Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 24, 1906, Image 4

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£ J. MURRAY, Editor.
conthlenre of the profile of thi» «tale.
Ill« Hi»« From Poverty.
hoiH*«t in the a<luihii»triti m oi the of-
fire <4 Govern,» ; «III noi <«tl» I* honor­
with able anti coni|»unt neelatanla.
Nothing .li.lion<>nil>le mil ><cvi»r during
«iMwmminiiallh that i« high I v gratifying
lila a-liiiitiialrallui.
'Hellevina il for the Isot interrala of
the grv.it S ale ■>( lfregoli, I «hall Vote
tear. Thr.ll
Arrtr. ho«u«
- M**l Krida«
“ Pall free«
« Rlam«» a»«mga
lo hi, many friend* w > hi knew him a» h
Hriiggling young man amidrt hi« neigh-
Sir» in Waahingtmi c.>iiiity. AVIiat en- lor ami lalmr to m-i-nre hl» election.
rmiragement (or the |«»>r, hard work­
“|-, n l»,Aacv.M
!9, llkil. in I'niori Square, New York indictment, which accuses them of
City. a»aoci»te<l with such loyal Anieri- I i fraudulently gaining imaoevsion ol he-
I can cittaens as lisniel B. Dn-kieon. John tween .MAK) and t»kkl aeres oi rich Gov-
Amendment. Vol« Y m or No.
A. Dix. Henry J. Raymond, the noted : eminent timlier laud in Curry nmnty.
30». Yw.
eilitor. the di»lingui»lied law yer. JagMi» Most ot ih ■ men haw Iweu placed under
3«. No.
T. Brady, the son id au Irishm.iu, and arrest, and the Ismds <4 each have been
For Amendment »o the Local Option
General Thouia' Francia Meagher, na fived at from filUM to (2lW. The ac-
1-aw Giving Anti-EndiihitiokMli and
against the Republican nominee for tive-born In«huian. nrada that eloqent ‘ cased men are:
rrohibitionMt« F>)ual Privihagaa. Vole
Governor in the hojie of winning votes an I |>atriotie I'nion mldrcs*
Oregon men indicted: Jeremiah limit-
Ye» or No.
for the Ik-mocrativ candidate.
D’Arcy thrilled the North and show ml w hat the ley, -Amos S. Johnson, John 11. Miller,
304. Y m .
will not countenance awch procedure, spirit of the people would be when Frank A. Stewart and William T. Kerr,
Wife. No.
ami plainly says so. Though a life-long aroused to put down the rebellion w hich all <4 Curry county.
Far Law to Abolish Toll« on the
Itemoerat, he denounces the un-Ameri­ had been inaugurated without reason or
California men
indieted: Warren
Mount Hood and Barlow Komi ami ITo-
can methods that have Is-eu adopted cause.
Gillelnii, Richard llynea, M. M. Kiley,
viding for it« Ownanbip by th« «tate.
proclaim« himself a supfairter
Tongre Also an Englishman.
lav IL Myers. A. II. Ilwlderly, If. W.
Vol« Y«a or No.
of Dr. James Withyemulie, the Republi­
“Why condemn Dr. Withyeombe (or Kenney, J «.-oh C. Cross. Ikmahl W.
300. Ye«.
can nominee. In a letter to The Ore­
307. No.
being an Englishman born, when <me of Goodwin. George L Stearns and Wil­
gonian, li« saya:
For Conrtitntion«! -Amendment 1‘ro-
nnr ablest Congressmen. Thoma« II. liam T. tioukl. all id I sm .Angeles, and
“.As a citixen of Oregon. I cannot help
Tcngne. was an Englishman by liirtli? Richard D. Jiineo, William II. Smith
viding Method vi Ameadjng CoMtitu-
bit express in a public manner my ex­
tion and Applying the Referendum of
“I have uo |Mttiem-e with the A. P. A. and Fred IV. Dennis, all of San Fran­
treme disgust at the cheap. |<eanut poli­
all Ijtwa Alerting Constitutional Con­
spirit that would condemn «nd pruacrilv cisco.
tics resorted to in the present campaign
Th« charge: The imlietment alleges
vention« and Amemlmentr. Vol« Ye«
. a man on account of hi« birthplace or
by those who are endeavoring to pre­
•r No.
bis religion, if he is a wertiiy American ' that these men conspired together to
vent the election of Dr. AVitliycumbe.
