KLAMATH FALLS REPUBLICAN KLAMATH FALLS ... OREGON (Irren* and Gaynor were tbe orig­ inal gold dust twins. ere have given him *1,500 to pay off tb« mortgage on bls borne, and have set aside *3.«W for the «slnratton of hit boy. And tbe best feature of this In­ cident Is that tbe hero of It does not think that he did anything worthy ot special recgnltla». I Ths ship’s bell struck seven. Now or never wss tbs tlius. 8hs setae* ths mo- msnt. r a moment, and. holding by th* moldlug of ths cabin, stared at bar with a fatu- ona «mil* of drunken admiration, then looked at the glass lu his band, hic­ coughed with much solemnity thrice, aud, as though struck with a sudden sens* of duty unfultlllrd. swallowed the contents nt a gulp. The effect was al­ We nil know what a bother It la to most Instantaneous. He dropped the tumbler, lurched toward the woman at have to leave pressing work to empty the door, and then making a h.-ilf turu the ash homs-r, ami bow hard It la to to accordanc* with the motion of the lift the ash«*« out. It producse conoid vessel, fell into hie bunk, and suored arable vexation, too, when the wife like a grampus, wants the hopper emptied and filled, Sarah Purfoy watched him for a few and husband think« he hasn't time to minutes, aud then having blow* out th* light. st*pp*d out of th* cabin, aud eloe- do It If wife lias It to empty, aa *-l th* door behind her The dusky gloom many do, why not make one that aha which had held th* deck on th* previous can empty In a few lulnutea, without night *nv*loped all forward of th* main any lifting? Here Is the plsu of ours, mast A lantern swung In th* forecaa- which bolds about three barrels The tie. and «way*d with th* motion of III* cut explalna Itself. Ibe up|>er eud la ship. Th* light at th* prison door threw made separate, board« fastened togeth­ a glow through th* op*n hatch, and In th* cuddy st her right hand the usual er by menus of dent«, and seta Inside row of oil lamps horned, tths looked r ft. mechanically f--r Vickers, who was ordl narlly there at that hour, but the cuddy was empty. So much the better, ahe thought, aa ah* drew her -lark cloak around her and paaaed Frere'a d«»or. Aa ahe did so. a atrange pain »hot through her temples, and her knee« trembte-l. With a etroiig effort ahe dispelled th* dlMlnesa that had almost overimwered h*r. and held herself erect. It would never do to break down now. She seemed to be IlMeiilng for scine- thing, Iler nervous system was wound up to the highest pitch of excitement. The aufeeoa of the plot depended on th* next live minute*. At that Instant the report of a muaket shot broke th* al­ lene*. Th* mutiny had begun! Th* sound awAk* th* soldier to a or on top of aides, and top cleat ex sene* of hie duty. He sprang to hie tends beyond Inner edges of ¡»ata. am! feet, mad* for th* door. The moment by raising up with lever comes through for which the convict's accomplice had notches In ¡»ats. thus taking whole emi wait*-! approached. Rhe clung to him with all her weight. Suddenly th* rich out of hopper. We use a hollow tree crimson died away from h*r lip*, leaving for trough, am! If desired the whole them an ashen gray color. Her eyea can l>e roofed over, and made to Isst closed In agony; loosing her hold of him, almost a lifetime. C E. I'lsaa. ahe ataggered to her fret, preaaed h»r hands upon her bosom, and uttered a (‘oaf of sharp cry of pain. The Massachusetts experlmeut eta Th* fever which had been on her for tlou kotit track of tbe o-st of fowl ret two day*, and which, by a strong exer­ eu by throw farm horaea for five yearn. cise of will, she had struggled again, The feed enmilatcti of hay, corn, onta encouraged by th* violent excitement of th* occasion, had attacked her at thia aud otlu-r common fcv-llng stuff«. Tito supreme moment. Iteathly psi* and sick, cost of (he ration averuged from IbLj to 24% cents ¡«-r head dally. At the she reeled to the aid* of th* cabin. There was another shot, and a violent Oklahoma atatlou Kaffir corn was used clashing of arms, and Frer*. leaving quite extensively, With Kaffir corn th* miserabi* woman to her fate, leaped aud ordinary corn at 2o cents a bushel. out on to th* deck. oats 25 cents, bran 25 emits per BS> (To be continued.) pounds, tlw aternge coat of u work horae a dally ration was 17 cent*. If WALKING COMING IN VOGUE all horse owui-re understood how g-*od Kegltsb II «bit of l*ede«irlonl«m la oats are tor horse feed there would Tskls* Hold In Amerlea. 