Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 03, 1906, Image 4

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Mr« H«lan 1« Th»»
>f« . r»p»‘«to gl* al
I»» l*rr ||ltl»
girl from I!»•‘»«I • Kar»«i»arlil«u wi.|. h
thoroughly purifl»«! h»r I4« mm I «fl*-r an
attack *»f that LI» hm | pnla<>nlag »1i>
•a -« a» arlai fawr It ga*»> bar «Irrngth
anil r»n»w«d baalth
Tt»»*'»»«*»»!* ®f
vtl.era UH of •ln»‘lar ruraa, alto • uraa
of •> lofula. aail rhaum arsatna. at«.
I leal
I,III« '»III • t If« tl<>tl to ih«* Itk'ItlRturl
of IIIIllUiN III AURURt, IK'H, liiurkM tilt
end uf the phnii’fi' |>4rlu<) of III* life
Ho wmii <|t>iif uu"' "Illi th«« w I hi <•« re
IvAttM*** uf th«* " o « m I n , with thit ruii^tj
Jollity of Clary*« Grove, wItb odd Jobhi
for lilt dally l»r»»d "Itb «11 tiis* de
hills uf frontier poverty. II«« contin­
ued for )«nr« to be n very poor innti,
harassed by debt» be whs <*ui*»t»n(ly
iNborhif to pay, and »on «*thn«*s abso-
lutdy "Ilbout money, but from tide
time on be met and "<»rkc«1 with meh
of wider knowledge and belter trnim*d
minds than thus» be hnd known In
Gentryvllle nnd New Nalein;
the simple social life of Vandalia,
where be went to . attend the a*.«loua
of the l»*g Hint uro, was more elegant
tbnn an) thing be had yet even. —St
Mr who?*
”Mr. H.”
•Mr. KI No"
"Are you »urrT”
•’I«**, sure
W» bar» no r»ror<1 of
any <»n«* of that nain« bring b«*rr.”
I’lrtiN» look and
If be Isn't
•omewliet*» about."
••‘I here’s nu use looking, ma'am. Wa
ba««* ’em all down In tlie book"
••Well. It Is strange
I was told that
tie would tx* thcie at tbla hour.”
"Nay, lu«*k h«*r», wbat number do
you want?”
"I have ruin««, tuaduui, to taka your
"Why. ja ,M
*'<>li. that's th» — City Club. This I gnu inrhT out.”
“I am ghid to hear It. for It's done
Is fbr M<»rgu«* ” 1.1 ppi nerd t'a.
nothing aln<'o It's b«*«*n hera but take
An ruilfirnt svtontlst Use »stlmatNd
that th« svrrng« man's »ysllda opsn aud ua la.”- Haltlinora Amarhan.
abut 4.UUU.UUU timvs during lb» jsar.
Il <*osta a molorcycl st |I2 5O a year
f«T ll< «titre to »In«« In Nt. I xjii I s in.|
Immediate virinily in Nt.
Sn.nd r.mlllar.
old H«*vr«*w v««ee. « fxtuls XIV. entre-
dciu, it pair of old French «liver vase»
(”If th* B*iiliiii*nts contained tn onr
Anna Uoold'a IttFsimr*! In a Tltlad end «cveral minor artiHes
pnpnlnr songs wer* m*»r* loftily and
|H.«'tlcnlly exprMaed, tliey would lone
II u «I) niii | Maa llarN tCapanalae.
For the p|cH«ure of InsultIng
nothing of their effect.” Take this home
inarrlftice, dent IxjulHd he paid flOO.UJO I
and try It on your
which nt the tiitie of It« mntr«<*tlon, gag«* Montj«rr«*t, once the poatll
Toil; w-arlng toll,
eleven yenra ngo, « r«*Mh*d n wldeNpread the French Hepubile. Muntjurr
Of all our humble
Intereat, I m ii «» w undcrtfolnx the »olvetd ciime the little Count's outrider, elm
The hoary bea'kd
proct’NN «»f th«* divorce court.
