Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 10, 1906, Image 3

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Hood’s Sarsaparilla
We are often asked, Why docs Hood’s Sarsaparilla
effect so many cures of cases that seem to be almost
beyond the reach of medicine?
I he answer is this, that this great medicine is enabled
by the peculiarity of its formula to produce results unap>
proached by any other medicine, this peculiarity consist­
ing in tin* balanced combination of the very best specifics
for the blood, liver, kidneys, stomach, and bowels, namely,
for the blood, Sarsaparilla, Stillingia, Yellow l>ock; for
the liver, Mandrake, Dandelion; lor the kidneys, Uva
Ursi, Junip< r Berries, Pipsisscwa; for the stomach,
Gentian, Wild < berry Bark, Bitter Orange Peel; for the
bowels, Senna, Mandrake and I landelion.
Sold by druggists everywhere. Get a bottle trxlay.
U hiih I form, liquid, or new form, tablets, 100 Doses Ouu Dollar.
Ahlltl«( 'I I IMF.
Th» convention of pliyalelnn« wn>
enlhsl MHiolly uixl hurtlolly, i»r Kill
•n> roae to «|H'iil<.
"G«*liH«*nu*il of I lie profrrtlon.” lie
■■Id, "■onirthlnl niimt lx* done. Our
■ utoiiiobll« tlrva uie Heurlug out. our
dnuglitvr»' luualc I i ' k iim nr»* unpaid for
• nd nearly all our good patrons have
already tx’cn o|a*ratix| ii|»*n for ap|»*ii
dli'ltla Wliat »hell »e do?"
“l-ct’» 11 loot i ver ■ new microtie," mid
Dr. Quark.
The motion was rnrrlMl unanimously
and a wave of alckiiHM watt***l dtleata
to the doctora' coffere.—iudlauapvlla
Jti«1 No Much ttf Truth.
"What'a that sign you're cuuklng
j there?” naked the grocer.
” 'Freeh egg»,*” replied the
**Mnke It 'Fresh laid Offa.'”
“Why er everybody
' egga were fresh when they were I m Id.”
"Exactly, and that's nil that It'a safe
for us to auy about tlwiu.**—’Pblladel*
nhla Prate.________
Thare fa mor* Catarrh In thta arrtl ’n nt iha
•ntmiry than all uttier 4l«r««ra pul 1« wilu r,
an 4 u it til itin lust i«w y»ata was «ti|>|M>*«4 v I h >
Indural'ln I r a gr«al luauy *«**ft'lort«>ra
U ouik > 4 It a l<>ra >ll<M«a»<i. ant Dfrarribe41 u al
r««n» 41 *»a, an4 by c>*n»iantly failing l«> <> r«
wltla I <>< al treat men t i rouounccl II ln<*ural <<
B>i|«nc« h a* prowii c atarrh lo Im a c<»h«llt »
■ re . . * 1 ■«•«.'. a I .
Il 'tiat treat .ant llah*» < atarrh <*ura, mat ti­
fa* lured by K I • h-nny .%( •>, T*»la4<», <’hl- . 1«
lh«» *>i»ly ton «1» tut Ion al fii r«a i >n the nt arliet It
la ia*eu liilccnaily In 4**•«'• Iron* lo4r«ja t a
laaepootifuI it a- »• directly <»u th<* bb*<*4 a: 4 '
mile *tta »ur tare« uf t ha • > atan». They <»ff«r <> e
hundred dullara tor anr < aae It falla lu cure.
Ben 1 for circulara and testimoníala.
K J < II i sm A t o , Tulado. U
Bo' 1 by DrtiffUta,
Ball • Family 1*111» are the beak
Kver y (telea
"And you •till delay the wedding.**
sighed 1! m » beautiful girl. **My heart I b
worn out.**
•*!• that allT* demanded the aultor
who was an advocate of procraallua
"No.” tho rar¡wt la worn out. tha par
lor aufa la worn out. ma's t»o¡>ea are
worn out and pa a pa 11 anla worn
Tha aultor whistled.
•’Well, by gum!” be retaliated. **My
Bh<*»« are worn out coining here every
two or three nigh la.”