1st l-ettcr borees’ln the country. Corn Americana are just Ix-gltinlng la almost unlit for the bar-l worked learn, what tbe English ¡>«>¡>1« havo horse If you feed oats the horses may known for a century, that the most not look quite so fat. but ttwy will bo independent ami Interesting outing in better condition. They will have consists of a walking trip. Our bur- j more life and feel more like working, rletl, restless national spirit pula usj and It la a settlexl fact that they will out of sympathy with so slow a tneili- do more work during the reason by a od of seeing the world. The latest ex­ great deal, enough more that It will pay press train la popular, not tiecause It well to f<-eee«1, and expert- feet square and (1 Inches -leep; put bar- enced railroad travelers ar« In sym- rrl in box. put s plug In lower bole and pathy with hla dictum. The railroad i fill barrel with water by pouring In has the bad habit of sneaking Into n top. Make an str tight plug, -'oat ts>th town or city by the most uninterest­ etuis with tar, drive In top bole tight, ing route. Back alleyways, tunnels remove lower plug and box will fill to What a factor the farmer Is In en ricking tita country I lew think ot this and those wbo do so «yiii¡Mitlil*» Tbe only dividend some financial In- with the farmer, who, after tbe heat CHAPTER VI.—fOMtlnusd.) hurvy. The sentry's ssfs. an«! the h«>w- etltulloua ever pay la when they fall. and bunlen of the day. has so little to He sp«*ks truly. Through ths roer Itssr Is but five pa«-es from ths door. A ____ <___ w____ was hear«! ths rattle of Iron on Iron. rush upon dock. led*, snd she's oure! show ___ for ___________ hla Industry ami ______ Intelligence. H H. Rogers Is showing great to ro­ As an «xvu|>atl«>n tn the east farming. *• <«*rd "stood to their arms, sn.l That Is, mlns. Mlns end my wife's. t'roks. bea rance In not ruunlng the court* out la looked uj»n aa unroniuneratlve and l,h* Mr*. Lionel t'rofton. of Seven Crofte, , . , . ',,n terror of th* leveled muskets. There no. Oak*—Sarah I'urfoy, lady's maid of business. with slight prosisxu of It ever |n,tanf, .„«! then oh! and nurse—ha! ha! lady's maid sud anything else. I'rl.v« of f«xs! steadily iqu. wwlkei) ll,im„|,..(e>!. down the prlr nura*."' Faul Morton likana life lnsurant-e adrance. but the huMbandruan does not [ on. knelt by the bmly of llufue Dawe«. This last sentence coutslB*! the name- to salvation. And yet we have bs*u reap of the Increase because tbe «car “Stand back, my lade!” he said. ’“Fake clua to the labyrinth In which Rufus taught that salvation's free. city of tbe product accounts for the him np, two of you. and carry him to Dawes' bewildered Intellects were wan­ rising market. In the middle west be the door. The poor fellow won't hurt dering. "Sarah I'urfoy!" Hs remem­ Doe* Sir Tboxnaa Upton think that does better, In the far west the tilling you.” His order« wera obeyed, and the bered now each detail of the coaveraa- If he made the measurement rules him­ of tbe fields la satisfactory In Its re «'Id man. waltin< until hie patient had tlon he had a«« etrang««ly overheard, ami been aafrly received ontaide. raised hie self he could lift that mug? turns to the cultivator. To turn to hand to command attention. “I aee you how Imperative it w«a that he should, without delay, reveal the plot that wbat be baa ncevnqdlabed : In BUM know what I have to tell. The fever I'rni threaten* to lick Chill. But the American farmer's crops reached hat broken out. That man hat got It. threatene«l the .ship, liner that ptot waa to be carrle«! out. he r opened. It waa rt o'clock, tural land* have Increase«! In value He had «aid Just enough, and he roach« and Pine had roms to have ■ last look wind Into electricity. What an argu­ over thirty-three ¡>ar rent in flv» years. ed the door amidat a chorus of “Bravo!” st his patients before dluner. It seemed ment for frequeut campaigns and In tbe far west tbe Increase has been ’True for you. docthar!” and eo on. But that there wa* somebody with him. for abundant spellbinding! over sixty per cenL but the arras In when he got fairly outside, he breathed • kind, though somewhat pompous voles tbe middle and extern sections which m<>re freely. He had performed a tick- remarked upon the scantiness of sceom Meteblnoff explains that tbe natural m«w!atlon. bav« atood still of declim'd, lower the liah task, and he knew It. period of life for man la 120 years, and Ark at ’em.” growled the Mooch er "Her* they are," said Pins: "six of average rate to thirty-three per cent. from h:s comer, “a-cheerin’ at the n»x>«!” 