«-■bools in IHJI «11 rib." p an!.I. rn Hr.XJQ/ LO J IS IA KA I'U SOBAS« TZE«1- i- (1 . rd.C77. The Bitnbei of pq t-'• riC.IV 3» • 707.T V?.T VALUABLE. pll* In am i «tan-« at b ,h «. hools in CIVIL l:M|IM I.Id and SLR VI; YOH ,9 — —- rroduetlvenass returns Each Tcr.t Kurs Than th» Original Co»t— Liutisti-• uf Ocaai-i Lakeside Inn, GEM RESTAURANT ass l<|.T7l. I i In 1 rt j 9J sails tiri««»* an at i aiitndanci I t .-rest. with i,9«,l tivhers; 1 . ,1 PtrnFfn I.,. .1* it,« KI.AMATII FAl.!> \ norm * I l.oi!«, 033 »tiident . with ti t lev her,, and at All kii.ih •«nxinveriiiif • *lmnghting •’ hlgh«r e<- i atmnil Insfft iCona, 45,- •' 2 stmt ns and 4 HI i «- i r< Th« total tli'iirei of th« n-mil. r »2. 3,«17.«99. The number of n«w»t>apera »nd p* rliMllcal* publish*-«) Iri thl* ares In IH90 was 4,7f»9. and In 19 U m MBS b-r wu 3.731; th« n-imtrnr of poal HAMAKER OFFICE. oltlee* In 1190 was 13,474 and In 19-3 It wa* 16,437; the r.llre -if railway In operation In i*9'i nun-tmr-d 61 623 and in I9<>2 there were 62.4--.1 mile» bain« I'lans ami t-|mrated or nearly 31 per cent i>a lu the area In luded w.thlu the various ¡ > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > - ■ rest addinoti» lo our luu.lory, aay* Um Wasi>in«ton Hier 'I hu lami aies >1 th* Ixiulalana pur- cbaae aaceeda that of Uiu urinal thirteen ata >-a, being SlS.oM sqiutrv i miiea. satanist a land area of HZ--.*** square miles In the original tmrteeu COMMAL1OR and BUILIH k Anothar New African Animal. aialaa. The state» and territori«» I Flr»t i le— Work In the «uiUrn part of the great for Score Bi3<1 Her wbl-h havu b- < n creatud In whole or Flitnrra I «f In part from Ila area number H an» a*t region of Central Africa where th« MAIN' STREET. lU«t. 5th and Oth Kti* «> apt wa* discovered, Mr It M«|n»rts their population In 1V<*> wu 14.7-M,- c n x ur> t:u aga.nat a population ul lass than hagen haa recently killed »jw-clmen» of a hitherto unclassified »|m- ie* of wild lou.Ooo m the territory at the t.uie of It» purrha-ie 1 heir total area I» swine. fi>r which the popular name It u-ady one u.lrd tb«t ul th* on.ir» “forest hog" h'» been *-u < -«d be-r* m»»ch r*«emhl«nc-* to th" wart 1 1 - n 1: d th tr ponilstlon ab ml o n- of Klamath Falls, wholesales and retails all kinds f.ith that of the entire United Hilles. h-.g. but 1» less hideous In lb« shape The toisi vilun »t the srriculiarai nf jt» skull and the arra:g«m-nt of its of liirnlH r, from one stick to a carload. Over a teeth. It 1« *l»o more sbin-lantly USE I rodio is of the »latee forme l troni the clothed with bio hllr A« In the case quiirtci of a million fee! on hand > .«* •< «•* > Louisiana purchase, inrludlng In that KLAMATH FALLS SODA WATER of the okapi, th« li'« S,r If M Pian­ category simply wheat, corn. oat*, bar­ ley heard of th existence of tili» 1.0«. THE MOST ley. r>e. hay and potato-*. was In UT) We lluro Purchased the but did not see specimen* of it — I lv- n as IliZtl.UOO,unti amt lu l»3 II REFRESHING SUMMER DRINK Youth's Companion I. id In Tiao-d to |SC’>,.lli'J -> The CRESCENT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY I vuoi i rxlu-t of the. - st it ■ »muun e.i Manufactured in all Flavors In l«j| to *.I 571.357 i-ounds ami lu IH--3 VERY GENEROUS MARGIN. which is being fully equipped with all modern lu Mi.lúu.úrJ |ouunr. or Ju per ceuL I Alain 33 i f t!.o lotti wool p’oilm t of tm- I ali­ De 1er la H: to. ical Ilelle» Who Knew machinery and skilled workmen and are prepared I 4 atale», wl.h a i emluiated viluo of Eow to Conduct ths •o make anything from a clothespin to the finest almut IK.-rni - o I. < r mure than the «usine« a. rost of the entire n'«i The vilu, of cabinet at reasonable prices, e* J the farm an.mils -11 th««« rt*ie, in The rran who likes to Io k In nh-.p- JM-t was |i WAub.