Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 21, 1906, Image 6

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Sekool r«»|»ll I o»»l*l X«»l lte«l*fl
Telllws Her ul It.
“Yes,” «aid tin» nlglit is I i » hi I teadier
wltb a tliv»l sigh, "tla-re Is »o' much
satisfaction in s» bool work. You have
ao many monuments to y*»ur owu cn
laicitj as an twtriu-tr»-«» that you can
isiliit to with I'lrldc. You t»»d so g.ssl,
too, at tbe etui of tlw year when you
see the b»>neflta that you have confer
red on the rising generation*.“
Itelng a H»'li.«»l tea»-hcr ami a c»»n
aclentlous one. she did not a»l»L ”1 dou't
think." but «1* looked It.
“Just take one example I had about
the cl»w»e of the last si'iiool year,” she
continued. "1 hail been on night school
■•rvtce, bail worn tuy prettiest gowns
and trie»! to lead tuy pupils ami mak»'
learning a pleasure to them. I bad
Ideals and beliefs. Ami I was teaching
English and »'oniposition to als»ut as
stnpl»I iirnt Ignorant a lot of pupils a«
you could extss t to tiud In a round of
the night selas'l system, There was
one hulktug pupil that had conceived
a fouduesa for niw 1 w as uot more
than fifteen .»ears older than lu* « is
and as I bad had that sort of thing
hapiw-n before I was not alarmed. But
I m-ed his infatuation to spur hlui on
iu his »»Vrk. Ami this 1« tbe nay I
succeetieiL I bad put iu n hard seMon
drilling the pupil» In comi'osltlon ami
letter writing, and as a last exercise
I told them that they could each write
a letter to me. I left It at that am!
thought I would see h»»w much good
my Instru Bon »Lad douei V list tli<
youth aforesaid handed In was as fol
"T»ear toaeher: Are you cvmlu'
back next year. If you ilou't there will
be one vacant pupil in this school
” ‘Yours very afltectlonately.’
"What’s tbe use of anything? May­
be I am not a teacher after all. I have
had my salary raised sitae then, and
think perhaix It waa a mistake, Try
to build a monument to youresdf If
you want to, but after you have a tew
examples of Instruction like tl».-»t to
look back on you will pick some other
building material than school chil-
ELI____________ _________
1 here are Iu Kuaaia 724 monasteries
an»1 convents, with 12,712 niouks ami
27.A74 nuns.
At tbe rate of a pint and a half of
CHAITER Kill <Contlnusd.>
liquid a day. a man drinks X2.H5O pints
Sylvia flashed burning red at thia in
during hl» life.
dlgutty. "Frightened! If th»-r» had !»•«•»
anybody else here but »»»»men. you never
Ixat year 3.NSS tramps wer«» ted at
would bavs taken the brig. Frightened'
tlie County Home at Carlisle, Pa., the
Let me pass, prisoner!”
meals uumbcrliig UJtfiS.
Xa Mrs Vickers »!»•«>-end»cl th,» hatch
In Nellore, India, tlie Hindu Chris
way. the boat with Frere and th» a»»l
tian Emleuvovers went out night after
tiers eauu» within musket range, and
l.esly, a»'»x»rdlng to orders. fir»sl hla
night to uurae eholer» atricken Mobum
musket over their head», shouting t>>
them to lay to. Rut Fr»ro. bulling with
A vlait of British labor members of
rage at the manner in whi«-h th» table«
Parliament to Australia has been
had b«-eti turne»l on him. had deterniimal
planned. The otiject of the vlait w ill
not to resign hia lost authority without
a atrpggle. Diare ardltig th. summons,
be to bring about an understanding tie-
he i-ame straight i i*. with his .yes fixed
tweeu all tbe democratic and labor
on the vessel, It was now nearly dark,
forcea of the empire.
and th»» figures on the deck wer« hull»-
Governor Guild, of Massachusetts,
titigiiishable. The indignant lieutenant
haa ap|*>lnte»l Mlaa Marie Rose Col­
coti’il but guess at the condition of af
lins, a daughter of the former mayor
fair«. S i bleuir, fr in out of th. dark
news, a v< ■e hailed him.
of Boston, State Prison Commissioner.
"Hold water! back water!" It cried,
Hlie has given tbe subject of prison
choked In its*
work much attention.
QHRit'r's thriuit.
Tlx AnglmFrench “entente cordlale"
Th«» volte wns th. property of Mr
haa resulted in London tradesmen label­
Bite’» Stnndinc 'it ear the side, he had
observed Ilex and Fair bring up a »rent
ing goods In their show wludows “tree
pig of Iron, er«t used as part of th.
Jolie,” “recherche,” “bon gout," "la der-
iMrflatt of the brig, and poiee it on the
ntere,” etc. Anything Freuchy la tbe
ralL Their intention was but too evi­
correct thing in Iaindon now.
dent; a nd honest Bates, like a faithful
A womau visitor to a London hospi­
watchdog, barked to warn hi« matter.
