****** Noth« For Publication. Dopaomvai of the Interior. La ltd Otte« at I.aitovia«» Dragon. May V BNM N«»< le« I« hereby given that Iho following* named aalllar haa Hird rimiro of hit Intani Ion I Io ««»m mut« proof in aiip|M»ri of hl« alalo», ami lhaf raid proof will I m * mad« before Clerk of K lainaili C«Hinty, f»r«gun, at hl« «»Biro at K la mal h I all«, tin gon. on Mb day of Jnlv. !*••, vis Jraa W Hanks If F b»r I he Ml.ME'g Br\MW\aud lot ft Me« II Tp f » K » M W M lie name« the following witnOMO« to pr«»ve bl« co fit Innon« realdenr« n|*4>n and cultiva Ilon «f «abi land, via W in Hanks. II 4 Willi« F I. Brandenburg • nd A N Wilaon all of Klamath Fall«. Oregon S-I7 olwill »».* made before Clerk • »f K Ismail« Count). Oregon, at IU« office at K lamaili I alls Oregon, on Mh «lav of July. Ham vir Frank Juhu»«»» Il F VU4 for the M’jMF'.Hre | *•* •4 , and SW'^NW'g Mrr I] |p TJ M |( lu F W M. Ila names I lie tollo« i ng witness«« Io prove lii« continuous re»i«1enre ii|mn ami salliva- tlow of «ai«1 land. vie Mark llo«ar«l George Metrger. Pimu W lhi««ell and Je«»a < ravens. «II of Klamath Feli«. Oregon. & 17 t 31 I *C W 4taow Register DO YOU LIKI: TO DRI-SS STYLISH? It so, walk int«» the Bon Ion. Every­ thing always new in h its, veilings, etc* etc. Ladies' and Children's Fur. nishrng MRS. G. W. FISH. •.4. .¡. 4* •F + .r..¡.4 4..p 4. •F4- HOLLADAY ¿* 4*: 4- 4* u.* 4* 4* 4* V T •I" 4* •F 4- WHISKEY BOHEMIAN BEER C. D. WILLSON Attorney and Counselor at Law K iaui I u I iik AliAlr.li 1» a DENTIST Sp**ii.ilty Klamjth Falls, Oregon NOTARY PUBLIC <«rrn K W..nt>.|i llull'ling ! .-»««n «*>rxxx> LAND 5 vvwvt WILHAMS Civil and Irrigation Engineer, F Klamath Falls, Or MELVIN D I ç QnMnniM ç PmDn sigh ainter g HÖRI S HIRDWHE SÍORF e 4-+ ;.-ÌH* PP. WM. MARTIN C. I. BONNEY i i lloisu- ami H««» I'jlnlln ■ Inferior Deemin’ a Specialty SURVEYOR. KLAM XT ! I I Al I : : «HîEGOX K «'M ‘.IKI IG I.II« IS Hl II III SU (luardUfia I’fttatff Sale of Notice la hereby given that lu pur««ianre of an order of the Ilon Geo W Baldwin, Coun­ ty Jiutge of ihr < minty of Klamath ami aiate «f Orrgoi) madr on the I2lh «lay of May 1WM. »n th«« matter uf the estate uf Ira A tignata Dun bar Margaret Jan« Dinbar and Henry a pun­ bar. minor In- irg of Henry N fhitabar deceased . tlie itn«1rr«lgnrd. the guardian of tbr éclata «f •aid mlnttra hi Klamath CtMiniy. Oregon, will «rii at piildl«- atirtioii to th« high««! Bidder for ra«h and eubpstl to the runfl r mat luti of «aid •al»* t»v «aid Couniy Judge, «tn Maltirday, June ?• 1WM at 10<»*rlork A M at the front dour of th«« K lamath < ounty B«nk in Klamath Fall«, Klamath Count). Oregon, the following de- M-rilM-d lut« pl«•<'!•• or parrei« uf land, situate I, Ing a nd tu-iug ii« t hr county of K la math and aiate f «al«* are rash. At vs Maeviw. Ja Guardian of the estate of lia Augnata |H iq bar. Margaret Jane Dunbar an>1« mitat lx aerom|rt»iH«4 hy aft appli­ cation «nd sthdavii to p«ire|ia*a in are.»rd«nne with Metto» xar.’ of Hellingrr and Cotton*« ' •»«!» ami wa-drr«d. The right to re)eci any and all bide ta re srrvrsi. Applicati«»»« and b«<1« rhvuld l>« a>ldr«a«ed tn<¿ g Hr«»wn clerk Hiate land Hoard. Haleta. «»reguli «nd m«rkr*1. Application an 1 bid to purtua« Ciipat «-n i cd Mwamp tant« " <• G. Brown. Cleti Mate land Hoard Imied thl« 2*1 li day of April. I9ut» ¿>3 7 !«II*«OI I«t rrgl«irr the Illi« that certain un- ti«m.-«t !•!«,..