Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 17, 1906, Image 1

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    OHlclal Newspaper of Klamath
County and Leading Journal
of the Interior Oregon Country.
The Largest Circulation and la
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
Of the Klamath County High School
flay so, 8 I’. M.
■ conatrucliQtl work. Thia is «lone for the
Twenty-seven Mlles of i pur | mhh ’ ol eliminating th»» um erlainty
id getting giMal annd snd t*) Insure the
Laterals To Be
l»eat (piahty of construction work, barn-
plea of aaml and r»wk suitable (or use in
tnaiiufseturing asml have l»«*en proriircd
Baccalaureate Servie»« at H 'HINton’N
< >j*ra House. K t muu by Rev. bunlup
—H|>ecial music.
M av 24, T hciisiisv , h r «
At Houston's <)|«-ra House
Iwneflt entertainment. I’rocoed" to pay
balance on [ilano. Adiuiesina 50 rente.
M av 25, Fumar, M p. n.
At Assembly Hall. <'oinmenrv-nient
exercise«. Address by I’niu i|«l R. II.
Mar 30, A ll D av .
Lirai Held meet and ball game at the
fair grounds.
Stockholders Meet and Elect Direc­
tora and Officers
NO. 7
The charter for the American Bank
and Trust Company was retrive) Mon-
day and a meeting of the stockholders i
was held, at which directors of the in­
stitution were chosen and officers elec­
ted and cashier named.
Expreaaes Renewed Confidence In
The following are the directors:
Klamath Falta.
C. E. Worden, Fred Melhaae, Gus
Melhase and W. T. Shive.
The directors elected the following ni­
C. W. Hawkins, president of the
fi cera I
Klamath Canal Company arrived hare
President, C. K. Worden , Vioe-preei- Monday, and has learn txiaily engaged
dent, Fred Melhaae ; Treasurer, W. T. with matters connected with the vari-
Shive ; Secretary, <>ua Mrijiaae; Cashier ous enterprises of hia company. Mr.
J. W. Siemens.
Hawkins is one of the victima of the
The contract for the new building ia
held by H. C. Chamberlain, ft will grvatearthquake.il having completely
cost lietween IlfrSJU ami *17000, and destroyed hia block in Hollister, and
the office of the Imnking company will buned under tone of brick ami timbers
lie mielern in every reepect. ft is ex­ the immense stock of goods carried by
pected that the building will lie com­
pleted shout Heptember 1, when the him. When seen by a Republican rep­
resentative, Mr. Hawkins said:
bank will o|>en lor business.
The directors, officers, and cashier are
“We got a pretty hard jolt rd it in the
men well known throughout Klamath shake up, but not severe enough to in
county, as careful, conservative and con­
scientious Imai tiesa men, who will in­ any way affect our faith in Klamath
sure the safety ami stability of the in­ Falls. We are going right ahead with
stitution and bring to the bank a fair our plans, and intend to carry them out
aliare ol the business»! thisdistrict.
along the lines contemplate'!.
"There is no reason why the Cali­
fornia catast rophy should have any ef­
fect whatever on this county. There is
more money down there now then ever
liefore. end they are going to re-build on
a greater aud grander scale than be­
Mr. Hawkins wax accompanied by J.
L. Buell of San Joee. Mr. Buell will
have the management of the street rail­
way. He is a railroad man. and has for
years been connected with the Southern |
Pacific in California, being the traveling '
freight and passenger agent fur that •
company. He caiue here a couple of 1
months ago to look the ground over, and
decided that the future of Klamath
Falls was great enough for him to take |
up his residence here permanently, and
closed the ariangements which places
him aa manager of the Klamath Rail,
«ay Companv.