-t*** ■ nJ on Jin lary wlndows, stopped at the a. hl of a Promptness. Courtesy. Reasonable Prices and Good Worltm mship 1. l>-4, the v.luu was I .II j . lari.« plichtr in the enter cf a e .liec Th«- product of th« m.aea I« «Iso of lion of anil -on». (uwter porringera. trill crcr be our aim. viry great value. Th. <<>ll pr .«lured l.ra-m candlesticks bat Iran Ski.let*, i In this arti In 1312 anr«uh’«d tu 30,- .. I re.ate» Youth* Companion. Outside orders given prompt attention. l >o.'*t-i Iona, ai alust ll.uuo.-m-« tons In The pfteh«r was adorned with a ! liX). th« Iron ure to 1 S.al-v - -n« tons Irte phone J"» head of Geor-e Waehington. decdu-’.ly In U33, against IJiVu'M tons in 1W; 4MB*» at the factory. askew and bone too clear. At th. the alivi r product «-f IJ'U to < ;i.K37.- ■Ide of this treasure stood a placard tiu m -o.tiuig value. *gs net 111.733- learlo; the.ee words: ' d in I*' >. ami i" 1 »..• -r - 111 "Obe of the Are tenuta« George 13 J. ng.iln t ll-t.i'-iui tn 1Ü3-» RI TTE ( Kl- EK V Washington pitcher*, Lnown U> be 14J 'I he b«n In« Institutions of the tli< < nlrplace in file Klnniuth yer re old " Hatea rv- formed from thia territory • OOOOOO OOO 0-00 OOO O€K> Basin «li'-rc >;< mk 1 Imnteatend« Preparing for one of hla frequent I orled < spilli .lock In 19o3 amount- cali lie Ilari. Online of Cali­ mg to |i -:.-«*>,iwg>, against 33>.-*MOTO pleasure*. the yrn!>m»a alepped Into fornia & Nortlieaslern II. IL. the antique shop aaj ac o.'.ej the In IfJ"; lhe.r Circulation to |.0..'3- n*»w building. (ioveriimentIr­ de-ier. out», aitunst II5.UIIW- in 139U; their rigai l-.n contemplateci. Fine "Now. ar, h re.“ he said, agreeably, 1-sti- ami dn-ount* In 19M to t'-"2 - vi-grtablcs. all kinds of gru in 4I3.*IUO, against *2C3.CI«.noo In 18»-». “that Ceor«o Washington pitcher la and doinest icated grassi-s. L’n- end their total resources In 19 ! to dalej too for back. A hundred an I limited rnnge. forty years ago people weren t tnak n : ILTUJM. a OO, acalMt l-'i«- P H '« m In Ceorgo WashlDKtcn pitchers. They JHpu, while mdlvldusj deposita In na­ tional bin * In 190.1 amounted to 3471,- didn't oven know then that h-> «1» 22-1.-M», again-, t I21C f *>,>* - In 1S»<>. an K Ing to le the Father of HI* Coun­ You must he mo'o careful" lacrea»« of more thin 325I.O-JU.OOU In try "I rm the tnest partic'iar man In Individual deposits miring lite period Write for tletu-riplive puinplile*. All kinds of laundry finished in a Th»' pupila enrolled la th« public thia business.” eal I the cl 1 dealer, with ConveyaiM'r furnished if desired. dl-nity. "The man that I boi-fht that schools In th» sla'e* In question In FIRST CLASS MANNER Terms reasoiialilc. l’imite. 1»9 i nnnit>erc 49S. an-t In 1902 pitcher from tol1 me It had I «*□ in • I thought he I S,4!C.t3!; th-» teach'rs employed num­ his family since 17W. D. E3. CRMPDELL. PROP'R. b-red In 1*31 I9.3M and In 1302 110,- might ba exaggerating, and I ma*.e *u I How much I PICARD, CAL. • OOO Eloniestesds Located ; GETTY & HIGQINS, Props. KLAMATH MAMMOTH STABLES ESPY, the Soda Water Man > Rigs îumisbed with or without drivers INFORMATION COMMERCIAL arc wanted by the farm­ ers of the Klamath Basin to meet the requirements of the great development of this region. We can place money at 8, 9 and 10 per cent on first niort- gage farm loans, abso- lately secure. We have money to lend but can­ not satisfy our applica­ tions »•» .■* > > of every kind about the AGENCY. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, BONDS. WARRANTS, Klamath country will be furnished on request. Send your name for a copy <»f <>ur circulars anti other information pub­ lished by local author­ ities and the United States .