( tying tn fjnk River lmmr<1latr h «««ferlt «»f the mainlamt or upland por­ tion of lot ? in acct i<>n 1? aii<| of upland |4«rf Inn ut lot 3 in m « Hun it. iwpcx *. a k m wiiiam- rttr xt.ti.iian, *ali| |«lan«| extending down •«ream Chastain. Clerk. MO ft 7 Appi) it III » "HI. •*. W ihi J l or Sale. BONNEY 4 NICHOLAS J ri. II NKtl i i \ i i is» All hTHAi TIX'I III «¡I.XE'H Will fitrutali » i »- i rai l• u( till« and p«» me» fsr nun rr«id«ul« The rs amliiaiinti. r«*Mro, Nrw doai'vs It« • s E levates W ater by WATER POWER THE COLUMBIA HYDRAULIC RAM • • • I iiMiimnee Wr rnrry a full line of Irimirane«*. Iiii-luillng Lift*, l*l**»ii»> t«i I «'Mi»* ti|Hiii a l»«»m«* al«*d«l titi«l»*r lio- g<>v«*nnii<*ui pi i >]»*<■ t m tu «« • tt <• 4 g«Msf tin)lM*i • l iitu, muatilf I I lx Itii'ntll «ir tin* KI miha H i l'utl.inrl « lal \g» tu') . SLOSS a SONNAFRANK Palnlrr >iu < liiton. » of H. L Ifolgate, *«t Klamath Fall«. Oregon within «it mouth« after the date of flr«t publication ut tins notice with the neceaaary voucher« J. M PffABrr. Dated May lu. Ift» A«1 b )I di «I i atur ui the estate of Eugene F. Clifton, iMKeaaed . BALDWIN STUDIO ITS MINS How would a Sheet Kteel Front suit you as a suballlula for brick; «luoou't e»»el ao much aui Free Notiro i« imfi’lty given llml tin* nn«Ier- sigfu«w ne», an »I plication waa Hied by the «aid Annie llutcb l«on. in the Circuit court of Klamath county, for Initial registration of the title of the land above dsarrlbed. Now. unless you appear on or before the ninth d«v of June. A I» 19N. an«l show cause why such a| | llcaiion shall not l>? grant««!, the same a ill be taken as eonfea«e<|, and a de crer will I m « entered according to the prayer ol the application, and you will be lorovor barred from disputing the same. Given under my band and the seal of the Circuit Court of said coiintv, this Xth day ot May, A. I>. |9 üi ». tiso. CNABTSIN. 5 l(MU7 Clerk HÎ 1 r r '1 Be sure and buy where you can get the most and best FOR YOUR MILWAUKEE Suits 50 and up In the matter of the application of l.«nu B. Your hat is noticed Yaden to register the Hile to that part of lot k of section W. In Tp M gouth. Rance 9 Ka«t of Willamette Meridian, In Klamath County Ore­ gon. lying easterly of the easterly line of Payne All«*. . exiriidetl southerly. In Klamath Falls. Oregon, and lying southerly of Klamath street nr avenue, to low water mark of l ake Ewauna or Klamath river, together with all wharfage Petition for Liquor Licence. rights and water front righta thereto apper* talnlng. To the Honorable (’nuntv Court of the Stale To Chas. K Woolen, Jos. G. Plerte and all of Oregon for Klamath county. whom It may concern. We the undersigned, resident« and legal vo- TAKE NOTICE i ter« of I'levna precinct, «aid county and state That on the *Mh day of May. BK*. an appll- 1 respectful y a«k that a license* to sell a spirit- cation was Hied by said Lynn B. Yaden, In the on«, malt and vlnoitn liquors in less quantities Circuit Court of Klamath county, for initial than one gallon in the precinct aforesaid (or a registration of the title of tlm land above de- period of six month« from 6th «lay «»( July, A s« rtbed. l>. I HUH. be granted to John W Dyar, at Keno Now, unless you appear on or before the in said precitn-l, and your petitioners will ninth day of June, IWM. and show cause why ever pray. such application shall not be granted, the Notice is hereby given that the foregoing same will be taken as confessed. an«l a decree petition will be p esented to the said County will be entered according to the prayer of the Court on the 5th day of July. 1906. application, and you will be forever barred F II Downing, It A Eminitl. G C Wav, II from disputing the same. Corun», B W McCormick, W Took. (’ Madison, Given under my hand and the seal of the Dan Dolan, Weaiev Cole, L O Mill«, Eugene Circuit Court of said county this Rih day of Spencer, F