R. P. Breitenstein has sold hia feed
store and property to Messrs. Noel and
McKinn. These gentlemen camo here
recently an<l so favorably impressed were
they with the outlook they decided to
remain. Mr. Noel ia a practical teed
and min man. It ia the intentton ol
these gentlemen to enlarge their present
plant and endeavor to make Klamath
Falls a floor mill center. They have
ample capital to put their plana into
effect. They will undoubtedly enjoy a
continuance of the large patronage giv­
en to Mr. Breitenstein and increaae
the same by the push and hustle they
Mrs. T. A. Balis, received the sad in­
telligence Tuesday, of the death of her
sister, Miss Kato Woodcock, at Izw
Angeles, May 8, from the effects of an
operation. Miss Woodcock was born in
Klamath Falls, Nov. 21, 1*84. Hhe
went from Klamath Falls to Lakaview,
seven years ago and last summer went
to Long Beach with her sister. She had
been ilbaboutsix months.—Merrill Rec­
R. Deluip is Proposed
For Position of
throughout the dislrictj ami an riha«ia-
Mid Advertised Ipr and Ibey Will , live In vest iga I ion made lielore the
crusher and rull" went decided on.
He Opened June il Work
Mason, I »avis A Co. hare completed
To H« Completed
10 |H»r r«*nt of their contract. 135 fast
Hay i, 1907.
of th«* tunnel baa Inen completed. New I
engine» and cages aru lieing inatalled,
Nineteen miles more ot main canal ami when they ar«» in place, work on
A sensation was sprung on the citi­
and twenty seven miles ■■( laterals I thia part of their contract will move
zens of Klamath Falls yesterday in the
matter of the [««toffies. Secretary
This is the contract that is to lie let by laatur. An Grange P« m *I drr lge ia being
I>r. It. E. Ia-a Steiner, who baa lieen
Ilia I'nited Mates lte< lainstimi Borvice, erected, ami a» soon rm it ia in sh»|M*, It
Worden of the Chamber of Commerce
in Salem on business for the past two
early in the afternoon received a tele­
and Imls (or «lili lí are to lei opened on | will I n » worked night and day. The weeks. relumed home Monday.
gram from Senator Fulton. the contents
Jnne 21, 1906, work to be completed greatest difficulty thia tirin has had
| to contend with in »carcity ul lal»or. N»>
of which he refused to make public aa-
May 1, 11st*,
til the members gathered together la
Thia is the glad news that 11« Itepub ' man wtio waiita work nead go idle, for
the special meeting, a call for which
(lean brings tn the |>e<>ple ot Klamath j they are employing everyone who ap­
had been issued.
«"Minty this weak. Il la a long stride plies. Eighty in«*n left Ashland last
At 8 o’clock, when the members were
towards the coeiplation uf the greateat wight fur Klamath Falls, and 120 Dorr
assembled, Mr. Worden arose and rued
«>( I’ncle Sam’s irrigation prospect«. Al­ are «*x|M*ct«M| in a few days, Thia will
ready ten per cent of lhe first section bring the working force up
the letter transmitting the resolutions
[leased by the Chamber of Commerce
has been cianpleted, and Ibis pro|a>sad
May 5. Then appeared the much dis­
rnntrael carries the main <-«>.al toOlene,
cussed and much speculated telegram.
around th* bill and on to Merrill, « dis­ TEACHERS SELECTED
It was as follows:
tance ot nineteen miles all told. Al
< liens a ill 1« constructed »hat la kun« n
Washington, D. C. May 14.
Al a meeting of I ho direr tort of Kchou!
For the Band Concert to be given at
W. 8. Worden,
as the North ami Botilh l‘ue valley IHalrlrl No. I, !>«!<l ia«l week, the fol-
laterals, twenty-seven miles III length, I »wing were cho e«l tn («-arb in the pub
secretary Chamber of Commerce,
5!ay 19.
Klamath Falla, Ore.—Will the ap­
an<t which a III bring the lower part ul lie arhoul (or the cnaning term:
March—“Corcoran Cadets"......... Sousa
thia lamoiia valley under irrigation.