<>**>>> MORTGAGES, RATINGS, I I INSURANCE, RENTALS INFORMATION, REAL ESTATE, RATINGS and REPORTS Most purchasers want small farms. This is good for the country. It is good for the man with land to sell, too, for he can get better prices. We will do the engineer­ ing, advertising a n d selling > > ** *•» > We make financial re­ ports and give commer­ cial ratings. Find out what kindof men youare about to deal with. Our reports are reliable for we make that our busi­ ness. Care and time giv- en to each as if we were putting our money in. PERCHERON t STALLION «ill make the season of ]8Q6, opening May 1st and closing August 1st AT THE HORTON RANCH Term* 3l2..*iU per season, due Augtut 1st. IIO*>, Insurance 92t) -loe when aali«He«l mares are with foal. Said Stallion will l>e han lied by Jack 11 or ion. Uotal pasture for mares at the rate of 31 j-er head per month. Will not lw ronaible for aeci-lents. HOMESTEADS. ABSTRACTS. Abandoned h o m e- steads of fraudulent and negligent entrymen are open to contest. This is the only way to get gov­ ernment land under the government ditches. •o Our entire capital stock is behind our abstracts. Every abstract is exam­ ined by two competnet attorneys before leaving Give this a thought the cilice. This may save and let our experts put you money. Our charges you next. are reasonable. OFFICERS : REPORTS, COLLECTIONS, SUBDIVIDE TO SELL. country. THE BLACK 4-YEAR-OLD REGISTERED H. VSHITCOM, LOANS lot of horses in the H. W. STRAW, Proprietor Farming, Dairying, Stoctaising and Lumbering KLAMATH We keep the finest HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD FALLS NOW IN OPERATION K L A M A TII !*ma*n>KNT—1>. V. Kl ‘ Y K ENMAI.Î., Aitoi 11**1 Klaitmlli Wiiivr U nti A b - KM.IÄ I lull. KLAMATH COMMERCIAL AGENCY. —o— Incorporated Under the Lam of the State of Oregon. Virr I’arattir.XT—C. I. PAIIIHSII, bun Fianciaco, Cat. ABSTRACTS, TIMBER LANDS, M anaukh KOY IIAMAKAIL Capital Stock $50,000.00 Fully Subscribed. rgtagTXMv-IIII.EU 8TEBIXUEIL SWAMP LANDS, FARM LANDS, TOWN LOTS, A ttuksny —II. !.. IlttiGATE, Formerly Attorney l'iuicl Reclamation Service. Our Warranty I s behind evrey proposi­ tion we make. blutes HOMESTEADS, TIMBER CLAIMS, « ENGINEERING, MAPS, Afi EN CÏ When improve­ ments now underway are completed we will be better equipped for our business han any similar concern in the state outside of Portland. Klamath Falls, Ore. POWERSITES, MILLSITES. Our offices are at the corner of Third and Main Streets In Klamath Falls, Ore-~ gon. A TOWNSITES, Representation in New York. Wu«li. intitoli, I». C., Portland, Nan Fran* ciuco, turn Angeles and other cities. ■ BUSINESS SUMMER OUTINGS. BONANZA. MERRILL. OPPORTUNITIES This town lies at the junction of three large and Correct information fertile valleys — Langells, Poe and Yonna. will be furnished to 65,000 acres in these valleys are under the government those who wish to investigate this field for business ventures. About irrigation system. Bonanza is certain to become an im­ portant business center and those who invest there now can feel assured of very profitable returns. For Factories will be es­ information regarding business property, residence lots, pecially welcomed. and acre tracts, call at our offices or write. Great forests and lakes, 4000 to 8000 feet above sea level, with that scen­ ic wonder, Crater Lake, as the central attraction, will tempt many to visit Klamath County this coming summer. We will prepare itinerv, select camps, cooks, out­ fit etc., for parties. Ten thousand acres of alfalfa Grids now surround the town. One hundred thousand acres under gov­ ernment irrigation, project now building, will contrib­ We maintain a branch at Merrill, Oregon, and trill soon open one at Bonanza. ute to the growth and permanent properity of Merrill. Good school, churches, banks starting, creamery, flour mill, etc. erty, prices, Business and residence lots, and acre prop­ Buy now, $ Write or call for information and >>>>>>>> > > - WE HAVEN’T ENOUGH SPACE To tell you about Klam­ ath Falls. You ought to come and see it.