/ .'»■ jr: T. TIMteKH I.ASI». *al supplies of the world may hold out It la safe to predict that the peoples of the temper ale v>oe will not have to migrate to the tropics each winter even after all the coal Is eshaueted The winds and the Udes may be harnessed to dynamr a as effectively as the waterfalls and there are other beat riving i-oeelblllttee but for the pr»aer.t coal is the world s chief reliance tor artificial healing ■tretrhlng h r 2'0 mllsa on the north side of tbs Columbia river, from a poi»l upp*«.te The I«alles. Ore., away tusara ths Uig Bend. In Washington, lira the largasi esciuabs bores range Ui the United filale«. In tbl« great eipaoae r«<«»u, duly mja •• aiu Ol Mfi) . IBM. in lilt matter of the aldo ut tut Columbia Julin Hwltsler rMaif of M)ro« M Ilo*» «Ueea»♦•«!. ihr under lives <« Hwltsler. Island, In the Co­ I th. a Im uisttgifis .J •!.<- .siat. « H lumbia river asar lhe town c/ Umatilla i«M ai»«1 afirr FrMay. Iter liti* «!•) «•( Juuv Jade Hwltsler owns t.vn bead of IBBA. a» U at pel»«»iv »«I* <«x rote In hand auh I*"rt Io (br r.wfiflranalItMl «»! »ter «’mir«, all Iter bur«»« and John owns 7.000 head, the range for both there Immwieo herds be­ rifili. Ihle. iwirreH and relate, of Ilie «aid Mjrc« M. I»r«-W. dmrae«'»1. Bl «hr tin»«- of hl« ing In the territory from Tbs UeJIee tu draih. and all 'Ite rlgte'. Itile and infernal. the Big Bend II ki the Kid rMatr ha* by operation of law or At tho highest tide of tbe Hwltsler oih*i«io •4**4»»lrr«| other 'han. m in addl'lnn holdlnss before William Swlistor died, In I tea'of aald M,r«»^a H Drew at Iter lime <»f the brigherà owuvd al tsho Ums 15.UM tele death In and to lhe following «IswrrllM»«! head 'F borsan. 'liito was said to be tbe rv<| and prro.naI pen|M»rtjr, to wit * «’evitgretr M purrhe*r Mo IW’l from «hr largest terni ut horses ever owned by uno company In the United 8'. tee. The Blate of *»r gon. fnr 'hr following deneril« I bwjtsler brand, an "8" un tbe hip. was lauti*, (o wit The «»f 'ter SR*« of Merilon known fn rn tbe Allani:» to the Pacific aa rp «7 M R 11'4 < w W «MnCteinlng arre« oreen, as they shipped and drova borara A I k a reriaiB N>«n4 for Ihed riermed by F M Ream« and Ream«. Marlin 4 Company, to svery known merset in tbe L'nltod PRESIDENT A3 SUPPRESSOR !.. IBM I-.. -. B.I filat»« grr tl. g W ^Mf'he« w '¿of Nee M Tp 37 In the early history ut the Bwltalar News of Oovevr.mant Proceedings I < *. IH4 ■ W N. N. I t K m s " horse Industry the bold Inas were ««ky- Oftra Withheld by Mr. Iff. W.itafll ffW'4 •»■.«•f s r . m 4 ■ ■ u««a email, hardy. Incorrigible pinto Boocevelt. •gof Rec 1. ff w «4 «4 Itee % K R of Ihr and buckskin mu«langs lbs hardiest N K % of Bar |g Tp M 4 R II', K * M M po n brand of equiuea that ever trailed be­ President Rouaovelt la the -»ho h'her«* la unpaid 'he buim of (K*.*•) ail hind lhe cattle boro's frv m tbs Facia« su cce ssful suppressor of nows htin«1rr«1 and the IJnntuo no trouble In effectually "botUlag up“ tenndrod gi»d 'wrnty gvr doller« fKyable on ut eannery at tbe couLrart prt. » f Ctor MW«4 of proved. flirtila A NorUx-aalrrn It. k . Large draught «la-Uune have has bven tried In the past by other ( ** H and «ter % w«t .»< ch. of Mrc |g. been crusaed with the wiry, nervous now building (iovrit.nirntlr- presidents, but m>uu uf them was so I all m Tp mm K II R W R. (>>n ehkh rl|fa annwally a« I I k rate of eft per reni It la rare Indeed for one <«f them u> every markst. About fiuo stallions are from Januaryr S». ibbi la.r* co b** paid by disobey the Injunctkxi uf socrocy Upt- gì sucre. Thia tact baa boon brought out a num Oa (teto AM mBaecfi range 11.000 bead A Ian iter following «teer I teed rr<| properly. ber of tlmoo lately, particularly when Kau ul sw*, and tut' uf wild boreae reign mucareb of all New Turk politico hare been under Mer II Tp Ri M R. II', K W. they survey Tho Columbia and Yakima rivers are their waltrlng place«. th«y discussion at the White House Deeded lands in a prelimi­ ImiBl) «•regna President Booeevclt has very lib- t»a'rd R«) 13 l«B4 rua over parts of three large coenUea. nary state of cultivation and A-lnilui»'rairii of (fee aad there are colla ua the ranges two end Ideas about publicity In