Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 07, 1906, Image 2

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    Tl I« ih - laill gam«- will ogrnr the horae
racna. After Hiwae will he belli Iwiat
•ml tnli ra-s-a on tin* lake ami in the
evening will Iw- Ilia giamleat diaplay of
firework, ever wittieaae.1 ill Suul bcm
Oriyon. Aller the tirvworka « ill ome
the <lamv.
Thia i. • general outline of 11«» pru
gram. Manv a<liliti<m. will in- mail«* to
it, ami ewrylliiitg will I»- <lom- to make
the «av-aaion one ol inti-real, inatruction
an<l pleaaure.
E. .1. MURRAY, Editor
Klamath Falls, Ore., Thursday. June 7 1906,
1 he tioddr«» of Liberty.
The County Election.
Five camliilato hate already Iw-en
way. home are nearing completion.
These districts are equal to ours, and votiwl for in the is.nteat for the tiiwlile-a
the price« of land •• low a« this. The of lala-rty. Thia i-onte-t la open for
|a*oplo of these districts are bending any on«». Kach \-oie co*(a one mill, ami
every energy to bring into their «ection, I you can vole as often and far whom you
and are offering (tattering indiuvnients. , choose.
The vote to date is as follows:
This woik is having its «ffiet, and un­
Hammond. Klamath Falls . ,w
less this district d.a-a likewise, it is
. *.k’>
going to take a much longer ¡teriod to Gertrude Amlerson. Moriill
bring a I »Hit the degree ol development 1‘earl MeMillan. Klamath Falls
. .35
conte m plans I la l-e accomplished in a Mabie Murine. Rmiauaa
! Stella Campliell, Klamath Falls.
couple of years.
All sectionalism must lie laid aside; 1 Voting place*—Klamath Falls—
Manning's t'amli Store,
»▼cry tuaii must work hand in hand for
t auiplw-ll Barber Shop,
the accomplishment .4 one common pur­
]*erfeetion Candy Store,
pose and no stone should la- left un­
Frank Ankeny’s.
turned to aid in the up building ot Klam­
ath county a< a w hole.
Dr iscolI Men-antile Com|iany.
W hitney Mercantile Company,
Martin Bros.
•‘What’s the use a-kickin?” since
the die is ca-t and the result cannot Iw-
change-1? There is none. The only
thing left to do is for the republicans to
protit by their mistakes and get ready
for the future. The result of the elec­
tion in this county shows the fallacy of
factional strife, and lira one aim <4 the
future should be to iihmk I the broken
line and prepara to enter the next cam­
paign as one co-hestvo whole. The re­
publican* ol Klamath county ami Uio
alate have foolishly been pulling the
eheetnuta out of the tire for the demó­
crata for many years, with the result
that lliv oppMillion has Is-en enjoying
the fruits of victory al tlm áspense of
the democrat party. We wonder how
long this is to continue? There was no
excuse for a I silt this year. No candi­
date was jam me<l down the throats of Preparations Being made for A Gala
About Insurance
the people. It was their own choosing.
Kach and every man on lire ticket was
| Tlie insurance couipanie» have in­
above the averago, aud no fair reason
On July 4 one of the biggest celebra­
existed for bis not getting the full par­ tions in tlie history of tlie county will i structed all their agents that on mul
ty vole. The defeat of the ticket is to| ! Iw- held in Klamath Falls. Bonanxa. after June 1st. an advance of 35 |H*r
l>e regretted, but we hope it Kill result 1 Merrill and the rest of the couuty will cent will lx- made in inaiirance rates.
hi the future unification of all member« 1 join with thia city in making it a mem­ Al tin- same lime these «am«» companies
and the burying of tlie hatchet so deep orable occasion and from sunrise until are adopting tactics in San Francisco
that will eau-e those who carried insur­
that it will never be found.
uiidnight there will 1« something doing ance nt tlie time of the earthquake to
every minute.
