Catalogue Houses Have New Scheme. A« practically all of the l«nks of de praiit in ll>« country ar« now under either »tai« or government supervision, it seems ijiiii« likely that llin authori­ ties will tak« nigniAancu ol ilia naw move mi th«- |«»rt of Sears, Roehm k A i ami place the firm under th« sama ■ reetriclbme aa ar« llie regular banking institutions. Aa a mean« of meeting thia new scheme, It ia auggeale.1 that country merchants do tlwir best tn find wlii.-h ■4 their luatomera use thia new plan ami «hen they ask for time on their pur- chaae», deal w iih them in the manner which ordinary bualuess sense demands. The fight against th« mail order houses l,y the retail merchants la going merrily along and ia bearing Iruil «very day and thia latest scheme show« to what ««tent the catalogue concerns are living driven in their efforts to retain the trade which they have draun from its legitimate channel.—St. Lima Fur niture Journal. The latest schema of th« big catalogue house, ia to offer pi pay farmers 7 pci cent |wr annum on all inolisy depnai r SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > J »aye The rate offered ia one that no liank can or «ill offer ami a rale which no concern ol the sixe ol Hear», Roebuck A Co., would |«y in the ordinarv course provided llie money «as needed to car­ ry on business according to usual methods. The ordinary rates charged by Chi NOT FOR cago banks at the present time, is from CHAMBERLAIN filo S', per cent « here the risk is such aa would bo consistent with good tank­ ing usages. A concern with the finan­ RorscvaH Did Not Say II« f av­ cial rating <4 bears, R.wl>u > > > > tise that they can sell go>»la cheap be­ Washington cornea a plain, Hat, com­ cause they buy in large quantities ami plete denial of tin.* claim of Dememo- profit«, loll they turn in an offer to |>ay cratic heaiiqnartera ami puhh-hed in to make anything from a clothespin to the finest three limes «hat a sound Imnk would nearly all the liemocratic newspapers cabinet at reasonable prices. >>>>>> offrr tor certificates <4 de|iosit and fully in Oregon. T..e White House. Washington, May live times «hat any <4 the Chicago Prompt nett. Courtesy, Reasonable Pricts and Good Workmanship 7, 100B.— My Dear Sir: I am in receipt Iranka would pay on checking balances. A feature <4 llie achem« is that Hears. ot your letter of the 1st instant inclos­ will ever be our aim. Roelui. k A Co. do not trust the farmer ing clipping from the Register, pub­ al all, but compel him to pay cash for lished in your county, containing the Outside orders given prompt attention. what lie buys, but they ask the latrner folio« ing statement alleged to have T«4«phone J Al, been ma>>.«*> of every kind about the Klamath country will be furnished on request AGENCY. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, BONDS. WARRANTS, MORTGAGES, RATINGS, REPORTS, COLLECTIONS, INSURANCE, RENTALS INFORMATION, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES V k k We make financial re­ ports and give commer­ cial ratings. Find out what kind of men you are about to deal with. Our reports are reliable for we make that our busi­ ness. Care and time giv­ en to each as if we were putting our money in. ABSTRACTS. Abandoned h o m e - steads of fraudulent and negligent entrymen are open to contest. This is the only way to get gov­ ernment land under the government ditches. Give this a thought and let our experts put / jj next. Our entire capital stock is behind our abstracts. Every abstract is exam­ ined by two competnet attorneys before leaving the office. This may save you money. Our charges are reasonable. KLAMATH COMMERCIAL AGENCY. Incorporated Under the Lam of the State of Oregon. l'HKHiurNT—C. L. PARRISH, bun Francisco, (’al. Capital Stock $50,000.00 M a NAUR*-ROY IIAMAKAR. Fully Subscribed. r-RTRKTARv—HII.KK HTEIHNGER. Our Warranty I g behind every proposi­ tion we make. Arromar-II. L. IIOtGATE, Formerly Attorney United States Keilainnt ion Servi««. Formerly Engineer U. H. Service. M anaiikk M khkii . i . K raxcii — I». W. HOLGATE. » SUMMER OUTINGS. BONANZA. This town lies at the junction of three large and will be furnished to 6 qm > o acres in these valleys are under the government those who wish to irrigation system. Bonanza is certain to become an im­ About portant business center and those who invest there now can feel assured of very profitable returns. When improve­ ments now under way are completed we will be better equipped for our business than any similar concern in the state outside of Portland. Klamath Falls, Ore. Representation in New York. Wash­ ington, II. Portland, San Frau­ dem, U m Angelet ami other cilice. Ï Our offices are at the corner of Third and Main Streets in Klamath Falls, Ore­ gon. AGENCY E xii I xkrr — M. D. WILLIAMS, fertile valleys — Langells, Poe and Yonna. for business ventures. Most purchasers want small farms. This is good for the country. It is good for the man with land to sell, too, for he can get better prices. We will do the engineer­ ing, advertising and selling > > > > js HOMESTEADS. KLAMATH PavainaxT—D. V. KUYKENDALL, Attorney Klamath Water Veera As­ sociation. Correct information investigate this field RATINGS and REPORTS OFFICERS : REAL ESTATE, ABSTRACTS, TIMBER LANDS, SWAMP LANDS. FARM LANDS, TOWN LOTS, HOMESTEADS, TIMBER CLAIMS, ENGINEERING, MAPS, TOWNSITES, POWERSITES, MILLSITES. Send your name for a copy of our circulars and other information pub­ lished by local author­ ities and the United States >>>>>> SUBDIVIDE TO SELL. For Factories will be es­ information regarding business property, residence lots, pecially welcomed. and acre tracts, call at our offices or write. Great forests and lakes, 4000 to 8000 feet above sea level, w ith that scen­ ic wonder, Crater Lake, as the central attraction, will tempt many to visit Klamath County this coming summer. We will prepare itinery, select camps, cooks, out­ fit etc., for parties. MERRILL. Ten thousand acres of alfalfa fields now surround the town. One hundred thousand acres under gov­ ernment irrigation, project now building, will contrib­ We maintain a branch at Merrill, Oregon, and will soon open one at Bonanza. ute to the growth and permanent properity of Merrill. Good school, churches, banks starting, creamery, flour mill, etc. erty, prices, Business and residence lots, altd acre prop­ Buy now, Write or call for information and >>>>>>>«* > > > WE HAVEN’T ENOUGH SPACE To tell you about Klam­ ath Falls. You ought to come and see it.