'em. This fellow"—going to ths aide of Dr. Wiley explalna why moat men fall To make Ufa happy tbe tiller of tbe “Wait a bit.” aald the aeuter Intelli­ Rex—"ia the worst. If he had not ■ to live half that time. soil has hl* telephone, bls dally deliv­ gence of Jemmy Vetch. “Give him time. constitution like a horse, I don't think he ery of mall. and. lti many cases, tbe There’ll be three or four more down could live out the night." A Camden man convicted of assault railroad to bring him to town. He la afore night, and then well awF* ‘Three, eighteen, seven, four." mut­ la paying his fine on the Installment a skillful man and brings science to tered Rex; "dot and carry one. Is that plan. It Is a wonder that be didn’t CHATTER VII. bear to outmansuvar tl>s ;*>•« which an «x-cupatlon for a gentleman? No. air. make a kick for trading stamps. It was late In the afternoon when ____ Gmxl night, my lord, g >od night. Hark! are ever preying m»n his cultivated Sarah Purfoy «woke from her uneasy the clock la striking 9; five, six. seven, field. Then tba National and State Just look at all tbe show girls be­ slumber S .e h*e greatest •d end feverish, but, mindful of ths “A dangerous fellow." saye rine. with possible. Ry their working In harmony consequence« which hung upon ths sue- the light upraised. “A very dangerous vise girls to adopt a stage career. the American farmer la far and away ces* or failure of th« enterprise, she fellow. This is th* pise*, you see—a rallied herself and seconded, with as regular rat hole; hut what can one do?" So they are to make “Romeo and ahead of tbe European or Asiatic and calm an air as she could assume, to the "Come, let ue get on deck." said Vick­ Juliet" Into a comic opera. We may gets much more out of tbe grouud per deck. ero. with a shud.ler of disgust. yet live to see Miss May Irwin present square foot than ths corresponding toll­ The Malabar seemed to be envelope.) Rufus Dawe* felt the sweet break out Ophelia to DeWolf Hopper's Hamlet. ers separated from him by the ocean*. In an electric cloud, whose sullen gloom Into beads on his forehead. They ins­ It Is pleasant to read how our farm­ s chanre spark might flash Into a blase pected nothing. They were going away. If Boni de Castellane cannot live on ers are doing well and at the same time that should consume her. Ths woman He must warn them. With a violent ef­ contributing wo much to the enrichment who held her In her hand« ths two ends fort. In his agony he turned over in the *40,000 a year tbe deficiency must be of the chain that would produce this bunk, and thrust out hla hand from the made up at any sacrifice. It Is of tbe of tbe country. spark looked down into the barricade. blanket*. utmost Importance that Boni should Three men. leaning carelessly •gainst "Halloo! what'e thlsF' cried Pine, keep on living. the bulwarks, watched her every motion. bringing the lantern to bear upon It. 'There she is, right enough.” growled "Lie down, my man. Eh?—water, la it? AN INTELLIGENT CLASS Tbe report that August Belmont baa Mr. Gabbett, a« if lu continuation of There, eteady with It now;" and he lift- Just bought a lake la denied. It prob­ a prerioas remark. “Elsah a « ever, e«l a pannikin to th* blackened, froth- and looking thia way. too. There, look fringed lips. The cool draught moist­ ably started over tbe fact that he has When Mr. Lincoln made that well- at that, ” he added, aa the figure of ened his parched gullet, and ths ronvlct been buying largely of Wall street known statement, expressing his firm Maurice Frere appeared side by aide mads ■ last effort to speak. Stocks. belief In tbe ultimate sagacity of the with that of the waiting maid, and the Sarah Purfoy—to-night—th* prison Ono correspondent Inform* us that people, be might ¡»erbaps have made it two turned away np the deck together —Mutiny!” Maurice Frere had come