cunnec- fkrew, itrnrsued. Timber cMint ami three > t»n old without tu-and«. ecto tloo with national affairs, and gives r 4 teacMur. CiUsrnei h»r C*t>ulniairairiB Ilka« ware perhaps never seen by oao of hie cabln.u officer a great latitude In f talking with rcpruecutaUvea of the the SwILsler herder» ~ -j. n. mi But It G*«y* a fiwfi «>( rat alie « at Muued-up regrato are built about ten press about public matters, pic 'to. r • * i- mlhw apart over tbl* great range, an* sometimes bappvua that he Mieras A. I. Mantling’«. tbe So men employed In the ruund-up that publicity will do Ou good and a I In auch caaes gatte«r and brand the culta in tbe tall great deal of harm. Tbe iso brothers uwn about 3uu bead irf be Imposes secrecy. and bu cautiva trained eadd g borace- a large drove of Is Invariably strictly observed. torees In Itself PATENTS HARD TO GET. N'ioe t In person must furnish b!s repre­ Ing down but there yet remains an em sentative with a letter of authority— pire in extent. rs c illan A Horse etea.Ing eira.Ing Is mereor lees preve- carta what they can safely take away several applications, as each applica­ seventh in strength tion for either patent or trade mark must be accompanied by a separate ,arta de pel er This must be are- m panled by a full and complete descrip­ tion. and claims of and for the Inven­ r tion If they are sent In Spanish On the eve uf the war Japan'« was the ready for filing they moot be In tripli­ ? small.**! of th«* seven loading navlvw of cate. on clear white paper 130 by XIS tbs world. The Orel h . /‘Aorir-.Vtin fl I to me by a Russian officer, were only I "agricultural laborers.'* not only un­ used to sea life, but also un verted Io THE BLACK 4-YCAR-OLD even the simplest mechanical knowl­ edge It was In this condition that I REGISTERED PERCHERON STALLION UiltoUa Japan found Ils enemy when It opened SODA WATER « l'nlisil Stales Lait'l <»<•*•. Uskevlaw. Oregon M«, IS IgM. N.nie-io b«r»l»r girre Utei In rnmgllanr» eltl> Ilie |worl«li.H«et tte» •** »I t-'uegreM ul Juns t. ISIS. rullll*l "Au s*'< I i tlia (Sie ul , tloiber Isu.l« le all ilur fühlte land Stales l»> ari IXOAl i I”»' k Ifi U«U| fall«. CfiilMljr of hi ‘I II <> it Uir^uM I»*« llii* «lay nk*l h I nk Il B •»•ir«l •'•!* '•••Ill 9 • 9M7. <•>« Ul I n»’ i*iirfi* !••«•’ *»f « hr teX^XR , ai»«| tete'^MK*! ui MrrlteH» Nu lu hi T mbu «I»I|» M i m Mmiit %•» »KW M BM*I will r pr«M»f t«» •>»•« Ihel III* laiol •••«igtet »« (•»•»«• »«luatol«* ifof II« lhnte«r im •!•»« • (toan h»i a«rir ► Oregon Only sniall acregago tract« adjacent to Klamath Tulia, good land, match lean lo­ cation, traversed by two county rouds and other highways being constructed in the Homesteads Located Firniig, Dairying, Slockraising and Lumbering HJock > . M. M M , propv SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > * WA8 GRAND CELEBRATION IN KLAMATH FALLS ON JULY FOURTH NOISY GUNS AT SUNRISE Horses Boarded by the Weal 4* r RICHMOND wM make the aea«on >4 inthl, opnning May Int and closing AT THE HORTON RANCH Its attack. August 1st Terms |I2.M> per « cuhmi , lino Aiign«t let, Ithtei, InKiiranee |20 due when eatirflnl mares are with Inal. Said Mallion «ill In* lisn lied by Jack llorton. Oood peatiire (or mare« at the rate of |l per head per month. Will not In* reeponeibhi for accidents. I y Hereditary. He—Yes but you should have seen the (Mice my great-grandmother used to bake! She—Why, wtiat on earth can you know- lie I've hssrd my ymndfather •peak to my grandmother about them. — Judge. And Her Friends Loved Her. Careful Mother (on return of little girl from party)—I hope you didn't aak for anything, dear. Dear—Oh. no, ma— Careful Mother (Interrupting)— Mother'« darling! I»ear (continuing)—! helped myieU. —Ally Slopor. * Good Jndge. Randy McPherson had been asked Me opinion of Irishmen, and ho replied: "Uh. mon, the Irish ehlole are a' richt: ths only thing that I ba' to eomplain about wf them la ths doeficulty they seem tolin’in speak In Bnglleh Kh mon. but thsir aueceat to simply awful!"— Ally filopor, »* . _ with a decidedly At the HISTORIC AND CIVIC PARADE Games, Sports, Races of all kinds for Valuable Purses jr ! FIREWORKS FIREWORKS EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED 4 -X