You Can (let Allen'S I eot-Eaae I PI B.
Write Allen H olmatcd. I41 l<«>y,jt, Y, for a
frn» ■am | 1» of Allen ■
I ■»«
It turn
• wealing hot iw*>Urti «■ hln* feet Ji make»
now or tlfht •bore ea»y
A t*rl«lD rur» for
corns, Ingrowing nails and bunion* Alidrug-
glsiaMlllt ’/•'<■. h»n’i a4M9pt any »iHaBlluK
111 Moul hern California la a large
cult lake of aimh recent forinatlon tlint
even tin* latent and moat ei|H*nalve
atlunen full to note Ita eklatenee, jet
It tía. a Nurfai'i* area of «lami ">»>
ai|uare mile«, or more than flve time,
that of the city of I’hllailclphia
«alton Keo, ua thin Inaly of water In
known, la the renult of nil Irrigation
onterprfne Hint went wrong lH*< iiiine the
engineer« hu<l not enl*iiliitc<l u|nm the
waywu'ilmwa of tin* Colorado Hiver
Tha Village of Maltón, which hud u
popula'.'on of alniut 100, all of whom
were employed by
»nit company
whooe work« were Mtabliahed Hiere,
han been »wept from tin* lami and now
Ile» under twenty four f’*<*t of water.
The Moiitliern Paclllc Hallroad linn
tmen <i>mpelle<l to rebuild l<»> mile«
of It« line; two Irrigation compunte«,
one A iierlcan. Hie other Mexican lune
u>en a quarter of a million dollar»'
worth of work dlnnppenr almo»t In the
twinkling of an eye. and it I» within
the iKicnda of p'la.lblllty that the m*w
ly formeil lake will demand the office«
of th» llplomatlata of the I'nltcd «tute»
am! Melico In <ll.po.lng of the ooiTiplb
catton. which may ar!«».
1 nw «>iai aiurr,
Ant (to the Elephant) Since I have
iMMhoiw II Hax^tllat I do not a«*e why,
I m *< mine I mu amnller and weaker than
you. I should continually get out of
the way to let y<>u have the middle of
the road. That's Ann!.
Elephant (to the Ant)—If you don’t
I'll Just put my foot on you. That’s
flat. Baltimore Amerlrnn.
a (iVAHANrrm « t'lir. n>H rn.M
llrlilng. Ill nd. h «** !:t.g |*f«.t f u.t r.g I'llM Dr>1<
I a
refund i
• y *f I* a / ■ >
UIMMKM fa is lo curs In Ho II day a *o
The charge for telephone conversation
between London ami Paris has been re­
duced (ruin
to |i for a thru« iniuute
TITO •’•rtnasentiy Cured. No Btaor t»9rvouanaa*
rllUanrfr,,- . .
' 1 r K ,u..- • * . rral S • rv®
Hast, rer nend for » rre • .* trial toHle and treat I k .
Dr. H 11 kllus, ¡44 , Ml AnU BL. I'blladaipbla, 1*W
Prrllmlnary Trainin«.
l’n<le Joaiah First time you ever
milked a row. Is it 7 Well, you do it a
thunderin' sight better than must city
fellers do.
Visiting Nephew It seems to come
natural, somehow. I’ve had a good deal
uf practice with a fountain pen.
'I'iic Kind You I lav«' AI way* Bought linn borne the «ignn-
turr of Chas. II. l*h*t<*lirr> and has bcm luiulo under his
personal supervl«*ion for <ner 30 year*. Allow no one
to deceive you In tills. <'ountrriritM« Irnifotlons nn<i
•• .liiBt-a«-goo<|'• are hut Experiment*, and endanger tho
health of Children— Experience agaliiftt Ex|»rriniciiU
Caatoriu la n Im rm l«**>*« »iibst itiitn for Cuator Oil, l*urc-
aorlc. Drop, anil Hootliinu Syrup«. It 1« Plciioatit. It
contain’« neither Opium, Morpiiino nor other Narcotio
mib**tun<*<*. I tn tur** in its giuiriitite*«*. It dcatrojra Wurms
iin*l ii U h . v « Fererialint-xa. It «'iirca Dliirrloru anil Wintl
('»lie. It relh-viM« Twilling Trouble’., cures t'oiiatiptition
mid I'Uilulciiey. It iiMdinilalcH tho Food, regulate, tho
Rtonuieh nnd Bowel«, giving lieiiltliy mul tmturiil slm-p.