behind her Ths last word, almost shrieked out. the President has grown suspicious of even stronger If he bad come Into fre­ and touched her on the shoulder. Since China. And we cannot dodge tbe lm- queut contact with the alert and open- their conveniation the previous evening in the sufferer's desperate efforts to ar­ ticulate, recall*«! the wandering senses eyed youngsters of the streets of a he had made up hla mind to be fooled of John Rex. pression that China has become great city. At any rate—If we may no longer. The girl waa evidently play trifle suspicious of Vncle Sam. "Hush!" he cried. “Is that yon. Jem­ judge from a pretty Incident related In ing with him. and he would ahow her my? Sarah's righL Walt till shs gives Dr. Wiley, the government's chem­ an English weekly—tbe lady wbo Is that he waa not to be trifled with* the word.” “WelL Sarah.” ical expert aays be la almost afraid now to be known as queen Maud of "He'e raving." said Vickers. “Well. Mr. Frere.” dropping her hand I'm* caught the convict by ths shoul­ to go to the table. After finding that Norway mlgbt wish to amend tbe last • nd turning potmi -I with a a mile. der "What do you say. my mau? A manufactured lamb chop tbe doctor Is sentence of tbe statement to reed. "But 'How well you are loohing to-day! mutiny of the prisoners?" loaCfied In tbe fear that he will find you can't fool some of the people any Positively lovely. I air. though, wb.it With his mouth sg«|>e and bls hands a lomo In the liver. of the time." Is the use of playing fast and looae with clinched, Rufus Dawes. Incapable of While visiting tn Denmark, after she a fellow this way?” further speech, mad* a last effort to n«x! While tbe other Territories are had become 1’rinceea Charles of Den­ She cast her eyes down to the deck. assent, but bis head fell upon his breast; rlamortng for statehood Alaska would mark, sbe Indulged one day In that and a modest flush rose on her cheeks. ths next moment, the flickering light, S* content to be simply treated with pastime, evidently dear to tbe hearts “I have so much to do.” she said lu a the gloomy prison, the eager face of th* the full rights of a Territory. She has of royal ladles, of going out shopping half whisper. “There are so many ere* doctor, and the astonished fac* of Vick upon me, I cannot stir without being era. vanished from before his •training Seen trying to get an ordinary terri­ Incognita. seen.” s/ss. torial delegate In Congress for forty Walking along the street, accom- She raised her head as »he «poke, and years. CHAPTER VIII. panled only by a maid, she was accost­ to give effect to her word*. looked round The two discoverers of this ewkward ed by one of those Innumerable street the deck. Her glance crossed that of A woman never loses Interest In tbe urchins whose business It Is to retail the young soldier on the forecastle, »nd. secret held a council of war. Vickers md sbe might have married. If he “fresh spring flowers, tuppence ha'­ though th* distance wm too great tor was fo(,at ones calling the guard, and succeeds sbe prides herself on tbe fact penny a bunch.” her to distinguish his features, »he announcing to the prisoners that the and factories are the usual vista seen guessed who he was—Miles was jealous. plot—whatever It might be—had been that she could have had him. If be Tbe big brown eyew and tangled curls discovered; but Pine, accustomed to con­ from a railroad train ns It enters some falls sbe la equally proud of tbe fa-t of tbe small merchant Joined to a pe­ Frere. smiling with delight at h*r change vict ships, overrulsd this decision. historic capital. The traveler who ob­ of manner, came close to her. and whis­ that sbe bad foresight enough to turn “You don't know these fellows as well tains hla knowledge of the country culiarly appealing quality In bls "Kind pered in her ear. She affected to start. him down. lady, buy a bunch,” arrested tbe prin­ • nd took ths opportunity of exchanging as I do," said he. "In the first place from the railroad train would know there may be no mutiny at all. The but little of Ita genuine attraction«. Extracts from tbe Russian govern­ cess. Bending over to select some flow­ a signal with the Crow. "I will walk with you at 8 o'clock,” whole thing is. perhaps, some absurdity As Hawthorne aald. he