spring Creek Monday morning for an are propit ious o( a coming immigration: tk»n» « has Ing claim» ai:aiu»t MUd dec« aw'd, 1« 40 01» “Did you ever notice that half the men outing trip. present then» vertfic ! a< r« ¡mt • I by ! w, you know talk ol removing to‘the coa»t* within six month» after the flr»t publloallon Mrs. Al Abrahams and daughter, of some day?” of tl. ' he' ■ t«» • ’. 4 *•! Franr.-n r at her : Chico, arrive ! Tuesday evening vu a vis­ F. A. Cutter l as temporarily removed residence at Klamath Fall«. Or«‘g«»n it to her nn ther, -Mrs McMillan of the to the Falls, where he has secured eiu I ■ Lakeside Inn. Aihn'.o' «trattit ci II.« ploymcnt. Sv If tor, il»c»'4»cl O. II. Harshbarger of San Francisco, T lî M The potato crop biJa lair to l>e an un­ ¡Mied July I’th, IÄU arrived hire Monday evening to visit usually goo! one this year. Administrator's Sale of Real Property his wife and family. He ex|«cts to re­ Chas. Flacku» ami wife were visitors main about a month. Notice i» huroby itlvoti that in pur«»»anc<* < • an * f ler «1 t' e Uounty (*onr< «4 KHmMh Falls Monday last. A skating rink is now in full operation in. We are closing out all our Corsets. <*oui»tr. hi . «Ini* tea«!«' »u l tutcrwl • at the opera house, J. D. Boyle ami w. For Sale—Cheap, a 12 foot show case. the9*h «♦•y <4 July, Eta, in tl»» iHaltrr «4 l! *^z. Broken line of *Ladies and Children’s Hose and C. Pierce being tho promoters. It has Frank Ankeny. eMa’coI Alim McDana! 1, *!vc«a»•■>!. th«* un«!cr »Igoes!. aJmiiii»tr&tur «4 said r»talt, will « hi been well patranized. Special sale of box stationery at the Silk Gloves. an«l alter Ft id»/, lh« 1 II. T. Taylor, representing Farm annt-rn ation by tl c < « i t. al ‘ All kii « of a It drinks at Manning’s the r tP‘. m l hi R. tv I of Ihr «»Id Micu that publication. He exjiects to re­ Ch lee line of Cijars at Frank E. McPvt a'.d, tkertard. at tl c lli tc «4 h!« death Summer Lavzns. main a couple ol months. Ankeny's. a nd til the rl(bt, title atid int ?c»t that »a «i Harry reltx has startled tho natives ha» by • pcratlon ot la-.» or other*!«» Summer Shirt Waists. Go to A. J. Manning's for pipes, eta e«tato **'«¡111 red other or in a I iltioii ta Urtl ««! au.-I with a new automobile. He has purchas­ tionery, cutlery, notions, etc. hu'., ed it for the use of visitors to Crater Summer Dress Skirts. Watches. L. lira Lewis. . . ! :■> th - ■' dT ! » ■ a ! j • t Lake and elsewhere in the county. ntllvla l. t rne halt lntcrc»i in Fine watch re;airing. I.. Alva Lew is. • N'w». oí tU< the o( tl. v D. F. Vanderpool of Sterling, Colo­ Just arrived at Alva Lewis'», new NU t , of 10« NK‘4 of A ction — \i.;-< rado arrived here Monday on a visit to line of jewelry. I * It II Kail ut IV I.Ur. bis cousin, J. O. Short. He is making The I akcsltfe Inn Bar. C. Ross An- a tour of the Pacific Coast and the derson f r Hl.t'i grade WlMB, 1.1- '! Itrtrrt*»t In and Northwest. quora and Cign a. I’rvf. J. G. Swan, principal of the A stmli rt 1-t ? ago a.«l e '. tl <• presi­ 1. igli school, left for Eugene, Saturday. dent * t . Horning, tc»tant, Bfa'.h't lloateatead Entry N«>. Walker auJ Meibsse and County Clerk snnie difference between Cactua Cui mad<* May ItHM. for b’, SW\ Action *. and Alkali Ike. Chastain visited Merrill Tuc~day for the E’, NW', Ha. th n 7,Town»h!p 37 M., Kane«* 10 dlf- Huck Hans They", consid'able E , by Ovrar 8t'*rnburg, C<*nt<’«teo, In which It purpose of inspecting the county htidge <1 that » m <| Orcar Slrrnburg Im» utter at that place and decide on what re­ f'rence. < al's dead an’ Ike'a ollie. ♦ he Is Tenderfoot—Yea. bnt what waa ly faik'l. In n'¡K « i I«» »aid entry, to comply pairs are necessary to put it in first original difference between them that with the public land law» of the United Htalcs clans condition. and the mlri and regulation« rvtabU»hrd Jed up to the killing? Huck Ilans—Ike was quicker on th» thereund r rnlatlvo tn eMabllahlng and main* Mr. and Mrs. Peary of the Reclama­ talnlng r« »l lcnm- upon Mid land; that hr did tion Service, and F. M. Chapman and trigger, that's all. — I’hlladelphia not e‘tab’I»h n reiddence tn a hou»c within its ------- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS-------- i,rcM * ________________ «KMsa w ife, enjoyed a trip to Odessa Sunday mo;ithB fr<»m the dal« of hi» »aid entry; that < V* «4 .