MIN QUID? »tVroSo VACHINE*. Spring Humors WII 01 ÎHf YOLINGSHRS Impure or effete matters accumulated in the blood during tlx- winter cause in the .spring su< li disfiguring and painful troubles as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also weakness, loss of appetite and that tired feeling. '1 lie best medicine to take to rid yourself of them is Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the blood, and effects ¡»ermanent cures by giving healthy fuiji tion.il activity to the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin. Ibis is the testimony of tens ot thousand'» who have taken this great spring medicine. Accept no substitute for Hood’s Sarsaparilla, but in­ sist on having Hood’s and get it today. Sold by druggist» everywhere. Uau»l form, liquid, or In new form, tablets, 100 Dose» One Dollar. !» A RIAL KING IN AMERICA THE OLD PRECEPTRESS. Bfan Ilf Great A IM l»l I In** Bild Wraith I'nuld Maks < ring«, ■ ks Claus •» |u>crlts Is? Johnny Tes, ma'am, it'a u boy what comas to school with a smile on his faco. Mamma —Hut, dear, th» g' boo oo I "Mamma.” •nld little EHIe a« the looked up from her liook of Bible •turlM. "1 don't believe Solomon waa an rich as ¡»eopte think.” "Why not. my dear?” naked her rnotfier. "Becanae,” replied the unall Inveatlgator, ”thl« book «aya ’ba alept with hla father«.’ and If ha wa« no awfully rich 1 gu«w* tie would have had a l**d of hla own.” Wliat about I lira« aona of tin* rich, There are few things more cruel than three prltirv« vf our money arlstoc ridicule can be. and few wrongs to racy? How much chanr« la thrr« Hint friendship greater than to hold up to one of them will develop the gvnlua of mockery l»-iilnd Ills l>nn In tt.« right way'to laugh, lanigb tu |mas And If there should arise in ' ut li«*r one uiuat.for a qu«-«*rvr (bough this land a man of-thirty or forty who, in I dearer old lady never lived. starting with two or three billions Kb*’ wore ti»e clotb«** of n begone era fownevt or rontrnlled by him) ahotild he never cbnnglng her ffthlilona; she (real enough to bruah aside the tram (bought Itk thoughts, «<*rlouMly die mels of Indolence aud temptation, trinding (be uk » n ( lune mail, uot svau to Napoleon, So stu­ grnndduiightcr of one of her old ptiplla CAT'S ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE. pendous a chance as this to wield ah (vruifd tb*‘in, wbh'b were nt once tlx «•■lute power, crrut enough flually to deliglrt nnd the dcnpnlr of her friends. ■ Real KWorl« lo llrown Il«elf In n Use hla two or three billon.» to its full Mho hnd been taught, for Inntsncti llweke, ut Water. |>otrullallty, then well, there would that wnMc wui n »In. (JotneNpicntly Ito animate etcr commit aulddo? The eurely be interesting history made lu •be would throw nothing away, nnd h<-r Imlnt la ralaed by a mleut who that man a lifetime! U’c have had our prcinlsM were burdened ultb the most vouchee for the following facta: Iron kings, rsUroad king«, copper I (»repoeteroua accumulnttona of rubbish, "A small tabby eat In our [«Maeealon king«, sugnr kings nnd others, but She an vol old ncwa|Mi|M*ni and present- recently develo(>ed an affe<-tlon of the there Is one kind of king wv Lave uot eo, which Junior mvmlieni of the family. Pussy'« S geest minded despot without con- were continually escaping from forgot* eysn. however, continued to give her gcleme <>r tiounds to bls ambition, on» ten ro*rpfaclvH to ennnnrc the fret of trouble, and she wandered about the tn comparison to whom our Rockefel­ unsuspecting visitors. Kb** was odd house In a ¡aa-ilah. Irritable frame of lers end <’nrnt*g‘»s would seem like nllke In napect, mnnnen« nnd