Ntinrburg, Harry IVarson, K May, A. D. 191«. Geo. Chaataiu. Clerk. Nonbanks, Win Dukes, W J Smith, 1 E New- J*i44*T baoks, V’ M WHevn, V 3 .McColluiu. Thomas from a distance, COLUMBIA HYDRAU1JC RAM i> a rimply constructed and pensive machine that can utilize a small fall of water (or the pur|xMe of raising a portion of it to any dcsirrd height II is the farmer’s friend in the *dry season* and is indispensable to those owning land high aliove ditches. It wl furnish water for domestic purposes, even elevating pure water of the spring by means ci the impure or muddy water, as found in some streams. Requires no attention. Practically no coat of maintenance, there being no parts to get out of order. A ram will pay for itself in a short time. Every ram installed is We keep a large stork constantly on hand. Write to our i lydraulic De|>artmcnt today for illustrated literature. C olumbia E ngineering W orks • • • • IORTLAND, OREGON see that it looks good-, if not we will sell you one worth $2.50 FOR $1.85. Fifty THE PORTLAND CLOTHING &. SHOE STORE different styles. Tenth and Johnson Streets CC-miGMT 1904 FRIEND BROS CLOTtUM CÛ MILWAUKEE Rrgl.'tratlon of I .and Title. iXIMPS AWAY UNCEASINGLY WITHOUT ANY ATTENTION giving utmost satisfaction. MONEY 111 çorywçHT rRirno bros cionnsq ca The Home of Giod Things to Wear I (Vileon Elie Oliver, \H Barnes, (’ A lxu?y, <• W kgrr.G G Kern«.C W Corbin. K II Spencer. II Maiutrn, I) llarilin, J W Cole, Jr. Geo I. Chase, James Hughes, C J McCollum. E il C<»o|*er, I) L Gordon, G !.Cline, Millon II Brady C J Sly. W E Gonion, Cha« tiovdon, Marion Gordon, A I» Gillman, I. W Anderson. John Connolly, Andrew Wise, C A Bvrncb irg. F T Maxwell, M E Mpcncrr. Jr., Marcus Anderson, A I» Brier, George Kegg, Al Docker, IV II Wall, K I* Bi ad)r, W G Welch. » 1. other hair« known or unknown of said de- ceaacd. Greeting: In the name of the Rtete of Oregon, Yon anti each of you are hereby cited and require«! to appear in the County Court of the Hta’e of Oregon, for the County of Klamath, at tin* Court Room thereof, at Klamath Fall», Orrgoii hi Monday the 2nd «lay of July, IW*. at 10 o’clock hi the lorenoon of »aid day, then and there to show cauav, if any there be, why an order should not be made by said Court grant Ing tbr prayer of the petition ol George Me CITATION Donald, administrator of the estate <»f said de* ceased, for an order of sale of the following In the County Court of the County oí K lamath, described real property belonging io said es­ tate, to wit: an undivided one half Interest In Míate of Oregon. In the matter uf the ornate ot Alien Me Don- , and to the N>t of the N\V\, (he SE't ol the NW**, and the NVV'4 of the NE’j, ol Section ahi. deceased. To Janneti Mchroder. Alexander McDonald, i Eight, Tp. 41 8 R 14 bust of \V. M., cuniaiuing Irvin McDonald. George McDonald, heir« at | 160 acres. Alan an uudivided one-half iutvrvsl in and law of Allen McDonald' deceased, aud tv all 1 I to the NE', ot the NW',. »n<1 th, NI4 of lb, I NE', ot S.CIIOI1 I.'. Tp. 11. H II 1.1, «AM <11 w «• ' and the NW >4 of Ih. NW ' , ol Metlon T. Tp. 11. 8 K II. fn-t of W M font, olp« 1M.M «»«. 0.1,1 petition now be in, ou Ilia with lb« C’l,rk of this Court. Witness the Hon. Geo. T. Baldwin. Judge of the C ounty ( oiirt «»f the Male 01 Oregon, for the County ««i Klainatii, wilu lite scat of said Court affixed this29th 'lav of May, U«*. Alleai: G»o. C maitaiw , County Clerk. SKA I. 5 31 6 » 1 have leased from Cite Klamath Canal Company and J. D. Conger all feed on lite ranches owned by thvsa peo­ ple, and all slock Irvapavaiiig on these premise* will be im|K>tinded. lu lU U. Bird Luvsiey«