Bhuxithirtty Cheshire caught him by the
tal found a ¡»atleut convulsed with
throat, and Frere, unheeding, ran the
laughter. ami asked the reason.
boat fthMigaide. under the very no«»«' of
“They’ve given me a track, ma’am!” he
the revengeful Bex. Tbe mate of lr<»n
gaapeiL “Yes?" "It's a track against
(ell half In board up »n the now stayed
dancing." "Welly "Both my legs la
boat, and gave her sternway, with a
cut off!"
aplinterel plank.'
“Villains!” cried Frere. “would you
Application No. 13 to practice law In
us? What do they me.iu to do
the State of Missouri will be issued no
longer to aspiring law students, Re-
The answer came pat to the question.
cently a would-be barrister tore It up
hVoni the dark hull of the brig t»r >ke a
when it was given to him. and the
flash and a report, and a muaket ball cut
State Board of Examiners has since
the water beside them with a chirping
eliminated the number.
uolae. Between the black Indistinct mats
which represented the brig an«! the glim­
Janu-a NaUon. Assistant State Audi­
mering water w,is visible a white speck,
tor of Kansas, la one of thirteen chil­
which gradually ueare«! them.
dren. His father. Seth, was born on
“Come alongside with ye.” hailed a
April 13, enlisted in the Civil War Aug.
voice, “or It will l»e worse for ye!”
13, was nominated Treasurer of Neosho ♦
“They want to murder us,” says Frere
County Sept 13, and took office Oct *
way. men!’
♦ “Ghe
But ths two soldiers, exchanging
13. The old man is alive and welL
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦♦♦♦♦e
g!an«.-es one with the other, pulled the
The first Japanese Congregational
Mr. Becke, the author of “Notes boat's held round and made for the re»
Church in America was orgi^nUed Iu
•el. “It's no »•»». Mr. Frere." «aid the
Ran Francisco recently, largely through from My South Sea Tz>g,” tells of hS man near»-st him. “We can do n»» gm»d
the efforts of the Rev. Mr. Kozaki.
now. ami they won’t hurt us. I dare
Much Is exjHX'ted from this pioneer con­ roic uuiu in the world I’evau.'te be bad my."
“You are In !--sgne with them!”, bur«t«
gregation In advancing Christian work l*een through thft first Maori war. and
among the Japanese on our 1'iU'lfiC because of aa adventure which then» out Frere. purpls with indignation. “Do
befell *h!m. and which is given as fui- you mutinyT*
"Come, cc ume. sir." returned the soi­
1 lows:
The silver wedding present that is
Poor Guy, such was the tutor’s name, iter, sulkily; “thia ain’t tti. time to bully :
said to have imxt pleased tbe Kaiser
and as fur uiuuuy. why. vu» usui'a
was from the combined rowing aind was a lieutenant and lie and two com about a« g >od as another Just now.”
When they reached the brig they
sailing clutw of Germany. It coixtstej
of six silver models, nqthxentlng the They were taken Inside the stockade, f .und that the jolly boat had been low-
different styles of eht|»bufldfng from aud the chief, taking up one of the «red and ial-l alongside. Iu her were
with forehead
tbe Viking galley to the Empervr'a seamen’s cutlasses, felt Its edge, and eleven persons—Bates
ga«hed and hands bound; the stunned
yacht Meteor.
Grimes, Rnaaen an-l Fair pulling. I.y n.
officer's face.
Dr. Gustave Le Bon, of Tarla, has
“I shall not inirin these two men of Riley. Cheshire and I.esly with muskets,
John Rex In the stern »heats, with
reached the revolutionary conci uslon yours,” he said, slow ly. They shall g •
Bates’ pistols In hi« trousers’ belt and
that matter finally passes away by
safely back to your lines if—” He a loaded musket across his knees. The
apontaneuus changes In Its molecules.
paused, and a gruu sudle distorted Ux» whue object which had beau seen by
as Illustrated in tbe electrons of radi
tfie men in the whaleb»»at wa« a large
tattooed face.
um, and that tbe result of these
white «hawl which wrsppe»! Mrs. Vick­
“If what?” asked Guy. calmly.
changes Is “substances which are In-
“If you will stretch out y.mr right ers an»! Ry Iris
gfljg|^l^£x^euvt«en ¡»»nderable bodies band so thqx. U ffflty^cot it off al th**
By tbe .direction of Rex. the whsle-
was brought alongside the jolly
ft! y, Do furtlier Larui shall boat ■nd Cheshire and Iarsly boarded
A mining company
ballt a «in.- to you, and you. tuo, «hall g¡> ber. I.esly then gave hi« musket to
K4 o . i «« i clubhouse for its men at Bls- fr»»-."