lost- one-third of their insurance. When
An organiitiou ha* already been ]»er- it is remembered that those cotu|»aiiies
fecUwl and couimitties appoiuted to look went into San Francisco with their eves
The Future
after th«* arrangements. A large amount wide open, knowing full well that the
Now that tlie election is over and po­ of money has alruady btw-n subscribed, city was subject to earthquakes, it is
litical questions have been settled, let and more is lw»ind ad>l«wl to the lis manifestly unfair that the entire I'aeitie
every tuan get down and Ixioat for every day. These funds are to lx- used coast tliould It couii>elled to pay tor
Klamath county—not for one town or as purses for bas«>l>al! games, races, their mistakes.
section but for the county as a whole. music, fireworks and decorations. A
This insurance in the rate is going to 1
In today’s issue of the Republican we Goddess of Liberty contest has been be- a hardship, and will undoubtedly re i
print an interview with Mr. C. E. inaugurated, and the prus|w-cts are that suit in one of the strongest protests evei
Wantland, who is general sales agent it will be a lively one.
made on issues of this kind. It has only
At sunrise on the morning of the 4lh l>egi;n and l y t* otiine it is end«*d the
for the Union Pacific railroad. This
gentleman from the very nature of his this city is to be awakened by anvils. insiiranee I»-» pK will know more alsuit
position, is eminently qualified to »t*ak This cannonading is to continue every the pulse of the jaxiple of this coast
of the needa and prospects of Klamath ten minutes for several hours. Al ten than heretofore.
county. We command lirs remarks to o’clock a monster parade will form, to
Important Notice.
•ur readers. Two things slam! out be |>artiei|>ate*i in by the school children
to camox ali . r I'KRSOXH
prominently in his remarks: First, do
not place the price of lands to high, for to be offered for the prettiest and most against disconnecting either ki . kctkic
it will result in turning the tide of im­ orig-nal designs. The parade will be i.mirr or tklk >* iionx wires from any
migration to other districts, equally, if ¡followsd by speech-making, each orator building or jails, as witliin the next few
not better, situated to meet their n«»eds; to be limitc-l to not more than fifteen days there will tie klix - tkic current on
and. second, let the outside world know minute«. Thia will conclude the exer­ the electric wires the full 24 hours,
cises for the forenoon. At 1 o’clock the making it extremely naNUKKOva for
what we have here.
These two points should be borne well fun will lx<gin at the race track. The base axvonk to disturb any w ires.
Any HKiraox or i-aaaosa so doing, not
in mind by the property owners of this liall game will lie proceded by foot, sack,
country. Throughout the west are vast i three-legged greased jxilc and greased only KXDivuiH themselves, but lei-nm«
government irrigation projects under pig races. Between the innings of the liable for damages by causing entangle-
inenl «4 wire# that might
ly to other« or their pio|wrly.
If thvrv arv any wire« to remove or
change, notify the othev lh*l th<‘ proper
|n*raon may l»v aent to make such
Klamath Falla I i^ht «< Water Co.
Midway Ti'lcphoiia A rdeginph Co,
Notice To Creditors.
luth« uouiiik UfMirt of Iht Mate ol Or« •
H«»u. l«»r the
ol K lamtlh
loth« mattrr »4 ihe Filai*» of llarri Bufarti
ItarauB, tlvcvawed
To the Rubik.
Nntliv in hrrvbk given, by the undvraiM him I
Owing to the nitmlier of new phone« \dmlnlafrntri\ nt the Mtale ««I Harry Huford
being inatalle«l, a « aril a« aonia ad*li- i liaran*, <|«*« ea'« «I h» III0 vrv<ill<»rt nt. anti all
lionnl farmer linen, the work of I lie cen­ | hntm * u « having claim* agalnal the *ai«l <!»••
tral other baa inrreaaed to anch a desire tt-aMiML <*r the »ahi eMale, to preaenl »urii
claim« with the proper voucher« within
that one per««*ii cannot handle all the month» from the flate «»t thl« nolle«', to the
call« promptly. O h Max tir*t we ordei salt! \<hulnl»irairtx at the law vltiee of
ed lao new aw itch boa ids, one i* here Thoma» Drake. wituai*»»! on the northerly • ’«!«'
ami installed, but the Ion# distance ol Main » ii ««* I, in the elly ol Klamath Fall»,
cou try and »late a'on"ai l
hoard had to come from the lactory, ami
Ihku-tl tl»l»ll»t «lay ol May A I». |« m
will not I m hare Indore al«nit the laat of
I »XV I KK H * «Mi'll,
At’.mho»(♦•»!i V ol lltv relate ut llarrv Hu­
thia month, at which time H will la*
A Al 6 >
installed ami a mvotid operator placed > tord Heriiu» d«H t-a»e I.
