CITY BRIEFS fkui't fail to attend the band concert to o|w*n Up Mint*. May It). An A«l«lin( machine and aolor trannil Buy Town Property at Acreage Prien in the Roy llamakar viait*l Morrill and wa» ordernd purvlinavd tor uae oí th«* See Adv (or marsh land,. rviliity. Bonaima tin» we«A. l ive in South Klamath Falls. The o-iirsion to Kem> Sunday was I la tiering Recognition. For small «x«>k stoves. Virgil • n of Cigar, al Frank K depart<««ui plai-«>d in tlie Church. est orchard in the valley, great field, of alfalfa, tim­ them high praise. The honor of even ter's Jewelry Store. othy and wild hay under irrigation; garden tract« in I have lease»! from tho Klamath participating in tho chorus 1» one much cultivation, and 400 acres of the tract, lying above the Watch for tlie new hats at the La Canal Company and J. IX Conger all «ought after, w hila participation m »olos, main canal, nearly all under tha survey for the High M ale till* week. h,«‘d on the ram liea owned by these |«eo- duet» or quartettaa is only permitted I have added to my stock of Furniture a full line of Line Canal, anef which ia the choieeet fruit land. E«i Hoyt of Ft. Klamath wa« in the pie, and all at.w-k tres|>a»»ing on the»e where the vm-aliat is po- ->aa.-d of ait- Fourteen Hundred Acree ol thi, magnificent ranch is perior attainments, Au examination »( city Wednesday. premises will be impounded. eigned up with the Klamath Water Users' Asoociation. the program roveala the name of Mi»« 5 10-tf. Bird Looaley. You can’t b«-at the Standard range for the money. Virgil ami Son. The I'and bova are going to give a con­ Worden of Klamath Falla, a« a itiiiiilwr Homes. Gardens. Blocks and Lots. Water Front and Orchard Lands ot the quadruple quartette and her If you want a nice home buy 2’» acres cert. The pnx-ee«!» go io pay for tlie in­ many frienda hero will l«> plva«vd to Thia property is now on the market and for sale in and have fitted up a chapel where services may be strument«. Now, if you like music, help m S uth Klamath Falls from I . Jacobs. learn of her auet-wa and to know that Klamath Falls at prices that makes it the beat buy in The Lakaslde Inn Bar. C. Ross An- pay for the »»ret strains produced, anti under the careful direction of Madam held. I also have secured the services of a compe­ Klamath county, exclusively by buy a ticket, even if you don't intend to dersoa for sn Optimo cigar. foird W '««I of Ki-tlland«, ol whom «he ia go to the concert. I.. Jacobs is offering tine sites for tent licensed embalmer and funeral director, who FPi\k IPi WHITF Residence 'Phone Sub. 14x1. Office, new a pupil, «lie ia «o rapidly gaining tho The aseuraion down the lake given by II\A ” Ill 1 L, brick block of Maj. Worden after next Monday J hemes in S«>utb Klamath Fall» on easy much coveted priaa of |«»aeaaing a con­ th«« Women’s Club laat r-aturvlay evening will attend promptly to all calls day or night, I terms. tralto voice that ia h inning (or her auch was quite a aucro«». The sffair was tb«< recognition and diatinetioii. Klamath •| Dan Ryan, Jr., the well known mer- cither in the city or country, taking full charge of aourve of much enjoyment and future Fall« loel« proud of it« ropreaenlativo ; chant of Fort Klamath was tn the city events of thia kind will bo heavily and wialio« her much «ucee««. Tuesday. funeral relieving you of all responsibilities attend­ patronised. F or Ktxr—T wo nice furnished front Work ia nearing completion on tlie $ I.O.O. F. Delegates. ant on such occasions. ! rooms lor light housekeeping.—Mrs. W. j boat house on the Up|ier lake, lathes. I H. Dulaney. « | saws and other machinery ne«-e«aary- to >, E. Ma y’. d.■’«•>.*• f( m The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Rosa An­ make it a first class la««! building plant » derson for High grade Wines, Li­ are being installed, and in a few days rill, and George liurii, « I i>. t quors and Cigars, d and Carey Rauisliy a.