hnbltn; mind, rejecting all affectionate over blundering l.egluuern? Already our mill her *|**<•<• h wna |M*rhnpi* the oddeat turea. One day laat week one of the mllllotuilre ningiintea have begun to of all. for nbe never spoke colloquially, maids h-ft a pall of water at the foot buy our courts and legislatures, to enr but Invariably employed wbat »be her of num» steps lending to the garden. rupt our cities, tn debauch the public •elf uiico designated n* "thnt elegance Two memtsrs of the family uiw punay eonaclenee, tie would finish the work ateim nnd prvclalnn of language w hlch nlonn deliberately walk down the and do It thoroughly, he would make In-fit a the lipa of n gentlewoman In straight Into the buckeL and to all ap- the laws, own the newspapers, sub»! penranr'ce calmly resign bermdf to ; polite society.” dltc churches and colleges, mold public I But no on wbo wan n "gentlewo­ drowning. 8he waa rescued, dried and opinion, direct the machinery of Ju« man” could have ridiculed tier, an no set In her banket by the fireside, to be tire control the Industries, the bank«, one bl «••nr? I with humor could have fnll warma-d back to a more reasonable view th» Insurance companies, the coudl- *•1 t<> be nmmoNt Hhe whm of too kind of life. tions of labor, regulate supply and "Ko long aa a watch wan kept upon tv. a nd. fix prices, absorb profits, cen n soul, too charitable a tongue, too arrvne and fine n temper. Once an III her pussy stayed by tho fire. The mo­ treble everything, bo everything Why ment It whs relaxed she again walked not? Even aa things are, baa the wo.l.l dlM|M»*«*d woman hnd lied about her i Into the bucket of water, which wan any klug more powerful than J. I*. although the lie ¡w>•*••***•*?. an the most still In Its original poalttom. Thio time trvublraome Ilea ununlly do. nt (lie I f »t Morgan or John I). IO«'k«feller? Ro­ the rat would certainly have drowned teember how Europe cringed to Mr tom of It* ulld exaggeration* Ju*t th hud aba nut been observed In time. The grain of truth aulll«l»*nt to innke It lie Morgan at his Inat visit, with emper llrvable. The old Indy learned of h fnct that nite de 11 be ratal? went twice to ora seeking Ills favor and prln<-»« wait- nnd wii d<«cp|y grieved, latter a the water would neem to Indicate that tng at Ills door. A real king? M'liv, even tabbies can tire of life and wish We practically have two of them «I- friend. In ftprnklng of the offender t- to put an end to an existence which has her. rnllrd He nnd Ihtr by their plnlu ready! I'lsvclaud Moffutt lu Succass mt! new ; but a he appear«*«? perturbed lieutM more of a burden than a plea» Magazine ure."- Ixmdon YlulL und made a slug of dlsnrtit. llrolsen and Mended, "Well, what In ahv. then. If ahe Isn’t On swspt the little red automobile n liar?” challenged the Indignant < ham Familiar. that waa built for two. A large touring automobile contain­ pion of truth. “You you seem ao quiet.” whls Tin» ancient pre<*rptrrii? and gentle ing a man and his wife In a narrow pored the beautiful girl, anxiously. “Is woman ^Iglied, and did not nnnwor nt road met a liny wagon fully loaded. there anything about this machine on«*e. Then alie nand con "Yea.” hissed ths tall man at her my dear, that Henrietta la addicted tended that she was unreasonable. able, bitterly. "My heart.” "Hut you can't back the automobile to hyperbole.”—Youth » Companion. Feeling remorseful at having Jilted so fur,” ah» »aid. 