Tho Children*« Pmuiccii Tho Mother*« Friend.
Hirer are
tilling at tha
of U.000 cubic
a bm - oik I I b a
of the (¡rent
sea and
tributary to the
Pnclfle through th.
- ;
and until ri***ently
2* •* *'%• •
survive*! only In
rapidly diminishing
(¡rent Halt Lake In
Utah, The particular depreaalon now
being tilled la known a« the Halton
Bn.In, nnd ll**a at its center 2-M7 feet
lie low the sen level. It cover» an ap-
proximate area of 2.fi*»> square miles.
and Is partly In Riverside and partly
In Man Diego Countlea, California, with
the southerly end extending a short
dlstaii ■*» Into Mexico, south of Calexico,
an An erlcan town on the liorder.
The basin Is defined by an old tieach
that cun be traced all around tho Ink**.
This 1» «ch 1» fill*.| with small marine
nnd fr ill water »bell», |ierfe<’t In fdrin,
but wbh'b crumble umler »light pr>*»-
- nr-
The fact that till. Iieacb In many
place, »till retain» It» old form de.plte
the force of »uml»torm» ami other ac­
tion oil th** part of the element» I. held
by » u • a. conclualve rvldeii <* that the
bu.lu waa a n»« at no very dl.tant
Tlwre are aom« wle* bold tie* opin­
ion tb..t. If tin* flow of the Colorado 1»
not i-oi.lrolled. It will. In time, again Dll
th«* ei.tlru biialn to aea level.
’I hi* ueweat »alt Ink** 1» now from
ten to elght>*et> mil**» wide, al.mt forty-
live mile. long, twenty three feet four
I u -'I mm In depth nt the (teepeat Bound­
ing, ill'll 1» rl.lng ateadlly at the rate
of from one half to three quarter» of an
Imh dully under the cmablned Inflow
of the Colormlo and «¡11« Klvera.
Tim (¡Ila emptlea Into the Co
about three mil**» above Yuma, Ari.,
tl»‘ hotteat ami drleat pla<-e o
of the earth, an<l from ttiei » the
combined flow formerly «wept o
mli<*. to the (¡ulf of California.
To-day from a point twelve rnll»*«
Mmth of Yuma ami four tulle« la* low
the line In Mexico the river lied of the
Colorado 1» n du»t dry, aundy WMBtS,
live f<*ct higher than tin* preaent chan­
nel the river having changed lta courae
from due
aoutb to weot-aoutb-weet.
Even at low water the flow 1» pouring
Into Milton Men by two channel« -tboee
of Hie Alamo ami New Hlver».
The map abowa the »ource of the
water that 1» pouring Into Halton Hea,
ami which 1» now from ten to eighteen
mil«*» wide and forty-live mile* long.
At the upper beading, Ju»t below Yuma,
but on the Amerlcau »Ide, an Irrigation
<*ompnny <*ut a canal, which wm not
of aumcleut capacity to aupply the Ir­
rigable dlatrlct At tile lower bead
a canal »Ixty feet wide and eight feet
deep wm 'Ht In the quick »and bank
of Hie Colorado. Th!» canal the river
quickly enlarged to («*> feet wide and
thirty feet deep, and tielow that point
the old channel of tlie river 1» dry, the
entire flow pouring through the Intake.
To relieve the »Ituatlon In the Irrigat­
ed dl.trlct and at Halton, the Quail
River rut wa» made Into the Rio
Padrone», In the hope of carrying the
water Into Volcano Lake and thence
by Hardy'» Colorado to the gulf. Just
north of the lake the water cut a chan­
nel through to New River, and thence
flow*.! northwest to Salton sink, which
Is gradually rising under the flow from
two channels, the Alamo and New
« «. I prtnh
uig; write f«>r pru we w u.*urtl,» ini A
iamkhkm - w *au*r «<>,. rarUM&
prh r» on |««ut»rn and Miid*«.