K. li. Punlmr, l'liiicipalg Klamath
Soldiers Chorus—from "Faust”.Gonuod pointment of C. R. I>el.ap as postmas­
ter be satisfactory to the Chamber ol
Tbs Keclamalion Service ie Iwmling Falla.
Vocal Duet—Selected.............................
every energy towards pushing this pro- I Ilaaelhne Hayden, Aarialanl Princi­
.............................J. B. Mason, Baritone
(Signed) C. W. Fulton.
ject along.
pal, Klamath Falla.
............................. Burge Mason, Tenor
Engineers Murphy and llumpherya! Francis iianhn Hear, Cth Grab*
If Mr. Worden had dropped a bomb
Lave gotten their plans lliornuglily sys­ Weed, (’al.
.................................................. Neil Moret it would not have caused any more sur­
tematised, and from new on work will' htclla C’amplwl), 5th (trade, Klamath
Prayer from ‘•Lohengrin".......... Wagner prise.
This was the first time Mr. DeLap's
Inove mors rapidly. J. trank Adams i Falla.
The excursion to Pelican Bay bridge “Lazarre” Waltzes............. H. B. Blanks
Lal lieen authorizc.1 to buy horses lor [ Carrie Riding«, (th tirade, Oregon
last Sunday was enjoyed by over 75 peo­ March “Arabia"................................. Buck name bad lieen connected with the
postoffics, and immediately a discussion
tho government, and BA* lu-ad will I*' CHy.
ple. The chief attraction was the car­
delivered on the JAili <4 this month. | Adalite Horning, 3rd (trade, Klamath
cass of a big black bear brought in by
Miss Evelvn Applegate has returned arose as to what actiou should be taken
Bids have tieeii aake«l for 50 tons of bay, Falla.
J. H. Rice and Tom Wilson. Wilson, to resume her work as a teacher ot mu­ on the question. The general concen­
IM tons of rolled barley, and *11*0
who is only fifteen years old, killed Mr. i sic in Klamath Falls, after spending the sus of opinion was that an adjournment
«Mallei (’anipell, 2nd Gra lr. Aahlaml. |
worth td luiui«r. hcr«|irr», plow and
llruin, and was very happy over the af­ i winter studying under the noted pianist, should be taken until this evening, eo aa
Alice M. Foul, Primary •»lade, Giants*
«dher Impíamente are on the ros.1 now Paa*.
fair. This has aroused the liear-hunt- Hugo Mansfeldt, in San Francisco. Mr. to admit of a fuller attendance of the
ing spirit, and the Wineria took tip a Mansleldt, himself a former pupil of members, and an opportunity to "think
from I’ortland and Hacresnento. These j The dirmtara <d the High H<d»«»l j
party to the Bay during the week, the
liorsea ami supplies ate to l>c used in rlvcled the (ulluwing fur ihu ensuing'
Liazt, is a musician of international the matter over.” This was done, and
mem tiers of which «ent to expvrienc
the construction ol laterals lw-l«een te^m :
too well known to require it is anticipated a lively session will be
either the sensation of buck fever or«
here and <‘lena and north of l»*l river
J. G. Nwan. Principal; J, Edwin
killing a bear.
further comment. Beside» receiving on the boards at 8 o'clock tonight.
and tho Ixiet river slough. Tin y will I Booth, Aaaiidanl and Mias Alice Apple­
regular instruction, Mies Applegate en-
comprise an aggregate mileage ol !*> gale.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Naftiger left this
' joyed the rare privilege of being preeeut
Inilea. The reason lor listing this work
Beginning next term a commercial
at the lessons of other pupils to observe morning for I an Angelee, California,
«lone l>v tlm Service is to avoid lutli t- mur mt will la* added |<> (he ciirnculuni
Mr. Mansfeldt's methods of teaching. where they will be joined by their son,
Oregon Lastern S rveyora Working
Extracting Money From the Gentle
ing s hai.lsliip on the farmers Much >«»fllie high school. Thia department
Any wishing to make arrangements for Roy E., when they will proceed to New
Thia Way.
