Official Newspaper ol Klamath County and Leading Journal of the Interior Oregon Country KLAMATH REPUBLICAN KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 5, 1906. VOL. XI. The Larfes( peculation and 1« the Best Medium for Reachlnf I j a Prosperous and Trading Public NO. 14 SALOONS »1ST BIO CELEBRATION PASSENGER AND CLOSE SUNDAYS ON THE FOURTH FREIGHT SERVICE And Every Form of Gamb NO I ED SCIENTIST TO BE INAUGURATED OVER THE C& NERR Mera Making a Collection of the Birds of th« Tule lands. F. M. <*h«ptnaii ana*l. It will al»«' When seen by a Republican represen­ have a through freight ar r vice, ami it tative Mr. Chapman >«i»l: will hr pnaailde U> hara freight biMrwi “The work I Bin doing in for the direct to thia city fnoii any point in thr American .Museum of New York. This Vnitrd Kiatra Thia raanlt liaa lw*en institution is making a collection of the arv«>inpli»li<*«l by Maaira Itavt». Laird birds of North America. Y*-s. it is doing aa*l other» through negotiation with more than that; it is reproducing liieir thr official» of thr California North haunts. An immense hall has l-een set «^latrrn. aside for this collection, the* installation When |>. II. Campbell, who rrprr- of which is original and unique. To il­ arnta thia big «•oqwratu»n in thin city, lustrate, I m ill explain my work here. wu i|uratlonr«| in rr^anl to thr antici •My visit is for the imr|s>M» of Mxmiing a pat ml change hr w«»uln this occasion 1 am /or freighting, and a»idr from thr »I f - 4o-»Hii)uiu«l by Mr. C. J liittell of Han •rnrr o( hills, oilers many advantages One of the ino«t humanitarian and Franri- >. 11« is making a painting over thr r»»ad lie! wren I’okrgama and sensible improvements made in Ibi» 11x2'1. taking a» a starting |«>int on. of Klamath Kall« Nrgotlatioua are m»w city w»w the placing of a drinking foun­ tin- floating title islands mid having as Minier way with two of thr large«! tain ami seat at the corner of Fourth the center piece Mt. Hhnata. When freighting outfit» on thr r »a«t !•» grt ami Main street«, in the court h >u*i- tlii. painting is im-unte-l, in the mus­ them to handle thr traffic I h - iw n rail grounds. The person re<.poii«il>l for eum, the wax title, grasses ami other rnad and I m * m I, and Lind Ibis I« deserving of prai-e. Thm 1 I iti-n will Is- j line I s > skillfully and other latgr land mid «1 ownrr« Hamariian act should le lol! > »e-l by lb« with that painte-l on the canvass, that in I hat aertion are rvadv to put up a 1 installation ol «eats in the court holt we it wdl b -nlni .st imp i.silile to detect it, I miiv I to th«' California X.oth«*.i*!crn I t yard, for the use of women and rhil-l- nn I st j nd in.- a few h -t MX ay one will have thr prompt and aalinfa« lory drill« r\ 4 rvn I he espen»« Mould Is» lu'initc.« > panorama - f the tule Ian U, the lower all freight to Ijurdii landing In addi* miai as comi>.ir<-d with tlx go»sl it would lake, Mt. >li i-ta iiml surrounding coun­ ti«m they »land mady to r«m«tru< t am­ do. As it is now, there i« no place of try tlint will Is* unequah-l for beauty, ple wharfage facilitiea for th«* aerotuino» recreation where siilfl.-ient «baile can aivnrm y of detail ami grandeur. The datlon «if thr I* ml al I iird*. It i» nn l>e had. except in tins |dace, ami it canvass will Is- slightly curve I and the den*L*Ml that plan« air now under wav slioulj l»e s<> improved a« lo make it ends corneal. I from view, thus j»crfi-ct- for the billing through of all freight available. The benches can lie placed Iv completing the illusion. /mm point of shipment to Klamath thore umh-r certain reateiclions, and tlie “Tlx n wili U- put in place the binls 1 sooner It I« done the better. Falla. am coll.., tinThe inatallation will Iw The California-Xorthra»trrn lia« made ' D V. Kuykendall, president »*f the a- true to life mid natural as it is |swsi- a rate «4 |l .’») |**r ton (mm Wml b> i Klamath Commercial Ag»'iicy, i v|«, ts t>le to make it, thus not only show­ firaM l«ake; thr