Rex. an.l b»»uad Free«'« hand« behind
bee. Arte., four years ago, found the
"Will you keep your word?**
him in th« same manner as had been
building a hindrance, as tiie men re-
“Aye. I, Te Atua Wera. am no liar.” done for Bate«. Frer» «ttempte»! to re-
fused to be paternallzed, and It was
Guy nodded, quietly took off bls coat, siat tfll» Indignity; but Cheshire, clap­
ping bis muaket to hit ear, swore he
turned over to tbe Y. M. C. A., which and held out his left band.
would blow out hla bralna if he uttered
is making a success of the enterprise,
“Strike." be said.
another syllable; and Frere. catching
and now has twice as many men en­
The chief again smiled, •Thou art the malignant eye of John Rex. remem­
rolled as could t* secured for tbe club. as cunning as thou art brave. 1 said bered how easily a twitch of the finger
For twenty years tbe man at tbe tbe right baud."
would pay off old Korea, and was silent.
door of tbe Empire Theater has been
Guy let fall his left and extended "Step in here, sir, if you plea«».” said
taking tickets along Broadway, and lu bls right arm. Te Atua Wera stepped Rex. with polite irony. “I aiu lurry to
all that time be baa never seen a show. back a pace, raised tbe cutlass—and be compelle»l to tie you, but I must
consult my own safety a» well aa your
He’s been at the Empire for about ten struck tbe pultu ut It Into tbe gr-mud. convenience." Frere »cow!e»L and. step­
years. He hasn’t even seen "Peter Pan." Then be bent forward and gravely ping awkwardly Into the jolly lioat, fell.
Seldom, If ever, be gives out a door rubbed nose« with Guy.
Pinioned as he was, he r .-dd pot rise
check between acts. He just remem­
“Go,” he said, “but come back no without ««sistance, and Russen pulled
bers tbe faces. He never gives a door more.” So Guy and the two Bailors him roughly to his feet, with a oars,
check to a woman. And he's never been were allowed to return to Despard's laugh. In hla present frame of mind,
that laugh galled him worse than hla
fooled.—New York Sun.
lines unharmed.
When Andrew Carnegie first spoke
Poor Mrs. Vickers, with a woman’«
of taking up golf be was advised by
qui»-k instinct. »1« this, and even amid
Baillie Mackenzie, of Edinburgh, to
her own trouble fouml leisure to console.
There 1» Greet Profit In lireeglutf on
lay out a golf course at Sklbo Castle.
“The wretches!” she said, under her
n I.«rire Seale.
"If you take to golf,” said the balllie,
The possible profit that may result breath, as Frere was flung down beside
“you will add ten years to your life.” from Intelligent bog breeding on a her. “to subject you to such indignity7’
“Do you say so?” said Mr Carnegie. “If large scale Is worthy of serious thought Sylvia »aid nothing and seemed to shrink
from th« lieutenant.
you can add ten years to my life I on the i>art of farmers, says Farming.
“Now, my lada.” any» Reg. who ssem-
will make you a present of two mil­
With tb>- rigbt conditions of food ed to hare endued the cast off author­
lions." "Well,” replied the canny mag supply and market—the two impirtant ity of Frere. “we give you your choir«.
lstrate, “I can’t just exactly do that, factors—it may prove to be tlie very Stay at Hell's Gates or rotpe with ua!
but I’ll play you for tbe two millions thing that the farm Is best adapted to. I can't wait hero all night. The wind
le freshening, and we must make the
over your own green." The offer was
The bog baa always been a "fixture" bar. Which is It to be?"
not accepted.
on American farms. The early settlers
"We’ll go with you!” says the man
raised a few that lived on the refuse w'ho bad pulled stroke in the whaleboat.
of the garden, dairy and kitchen, and L'pon which utterance the convlcta burst
In turn provided the family with meat Into joyous cries, and the pair were re­
Younff Ho«band Waited While She
Took Streets ar Hide.
during the whiter. The modern “Amer ceived with much hand shaking.
Then Rex. with Lyon and Riley as a
About twelve years ago there was a lean bog" snppLes, In bls various prod
wedding celebrated at a German church ucts, many of the wants of the civil guard, got Into th»- whaleboat, and hav­
ing loosed the two prisoner* from their
In this city and tbe parties. In a mod­ I zed world, not only the hams, pork, bonds, ordered thim
tnke tl>« places
est way, essayed to surround tbe event lard, bacon, but also illuminating anil of Russen and Fair. The whaleboat
with all tbe conventionalities Incident lubricating oils, combs, brushes, but was manned by the seven mutineers,
to tbe marriage ceremonies of tbe tons, knife handles und vurious klmls Rex steering. Fair. Russen and the two
recruits pull.ug, tbe other four standing
more favored classes, say« the Wash­ of ornaments.
ington Star. They selected an even­
The bog Is really one of the farm­ up, with their muskets leveled at the
ing when tbe church would be open for er's most profitable crops and is worthy Jolly boat. Their long slavery had be­
gotten such a dread of authority In these
midweek service, and, without the trou­ of more attention; lie Is useful to the men that they feared it even When It
ble of Issuing Invitations, bad present dairyman lieeause lie will eat the by­ was bound and menaced by four piu«-
quite a gathering of their friends, who, products of the dairy; he Is useful to kets. "K>-ep your distance!” shouted
after extending congratulations, suffer­ tbe grain farmer because he will con­ Cheshire, as Frere and Bates, In obe­
ed them to depart with their attend­ vert the grains and grasses of the farm dience to orders, began to pull the Jolly
Into money; so from either standi>olnt boat toward the sbors; and In this fash­
About an hour afterward a man who be will show a profit. Tbe more care ion waa the dismal little party conveyed
to the mainland.