KI.AMl It n<* Ib KY, Miitegoff«n, Hrgc-W; Until«
»»•; fr»« in*M<ir«u>»iH blank«; W <Mxlar4. < lark«
HOR- hn nf all kind, for
pricaa. In*piira J7* kront ml
M agic
Then your blood must be In
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it —Ayer’a Sarsa­
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. Weknow
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
Sold lor over 60 years.
I rm
wnion approval, wa gitwnnte« Qt la
Ii.oat dimcuFt < aar«, W.MMlard, t lark» A
n afterward was transferred to tha
cavalry service. In which he won LI.
Joseph Wheeler. Soldier and ¿renteet honors.
During the Kentucky
■ (Mfeamnn, la Brad.
*-u*ipa'gn of ls*12 he commanded Gen
Another military hero, especially rtriug s cavalry and fought at Gro.jn
At Murfrees-
dent to the Mutbern heart, but dear, River nnd Perryville.
too, to the heart of the nation at large, 'mro and Chickamauga lie led the
After the latter battle he
passed nway. In the death of (¡on. cavalry.
Jowph Wheeler, at tho home of hl. cross***! the Tenncnaee River, attacked
Sister In Brooklyn. A few days before *lcn. R*«(.Tans' line of communications,
Gen. Wheeler wns stricken with pn«*u- ' defeat« d the o{ipo»lng Union force, de­
tuonla. and though he battled bravely stroying 1.21X1 wagons,
•ortmaut w-iit uu approval; W uotlard. Clark« U«
| (IO AM MEpAHATORA-Wa gaar antra the U. A
I*»pwr* or fo bw th** D-at. W rile lor fra«
H«4r.w*w^ 4 O., k Ifth and Oak.
Mb s * m < K.rwrxu _ Rutum a pa.dletML eel«
ag**n • Alfred Kmjarn n .« Co.’* rorract > lotba«.
r.v-ry thing n mva'a furnHlilaga. Morri«uu auñ
Migth «treata. Uppowt« poaioflk-«.
Thl« 1« th* flr»t qnaatlon y*>ur dnetnr would
uh; "Are your bow«*:» tagu ar f " H« knows
that <1*1 it action of th« bow«ia la aba**lut<ly
raaantial to rar<>very Ko*p yo«r lire» aettva
and y*>nr bowa « regular Ly taking laxative
doaea of Ayer'a Filia.
TREK I.AXD IX ORBGOM nndrr tha Carey Irrl-
■*> 0(1 a«-L J'«s*(i (1
fr n« »tatM. Writ« today.
H ook . wi »nd map rr-a. H. M. Cooke A < O., ill
A Klar Straat, BorUand, Orrgon.
POI LTKY FOOD-If you wank your bang to «y
more «■gga writ* for frrv parth ul*« ai»out PU«
KI.\A POI 1.1 RY Fk. ED»—Acuta MUU C«u
Pori aad, Orrgoa.
>n Milla < o.. Portland,
Ur«*. l4>t»-«t atyla elothm n«a*la tn ni«*avore < h<*aj*»
Our waif m-Mnrrmmt «yMeni Inaurai partaci M»
W rita for fr«a «anipir« and prie«*«.
PIA X íj H A OKOA N** — Ofdeei piano hnuaa on Pa*
No Opporfanity.
< ific • <««. organ* and P a na on -näy paymaa«
Job Sturky—If a »treet car conductor
w nt* t.r l «t. fx»t
juota you a price. Alloa >
GUbert-itau«ak«r Co., Portland. Oregon.
•hould overlook you would you pay him
your fare anyhow?
Orw»'” If ar ba-Kpardc *>r all K dnay and Hi add at
IfWtibira. Cur*« HA( KA< HE. I’rtca 60c. Trtel
Adam Zawfox—I'vt been waldnf fif
«.*• «ent by rna*l fur ioc. iu «tampa. Maud to.lay.
teen yean for a chance to be tested that
Mo « Third ml
way, but no blamed conductor baa anr Homan Halrouo*!»- Mw.u h*«, l*«rtipad<»ur«. Maa'e
Totipe-c and W iga; b«»ac quality ; k>w«*at prt«*«e:
overlooked me yet.