* delegate« £ ». j*»;. < ; Vs< >. i c¡g<>j> will be ready to till orders for boats. Klamath laxlge 13', mid Mia« Can you sell Klamath county proper­ Tlie Klamath Canal Company has one Baldwin a, delegate from Kel ty? If so see or write E. B. Hall. Lib* of the finest teams of blacks ever seen on IIAS OPENED OFFICES IN laalge, will leave thi» week for Pori ; oral terms to agents. the streets of this citv. They are j land to attend tlie meeting nt tha Grand B«>rn—To Mr. and Mr». D. B. Worth­ I hitcli«<«l to a foiir sr-att-d conveyance, Lodge to l>e held ill that Cllv neat week. THE II AM AKAR BUILDING ington, Beloit, Wis„ May 3, a son. Con­ which is use«l for tha purpo««« of carry­ X ’pepepej-e'-e'.epe{.e{aep 4,4**f**F4*4**FrF4*4*4T*hX Mr. Martin sxpevta to visit Fri-C". gratulations, D. B. ing )>eoplo from their Mum street office fore going to Portland. Mr«. Marlin ♦ to the Buena Vista Addition. Manager For lots in Bonansa see E. B. Hall. and Mr«. Rams'ev and son, accoinpAinos | Brown is to lie complimented for the the party, and expect to friends The Merrill creamery is offt-reii for neat appearance presented and the up- and relative« in Portland and other sale. Euquire of Gus Newbury, Jack­ to-date methrxls adopted to care for point,. sonville, Oregon. I prospective investors. Frank B. Kitchen has bought a tract J N<». 8 Al»»rt ra«t C»M»k «tow ........... 1'3 50 Reservoir All Right. 45 00 of fruit land in the East Klamath Falls I J. W. Busts, who for several years On May ist the plat of the Bowne addi- N.» 8-|8 Toledo Heel rang«' was head salesman in the well known A :«> U un^vniitia lUrb Wire. |»<*r cwt tracts, in Section 35, Tp. 38. H It >li»f i >* in.I itoll» 36 oo i and exclusive clothing house of Raphael tion to Bonanza was placed on the mar- Tuesday afternoon a majority of the New and Second hand bouse furnish­ A Co., of San Francisco, has entered th«1 I2’in. SyrnuoM* chilled j »I o * a « ............... 13 3ft RO i < m »U i ntrrl Irwr harm«« ........... IP IU ing, at the bridge. Second hand store. employ ot I.. Jacobs, of the Boston store.! street committee, e mpoard ol Messrs ket, and since then General Agent E. B. Martin, Bishop and Dr llargua accom­ Improved White «ewthg timchilie. 4<» 00 Virgil and Son. * Mr. Busts is thoroughly equipped to 1 panied by .Mr. Gate, of tlie Water com­ Hall lots, ranging in price 1‘vervthing el«e in the llnrdwarv line m reduced price« Do you want a nice location for a handle the gents furnishing department ■ pany and representative ot tlie two fall and im vathptle Good« and price«. home? If so see L. Jacobs and visit his of this estal'lishment. He has already papers, visited the reservoir. Tho ob­ from Sjo to $100. The low price and property in South Klamath Falls. made many frieuds for ins hou«c. and ject ol the visit was to see if any foun­ Choice locations can be secured in Bo- he w ill undoubtedly prov«« a valuable ac­ dation existed tor the chargee that im­ easy terms makes this a desirable in- Repairing a specialty at Winter’s. quisition to his employer. purities and retime ere to l>e found in vestment, and now is the time to make In this issue of the Republican appears the basin, or pollution of the water from All work guaranteed. nanza if vov buy now. E. B. Hall, Gen­ the adv. of T. W. Stephens, real estate immediate surroundings waa possible. your selection and procure choice locations and insurance agent. Mr. Stephens has After a thorough examination by tlie eral Agent. not been here very long, but ha» conuniltae it was fonnd that there NA It« AAV New goods arriving at Winter's. /z¿ gone into business with such a vim that no cause lor the complaint made, that The regular meeting of the Women’s 1 he has listed some of the Iwst property­ every precaution naceaaary for the pro- Club will be held in the Library Friday in the county. He offer« several bar­ tectioit of the purity of the water * aa afternoon. May 11. gain» thi, week, and will do so from being taken and that nothing of a con- We have a few thousand dollars to time totime. _ __ Ilia policy is to give every laminating character waa to tw foun t. loan on farm lands, small loans pre- one a square deal, and the success he The water company ha* been experi­ terred. Interest t> per cent on long time has met with thus far shows that bis encing great difficulty of late from leaks '^ÎT' v loans. Commission 3 per cent.