bad witnessed tbe ceremony found the you devote to him tbe better be will
It was night when they reached It.
groom standing on a corner, apparently pay you. One must get the Idea out of
but the clear sky began to thrill with
waiting for a belt line street car.
bls head that anything Is good enough « bite moon as yet unarla'-n, and tbe
“Why! are't you the man who wat for a hog; the fi^t Is that nothing Is w«ves. breaking gently upon the beach.
married a little while ago?" was UHk- too good for him.
gllnnnere»l with a radiance born of their
ed him.
own motion. Frere ami Bates jumping
Mlsht Not Be Love.
asberr, helped <iut Mrs. Vickers, Hyl-
“Yaw, I sbust been married," was
“What makes you think lie Is deeply vla and the wounded Grfrnes. This be­
the answer.
ing dons under ths in-iaxies of th« mus­
“Your wife has not left you al- In love wltb his wife?"
•'He treats ber with as much defer ket«, Rex c ,mm inded that Bates and
ready ?” queried the friend.
Frere should push the jolly boat aa far
“Neln. neln," said the happy groom, en»-e and »-onshleratlon as be does their as they could from the shore, and Riley
“I tells you about It. We gets mar- c»»k."
catching her by a boat hook as she cam«
“It Isn't love, but fear, that causes toward them, she waa taken In tow.
ried und some one say something ubout
“Now, boys,” says Cheshire, with a
a honeymoon trip. Den I dinks that
•nvage delight, "three cheers for old
she should have one, and so I brings Houston Post
England and liberty!”
her to de street car and gave her a
Upon which a great shout went np,
dlcket to ride round nilt de |a-lL und
can echoed by the grim hills which had wit­
I valts here on dis corner.”
nessed so many miseries.
In a few momeuts the car liearlng
“No. I
the lone bride came along and she Idence Is
alighted, rejoining her husband. The In spite of all 1 kin do!”—Atlanta Con­
There Is no need to dwell npoo the
mental agonlefl of that miserable night.
couple then made for their home, pa stitution.
Frere had a tinder box in his pocket,
parently happy that both wedding and
and mad« a fire with soma dry leaves
honey moon trip were over.
clares the Federal Royal Commission i and sticks. Grime« fell asleep, end the
He I m r mean man who refuses to In recommending the taking over over two men sitting st their fire, discussed
give praise where it la dua
of the Industry by the commonwealth. tbs chances of «scape.
»••sllsnt. but. catling feebly upon Frer»
tor hel|», he matte »luit to lay h»*l»l upon
the Jitekktiif»» ot which we hav»» befor»»
Frere. »tartlng to hl» feet,
rushisl to the as»l»tnm-e »»f the pilot, but
»a» too lai»« tlrimes, enregt-d by the
■ igld of the knife, tors it from Bales'
grasp, ami, before Frere eoiiht catch hi»
«rm. pluugvd It iwic« into the unf»»rtu
liat» mail's breast.
"I'm a dead man!" t-rled Bate», faint
The sight of the blwutl, together with
the exclamation of hi» victim, re»-nll*»l
Gritnee to cwii«»-i»mane«a. lie looked in
bewilderment st the hl»»»»ly weaisrn. end
th»u tbuglug It from him. rushed away
toward the •»-«. Into which ho pluugvd
Frere hurried to the sl»le of Bates,
and, lifting him up. strove to stanch tn»-
bl»»*»l that llowe»l from hi» cheat. It
wouhl seem that he had been realliig
hlmaelf »m hl» left elbow, ami that
tirlmes. matching the knife from hi«
right hand, had «tabbed him twice In the
right luvasi, lie waa pal»» ami senaeleaa.
ami Fr»r»> feared that the wouu»l »»»•
mortal. Tearing off hla neck handker
chief, he endeavored to bandage the
wound, but fouml that the atrip of »Ilk
was Inaiifllclent for the purp<x». The
nolee had r»»uae»l Mr* \ lckera, w ho.
•titling her terror, mails ha«te to tear
off a portion of her »Ire»», and with this
a bandage of autneleal width wa» mad«
Sylvia brought a»»uie water from th*
spring, and Mri Vickers bathing Batea’
head with this, he rvvlesd a little.
’’lion't die, Mr. Bates <>h. don't dl«!”
•aid Hylvia, etaiijiug. piteously, near.
but afraid to touch him. "Don’t leave
mamma and uie alone lu this dreadful
Poor Batea, of course» mild nothing,
but Frere frowiusi heavily, and Mr«
Vickers »aid reproving!*. “Sylvia!” Just
an If they had been In the old house ou
diNtanl Sarah I»Und.
