KLAMATH COUNTY BANK KI AMAI II I Al I S, OREIIUN Al.I X MAfiriX', I'rvslilent E It. REAME», Vice I't.-rlili'iil ALEX MAKI.IX'. Jr ('usiner The Pioneer Bank oí Klamath County » -KOO i»rrv at«M It min i» near Bly, Ottoon. 4>M> aerea « mii I HI Cillit vaivi. Plenty of good rang«*, iCminiiig wafer ; boum*, l»arn; córtala; 12 milita wire femint hol«l with or without catiin. I or furilicr |Mirti«*ularw empiir«* oí C. A. Bunting, Merrill, Ore. If 'I I • 'I I.Ululili ÍCM I 11 Hl I MIO INI I 7HI «I : ihi ,. ì 7 ii mi oil * xr> 10 IÍIH.I5 t'CZ.iWI 1IM Hiille of * >n*tfo|| I ** < 'mini » v <* nunie«I Bank, Imilh«t «Iti h a w «>t n, »I«» «•») tliul I he wliilrinvnt n line lo ilo* l■••►•l •»! mv knowledge Aini («ellei. A ii X M ahtiv , .I k ., Caahivt. Hilomr(Imd and «worn lo Indoti* me tbU 2nd day «d July. I' hmi . P» n , < <.»( affi * N »I :u \ Piildir h»r < h egon. Correct ulhMt M SIITI», It I: « M lit, M Mitius, .I k , I »irre tors. .p.j. HOLLADAY ♦ -.* I • • « •c WHISKLY BOHEMIAN ♦ BEER ♦ C. D. WILLSON '1' W.’ Lm- ii cimi In. I luii'ls In traci* l.n^r or amali, to Milt pur- Genuine Singer Baldwin the Hardware Dealer You can buv embroi.lary for stmost nothing st tl.v K. K. K. store s|xxisl sals. Notke of .Sale of tJnpatented Swamp l.an .’4 I» m . f»»t any lntar<*«t tin* Mian ma) bava In th«' follow Ing <1-»<'rlb' d uii|>at < nt<* «»f MW*4 «»I M«-f (Ion .'I au>l W 1 , <»f 4<*< Go i 2» 1 2 ■ m if 6 £, the land« lu Mcctlmi b«*lng uuwur Vf) rd. All b d> mual >»«• a«’<’ompanl»-d by an appll- < alion an I afti*ta«it (<• ¡»iirclia»« In a< <>rdai>r«* with Mreifon «1 Iu-i|i iig«’r and < wit on'» Co>h and d»*i lar al loo •» pro* »d«‘d l>) Met lion LUI and b> «a«h «»r rtoaclt lor lull amount of fro-d. Ko bld for 1« •• than I un per a<-re will Iff c»»n*|if«-r«*d. Hi«’ right to r<-)- < l any and all bid« 1« re Wf v «-«I. Application« and bld« «hould be a*1*!r<*«M*«l t«i«» it Brow n < tark Hratr l^tnd Board. Ma!» in <»r»-gon. and market. * A ppIicaGoo an 1 bl 1 to purchaM- Pupate lit«.* I M a am)» l.an<1»," (. <». Brown, Clrrk Hi’ •• I ji ml Hoard hated I hl« With day of April. I**. .VI 7 !»or. Inferior Debating a SneJa’iy E levates W ater by WATER POWER inexpensive mai Line tli.it can utilize a small fall of water for the purpose Il is the farmer’s friend in •dry season" and is indispensable to those owning land high above ditches. It will furnish water for domestic purposes, even elevating pure water of lhe spring by means of the impure or muddy water, as found in some rtrcanki. Require» no attention. Practically no cost of maintenance, there being no parts to get out of order. A rani will pay for itself in a short tune. giving utmost satisfaction. 1 .very ram install, d is We keep a large slock constantly on hand. Writ« to our 1 lydraulic Dcpaitment today for illustrated liletaliuc. C olumbia E ngineering W orks -’S Tendi und Johnson Streets PORTLAND, OREGON Some Choice Residence Blocks and Lots for sale on the Installment Plan. $100 Reward A ftA Ilol Hprlnio liDi rovctnvnl Company, a cor |M»tni to Hp|H hi and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff lie rein will apply to the Court for I hr relief prayed for lu the said complaint, to w it: - for a decree of the Court removing from the plaintiff*!