Wh«*n ply becMmo* Hold didn't like the re­
Anna Gould, with th«*
My honored sire, he only Isbors not.
her by her fii!h«*r, th«« late J«iy G«»uld, willing to pay Montjerret’« price. The from dawn to dusk, io bin a<-uatornad
•‘blink Friday” ineinory, captured outrider bad
Where glows tb< log lb» rudd J hearth
till«* «»f < »»unteNN B«»nl
<’n»»tel the French prrwI.lentM «Ince Grevy,
nnd be whs always cheeri-d when he
h «nd "lib It nn liiMlgnlHtant mite
Real« he, In lilfDce »v»r, niQVffd of
of ii bUHbitiMl, proii'I. nriatiM'rutl«* nnd «ppefired nt ttie bend of a «tat* pro-
|HM»r, tin* ao« h ty worhl of the inctrop cession.
It 1« the Intention of the f'ounte«« And burns tobacco nolsomely, God wot!
««Ila nn»l th«* «*«atern Ni*abohr«l «pidaud
cd nnd had Noinctliing to talk nb«»ut for when rid of her rnntrhnotdal barnacle Nafh*!*** th* other« Idle not at all.
n day. .Now th«- «unne aoclety, vapid and to bring her children to thin country
For o'er a eteauiing caldron, io! there
viiln^lorloiiM, bn« even n m«»r«* «lelert and take tip her permanent nl»ude. Thin
Tlie furua of mothor, moiling all the
able in«ir*«*l to ruinlnnt«*. for U m * Count
«•NN «»f < 'H-ti 1I.IHP ||||M lUMtltll!«*«! |»ro- c«1. fur the dcrrrp will « nt off the Count
< «M*«|lngN In I'runce for ahaoiute divorce from any l«*gnl Intercut In the Gould And ■i*'* r, t«M> sweet Ann, ao fair and
tall !—
fr»»in bar dlN*lpii|ed and money Nqunn- fortune. The debt«, however, which
To the eeiue task her young aaatotaae»
<b ring hUMbnn«l. Th«« fate of the three have already 1 m *«* u <’ontr.i«ted by the
children <H»»rg«\ Bold and Jny will fHNtelinne«, living n* bmibnnd nnd
While only patar whiles bia time away !
wife, will. It 1« «aid, be dl«»-hiirg«*d by -—Cleveland Leader.
it "id I th«« »1 c « tc «*.
'I In* troubloN »,f th«* <*H*t«-llnn<«N, l»oth the Count«**» and her family here.
A <»l AKAN IF » t> CCS» POH PII.*«.
ninrltnl nnd financial, hnvr la«en ninny,
Ilrhlng lii n-1. Il ^-4lng, l'r'Hro41t‘<l
r •■• »■■
cz-d u> r*<U'i4 ■» ' *Z ■< 1'AZO
'I I m * |>r«*«M*nt rupture I n merely a crm *
“Th«* Idcn that th«* great vogue for OIMHÍ N'l I« o,voro lo ■ Ou 14 tlA/c K.
of the bint Ntrnw breaking th«* bn«*k of
nmnt«*ur photography 1« hurting or will
th«» c«iii««l. I'lMloubtcdly th«* coiinteMa
An Indeflnito Tern
lina I m *«* ii patient nn«1 l »ng Muff«*rlng, hurt th«* pruf«*»»ionei 1« now almost
"What do you understand
a *ao
defy dhnber’'?’
«•I*«* ahe would liav«* »«*I/.«-«! the op|M>r
"ho makcN Ida living by taking photo*
"!t use«l to mean a person »ho tried
tunlly many tlin«*« presented befor«* of
ending n union which muat have l»«N*n graph«. “In fact, tie* sudden ¡«opular* to break into a*xiety."
*'l*eod to mean?”
n burden. Itut for th«* anke of her Ity of the art liaa work«*«! just the oth­
•*V» n .
Now it may mean a porch
children, jM*rhnp«t for th«* anke of ap er way. Phlurea made by amat«*urw
climber in aear»-b of society news.1
|M*nrnn«*«*N, |M»N*lbly with the faint are not all failure» by any mean», bnt
apnrk of n ho|>e that "tiic little French th«* InrTeaaed «lernand for photographic
Ther» !• mor* f a’arrh in thia Metlon of the
|M»wder puff.” hn her hiiattand bail lieeli reproductions Ims more than kept ¡m«*«* eouulry than all oth« r dlwcasce put together,
! until th* last few years waa auppooed
duMied, might turn a new |enf nnd with their output. Th«* average ama­ incurable > r a gr- atrnany earadoctors pr<>
uuuik > 1 it a l x-a. diara»«e, ^<1 prescribed lo<al
r«*allze th«« rra|N»nNlbll1tl«** of hl« ¡«owl
remedies, and by Oinwtantly failing to euro
thin, Nhe k«*fd the grinning Mkcleton In Is nn art picture with some particular wr.h local treatment, probounced ttiaeursble.