'and I don't Intend Idr n tlflraf Ion Nrreaeary. him so cruelly the beautiful girl leau to move for anybody, lie should have "la your mlatreas at home." Inquired seen ua." ed over and added: • "Cheer up, George! If,your heart la Mrs. Itoreni. standing In the shadow of The husband pointed out that tills the doorway. really broken we can stop at a repair waa lmi«'sslble, owing to an abrupt "I don't know, ma'am." replied the turn In the road. all op.” "Nonsense! What kind of a repair servant. "Can’t tell whether she's home "I don't care," she Insisted. “I won't or not till I git n k •■■■I nt y.- If move If we have to say here all tilghL" Shop could mend a broken henrt?*’ ye bov s wart on ttie able o ’ yer "Why. the parsonage, George!” The man In the automobile was start­ Twenty minutes later the "repair noae, ma'aui, she uln'L”— Philadelphia ing to argue the matter when the Ledger. shop" was reached. fanner, who had t>een sitting quietly on a------------------------------------------------------- the bay, Interrupted. "Never mind, sir," lie exclaimed. "I'll try to back out I’ve got one Juat like her at home.”—Phllndelphtlt I,edger. CJSTOIU 9 o<> D rops ] E The Kind You Have Always Bought t.>! !.• i I’ rvpninuuiiiur/m rcpnrntion for As -W< I For Infanta nnd Children. I slmilatimj IhcEotxl and licitila - I luig the Stomachs and Bowls of I nfan is .♦’( Bears the hiluki n !. rronClc.s Dige3lion.ChfcrruF ■ ne»» nnd Rest.Cunlaii» nciilwr ! | a num.Morphine norMuicroL ., ot Signature of N arcotic . In Use For Over Thirty Years I Aperteci liemeity for Consti™ lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoen Worn» .Convulsions lewnsh- lu-ss ami L ohs of S leep . Facsimile SuliuUfirt of NEW' YORK. La —\ EXACT COPY or WRARPER. lls»a The Vole» ot I'rua.iic. Robert—old and black, and of no superfluous courage had allowed hit master's flery thoroughbred to get away from him nt the stable floor, and gu careering off net»»« country, ••What wits the trouble, Kotiert?” nnkptl M h master. “Were you afraid of IHxey?" Robert shuttled his feet mutinously, and niutterel something under bls breath. "'Frnld? Ole Robert 'frald? No. nub, I ain't '/raid er ary a hon» eber foaled." he replied, with great dignity. “Hut w'en er ho»» 'gin ter ramp roun' en pull at de rope, sunip'n hit keeps n-w'lsperln', 'Tu'n 'Ini loose! Tu’n 'lm looso!’ twel I let him go !" Not for Sfrnn*rr«. "What In the world doea that mean?” naked the traveler through a sparsely settled region on the Cape, “There'» no huc I i place on my roadmap.” The man whom lie nddressed first took a lelaurely survey of the traveler and Ills horse, and then turned hla eye« towaril the weather beaten sign which bore tho single word. "TOI*- 1'IM.” "That In't a nntne,'.’ ho said, with dig­ nity ; "It'» Jeat an Indication. It mean», 'To Ixitig Pond one tulle.’ “It'a plain enough to folks from near by that's hunting for the pond, and we don't reckon on strangers taking much Interest.” • When n man takes Ills wife's picture with him when he leaves town, she Is three times as long In dlscoverltu that he doesn't take her, as »tie would lu> If he didn't. Pay a man of fifty a compliment, and when he walks away he will car­ ry himself as If ho were ten years younger. There Is no other disease quite so contagious as gossip. (•«•IrHs«»" r»o»e «• N»eb«l.,r«. “I hnv» fieeri wond<-rlng for »u»rrie time, " aald Hi» glrl In tlie stilt» shirt waist. wbO uses ali of tlsise little hand sewing niachlnew thst we sell uow adayw Yeeterday I fouml out. It la tlio men. 1 haf preceding experiences 1 knew It must be so, and 1 fancy that If «earns bad voices a goodly number of them could tell of their origin on hand «ew lng ma- chinos that have la-en run by the ba< h- »lore of New York." New York Proa«. T he W inning S troke • • • » . HOW TIGER KILLS HIS PREY Altarka 1 »on th. Klank and Hr.«,« th. Animal*« N.