Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 24, 1906, Image 5

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    E. B. HENRY
All kinds rtt^liirrrliig an«l ilraugbthi.
East Klamath Falls Tracts
I'lsiia And b|N*till« NthniR Fur lila lied
• For an investment, acreage for fruit, garden, farming or a
home, it should t>e the aim of every purchaser to select
the best location, obtain the best land and look to the cer­
tain effect ol the complete development of the irrigation
project upon the growth of Klamath Falls. Conaervative
men whose individual success is tho best evidence of their
foresight predict that Klamath Falls will have a [Hipttla-
tion of from 20,000 to 35.000 within six years.
TiThe trade centers of all irrigated districts build in the di­
rection of tho territory from which their support is de­
flr.l «
Ater« and Har
MUN STREET Bet. Sill and nth St,
Manufactured In all Flavors
Telephone Main jj
XE iohtebn II unbreh A'- rer of splendid land to select front,
of which F oubtbbm H cxorei * A< res is sit usted tind«r tho
main canal and is signod up with tho Klamath .Water
User«’ Association.
ESPY, the Soda Water Man
Manufacturing institutions in search
Five acres devoted to intensive cul­
of locations where frontage on Lake
tivation, under irrigation, is said to be
Ea una or to the.Klamath River is de­
ample for the support of a family and
sired can secure advantageous sites on
twenty acres properly tilled will make
the E ast K lamitii F alls T racts .
its owner independent.
respective of electric and^stram trans-
tlw onlyplac«* In th»* Klamath
ILodo Where gissi holUiitr.il»
can lie had. On line of Cali­
fornia A Xorthvaatern It. Il .
now building, G< ■ ve rumen! Ir­
riga! ha rsmtemplaled.
»•TtHahlra, all kind» of grain
and donieat h'ated granv*« I'n-
I imu «tl range
portation development waterways are
E ast K lamath F alls T racts offer
in many lines of manufacturing an
the best opportunity for thono .wanting
economic necessity.
small farms adjacent to town.
Ar« You Uoing to Build?
I «ant aii
unity tn figure
| on ti»ur R«»rk. 1 im pr«*|»»rr«| I m make
I price« on all r I mp pre of b«nl«litigp and
. * ill |t|tn|p|i plan« wlirnrvrr iieceaaar}
kU aotk guarAiitivil.
A. M. Taylnr,
rftt for and Builder.
Lamb Feeding
for old ew«*s with teeth worn too much i
to rat grain r«-a*lily. Old ewes fatten I
readily in ail «revka rm ■ ration of licet I
pulp and alfalfa bay.
Pnlp is fax! to '
PRICE OF BLOCKS, $800.00. $1.000.00 ord $1.600.00
land«« a* a »ucrnlent fowl, the dry ra­
tion of corn and alfalfa ap|*raring to be
' PRICE OF LOTS FROM $80.00 to $150.00
greatly lienefited by the juicy pulp.
Tlo* |*a»t year was a moat dangerous
This propertv is on the market and íor sale in traets to suit thc
one to t<*«-d«*r*. and ha I not the winter
l*en a phenomenally mild one. heavy
losses have been made by them owing to
I he high price, paid on the range» tor
lainlx. The mild winter, however en­
able«! the feeders to fatten their lamb«
with much leaa gram and in a great deal
Administrator's Sale.
shorter peri«*!, which of course cut down
Notice Is hereby fiver» that in pursuance of
1 he ex|«nae. The bumima thia year will an nr«fer nt the Cswisity Fnart of Klamath
average pneailily a profit of fifty rent, on County. Oregon, duly made an«l antered on
each lamb f««l. M«t year. and in fact the the »th day o! May. 1**, in the matter of the
five previous seasons, the ‘»ml* have re- estate of Myron S. Drew, deceased, the under­
signed. the administratrix of the estate, will,
turned from fifty cents to twodollara per
on and after Friday, the IMh day of June,
head profit. Few farmers feed leas than tana, sell at private sale for raah In hand mib-
five bundrm I sheep or lamlis, most of jrct to the confirmation of the Court, all the
them over one thoiisau I lies I, and a few rishi. title. Interest and eetate, of the eaid
Myron R. Ptew. deceased, at the time of his
(ecd ten tliousaml.