l<-nf* has j rov- n ra’.arrh to bo a constiiu-
the <*n«tellane inaiiNlon Ncr««ened from I*»««« or coatume, trl«*d largely as an ex­
tional disease and therefore requiredconstitu-
public view. Now the repulsivi* «kelo­ periment. Often the result I n lx*autl- tb>nal treatment Hail’s » starrh Cure, manu­
by F J.t hrueyACo.,Toledo, Ohio, la
ton atruta out with all lta hl<l<N>UHli<*as fid, but not what the witter wants, and, factured
the <>n!y constitution a) cure on the market. Jt
despite the pleasure of the operator,
a. • 3 . -
■ from 10dro;o t a
¡«leture <■*.• . nful r a to 1 reel y oa the b> ■ d ai.d
Of all the American In vestments In the model g< m * s and g««ts a
mue.ai aur'arm of the »ystem. Thev offer one
O|«| W«»rl<1 tltl«*N, Anna Gould's has taken tlw way be or nhe wants It My hundred dollars fur anr < aae ft falto to »uro.
MFilra'a llafhhoua»«.
not tha cleans«! px*pl» in tha world.
How to Fool a Lazy Liver
with Artificial Exercise
VI-RY rer ws Sickness has a
»mall beginning.
And. in nine cases out of
ten tl.it small leginning Is
made In tho B^wels.
Indigestion Is the beginning of most
It paves the way for all others.
Lack of exercise, hiuty eating. Improper
food, aie Its first causes.
Larinas, and postponement, permits It
to grow Into Chronic Constipation, which
means life-long Discomfort.
It isn't necessary to be sick a bed. you
know, In order to be mighty uncom­
Evon slight Indigestion affects the
nerves, dulls the mind, and obacures the
merry sun«h«ne of L ife.
And, Ii digetitlon once started, grows
fast, corrodes temperament, and discounts
happiness, good cheer, capacity.
Il does that long bef re it puts you on
the Sick list.
L reiy thinking Doctor knows why.
e e e
P ofasior Rand knsw It.
Ti at a why ho (rar ir.d up for (Indents
hl, fimo.it fa i .1.1 ’ 'I Happiness, vlr.i
•*Tru I in Go J, and keep your Bowels
Th i Bo veh nerd id)',' 'men* from lime
to tlrr l, J i,t Ilka a clock, nr a v atch.
No "Good thro’’ 1’ humanly pc lalble
wllhoi t thia.
And, tl.s t'rre to aljurt the watch fs
not whan It has nn down, nor when the
main spifnj Is l>r<Asn, but at the very
minute adjustment la discovered necessary.
The time to adjust the Rowels Is not
merely when your Head Aches, when your
Liver Is Sick, your Stomach In Revolt, and
Nature's Food Process retarded for 24
hours or longer.
Ths proper time to adjust them Is the
very minute you suspect they need adjust­
—If your tongue Is slightly costed,
— If your breath is under suspicion,
— If your Head Ice.3 a trifle heavy or
— If digestion seems evens little slow,
— If Heartburn, Belching, Collo or
Resile:.-.'loss begin to ah. w themselves,
—That's the time to eat a Cascaret.
Don't Imarlna ths Cascaret Is Ineffeo-
tlve because It Is pleasant to eat as Candy.
It acis as pleasantly as It tastes. It Is
as congenial Io your I- wels as it Is to your
It Is not a "Bile-driver” which flood«
out your stom.ich today with fluid Juices
needed for tomorrow.
But, It acts like Exercise, Instead.
It stimulates the muscular lining of the
Bowelsand Intestines,so that they mechan­
ically digest food and drive out the
The time to use a Cascaret Is when you
first suspect you need one.
The only way to have them ready 10
uro precisely when you need them Is to
carry them constantly In your pocket,
you do a Watch or a l.ead pencil.
The ten cent box of Cascarets Is made
thin, flat, round edged, and small, for this
precise purpose.
Ro very careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­
pany and never sold In bulk.
tablot stamped “CCC."
nr mit to our friends *
We want to send to onr friends a beaatifal
Erench-deslrned, GOLD PLAIE I) BONBON BOX,
srd enameled In colors. It U a beanty for ths
dressing table. Ten cents In stamps Is asked as a
measure of çnod 'aH h r r.d tr cover cost of Cascarita,
with which tKli'Tüînty trteket Is loaded.