« title a cloud creat 'd by the cer­ tain Hherifl’ji deed executed to you. mid which purports to convey the X W\, mol of the 11, mnl N E' ( ol the m V 4, and X’3 of the SI-.' | of the sw14. and the Nw’ , of the SE’4, all the in Set turn ’JS, and the !•’.,,«»( the K’ j, of Sec. ?» < xvept lllockK it ami if» lu Nichol« Addi­ tion to the city of Klamath Falla, Orc. All of jnid I iiih I n being In Tp. !IS, s of R 9 E of the w M in Oregon, mid Nituatrd in Klamath county ■ in Miitl Mate, and for »itch turther relief m to the court may aecni just nuil hi Hici rdHuee w iln law mid equity. Thia aummona 1« «rrveil by publication ilivrcot m the Klamath Republican, a weekly tn w •'paper, by or.os teed corn a*d tbat bis cern was mak­ thus cbir tirised lit tbs largest bs in? from tbrrs to five ears on a stalk, pr ’ ared, and not with aa eqzal cum- aid that bls ne'ohtors were all *■•; lug Lcr • f . laws. bls corn for seed- In the annual "Th.se hint ars reckoned cf th» report of tbs Rhode Island station, the pur<»t breed which cr> five-clawed. . r»-ult of ecc year's selection cf its but to pia t that t.o erose-epurs ar! e lower rar es compared with tbe upper from th* tegs, for she which hx» th » one showed a remit s mewhst in favor maie-IIIr a| ;.c-.age f» rarely fruitful < f th, upper ear. and from this one test and when sh* C »» * ■ ■■■ ! to fig the character of corn is 1 over ths shoulders, the breast broa- strain rr race, and after breeding fcr the at.d musculsr; tt.s wing, brawny, ideal plant ve ran thus select with like arm,; ths tall lofty, ard rotn ■ rec nrobr.-the Ideal «ars frem these post'd of a dout 's row of arching : ‘1 Bv ds Iilend rcper* gives feathers alike ,-n rack aide, th-thighs ruts rhowmg the rorn from lower an 1 i rr r-ri. and to far a* we can judge with eo-rss rsathsrs; legs itnrdy, not fiern tbe rut. the greater luxuriance I* lot g. but armed as it wers with dan­ In faver ut the lower ear seed. The m!a- gerous spurt. n e seems to hare teen In assuming ! “Even when eCher prepared for tbat v hat haj t ca advised as a means fighting, nor for triumph cf victory, of getting the fdx! plant Is always and their temper should bs shown to bs In any c frnnte the best for tbe c»op at highly gencr haughty, active, once and that a tingle experiment can wstchfi.l, end given to crow citen determine the value ot any me-hod of also not easily alarmed; 1 r rozne- plant breeding. Breedlrg to cure de- times It will be needful ' r them tj f.cts In the plant fcr a certain climate repel stta I s and to grotea thetr con- and breeding for continuous productfrn Jtiiai Co.-f • differ very materially.—Practical « Farmer. » A CONVENIENT BEE STAND Its Designer Kakea the Claim That It La Just aa Useful in Winter IRRIGATION IN FAR WEST, Residence property—$1.50 to $1 per front foot Business property—$10 to $15 ¡»cr front foot KlamaîhlCommercial Agency Klamaih Falls, Oregon MERRILL AGENTS FITCH a SPENCER City Meat Market KEISS & ARMAND PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS Merrill Creamery Butter DO YOU LIKE TO DRESS STYLISH? If so, walk into the Bon Ton. Every­ thing always new in hats, veilings, etc-, etc. Ladies' and Children's Fur. nishing. MRS. G. W. FISH. BON TON MILLINERY Notice of 5ale of Timber. handling of bees Some apiarists win­ ter bee, In the cellar, and a >ma leave the hives out of doors, with almost no protection a mean between the two la • Ho c to Local, ths boost». “* Th, warmer sir K near the roof; and It ta ,a.v ti a.'