Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 31, 1906, Image 3

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1« certiiin if you tik«* II< hh !' h Siiiaap’. rllla.
Titta gnut ini'ilii'iho euroa tlioHU rruptioiiM,
|>lin|>li<a mill lailla tlmt ii | i | h ar nt ¡dl MiiiMOlut
curtM HiTnfiilii hoh ' m , h.ill rlii'tiiii or ecz.eiius;
iiiLipti itM'lf eipiiillv well tn, ilmi h I m > 1'iiii‘i;, ilya-
pepaia uik I h II xtoiiiHi'Ii troulib ii; roii n tln u-
iiinttam hik I catarrh; I'lii i H iiei viHU trouble»,
debility hiii I tliiit (mil fil ling
Thin ta proved by tliotiHi»ndn of ti'Hfl- Mr« liri»»» I* Th>>uin uf Lewtalon
M*> rvpuriA gr*al
lo bar Hilla
inoiiiulM, •10,libit by ui'tiiiil count in tliu g rl fruui H«»«»«!'« Haraaparllla, whi> h
«ftar an
liiat two yenra 11 record tin precede tiled t ,»<»r<»utfhly purHiixl bar I
aitark of thai I4« mm I i*olM»t»lDg dia
in the hiatory of medicine.
MW, ararla favrr h ya*a bar ■Iri-figt h
and r»»nawa«i haali h Thuuaanda of
Ke auro to get llnod'a Surua(lorilla. ofhrra tali of ahnilar rur«-a alan ' uraa
Liquid vr Ubhla, luo (j^aoa Duo Puliar
vf a< »ofula. aall
No more bull lights esiu In Mexico.
The |ieople there will have to come over
iirnl s>-e our bull anil I tear combate. -
New York Mall.
lir. Wiley snys that bottled whisky Is
the only kh>«l
I but 1« nufe. And It Isn't
snfu then » unleiM you keep It under l«x*k
unit key. 4 *hi«*ng<> Journsl.
Rattier ibun tell hU wife be had been
roblest a miiii B5 yesrs old wulkifl L'io
'lilies. Oh, some men do leitrn nfter s
while.' New York Evening Telegram.
araaiua, at*.
Vfgrt.tbl«’ alili. UHi'lo <»( «•ultoi» ami »vi
I hiring tba y»ar l'*»l Klam «spurted
I im I ìou , la tu la» tiMiurtu n»r«*.| In M<*kl«*u n»«»re than f rj.< ms ».<»*> worth uf rice.
«>n a largt» •■«!«•» ìli»- •
h uulj una- *.V«n k wood la se«*und In value.
ftflb tu una tifi« «•riti» ut ri al siili.
MotbmWill fln«1 M« Whitlow » Soothing
A «il a il A s l l 1 l> ‘ 1 li» IM»H ril.F.M
Hyrup tha ba«t r«’«»»«dy tou«« fur tbalr children
Iti hi 1 < li’ 1 • 1 «
- 1
1 a 1 ■
during tha la« thing j «»Hud.
ila ai«1 nuth< '
«•» »«in I iiHiiivy If l'A/.O
f H.S
IMK.VI la la tu «ui* ini 1 .
'Jlnre ar« u»«»ro than 4,0H0.0iN) steal
RlrrnaiiM« Sitato«,
ptni ue«'d up every day In England.
Kra !>«» y«»»i r«’iin’WilM»r whm you
pn aaini uà hi ilio n t » t uni« »i»l Ir ?
Well. riTQ Farmanantly iHrad Ro fitaor nervouABM«
I I I U •
■ • •
two mliiut«" •ft»r thiit J.i k pr"|»u«»«<i |ie»i«>r*r He nd hr I raw SV irial • ■ ja •< 1 traailaa.
F.dnn \ t»m. I li« ard ilio inarhiuu go- I r II II Mltua, Lid .Mt Ar* h Ml . Iblifala iphio. >•«.
ln< “rllUM rliilg.**
rriaonrra Ir» Mor.»«««» umat pay the
I In» inn«’lili»e? Gru<lous! That p »II- < inuii fur hie wurlt la taking then»
lu Jail.
tra» Jack slglilng.