■ a S*.1!* tfcdAF., ««thnhif thin paper. Address
BterUac Xsaiedy Umiauv, Calcs«» sr Nsw YsrE
The Taking
Cold Habit
The old cold goes; a new one
quickly comes. It’s the story
of a weak throat, weak lungs,
a tendency to consumption.
Ayer’a Cherry Pectoral
breaks up the taking-cold
habit. It strengthens, soothes,
heals. Ask your doctor about it.
** 1 had a tarrlbl« eeM. an<1 no«Win* raI!•▼•*!
m* I
Ayar'a < hwrrj Perioral and it
promptly bro*« up my cold atoMad mr
ro-igh and aaa«d *v«ry part of anybody It
<14 woo.larfui vork
Mo. J. 9- Lvm,
T<A»4t», Ohio
Mad* by J. c Apr Co , Uw«U,lÜM.
A«*O manutosturara of
Keep tn« bowels regular with Ayer’s
Pills, Just one pTil each night.
Mrs S—And so you are leaving us,
Bridget} And what ara you going to
Bridget—Please, mum, I’m going to
get married.
Mrs 8.—bear me! Isn't that rather
sudden? Who Is the bsppy man?
Bridget—Do you remember, mum.
me askin' you about four weeks ago
to go to the funeral of a friend? Well,
I do be gola' to marry the corpse's
Sure, he told me then I
wui tha life o’ the party.”—Harper's
-------r PortkMMi
Ir«k D«r«<tory
Naiiw« and A«fdre«are la Portland af Rr«er»*
MMtaOv« Buators« f wrm .
PHOTO Kt PPT.tr»: Kodak davalopln» and prl«»
Ing: writs A»r prU*a. Woodard. Clark* A V«h
M V.l.
I a N i ►
■. r to. PortlaaA
Ixrweat priAM on Lanlrraa and MlldaA
Fit; flras ki«Mur«n)»nt blanks; wuwlard, I'laXS*
| IIOR m R h of all kinds for aala at vary raasouabte
pricas. Inquire T* kraut «H.
SWEET PKAbMirad ISr for m »«. axslfl F air Gold
Medal pena
J j
sort m» nt sent on approval; " oodard, (Tarke C»
MKN »Cix/THI NG — Rufotm a P»edle<an. sole
agenie Alfred Hen jam ■ a Cn.'a eorrart ciothea
Everything in men's furuUhinga
Morriauu and
hi «th strseta. «/ppoeit» pHtiotnta.
. ■ s l. I \
, .... Irrt,
railon art. Iwed d
from state. Write Unlay.
Hook let and map free. H. m . « «oke a V«,. Ml
Aider street, Portland, Oregon,
> ar
more egra writ» no for frr» t.arilrulars about PU­
HINA pui li ny HKI mk A coo Milla Ceu.
Port ead, oregoo.
TAILOR«- < O ombla Woolen Milla «’<. P«»rtiandi
Or». ¡41x1 «tylfi rlo!h*« made tn nirtMurerheefb
Our seif m*-Murrm»nt system insures period ttL
" rite for fra» samples and prices.
PI A NOO! A ORGA X» Oldest piano house on Fa
cine roast, organs and Pianoa on »«wiy paymenK
. I *1-
“• I'»®** F®" • price. A Ilea Ab
Gil b»rt-Kamaker <
Portland, Oregon.
Orocon Hertw—»»rail Kidney and Rlad«lwv
tmubi««. < ur-« HACKA< HE. Prie«Mr. Erial
tí* "TI1 ÌT maü
lUc- ‘a
Taira mc .
Human Hair GnoH-awtchas. Pompadours, Man’s
Toupat-s a< d " Iga , bast quality ; InwaSt prt» *Sj
send for Vraa pre« list, mail or «law a «paclalty.
Paris Hair Muxro. aus Wsahingtau "L
Kat ima
S’. H
a HD E.,-Asaayer and < hemat,
laadv III*. • '-.rad'b Mperhnen prl. • s
Mllvor, I^ad. Il ; Gold, Mil ver, 7V;
iMr* Zin«-or
?t. ? yBnUk* l*"'* M*‘ll« g rnvelopv« and
toll price Hat wnt on application < ontroi and l as-
Writ Prillin, M.ltlMry,
Prilli.1 a Tiahtn, tnol.,
IrriKMio. ei.o, flyd.M-
I k R.rns. Spr.v Pump«.
