KLA MA TH REPUBLICA N\ I E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. I TWO DOLLARS THE YEAR IN ADVANCE Klamath Falls. Ore., Thursday, June 7 1906. NATIONALITY ESTABLISHED. cxelnde them ia favor of one who own« a piano." Reeking out be child, the arorker q stlooed ber eioeely “IVid yon say you had a piano at your bouse»“ she asked "Yes. Indeed.“ rskimnded the child, ebeerfnlly. “le It vours or your smthev’r""' "It's mlns. Ranta Claus brought It to me la< year " Ugbt begaa to daww on tbe settle­ ment worker's brain “And bow targe ta your piano -a« big eo that?“ poiattng to tbe upright In the room "Oh. no. mine Is a teentv wwnty bit of a om. JuM about so high." ami tbe little girl leaned down and m«ros need a distance of I! or 15 Inches from tbe koor ft tnrwed -m< to be a child's piano, presented by tbe settlement Itself a year previously. Wichita Forest reserve. Rison« do aol BüMOBKD OF boyaxty thrive tn a city iwrk hnt the sow re meat herds nearer Io a wild state are ' Earl Nelson, a ho la In hta eighty- loorvastns The Amerleaa buffalo may aecoud year, is th* only II» in* peer be eared from et linci Km. after all. a ho was a meiuUr ui ih<- lu.use of lords u lieu yuccu klcluila came to the In ths Ctowded Car. throne. There's oar thing I notice about Mr. King Edward's rvlgn haa by no fiullle-h when he rldaa," •aid the means brought Joy lu the heart of horsey girl, "be bounces up and down London iradroptopl*. A leading trade la hi« rest -" paper lameuts the tael that a great "Huh!" interrupted the obeersant portion of the trousseau of Princesa riding he firt, “whenever I s>«e him Margaret of Connaught «as purchased lost bouai-as «town In his seat and In Paris bides behind his newspaper "—Phila­ There is something In the soft delphia Free* round cheek and the direct oetkxik of > Princess Margaret's candid eyoe that SCIENTIFIC SPECIALS. recalls the early portraits of the areal A cigarette smoker sends Into the queen, and there are traits of character air about I.OiN.OOO.OOO particle« of dust that tear tbe same stamp, such as at every pull according to Dr Atkins' truthfulnrae, clear Insight, earnest- ness of purpose, and last, not least, Investigations. Expert menu Justify tbe concluakm "saving common sens«».’' England's future king Prince K.I that Increasing th«' Intensity of light 200.000 times dot's not alter Its velocity ward of Wales now 11 year« old. poo eeaaee a child's habit of saying the un­ by as much as two feet a second. Prof. Mollach, of Prague, says that expected thing. When visiting King photographs can t«e taken by the light Edward, the other day >he king naked emitted by raw potato««« and ha'-d- hint «hat he was studying, an I the bolled eggs tn which the phoaphorea- little prince said: "AH about I'erkin cent germs have teen artificially culti­ Warbeck." Asked who Warbeck was. the prince replied: ’ lie pretended he vated. The degree of humidity of the at­ was the son of the king but he wasn't; mosphere says M iauberL a Paris he was the eon of respectable parents." meteorologist, is shown by the state1 There Is a singular coincidence of the pavements. When these remain «t*'ut the two KnglUh royal prlncesaea They are both the covered with mud there will be no I j >- named Louise daughters of British monarchs, they medlate change ia the weather. The famous French ebemist. Portne- are of very fair complexion and both k>t_ has made exp>*rtments which snow marrie«l out of the blood royal. Each that a gramme of Iodoform expose«l to also srlectrd Scottish peers- the dukes tbe air will lose only a billionth par*, of Argyll and Fits—botn of whom are of a gramme in an hour, and a gramme as falr-sklnned as their wive* Rtlll further goro the coincidence, for of muak only a thousandth part of neither of the royal duchcasro has pre­ that. Studies at the Yerkes observatory sented her husband with a male heir. There might be room ftvr argument •ver the proposition that the Irada ot profession makta the man. but In cer «ala caaaa there could bo no doubt nbout tbe relation of calling and ex- traction, says Youth s Companion. A worker among tbe children __________ at New Tort'» alums was endeavoring to get together a class of boys for Ibu gtaglng teacher at her settlement. Happening upon a little boy hanging about a -omw fruit stand, tbe settle­ ment worker accorded him. and es> plain Ing about the claaa. asked him If bo wtseld not like to Join. The child gritmed and sremed willing Then the lady espied another boy. gtlll smaller, whom she had not no- fleed at first He. too. was Hanging about tbe fruit stand, and evidently belonged with tbe other. “Oh. and your little friend there." I she said, pleasantly, "wouldn't bo like Io come and sing, too?" The first child's coloring spoke In- Baby forests are aome of I'ncle glsputably of Italy although his speech Ram • pots Successful h>rvst planting I have determlnMl the varying periods FACTS AND FIGURED. smacked of the Bowery. Tbe smaller has bees done for some time in Nebras of the solar rotation. In tone« flee do­ grv*s wide, from the equator to latl- hoy’s hair was also dark When ka. and now a new nursery la being Ixvuls bntts Into the pox-v-wslon fit. tude 38 degree«. Within five degrvoa with a tai assessment roll of |4S9.