A <*hl«*ng«> pH|n«r says: ”TI m > Ktand
itr«l oil <*«>mpMiiy I n trying to get closer
to the public,” It I ihn long been within
touching «IlNtsnce. Wbut more does It
"mat? Itenver News.
Kclentlsts bnve discovered tbnt an
llAsktin gis«*ler I n moving nt the rute
•t two ln< beg it year. Let's match It
for n 1<J )*-iirs* rn<» hkii I da I the Pans
inn <*nnnl. I>enver News.
"A n I h for the Aslatlce** may become
rriisonable nt some m«»re fnmliinr
i ><*«-ldrntMl slogans, after “Boies for
the lioiers” Nbidl have been popular
New Y«»rk Commercial.
•'«¡»tain llohson declares that Japan
shall not t>e prrmltte.1 tu turn China
Into a g rent military nation. The Dow
nger Empress will kiss him If bo don’t
watch out. Houston Chronicle.
In the I'nltfsl Hiate» may I* found an
Immense lasly of publie sentiment In
favor of divorce reform and an Im-
lóense lasly of private practice against
divorce reform. Hartford Time*.
A woman In New York is giving a
I's ture on "How to Itr-eome a Charming
Conversationalist.'* The way to lie con
sldvrvd a charming conversationalist la
to have money. Chicago Journal.
>« the woruleiful uhitig powder ol the
VAâve C ude.
I houwndi <>f women «re
bringing gie«ler health «nd better food
into their hornet by uting K C baking
Powder. ( «Mi» luat one-third what you
. If you have never u*e«l ;t
you don't know what you've uruaed.
Don't wait! All griMcra.
25 ounces for 25 cents
JAOL'l S MFC. co
Í ulcarjo
I k * r Hr
1 b« art !•''<■
rita» u,a
PuHng b t ih
h<>th|t>g ihat m*rl«*ri» «tantlairv haa a«^x>tD-
|ili«i sxt le grralrr tlian eltrai'tlug t*-«th
wltlu it t’*,*i W» bava I»
e«»< • i ti «l<» t>k th a. W« « an hituealljr • «l »»«ri
a fare t«>» b «e|lh<»ut hurtlng ,< u
N ur«|« va iif, a|MtiaJlai vm c L Mtvu’a t
alti reguial ug
...DI MISTS...
I all ng IliilMing I hlr«l a *>4 U a»hlngt<>a
• A Miel I' M »-uiiJay» V |v JL
MtaJu JU»
Are Best
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
BURLAP of All Kinds
Bags of Burlap and Cotton Man-
ufattured by Us
Bemis Bro. Bag Co
Signature of
A new horse dlsrsse his ronie to Ent
1 land from India by way of South Africa
It la called eplaootlc l>mpUangitia. aud
la very contagloua.
$100 Reward, >100.
Tho readi’r« of this paper will be p!rs«o<! tc
Irani that there 1« at least one drradv*l disease
that ecivitre lias been aide lu cure hi all 11«
• ages, and that is « atarrh Hal!'« < atarrh
< u.e l«<lirouly po«llive «urn known to the
me ileal fraternity. « atarth I* tug a const it u-
ttonal dltrAKo. r«*<|Utrrs a c n»htutl>>nal it« at-
nient Halls« atarrh < urv H taken internally,
acting directly upon tho I l<-«»d and iducuub
surface« of the aystvrn, thor< «»v <V*«dt«»ylng ths
fouii lati< n of thr disease, a: d snlng the pa
llont «trength t»y boildtng up the constitution
and assintiUtf nature It» «Luing its work. Tlie
proprietors have tu much faith in Its curative
power« that they otter One Hundred hollar«
for any case that It fails to cure, bend for liot
of testimonials.
A i irres
E J. CHKNKT 4 CO , Toledo, O
Sold by druggists. 7'»c.
llall a L aimly i'lll« are tho te«L
1 JOB-1 514 ( otorado Street
Ila 11 fllcnppril.
The Doctor— The medicine I left for
you doesn't seem to have had the do­
sired effect. Have you tukeu lt regn-
larly ?
The Patient (a poctl—As regularly
as I could, doctor. You said 1 should
tuko It after each meal.