«k. 1 have taken considerable trouble to find out bow tigers kill largo game, writes un aaxlsiattt controller of for- ft* La at I’erah. Some time ugo I was asked to come and ace a full grown bul­ lock that hud been killed by a tiger. On examining it I found the animal had Ila neck broken and tliere were claw marks on the now» and »boulder, but nowhere else. There was no doubt Unit the tiger had Jumped at the bull and lam let 1 ou the shoulder and when the bull turned his head to gore the tiger lie must have put bls claw out and with a sudden Jerk broken the neck. Ou another occasion I went to a young buffalo which had been killed by a tiger «nd found the same thlug marks on the nose and also on the rear shoulder, which clearly Indicated tluit thia animal had been killed In the same way. Malaya who have actually seen a tiger killing a buffalo told me they aaw the same thing happen, also that In dragging off a heavy earcaaa such aa buffalo or bull be geta most of the weight across bls shoulder. Thia must be fairly correct, aa I have often followed a kill and the marks left Indicated that ouly a |sxr- tlon of the animal was trnlllug along the ground. 1 have knowu a full- grown bull which ten men could not move dragged for two miles by a tiger in heavy Jungle, where roots of trees and swaiqp had to Is- gone through. In no canes have I m>n the pug marks facing the wrong way except when stopping to feed, which proves he must carry a iwirtlou of the animal over his shoulder. The old idea of a tiger killing large game by a blow from his paw Is non­ sense. Besides, In this country a tiger never faces his prey, but attack» him ou the flank unless charged. Another curious fact that may aeem like a fairy tale Is that a tiger does not seem to mind a small lamp being tied over a kill about ten feet high, but will come and feed, I have known three oceitslons whvu this has been tried, and each time a tiger has come to feed upon the carcass. FRihltin I'lnle Pretty lilt th«- Mark. Loufsvlfl«. W Ï ufqrnia R g S yrup Near 5>n Francisco. ¿»L • omrwhat Chilly. Tom—How did you know the girl 1 "Shay, off'sher," the man with the liquid burden remarked to the police was juat talking with Is from Boston? Jack—I beard you sneeze twice dur­ man, “shoe all 'em houses ruunin- by?" "Sure." replied the policeman good ing the conversation. bumoredly, "I see them.” TO Ct'M A COLP IN OXK DAY “Well, when nnm’r alitwent'fi’ BROMoqnlnl«.T«bl«v Droe comesh 'long slitop It. causbe 'at'« Tak.LAXATIVE V1«U r-fund money If a m. to cuss. E. W. GHUVL'ö Signatur« is on each box. 2ic. mine!”—Philadelphia Ledger. Have You Ever Caed Bemis Bags? Too Bet! S100 Reward, >100. Stranger—I don't like your weather. It The reader« vf th!» paper will be pletaed tc learn that there to at least one dreaded disease it too fluctuating end nncertain. that acleaco haa been able lo cure in all Ito Mr. Old»-I*ort—Why, great Scott! ■tagrs. an t that is Catarrh. Hall « Catarrh Cure 1« the only poottivo cure known to the That'« its charm. I've already made *2,- medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con»titu- 000 this year by betting on it. Uonal di»eaRe, require« a constitutional treat­ ment. Hall ■ Catarrh Cure u taken internally, acting directly upon the Mood and mucous VRT on . BOWABD r...