—Mason policy is a winner. in the basin. The original lining was lough. Miss Lena Gillman the 15 year old made of Asphalt, it being the arerpted 4 : BISHOP’S I : toiture AND Undertaking : 5 Store 1 Í Í $ Parlors CASKETS AND FUNERAL SUPPLIES Bonanza Improvement Co. Pilone, Store Si 4- 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4> 4* «F 4* 4» 4* 4* Raotóence 66 A Few Prices at HURN S HARDWARE STORE GEO. R. HURN ♦4 Deering BRICK STORE CO.’S Retiring From Business Sale Continues We have reduced the prices on all class of goods, including Ladies Dress Goods, il Fancy Trimmings of all kinds, Shoes, Mens and Boys Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Etc. 44 t * I+ + THE . . We have filled in on all goods we wen short on REMEMBER When you are in need of SHOES, that you will find a complete line at WILLITS, and at prices that defy competition. When in need of CLOTHES that have fit style and workmanship, at Prices to suit your Pocketbook, you will find them at WILLITS L. F. WILLITS Agent to His Majesty, the American Oentieman, for first class goods Newline gents and ladies fobs at daughter ot A. D. Gillnian, who resides theory at the lime of conatruction that Minters Jewelry Store. about six miles below Kono, died at the it was the liest material to uao (or tins All service, as usual at the Presbyter- home of her father Tuesday afternoon. purpoae. Experience has proven it in­ ian Church next Sabbath. May 8. heart disease being tlie cause of effective, and the company ha« relined Foa S al «—16 inch drv pine wood de- her de,,h' M'-«•»">•«> '•« “>« •) “” the basin with cement. Having n di­ livered any place in town. C. C. Low, P« M arried —In Klamath Falls, Oregon, «atl . aifiCM Alt m A , lyfia u aa the» viiiim/out tv ot 300,(MM) gallons thi» basin would lie •ad since Misa I-ena was the youngest Tue^lay, May 8, Min Lara .S'htick •nd 'laughter, the favorite of her father and sufficient to supply a citv of many tinio G. N. Howell, both of Whitelake. the companion of a h >»t of friend« the size of Kluuiath Fall«. It has been, For Sale—Household furniture, however, impossible to get more than who mourn her departure. residence of Alex Martin. Call at 7 feet ot waler into it, until it wa« re­ time. 5-10 lined. Friday the relining was com­ Arant—Cunnlngham. pleted and found to be perfect, so that M arried —In Klamath Falls, Oregon, t Thursday, May 11, .MissConstie Hooper Miee Ada Cunningham and J. Arant now from nine to tell feet of wati-r is and William A. Stiles, both of Swan were married at the court house Sunday carried. Lake valley, Judge Graves otficiating. May 6, Hon. Geo. T. Baldwin, County Go to Mannings for a new pipe. Judge, officiating. Miaa Cunningham has not been a reaident of the county New souvenir trays at Winter’s. A. D. Bartie of the McCloud Lumber very long, but bar endeared herself to BY “OPTIMIST." many and h.-w a boat cf frienda who ex­ Company arrived in the city Monday. tend their l«at wishes. Smail tract, of well located tule marsh Mr. Arant waa born in this county Uel Bussy, of f^tngull valley, wa» via- ; lands offered for one week at $20 per and ia well known to ita residents. He iting his sister, Mrs. Charles Burgdorf acre. Abel Ady. is a bright, energetic and enterprising of Pine Flat thi, weak. Do not procrastinate. If your eye, fellow, whoae ability ia sufficient to Ma­ Mi«« Roaa Beck, one of the charming trouble you »end them to Winters the ture hia aucceta and bring to him a life young ladies of Yonna valley, wa«, ail­ state Registered Optician. uf auccesa and happiness. ing on frieu Is in lion.iaz . - . la;, th For bale—One 6-year old full blooded week. Red Poll cow and one 9-montha old County Court fleets. Ernest Burnham, tlie Dairy »<1. . heifer. Call at the Boston Store. teacher, has important leatter« to at- ; fibs week at the Mitchell ranch, Ma­ The regular meeting of the County tend to in Bonanza on Hundaya. son Davis & Co. are “breaking” a bunch Court waa held at the Court house in Walter Broadsword, J. T. Bauman of steers lor use on the big plows. thia city on Thursday. Friday and Sat- and Creed McKi-ndri o of Bonanza, al There will be an excursion to Pelican j urday of laat week. Very little of im­ tended the telephone meeting at I fairy Bay Lodge Sunday, on tlie steamer