Portland Trad«* Directory
Nothing knocks out
disables like
MAUK I.AMKHNN- Url.i.f « <», Porllan.t
Ixiwrel prlcM on lAiitrrn'« and Nll.l, «.
Lumbago and Sciatica
KI.AHI H' mi'll- IlVi Hui-pin.r». Ilrsr»-». Knill«
FK; fr' " m» «»Riirt'iiirnt blMiikR; U tx»<laril, < I mt M u .
Ilolisl- » of »Il kind« for »ai. sl
pru-ns. Inqulr. n» Iroin Hi.
Nothing reaches the trouble
as quickly as
AKI IKK IA I» b VI M; ryery »lialle and Hhape: m
aortmant went on approval; \\ oudard, Liarka t o
c Kb AM h»l‘A K A IOKH-M e gnarantaa lha U. A.
. tarparci or to Iw tin’bcNt* Writ« lor fra« rata <»«
Ha»«*! wikh L < <»., Fifth mid Oak.
MF.N'Sl l.orillN'l - IlilSion A p.ndl.'on, »olo
aarnio Airr<*d Ho »Ismin <s t'd.'a rorrert rlothrs
Kvrr,ihl»< In m.n’» Hirnlablnya Mutum», aud
sinh »tr».ii. opposito posmai.w.
Known tha world over a*
TAI Mills lahimhl» Wo<U»ii Milla <0.. PnrtleMt.
Urs. I .u-« »tyl. cl.Hhr» Iiia.l. 10 mMaur.i-h.sp.
Our ».Il llirsaiir.mnill •> »t.-lll Inaurc psrlwl HL
W rll. air fr.» esniplM sud prlrsa.
I'arullur Ones atlll I*?** m I) in Parte
«it llwral I ran«-».
'I I in re are some «’OGuua suiN»rst It loris
al*out baking oread hi th«» courne •»( re
ligioun M*H4uini Will« b seem nu easy to
pr<Au fallacious that one has dlffi'Ulty
in underntaiidihg why th«*y ar«* ntill be
lleved One wouhJ thin>. (but moiim * ony
n Hiiatake would «e*«*ur and tie» dlscov
••ry be made that th«T«* waa no fur«’# in
th«4n. Probably, owing to th»» «*onntltu
tion of the believers, the failure of tire
eX(MN*ted result would I m ? HM4*rllM*«l to
some NiipernaturaI «• sum * rutle-r than
tie* real one, and the belief would l*e
continued. Most of tb« M* »iiiierstltionn
are found In Frarx*. th«» greatest bread
rating country on the glolie.
Fur instance, in l’p(M*r Brittany bread
bake«! ou Good Friday, It 1» dm-lar«»!
bmomiw black. In <Tiaraiit<* It Is Iwld
that h«i who enta of broad baked on All
Houls' day will bsH’ome dlm'imed. Th«
flames will burst out of the overt In
oue'a face If bread Is bak>«l on the
Feast of Ht. Nicholas, say the good |»’O
pie of Ht. Auhe. a<> It 1s not done, lu
Burgundy the ps*ople la-lleve that If
bread Is baked In the courro of Roga­
tion Week all bread buk<-d during the
remainder of tlie year will turn moul-
dy. The InhabltantA of tlw Black
Mountains la-lleve the same thing. Th«
Hlclllana refuse to bake on G'xal Fri­
day, because tlM*y fear that In some
manner they will burn the Savior.
The beliefs which other Euro[a*arui
use<i to have in early times demon­
strate how Illogical la all this supersti­
tion. Tle-oe um »1 to think that broad
bukeit on Good Friday would not grow
mouldy, and the hot cross bun was In-
clud«*d In tills belief. Home one lias
shrewdly auggi-ated that the spice pre­
served them. A piece of bread baked
on this holy day. was aupp->s«aj to have
miraculous powers if preserved. The
liotiae rontalnlng It would not catch
It was uwful f>r preventing
whooping cough, and If fed to cattle III
of ivrtalii dlx'iiaes would cure tliern.
The natural d<»lu<*tlon from nil this Is
that In one country bread baked on a
certain day will work III and that bak­
ed In another on the same day will
work good, which means that bread
baked ou that <lay Is alxiut the same as
bread baktsl on any other.