rate from tiraa« Lalo to ¡rave alsoit the loth for a month's ing the lnrh, hut also repro lacing the le Udrda will not rseerd |IO per ton ; sojottin on the roast While away lie home mid surroundings and it will ri- and from Ijiird« to thia city by boat will i , expects to put in some gorsl work h»r quin- no stretch of the imagination to roat 11 25, making a total of |12 75 per I Klninath Fall«, and thus maintain tlie grasp the idea sought to Iw carried Olli ton from Weed to thia city, or «lightli reronl of the company of which he ia —i e. to show the limints, birth, life more than one-half rent per pound. and m.sle of existence. thr head. “This woi k has been carried on for I four years by myself and a large corp of p-aicfully trained assistanls. In that time 1 have visited the gicat lakes, the mckics, the dewrts, the plains the coast and elsewlieiu, only going away from < the main l.iml of the I'nited Htates 'once, and that to Jamaica for the H.itning . In <.i h care the work has j U-en canied on along the lines pur­ sued here. "When this collection is completed it will Iw the finest in the world. Aside from its value from an ornithological standpoint, it will l»e of inestimable | north geographically,for there will Iw re- pr.sluced on canvass and in wax actual scene., the dominant characteristic of which will bo existing conditions, so that it will Iw possible for one to go to the initseuin and get a good idea of the topographic, scenic and climatic con­ ditions on the North American con­ tinent.” Mr. and Mrs. Chapman are preparing their speciinuna in the suih II building adjacent to the home of Mr. II. L. Ald­ ridge, w ho has sought to render every assistance possible to them. They met through the «eqiisititmieo of mutual friends of the Smithsonian Institute. Mr. Chapman expects to bo here for o or three days longer. Arránceme n t s Almost Completed and Cheap­ er Freight Rate Will Result It is also pr»>|M»a'»l to put on a stage service to handle tlie passenger Gallic. Tlie lime, it I« «aid.lirtwcell Grass laike an») Ijiirds will lar four hours, Ilina» re­ lays <•( IxTsr-a bring u«r*d ; from lairds to this city will l»e tnivh- III three hours by ls*at, which would rut tlie the pre­ ent time "lie hour, It has also tin* ad vantage of giving the passenger» a siiMMither «tage rid»' an>f wav rd the railroad, and gives them ocular proof of the fa» t that Klamath l ull« w dl have a roa I —>oii. E. II. Hall «I Whitelake, the well known real estate hustler, who liar don« so much to advertise Klamath county was al Grasa Lake last week lie wanted to satisfy himself as to the pro­ gresa Ircing mail« in railroad construction as well a« to gel po»ll I r'»onpl«llon. No on« realize« Ilia d i Ihr-U11 Io« Ur Ire stir- moiintcil, lint judging from the eflective organisation of force« at tlie Iront, I will Ire greatly surprised if it Is not com­ pleted on s« hrsI h |u time, Tlie con i trecloea have law'n and are non greatly han»licap|M-d, but they are bending every eff'i-t to overcome all olartaclcs, ami I believe will I« successful ill doing so. They will reach Grass Lake try July 15 ami ox|rect to lie al Ml lint,ron not later than Noir-mlx-r I. Tlie great question ia lalarr, an»l if this were easily solved, the roa I w mid Ire here lad »re January I. I was mf >rme»l whils there that an early sol»ilion <>t thr« vexing question is harked lor, lull m what man­ ner was not i I ím I oms I.'