would Str only ers. sbe was somewhat startled to bear ment organ are published to show bow of that fellow Dawes—and should we said ahe. the reverse of the tajH-atry. amusingly Ignorant tbe writers for that the following, delivered In a confiden­ ’They relieve guard at 8,” he said, once put the notion of attacking us Into tial whisper: In preparation for a walking trip the prisoners’ heads, there I* no telling argan are of American affairs. It la depress tingly. “It’s all right I know yer. But I’ll maps and dea<-rlptlve guide books a more serious matter that they are She tossed her head. “Very well. then, what they might do.” “But th* man seemed certain,” said should be consult«*«!, so that the walk­ attend to your guard: I don’t cars.” almost as Ignorant of tbe real situa­ keep It dark. I won't split on yer the other. “He mentioned my wife's er may know something of the country Tbe lady smiled, but shook her bead “Bat. Sarah, consider------ ’’ tion In their own country. maid, too!" and said nothing. “As If a women In love ever consid­ through which he Is traveling. Th* “Well,” says Pine, “lo»k hero. Sup­ United States geographical survey,! "But I do know yer," said the “dot." ers!" said she. turning upon him a burn­ For some years engines bars been top of lower hole mid remain there pose w* tell these scoundrels that their ing glance, which In truth might have Washington, Issues the most compre­ taking water without stopping, and positively. “Yer's th* Princess Maud. melted a more Icy man than he. She design Is known. Very good. They will hensive and valuable maps to be had until barrel Is empty. The barrel must I twigged yer d'reckly I set eyes on mall cars bars been picking mall aacks ho absolutely air tight Best to place loved him. then! W’hat a fool hs would profess absolute ignorance, and try agsln by tlie outdoor enthusiast. They »how i on a floor for hogs. from poets wltbout so much as a pause. yer!” be to refuse. The guard could relieve on the next opportunity, when, perhaps, we may not know anything about It. At every elevation, roads, towns, cabins, Art and Advtrllala». Now an appliance for coaling engines Itself for once without his supervision. all events, we are completely Ignorant nnd even foot trails, nnd are «old at wltbout stopping has been Invented. Pure utilitarianism Is rarely associ­ “Very well: at 8, then.” “Hush!” said she. "Here comes thlt of the nature of the plot and the names the nominal price of 5 cents a sheet, S0J qxperlrnents with It are aald to ated with artistic advance, yet here Is of the ringleaders. Let us double the which sheet generally covers about ten culture In coo|>eratlon with the Agri have been aeUafactory. Tbe next Im­ a < ase of It* Interference to the distinct stupid captain.” An-1 as Frere left her she turned, and ■entries, and quietly get the men under square miles The various trolley com-1 cultural College lias Just Inaugurated provement to eave tbe running time of advantage of art. Th* staring signs Let Mias Sarah do what «he with her eyes fixed on the convict ber arms. panles usually furnish very rcndnble a new educational campaign. I,eetur trains will be a device for throwing which bare so long offended tbe eye ricade. dropped the handkerchief she held pleases, and, when ths mutiny breaks passengers on board and off wltbout on the tope of buildings will ultimately in her hand over the railing. It fell st ouL we will nip It In th* bud. clap all guide books of the country through era are twliig scut to tbe country school­ stopping. be removed simply for tbe reason of tbs feet of the captain, and with a quick the villains we get in Irons, and ha ad which they go. In the matter of com­ houses In various parts of the Htate to public safety. Boards of Are under­ upward glance that worthy fellow picked them over to ths authorities In Hobart pany, choices are difficult. Th«* small­ «¡■esk to the children snd parents upon Public opinion was tbe first great writers object that tlie «tructurea not It up and brought It to her. Town. I am not a cruel man. sir, but er the party the more aatlsfactory the practical problems of fanning: Usually Judge. It drove the malefactor from only serve to spread tbe flames, but “Oh, thank you. Captain Blunt.” said ws have got a cargo of wild beasts outing. Not