No ninttrr how they may differ with
regard to all oilier rpieatlona In the
orient, the powers are practically a
unit now In wishing that China may
not wake up too much. Chicago Inter TRANSFORMING CLOTHES POST.
< leva n.
How It VS a. Made Part ut a llrautl-
ful Klower G»rd«*n.
We shall soon have enough ex graft
I>uig ago, when we ouly dreamed of
«■rs In this country to f< rm a society for
miiluni protection amt Incidentally to a garden, we had net our hearts upon
Our garden was to
take a permutai interest In the great ivrtaln Ideals.
quest Ion of prison reform. Portland have an arch, a column and a pergoia,
aud wo were able to cuustruct some­
i Hegoulan.
thing to call by each of the»« names,
S.«*'r«‘tary Taft nayn tin, work on th*
using mostly such material as was at
Panama »•anal will go on "after every
hamL The cluth«*s posts being with us
truthful nun «nd every liar line liwn
to stay, we tried to uttllxe them to
heard.” If he would only limit It to
advantage, says a writer lu the Gurdeu
liara we might hope for an early etart
BufTalu Thues.
We bad done with rigid formality,
The center of ¡*»¡>ulat!on of the Uni­ and to Introduce a break the two |iosU
ted State« la <»tlk*lally annournvil to be uearer the bouse were moved further
t I i mil»**« nuutheaat of Uoluuibua, In«!., apart and out of Hue while the other
and not at the Intersection of Br«»ad* two were brought nearer to each other,
way and 42d atreeL at a great many Each was Incased lu extra heavy chick-
ru V«»rkers vaguely fancy
eu wire, and provided at the top with
Mr. Ijtuaon, of Beaton, the tx»ll wee a b<M»k and cleut fastened by bolts go­
»11 of high fliutnce. <x»m¡dalua that the ing through the ¡»»at At the bus«* of
Arniatroiig report la not far reaching tlie first |K>«t are three everbliM.mltig
enough and (hat the men higher up In honeysuckles (loulcera twkrottl>. The
the graft got auay. Suetna tu be a pret­ first year the bulbs of this vine were
ty g'Kul »tart, though.—New lurk Lien a mass of little green bugs
neither liquid nor ¡ouder would kill.
Ing Telegram.
Hie following March the vine was
A policeman was rubt»ed
sprayed with kerosene soap, which
pin by a cr<»ok whom he
seemed to be u su<x-*w«ful treatment,
nixed an such <»n a 34th ntreet croan- as there have been no Insects since that
town car. If nuch thing« may I*. In first attack.
the cane of our defenders, wiiat chance
The second post was pla-'ed five f«*et
tian the onllnarjr paiue ngrr?—New York
from a flower l*e«l and an additional
Evening Suu.
support wt lu the be«l, both were then
It la not only a lamentable but a dla cuuiiected by au arch made of Iron
gra<vful condition of affairs which such us would tie us«*>l for w agon tires.
mak<*a It unnafe fur women tu walk The ends were fastened to the posts by
the rvNldence atrita of Chlcngo with bolts, mid cross-pltx-vs of light Iron,
out male encurta.
And yet we talk riveted al»iut eighteen Indies apart, to
al»uut the progress we are making as a sup|s>rt chicken wire one foot w ide.
civ Hired people, i'hlcugu Inter Otvan.
The remnlnlng ¡.»sts were made to
form a small pergola, and coun«H'te»l
Three million bii.whclai of corn would
by Irons as l»efore to ¡»»sts In a paral
t»e sufficient to relieve the 3.000.000peo­
lei b«*d. tn this case the Iron strl|H
ple of Northern Japan who are threat
are supplement«*d by a bar of angle I
enet! with atarratlon because their rice
Irou along the top, to ¡»revent sag |
and silk crops were laat year a total
glng under the weight of the wooden
Nebraska alone could spare
cr» »«¡il«*>vs. Japam-ae clematis
that amount In a plucb.—Nebraska
malls ¡umiculata) grows around all |
the»«* ¡»»st.«, and 1 have P<»und It beet
It's a case of easy money that the to plant nt least two roots at the base
tintype which depicts Alfonso of 8|valn of each. In February trimming one
gripping Ills ts'nt girl's arm with oue vine back to th«* top of the post and
hand and a cigarette with th«* other cutting off the other at the ground
was Inspired by the Tobacco Trust. Th«* level.