A. I*. M iluua X.
Lakeside Inn,
. M M
parchasen b^
The splendid alfalfa field just East of tho Fair Grounds,
exactly a half mile from the present limits of the town and
in a direct line to tho Talley, under the main canal, is of­
fered in blocks, size 400x260 feet, with 60-foot streets and
20-loot alleys, and in larger blocks, 700x260 ft, containing
respectively 16 and 28 lota to the block.
The busiri«-» of latlmiug lamlia has
proven tn h,* so pr*>fitsWe in northern
Colorado that the farmers m the Fort
Collins district, comprising ;>arta of
l^rtmer, It eld and Fort Morgan «-onn-
ties, hate in their fems this eeasoti
something i,ter a million h«*u*l, making
tills district th«* goatc-t in the wmld as
Writ«* (<»r d«MTip(lrr piiiiphlr’,
All |»er«<»tiB knowing theniRetYe« In I lauib f<-o-liiig headqitarfvrs. Tide in­
<’«»ntevaner furnished if dmired.
d«*liir«| tn ihr tinderp|gn«*d are rrqueilvd dustry we» start«*.I ti(l<-vti years ago l»y
Tenun rvMaoiuibh*. Phone.
a farmer who had Ixiught 1,500 head ol
tn ejll awl «rit In at <»nee.
lambs on tlie Wyoming rang«* lor the
It. I*. Ureitmatein.
Try Vintti A a*»ii (nr new antf s«w owl piir|soe ,d shipping them to the Eastern
in ukcl. A l«li/.aard can-e-l him t«i tiu-
hand furniture.
l usd at Fort Collin* and pill Ins lambr
on feed. Tliev thrlviol so well and »<•
cheaply on c*irii an*I alfalfa hay that his
twiglilmr Imgan fee-ling lamin the follow
mg year The Inisine«* pruv«*«l so profit-
ablu that the nunila-r on fetal has
incr«*a-«*>l gradually until in |mint«if num
• *ers l«»l i Io- Fort Collins dietridl is now
Illi«- gr<*at,-st ill the worl«|.
death, and all the right, title and Interest,
Tin* farmers in the Fort Collins district
that the *aid estate has by operation of law or
The a I wive is taken front the Fire «nd otherwise acquired other than, or In addition
<■ ■utract a ith the fi'iek mart«*» on the
, Xeiv Mexu-o and Wyoming rang«*« «-arly Farmside «ml »liowe one of the future to that of said Myron R. I>rew at the time of
his death in and to the following described
rs m
c illan ProP'r.
| in the summer uK.fillia, usually May an*l IMteaibilitira of Klamath County. espec- real and personal property, to-wit ;
Inti«* l >r their lamin, Tlune lamin arc ialy alien sugar larets are grown, which
Certificate of purchase So. 13923 from th«
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites.
mate of Oreffon, for the following d*»crlbed
■hip|n*d !«• the "river” markets—St Joe. will lie the case liefore very long.
lands, to-wit: The SE‘4 of the NE’4 of Section
Sample Rooms, Bur Room, Parlors, Two Club
Kansas City and Chicago—from tire ran
Portland, Oregon, May 15, ISOS.
M Tp. 37 H. R. US 1 w M containing «0 arras.
g» with stop over when the Fort Collins
Rooms, Etc., Ete.
Also a certain Rond for Deed executed by E.
To the Voters of Oregon, Greeting.
country in reached, livre the lambs are
Gentlemen:—The undersigned lieg R Reams and Reams, Martin A Company,
Hept. 10, 1901, for the 9. E.
of the H. E. \ of
ttnhmded ainlilitven Isillte («*vding fiens,
leave to aiilmiit to you a few ot our rea- '
XI, B. W. »4 of the «. w. «4 of Hrc 34. Tp. 37
w lus h are Io In* practically on every farm. sons for asking you to ratify, by your al- Her
». n, n', S * «. >’ « 'i ot’th» X. K. \ ofn«c.