* Correct Piano Tuning. Only a con eel scale ia satisfactory to I tlm musical ear, and there can lai no |compromise with ono partly so. R I Madsen, a piano tuner ol ex|ieiience, for | imne than ÜOyeara identified with Sher- ! mini, Clay Co., San Francisco, now here for a limitisl time, will do tuning ami extenaivo repairing at reasonable | prices. Orders left ut the Red Star Drug Store will lx» promptly attended to. I’. I.. Fountain returned Timaday evening from Bogue River valley, where Im had been for aliout a week. Ilo was accompanied bv his younger son, Glen, , who has been attending school in Ash- , laud. ling Ordered Stopped NO SMALLPOX Last Patients Mayor Martin Says iu»w Will Be Enforced To the Letter Will Be Sunday (Nscharged The last of the smallpox ¡nttiente will I»- discharged from quarantine next Hun-lay, and thus will a |M-riod Iw placed at the end of the stnall|s>x business of Klamath Falls. As has lieen contended by the Republican there was no mxeasi- ty for any uneasiness on the part of the residents of thia city and county at any time, and tiie wild stories spread as to the extent of the disease were too ridic­ ulous to receive any credence. The few rim-«, however, may have been a bless­ ing in disguise, for in the future a greater degree of precaution is sure to lie tak>-n in ease any contagious disease should make its appearance. IMMENSE CROWDS GATHERED HERE H. B. Gates of the light, water ami telephone companies, arrived in this No Accidents Marred city ta«t SaturJay for the purpose ol the Occasion and looking after his extensive interests Gambling in every form must atop here. He states that five miles of water Ideal Weather and salmins remain .losud on Sunday, mains will 1« laid thia year ami that is the edict issucl by Hie City Council Prevailed upward« of $25,000 will lie expended on and Mayor Marlin at the regular meet­ improving the water sy«tem during the ing held last Monday evening. The or­ preant season. Never liefore was there der com« as a great surprise to the sa­ such a demaml for the extension of loons and ramblera, and was totally un- mains a« at present, ami the company ei|*s U-d but tlie order is explicit and ha« lieen taxed to its utmost capacity to no evasion of it is to bn toleratol. meet the requirements of the occasioo. Tlie unanimoua opinion was that the He further stated that improvements in Klamath Falls wit nearer I the greatest time was at hand when greater restric­ the telephone system are living made celebration of its history on July 4. tions should Iw place-1 on gambling and every day. A new metallic line ia to be A rouse»I st sunrise from their alumbere saloons and the law enforced to the let­ installed between here and Merrill, and the citiscna and visitor» were made Pelican Bay Lodge ter. the line in use at prevent will serve Hie i aware that the hour of calelrratlow b»t When seen in regard to the matter district lying south oi and midway be­ arrived by the boom, boom of the anvil tbo Mayor eaid: Mr. J. D. Carr, wife and sister, Min tween Merrill and JJ^s city. Tlie pro­ - chorus, which was continued until near “I have notified the saloons that slot I>ouxie Carr.spaat ten day« at the lyulge, position of extending the system to 1 noon. The weather was ol the i»l«a| machines and gambling in every form returning by way of Ashtaml to Loa lakeview has been almndone»! Ixx-anse 1 sort, and the pleasures ol the day were must atop and that they must close up Angeles. the company operating in that city is not marrod by the customary downpour their plai-ea of business on Sunday. W. H. Lcemann and J. H. Peck of I making preparation to extend their line of rain. Tlie people were early aatir, There will be no equivocation. No back door evasion will lie tolerated, and 1 j Sacramento are spending a few days at this way. the poles for which have al­ and long before the hour for the parade ready been cut. to move, the line of march was a moving pn.