In the arteriUMUi Frere went away to
drag together «»ome wood for the Are. an«!
when he returned be found the pilot
near hl« end. A«
A» the *un «nnk Bat»'*
rallie«l. but the two watcher* knew that
It wan but the flnal flicker of the expir­
ing candle. “lie’« going!” »aid Frere.
nt length, under hla breath, as though
fearful of awaking hi» half »lumbering
• nil. Mrs. Vickers, her eye» streaming
with nilsnt tnara. lifted the housnt head
and moistened the parched lipa with her
•naked handkerchief. A tremor sh.»«»k
the once ntalwart IItn!*», and tlie dying
man opened his eye». Fur an inatunt
he nssmsd l*ew tider»‘d. and then, looking
from one to the other. Intelligence re
turned to hi» glance, and It wan evident
that he remembered all. Ill» gate rested
upon tbe pale face of tbe affrighted Hyl
via, and then turned to Frere. There
could be no mistaking the uiutv aiqteal
of those eloquent rye*
“Yr*. I’ll take care of hrr,” said Frrrr
Hatr« flinllrtl, and then observing that
the M ihm ! from hi» wound had Mtulned
the white «bawl of Mr*. Vickers, he
made nn effort to move bln head. It
waa not fitting that a Inly’» shawl
•houhl l>e stained with the blood of n
poor fellow like hlm**r!f. The fn»hl«>ti
able fribble, with quick instinct, uudrr
a, and |
. . •
head back upon hrr bo* *m. In the pre*
ence of death the woman wan womanly
For a moment all wan nllent. anti they
thought be bail gone; but all nt once hr
opened bln eye*, and looked round for
(To be contlnne«i.>
the nea.
Farm labor Is growing siarcvr each
year; It 1« alli»»«! liupoaslble to keep
the tioya oil the farm and equally Im
IKMMlble to obtain labor from the cltle«
that Is of any uae on the fumi Homo
of the poor men In the great cilles
von M i-e inihiit.ii bette* off i" «•
country where they ami tlielr children
might gnlii health and ilgor. bui 11 I.
Hext to luq>»>aallite to keep them on the
farm eveu If one get» them there, for
tln-y prefer the crowded tenements to
the Utile eottiige In the country.
ICiery employing farmer will testify
that thl» I» Ilio truth. The alternative
(heli M-erna to lx a reduction of acreage
and more care ami fertiliser given to
the portion cult 11 iiloil ; In oilier words,
.(octal crops sml Intrusive culture.
Poultry raising vlTer. one avenue of
e«ea|ie from th« m> labor quvstlon. up
to a certain limit. Miuall fruit culture
auotlMw In «eellona »her« woman «ml
children may bu had to pick the fruit.
After the»« uue lutisi get down to III«
growing "f crops » lit, li h« »-an handle
by hlmaelf, aiming to gvl quality amt
q ua n 111 y from a small area In sonie
•eetloiM farmer« «re coiuhlnlng ami.
under an agreement, are turning cer
tain p»>vt|ona of tlielr farina into eroin
Is-et auliisi to them, hay e lieu posai
ble. and each help« the other during
harvest, the portoti when th« lack of
help Is moat fell. Issik Into the ipu-a
lion of rodnclng the area seriously.
It I» worth colialderllig l»efore gl» Ing
up farming as many are doing ) early.
A dtMcusnlun had arlnen among the
mutineers aa to the propriety of at mice
making anil; but Barker, who had been
‘tie of the pilot boat crew, and knew the
dangvm of the bar, vowed that he would
i >>ii r»»u> -
not undertake to steer the brig through
The calf I« n «luhl»»rn little tiling
the Gate* until morning, and no the
and I« quite iitvr««» to being takuu
boat» being secured anterii, a strict
from Its mother, so liuti, oftunlitnua,
watch was net, le»t the helpless Bates
the |»r»»t»li»m of fw»llug It lH lfc°t
"heuld attempt to rescue the veeael.
eaniest on»» In tiu» worlil 1“ wl'e. Any
I hiring the wetting a feeling of pity for
arrangement which »»III »I» the work
the unfortunate party on ihe mainland
took possession of them It was quite
readily I» warranted nml one of Hi«1
possible that the ttaprey might I h > re­
text ¡llana we know of »-un Is» evolved
captured, in which case dve undoes uiur
from the following: Keep the calf In
-lers WOttld haxe been committed. John
a |>vu of «ouïe klml with n »uihl trout.
Bex, »edng how matters were going,
Then cut « «<|ii«rv iqxnlng In tlie front
made ha»te to take to himself the credit
just big enough to r«-»vl»e the tee»l pull.
» f mercy. He ruled, anj bad always
Hinge the plis-e that I« cut out to
ruled, hi* rufltane,
“I pr po«e," said he* “that we divide
«wing Iu. Thun put chaina, rupee «»d
the pro* inions. There are Ave of them
■trapa to the side ol >f tli« upruliqp* ami
xnd tvu of ua. Then uobody can blame
attseh to llw cut out |iortloii by uieana
of »tuple« Th» chain must
This reasoning wan admitte*l and act
long enough to allow tile cut out «sc
cd upon. There were In the hartiea* caak
Bou i BI to drop down letvl «• shown
about fifty poutida of «alt meat, ami a
In the lower part of tlw cut. although
thin! of th!» quantity, together with
the chain» »Io n*»t show In IM« part of
half a email sack of flour, some tea and
\ dent I. ualletl on
!*ugnr mixed together In a bag. and an
the tlliiatrstlon.
iron kettle and pannikin, were placet!
the outer edge of the cut »»ut ¡»»riimi
tn the whaleboat. Cheshire,* hitumbling
(ID ami another »m the out»lds of top
over a goat that had beeu taken on
board ft»ui Philip Island, caught the
creaturo by the leg nud threw it Into the
*ea, biddlug Bex take that with him
also. Bex dragged the p<»or beast Into
the boat, and with thl» mist'ollaneou»
cargo pushed off to the shore. The poor
g »at, shivering, began to bleat piteously,
and the men laughed. To a stranger it
would haxe ap¡»eared that the boat con
i'rom 1'nslur» Io Ham.
talned a happy party of fishermen, or
Th <"»•«> who ndViM'ftto th«* !!•* of <V»g*»
coast settlers, returning with ths pro­
ceeds of a day’s marketing.