In this way the taller plant
world awaits the announcement of the starts, soon covers the top, and the
name of the brand of that particular lower plant clothes the post when* the
cigarette. Philadelphia Press.
stalks of the other are comparatively
In condensed form the reeommenda l»me.
(tons of the Armstrong Insurance In­
vestigating Comm!tt«*o are like Horace
Greeley’s dictum In regard to s]n>cle
payments, that the way to resume Is to
resume. The way to do an Insurance
business Is to do an Insurance business
am! nothing else. Milwaukee Evening
France lias a strange ivay of fixing
up a divorce suit.
Formerly It was
the general Iden that the man paid the
alimony, but In Boni de Castellano's
suit It ai'peum that the woman pays
for the man's sup|s>rt nfter the ex¡a*rt-
ment of making the millions and the
title tit has tieen provisi a hard Job.—
Mobile Register.
The Master Cure
for Paina and Achei
Tommy, “an' said I did It with my new
pencil an* kept me In.”
Pt A NOS •♦ OH* IA NA — OPP ■< piano hnnt. on Fe­ ks XXXX YYXXXXY YXXXXXY YXXY YY1J
rino rosal, ornans and Plano» on ras, payin.nla.
woo* Ibr list, let us qtiois youa priro. all.» a
Cortland, I'is,or«
P. N. U.
Hunts» IlsIrOond. sw'lrhr,. loin ».doari, M.n'<
TauisrennS Wie»! beai íinsllly- lowcal prl'-m;
F„4 for ’roo prh'« Hat-, mall order, a aparlalll
MIS Hoir alora, KW wsablngivu hl kalia*.
Troubles seem greater after night,
and perhaps It Is for this reason that
troubles are greater to the old thau to
mtlvtlle Transportation.
the young: Age Is the twilight of life
The Ulllvllle llaiiuer has this Iteiut
when commonplace things assume fan­
"All the truing being late yesterday,
tastic shapes.
we bad to taka the first hurricane that
cam« aloug—and It lauded us In towu
If you have time to boast about be­
all hours before the fast mslL"— At­ ing worked to «lsath, you have not
lanta Cooatltutlon.
much to d«x
anu inc mCtllOCl Of COKl«
billing and preparing them so that they build up and strengthen
cvcry I,art
nia^c ‘l l’ie
‘ ton>cs. S. S. S. is nat
remedy— PURELY VEGETABLE^ and while it i. restoring the lost appe­
tite, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which
warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the bl<xxl of all poisons and waste
matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it
iu perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow.
Spring is the season when most every
one needs a tonic. It is nature’s time for
I have used 8. 8. 8. quite extensively and unhesitatingly
renewing and changing; and as everything
It aa the best blood purifier and tonio made
puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, reoommend
I am a 1r1aoh.11.3t by trrvi« nnd at one time my system was
the earth thaws out from its winter freezes, so run down that by 10 o'clock every day I would ba oom-
exhausted, and it was with the greatest effort that
and all respond to Spring’s call to purge 1 pletaly
oonld pull through the balance of the day. Htnoe taking
and purify themselves, there is a great 8.8 8., however, all this has disappeared. I am a strong
man, abundantly ab.e to do my day's work my
change also takes place in our bodies. The vigorous
appetite has been whetted up so that I oan eat anything
bl<K>d endeavors to throw off the poisons and my sleep la sweet and refreshing, and I know further that
It has purified my blood aad put it in good condition. I
accumulations which have formed in the cannot
speak too highly of your great remedy S. 8 H
system, and been absorbed by it, from the 817 W. Broad St., Columbus, O. A. B. MONTGOMERY.
inactive winter life, and calls upon every
member to assist in the elimination. The
On two occasions I havs used H. B. 8. tn tha spring with
system is often unequal to the struggle, the fina
I can haartlly recommend it as a tonio and
appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, blood results.
purifier. I was troubled with headache, indigestion
liver troubles, which all disappeared under the use of
the spirits are depressed, and a general run­ and
8. 8. 8. My appetite, which was poor, was greatly
down condition is the result.
helped. I oan eat anything I want now without fear of In­
dication, and my blood has been thoroughly cleansed of
Then the body must have assistance— all
Impurities and made rich and strong again. As a tonio
it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, and blood purifier It Is all you olalm for It.