|«isa to see that the law in this re­ the Dxlge. Mrs. 11. L. Minnier and daughter, Charles Graves, of Odell, accompan­ sea of humanity. Irrepreaaible Young spect is enforced to Hie letter." This is the first mon nieut of the wave Mrs. M. Ayes, of Chicago are «[«tiding ied by his two daughters, Marnl and America was in evidence everywhere, Clarias, and J. L. Ringo of Oregon City, and with his toy putol, fire-creekera of reform that ia threatening thia city, the summer at the Lodge. and it is not unlikely that it ia gather­ J. H. Rice, of the Ixsige, his pur- were in the city Tuesday and Wednes­ and torpedo had more fun than aavosie Invitations to the marriage of else. ing sufficient force to overwlielm the op­ chased a fine span of horses at the Fort day. Main street from the river to the position manifested in the j*st. The for use between Crater fake and the Miss Mau.l Graves ami Mr. Ringo are ioat. Mr. Ringo ia a pharmacist, a re­ steam laundry was one string of bunting action of the city council has and is re­ Bay. ceiving the hearty approval of the peo­ Ira Hanson was an Ashland visitor cent graduate ot the Corvallis Agricul­ flags and evergreens. Many decorations tural College and a young man of ability were elaliorate and effective, and it was ple, the general opinion being that too tills week. great a disregard of the law has pre­ Tlie many friend.« of Miss Graves are evident on every hand that Klamath The winy the Supreme lo»lge in session occasion vocal and instrumental music Promptly at 0 o'clock the parade The question of an increase in the in Toronto, Cana»ta, last week. Tlie |>o- enlivened the occasion, and a quartet, loon license was Lroaclie.1, but no ! sitioti is for two years and carries with composed of Misses Worden, Sargent, started. Great as bail been the antici. tion was taken on this question, though • ' it a substantial salary and the honor of palion, the Sfiectacle tar exceeded it. Waring and Newman sang many pleas­ a strong sentiment was present in favor living at the lieaii of the oldest and one The order of match was down Maia ing songs. The trips were thoroughly ol a higher license of the largest lieneticiary orders in the enjoyed by everyone, and the general street to 6th, up 6th to Pine, east oa Three saloon licenses were gran tel. world. The duties of th« office are wish was for a recurrence of the event. | I Pine to9th, back to Main and weet on the following being the granteea: Ike quite important as the Workmen carry Main street to the court house, where J. I). Carroll, president of the Orepm the official services of the day were held. Wright, J. C. Higler and C. Roes Ander­ on an insurance business larger than son. The following is the order of partici­ any of the old line life insurance com- California Development company, and J. C. Smith was appointed pound­ )«nics, and Mr. Colvig will be required who is at the head of the movement for pation in the parade: master, with instructions to enforce the , to spen»l much of bis time in the East the construction of electric roads to Grand Marsha), Capt. O. C. Apple­ Merrill and Bonanza, arrived here Sat­ gate. provisions of the stock ordinance. lor the next two years. urday. lie had nothing to say for pub­ The time cf meeting was changed Assistant Marshals, Mark L. Burns, The carpenters ol this city have or- lication relative to his enterprises, sim­ C. T. Oliver, B«rt Withrow and Neil from once a month to «eun-montlily. ganised a union, aud at the meeting ply confining himself to the statement Campbell. Tlie meeting was more of a “get-to-1 . held last Saturday thirty-five memlvr» that he was quite well satisfied with tlie gather" one than of real business. It I County Judge George T. Baldwin and were enrolled. The following officers > status of affairs. is practically the first regular meeting1 Mayor Alex Martin, Jr. were elected : president, George Hauiil-1 held bv the city father« since their elec- Mrs. E. R. Reaincs an»l Alex Martin. ton ; vice-president, W. T. Taylor; sec- Te|(or,i & Son are prepare! to build tion, and they were tri ing on the new Tandem. retarv, A. E. Itamber; treasurer, M . P. vou a launch of any eixe desired and at liarnes«. Th« manner in which each, l McMillan; conductor, George North; ' a price that places it within your reach [ Con tinned on Page R.j member got into the collar indicated | | warden, O. E. Hurst. The scale adopt- that there will lie “something doing” ed 13.50 to |4."0 per day, eight hours to in the way of up-to-date legislation, and I : constitute a days