KLA MA TH REPUBLICA N I Are Suu doing In UulliP I m Sah - .1 ... .i*, ips.l farming l.uul two mile» due V - st ol Klsmslli Falls si II »<> I oanl nil >,p|».rutt.lt v In flgtir« Fl.'» |*r rt.ie. Uso mi h-.meiHmli Hl on tom nuik. I mu prr|«inil to make Kemi, (h.-., u. II. A Emniill. Il l>iui'a on ull c I hssts ol building* sad «ill lutulah plane ahrnmei avevsaary. All Hoik giiaiHnlvml. A. M. Tailor. Il Cmiliarlur and Builder. E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. TWO DOLLARS THE YEAR IN ADVANCE Klamath Falls, Ore., Thursday, July 5 1906. EMMITT REPLIES i grand princi|«ils »1 G knami u . HARDWARE DEALERS Uucoln, McKinley and Roosevelt, wonl-l toon wither and fadeSHay. And he i* not alone. Ills Take» Exceptions to Strietur«* «wtrtdnl to put up a eandi late (or coun­ the Merrill Record ty rlerk with over • hundred majority! Now let it« have peace if »e Lave to resort to lilwral ami independent i iting Editor Republican — rorrrse nieons «il|>port the dem The Merrill lles-onl take* serious ex- nliich ei-ptions t,» »•> article oxer my signature oemtkc tiebet. Ilenwmlvr Russia «1- hl lire Repuhcan of I owe 14, and for surrendered to a power ol one third of season»of bis own calls me a "sorehead.” her own population in order to lave Now, if to complain of having no re­ pent* at home and yet the desired ob­ Is not the repub­ publican party in a county or slate like ject is not obtained. •A shi re, in the millet oi g.»«l lov.-sl repub­ lican fuirty of Klamath county and lican«, i* »ufficieHt to cl*** a person a State of Oregon tn a similar condition? ’•sorehead," then 1 plead guilty; oilier- I I, too, am for peace, but I desire that it be a permanent and lasting ]M*a<*<* ; mid wise I protest against the term. lie says‘‘If Mr. F.mmitt were again the only monner by which it can be ub­ up for office he would atrongly oppose tained is to kick out ali those weighed him, or word* to that effect. This editor and found wanting. 1 have published * the exact claaa of men complain« I of. once and now reiterate that I am not Why should lie oppose me? Because if complaining of mv personal dele.it. It mime private citiaen, who has net exact­ ia the defeat of tho rvpubiican and mi- ly suited bin, should ever become a jority party that causes a republican candidate hi the Intnrv lie wouhl strong- to register a kick, There b.is I hh - ii in J4 op|sw him even if it threw down the the recent [xist a numl*r ol persons whole rspnblti-an party and abolished (w ho are equally as good, if not butter, h» principles. Now eouhl self-interest men than myself that have led the |»ar- •rst and party loyally afterward« lx- ) : tv to defeat w ith no excuse w hatever on more plainly Mat is I by inference? Sup­ their own |«irt. 1 refer to Parrish, Cas- tel. KIswulilic»n ami democrat candi­ and Willits. K. A. EuwiTr. date with an equal number of v\>tr». and Ke no, June 27. the editor of the record with the decid­ ing ballot in his hand—and because the republican candidate had done some lit­ tle thing in the past that did not suit the Record editor, he would stmwgly op­ pose kiss—cast his vote foe the democrat; BY GERANITM. thwart the purpose and principle of every repoldican in the comity or state Joseph Otey last week had the mis­ aud proclaim to the world that denso- fortune to lose a couple of fingers by ac eratic principles had prevailed. No ci dentally getting them in the way >■ such anew ever felled the forests, plowed the saw at bis shingle mill east of Keno. the plain nor accomplished anything J. R. CFemmen's mother and niece else in common. Tlicy are sulkere, Miss Marguerite came over from Med­ pikers and knockers. t* -mz-r«! Ths editor further states, both real ford Saturday for an extended visit among triends and relatives. and hy inference, certain tilings that Neil Sly and Robert Oliver returned are not warranted by the facts. He re­ fers to me as calling tlwse who opposed from Yreka Friday. rue all the dirty names in Lie calendar. Loyd Brownell of Klamath Fall, lias J. IL w Altiiiriixoi’ 1 defy anyone to point out a single word, been constructing some new telephone phrase or sentence in that letter that lines near l’icard this week. Finest i'ishing in Southern Oregon. B ats. Teams might not be read in the presence of ths Miss f.la Otto has lx-en visiting in anil .Saddle Horses for Tour- is. Will I'urnish most refined lady with strict propriety. Yreka the past two weeks. Again he says because a man resided in Guides. Will take you to Crater Lake and Albert Otey returned home this week a community for ‘‘3) years” is no rea­ after having completed the contract of other points. Board by day, week er month son he should be elected