- reply come to ber question the lady planted la California near Santa Bar­ wwot oa talking, trying to ingratiate bara. Seeds of trees suited to the oil­ of the equator. on either aide, the 000.000, an increase of (10.000.000 over period of rotation is a trifle more than beewelf. mate there will be grown and In about 1904. 244 days. The length of tbe period "Your friend is Italian, too?" she re­ two years tbe eeedMags will be ready Only four per cent, of the men of gradually Increases toward the poles, marked. Interrogatively. to bo transplanted to their pertnaneu the British army have a chest meas­ becoming about 25 4 days between At this the little Italian stared baro tocatkvoa. The tipper water shed of urement of over 40 Inches, and 20 per latitude 15 degrees and latitude 30 at ths lady, than broke into huect tbe Santa Toes river now is quite ba e cent, between 3S Inches and 40 Inches. degrees, and nearly 35 1-3 days bo ­ speech or sparsely covered with ohaparrsl New York state la about to rscelvs te eon latitude 28 degrees and latitude "Him." be exclaimed pointing to the Thia is tbs water shed which supplier from the federal government 3118,- 35 degrees. smaller child, "him a dago?" T0*n the town of Santa Barbara with water, 5S5 84. interest and principal oo an la with a derisive laugh. "I guess alt! and It will bo tbe first acene of attempt Tbe Difference. vestment of 820.000 In equipping troops Wy. him'a got three uncles wvt'a at rehtreotlng. Good fr>rest growth :s 'Arry— I sa>. Bib. »ot • the dltTrence for the war of 181!. •ops! ** between them '»re glut as the bloke st essential both to preserve the water At Cheboygan. Mich, Is the largest the all was a tellln' us about last night sad to avoid the washing down of am sawdust pile In the wrorliL It la a SHE OWNED A PIANO. — the oxy-gin and the hydry-gtn? If unchecked this would ruin tbe res­ hill. 1.080 feet long. 875 wide. 3.625 Bill — Blowed If I know. Arry — unless ervoir The enterprise la one phase <4 In circumference, ranges from !0 to one's pure gin. ar.d the other a gUi and tbs national eodsavor to Induce and to 80 feet In bright, and covers 1! acres. waler.—Ally Soper conserve the raHifaJl aa well as to dis­ It Is the accumulation of one lumber tribute the resulting water by the Irri­ company since 1877. A Breather. gation work Italian Irrigation has Camille Flammarlon's new perpetual A Tittle gtr! at a recent Cbriatmaa been termed tbe moot economical In The Pblloeophar—I cannot under­ entertainment in one of the college set­ utlllaing water supply, and tbs most stand how it is that you public sing­ calendar starts the year at tbe vernal Every quarter tlements talked grandly to visitors highly developed system of adminis­ ers settn unable to proceed unless you equinox. March JI. should contain two months of 30 days about "our piano " Pieces played on trative control. India's system la as Id receive a certain amount of applause the piano to amuse the children evi­ Operatic Star—It Isn’t the applause and one month of 31 days. Thia would to illustrate examples of Irrigation on The aame dates dently brought tbe subject to ber tbe ¡arg«« arale, and America’s yields we want—U's the time to get breath.— make 358 days would occur on the same days of the mind, relates tbe New York Sun. Ally Sloper. the most rapid decvlopment. week, and one ctdenda» would last a One very practical woman who con­ I lifetime tributes nnrt to tbs support of the Family Pride. Buffalo ia Mew York. settlement beard tbe cbll 1 • remarks Mamma—You duu'l mean to «ay you New has In Its xoologleal So It Would. “It eeems to BS.” «be said, rather took a secund piece of pie when you garden a *. . — 35 biaona. survivors Hires—I wonder why a dentist calls censoriously to tbs head worker, “that were visiting, do you? Of tboAerda that ones trampled the a child whose family owns a piano Tommy—Yea. mamma I wanted to his ofllce a dental parlor? plains Fifteen have been offered to Diggs—I don’t know Drawing room faa't really suffering for need of help show ’em 1 was uted to having plenty fbe Vntted Rtasee government as a would be tuure appropriate.