I citixen. I trust that uo one will be mis- | defraud the tier-riiment <4 Iwlween
3M. Yew.
“The only charge made against him is
309. No.
led by such nonsense, such an appeal SlXM) and fAXkl acres in Curry county in
that he was born in England, as if such
to the prejudices and fosaiona of men the Roseburg Ijnd District. It is said
For Conatitutional Amendment Giv­
an incident should disqualify a person
should mH be tolerated in a country like I that tlie first plan was t»gat 30.UM acres
ing CUi«« ami Town« Exclusive Power
for the office of Governor. No other ob­
•airs. It is the boast of our people that of Government land- Entrynien were
to Enact and Amend Tbeir Charter«.
jection so far has I wen urged against Dr.
Vot« Ye« tw No.
any fierson may anpirw to tl»e highest of- induced to tile upon the claims with the
Withvcoaili«. He is acknowledged even
310. Y m .
the in this state if he is worthy, no mat­ understanding that they were lo he
by his political enemies to be honest, |
ter w hat may lie his birthplace or his turned over tu tin* conspirators.
Ml. No.
qualified and competent in every rv«|>ect
i religion. I «ft us all maintain this pria-
For CuoditBtional Amendment to Al­
I have Iraartl from Ihr Klamath
to discharge the duties of the office lo
j eiple intact and not lie swerved from
low the State Printing, Binding ami
Canal Co m pa nr ami J. lì. Conger all
which the people of this state have
this course by the ignoble apfieal» w hicti
Printer*« Compenaation to be Regulated
frv«l on II m » ranchrr otnwl hv lheae ¡»ro
nominated him. His private life, char­
are being indulged in to defeat Dr.
hr Law at Any Time. A’ote Yea or No. i
pir, mv I all stuck trea|M*raii»g <»n Ihrrv
acter and public record are beyond re-
132. Y* m .
prvmiiM*« «UI hr im | m mi mied.
, preach. He is a model gentleman in
Student and Philanthrop at.
113. No.
j every particular. Coming to the State
Bin! Locale?.
“Dr. Withyeombe is a student in
For Conatitotional Amendment for
( ol Oregon as a boy of 17. through liis in­
scientific pursuits; a person who ha«
the Initiative ami Referendum on Lx-al 1
Wo have a frw thonaand dollaro lo
domitable courage and individual efforts
usal every effort to have laws passed for loan on farm Ulula, siimiI Ioana prr-
special and Municipal Lam and Parti
without the ahi nt advantitious circum­
ti Law«. Vote Yes or No.
the protection of poor, dnmb animals, a irrrr»!. Interrai H ¡» r ernt on long Imir
stances in his favor, lie lias risen to a
philanthropic and genial gentleman with ' Ioana. Corn tu ihn ion 3 jmr ceni.—Maaon
314. Yee.
position to command the respect and
SIS. No.
reserve, dignity an<l talent. He will Im A Nlongh
rwor<i«Kt>.T ivtTiATtrg rrrrrtos.
P. H. D'Arcy, of Salem, is one of the
well-known Oregon Dem.wrats who ha«
no hesitancy in expressing his disgust
for the methods that are 'icing pursued
by the Democratic campaign managers
in their efforts lo create a prejudice
t m * t im IW5
able hini-*lt, hui « ill aurrottad himself
••Flow, • I«»-
farmer hoy, Unaided by
wealth -w «|«i-i.il a>lvai>ta*«i. he hiwoh-
tmnel a »landing in the affair« >4 thia
ing young man t<> think of the great poa-
•Halitiea there are in thia ismntry for
him hy following in the footatepa ami
For Ihll for a I*tw l*r<>htl4ting Free oliaervtng the advancement made hy Dr. Idind Frauds 5(111 on th« Docket
r»w Diaci mun at ion by Railre*! Com* AVithycotniie. The genina of mtr i.i-
panie» au I tit tier I hl bl to S-rvuvCmpar- «titnti’Wia ia noti.v-ible in the career ami
The^MTMirry <4 .latv hwe preparml
Bankers, attorneys, phvsieiana and
endeavor of I'r. AV itliycomlv.