■and for fraa pries l!«t. r.iail or dam a «parlaity.
Far « Ha*r Mtnra. »M W^klngt«« ML Eat IMA
Take LAX ATI VE HH<>MOQu*ntn» rabiata. Drue-
giata r*fur.*l money If it fai a to cure. IL. w.
GROVE*» « ¿nature la on each bog. Ac.
Why eeccM » lower rate of Interest from
raving* bank* when we own and offer for «ale
Vocal Blaaaber.
lh" 11
l*-ue of the Moan«
"la John a aound sleeper?”
Hood Electric < o. (Portland, Oregon) 20 year
"Well, you juat ought to hear him.” Gold Bonds. p»>tn« S per r.nt, secured by a
»Irrt Mort«a«e on
Worth of properly,
—Baltimore American.
»»fest Inreetment sv.ilsbU Write for por-
Mother* will And Mr-. Wing low’s Soothing _____________________ ?•" fre«»«. Cab
merit that Mr». Yerkes and Wilson Hyrup the beat remedy use for tbatr ahUdren
Mliner were married. The news did during the teething period.
not leak out for u day or two, when
As Their Shade« Mat.
the marriage was announced by th*
"Mr. Aesop, I think you han never
brldegnxmi. He waa corroborated by met Baron Munehauaen. Gtatieukeu, al­
the witnesses and by the minister whe low me to present you te each other.”
"Baron, I am delighted to meet you. I
¡s-rformed tlie ceremony at the mag
nlfl**ent Yerkes mansion at M*M Fifth know you quite well by reputation.”
"Sir !”—Chicago Tribune.
Iksiplte this, and for sem«
reason known only to herself, tlie brid«
denied that she was married or In
tended to be. When confronted by th«
relterate«l statement« of her busband
tlie witness«*» and the minister, she per
slated In her denial and said tba Ides
was ridiculous. Finally, when denia.
-ouId no longer be maintained, M«s
Mliner acknowledged that she wai
"happily married."
Mrs. Yerkes, or rather, Mrs. Mlzner
Is 50 years of age. Her new husband
la 29. Mr. Mlzner Is a Bohemian lc
habit and taste. He and Mrs. Yerkta
have long been the closest friends and
the little suppers which they
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Lino
given at the Fifth avenue mansion bar«
cannot be equalled at any price.
ts*en a delight to the favored few. II
Is said that she settled >1,000.000 or
the young man previous to the mar
Mlzner is a dashing young man whe
dresses well and puts on a lot of style.
He has an income from some sourdv
and has been In the Klondyke.
friendship was so marked for Mrs.
Yerkes that their engagement waa talk­
ed of In some quarters almost before
Mr. Yerkea was burled. .Mrs. Yerkes
8.« that Uh.y »rs placed en year next order
wss the second wife of the millionaire.
»T he
THERE is Nljill
■ w
W. L. D ouglas
*3~&’3= SHOESSu
Good C»o««
for lndlgnallon.
Re**ently there was a series of bur-
glarl«*» cummlttv*d In the fashionable
section of Baltimore. So anxious were
tlie police authorities to apprehend the
culprits that Instructlona were Issued
to the roundsmen to exercise extraor­
dinary vigilance during their tours of
Ou one occasion, just after midnight,
an officer saw emerging noiselessly
from a house In Eutaw place a young
man, who hastily darted down the
street. The offb-er made after him as
rapidly as possible.
When he had
stopped the young man. he said:
"Didn’t you come out of the corner
house Just now?"
The young fellow, though of quite a
respectable air, seemed 111 at ease. *1
did," he answered, with some confu­
"Do you live In that house?” sternly
demanded th«* officer.
“That's an lnii«ertlnent question.” re­
plied the young man. In a tone of great
indignation. "I don't see what busi­
ness of yours it Is, so long as her fa­
ther doesn't object”
Queer Filipino Mother».