—Chicago There are plenty who are really la st home —Chicago News flft Tbe plan to to put them In tbe News. ■sed, and I doJ’t think U right to I Are Yau (ladng Ig BuHd? Fix Male— X'.M act re g«w««l brining lami fl so J want an «>|>por1nnlly In ffgnre >w<> mile« «lue W«al >>l Klamath Falle al Thio year tbs Jews will «elsbrete lb« 815 yer acre. Ala«» mt home ranch at on vour work. I am p*vpar««l to make two hundred au«l fiftirlb aanlvsreaty at Iwl«es ita ell elesse* ol hnikringa and Ken««, itregrm. K. A. Kaimitl. il , CUBBEMT CUNDKNSATIONS* their settlement >■ Now Keth. There Is ouly one lle.dou guverngiset greenback »till In rxisUuce ltlao«ne«l 1» a farmer and hr refuses tu let tbe government retire It. | The < hlldien of San Itafael. Cal. have been formed Into a Jtiulur section of th« local Improvement club. Their duty «III be to preserve the street trees and tu beep l>«|>er off th« «treela During th« last >«or the Canadian government haa paid out In ateauiahlp subsidies a Util» over |6<«>,0«M> Theo« sutwhlles have tH«en paid partly tor mail purposes and partly, dtparvntly. to ra­ tal Hah commcrt-lal connection«. Front the first of July next, ths date at which th« new Cauadian provlncea of Alberta and Sa»kat< hr«au begin to •xist. rnch «III ncelve Ivl.SUU a year from th«1 Ikmnnlon government tor five years, tor the erection uf public bulM- ings In 19t>l the number of arrivals at Ellie Island waa «'•«Hi noo, ths number tor the satire country being noo.uuu. Ot th«*« 26.1.15«) «ruled do«ti in New Y»rh city, and the great majority of th« remainder went to other cities as laturers, etc. where they are not ueeded Th« San Frsnciao) Irnard of health procured ion samples <>f red «m«a from restaurants, wins dealers and manu­ facturers and analyied them Flirty- one wrre found adulterated with coal tar »alleylie acid, arsenic ele. Th« board of health gave namra. addr«e««e and full particulars and the local n«wa- palters published the report ikim« of the be»t-kno«n firms 1» th« eKy ar« ia tbe list. I | A little red button worn by eome X<0 women old and young married sad sin­ gle. among the leading social acts of th« City of Mexico, marks a new depart­ ure. or rather a new ste^> in progrvea. Thia III tie round red button signifies membership in what is known as th« Anti Kissing leaxu« Members of tbe leaxue take a solemn pledge not to klsa one another in publleor private, on tbe ground that kissing la coatagloaa or. rather, (he means of conveying con tag loua disease« from on« fair lip to tbe other will lurnhh ida»» wheimvvr t>i ees«arv IP »o> k .•».»aanHr*l, ' A M. r'iylor, I hi ' >•« I .>« I Unitili r. | Mamma tat dinner!—You mustn't star» at Mr Smith so. I thel. Utile Ethel 1 ni welling Io ass him taka a drink, mamtua "Why dear?" “ "Cause I-a pa says he drinks like a Osh. and I never saw a flab drink." "Mamma" «aid five yearoM Marcia "1'11 make a bargain «Ith you." "What kind of a bargain, dear?" aaked her mother “If you'll give me a penny every day to buy <-an«iy with." replied the email diplomat "I'll nut tel) aayooo you baro store teeth." IJttle Harry live«) In the country and had never «ven a sailor. "Papa " be eald one day. “sailors must 1» awful small men '" "Why do you think go!" ashed bls father "Because “ answered Harry. "I road In the pai>er about oue wb«j went bu sleep oa bis wauh." J GEM RESTAURAN HMD LODGING HOUSI C. D. WILLSON ENOlNKKRK AltsTKAi't KUS Klamath County Abstract COMl’ANV ’ SLOAN-ZUMWALT-WITHROW The I'iuiuwr Alwiract tifila* <4 Klamatli County, (>reg<>« Have you a Ditrh to »nr»«,» ? Is voiir l'r«>f>ertv I ine in t? la your Title perta-t? Wr have a completr Alwlrarl aliti Ltigmeering office. aaSrvM P. O Be* U. ItlamMb r«M*. »«•(•* Ph«« I. Mala ff A Its rit ACTING M BTEYIICU Buff Cochin Chickens Pure Bred Stallions Phone, IVI »»Iti l-l M ASCO 'I ■X LIVERY, F KLAMATH FALLS ANI> MERRILL Largest and Best Equipped Stables hi Southern Oregnu TOURIST'S TRAOE A SPECIALTY C. T. OLIV1CW, l*r<)prl4»tor 1» i i- o t On the Meltuse pl ice eight miles south of Klamath Falls will be in service every TueMiav. Thursday and Sat­ urday for the next three months. Mairs will be pastured, t ' ti •. r. i«' ÄP rs t >i ■' J* i '1. J. I >• I h« > 1‘t I NOW ON SALE Examine the artistic sub-division and make your selections early. Near the heart of Klamath Falls. Near the Hot Springs. Near the Depot. Note the wide streets and alleys of this tract. Read what we propose to do. We shall grade the streets. We shall lay cement sidewalks. We shall provide perfect drainage. We shall construct sewers. We shall provide a water system. We shall secure electric lights. We shall have a great hotel on the tract. We shall make a park around the splendid Hot Springs, situated almost in the center of the Tract. We shall have the depot of the California Northeastern Railwa t. We shall have a Street Car system as soon as required. We shall stand for A GREAT AND BEAUTIFUL KLAMATH FALLS. Easy Terms: One-third cash; balance one and two years at six per cent