•lion«. Vote Y re or No.
♦he for* r>l ll.e Imllut for the MMr elee-
* lki th.ue wlui undertake to lielittle • others of wealth and prominence are
SIH. Ye«.
♦ion Joete *h, ■« fur a. .tale and <i->
Dr. VVithycnoilie, laiauai-. forsooth, he • confronted with charges o| conspiring
«17. No.
♦riet noHMaev* and init.live ami rrlrr-
i lodelraml the Government in an in-
Foran Act Iteipiiriiig Slerning Car «raa l»*rn in England n alite that one ol
emlnm raewore«
are ««meerned. A
' dietmenl, which wa» returned by the
C<«W|«nire. Reiriitrratoe Car tYwwpnmee
huge maaaber M the hatter will be op for
Federal grand jury April I*, the details
and Oil Companie. to |>ay an Aniiaal
eonaidermm« and th* voter wiU dir well
ol which were held ill il-iseal see rec v by
Ijceoae l'|««i Grane Earnings. Vote an Englialiman l»>rn? He and -M-nalor
♦o Mndy Ihvea np d be »odd »me in-
Neainilh »too.1 by the Vuion. He »m the Government authorities up to Sat­
Ye« ar No.
♦elligently. They will be priatmion the
th« Jieer of any native «on. He war a urday. when they were brought to
SIX. Yre.
oltteial baDot aa follow» T
brave «ml gallant soldier who gave hi, light. The indictment is one of the
319. No.
noeimawnv aargB.«iH-w rsTmow
life in defeiiae <4 our inatilnttoua in most important dndings in connection
For an Art Requiring Expreea
olwdioncw to a spirit of loyalty to our with the llri-gon laml frauds irliirned
Maiataining Inaanw Aaylnna, PMiMenti* panie«. Telegrapli Companies an.i
tiovernruent that every »incerv lover oi 'luring the sewsion of the grand jury
phone Companie« to pay an Annual
ary. iMaf-Miile. Blind school, Vniverai-
liiwrtv i-vmmend«. When 'Idoody trea­ which recently ctoaed, ami is the last to
een«e u|>on Grere Earniugs. Vote
♦y, Agricwltiiral College anti Normal
son douriahe.1 o'er the land* Senator Ba i l>e given fmlilicily.
or No.
•chnoh toe ApprovedT** Vot«Ye«orNo.
In all IH men, iu istly wealthy citiseus
ker, th« English man, did m>t hevilatc !
300. Y m .
to do his duty. This same native liorn I , of California, haw been brought within
331. No.
301. N il
Englishman on Saturday night, April • the sliadow oi tlie penitentiary by this
Klamath Falls, Ore., Thursday, May 24. 1906.
• A V
A JA A w
4 Ab M
Tfl* -
f!» -
M» -
flrtb •
»:» A. M.
tl-4» *
tr UN» *
ItrtV F M
ttrt» *
Jo let« .t"«ti aeri-s pa-dnre li<» the Kt
r.MitVR i »•’».
M’sr b , 1**1» -F<»r m
son, 17 intles Inim Vania« ■ rfmiei g<«»i
re« ri hi irAtiow
lemw ami almmlam* of waler. Also
two lacks for sale.
Enquire “» Miuiw-
rnii*4 *!••*• I a*4n*lre f ab*« em. rtr*r«n
februer, lì. I4t* Noi irai» b«oaby g *•« ifg|
In enin pl len*« «»th ih« pr*«lBl*ne «f lb* eel
nt < »»ng♦•*• of Jun* I. IBÎB •ullll*4 **<■*•*
forth* tilt «4 iimh*r lamie In lb*
t elllarnla <rt*g«m. Re«e*la an* Waablbfi«*
frittine,,* aa ••»«tnletl m all ib* Publie
I an-» Blame br ari *f 4«Wu»< f t**’ Harr* I.