-Ávt»T9T and <'hemtat, I surfaces ot the system, thereby d« «troylng tho iseadvilie. < uiurad«A >prctnien prke«: Gold., fuun lation of the <11 «ease, and giving the po­ silver, I»>*ad, |i ; Gold, Silver, TSv : Gold, 50c ; Zinc or i llen t strength by budding up the constitution < ripper, fl. Cyanide tev’n Mailin* **nvel«-p**« and an 1 assisting nature in doing it« work. The nill price Hat wnt on application. Control and Um­ proprietors have so much faith in its curative pire Work Aulici led. lirlcivuc«; CaXbuuaK Na­ powers that they offer ono Hundred Dollars tional Bank. lor anv ca>e that it fails to cure. Send for list ot testimonials. See that they are placed on your next order. We are manufacturers and importers of WOOL BAGS WHEAT BAGS OAT BAGS BARLEY BAGS FLOUR BAGS HOP CLOTH ORE SACKS and BURLAP of all kind«. B A l tress F J. CHENEY A CO.,Toledo, O Sold by drug*!»«*, 75«. Halil Faiuilyrllto are the best. WET WEATHER WISDOM« THE original \ i 33 ' Accordlag to Sias«. An Irishman was walking along a road leeside a golf links when he was suddenly struck between the shoulders by a golf ball. The force of the blow, says a writer In the New York World, almost knocked him down. When be recovered be observed a goiter running toward him. "Are you hurt?" asked the player. “Why didn't you get out of the way?" "An' why should I get out of the way?" asked Pat "I didn't know there were any assasslna round here.” "But I called ‘fore.’" said the player, “and when I say 'fore.' that Is a sign for you to get out of the way.' I "Oh. it Is, Is it?” said Pat Well, thtn. whin I aay 'folve,' It la a sign that you are going to get bit on the nose. “Folve." A OVA KASTEKO (TM FOB FILES. llchms. Bl nd. H e-llnj, Frolmdlng 1*1 lea. ___ _ Druc- Cate »rv authorised to refund money If FAZO IM MENI fails locura lu» to 14 days Wc. HOMER MADE A GUESS. Villa*« If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason­ able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one’s improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas­ ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect­ ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu­ facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con­ sidering in making purchases. It is because of the fact that SYRUP ©F FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size only, by al) reputable druggists and that full name of the company — California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on the front of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. Bags of Burlap and Cotton manufactured by ua e SLICKER BLACK OR I Bemis Bro. Bag Co, YELLOW 1508-1514 Colorado Street SEATTLE, WASH. WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE W'lL TAKBNO 5UMT1TUTW^ CSTALOGUtS FREE •HOWIB ULL LINE OF GARMENT« ANO MATS. A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO.. LTD.. TORONTO. CANADA. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade, Directory W. L. D ouglas *3^&*3^SHOESia W. L. Douglas *4.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. PHOTO SUPPLIES; Kodak developing and print» in<: write fur price«. Woodard, Clark« A Co. MAGIC LANTJCRN!*— W«-t»t«-r Co., Portland. Lowest pnet*» on Lantern* and Slides. ELASTIC HO-IERY ; Supporter«, Bract-R; Knit to hit; fr«*e turtMurvuieiit blanks: Wuudard, < larks. Maggie, as plump as the butter she had just been cburulng mid as rosy as the dawn, entered the general store, An accommodating young clerk who waa so tidy be made all the boys jeal- ous of him, approaeh<*d her. Till» »»me clerk, whose name was Homer, had only to any, "This 1» tiie kind of goods 1 buy myself." and there would Imme­ diately be a run ou that brand of goods. Muggle stood near the door, holding the basket of eggs she* tind brought In payment for her prosi'cetlve purchase«. Homer approached Maggie and asked: “Something?" "I guess not now," Maggie replied, blushlngly. After twenty minutes she edged up to Homer and asked to la- shown the cashyniere.' "white She bought enough for a dress. "Was there something else?" asked Homer. She faltered mid said; "Where’» your white Rtocklu's?" She Iniught a pair for 10 cents. "And you wnut some white shoes, too?" asked llomer. She bought a pair of white shoes, wondering how lie knew. 