In driving the cows to and from U m
Iagylng off as the water shallowed.
paatilta may tn» right, prot Ideal they
Hex called to Bates to coms for the
have the right a»>rt of a d<'g. but tliero
cargo, aud three men with iuu»ket«
ara few dogs that can fis tms I od to
standing up aa before, ready to re«iat
do thatr duty properly ; noue, unie««
any attempt at capture, the provis­
they art trained from pupp) ls-»al The
ions, goat and all, were carried ashore.
average ■log <smalgn<s1 to till« work
There!” says Bex, “you can’t «ay wo ve
isod you badly, for we've divided the
bark« and generally annoy« the animal«
provisions.” Ths eight of thia almost
until thay ara more or l«M*a frightened.
uu ex pec led succor revived the courage
m>me <>f them fighting. and m H of them
•f the five, aud they felt grateful. Af­
running Thia running the rows from
ter the horrible anxiety they bad endur­
the paaturv to the barn dor« much
ed all that night, they were prepared to
m<re Injury than generally « u |»| m >« m 1.
look with kindly eves upon the men who
I and assuredly makes the flow of milk
had come to their assistance.
“Men.“ said Bates, with something
*!<• of opeiilng. The |iall la set In much lew« The supply of milk de
like a sob in his voice, ”1 didn’t expect
ismlthsi from tlie outside and tlx cleat penda very largely u|w>n Hie condition
tMa. You are g<w»d fellows, for there
at tlx top of opening and outer edg» of mind <>f the or»w . If she !• happy
ain’t much tucker aboard. 1 know ”
of cxitvmt portion pre» enta the ixll and contented. «hr glvr« d<*wn her milk
‘ Yes,” affirmed Frere, “you’re gin»!
from txlng overturned or the »»intent« freely, and the food «ho ronaum«'*
from «plllbif out. This plan »t-x« away make* rich milk of th«» !•« •»! quality .
Rex burst luto a aavago laugh. “Shut
with the annoyem-e of trying to «et a If she 1« frightened. her milk I<> mm
your mouth, you tyrant.” said he, forget­
pall full of milk over Into the pen of a I m » th In qualify and quantity.
ting hie dandyism in tbe recullection of
hungry calf who. In tils haste, usually
hl« f »rmer «offering. “It ain't for your
benefit You may thank th« lady and
knocks It out of tlx ha ml* of lite
child for it.”
Julia Vickers hastened to propIBat«
the arbiter of her «laughter’s fate. "We
Vaaskl»» le ike < era.
ar« obliged to yon." she
»b« «aid. with a
Tlaxo who Lav« «b»k vu tbe farm,
touch of quiet dignity resembling her
eowa, «beep, «win« or ¡vultry, will And
husband*«; “and if 1 ever get back safe­
th« »»Id time plan of plautlng puiupklu
ly 1 will take car« that your klndne»«
eae.te siuuug tlx »-vru a good uue to
• haU be known.”
A Mew Treelmeer l‘r«,.i»»S hr lb»
So. with cheer« and waving of hand
boltl on to. pruvhted tlx y will barreal
|)r«~adr«l Dhr««».
kerchiefs, th« boat departed.
Consul General Guenther, of Frank ths pumpkins »-arafully. «t- re tbaui as
A council of war waa held, with Mr.
»-erefully sud feed Bi«u tv tbs stu»k
Frere et the bead of It, ami the poaaee- fort, Germany, predicts the successful
tbs winter. Pumpkins ars read
■Ions of the IltBe party were thrown
“collsngoL** ■ silver solution, says the Uy kept through the winter, am! b)
into common stiick.
It Waa found, upon a review of their Seattle Post-Intelllgeueer. Ils write« watchlug tlwiu carefully and using the
poeseantona that they had among them
"Much has beeu written on the tn-nt ■pM-kwl oi,«« first, tlxy will go through
three pocket-knives, a ball of string, ment <>f sppenillcltta, principally with ths winter ami aupply th« stuck with a
three pipe« an»J a fig of tobacco, a por­
much needed variety, They can lx fed
tion of fishing line, with hooka, and a reference to the question whether. In to advantage to all of th« at.s-k named,
big jackknife. But they naw with dis­ a given css«-, an oireratlou must l>e
feeding to ¡•ml
may that there waa nothing which mold performed to save tbe life of th« pa only being careful In
lx med axwia« among th« party. Mrs. tlent. It would doubtless be a great try to ch»>p the pl*-s« finely after re
Vickers had her shawl, and Bates a boon If a rvmeily could t»e found to moving the aktn. The ¡de<-e« «coin to
pea Jacket, but Frere and Grimes were make an operation unnececsary. Such he particularly etijoye.1 hy ths fowl» kind* of ImtlH’d plntitw n gnrnt growth.
without extra clothing.
a remedy. It Is alleg»*»!, baa ts-en found when m!xe<1 with meat »-ra;«. anil the Bnt. tioeful a*» they are, cold frames
Having made the«e arrangements, the
whole mlxeil with bran and molatened are aehb'in uned in prhMtv gnnlriiH, ri
kettle, fille.1 with water from the spring, under the name of 'collnngol.' Col with aklmuicd milk fe»l quito warm.