H«w»ll»«»l nt Klamaih Fella emme, ot K laaeaiW
Mate «<<**•**).
>b»a «U, Rl*«4 la ible
ntlA* hl» *««ea •ra»*m*ni 4h* tail l>e ibe
pnr'b«*« nf IM 1»,
It. Tp ia a ■ u ■
W M genl «UI atkr pr*»<»4 I*
lb* lan«l amiabi la nur« »aluabl* In* n« D m
Wr nr *«<>*w fbau for agrl*uhur«l purpea««
a»<l la eelabllab ble «lal* »• aai«l laa4 balare
<4«a Ibaetaln.l'a. I'terb al bl* pUrm «t bi al
•aaa al Klamaib Fall*. OregaUg
Ibe ie»b «las of Ma,, ie** H» naewa aa «If
n«a»**: Wai l.aahua. Oa*af N«»tib »4 Slamai*
Fall*. <W . H W n»w«r Far*trai gfcall. «f Kase
Am an4 all paraon* rlalMlng a4t«ra«l* ibe
abnaa^teaerlbml lami* ar« rrq««ai«l ,« tie
ib«ir ila»ma in lb.a <»•«* aa ar Bakr« aai4
ibh 4ar «f Mar. im J 0 WaimH. Bag'»'«'
B I «B
g<"'««. Keno, Oregon
F<at.4*tn- III inch dr i pit.e wmkl <1«
tiverr«l any place hi town.
I a > w
ffrlmonl Feed yanls.
laa«, lvi*.«—
Afrit. IM«i«
Kl.in.ih «|>r>n**
“ P.II <',*•»
- Blr*l Krl.lt«
i '♦ Hr|tta
•• Thr.il
F. T. 4 nm « vt .
(«viirra! Nanggrr.
Nntke For PuMfcattoW.
III* !»*ierl«*r
April 14 ’**
MrHir* 14 h*r*hy git**
nNiwnl wilier
ilrsl mil«*
tn Mat* final propf tn •Wpp*»l
an«I lhel r*M
«III Ue m*l» •»(•»€* Ik«
T Paldwie. JiMfr <»f KI*i*a»t»<xnnrlT. <»r*fnn
■I hie oflra al Klam*»h Fall«. «»»**•".
«W Ain* I** *»• »•*»» * »Verba II R
I For Sale- SSOaeren go<nl farming laml
«•I for iha W'jXW'gaibl "
4 ***» »< T|> It
, tan mile« tin« "’eat of Klamath Falla al
• H . 11 K W M
fl.’» per acre. Alan my home ranch at
II* *•«••« ih* folio«»»»e «»»♦»«•••»• »«• i»r»»t*
Kern«, Oregon. IL A. Emmilt. If
Ida eonilnitmia rvaul*in * u|n>a •«»»! wwhltnu»»*
of aaUI Un«|. vis :
Notte« o< I lling linai Accwwnl.
R I. KHgwe.ll K VenRIpw. A»hn Rr^lbur*
Nulle* I» hrr*b»
»hai Mila» <>b*nrhs»R, an I W W Ww*«. *H ol RsHtania i»r*t«in
j R. Wave
a«li»iui*t retar <»l thè
<R »bari*« Bull«*,
ha« flirti hi« inai arrouni *»• bis ad«
miniai rati«»*; and ihal ih* l'unti ha« fl«a»l
Maturila,. Ita«* *»h day «4 Mas A D IBUB ai
ih* h«M»t «»I WoVhMtH •»< »alti dar al Iha rt-url
rn««m •»( ih* cuuaiy c«M»rt. la tb* «il, <»t
Klamaib Falla. < *»*<»»«. sa tba ile«* ami pia*«
tur hrariug ob^uMluue and arti ha« «aid a*-
Da»*d al Klamaih Falla. (>r«*<tt«i. itala lai day
•I Ma> mia.
mi MI
Adiumialralur al I ha «alala ol Chat Ira Rul­
lar. dvvraaotl.
Klamath County Abstract
Notice to Creditors.
