Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 07, 1906, Image 8

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Bonanza Improvement
(tnnllnucd from First ran«’)
Bee Adv for marsh lands.
For a home see I. Jacobs.
For lots in ILmanaa see K, II. Ilall.
All kinds of soil drinks al Manning's.
Buy a home in South Klamath Falla.
Buy your wait lies at Winters.
A. Castel »|wnt a few days during the
past week on a visit toGrants Paw.
The excursion to Pelican Bay ot
Foresters last Sunday was largely
tended, ami a royal good Huie was
joyed by all.
Souvenir spoons, trays etc, at Winters
Jewelry store.
Choice cabliage plants for rale. Mis.
J. W. Siemens.
Choice Hue of Cigars at Frank K.
On May i st the plat of the Bowne addi-
tion to Bonanza was placed on the mar-
ket. and since then General Agent E. B.
Hall has sold i cxi lots, ranging in price
from Sjo to $ioo. The low price and
easy terms makes this a desirable in-
vestment, and now is the time to make
your selection and procure choice locations
« * z
For Sale—Cheap, a 12 foot show case.
Frank Ankeny.
Mu- al instruments at Winters.
Now is the time to buy Bonanaa prop-
roly—See E. B. Hall.
The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Roas An-
derson for an Opttnio cigar.
O. B. Allen, one of the faithful em-!
ployes of the Bepublican. left Saturday *'»••» '"to
arranpement with us for
morning for a short visit to his home in th« ti*e of our rails on some ratisiavtorv
rental luud«, or in any manner approve I
South Klamath Falls will t>e the res by Mr. Naftsger.
It is perhaps needless to add here,
idem district. See L. Jacobs.
that the growth and development of
If your glasses do not tit be sure and
Klamath Fall.« and Klamath county to-
roe Winters.
■ getber with adjacent territory tributary
Weinhards Celebrated I.ager Beer Ito our railway ia of vast iuqiortanee to
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon
on draught at the t enlral.
our stockholders.
stockholder». We a»e, therefore, fur lb»’ Co inly of Klamath.
Ilot gprlugt Improv <. incut Company, a cor
Bananas, oranges and lemons—frosh— deeply concerned in aiding and assisting
at Manning’s.
by every honorable means, all worthy poratlon. i\alultff. u «.»-.• or gc Von I Meyer.
Choice locations can be secured in Bo ciliaens in tlieii i ilioils t> bring p.ople
To Georgt* V«»n t. Meyer, Itefandant herein
nanta if vov buy now. E. B. Hall.Gen- u,*o Southern Oregon,
tn the name of the Blate ot Oregon. You
To the end that the permanent growth are he. ebj re quired to appear and answer the
oral Agent.
complaint filed «¿ a ini you In the ainivc cn
The eight months baby of Mr. and I of the region our line will rorve may lie tit led suit, on or kitin’ aturday. the'¿5th day
of July. t’’V.. bring the la*l day ot the lime
Mrs. Burt Hall died last Saturday at
5o’clock. The funeral was held Sunday co o|>eration of all parties, lint no mat­ prescrttH-il m tlm <>r<!< r lor the publication ot
ter what nay bap|w*ti in the way of this Summon*; th»’ first publication thereof
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
hindrances or intel terenees on the part being on thcTth day of June. imi, an 1 if you
fall so to ap -ar and anawfr, t»>r want Ihvrvot
If your watch don't run send it to
i of any who may misunderstand our true the plaintiff herein «III app!jr t»» thw Court l»»r
Winters Jewelry- store.
mission, as it is understood by the lar- the relief |>rayc I L»r in th»' aaul oumplalnt. l»>
Big embroidery sale at the K. K. K seeing ones looking with prophetic eye wit for a decree ot the Uo.trt removing Irom
Now is the time to stock up on your to a grand future, the die is cast; wear« thu plAintiff*» title a ctouvt ervaltf I bythe cer-
tain S hefiff*» »lv. I «■•.» ented to)oti.au»l w l»I<* U
embroidery. Special sale at K. K. K. wedded to the fairest commercial daugh- purports to convey the Niv w. Al’.-I V ' , "I t '•’
| ter in the realm 'Southern t’regon) »nd S\V‘ 4 and > F14 of the s 4, and N’, ot the
Have you seen some of th oar N’otty j her care and welfare for years that »re Si?4 of the >w 4. and the i N w 4 of th*’
¡M Section JS. an t the F‘ , t»t the L' f. u( «*»
blue and Grey suite the K. K. K. store to come are our chielest concern.