<d the land through »bu ll these laterals will lie conducted by Mr. Booth, who,
lessons may call at the home of Mrs. C. York City. Mrs. Naftzger and aon will
Chapel exercises were held Friday
aie to l«< run is already under cultiva­ d lie aorepls, will lie a valuable addi­
sail June * on the Groeee Kurfurst for
C. Chitwood.
tion. If the wmk «as let by contract, tion lu (be faculty. He ia at present
Europe. They expect to be absent
The surveyors of tho Oregon Eastern morning.
That there is good money in the
This week there were shipped to the
it would la* cariie.1 on regardless of the engaged in a like raftacity in the Cov- ra: I road are caiii|MMl at the big apringa
Bchool drawing to a close, the students creamery business is evidenced by the
about a year.
Cniversitv of Oregon at Eugene by the
farmers. Beu g done by llie Sell ice. it mgt< n, Kentucky, high achool.
on the !«ena ranch, at the northern edge are prrqraring for monthly and term ex­ many successful establishments in Ore­ I Hot Springs Improvement Company,
Thad McHatton, formerly of Ashland,
«lili* p-wsilde to move the working i
of the Indian reservation. They are aminations.
gon, at the head of which stands the five carboys filled with water from five came in Saturday from Klamath Falla
fonws from place tophice and so arrange
Ou Thursday evening Mrs. Philanda ■ running th«» preliminary survey from
The high school basehall team lost liszlewood Company at Portland. Cor­ of the hot springs. This water is sent where he is employed in the Jewelry
work as not to iiilrtfere with the irn- N|H.iirrr, «ilr »f thr 1st« Judge
| Madras muth to connect with tho line [ two games at the Agency on Saturday.
vallis, Albany and many other pointe for tha purpose of analysis. The car­ store of L. Alva farwis. He and Roy
, gallon <4 these lands. This could not of Ijt.sen county, *|»ke in the M. E. I now being sntveyed from Natron to May 5. Three of the regular players
have handsomely paying plants, [raying boys were tilled and sealed under the Sanford left thia morning lor the Mc­
tw done if the woik was under contract, i-liurcli to a small but Interested audi­ Klamath Falls.
could not niske the trip. The score of so well in fact that no stock in the com- most careful directions, and affidavits Hatton ranch at Keen creek.—Ashland
for the conttm tors would vigorously ob­ ence on the subject of woman's suffrage.
Notice was served last week on Chief The game with the Indian school boys panies is for »ale.
setting forth the facta accompany the Tidings.
ject t<> fuel* iianafertiii«« hum plmx« to Mie is a fluent ami forceful «peaker and Engineer tiraham by Indian Agent Wil-i was 8 to 5, with the Klamath Stars 11
The Klamath Canal Company's tally-
The Merrill creamery had a struggle f shipments.
those present considered that limy had son that liin cor|>Hof surveyors would not I to 5. The first game should have Iwen
during its first year, not because of lack
A local teachers institute will b« held ho will leave from the offices of the com­
It ia (he tlrairr n( (hr Interior Ih*- experienced an intellectual treat. Mrs. l>e permitted to carry on operations «on by the high school nine but by poor of market, nor because of any difference ' jn the Assembly hall of tha High school pany every morning at 9:30 and in the
|i«rlmriil lh«l II»«» Indiana In» giren an B|»ncrr ezpects to canvass the county. within the reservation. This was done playing in the first innings it was lost, in the cost of butter fat and the price 1 on Sat. May 26.