Wi- portance came before the meeting, moat on Monday. nerna. If you want an enjoyable trip and , of the time being conaunied in the The weather for the past week liax , time, go. j transaction of routine busineaa. been ideal. Crop, are growing very Tile question nt opening the road to A Civil f^rvice examination for the fast. position of “Forest SujxTvisor” will lie Altamont met with conaiderable oppo- The Midway Telephone Company ha« aition by many property owners, the held at Portland, Astoria, Baker City main contention againat it« conatruction installed new phones on the Pine Flat and Eugene, May 18, l!X)tt. . coming from the California Northeast- branch line. J. Frank Adams, wife and son were ern railroad. The objection wa, baaed I The annual meeting of th, sharehold- j in the city this week. Frank had bet­ on the fact that the road would be or, of the Spring Valley Telephone ter keep bi, eye on that little boy lor he through the freight yard« of this com­ company held last Monday was well at- I i, nice enough for someone to keep. pany, and a, conaiderable switching tended. The new leiard of directors Work baa been liegun on tlie new would be done there at all time»; it ren­ elected are Wm. Welch, Jacob Roeck, building of the American Bank and dered it hazardous for vehicle» travel­ I Walter Broadsword and W. P. Fudge. I Trust company, corner of Main and ing over the tracks. The Court, how­ Tiiese men are very capable and the I Fifth street, and will be rushed to com­ ever, approved the finding of the view­ business will certainly be conducted in pletion. ers, and the road will be opened at an a proper manner. Tho company is in good financial condition mid there is no Mrs. 8. 8. Henley ha, purchased, early date. All other petition, for road, were ap­ reason why it «hould not lie a continued Commercial through the Klamath Agency, the M. R. Frain property, proved, and tlie ,uparvi«»r, instructed nuccess. Foarth and Pino streets, It i, under- stood that tlie consideration wa, $.*><)<». John t M u- YONNA ZEPHYRS The Heidrich projierty on Main street adjoining the Republican office has lieen purchased by the Klamath Railway Company, and a, soon as tlie same i, ab­ stracted, woik will commence on au of­ fice building for thia company. J. R. Crew«, who came to Klamath Falls from Albany four month« ago, ha, contracted for the purchase of a block in the East Klamath Fall, tract of. Frank Ira White, a half mile from town, on which he will build a home. C. E. Shackleford of Redding Cal. ha« purcliawd the shoe-repairing establish­ ment of T. ti. Donlan, and will conduct I the same in the future. Careful and prompt attention to busineM and first- clas, wormanabip will be the rule,, (live me a trial. M ER RI LI HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE CROCKERY PAINTS, I A. 0. I . \V. Building L r OHS CLASS .* Fresh Candies and Bon Bo ns, Stationery. Notions. Cigars and Tobacco Fresh l^l-lllt 111 SCHNOll PAPERS AND MAGAZINES Main Street near Postoffico J in the heart of the Klamath Basin Best /investment you can make is in Merrill property at prevailing prices.......... Horne, Wanted. Horses For Sala. 31 In-ad of young work horse«, wa« I want 200 head of work horses, 1100 to 1400 and up. fairly well broke. Frank broke, weighing IfOO to 1800, a law «Ingle driver« and five «addle boraes tea Adam,, Merrill, Orc. Hille. II. V. .Mitchell, Altamont. 5-24 ttaignlna. Ilcsidenco property—$1.50 to $1 per front foot IIUBinoHH property—$10 to $15 per front foot MERRILL AGENTS FITCH A SPENCER AND f^RANK ANKENY DAILY Klamath Commercial Agency Klamath Falls, Oregon I llavi ng a large atoek of vehicle, to ar­ rive soon and lieing crowded for room I offer special price, on all Farm and Spring wagon, that are in atoek at pres­ ent ; will rave you from $5 to $ 20 on every vehicle. Baldwin, the Hardware and Vehicle Dealer, Thi, week the land of tire Mitchell tract linn been placed on the market by Frank Ira White and several ,ale, are already reported. Building operation» will «"on In gin iiy «otne of the nnr- chasers and tlio great acreage hsretolora devoted to livestock purjsise, will noon liecoine orchard«, garden,, Held», meadow, and city home». *