A problem Ims arisen In the govern­
ment of the Philippine Islands which
Is somewhat perplexing to the Ameri­
can officials in chnrgt* there. It relates
to the qut*stlon of convincing the Fili­
pino or Malay mother that her children,
up to a certain age, belong to her home.
The Filipino child of the wilds is
scarcely aide to toddle l>efon* ft Is given
to understand that Its home la wher­
ever It may hnpiien to be « hen night
fall conies. Its parents do not discard
It, but they do inak«* it plain that the
more it roaius the better they will be
satlsfl«**!. Western civilization does not
regnrd this ns right; It holds that up to
a certain age the child should be al­
most wholly under the influence of the
parents nnd the school, nnd should
come into its majority having some
knowledge of th«* law and much of
its obligations to others.
Fllll 1 no parents of the jungles have
resented this vie*- to a considerable
extent, nnd hold that If they kept their
children at home they would virtually
be making "prisoners" of them.
stor«*s, nnd Inflicting on national prop­
erty a loss of #3,000,0001 At the siego
of Knoxville lie took an active part
and covered the retreat of Gen. Bragg
from Missionary Ridge nnd Ixiokout
Mountain. Ills soldierly qualities we'll
well displayed In his resistance to Gen.
Sherman’s army in Its march towa**«l
At’antn. nnd 111 the despernto attempts
made to sever the I'nlon Hue of com-
muuleatlons. Whether In the rear or
In the front of Sherman's army he
fought with remarkable brlllfhncy nth!
dash, always striking with llghtnlug-
llke rapidity and vanishing when tho
blow fell. Successively promoted to
brigadier general, major general and
lieutenant general, he remnlned lu tho
cavalry until the end of the struggle.
M*ilai pe>*M. J. J. HuUrr, IM Front »tgaaL
for llfo he was force«! to yield to the
universal conqueror.
A» soldier and statesman Gen. Wheel­
er occupl«.! a prominent place In pub­
lic life, llo fought In two wars. Tho
.word which he wielded In btdialf of
the "lost cause" he offered to a re­
united natlou In our war with Spain,
nnd he came out of that struggle a
popular Idol. In tho Civil War Gen.
Wheeh’r and
his cavalry command
were th«* Inspiration of the souHiern
armies. No task waa too difficult for
him to undertake, no danger too groat
to Incur
In four years he wns three
times wounded and hail 10 horses shot
under him.
(¡on Wheeler, who was a graduate
of Hu* United States Military Aeadoluy,
entered III«* Confederate service In 1M(I|
:i*id wns made a colonel of Infantry.
At Shiloh bo commanded a brigade au 1
PortUfMl trade DtrUory
Nome* «nd A<fdrv««r* in PtMtland «1 N«»re-
•*f te iv* Bt>«ine«q firm«.
Ifta AW/Fr WUittiG CO., AVZAI4TA. GA‘
Mlllleaalre Verka«* Widow Take» a
1< iuii < Ha.haad.
When Charles T. Yerkes, millionaire
street railway promoter of Chicago and
Ixmdon, died In a hotel In New York
I m * left t*i hl» widow, with whom lie
was not on tlx* best of term». >7,000,-
*»»(. Home surprise, therefore, wa»
cleated a month later by the announce-
Pale, Thin,
Nervous ?
In Use For Over 30 Years.
SHE’S 60; HE’S 2«.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The black flag is an emblem of horror and dread. ' When it is hoisted
fey an army, the order has gone forth that "no quarter” will be given, ev-
er y tiring must be destroyed. Helpless women andchildren, as well as oppos­
ing soldiers, meet tile same fate, nnd a trail of desolation, suffering and
death is left behind. Contagious Blood Poison is the black flag of the great
limy of disease. This vile disorder is known ns the blackest and most hide­
ous of all human afflictions, overthrowing its victims and crushing out the
life, it is no respecter of persons; no matter how pure the blood may be
or how innocently the disease is contracted, when this awful virus enti rs tha
circulation the hideous, hateful and humiliating symptoms licgin to appear,
and the aufferer feel« that his very presence is polluting nnd contaminating.