771 E. Main St., Springfield, O.
and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made
entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does
not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on the market,
which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and
digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S- S. tones up
the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that
always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re­
establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms
the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S.
gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its tise we can find our­
selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season.
It acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy,
and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili­
tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of
the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well as
for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do not
experiment, but get the best—the tonic with forty years of success behind it, aud the one
endorsed by the best people all over the country—S, S.
TONICS. It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every
point, that the right remedy be used—one that is especially adapted to the condition, and
S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign
of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of
the season will not be felt as warmer weather comes on.
lu Sonora, Melico, a!oue. about $40,-
OOO.UUU of American money in now in
Tab«LAXATIS >■ BKoMOQulntoeTablet«. Drug-
« ata r<ffui»«l money If II fai « tu cura. K. W.
GfguVK'a «.«i. al um la ou each boi. ttc.
Parts is to use
carts in future.
"The people of the Fant ami Middle West will fall over themselvea tu
«■onie to the Pacific Northwest when they find out how much better the
climate aud advantages are.”
Bach ta the wrt'.ten etatement of w. R. Faisait, who has
been living in the I'acldc Aorthwa.i tw.l,« years.
We Want Them “to Find Out”
And the best way to tell them la to send theni our publications:
Positive, Comparative, Superlative.
“ I h«vt used one of your Fish Brand
Slickers for five years, and now want
a new one, also one for a friend. 1
would not bo without one for twice tho
cost. They are just as tar ahead of a
common coat as a common one is
ahead of nothing.”
(Name «k epjll*»rt«jta.)
"Oret on , Washington, kldho «nd Their Resource*.’* a handaomely illustrated M-. a-ce
book, toll inf oil about the three «tai« s. four <oats in postogr
**Who< rormers Nove Done in Oregon. Washington end Idaho, os Told bv Themselves.'*
twu cent« in etsu.'po
"Restful Recreation Resorts.** Jp«c,’!ptlve of the «ummerlng place« of the Columbia
river and Coast, two cent« In stan.ps
“The Columbia» River Through the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean.” targe panoramic
map oil e < ulum ba rtv er, w It i sturv on -e verse s. e. ’ourc nts
Largo and accurate wall map uf u eg >n. Uauhlngtuu and !duh»> ■.’'»cent« in stanpo
Handy pocket map of Oregon. U a«hingtun on 1 Idah «t.tTcover, two «out«.
For any of th* above, address. encV s.ug stamps *s stated
Mahers of Htet Weather Clothing A Hats.
A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A^ Southern Pacific Company Lines in Oregon)
rite tolav
Postland, Oregon
Well Drilling Mschiiwrv.
Drdlins A
Irrig of ton rlont.Hvdroii-
I k Roms. Spro. Pumps.
Write Vs
182-S4 Morrlsuu St.
s!l the N'Irishmen! out of Baby's
Natural Food.
Larger children cannot always
be watched, and will eat unreason-
ably. The Ready Remedy should
ever be at hand—Cascarets — to
take care of the trouble when it
No need to Force or Bribe chil­
dren to take Cascarets. They are
always more than ready to eat the
sweet little bit of Candy.
Repulaive medicine forced on the
ones does more harm than good.
Good mu.wlc Is it powerful tonic to
many ¡»»»¡»le. «*»i»«-lally those suffering
from melnncbolla. It lifts them out of
their solemn moods, dl.»p«'ls gloom and
d«*a|Hindency, kills dlacourag«*d ft*«*Ilngs
and gives new hope, new life and new
vigor. It seems to put a great many
¡H*«q>le Into pro|»er tune, it gives them
tin* keynote of truth and lieauty, strikes
the chorda of harmony, dispels dlscon!
from the life, scatters clouds and brings
sunshine. All good must«* la a charac­
ter builder, tH*eauae Its constant sugg«*s
tlon of harmony, order and beauty puts
the mind Into a normal attitude, Music
clears the cobwebs out of many minds
so that they can think better, act better
and live better.