even living with folks two lectures are given at each place, his own people to tbe desert to live greatly binder tbe fireman's work. One she. and her eyes spoke mors than hsr • board, and must be careful." will be as severe a teat of their com­ one In the afternoon and one at night. According to tbs usual efistom on an exile, with every man’s hand against might well wish that tbe mandate In- tongue. panionship aa making a walking trip In ninny places 75 to l(x* fanners at­ “Did yon take the landannm?” whis­ board convict ships, the guards relieved him. Its Judgments are still true and eluded all the encroachments of the tend the meetings, often going mile* each other every two hours, and at 0 with them. pered Blnnt, with a twinkle in hie ey*. righteous. Cunning lawyers may befog sign board, but that la too much to Personal differences of opinion end over muddy road*. The funds In the “Some of it.” said she. “I will bring p. m. the guard was removed to the juries. Wrongdoers may bld behind boix for. quarter-deck, and the arm* which. In eccentricities of temper come to the hands of the Ixiard are not sufficient to you back th* bottls." technicalities. But there are verdicts Blunt walked aft. humming cheerily, the day time, were disposed on th* top surface with surprising freipiency enable It to send lecturers to every Man diligently advertised bls wares of public opinion which are branded even before tb* day of tb* frescoed and aalnted Frere with a slap on tbs of the arm chest, were placed In an arm when one Is traveling alxiut. I hnve schoolhouse, but the enthusiasm with Into their skin and which they can goat over the Pompstlan dairy. But In back. Ths two msn laughed, each at rack constructed on the quarter-deck for known so small a thing as the loss of which the farmer« receive tl>* Instruc­ never erase. Not for all offenses, but those old day* ths desire for custom his own thoughts, but their laughter only that purpose. Trusting nothing to Frer* a too th bril all to nearly disrupt a friend­ tion lends to the belief that Missouri —who, indeed, by Pine's advice, was for certain offenses that la "the great was tempered by a *e*t for art The made the surrounding gloom seem deep­ kept In ignoranc* of the whois matter ly group at the end of a thirty-mils Is Is-glnnlng a new era In agricultural er than before. corrective and punitive." Its value floating Cupid, pictured In front of an Sarah Purfoy. casting her eyes toward —Vickers ordered all the men. «av* tramp over the Catskill*. Moreover, education. cannot be easily overestimated. There ancient sandal maker's shop, balancing at wayside farm­ the barricade, observed a change In the those who had been on guard during the accommodations Good It ar and Tea Yield. are men In all sections of tbe country one sandal on bls curly head and wav­ position of the three men. The Crow, day, to be under arms in the barrack, houses are difficult to secure on short Henry Warden, of Fredericksburg, wbo are finding tbe verdict of public ing tbe mate In bls chubby band, la a having taken off hla prison cap, held it forbade communication with th* upper notice for a party of any considerable Md., writes to Honthem Planter that opinion scarcely lees blighting than the thing of beauty as well as a symbol of at arm's length with ope hand, while deck, and placed as sentry st the bar­ size. Four makes an Ideal number, one of Ida fields seeded with New Era reek door his own servanL an old sol­ sentence of a criminal court trade. The picturesque swinging boards he wiped his brow with the other. Her dier, on whose fidelity he could thor­ and If a larger group la Interested, di­ cowpeas produced a ton of hay and signal had been observed. During all of some generations past were out­ this. Rufus Dawes, removed to the hos­ oughly rely. He then doubled the vide it Into two parties, arranging the Id 13-100 bushels of peas per acre. Everyone has beard of tbe youth growths of the display of armorial pital. was lying flat on bis hack, staring guards, took the keys of the prison him­ route so that meetings may bo had at Another field seeded with Whippoor­ who. having found a large sum of bearing« and heraldic crests, sumptuous at the deck above him, trying to think self from the non-commissioned officer various Interesting