These |*en» are located on well drained
and H. K.
firmative votes, the amendment grant­ «. X W >, ol th« XW.. M',o( X. K
sites ami are well supplied with an abun­
of lb«
ing wpial rights to women, which has l»ot Hee J. X. W “ol ib» X. X.
X upon
dance io pure water. The lain!*» at the la-en place*! lief ire the voters through a
’d •<>
start are given all the alfalfa hay they
petition numerously sigm^l by the men t hun<lr*<l and twaniy-fir« dollar», payable «»n
will cat. Diffeient grains have lieen fed, of Oregon under the initiative and refer- j or before Oct 1. tww. wiih ini.reai at * per
but at present after many trials and ex- endnm
rent from Oet. 1. 190*. Inter«»! parabi« an
nnailr; Alao((U5> Us hundred and twen'y-
I«erimenb>, most of f<*e*lers use only coin
11». movement haa grown tinder your j „„ do|lar>
on of
and alfalfa. Alfalfa, the proteid, com
management, from the small beginning . iww. same Imereat; also (fS2A)als bundr««! awl
billing with corn, cailwhydiate, to form know n as the Marriol Woman'» Sole twenty-fire dollar*, payable on or before <*•
a well-l»alatic<‘*l ration. After the lambs Trader Bill, such vast proportions aa to lobcr I. 1*10, »am* Interest; al*o (ML*) »is
biindre*l and twenty-live dollar» payable oa or
Il e been on alfalfa hay for alamt three 1
attract the attention of the civilised
w««vks, corn feeding is commenced with world. A Constitutional Amendment belor« (letobar 1. l»ll. same Inter,-»!.
Alvo another Hood for I**ed execiiled by
of Klamath Falls, wholesales and retails all kinds
a half iiiinci* |u*r livad «laily which ia in- pro|HM>ing women's enfranchisement, Ream*-». Martin A Co. Jr. aud K. K. Ream«»
eraaseil gra.lually until they are getting
of lumber, from one stick to a carload. Over a
submitted to you in ISSt. brought us an for the loUowtns dew-ribed lands, lo-alt:
The SW, ot the NW> W>, of the SW'. ot
n |H>tind each al the end of u month
afilrmative voteol I1.SS3. Thia Amend-
quarter of a million feet on hand .> > > > > >
An average increase in the weight of niaut was again submitted to your suf­ !«ec. 11. and the XW>. af the XW', ot Hee it.
all in Tp. MH. K. II K. W. M. I'pon which
lam ha of ten |siunds per head per month, frages by T-egislative initiative in llM), there 1» pay a bl* («£i| S2) two hundred and
We Hare Purchased the
or alaiut forty poiintls for the feeding bringing ns a vote of Sti.SKh Although Ihlrty-on* amt »ixly-lwo one-hundredth» dot-
period, is considered a fair record, m ik- the population of the commercial cen- ' lar>, on or belor« October J. IWH. with Inter*,!
payable annually at the rate ot »1» per cant
to|f the lamlm weigh in the neighlsirhoon
t**rs bail more than doublol in siiteen from January 21, taxi Taie» to be paid by
which is beinu fully equipped with all modern
years, the “No" vote was was only in- | ' trantvr
crcasetl by 2?1, while the "Yea” vote j Alm the (ollosrlng .lewrib*.I real property,
machinery and skilled workmen and are prepared
The lamb hvders do not expect to was luginentesi by I5AM2. This, to us to-wlt: Ea»t>,ol SW. and
ol X»i, at
It. W. M„ Klamath
make a profit on the increased weight is a palpalde augury ol the triumph ' ¡Hee. Il Tp « M II.
to make anything from a clothespin to the finest
their lamb« tn i le in their feeding pens, which sre court lenity look to you to con­ ; I County.
Pat«d May IT. IMS.
cabinet at reasonable prices. >>>>>>
Iml count their profit as the increase in summate tor us on the 4th day of June
Admlnlatratrlx ol th* e»tale of Nyron H.
price of fat stuff marketed over the fee«i- by placing "X" between "3U3” anti Drew, deceased.