Force of Habit.
They were tlshlng.
'The II vh I Qiieatluu.
"Mnbel,"pleaded the dry goods clerk,
“I know, old chappie,” said Dobbs,
"give me oue------ ”
"Sh!" whispered the pretty telephone “she has her faults, and a temper, amt
opivrator, ns she felt a nibble, "The all that; but I I love her and can't
live without her.”
line's busy.”—Detroit Tribune.
"Just so," calmly replied his friend;
Aa 1 nat nuNtlun.
"but the question Isn’t that Can you
H«r- I auppoe« you have met pretty live with her?”
wouwu lu great number*.
A dtlcr.
Him— Yee, Indeed.
I wae a shoe
"What do you think we had better
clerk for Severn I years.
do to stop the railroads?” asked the
uinn who Is patriotic but nervous.
Of II err nt Dats.
-Don’t try to stop 'em,” answered the
Now, Tommy,” Raid tho fund parent,
man who Is always In a hurry. "En­
“who wan It that discovered the band
courage ’em to mu faster amt oftefier."
writing on the wall?”
promptly replied —Washington Star.
KW I* I r 1’1 AM Mniiil 10c htr IM «g. uxRtil I air «lohi
J. J. Buiter, im Front «treat.
FOUI/I HV HXH» If you wont your hrn» to lay
mora rfi* wrllr it« for ft*» parih-ulnrs about PIT-
KINA l«»l I.IHY > KI* l)K-Ariu« Mill« Cfa,
Paru and, Oregon.
Don t be frightened
—but be w arned I
Every Mother knows, or
should know, that the terrible
Mortality among little children Is caused
by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Colic,
Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum. Summer
Complaint. Measles. Rashes. Scarlet Fever
—even Mumps have their first caute In
~ The Delicate Tissues of a Baby’s Bowels
will not stand rough treatment. Salts are
too violent, and Castor Oil will only grease
the passages, but will not make and keep
them Clean, Healthy and Strong.
There Is no other medicine as safe for a
child aa Cascarets, the fragrant little Candy
Tablet, that has saved thousands of families
from unhappinsss.
The Nursing Mother even in good heslth
shculdalways keep her own Bowels Loose,
and her Milk Mildly Purgative by taking
a Cascaret at night before going to bed.
No other medicine has this remarkable
and valuable quality.
Mama lakes the
Cascaret. Baby gels the Benefit.
Cascareis act like strengthening Exercise
on the weak little bowels of the growing
babe, and make them better able to get
W. L. D ouclas
•3^&’3 i ??SHOESS'.
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
Home Is not complele without the ever
ready Box of Cascarets. Ten cents buys
a small one at the Corner Drug Store.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­
pany and never sold In bulk. Every tab­
let stamped ** CCC.”
We want ta tend to oar friends a beantlfol
hird-eniraePKl in colon. It Is a Beauty hr the
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps Is asked as a
measure of rood tai III and to cover cost of Cascarets,
with whlcinKisKaintv trinket Is loaded.
Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Kemedy Company. Chicago or New York.
MANUFAOf 'UHrnlN Y h L WOilLD. '
ci n nnn
WiVjUUU disprove tr i statement.
If I could take you Into mv three la«ge factor 1st
at Brockton Mass., and «how you th« h-ftrlt«
care with whlchcverv ralr uf «hoe« lamade. you
would reallre whv W. I- tbowgla* >3 BO »hcet
cost more to make, why they hold their ehapa,
fit better, wear longrr, and art of greater
Intrinsic value than any other >3*50 «hoe.
IV. L. Dnufflna Sfr^va M^dr
CAUTION. -l^itl • *p‘ <• hsrlnf 'V.I..I » tig.
las •I km -’. Taka no «ul»"t<tute.
do ganuhts
without hl« name and prico »tr.mp.*«l on K
fatt Color
ittod ; fA«v ««»// not wear Sraoog.
Wnlafor Illuetratod Catalog.
W. L. LMJLULAS. Urocktoa, Math