Usually the fust sign of the disease is a little «ore or ulcer, but ns the blood
bec< >men more deeply poisoned the severer symptoms arc manifested, the
mouth and throat ulcerate, the glands in the groins swell, n red rash breaks
out on the body, the hair and eyebrows come out, nnd often the body is cov­
ered with copper-colored spots, pustular eruptions nnd sores. In its worst
stages the (hscasr aiTccts the nenes, attacks the bones and sometimes causes
tumors to form on the brain, produc­
Rnvnrnl yrnm niro I had blood notnon
ing insanity and death. Not only and
my tlowh wan in nil awful condition,
those who contiact the poison suffer, Groat «oro» would brtiak out and noth­
I put cn them, would do any good.
but unless the vitus is driven from in«*
My hair and ev »'brow ■ fell out nnd I was
the blood the awful taint is handed “a fright." Ihy mouth wus mo «ora I
to live on milk and w-iter. I took
down to offspring, and they are its had
Meroury for a lomr tlm® and inatoad of
innocent victims, blood Poison is in­ irottinir bettar 1 continued to icrow
worMoand my arm» and bund» becnnio
deed a "black flag." Mercury and ■olid
My 1< »:■ v< io drawn «o I
Potash, so often used, never can cure could not wal k
I T felt that mytima
wan abort hrra if I did not K**t Rome re­
the trouble. These minerals merely lief.
1 beir m to ti o your H. H. 8. and it
drive the symptoms away for awhile helped me 1 rom tho »tart. A'tor taktn«
awhile tha e< r a all healed, my rhnu-
«nd shut the disease up in the system, it
mntiain wa» cured and to-day I am a
nnd when they are left off it returns • Irony*, well man. It u'nt all the mer­
out of try ey»tem and it cured me
worse than before. This treatment cury
sound and woll. ADAH 8CHNABET.,
hot only fails to cure blood poison
Evansvillo, Ind.
Vo. Uli Mary Hi.
buteatsout the delicate lining of the
Stomach and bowels, produces chronic dyspepsia, loosens the teeth nnd fre­
quently causes mercurial rheumatism to add to the patient's suffering.
S. 8.8., the gnat vegetable medicine, is the conqueror of this vile disease. It
goes down to the very root of the trouble and cuter by cleansing the blood of
every particle of the poison. 8. 8. 8. docs not hide or cover up anything
but clears the entire circulation of the
virus ami puts the system in good
lrealthy condition. It cures safely ns
will as certainly, because there is not a
particle of mineral in it. We offer a re
ward of fr.ooo oo for proof that S. S. S.
is not purely vegetable. When the blood
is purified and .strengthened with this
great remedy the symptoms nil pnss nway nnd no «ign of the ilisease in ever
«ccn «gain ; nor is there h it the least trace to be handed down to posterity.
Special bixik with instructions for «elî-trestnient and any medical advice de-
tiled will be .cut without charge to all who write.
until his advent lato national politic«
In IRMO. In IM»«, after »ervlng for IM
year» a« a <'oiigr*-s»maii from Alabama,
he offered bl» »word to Pre.lik-nt Mc­
Kinley In the war with Spain. A» a
major general of volunteer« be tax-ame
one of the mo»t talked of m«*n In the
country and served with distinction
In ('ulin and th** Philippines.
the Filipino Insurroctloti wns »uppr*.»
«.I and the volunteer« were disband’d
he was (.imml.sloned a brigadier gen­
eral In Hie regular army. Wflh Mint
rank bo r*-Hr*-*l In ]!»»>. Gen U^-eler
wa» fit* years old list September.
After tho war ho studied law. and
this profession, together with the oecu- 1
putlou of u cotton plauter, ho followed |
Wlss Thrv«*-1 enr-Old.
A flaxen-haired tot- a hoy of 3—at­
tracted much attention by wandering
alone along the main aisle of a depart­
ment store the other day. Crowds
jostled and pushed, but the little fellow
trudge*! onward manfully, apparently
with a definite object In view, A floor
walker, seeing that the child was un­
accompanied. stop|>ed him. "Where are
you going, son?" he asked. “I'm look­
ing for mamma ; «lie's lost" responded
the youngster bravely. "She got lost
when I was looking at the pretty
things." At this moment there was a
little shriek heard, and a half hysteri­
cal woman ran forward to clutch the
boy. “That's niannna ; I've found her,”
said the lad. calmly, as ho was led
away, "That boy has more sense than
his mother,” the floor walker com­
mented.—Chicago Inter Ocean.