.d that .he mom impair nir la tber. also S’at.v the louats |uw. both tor sum me. and winter. This a tti lai ge- ly ..tevi nt lam* ue -s ss high roosts cause injuileJ and the lowet air is purer, more vnjoyabls end m. re plentiful It .er.tl- latloti could b« afforded from below, al­ lowing impure air to escape at ths tor. It would lie ot advantage; but as iha wind trequsntly shifts In its direction. It may ksppsu that the air will Cow in from lhe top manaa of ffomg out at that localloa Soluothliig will ba gamed u) masiug th* .oos»» low. auo the low el .ht better, bui not ac low as to Induce .he is» is to .ixiat on lhe neata ot aumeiaing highs;, a* sacb alma to art ou the higu- aai perG..—and Fireside. It Is estimated that there remain In the dry region cf the west about G00,- 000.000 acres cf vacant public land, and tbat there Is aufficlent water available, under proper storage systems. tc Irri­ gate about cne-tlxtcenth of the whole amount The ares now occupied and Ir­ rigated la only 6.520.000. If curing the next JO years only 20 000,000 acres more sbou'd be placed under Irrigation, the lard sr reclaimed would provide homes for at least 12 000.000 to 15.fe0.000 yen­ pls as a very small area Is sufficient to support a family w here the tarra is op­ erated according to Irrigation metheda The main drawback which has so far appeared tn the development of tbe dry region I, owing to the presence of alkali tn the soil In lame sections It la found that after putting water on ths soil for a certain length of time the tendency of the alkali is to rise toward the surface, and there is e gradual Increase of the harmful salts near the surface. The waters used in Irrigation. Il Is also found, contain alkali which helpa to increass the deposits sfter the water dries awav. After tbs alkali once be­ gins to give serious trouble It has aome- tirnea been necessary to abandon the land The only remedy aprears to l>e to furnish sufficient water to Hood the laud and soak out the alkali for cutting by the forest officer in charge hwati-l on the SW>4 SW>4. Sec II, and Building Contractor tbe NE'4 NW'4, SW'4 XE',. NE>4 SE«4. SW4 *E>4. S-c 2». Tp3t> 8 R B E. W. XL, on the Cascade Forest Re­ serve, Southern Division. Estimated to be 1.217,I**«) feet B. M. Yellow pine, | t:71, USB feet B. M. red lir, 125,460 feet Plans and Eslima'es Freo to reject any or all bids. For further information and book of regulations governing sales. Address 8. C. Bar­ tram, sujwrvtsor, Roseburg, Oregon. Thomas II. Mierrar.l. b-28-8 2 Acting Forester. Notice to Firemen. Kememla-r at the next regular meet­ ing. to lw< held on the last Monday in July, the by laws are to be amended. A full attendance is requested. W. W. Baldwin, I’res. Neil Campliell, bec’y. 5t Notice. On ami after Sunday July 15, l’.>Mi, Sunday trains on the Klamath Like R. It. will lie iliecontiniiid. “No Sundav trains alter July Sth.’’ K'.amath Lake R. IL E. T. AunoTT, General Manager. nerrill Creamery Butter. Is sold by Mei-.