B I a Scrofula F«w are »ntlrely ft*»» from H. It mm d*iv«*|i«p mo slowly a« lo«-an«» Hill« If any illeturbau< • doting the whole period uf eblldboud. h may then produce dynprpiil«, c»i«rrlj, ami marked tendency lo conau nipt Ion, before miiiilf« ithig |t»elf In much cutaneoua »rup lion or glandular swelling. It I« I min I to be aure that you are quite free fr<>m It. »ml you con rely on BY Alx.ut seventeen years ago Alonso R. Gilman or H«ntb Berwick, Me., while driving In New York with bl« wife was passing ■ «tone wslt II* stop(>«d. got out aud tmwl t)>« lone« of MVeral rocka by tapping tl>«iri with Ills pen knife. He later ctmfld«! to bla wlfa an Idea that hn>l been suggesting Itaelf to him for a long time. lie wlebe.1 to col­ Ie«*t tb1rt«-en rocka of ili« right tone« to make a acai« of on« <«<«««, aeiultohaa Included. 11« could piny upon tlx-m with mallets, be thought. Ilk» a xylo- phone, Hlnce then bls «pare time baa b«en «[s-ut In «•■nrchlng stone walla • nd heaps. He haa <*arrl<-h>-r« outdoors. The result of days of avar<*h!ng. teat- Ing. carting and clipping ivivr lire lu the "rockoplione room" of Mr. Gilman’s home on Young »treet. the only rocko- phone In the country mid probably In the world. FTfty two ro<-ks, or four octaves, are plac«>d in a case resem­ bling a aqusrc |>lano case In height and sliu(>e. «Ix.ut 12 fret long «ml 3 12 feet wide. Th* rocks vary In size from six Inches to three feet, the general aba{ie Is oblong, the average thlcknre« alx>ut sn Inch. Mr. Gilman and bla son«, aged 1*1 amt II re«|Hx-tlicly, «tanluy upon It wltb mallets. The I m - ik I s of the««- are lignum vitae or boxwood, one edge tt|>i»'l with rubber for pianissimo effects. The tone of tlie rockopbone 1« unlike that of any other tnatrument; there 1« not the metallic ring of the metalopbons nor tlie hol­ low aoiind of the wooden xylophone. Tliere 1« n rippling, natural tone qual­ ity that fl rat aatonlah»« the bearer and then becomes very pleaaing to the ear. I* lias l>een recently te«ted hy a pro- feMlonal tuner and d»*lared to be In perfect tune. After being ca{s-clally ar­ ranged by Mr. Gilman any music In any key can («• played upon It Mr. Gilman «till devotes his «pare time to tlie perfecting of bfa unique instru­ ment adding to and « hanging the rocka. to F. .Marlon t'rawford, who has l*-en cboasa •a on« of thrre to writ« tbs Ilf« of Pop« L(0 XIII, knows Italian ! a* well a« ba kuowa English, and I« a tn rl1 no Bubelllul», but Inalal on having Probably tb« last family link with lluotl'a. Liquid ur tablet«, IUU iJoeeo tl. Millet, the {«Inter of "Tbo Angelo«," bus pasatsl «way In the prraon of hl* brother. Jean Baptist« Millet. Like his more faim.ua elder brother, be was uu a rt lat. Mrs. Millie Ihilt.iktr Ileiirl Allorge, a young French poet, has written a volume of poetry, called th.. "Nplrlt of f.eometry,” He «Ings the charms of the parolleloplpedoit, tlie I know— asymptote and tin* rhomlsdd, and rides poker and th.* pons aslnorum on Pegasus' back. A volume by Hlgnore t'aruao, the won twen m.l.sl Italian tenor, Is attracting much attention In the book worbl. a« it has Ids own caricatures of the members of Ills company. The «Inger will give the profits of tlie book to Hie Italian Benevolent Institute and Its hospital. Of great writers, Maxim Gorky con­ I'«rm er nii 4 th» I'arly Wir«. siders Nhnk.-speiire first He says ths When the lnk or a play for a profession 1 every tclrphono on n party lino bocuiute al critic's approbation la a fool, tried a chapter of my first suiveaafill prn<*tlmlly n private wlro. in cltluo, tho party lino I b «'onaldered book on my lOy.-arold eon. He cried grout nulBonre, !»«*<• a iim there I b no | when I had flnlalied writing IL 1 was privacy In convrnmtIona, and all thu assurrd of Its aucivma." A well rememtiervd author of tlie last I n »II b on tho lino are rung each time u rllw»r mil a. Nuturuliy, tho uinnug generation is olive !