Nolle« I or Publication artmr.u M..,» Ihlarlor, land O«t» al l.ak. v aw. Orason Ma, t. KM. »••"••• (■ bari'l.r (Iran that the IMIswing tinina-H MMilrr ha« HI» t nnllfs of hl« iNlCRtinn lorommutr proof In «up port nl hit claim and that »aid prm»f will In» made before fieri nf Klamallt <'«Mitny <»reg«»n, ai hie office at Klamath Fall«. <»»•■<..n, on *th dav of Julv, I «Ml, vivt Je«» W Ifanka II F. '.’■a*. the N%NF’« MF’«NW \aii.| lot G Mr» Ml Tp *1 M K » F. W M Ik names »be follow Ing W llrtf«»*• I« prove lit« mill in non« resldwnro upon and cultiva- lion r»f »ahi Ifitfd, trig W II. IlMiika II < W Illa V I, Hrandrnburg. ami W \ WII miii all sif Klamath Faile. Oreg « hi ' 17 fi »*fi J n . w araoN, Register, KLAMATH COUNTY BANK Pioneer Hank nt Klamath Ha»!n Caplt il Stock incrcaseil tn $ ioo , oim > January ist, all subscribed and fully paid Tin* Interest» now I h -I i I ik I tlil» Bunk represent tlirf t lo* al l<>ll;*e»l Banks III Sonili' rii < hrgiitl <>r Noitliciu <'uliforiilH, enabling it lictter than etcr l wtlli .limoliti.- scurii). DO YOU liki : to drl ' ss stylish ? If so, walk into the Bon Ton. Every­ thing always new in hats, veilings, etc., etc. Ladies' and Chddron s Fur. nishing. MRS. G. W. FISH. TOM Notice of PARLORS MILLIMLRY J T ‘ + -F -I- *?• 1’ + -> r •? <• •}♦ ABSTRACTERS • • KLAMATH FALLS • • • • OREGON •^aj,u.Tns'a . h ' j w NEWSOM & UNDERWOOD AIISTIlA<'PS J N W«var»w, Krgtatrr AIEX. MARTIN, President E. fl. REAMES, Vice-President ALEX. MARTIN Jr., Cashier E. M. B’JBB, Asst Cashier BOM M A son â, S lough -Ì- •*> + 4- i- 4’ -r *»• 4- -F -J- 4-r HOLLADAY (liMrdlana litltk sale of Real • • • IiiNtirnnee Wr carry a full B in - of Insurance, Including Life. Personal Accident fire, Strain Holler, Plaie Giasa, and Liability Insurance. AH mail orders will re ceive prompt attention $100 Reward Phone 375 I will pay the above reward for a watch my repair department Sotlce 1« hereby given that in p«ir«uenee of •N order of the Hon (Un. w lialdwln. Coon ty Judge of the County of Klamath and Nfate «»f Orrgoti made on the T?tli day of May In the matter of the e«tate of lit Augusta !h»n bar, Margaret Jan« IMnbar and llenry m f»un i*«r. minor heirs of llenrv m Gunnar deceased. the unde ratified, the guardian of the e«fate of «■Id minor« In Klamath <*otinty. Oregon, will •rlt at publie anefloN to the hlfhe«t bidder for »••h and «ubjert to the e*«ithwe«t quarter Notice la hereby given that the undersigned ul Metiion Twrnty-eight O| la Township ha« been appointed by the County Court for Thirty nine Mouth of Range Mis (tj Ka«t of Klamath County. Oregon. a -1-<• •? •? •? v -? •’.* -b4» + DENTIST Kianiluliig Altainu'l. » spr. Klamath Falls, Oregon NOTARY PUBLIC New Notk< of 5alc of Unpatgnted Swamp ftaARdfi DR. WM. MARTIN C. T. BONNEY, Attorney and Counselor at Law OFFIt-K -J-•?