places along the will cowpeas produced 18 tons of hay money on tbe street and returned It to and plenaing to the eye. whose duty It was to keep them, and way. of something he wanted to say. Thia affords opportunity for and about ten bushels of peas per tbe rich man wbo lost IL was angry saw that the howltssr on tbe lower deck The place where he lay was hut dim ­ In days gone by artists of note did comparison and variety. No walking acre. because tbe man gave film only a quar­ not scorn to try a prentice hand on ly lighted. He could but just see ths waa loaded with grape. It was a quar­ trip should be begun by one who Is dock above hie ter to 7 when Pin* and he took their head, and dl«tlng uleh ter of a dollar for bls honesty. Those such signs. The “Mule and Muleteer,” Farm Noles. without some alight training for the wbo are honest only In b >|>e of reward an early work of Correggio, was orlg th* outlines of three other bertha, ap- station st the main hatchway, determin­ trip. This training does not need to If you would keep up the fertility of parently similar to bls own. II* could ed to watch until morning. deserve tbe contempt of all decent peo­ Innlly painted for an Inn. Many a Roy­ your farm, never sell any feed. Keep hear gasps and moans and muttering« At • quarter past 7 any curious per­ be severe, but It should be regular,— ple. There are even heroes wbo hope al Academician has given tbe public a —the signs that his companions yet son looking through the window of Cap­ Brooklyn Eagle. enough stock to utilise It all. for reward. Tbe captain of a small lion or a unicorn. The age of artistic lived. tain Blunt's cabin would have seen an To pour drops from a bottle moisten Not an Kspert. yawl wbo, with hla crew, rescued the sign painting received Its death blow In All at once a voles called out: “Of unusual sight. That gallant commander the edge. passengers and crew of a stranded the reign of George II., when such erec­ course bis bills are worth four hundred was sitting on a chair, and th* hand­ “Ask the gentleman over there to A good way to destroy a bad hahlt steamship off the New Jersey coast In tions fell under the bead of "street nui­ pounds; but, my good sir, four hundred some waiting maid of Mrs. Vickers wss hold the stakes. or practice Is to get something better His gray hair pounds to a man In my position is not atanding by his aide. January was not of that sort Ho sances.” “I did and he said he didn’t know worth the getting. Why, I've given four was matted all ways about his reddened anything about handling money, Hue to take Its place. risked bls life for others, and when hundred pounds for a smile of my girl face, and he was blinking like an owl In Too Eiptnaive Co Uao. It la not liest to let any dealer se­ the Ornegle Hero Fund coinmlseloners a bank examiner. —Cleveland riniti “I see that apples are again cordially Karsh! Rhe’s a good girl, aa girls go. the sunshine. He had drunk a larger lect the la-st Ininlta from the flock and began to make Inquiries about bls ex­ Dealer. Mrs Lionel Crofton, of the Crofts, Rev- quantity of wine than usual at dinner. recommended as a sure cure for the leave tbe culls liehind. ploit, be told them not to mind him, enoake, Kent— Sevenoeks, Kent—Reven "Cuc-come, Sarah,” he hiccoughed. liquor habit” Official statistics show that there are ff "It’s all very fine, my lass, but you The woman who gets up a good din­ but to take care of bls crew If they “ Pity they couldn't have made ft A gleam of light broke in on the dark­ needn't be so--hie- proud, yon know. 17,000,000 children In Russia between ner la greater than the man who makes wished to reward anyone; then, If any- prunes. They are so much cheaper."— ness which wrapped Rufus Dawes' tor­ I’m a plain sailor—plain s'lor, Srr'h. the ages nl <1 and II receiving nliso thing was left, and they Instated, they an after-dinner speech. Cleveland Plain Dealer. tured brain. The man was John Ilex, Ph'n’as Bub-blunt, commander of the lutely no education. mlgbt do something for hla little boy. If the cellar Is dry, cover the carrots his berth-mate. Willi an effort he spoke. Mai Mai Malabar. Wore' 'ah good talk ­ Xa a result of thia convincing proof An explanation la not much and au Of 1.200 locomotives In use In Jnpan and other roots wllli a little clean sand. "Ilei!” in’? You lovsh me, and 1—hie—lovsh ff hi* heroic qualities, tbe sommlaslon apology la Its poor relation. “Xaa. yea. L’w «owing; don't be lit a I you, Sarah " They will not wilt so badly. 