>>gan, now feeble »re of plants figured that thia objoc .’ from old age and lack of f.a»d and driv­ tlon prevail«! lu th» country alao; but. i en Into tlie streets for uoii|>ayment of n I moat without <«i<-eptlon, they found rent Nlw says her husband will do (hut one of tho giuut nttrnctlone to the nothing for her support Kite la ex runner wna that hit (olephone did ring treuisly deaf and even with a battered every time the other alitreu or twenty ear trutui«t « magistral« was saying to her could hoar or be overboard In conver | Oscar Wilde died an umllsciiarged aatlon. It wm a practical detuonatra bankrupt, but bls executor auuoum-e« tlon of tho M?cli'l hunger the farmer that «Ince Wilde's death, the sale of hue endured f<»r conturlea, and which bls books (notnbly "Im|M«tltIon. A MYSTERIOUS ERRAND. ¡ country not long sine«), has enabled j him to ¡.ay hl* English creditors In full. Ka«laa»4*e old»»« !•»»», M«■ M tt» Ihiffrtkrr, K. R. No 3, The only living ¡w*»r who w««a mem­ The French creditor». It Is believed, ♦ »♦♦A ess ss•«•»♦•»•♦♦»♦♦♦♦< C'ol'ituLia, Trnn , a file»* ber <>f the ho um ? <>f Ionia nt th» tlm» will la. paid from the profits to In» se During tlie Harrison admlnlatratloc **l waa affl u»d »etnie and a ¡»»nwloii bought nw « boCIk ul Prrutui. The folio« I ng 1« an extract from a tary. and remained closeted for a long “Al brat I could n«»< nolle» any tiene« of £5 imm » granted tu thw flrat Ixird Nel­ «tier actually received by a b«w* time. Tli« next day be again called HI, but after lahing tevrral bottle* 1 son and hi« hr Ira. doing bualmwa with foreign countries on the Secretary, and «gain «fayed a waa cured found and w»l|. Th« letter cam« from Kumbliakonam, long time. Then be was driven to tb« flow's TblsT * It ta to PrriMMi I owe n»v fife today. W» offer On» Mui !r»4 bultarB Reward for Mouth India: White Houae and bad an audience with “I c tire r f u 11 y recouiioand it lo • II an? rat«- f < atarrh tbai tanuvi b» cured by "As native« of India are always wor the I'resident Hall • < alarth • or» •ufferera." » j ■ Il t. s r Y A < u . Prurc, Toledo, a ■hl|«>ni of all gods and Idols, If you The uewspai-er men. who had pul- ron.r to ms from s mullllti Is ol grsts Koi.« able to «end you a large wholesale or )lKat|i*ng ma. O. dvr for thv«e goods. which will take the Senator's movement^ but could IN ■ h INN Ah 4 Maa VIM, « Uvlaaa.o ¡»rug- given a slight l«x«tiv« quality, I have gl ’ ail up eiceedlngly well auioug uatlves all la I ulrdo. ' • not I hwii «X|>«rimstiling with ■ laxative a.I 11» I • < a arrh < ur» !■ taken Internally, a t- over India, aud If you can got me th« 1: g dlr»< tly upon (be bl*w«ened when, on tbs ill!ion for quite a length of time, ami fa ea ot tn» ajalriu. I'lha .¿r jwr bulUe. sole agency from that factory f >r In­ day following, Mr Sherman fur tb« now teal gratlfie.1 to announr« to the • n»- I !■» a i KruggiAtA Iraiitnonlale tree. troducing their Idols throughout India third time saw tbo Hall a Family 1'111» are the beet. I'rrel dent and tb« frlen.ls of Peruns that I hsv« lncor|H>i. I am sure to make their business a Kecrtnry of State, Something of na ateil such « quality in ilia medicine A (lallant ley, Ila.rough «mx-ess here In the event of which, in my opinion, can only en A Bostonian was talking about th« tlielr undertaking to give the «ol« tlonal, perhn|>« of InteniationaL liu portance must be going on. The corre- hftne« Ila well known la»netlri«l chars, late Henry Harland. agency throughout India. Ilurmah and tar. "» H. H.lRTM IN. M, l>." “Harland was a graceful, gallant < '«y Ion, and also a fixed traveling al­ ■t-indenta l«gan to tx-Hli-ge every soul." hs said. "Even In bls buyhoud lowance. «ay í-o a mouth, Including source of Information, Mr. Halford, the swretnry to the 1'realdeut was llntta to one of my