to .in office. grading the streets at Mt. Hebron. Which by inference leads to believe that Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tnvlor of Gold C7ÄL.1- ON RICE AT TH& LODCE I had mails the statement. There is Hill are visiting Mrs. Taylor’s pan els I neither ••community” nor ”3# years'* in Mr. and Mrs. Mallsworth this wt-ek. the article. It is a base fabrication Small tracts of well li,c«t.»l tub-m;ir»h Have you seen - ie <4 lll'-i- Nitty Mies Bertha Calkins departed last pure and simple. If there were no bet­ week for Beewick to visit her sister Mrs. lands offered for one week at <20 per I-Im* and Grey soils the K. K. K. «tore i« turning out. ter republicans than this editor, those John Sharp after having completed the i acre. Al*l Adv. Finest Line 0! Royal­ ware in the city and at pr‘ces to suit everybody BUILDERS HARDWARE CARPENTER TOOuS SPORTING GOODS Tents, Wagon Sheets and Awn­ ings. Tinware, Staves and Imperial Ranges Etc, Etc PICARD ECHOES PAINTS AND OIL TRY OUR PRICES Pelican Bay L-odá® KIOK IN THE KOYA! SWIM. ! Th ■ qui-.ti of llollaud h«» Krim BOO tn»> trinus t< i ar n a <-t l.u• •is almost Invarini I) take» let > ar .' i |ju!> Wl nl.i.rni ia al-out to .»lui in.li a lo«»k -•’ q. in I aiio I oii Ihr »-’,»< to > ncoutugv t «•- sul* of t’hurrh ol hi, land books a»tr lln i y Morlltm-i Durand Is aalil t > tv th tint Itrltt-h amtn»»adi i to ihoi oughly appreciate An.i rlinn jok< » FMnny »t uh» with tl..- tit »»t i-oints lm sera Instai tly ami enjoys tu Ihr lull Sir..-,- h- h aa a yo -t e t.ian the (!• rn.an emperor h n k 1'1 » iiiph-'i arc. ut.l ot th« Min-rn . that li rv, att> m*.v<< him with the gru l’p lo the I regtu't hr lia» kill.-.! .-lese upon $0,000 hv».* < f y’ une Admiral baron vin Staun will ritir« from rottiin i- .1 of the Austrlau navy »li'-ltly ami will le suci-, i.lr.l by Vice Admiral Monti- Cucroll, who hai n Om- riputaiiou among th« naval nu n ot tho world. In a gymnasium, fitted up for tho kals. r* use on lourd th, »t>am*hli> III llamlurg th.- Lon.I.-n Lrai-lilc »aya. m an .Ir. trie horsn, "wht.h Is umli rsliHid to I >- particularly energetic in It. move­ ment a ” On. < f the sti.rlr* of I’etrr the (Irent on his famous visit to England tells how he -was perpb vid at We»tnilu»(.r hail by the sight of so many wigs and I lm k gowns It was expiait rd to him that their wearer« were lawy.rs “law yer»!" txclalmed t’l-ler. ' why. I have only two In riy whole dominions, and I believe I shall hang one ot them th« mo­ ment I get home " HND i I !’ s C, D. WILLSON F à «WW«««« Buy* one or more lots in the Hot Springs addition to Klamath Falls. The investment sf a few hun­ dred dollars NOW means a profit of thousands in a few years. Hot Springs addition is in the heart sf the city of Klamath Falls, whose population will be 25000 in less than 10 years. Hot Springs Improvement Company Kkimath Falls, Oregon Addition Mil Make Klamath Falls Famous ENGÎNFFHR Al>l li U I !• ICS Klamath County Abstract OOAI1 Y SLOAN-ZU MWALT-WITH ROW I'I k -rioiii.'i Allattaci Ollieo of KIsuialh County, Orvgn* II.III- . .11 a Dit. h to stirici ’• I» your l'ro|««rlv I In." ill doiil.l? Is your rill.- i eil» Wc hate *i romplvtv Alwtis. I «ml Engineering ulHcv. IJ.Iro. I*. O. tui I«, Kl«m«ih Falls. Or,«»« PW«««. Mal« y« sr UV EY I Xl I AIWfRACTINH Pure Ered Stallions Buff Cochin Chickens I l’lionv, Ainin 11 M ASCO T RANDOM RUMINATIONS. It'a nil right to te good, but don't to kr wn a* 1 k , k ><1 thing It takes a mot1»,r-ln law to lay down the letter of the law to a lawver When a girl l.as freckle* she ».vint'» thlrca with the leopard, who catr.iol change hl* spit t. We regard a man a* level heatlej whose Idea* se.-ni to tie about al th« same Isvcl u our own If a friend asks your opinion on a matter simply get hl* ant Indorse it it poasibls and he will go away happy. An --IJ barhclnr can never und«r sland whv a young fath.-i 8h"»i|ij proud of ths fa.'t that the baby lookit like him. Moat single women ray they wouldn’t marry th«* __ _____ host _____ innn _______ In tho world, an I most married wouicu know they didn’t Many men have achlevis' a reputa­ tion for i-hllantlir >py I rrmisr they rave l ack the collar button to the man frotu whom they stole a shirt '1' A M V|X LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES KI.AMAI II TAI.I.S ANI> MIRRILI Largest and Best Equipped Stables in Southern Oregon TOURIST’S TRADE A SPECIALTY V. 'r. OErIVKhF, 1 • i < > 'r b Onti'. Melh.ist* place eight miles south of Klamath I- ills u ill I ■ in sen ice every Tuesday, I hursday and Sat­ urday !■■! ’he next three months. Mares will be pastured. No lial iiity (or damages. Charges $i<> for season. .13» it 'P. 1^. iVJ. Iv. Short