work. that many of the practices heretofore ! tolerated are going to lie put down with 1 Charles Pattce, the well known real an iron hand. It «n recognize») that ; ' estate man of Bonanza was in the city this city ia no longer the infant of the j j Saturday. He has just closel a eontract past, ami that the time is at hand when for the erection of a new home for Frank the city administrator must rule and ace Grohs, which i« expeclel to lie the finest that every law and ordinance is en­ in the county outside of Klamath Falls. forced. Such an altitude is commend­ Mr. Pattee says Bonanza is growing and able, and it ia to I« hope»! that this that more property ia changing hands spirit will prevail throughout the en­ in an»l around that town than any other tire period for which they were elected. section in the county, with the possible exception of this city. Ralph Ross of this place, who has Ed. McClure Drowned been employe«! at the Odessa sawmill, bad his left hand caught in the edger James Edward McClure of Toe val­ machine last Monday and so lacerated ley was drowned while attempting to ’ that it required the amputation of his ford Lost river near the Horton ranch little finger. The operation was per­ Sunday, June 24. lie had l>een to see formed by Drs. Ma«ton and Cartwright. the Horton's mid left that ranch about It may lie necessary to amputate the 11 o'clock, telephoning to his father, third finger also, although the doctors W. II. McClure, that lie would lie home are putting forth their best efforts to for dinner. Nothing was thought of hie save it. failure to reach home on time, for very The contract for the erection of the often he would fail to keep such ap­ $20,000 Withrow-Melhaae block was pointments, being detained by a cattle deal, or other business connected there­ awarded Monday to George W. Brooks of Yreka. The brick will be furnished with, for he was a cattle buyer. When he failed to show up after a few by Chihlers A Hose. There are to be days absence and nothing was heard (our store rooms down stairs and offices from him, search was instituted, and on the second floor. It is to lie com­ the remains aero found last Saturday, pleted on or before January 1st. The ■lune 30, a Inuit 200 yards below tlio ford, store rixitus may lx» ready for occupancy Hosting on the surface of Lost river. It by November 1st. Capt. 0. C. Applegate spent several was fully dressed, mid about in gold was found in the pockets. The »lays at the Agency last week making horse was found a short distance away, preparation« for the employment of In­ dians on the laterals now being con­ saddled and bridled. The conclusion reached is that the old structed by the Reclamation Servu-e. ford bad been washed away, and as the He expects to return to the Agency in a river is much higher than usual the few days, when he hopes to ba success­ horse was unable to carry his rider ful in securing quite a number of the against tlio swift current. Seeking to redskins to work for Uncle Sam. lighten the burden, McClure jumped in­ C. J. Heidtnian of Bonanza was in to the river, his intention lieing tn swim the city Sunday. Mr. Heidtnian is a or float alongside the horse. Being en­ recent arrival in Klamath county, coin­ cumbered with boots, shape and cloth­ ing from Frisco. He has the faith in ing and iHMsibly losing his lmld on the Bonanza that makes towns, ami ia pre­ horse, ho was unable to carry out his paring to o|x»n an n|«to-date drug store plan, and was drowned. there just as soon ns his goods arrive. County coroner, Dr. Merryman WSS The sage of Horsefly valley, Ia'wis summoned, and after mi investigation concluded that an inquest was unnec­ Gerlier, accompanied by Mrs. Gerlier, arrived from their ranch Tuesday even­ essary. ing. They expect to remain here a lew Bring your prescriptions to Chitwoods days superintending the construction of Drug Sion» where they will be promptly their magnificent nesr home ou the and carefully filled. heights.