Promptness, Courtesy, Reasonable Prices and Good Workmanship
It. W. Kaus*. Attorney for AdmiulMralrls.
ers bought on the ranges, the original "Yea" on your ballots. I>o this anil
trill erer be our aim.
weight being the basis of calculation.
yon will honor our Hag of truce, the
Tin* increased weight inade in the |n*ns only power we can offer in our defense
usually costs as much as it brings * lien against the ballottetl forces ol the op-1 TIMBKR I.AXU. M-TJt’XK X lS7S-X<m< B
Outside orders given prompt attention.
position. t*o this, and yon will honor | I’nited Hist*« LawS Olrte*. Laksylew, Oregon
Telephone jftt.
The grain is fe«l in low troughs in n Oregon, your mothers and yourselvva.
Office at the Factory
separate iiiclosure, w likdi is do»« hot 11
Ami your petitioners will ever pray: ■ Xellce is hereby given that In cempUasce
to the corn bins and to the lot» where I he
the previsions of the set ot Congrosa o<
Abigail Scott Puniway, Honorary
sheep ate kept. The sheep when fed arc President <>r«*gon Equal Xntlrage Asso­ Jim« 1 1ST», entitled ".In set I. r the sale of
driven into tin* leeditig |a*t> and allowed ciation and State Federation of Wom­ ' timber lands in the States of California, Ore* -
i son, Nevada, ami Washington Terrlury." a»
to teiiiain there alaiut ten minutes.
an’s Clttlis.
esteaded Io all th* Public Land State* by sal
Alfalfa is kept in small nicks in the
Mr». Henry Waldo Coe, Prevident ol August 4. ISW.
Fred II. Mills,el Klamath Falta, enonty ol
pens where I lie sheep may g»t at it day Oregon Equal Suffrage Asaociation.
Klamath, alate ol Oregon, has thia day filed
or night.
Charlotte Moffett Cartwright, Presi­ In thlaofilc,* hla aaorn stateiuent No. :un, tot
Tin* construction rd seven sugar factor* dent Woman's Pioneer Auxiliary Asao- tb* perchase of ike ar,XK1 . an.l Xk’.Sg'i
ie« in this section in the |>ast four years ciation.
j ot Section Xo. to. in Township No. m Bomb ,
lias aided the sheep feeders greatly.
Sarah X. Evan», PresMent Oregon Range No.» K W M, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable ,
The tops of th« Islets in the fiolds are Federation of Women'» Association.
tor Ila limber or atom- than for agricultural t
considered to lie moat nutritious single
Esther C. Pohl, M. D.,
I’reaiiient purposes and to establish bis claim to said
feed known, ap|a*atii>x to contain w ithin Woman's Medical Association.
land before the Clerk of Klaiualli CMaty Ore­
Ihemselves a well-balanced ration.
gon. at hie oSt«v at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on
Thuradny, the 2nd day ot Angus!, iRB.
Farmers now receive three dollars per
Whenever yon want freight from the
He names as wltiMasea: H A Willis, It H
a< re for the prlvelege of allowing sheep railroad rend an order to Jas. B. Moore
Henry, John Scballuck.and Jack glmbsll »11
to range their fields after the beet crop al Pokeganm and you will get your ' ol Klamath Falls, Oregon.
lias lieen harvested.
Any and all persona claiming adverarly the
freight promptly.
above-described lands ar* requested to file
The pulp remaining from tho lieet after
Can you »ell Klamath county proper­ th*lr claims lu thia offica on or befor* said 2nd
the sugar has been extracted is consider­ ty? If so nee or write E. B. Hall, Lib- day of August, ISO». J. N fitaa, Register.
ed of gmat value as a ration, especially eral terms to agent».
Farming, Dairying,
Stockraising and lumbering
Patronize Home Industry
Official Election Ballot for U k
The Long Lake Lumber Company
lentoa Co—«y
Fot AUor >#y Gsnsral
For Stata Mat»
ao V «*”"•*** wtLitS
et Watt««««» C—*
For Pommia st oner ot Labor
of Factoría» and Workshops
hoff . o r
w m « h ««« i « a c~<r
la Congressional District
For Bopc—enttivo In OMi<r—
as \>HA<riVr. WILLI« c
«f Rasiaa