-and Aimand, Klam­ ath Falls Dairy, IhtCerdova's bakery and Sandersen. This butter is aiuto- Agent for Sheet Steel Fronts and Interior Decorations KLAMATH BARBER SHOP J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor. Cleanliness and Good Work Guaranteed AIso Agent for LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. Notice. Tlie Women’s Club kiiiillv requests pa rotis vl the Library to l>e more care­ ------------------------------- rive soon and being crowded for room 1 offer special prices on all I'aiio and Ba i gains. Having a large stock of vehicles to ar­ Spring wagons that aie in st.sk at pres­ ent ; will save you from $ 5 to $ 20 on ________ ___ every vehicle. Baldwin, the Hardware and Vebide Dealcr klVLR WILLIAMSON CAMPING GROUND I am prepared to take care of people who desire to campon —W illiamson II ivlu — Will keep a Boarding House and will have Pasture aud Hay fur Horses......................................................... BOATS ROR RENT Best of Treatment for AH Will carry mail for cam|iers to and from Agency. FRANK MLVES. liitelv pure, and costs you only 5U cents per roll. li. lli in handling the books. Carelessness in lliis matter has resulted tn consider­ able damage. tl Thors'* one good thing about thia Mormon practice of u.arrjli g dud per­ sons to live on«*. A live huabwud couldn't bs divorced on th* groiuM ot , Good Honest Service G L. NOEL Wants Mora Exdlwruent. Brazil has decided to build is modern warship». Evidently the Brazilians bs- lleve now that merely having resolu­ tions verges too closely upon the simple life to be interesting. Can't Uss This Excuss. PARLORS Washington, D. C., June 4, 1906. the Card That Wlm Realetl bids marked outside “Bid for ITS 7VONE sale of timber Application May 7, IDO«», Cascade S.” will be received by the How wonld a Sheet Steel Front suit you Forester, Forest Service, Washington, as a substitute lor brick ; doesu’t I>. C., upto and including the second cost so much and looks better day of August, 19lX>, for the purchase of »11 the merchantable dead timber, standing and down, sound enough for moiti 173 sawlogs, an.l all the live timber marked Work Is Hampered by Large Quantl- _ as In Summer. ui- ' II. XI. sugar pine, and 113,200 feet B. M. . t.':s cf Alkali Contained la white fir. A de|osit of 41.O.K», must S J . Most cf the SoiL There are all kinds of practice In ths accompany each bid. Right is reserved suf-gerted In ths cut It is a be* stand to use both sututuer and winter. Tti • Hives sr . set tuidds llw stand, where they ars prote. ted from tnc lion-e heat of tbe suni.t sun, ths back aud front being ra'.atd as shown, lu siuier ineis door, can Is clueid, shutting out ail wind, and much .old. Buch a stand can be uzadc ut any length, o. a num­ ber of stands «an be made. Clause Jutlu Farmer. i 1 CALL OR I will pay the above reward for Summons. of raising a portion of it to any desired height. Some Sage Brush and Timber Land as low as $6 per acre. and Liability Insurance. In I he CirriHi C ihii I t»( the Stale of Oregon for the County of Klnmalh. T Some splendid Bargains in Farm Lands, Raw Lands and Cultivated Lands .... i-li.iM-m ; alno city pi'.jmrljr of all XOTI.'K. riu.le-r lami. l<-i Jun<* 3. I*T» S.tlcj fot ' • » • .< • • • r.ilmeation. « * I mlr4 Siale« l.su'l Office, l.skevlew, <>r»son ♦ ••♦«♦«♦»s» • t • • ♦ « s • » -»• 4« « «K • » • * « w I J. • 44 4 • *•«••*.