J9 except
H and 46 In Nlch«»U A<l I
Mr. Farraher Speaks.
is turning out.
tion tutlicciiy ot tklamath > a U s . Ore. AU ot
James H. Farrahtr, attorney for the .-•i t Ian !' b« m< In I p ”, si »4 H 9 K ol th * w
Closing out sale on tin and granite
Klamath Canal Company returned to M in Oregon, an I xituated In Klamath county
ware at the K. K. K. store.
Vroka Sunday, Prior to his departure, In «ai«l Mate, and for
the <*vurt may x»e»M
You can buy embroidery for al meet
in res|>onsv to a request for an interview w Itn la a and equity.
nothing at the K. K. K. store ■pceial
I bearing upon the situation expressed
Thia an tn mon« 1« w«r\rj by publication
■ himself as well pleased with the lat­ thereof in the Klamath Kepublican a weekly
Sixty tons of rails will be delivered in est developed phase. ''While I ain not new«pa,H-r. by urltr of Honorable Itcury I.
this city by Saturday for uro in the con- at liberty,'" he said “either to disclose Ket.«on. Ju I.:«* of «aid Court, dau* I the 6fh
day »4 June p>6, r^pjlrlng tlila •uininou» t<»
struction of the street car line by the or discuss the terms of the arra ngeuieiit be pub?.win I once a week for at l»-a»l al* con-
Klauiath Development Company.
between my clients and the II >t Spring» actutticwr k? and cowrtug a period u! cot:-
Can you seil Klamath county proper- company tinder winch the street rail- Until u* pub.uallet. of at 1« aat f«»rty two da>*
I no» tNUKII
ty? If so see or write E. B. Hall, Lib- way work on Main t*ir»*vl, between
Attorney for Flalnilff. Klamath Falla,
eral terms to agents.
, Payne alley and Seventh street baa been, fon.
Icecream at A. J. Manning's every for the time, BUi»prn*iv<l, yet I feel jueli-
tied in saying Uiat in my judgement the
day. Will guarantee it to be good.
arrangement effected a ill in all likeii*
H. Boivin, the plumber left for Ash­
All person* using wat«»r for IRRIGA-
I bood lead up to the development of
land this morning to visit his family.
Tl »N through a METER, ean n-r fame
Greater Klamath I* alls on linoa that
His business will be cared for by an ex­
at any hour of the «lav they t-e tit.
¡w illite both immediate auJ gratifying
perienced man.
i:i noiults.”
where meter h N’t»T »iar»l aro from o to
Small tracts of well located tule marsh
Mr. Farraher i.> enthusiastic in bis K»
lands offered for one week at »20 per lief in the future of k latna'h Falls and M A ManJOlosP. M.
Klamath Palli Light A Water Co.
acre. Abel Ady.
bo savs that “if (lie railways, l»ot!i ends
Weinhards Celebrated Lager Beer and all bands pull together, the cry
Chang« of timo of the Klamath loiln-
od draught at the Central.
will soon l>e not only ’From L.ake to railroad—From and after tl.is dale till
A new line of gloves at the Linkville Lake’ but from ‘River to Springs and further notice trains will run »» follow«;
Saddlery Co's, we are now selling them I l»eyoD'L”’
leave Tlirail at 7 :J a. m., arrive nt !'<>■
•• From Ijxkc to l-ake.”
cheap. Come in.
kegama at ¡0 a. m. la ave 1’ukegama at
In an interview, \V. K. Brown Mid: IO:.>"> a. m.; arrive nt Thrall at I p. in.,
J. L. Hanks and wife returned home
E. T. Abtmtt, Gen’l Man.
Sunday from a visit in the Rogue River ‘From Lake to !»akvM witli the ad­ daily.
valley. While away Mr. Hanks pur­ dition of “From River to Springs” wi I
I’m ra’istied with the
chased a ranch in Douglas county. He be the slogan.
PRICE $40-
ex;>ec’s to remove to liis new home in outcome. The arningeinenl if perfectly
For 5 Drawer Drop Head
the near future, after settling up nome satisfactory and i* Uiund to result in a
tienuine Singer
jGreater Klamath Falla. To my mind it
business affairs here.