•* «4 he hat never re»l>e held at Hi o'clock a. m. on Aiigu»* Ills aenrie Hint. —— We are now sure of a good crop. “TTow much of a salnry do you 25, EMI, before the lleglatr r ami Ibreiver at the United state» Land office In Lak«jview, The Keno Saloon was opened Sunday. get?” asked the inquisitive diner. "Oh, I don't got any salary," re­ Oregon. Mr. Mills aged 75 years died on the The said ront«*Mant having. In a projn r 7th., of cancer of the face, after having plied tho obsequious waiter. "The affidavit, filed Juno SO, JWM. wet forth fade gentlemen that dine here are such which uliow that after due diligence personal Agent to His Majesty, the American Gentleman, suffered severe pain for about six months. perfect gentlemen that I don’t need service of tbl» notice ran nut bo made, It 1« l:or (leñera! Information or Prices for first class goods Rev. Bryant preached the funeral ser­ any regular salary or wages.” hereby ordered ami directed that »uch notice mon. As the diner reached down Into his be given by due and proper publication. Write or Call on 7 12 M Hi J. N WATSON, .teflater. On Monday the 9th. the stages pocket for a tip be was heard tn mut­ ter something about curiosity ulways i brought in 44 passengers from the rail­ road who took passage on the steamer being costly.—Chicago Post. Klamath for Klamath Fulls. A Fine ArraniremenS. First Nurse Girl—Seems to me y'r Last week Mrs. Thomas Way and her grand daughter Mies Stow visited puttin' on a heap o’ style drlvin in the park with a moneygrammed George Way aud family. During their TOILET CREAM—For Tan and Sunburn kerriage, and rnMhmun and foot­ stay here they in company with Misa men, too. Itoea y'r missus lend ye ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION—Disinfectant and Germicide Kate Way and Miss Ruth Doton took a her private rig?" Caused by heat and ex­ BLACKBERRY CORDIAL WITH JAMAICA lout-ride to the Falls on the steamer Second Nurse Girl—She sends me GINGER—Diarrhoea and Summer Complaint Klamath. to take her pet dog out fer an uiriu*. cessive perspiration, sub­ "Hut where'» the dog?” Mr. Clyde Nickerson anil wife re­ LITTLE LIVER PILLS—The Ideal Laxative side instantly after apply­ « turned from Portland last week to visit ^•’Un ler th’ seat." N. Y. Weekly. ing .Mr. Thomas McCormack. 7” Will u«t Ills Dwert». Naggus (literary editor, Inspecting During the vacation the Directors are manus'-rlpt) —Your st<,ry Is good I having the school house repaired. enough so far ns I have got, Horus, Violet Finley Padgett and wife wero visit* except that the. hero is rather film I ing relatives and friends last week and drawn. He's entirely too good for The Lakeside inn Bar. C. Ross An ­ TALCUM POWDER Weinhards Celebrated Lager Beer ; on their return home got a good soaking this world. derson for an Optimo cigar. on draught at the Central. Borns (struggling author) — I know in the rain. U. 8. Rub it in lightly. It cools I’ astchb to lkt .—12 mile! from Yai- Telford & Son are prepared to build it, Nnggns. I kill Idin off in tho last nax abundance of grass and water, will you a launch oi any size desired anr*iiu: • Store ;-------------------------------------------- --------------------- B. WHITLOCK By-Lo FJNERA 25c I Star Drug Store DIRECTOR AND EM­ BALMER *r