W« are Manufacturen and Importara of
Wheat Bags, Oat Bags, Barley Bags, '
ci n nnn
«cy®«« »h®
W I UjUUU disprove this itatemcnt.
I could take you into mv three large factorlee
Flour Bags, Hop Cloth, Ore Sacks aad at If Brockton,
Maae., end show you the Infinite
with which every pair of shoe« is made, you
Burlap of All Kinde. Bage of Burlap woulJ
realiz* why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes
cost more to make, why they hold their shape,
and Cotton Manufactured by ua.
fit better, wear longer, and are of greateB
tatrioelc value than any other S3.50 «hoe.
W. L.
Strong Mado Sho— fW
Mon, S3. SO, SS.OO. Boy' S o B oo T m
DroooShooo, S3.SO, S3,S1.TS,S1M
upon having W.L.I>ou*.
lai th oee. Take no substitute. None genuine
without hi* name and price stampe«! on bottom.
feut Color Eurlrtt usod ; thoy u/lll not wear draee»
Write for illustrated Catalog.
W. L. DOLGLAs, Brockton, M am .
No. U 0«
P. N. U.
1508-1S14 Colorado Street.
Get What You Ask For!
HERE Is a Reason—
Why the Good People of
America buy Cascareis as
Fast as the Clock Ticks.
Every second some one, somewhere.
Is Buying a little Ten-Cent Box of Cas­
I, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6—60 times to the Minute,
60 Minutes to the Hour, 3600 Boxes an
Hour. 36,000 Boxes a Day of Ten Hours,
1,080,000 Boxes a Month, and then some.
Think of it—220,000 People taka a
Cascare! tablet each day. Milllona use
Cascareis when necessary.
The Judgment of M'llions of Bright
Americans is Infallible. They have been
Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rata
for over Six years.
It Is not an Experiment, not an Acci­
dent or Incident, but a sound, Honest
Business, based on Tlme-Tried-and-Tested
Merit, never found wanting.
There is a Reason.
Cascarets are the Implacable foe of
All Disease Germs; the incomparable
cleanser, purifier and strengthener of the
entire Digestive Canal.
They Act like Exercise on the Bowel-
Muscles, make them strong and active—
able to Help Themselves do their work­
keep themselves clean.
Cascarets are the safe-guard of Innocent
Childhood against the Dreadful Death­
dealing Dangers that threaten the Liven
of the Little Onea.
They are Purely Vegetable, absolutely
Harmless, always Reliable and ¡efficient.
a true, faithful, loyal servant of Mankind.
Over Five Milllona of Dollars have
been Spent to make the merits of Cas­
careis known, and every cent of It would
be lost, did not sound merit claim and
hold the constant, continued friendship,
Patronage and Endorsement of well-
pleased people year after year.
There is also a Reason—
Why there are Parasites who attach
themselves lo the Healthy Body of Car*
caret's success—Imitators, Counterfeiters,
They are Trade Thieves who would
rob Cascarets of the "Good Will'’ of the
people, and sneak unearned profits,
earned and paid for by Cascarets.
A Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest
Product and a Disregard of the Purchas­
ers' Health or Welfare.
Beware of the Slick Salesman and hit
ancient "JusCfs Good" story that com­
mon sense refutes.
Cascarets are made only by the Sterling
Remedy Company, and the famous little
ten Cent "Vest Pocket" box la here
shown. They are never sold In bulk.
Every tablet marked "CCC.”
Be sure you get the genuine.
• • •
tr TRtt
W« waat to send to oar friends a beaatllW
French-desined. GOLD rbATED BORWOOK
hard-enameled in colon. It Is a beaaty te the
dreuinx table. Ten cents In itamps Is asked as a
aeunro of food tail h and to cover coot of Caicareta,
with which this dainty trinket Is loaded.
Send to-4iy, nentloninf this H*«r*
StarUa« Kaoody Gao>*aar. thua«o M Raw TA