Baldwin the Hardware Dealer
is far better to spend the money on im*
For Sale—The span of stallions form
The Lakeside Inn liar. C.Ro»» An­
' provements than in a lawsuit, although
arly owned by Hervey Lindley, Eeq.
1 at no time apprehended such a result, derson for High graJa Wines,
|75O sj>ot cash. Can lie even at Thrall,
for I realized the Klamath l>evelo| ment quors and Cigars.
Cal. E. T. Abbott, General Manager,
Klamath fjke railroad.
Retiring From Business Sale
We have reduced the prices on all
class of goods, including
Ladies Dress Goods,
Trimmings of all kinds,
Mens and Boys Clothing,
Hats and Caps,
Hardware, Crockery,
Groceries, Etc.
We have filled in on all goods we were short on
ww w w w w
f Remember
Go to A. J. Manning's for pipes, sta­
tionery, cutlery, notions, etc.
' When you are in need of SHOES, that you
will find a complete line at WILLITS, and
at prices that defy competition.
When in need of CLOTHES that have fit
style and workmanship, at Prices to suit
your Pocketbook, you will find them at
Agent to tils Majesty, the American Gentleman,
for first class goods
Items of Information
Crown Toilet Cr;am is the beat for chapped hand», sore lips or any
roughness of the skin. A good thing to use on the face after shaving
Syrup of White Pine Co. is the best for spring colds, hoarsenew
and sore throat
Waterman’s Ideal is the best Fountain Ten on earth
Qunther’s Chocolates are pure and delicious
Cabbage plants for sale. Enquire at
the home of Jas. Straw, west end of the
Weinhards Celebrated Lager
on draught st the Central.
aituatinn with Mr. I'amphell an<l ,<ur le
gat ad
<> the poait ion of our
company in the controvriry, and becnuio
nwn> than ever eonvinevd that our |»'»|.
tion waa perfectly wernie, renting on our
fratiehiro pantisl by the t'ilr, hence
work progn-xred \igorou«l) and without
ceara lion.
An interview bat wren Mr W. K.
Brown, rvpremmting the Klamath Ca
nal Co., and myself, repiesenting the in­
terests of the Klauiath Itevalopment Co.
and our other enterprises, has resulted
in an arrangement whereby the Klam
ath Ihrvelopment Co., vomplelai the
work now o|>en on Main atreet, putting
said street west of "th street in good
serviceable condition, between
street and Payne «Iley, thereafter and
up to July 15th our sork will be pushed
forward on Main street east of 7th street.
In the meantime. Mr. A. II. Xaflager,
President of the Klamath IWveloptnent
Co. will return from the East and it is
hoped some arrangement can Im made
»hereby the Klamath Canal Co. tuay
l'om| any i* oidv deairo i. to move along
line» that will promote g.eater develop-
meat of our le. iiueea. I hat I. all we
desire ami all wo havo over a«ka<l, and
the a ;ieement just entered into aecom-
pliahea this result.
••.Mr Buell liaa gone to San Franelsco
to make Anal arrangements lor wire,
Irativforuiers and other material >>l thia
kind and wo are doing our utmoat to
com|4<*te and carry out our plan«. The
work on the Buena Viata tract 1« pro-
groaning rapidly and you will aee the
growth from lake Io lake more rapid
than the most sanguine ever antici­
Ihc Hut Springs Tract.
•'Woik on our load from Seventh
Street t< ward the Ilot Springs addition
will be pn lied with the same vigor a»
was that pait of the work from I'ayne
Alley to Seventh Street,” said Mr.
Cauipl»*ll. ”1 think the p »pl.
cite rcaliao that v. * > ■ ,
that our opei.ilnma hi ,, I. it,,. , i,.
in good faith. Hill on the Hot Spr. k
tract the work of grading atreet» ami
bouletaid'! is l*eiug pi
euted ener­
getically, and has leached a |»'inl of
completion where the ca-ual observer
can easily see how Iwautiful it will I«-.
Wo are al! working (or a common pur-
¡»w (bat of a greater city, and it ia
my fond lo pe that vie long it can truly
be said that Klamath Falls is the tjuevn
City of the Cascades."