<v*pt r»f the rich. Yet
are not si
was «lung from three green «tick« over langol la a form of pure silver soluble
[Mmalve and an* wry easy to make.
the fire, and a pannikin of weak tea. In water. Chemb-al manipulations for
Frie« Tr»rllng Merle« Ham.
1 he i*»st piare for a cold frame la
together with a biscuit, nerved out to rendering silver, quicksilver and some
l'ilia /»wiring Merino ram. owned by on the south aid«» of n hill There, pro
each of the party, save Grimes, who other metals soluble In water were dis­
declared h:meelf unable to eat. Break­ covered within the last few years. I’rtah i 'oik of Union County, Ohio, te«’tnd from tlie cold north winds, tbe
fast over. Bates made a damper, which
won first prlre at the Indiana Miste ¡llanta get the full tient of the »tin nnd
waa tmoked In the ashes, and then an­ The antiseptic property of silver Ims Fair, and also at the
Illinois Htatu make great growth long l»efore It In at
other council waa held as to future babi-
prlre and all ¡ miam II i I v to grow them In the u | n « h .
the form of lunar cauetic, wnicb ha«
champion winner at soin« of th« lend
To mako a rhenp cold frnme nil that
It was clearly evident that they could alio l>eeii admlulsterisl Internally. Ila Ing fairs
In th« ruuntry, and his «Ire la nee<h»<| are n few Imardn, nn<l, In
not sleep lu th« open air. It was th« use, however, has been very limited.
mlddl»* of summer, and though no auuoy* Based upon this knowledge, successful prod tn- •d many noted rama, a nuints-r ttio abarnre of nn»h. n frame covered
auce from rain »a« apprebendsd. the experiments have been made by some ■ f which wer« «old tn Routh Africe wph well oiled cotton cloth, This pro
heat In the middle of the day was m>xt noted physicians through the use of At ths time this picture waa taken th. tocia from ralu nnd from mislcrat«
oppressive. At a little distance from the
ram waa a little over JO months old cold. Ft treme mid would liara to I«
beach was a aandr ri»e, that le»l np to the soluble, non Irritating and non pol and his weight waa lfift ¡■»und»
lie shut out by covering with carpot, nn
the fare of the cliff, and on the eastern
was fed a mixed ration of corn, onta old blanket or hay. atrnw or nny other
side of this rise grew a forest of young as, for Instance, In the dreaded puer­
light material that mnkos giMw! coker.
trees. Frere proposed to ent down these peral fever and other suppurative fo
Ths min does not ahlnr with full forre
trees and make a sort of hnt wltb them. vers.
through the cloth, but given heat
It was soon discovered, however, that
“Dr. Moosbrugger, of I.ciitkln-h, ha«
the pocket knives were Insufficient for now use»! collangol In nppendlrltJs, a«
enough for most plnntn. In the lllu*
this purpose, but by dint of notching the
trntlon. tlie cold frnme of Profennor It.
yonng saplings, and then breaking them well Internally as externally. This
T«. Wnttn In nn Ideal ¡dare to for«*«* M
down, they succeeded. In a couple of
rnpld growtlL
hours, la collecting woo»l enough to of the lust number of tbe Munich Med
ell llrnlnrtl Noll for Frail Trrr«,
roof over a spar« txtwern the bollow leal Weekly Review, bus ylelde»l ex
Even the plum, which will Mt At ri<1
rork which cotRalned tbe provisions and traordlnary goal results. Within Mires
another rock, la shape like a hammer, or four days after treatment a decided
more wet than nny other rlaae with
which jutted out within five yards of It.
the (MiRtlblo exemption of (he quince, re
Mrs. Vlcksrs and Hylvfa were to have Improvement whs noth-cable In Incipi­
quire« that the »oil lie well drained;
thia hnt as a sleeping place, and Frero
there la a difference between n moist
and Bates, lying at the motith of the matlon of tbe peritoneum had already
noil and n wet noil, mid n noil rnny
larder, would at onre act ns a guard to it taken place a cure was, however, very
and them. Grimes waa to make for him- slow—often only after weeks of treat­ and bran once or twice a day and run be well drnlnei! jet be moist It In
•elf another hut where th« fire had been ment both Inteninlly and externally. on bluegrass pastura In the summer next to hn|>oNRlblP to expvi-t it<1equillc
lighted on the previous night.
results for time and lnl»or expended lu
When they got back to dinner, Inaplr Excepting two very severe <-n«es out of and plenty of good clover hay In the mining fruit In orchards unleaa the noil
ited by thia resolution, they found poor seventy-two which came under his ob­ winter, and was boused from «turina. In placed In proper condition. No
Mr«. Vickers In great alarm. Grimes. servations and treatment, all were
fruit tree will thrive on wdl that In.