Several Very Fine Improved Ranches at Bargain Prices
I have some of the choicest blocks in Buena
Vista to dispose of at low prices. BUY NOW
LAKE." >>>>>>>>>
Second Addition to KLAMATH FALLS
I have the he»t lantion of tbi« addition f*»r aalr; ami our viali
to the tract inakra you a pur« haavr nt lin priera. The «crine
» liia t from thia tract ia wuadeifiil. A tivw ol bolli laiae can
la* had ami the city thrown in.
Capital Stock. $100.000
business Pt operty
Bank and Crust €0.
\ number ol < ln.n i- lot. on Main afreet «I rvasonabla price..
kii .I
Iola in all |«rla <4 the i-lly lor «ah-.
open for business about
September I, I9o6
I have «omo Si,ili Hlrvol nini Klamath avenue pr<>|M<rty for rale.
If you want to install an Ice Manufacturing and Cold Storaqe plant
I ham the ideal site, with springs Bowing the purest water.
In its New Building now under construction
on the corner of Fifth and Main Streets
Willson Block
IV/// do a General Ihnklny Business
-c» a "».-».-»., ■*-»<»<-*
Brown Leghorn Chicken Ranch
Klamath Falls, Orgon
Choice Fggs For
Rigs furnished
with or without
Klamath Palls, Oregon
C uas . E. W orden . I’res.
F red M elius «, Vice I’res
J. W. S iemens . Cashier
D irectors —Fred Melhase, W. T. Sltivo, (ins Melhase, J.
\V. Siemens, C. E. Worden.
I can anil
you |>y rvlling mu Iola in Ih. flat or on the hill.
A few At Brown Leghorn Cockerels for sale
<.« .<<.< a. ' V
We keep the tmesi
lot of horses In the
Horning & Casey
Have all kinds of farm p^Pei ty, improved
and unimproved, ranging from fifteen to
seventy-five dollars per a re.
H. W. STRAW. Proprietor
some choice to» n property chain, also hive some Business
Lots and some Fine Timber Claims.
To Klamath Falls, Oregon
and lots therein will be placed on the market. The tract com­
prises 530 acres, adjoins Klamtah Falls on the north and west
and borders on Link River and Upper Klamath Lake for two miles.
From this addition can be seen the grandest panorama on the Pacific
coast, comprising Lake, River, valley, hill, mountain and snow
capped peaks, blend into an harmonious picture of unequalled
beauty and magnificence.
Boulevards and Streets are now being graded, and these will be lined with shade trees«
on the Electric Street Railway is now Under Way.
A complete
sewerage system
will be put m.
Buena Vista Addition
Plans for a
Grading work
The entire cut of the Odessa sawmill has been purchased, and those building in
this summer will have
magnificent hotel
first call
on the output of this mill.
are now being prepared, and construction will begin this summer.
This hostelry will be Io
cated on one of the most picturesque spots in the addition and will be surrounded by park.
If you want a Home //» the
most beautiful section of Klamath county,
If you want to live where you will be surrounded with beautiful homes,
If you want to live on the
If you are looking for
street car line
an investment
Murdock Building,
Next door Postoffice,
buy a lot
then have your home in the
that will yield returns,
buy a lot
m the
in the
Bunena Vista Addition.
Buena Vista Addition.
Buena Vista Addition.
purchase property /7»
Buena Vista Addition.
Klamath Canal Company