Nolle« la b*r*B, given that th* underitgnrd
lisa brail ap|u>in»*d. by Ih* 1‘tuin», ‘«»irt ut
Klamath county. Oregon. a<tmlnl«iratrli ul
th«» ratal* ul J»»arph A. Or a I MB m. tlrrMtnl.
All pnrwna having vlain»« aaaluat »ahi «••
lai* ar* Bel I Bed io present th« «am* tu ma al
Lorella Oregon. duly verified a« by law r*
qulred. within all month« from tbs data id
ihia mu lee.
¡»aied al Klamaih Falla. orrt«»a. thia Vd
day of May. IWM.
Hannah L Ho wart.
Adminl«irairll nl th« »«tala ut Joseph A.
lira bam. do>*waaod .
H W Kaeaw. Attorn«, for Idmr.
a as at
Th* I'iuneer Atwtrnat office .4 Klamath t'ownty. orer-«
Have von a Ditch to survrvT Is vour I'rejierty I ins in deublT
Title iw-rtcctr We have • complete Aletra. I and Kuginerring offirs
*Mm> 9. O. *M 1«. Klams»» IW1«. <>*•«••
Pure Bred Stallions
Notlca I* Cradltoea
Sei ie* I. h*r*l*r «ivaa I..I 10* u.d«rM«n*.l
h*. h**n ilnl, • i >| h M bi *>I. b, ih. Creair Cearl
oi K «m.lh eonnly. Or*«.n. *i**ul<* ui Ib*
salata ot l>«nl*l l'ol**ll n*»-*«.«.l
«Il i«*ro*n. havina c lal m a «aam.i ol.l ••
tai* sr* nolia*<l In |-r*«a*l th. mm * tu m* at.
N*rrlll. Or**aa. <1.1» v»rl«*<l a. b, la* t»
«nlraal. alibin oi. munia, Iraa. tba 4at, *1
ibl* nmlo*.
t*i*4 ai klamalh Talla. n**«on Ma» 1*4
Itireulnr of lb.MUl.nl haalal calnall. -!*•
M w K**u*. AUorna» for aa**ui**.
X X»»l.
Notke For IhiMkAthm.
rwpspimsni oi Ih* Interlor. I.sn<l Oflto* at
l.ak»*i**. Oregon. Aprtl H. t<*
Si.1'1'* I« h»»-h - C -
nam«--! a*!’.*r »at h *d n»- « h » of ».»• 'ntmllcm
lomake flna) prool iu • .r; -r*
h •
» -u
and thai «aid ¡»Ti»uf will bc »aa*l* l<*i -r* .•
C haat ai n. C nun ly Clark . at h.« olbcai plhc*
butliiM« at Klamaih Fall«. Oregon, «»n Ju4* I.
Iloa, rls: William X. Willana. »< w tba
4. Tp <» * R . » K W M
Ile nata*« f ha ft»IW»w ing wltneeaa« ta prnra
bla cont laii(M)« rwaideiM* npnn and tulliraH*»n
of «a»d land. via:
J K Hallard. Albert Aiahlman. Th>»m<« Mar.
tin and t'lay Ralli*, ali of Klamaib la la. <»ra*
4 I» *34
Is yonr
ewm. WaM ya
Buff Cochin Chickens
I’lione, IVIrairB 14
Largest and Best Equipped Stables in Southern Oregou
o. T. <>LIVrl€H.
< » T .
On the Melhase place eight nnles south ol Klaiiuith
Falls will tv in service every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat­
urday for the next three months. Mares will be pastured.
Ability for darniges. Charges iio for season.
J. M. W<vam'«,
*r. F*. Ct? J. Ly. fAlkotrt
Will, about the first week in
May, offer for sale Lots in the
This property is very favorably located, and we shall make such improvements upon it as to make it attractive to those
wishing to build nice homes.
We shall grade the streets.
We shall lay cement sidewalks.
We shall provide perfect drainage.
We shall construct sewers.
We shall provide a water system.
We shall secure electric lights.
We shall have a great hotel on the tract.
We shall make a park around the splendid Hot Springs, situated almost
in the center of the Tract.
We shall hay'e the depot of the California Northeastern Railway.
We shall have a Street Car system as soon as required.
Easy Terms: One-third cash; balance one and two years at six per cent