500 arg American made. Never trust e horae which has once run away. There la no rieuae fur let­ ting him re¡*eat lite performance. There le au old notion that a row will fall In her milk when fed on pump klne, but there Is no truth In lbs tlw !«««<)•. (lu* speaker at Muntrral during a ret-eiil ssosloa of the t'ansdlsn tariff rommlsaluu **I<1 that th* average farm lu Huntingdon Couuty represent«! an Investment of *5,000, On such a farm there would to twelve cows of a total value of |42ll. Two cows would fatten two pigs and four calves, The revenue from the milk and milk products of twelve rows amounted to about *420 a year; from the two pigs and four calvea, glikl. They would sell two lieevee at *40 each. From the aale of horaea, one In two years, apples «ml •mall stuff, there would la» another *tlMk The pnxluoe of the farm eaten annually by a family of six was cstl mate-! at *!H0; therefore there wn« a total revenue of *N40 s year. Tu work such a farm required tbe rervl-ve of two men and one woman, worth In all a value of *45(1 and their board at fill a month. Then there would l>* ex|>endl- lure for blacfcaiulth'a service, harnea* and various Items of wear and tear, to amount to filial Thus, tlw total ex­ pense reached tlw sum of *772. which, -led u-’ted from n total revenue of fi*4d, left a balance of (UN Am-tlwr s|-eakrr gave the l-alam-e atwet of au average dairy farm, allowing receipts of fil.2<>S and expemllturea of (.’«kl, leaving fi-ka) for living, clothing, education, exeur- •Iona, etc. Mai 1*4, Many of tbs semlameu mail potato eyes put up lu plaster, so that they will reach planters In g»»sl ahai*. Ths eyes are taken out of tlie tutors with a knits made expressly for Unit pur- laws, which carries a pretty gmal •l«vd piece of Bis ¡sitato. They are quit» sure to grow and make a fair crop re­ gardless of the small togllinlug Illi« la a cheap means of getting atarted In new varieties or of obtaining pure Stock from solus of the stamlard varle ties. tine hundred syea. assorted to In elude a half dossil aorta, may to or­ dered t-ar-ked tn one box. Three will coat stout II, with charge prepaid Tile cost is hardly worth mentioning when compared to the advantage of having eome pure stock of known va rletlre. They are not mailed until danger of fret-sing la ¡mat Im-h lumtier, that will not twist or warp. Tbe pleres are securely nailed at the corners. Wire fencing Is atrvlrh- ed over Ibe frame ami well staple«!. Tlx ti uni le la mails of three pieces of tlw same material aa la uanl In the frame. Nall them together as Illustra te<| and cut a uotcli lu the crosspiece at tbe bottom to m-vlve one of ilio tongues on the feme frame; tlw oilier tongue rests In the crotch formed by the two upright pieces. Farmers' Bul­ letin. • (•*••««*• Farm W*wlllk. Th* wealth produ<-tl<>n on farms In l!a*5 reache«l lbs tilgliret amount ever attain*«! by ths farmer of this or any othsr country, "a atiqiendous aggro gate of results of bratn am! mus-l« ■nd nischln*." amounting lu value to *(1,413,000,000, an rxcvwa over last year of *234,000,000. The wealth pr<«luc«l on farms tn BMifl exc*e«ls that of IWH by 4 |»r cent, that of 1IMI3 by N per cent am! that shown by the census fig ur*s for INUO by 3d per cent. Hhoulil there 1» no rela|Me from tils pressut position aa a wealth producer three years hence the farmer will find that ths farming element. st»ut 35 (>er rent of the propitiation, has prnt!nc<>enra. Give soft feed, do not work the hors* and give twice dally a teaa|K>onful of powdered chlorate of ¡sitaah. Ilog raising has declined so much In some sections that farmers are reduced to the purchase of the coarse and chemically treated ham* sold In the markets. These are far Inferior to farm raised, corn and milk fsd hog* of the smaller breeds with th* hams cured In the old fashioned manner. A plan still practised Is to hang the hams In a barrel which connects by a con­ duit with a great hole In which nr* burned large quantities of cob*. Tl>$ col>* make a very clean, wholesome smoke and there la no danger of fire, ns in tbs us* of tb* ordinary smokehouse-