. An instructive pro­ afternoon at 1:30 for a tour of the Bueno
«»pfM>rliini(y lu work on (hr conatriic« She will «|wak here again Baturdaveven­ on telvgrapic orders from the Secretary The visiting team was treated royally realized from the butter sold, but lie-I
— ■ be presented, and all patrons Vista addition. Everyone is cordially
<iun o( (lirMt* laterals, aim ! the Inclino ing, and everyone is invited to attend.
of the Interior. The cause for this in- and everyone had a most excellent time, cause a sufficient number of contribating 1
of tha school are earnestly requested to invited to go and view the sights.
Hurrati ha»* af»|M>inlr<l Cnpl. O. (*. A|>-
junction is th« failure of the Harriman If satisfactory arrangements can I* cows could not be secured. The farm­
attend. Bpecial music will be prepared
W. F. Arant superintendent of Crater people to file its papers with Secretary 1 made a gam« with the Klaiuath Stars
Kodak views of the San Francisco
plrgalr to lake charge t>( (he ¡ndinnn no
ers gradually awoke to the fact that for the occasion. There will he an ex­
earthquake and fire, size 35<x4j{, IS
«•ngage.1. Ils ie (<> confer with Indian ¡
Hitchcock and get a permit to enter the will be played here May 30.
hibit ot the work of the schools.
cents each, *1.25 per doaen.
Agro( Wilnon, and if any of (lie Klam ami friends ill Ashland to-day, having reservation. Steps have already lieen
Preparations for commencement ex­ money makers, and the establishment
A(h. Modoc or Warm spring Indian* ele­
taken to comply with the requirements ercises to lie held the last week of school is now on a good paying basis, and the
B. Campbell, Fort Miley, 8. F., Cal.
girá to work on (bin cuna!ruc(ion, pro- county. He is preparing for the con­ of lb« Interior Ih'partment, and liefore are living speedily compieteli.
profits are constantly increasing.
Don’t forget that the band boys need
Tiaion will I* made hy (*ap(. Applcgnlr struction of a dwelling and other im- many days the survey will be again be­
In the death of Jesse Van Ri per the
The principal owner of the Merrill greased pole and pig contests, fireworks,
with (lie Rerlainntioii fS’rvice, Io | mt -
Klamath County High School lost ane plant is a non-resident and on account dancing and «very other blamed thing your assistance. Give it cheerfully by
(endent in the psik during the summer.
you can think of for a good time will be attending the concert Saturday, May 19.
mit them Io do no.
Surveyor« on the Natron line have al­ of its brightest and most promising stU-
will be located at the head of ready reached the summit. One corps is dents. Jesse was the youngest pupil ol of other business is unable to give the found in Klamath Falls on July 4.
You will enjoy it and the band boys will
A nclirdiilc in l»ring pr«|mrod and
appreciate your help.
Itida h ill I m » aak«*d for during (hr coming the (anions Annie Creek canyon, the coming thia «ay on the preliminary aur- our school and was held in high esteem For this reason some local parties have you don’t believe it come an<l see,
anuntli for a nick rruahar ami aand rolla super i n tend cut's headquarters.—Ash­ vey ami another has started west inak- by all the teachers and each and every been able to secure an option on tha ask the secretary, B. St. G. Bishop.
Mrs. Philinda Spencer will speak oa
And an aoou an it ia iindallrd (he govern- land Tidings.
ing the iiermanent survey. Aa soon as student, among whom, he had made plant, including 11 acres of valuable
Telford and son are constructing a Equal Suffrage at the M. E. Church
I April 19, at 8 p. m. Free admission.
enrnt will B'ipply all th«» naml uaed on
Buy a home in South Klamath Falls. thia ia completed. contract« are to be many fast friends. The school tenders land adjoining tho town of Merrill, at 52-foot launch for their own use.
let and grading operations commenced its sym|>athy to the bereaved [«rents, practically cost price. To secure suffi­
The program for the next high school cient funds to operate this plant and to
Charles Graves, who ia in the employ entertainment to lie given st Houston’s establish another in the vicinity of
I I of Chief Engineer Graham was in the Opera House, May 24, is as fottow«:
Klamath Falls and to add cold storage
city thia week purchasing supplies. He ' Opening...............