Seir*nin«er Gee os Skid».
who, by reason of the dent In his skull, cured without any surgical o[>eratlon.
wet, whether the wet he on the sur-
had been left behind, was walking about He claims that this treatment Is very
A Mlmiesot« farmer write«
the sea beach, talking mysteriously, and much superior to any other, and that er« <>u tti« Minnesota eld« In th« Red fare or licnenth It. Any soil with depth
•baking his fist at an Imaginary foe. On he Is justified in stating that every River Valley trle<1 a new «< heme In I enough to supply fertility to the tree
going up to him they discovered that the
harvesting grain l»«t ernenn. Excès roots will grow fruit trees, for even
blow had affecte»! his brain, for he »«» case of appendicitis, If eurly dlagnoaed, •Iva rains just before
If It In not rich enough It <*nn I m * nindo
mid during Ih»
dallrloua. Frere endeavored to soothe be it ever no acute and umllguant, can
no provided It la not so anndy that I lie
him, without effect, and at last, by lie cure»l with collangol without resort
fertiliser k « m * m lieyoiid the reach of I I m
fields that it waa Impossible to gut
Bate«’ advice, tbe poor fellow was rollol to the knife.
roots or so wet that the rvHitn rot In
in the sea. The cold bath quelled his
“In view of the otherwise favorable
violence, and being laid beneath the experience with this remedy, It Is very The grain at<»>i] up all right, as it docs •tend of grow. The wet mill ran In»
shade of a rock hard by, he fell Into a
In that country, but the ground waa mihduetf hy draining and the Mandy mill
condition of great muscular exhaustion, probable that Ills opinion will prove too soft to enable the hinder to do Its put 111 pnqier condition hy Mtable inn-
correct But after all It will yet re
and slept
work. Boinv genius eom-elved tbe ld«a mire or by growing any crop which
The condition of the unfortunate quire a grigit deal of very critical ob­ of putting tli« blmlvr on «kids, putting will supply humus and plowing such
Grimes soon gave cause for the greatest servation before It will be sufe to dis
crop under.
uneasiness. From maundering foolishly, pense with a timely observation, which ou burs«« enough to pull It through
When pigs are well tsirn, they inak«
he had taken to absolute violence, and Ir capable of saving many Ilves. Ths
had to be watched by Frere.
After published statements of Dr. Moos Uludlug machinery with a small gaso­ good growth If they have plenty of
line engine. A large ncreage of grnln grass, shade, water and n little grnln
much muttering and groaning, the poor
fellow at last dropped off to sleep, and brugger are not explicit enough as to waa ent In thia »ny and saved wlih-h to keep them In flash and to ki-ep them
Frere, haring as-dated Bat»-» to his sleep­
would otherwise hare Ixsin n totnl loss. gentle.
ing place in front of the rock, an<l lal<l criticism possible. At all events, bls
him down on a heap of green brush wood, statements deserve careful attention.
Good Chicken I'oort Mlsfnre.
Whenever a farmer arrives at the
prepared to snatch a few hours' «lumber. On the other hand, It cannot yet be
A good chicken food mixture Is com place where he feel» that there la no
Wearied by excitement and the labor» stated how long the cure will last.
posed of the following! Sit pounds more for him to learn It 1» conclusive
of the day, he slept heavily, but toward
morning was awakened by a strange Light cases of appendicitis can be of cracked whent, two pounds of crack evidence Unit lie Ims not begun to lenru.
healed for a time, It Is well known; ed corn (fine), one pound of rolled When I wns sixteen years old I thought
Grimes, whose delirium had apparent­ the question, however, la for how long. oats or pin head oatmeal, on« pound I knew more than rny father, and act­
ly increased, had succeeded In forcing Further experiments will be awaited of millet seed, one ti»If pound of broken ually felt sorry for him. Now, that thn
hla way through the rude feuce of brush­ with great Interest”
rice, two poinds of fine granulstod beef numeral« hare Ixs-otnv almost trans-
wood, and had thrown hlmaelf upon
scrap, one half pound of granulated posed (sixty one) I a tn st least willing
Bates with the ferocity of Insanity.
Ths Police and ths Clew.
to conclude that lie knew nomothlng.
bone and six isiimds of pearl grit.
Growling to himself, ho bad seised the
"And the police have no clew?”
unfortunate pilot by the throat, and the
“None that promises any results."
Hlieep will cat brush nnd woods
Th« whole point of a kitchen garden
pair were struggling together. Bates,
"Will they drop Uie case?”
when they can got no hotter rough la tills: You get belter things than
weakened by the sickness that had fol­
"They would If they had anything to age, and when they acquire this habit money can buy fraaher vegetables, bet­
lowed upon his wound In tbe head, was
!Uiey peralMt In It und do welL
ter kinds.
quite unable to cope wltb bla deaperats drop."—Cleveland Plain Dealer.