*4*« • 4 Juue In. IMM. S'i.llc- !» I.crel.) slvvu Ibnl II. c«.mfmstH-e elll.tl.r l-t.., I.loti. Ih. a. t .,1 l'.msrr,« ol luna 3. 1*7«. rullìi« .I ■ .In srl for thè «si» ol DH. WM. MARTIN (In.lar lan.I. In il., «lalr* ol l alllornls. Or. s«.ii, »'arsala sii.l w».iliuntoli Terrllery," s» DENTIST enleodad li. sii Iha l'iildn I sud hlsu-» I., srl Attorney anJ Counselor at Liw ol «ugual l, IsW I ssr II Hsltlu.ol Klee Lete, Ev.liilllllir' Alislt.i Is .1 Si. |.|!I . -istr «*: IViM-i.n.in, ha. ililr ds> Slad In thl» ..gir* hi« nuurn «laienienl No. 3'.l», (or tl.r NOTARY PUI3LIC |*urrhSM K New B olli li It.illdn r>.«lohi|. No la • Kalirr No S K. IV M. and MELVIN D. WILLIAMS *111 offvr proni lo ih..« Il.sl Ibs land >onghl i, mora vslusl*** lor Ila i.iule-r or alone turni lo, ssr.rultural |-ur|-.-r. an i lo • «tsbllah b:- -o «> •'» > '»•»r r r r*. r; r talui lo «ahi land la tori- i. orni l'haatalu l'IatS ol ih ptuiiita-r, H««j. LAND SURVEYOR. it<- u•lu«’» *« witnv*». » ; Ib'iiry «' Mjiarr, of i orr»f, Or<*ffnf ; Fr<’»1 «»I Forrni, l*r«-Knti , Julltut I’. V.' »|f, <>( KI. IM 11 II I ll 1 . t : OREGON A*htau*-i>rgc \ mi I. Meyer. I»cfvn«lant, herein W « ». » J I or Sale. In the name of the Male <»f Orr*«»n. You arc he n l y r««¡tiir« appear an«l allumer the .imp H,nt iilvr I n I.or Mainrifav. lite ’«filth «lay I I i.11 I : ' i i I III................ • »Í Inly IW«». I hciik lhe lati «tay of Ihr time pie ti: M’R U TIM. Bl -IXi: ' «'i .I»* «I m Un- Hfib'f f»>r th«' publication «»f Ibi» •»mntnotis; the flr«f publication thereof being Will ftt(iils»i V l»si » mi I » ul till«* MUil pay la . ■ f<»( U>»li ir I- «•n ili« "ill «tax oí June, I'A h . anti if y«ui lall «o Th«- ••« ••itiliMi >• i. r ■ f ■»« ra . »it aii I p « t • • «i m ar Hii'l an«w«-r, for want therrof. the l"t u| (ith « M *|M alt) i»la ntiff lierein, u ill apply l«> the Court for the ■I. I.. Fir.i i > kk . (»Iti. . Xi» Ü • t»r Hr »k M ain •* r m t k t relief praxe.l hu in the »a «I complaint. i <» m ! i <«w I I of M» « i inti .•>, and l.ot ù of Sect ion jc. all In Tp 'A, Hof It '.» K of the u M In Oregon; anil the s’, «»f the SKi I and the NFt 4 of lhe SKI I of •'••cili»ti .*J< the Nwl I the .N', of the N‘1’1 I and I Ol • I. . tiu! 7 of '»er(Ion u. (hr N w 1 I I»! tb> Nttl I ol Sevuon ;‘4. tin-MW 14 of tiu* Hu 1 t of Httciion .*7. all in Tp. >. H of R ». K of lb«* w M in (»r< ir«»n. all •»< »aid lands l»rnig »Huaicd tn klatuHili -ounty in said Siate, ami for such Tl IE COLUMBIA I IYDRAULIC RAM inrthcr relief in the prcmiM-« a« to the Court may »vein meet and tn accordance with law wild equity. Tlda »ummon« Is »erve I by publication thereof in Hie Klamath Republican, h weekly newspaper, lq order of Honorable Henry I. Ilenwii, Judge ot »aid Cour:, «laird the 6th «lay of June. 190'», requiring this nummin» to Im punllrlud i. ih «' a werk for at luaM six con- «erinite week», ami covering a pi runi of con­ tinuous pubi icat Ion ui at li ast 42 «lay s. Tuoa D rakf , Attorney fur Plaintiff, Klamath Falla, Orc- ç S lough ABSTRACTERS AESTI! \< IS < >| \«»lh o im heri'by iriveti that there are I 120,511.40 iiiii'f* in II»«* ('minty Trrnaiiry f«»r tl»«* II I .OH.lul n d« tnplion ni all Kl.iiintlh County War 6S 450 23 rani« protmtril on an>i prior to .Muy il, ft.UiMI.INI BMf.’l I nliTi-Ml on mime w ill c<*a>*<’ from 211.217.75 ri.xii tn thin dalv. f’at«