IJISI I( ) 1 >’S I M.OCK
« Phone 215
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
A Few Prices at
St», R .Morl vani c«»»»k t»u»v«>
><» H-IM Iiilrih) At» <1 r
WiUigruiiim Barb \\ irv, | h « i ewi
B H >i * » » W Hei u».;N
12 in. Sy i active vl»ill«’«l ph»u h
T k ) ttM»lh
b-Vur Imrrritti*
¡ni|»ruYvii U bilu nvwiiig machine.
|IS 30
43 0«
fl 50
3fl uu
13 n
4Ü 00
* *
Evorvlhlng cl#«* in th«» ll.mlwurr line ni rtslucv»! piicm
Call mill invctJigut«' Guixl» ami price«.
-i- *r *1**1*-i-*i*d*-i--i-4**4**4* JÍ
------- PAINTS,
A. O. U. \V. Building
AND GLASS-------
Z •* »•*
Klamath Falls, Or
J. A. Buell left Saturday for Fan
Francisco, w here he goes to purchase
supplies, transformers wire, etc., for the
electric line of the Klamath Canal Com­
pany. He carried a bundle of Like to
Lake literature and a cranium filled
with facts and figures (or prospective :
; Furniture
For Sale 4 lots 1 block southeast of
High school. Enquire Winters Jewelery
st or?.
In the (Ircnlt f’onrt of the State of Oregon
for the i'nnnty of clamatb.
wm. A. wrlght, Plaintiff, vs George Von L
Meyer, Defendant,
To Geo rg«* Von L. Meyer, Defendant, herein.
In the name of the State ot Oregon. You are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed agAinst you in the above en­
titled suit, on or before Saturday, the 28th day
of July 1906, being the laxt day of the time pre
scribed in the order for the publication of this
summon«; the first publication thereof bring
on the 7lh day of June, 1906, and if you fail so
to apprar and answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff herein, will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in the said complaint, to-wit
for a decree of the Court removing from the
Plaintiff's title, a clou«! crested by the certain
Sheriff’s deed executed to you and which pur
ports to convey the S’^ of the BE'.« of th»’ Kwl I
of Section 28, and Lot 6 of Sect Ion M, all In Tp.
», H of K 9 E of the w .M lu Oregon; and the
S’3 of the HEM, and the MEI-< of the HEM of
' Hrctlon 28. the MwM the N’j of the NEl 4 and
Lots 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 of Section 33, the NwM of
the Mwl-4 of Section 34, the HwM of the Kwl-4
of Section 27, all In Tp 38, H of II 9. K of the w
M In Oregon, all of said lands tiring situated
in Klamath county In «aid State, and for such
further relief in the premises as to the Court
may seem meet and in accordance with law
and equity.
This summons is served by publication
thereof in the Klamath Republican, a weekly
newspaper, by order of Honorable Henry L.
Benson, Judge of said Court, dated the 6th
I day of June, HW’», requiring this summons to
be published once a week for at least six con­
secutive weeks, and covering a period of con­
tinuous publicatiou uf al least 42 days.
Tiioa D bakk ,
Attorney for Plaiutiff, Klamath Falls, Ore-
1 on.
»-7-7 1».
Will Open for Business in the
Emma Block. Main Street,
He will Cjrry a Complete Line ot
hardware, Stovî5, Ranges,
Cinware, GranHware,
Paints and Oils, €ic., etc.
At Prices that will be the Lowest
Asked for Goods in this County
In the heart of the
Klamath Basin
Everything New!
Everything First-Class!
Everything (if the very best
Bnst. investment you can make is in Merrill property
at prevailing prices.........
Residence property—$1,50 to $1 per front foot
Business property—$10 to $15 per front foot
Ba i gains.
Not Ice.
The Women’s Club kindly requests
Having « large »lock of vehicles to ra-
patrons <4 the Library to l>e inure care­
rlve coon and lining crowded for room I
ful in handling the books. Careleeaneea
offer special prices on nil Farm and
in this matter has resulted in consider­
spring wagons that are in stock at pr< <
able damage.
ent; will save you from | 5 to | 20 on
Cigars and tobacco of all grades at
every vehicle. Baldwin, the Hardware
A. J. Manning's.
and Vehicle Dealer.
IIAWI) W A 1* 10
Emma Block
Klamath Commercial Agency
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Main Street