-h MELVIN D RIN'ER •! AIHTÍR , WILLIAMS and Irrigation Engineer. LAND SURVEYOR. mu mmm sum’ Klamath Falls, Or 7 N.»tlee i« hereby gieen that the tbata f^nd Hoard will receive «rated bld« until J o’clock I' M lu|y *| i km for any Intereu the fitatr T own Treasurers Notice. mayhatrln the following 4e«rril»ed unpat rnted fiwamp I am 'I i . to wit: Notieois hereby given that there are The SK 4 S»>.d*K\,NW\wf gg^ nad hinds in the Town Treasury for tho re­ of SW, uf fieetlnn 14 arul R ef m «< tian XS 1 7A demption <•( tl.e follown.g warrants: • H • A tl*e land« la Section 15 being uasur 1153,13M, 13.55,1350, 13.57, 13M, 13.59, vrved All blds !M«i«t be agenm|*anled by in appli­ 13*1, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, i m. cation and sKidsvit to purrtia«« in aeeor4aare 1307. I3er acre will be 13»4, MN, MM, I.T.I7, 13»K. Interest rnn«ider«4 ceases April 5, lUOd Tha rigtet to r»)»vi any and all blda I, r» listed at Klamath Falls, Oregon, thia served Appllratlons and hid« «hould be addressed 5th dayo( April, l'.KM. toil «. Rrown Clerk M»a’e iMnd Heard fialem J. W. R ismkms , Oregon and markr«l. *-Appliratlnn and bld to Town Treaatirer. purchasr Cnpateutod ••amp Lan 1« " <1. G. Rrnwn. Frank Ankeny cart is» only fresh Clerk fifate land hoard. I I»a’r«l thi« ?fith day of April. I ana 5-s ? 19 oa candles and confect loncrv. Registration of fjind Title. L*ea lamat Ion tlomeateads. SLOSS A SONNAFRANK lu the Me-iwf uf tb» Applleefloa <»f C. P Fainter anil liecorjlur. U ill., ., .,< r*-«i».rr ih» .1.1» tw that rerteln ue <.em»,| l»|aa>»it» th» up- Apply »i Hu» urti. <•. W< mh J for Sale. •tream mr.*mllp nt the upland part nl Mid 11.ivi ng Iwniglit ili«- uiwifl Iftteihrea «4 l"< 7. ai>,| being lhal purtlon ol m I-I let M|-a reie.| from the mainland by part of the flaw of Andv II •»•<•, I mu n«»w ptr|>a»v«l hi fill •ef'l I II.k river; alan'thai pan «1 th» h.,1 „1 BONNEY &. NICHOLAS «II ordere «»ii •lo»rt linièra«. \V smw | vani l.'nk rlter »nrrnundlwg »Ahl laland Io a dla IF<.Al. RKAI 1-1111 -vo All I« h ni«o| r»utr “f (*“iirl li««t|e»’. Wiewl 1» la.«'» »<|,ial to hall ll.»*grralr»t dlalanee ba >Ti; u TIM. Bl -iM*: — ih > h rrtf ly. (‘ell phon«* ftl ««.»I Imvc .<»»■■ theloa water line an »aid laland end Will furnl»li 4b«tra<‘ts «»f title ai»d |Ht) ■hei-.w ware» line on the n.ain lead, all In otsit ta. Piu’v H «I jani <»1 f * Of dr for non resident* Klamath t'.nint». Oregon. The esamliiaihiti. r>*tflelralhin and p< ris-rt live ml. To all about It inaj concern: lui of title« a •!•«’« mill J. L. H ikii » kr . i 3-2». h-If. TAKK XOTICK. . Saw Woatkirti Natra Mreaar on the SMh day of April. A. I>. ISM. an application waa Sled he the Ml. 1««. Geo. Chastain, fieri. I0-JI1 Interior Decorating a Speciaüy If von <|e»ire to I,vale ri|e.ri a home- afead nuder Ile* governaietit |.t.»ji*.*t or n» »eviire a tf.aal limltri claim........ .. I I Knii'mll or tin* Klamath U--ititi ir r- rial Agença . E levates W ater by WATER POWER 4. Registration of luind Title. In thp Matter of th* application of Annie I IltiirhlMin In rrgfairr the title tn l«Xa >. 4. & • ml •, In l Marguarel J. Kngle and Mary L. Wood« ami all whom It may concern; TAKK NOTICI. That on the fifth day of May. A. D. 190S, an appllraHon was file