clerk« to begin GASOLENE INGINfS , < k.tw he turned the prettiest compliment I- — ' ■ n a « ■ 1 J I . , . "In bls boyhood be studied lartla with, who will go throughout India and fairly overwhelmed by the auxluus uewspa|s*r men. Bt> 1rs at I |*rl- r. V» rd« for , «tai..g under s charming young woman. secure orders from nativa«. rich and On tlie fourth dny he advised thro« RtIfRSON MAC HIM RV COMPANY '“I'bla young lady, calliug bltu up In |»n>r, merchants and nobles, etc. Journalists that be would see them at Portland, Or eg »n. class on« morning, said: “If you can kindly see your way to " 'Henry, name som« of th« chief get me the side agency on the atovs tho White llous«'. When they appeared he said that he would tell them the ex Imnutles of education.' lines I cun uiako It a groat «u.x-eM "Th« boy, amlllng Into bls taacher*« financially for both of us, you under­ act meaning of the frequent visits made by Senator Sherman to the I'ree pretty eyes, auawrrad: Portland Trade lïirri tory taking to supply me with Idola and I ” 'Hcbooliulstrvasea.' "—Philadelphia undertaking to sell them as fast a« blent and to the So-rtary of State It they would promise to hold tlie mattet Bulletin. (aisalhle. There 1« no com|>etftlon for In strict confidence, not publish It and this lino of business hero and hem'« I not even disclose It to their colleagues TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY wish to lie the first In the Held, and l’j»u their promise to do the best A Human XV he Has SuWered Tails How natives are such a bigoted people that they could In the premises. Mr. Hal­ MAUK I^.SIKIIN» Weister tn. Tort ami t<> I iinl ilrllvf« they will sell their souls If {toMlble to laiNMi prier» «n l»uit«rna »in| »¡.tir» ford replied that their word was suffi­ Tli« thoiiaamla ol women who (ufier worship an Idol of tlielr own.** cient Then, w thout a smile, he ob­ hai-ksch«, («minor, urinary f Engiand and Wales ; ita populatioa JM.UOO.OOO. X tkenwill And Mr*. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ths b«.t remedy t use fur their children during the teething period. Copyl.g the Itn Family Cat—I’m not going to out of the same dish with you! Dog—Why not! Lota of people scrap worse than wo do eat at same table! St. V.tne* r’aa<-e end all Merrrms Dt«-«'«- permauenlly cured by I'r. Kline's <*r-a< Kee:or*r. r-end S.r K HE E tl trial b-dtl-. -d ireauea. Dr. K ILKUa . Ld..su Arch SL. n>lla..P. N» Treabl«. "What la tt>< meaning of 'alter ego’?" sskfd ths t*sch«r «I tb* b*g-.nn«re' ciao* Frlead.hi»'« Tribate. in Latin. "The o:h«r I," said tb« boy wltb Mrs. Weilon (trying on her gorgeoue rurly hair. bonnet)—How do you like the effect? "Gl*« a Matane« containing the Mrs. Cbillicon-Kearney—Why, it's won­ phrase." derful. You have the right idea. There's " U. winked kla Othar I.'” nothing like oontrasts, is there? WATtmOOfOllHCLOTTOG. 5LKLH5 POMMEL 5UCEB A» SAT5. POLLOWINC OUB SUCCBJiEA AT PHiLAOLLVniA CHICACO AND OTHtB EAP03ITI0HA WE WON THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD AT THE ST. LOUIS WORLD5 PAI fcoWEC’Z——° >.’ . ***> BOSTON OFCAW GßAND SILVER FILINGS Oftentitnra e »Hrer flllinr '■ tro’t»!'! abl«*1h«u< Id. But Boine denUtta u»e th» mate Lal BllOWing th» m<«t prt Ct to iFemY«* You hktulob »'• thl' tu ihw judim-nt of the dentist Why nu» go to den- tl«tB who ha*» built and main­ tain a rvputation for reliabili- ? Liamluaiiun« free. CLA.SS1FIEDADVERTI5ING * Dr. J. W. Dlnadala, uf Chicago, Ill, says: "I uh your Castorl* and ad vis« Its utt In all families whar« there are children.'* Dr. Alexander E. Mlntle, of Cleveland, Ohio, says; “I have frequently prescribed your Castorl* and have found It a reliable and pleasant rem­ edy tor children." Dr. J. 8. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb, raya: "A medicine io valuable and beneficial for children as your Castorl* L>, deserves tha highest praise. I had It In use everywhere." Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Buffalo, N. Y., eays: "I have frequently prescribed your Castorl* for children and always got good result*. In tact I use Castorl* for my own children." Dr. J. W. Allen, of Ct Lou!*, Mo, says: "I heartily endorse your Ca» tori*. I have frequently ¡reggrlbcd It la my med.cal practice, and Lavs always found It to do all that 1* claimed for it” Dr. C. H. Glidden, of St Paul, Minn., says: "My experience as a prao titloner with your Castorla haa been highly satisfactory, and I consider It an excellent remedy for the young.“ Dr. H. D. Benner, of Philadelphia, Pa, says: "I have used your Ca*- torla as a purgative in the cases of children fur years past with the moat happy effect, and fully endorse it a* a safe remedy." Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo, says: “Your Castorl* la a splen­ did remedy for children, known th« world over. I use It In my practice and have no hesitancy in recommending It for the complaint* of Infanta and children." Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn. N. Y., says: "I consider your Castorla aa excellent preparation for children, being composed ot reliable medicines and pleasant to the taste. A good remedy for all disturbance* of th« digestive organs." "or. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT WISE BROTHERS DfNTISTS Cor. Third and Washington St a. For a Good Complexion F OR Clear Eyes —Sweet Breath —Clean Tongue —Calm Nerves —Good Temper and —Poise Eat a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need it. Carry a little 10c Emer­ gency box constantly with you, in your Purse or Pocket. When do you need one? —When your Tongue is costed —When you have Heart­ burn. Belching, Acid Risings In Throat. —When Pimples begin to peep out. —When yeur stomach Cnaws and Burns. That's tho time to check coming Con­ stipation. Indigestion and Dyspepsia. That's the time to take a Cascaret. a a « One candy tablet night and morning, taken regularly for a short time, is war­ ranted to cure the worst case of Consti­ pation or Indigestion that walks the earth. One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need It will Insure you against 90 per cent of all other ills likely to attack you. Because 90 per cent of these Ills begin Always I'uraalnar. In the Bowels, or exist through poor Nutri­ "What's your occupation, sir?" "Mine la a pursuit I'm a bill col tion. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, lector, yon know." don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. This Is tlie difference between under- They don't act like "Physic" that flush clothes Hint lingerie: Vndsrelotbes sut the Bowels with a waste of precious cover th« wearer up and lingerie stm Digestive Juice needed for tomorrow's ply throws a shadow over her. Bowel-work. A man's full strength Isn't as great No, — they act Ilka Exercise, on the aa wheu be la only Lu If fulL Bowels, Ins lead. They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contrsct and propel the Food naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices with Food. They strengthen these Bowel-Muscles by exercising them. This stronger action, producing greater nutrition from food, brings back to the Bowel-Muscles greater strength for self­ operation. The Bowel-Muscles can thus.In a short time, dispense with any Drug assistance whatever. Cascarets are safe to take as often as you need them, while pleaspnt to eat as Candy, e Th s w n«I rful Ch' i e-.» lAucsut is celled $r**at IxH iauee be c ires propie w tb»»ul op»ra- iiou tbisi arr MiBt upon having W.L.lAoug- las sh<>«M. T iibo n*» substitute. None genuine without his name ami price Btamp»d on bottom. Fast Color iuelets usod ; they will not woar brasafp Write for illustrHle«! Catalog. W. L. UOLGLAN, Bruck ton. M am . P. N. U.