.............. Orchestra and ice-cream departments later, an in­
........Lillie Arnett corporated company is being organized
returned to the camp Wednesday.
, Instrumental Solo
Alexander Martin with a capital stock of *8,000,00 to take
A. M. Taylor, of Hanford, California, • Speech
.............................. Dwarf over the business. Stock subscription
arrived in this city Bunday, and will re­
Bertha Hamnioud lists will l>e ready to-day, and those who
Elsie Gates
main hero permanently. Mr. Taylor is Trio....
desire to invest a few dollars safely and
a builder and contractor of prominence !
profitably, and at the same time aid I
Beryl Ballard
and an architect of ability, and will I
materially in the development of one of
prove a valuablu addition to otir city. Vocal Solo............ .. Mrs. Don Zumwalt Klamath county’s greatest resources,
INEST LINE of Men’s and Boys’ suits in
He intends to go into the contracting
........Frank E. Wilson will have an opportunity. There will be
xml building business her«, and ia al­ Chorus.................
Klamath County. Men’s suits from $5 to
........................ Students 100 shares of *50 each.
ready preparing estimates and figures
Those who have'nt cows can thus
on work.
$28, every garment 1906 style, single ami
Program for Commencement exer- mako money on cows, and those who
T. W. Stephens is in receipt of a let­
ercisea to lie given at High School As­ have can make a double profit from
tloublo breatrted sacks, straight front sacks,
ter from the Hoag mining district, near
sembly Hall, May 25th, is as follows:
Ft. Bidwell, Calif., stating that a dump
in nil styles. Materia! includes handsome silk
Invocation.................. Rar. J. B. Griffith
B. A. Ramsey of Monterey, California,
had been found in that district indicat­
Male Quartet
mixtures in light and dark shades, new grays
was in this city Saturday and Sunday.
ing operations ol 30 or 40 years ago. It
John Yadcn Mr. Ramsey is editor end proprietor of
was found on property adjoining that
in large variety, invincible chocks, checks,
Instrumental Soln
a daily paper in Monterey, and at pres­
owned by Mr. Stephens. I-ast week
......................... Miss Evelyn Applegate ent owns a job ottice iu Frisco. So dis-
stripes and fancy worsted, Acorn brand suits,
Mr. Stephens sent B. Modesto, a well
ladies Quartet
asterous has been the effect of the earth­
known prospector, to H<«g to do work
Address..................... Prof. R. II. Dunbar.
are all beautifully tailored throughout, hand
quake in hia section, that be has de­
on his claims.
Presentation of Diplomas.......................
cided to quit the newapa[>er business,
felled collar, hand padded shoulders, best Ital­
John Kelley, of Eugene, a member of
........................... Judge Geo. T. Baldwin
and was livre for the purpose of seeing
the Booth-Kelley Lumber Conipanv,
ian lining, etc; a perfect tit guaranteed in every
what op|>ortunitie« were offered in the
«as in the city this week on his wsy to
Charles Grave«, the well known ranch­
the Indian reservation to look over the er of Odell wai in town this week, lie real estate business. He returned home
instance with Acorn suit.
lieu land offered his company by the wanted to aniiiire himself that his broth­ Monday morning.
government in exchange for the land er, Chap, was traveling the straight
The infant boy of Mr. aud Mrs. J. R.
now located in alternate sections.
and narrow path, and returned home Casey was found dead iu lied last Fri­
Large variety of Stetson and Tiger brand hats.
Visit our shoe
E. B. Hussey, Chief Engineer of the Wednesday satisfied that he could trust day morning. The parents are heart
department. Buy a pair of Packard shoes.
California and Oregon Development him to the temptations ol the metrop­ broken over their loss aud have tho
Company, left for Seattle last Sunday. olis of Klamath county.
Ryni[«lbywf their many friends.