'The milliner will be tn In a mo­ ment," said Homer, "and she will show you a white hat” "Yes." faltered Maggie. “Bow'd you Irtiow?” Homer looked like a seer and re­ plied: “Is It a wedding or a tuner- ill?"—Indianapolis Star. Hla Habit. HORSES of nil kinds *or sale at very reMonabl* prices. Inquire 2T5 brunt BL Towne—Yes, Polkey Is dead, after a two weeks' Illness. Browne—You don't say? Wbat was the trouble? Towne—Heart failure. Browne—Well. well, alow as tunal The Idea of taking two weeka to die of heart failure.—Philadelphia Press TRUSSES sent on approval; w* guarantee fit la moat difficult casts ; Woolard, Clarite A Co, »» SET l>KAB— »»nd 10.- for pc««. aM.I KalrOold Met lai pea*«. J. J. Butz er, iSB Front streeL UKhAM BE FA RATORB— We guarantee th» U. & Bepara:or to be the best. U rit« lor free caia.og. Hazeiwuud Co., Fifth and Oak. To Break in New Shoes. M EN’B CLOT HI NO — Raffo m .♦ Pendleton, no!« »gin » Alfred Ben jam o it Co.’s correct clothe». Everything m men*» furnishings. Morrison and Sixth streets. Opposite posiotlie*. Always «hak« In Alien', Foot Ku*, a powder It cure« hot, ■wealing, aching, swollen t««t Cure, corn,. Ingrowinf nail, and buniona. At all druaglst« and ,ho» «torea. XV Don't accept any eubatitute Sample mailed FRKK. Addrew Allen 8. Olmited 1« Roy, N Y. FREE LAND IN OREGON u-.der the Carey Irri- fation act. Doed d-rect from »tat*-. Write today, took let and mat» free*. B. B. Cook« A Co., ¿¿I Alder street, l urilai d, Oregon. t a«eou last word.” would resllr« whv W. L, llousla. »J EEiM»—Acne Mill» Co^ Port and, Oregon. TAI LORS—Columbia Woolen Mills Co.. Portland, Ore. latest style clothe« mad« to measure cheap, Our salf measurement aystem Insures per.ect nu Write for free tain pie« and prices. FI A NOB «* ORGANS — Oldest piano house on P^ citte coast. Organs anti Pianos on easy payments. W rite for list. lA»t us quote von a price. Allen A GHbert-Ramnker Co.. P< rilm d. Oregon. iiuiimn Hair G ooa I r — -wiuhrn. Pompadours, Mm’« Toupveo and W! kr ; but quality: pricaftj sana fur i ree price lit ; mail onh-r« » ap^fialty. Far » ilair stura, <»>3 Waahingiou st. h*»t inn K No. 14 -M P. N. U. nrx writing to advertleors plana» mention this paper. W “The people of the Fast and Middle West will fall over themselves to come to the Pacific Northwest when they find out how much belter the climate and advantages are.” Buch Is th«- written ■tstamentof W. R. Felratl, who has been living lu ike Facllie Aurthwsvt twelve years. We Want Them “to Find Out >> And tho beat way to tell them 1« to «end them our publication,: "Oregon. Wethington, W.ho end Their Resource«." a handsomely Illuetrslod M-| age book, telling al a >ul the three state«, (our cento In poHtage "What Farmer. Hose Done In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, as Told by Thenwelvee,” two p« "Restful Recreation Resorts."'Icscrlptlve ot ths summering places ot ths Columbia river eud Coast, two cents In stamps "The Columbia River Through (he ( es<«des to the Pacific Ocean,” large p«n< r«mle m«p <>f t e Culum loa river, win. «tory on reverse si- e, 'our c. ots large «nd accurate well mao ot O egon, Washington anil Idaho. 25 cents In stain 1« Handy pocket map o( Oregon, W ashington and Idaho, st.IToover, two rente. For any ot the above, address, enclosing stamps slated A. L CRAIG, G. P. A., Southern Pacific Company Lines in Oregon) Write today Portland, Oregon