Writ, fs
1S2-1-S Murruon St.
t.tkely to ISaOBpo.
Henry Vlgnaud. scretary of the
American Embassy at Paris, enjoys
telling of an American who was being
shown the tomb of Napoleon. As the
loquacious guide referred to the va­
rious points of Interest In connection
with the tomb, the American evinced
the greatest interest ixr all that was
"This Immense sarcopbagua,” de­
claimed the guide, “welgha forty tons.
Inside of that, air. Is a steel receptacle
weighing twelve tons, and Inside of
that is a leaden casket, hermetically
sealed, weighing over two tons. Inside
of that rest# a mahogany coffin con­
taining the remains of the great man.”
For a moment the American wax
silent, ss if In deep meditation. Then
be Sahl;
"It seems to me that you've got him
all right. If he ever gets out, cable
me at my exnense "—Suoeesa Magaxlne.
Every town In Mriiro haa a public
bath home
An ! still the Mrilethi art
bend for circulars and te«t!moniala.
V J < HF.ShY A CO .Toledo, O
•old by J>ru»ff1ata, 7 <c.
Hall s Family Pills are tho beet.
Catarrh ia usually regarded as nothing more serious than a bad cold or
•light inflnnmati.>n of the inner skin and tissues of the head and throat,
when it is, in fact, not only a vexatious and troublesome disease, but a com­
plicated und dangerous <-n*
It it true that Catarrh usually begins with a
Cold in the head, but when the poisons, which are thrown off through the
acx retisns, fin.I their way into the blood, it becomes a constitutional trouble
that atfe< tn all parts of the body, ft has more annoying ami disgusting symp­
toms than nnv other disease. There is a sickening and offensive discharge
from the nostrils, a constant burring noise in the cars, headaches and pains
in the eyes ure frequent, while lilthy, tenacious matter drops back into the
throat requiring co tiuual hawking and spitting, and in certain stages of the
disease the breath has an odor that is very offensive. Catarrh is worse in
Winter, la- ,iuse th* cold weather closes the pores nnd glands, and the
ons and unhealthy vafKirs which should pass off that way are thrown
on the tender linings and tc lies, causing the inflammation which starts
the unhealthy *■ uti-iis to la? ab-
Ravaral yaara a«o vny blood was bad
aort>ed by the bloc»!. When the blood an ! 1 had in addition a diaadfU) caaa of
»topped up, I
I«-omes diseased with this catarrhal < alarrb. Mv
had haada« haa, rm« n< noiaas in my
matter all kinds of complications may •ara and 1
t r work. X com­
1« looked for. As the blood circu­ ma i i «4 t • uaa of M H H on tha rar.'in.
i nI , •
i . f
f •
1, «* ■ i 1 -i a ai. rt
lates through the laxly the foul mat­ tiu»a it cur«d ma auund and wHl. It put
ter firxla its way into the stomach, my blood in i»uo t < >nditiun an t I have
navar had tha alltfhtaat raturn of tuo
ruining the digestion an ! producing Catarrh ain».a that lima.
0X0. D. CARR,
chronic Dyspepsia, or Catarrh of the
No. COO Edgar St.
Evauavilla, Ind.
stomach. Jt also affects the Kidneys,
—- Indlnnnpollu Sun.
Bladder and other members of the body, while the general health is weak-
< ned. appetitel t an 1 th'- p.rtient f els despondent and half sick all thetime.
prol,ul>ly I ms - ii th.- most irnitly. K»xlu>ssl
Hut W"i -.1 of a! I, if the to-ible is n t < hcckcd the lungs become diseased from
the constant passage < f poisoned Llocxl through them, undCatarrh terminates to old IlgiiriM tlie prtcr of her title has
in Consumpti- n, the most fatal < f all diseases. You cannot Ret rid of Ca­ ts'en ii|q>roxlniHt*ly >2,"1T riich «nd
tarrh by treating it with sprays, w.i- hes, inhalations, etc,, because they only 'every day for the <■!<•'on years they
reach the membranes and tissusa, while the real < ausc of the trouble is in tlie lune Is'cn nurrhsl, or the eqalvnleat
bl.x>d. Tiie-.* relieve the annoving symptoms for a time, but the poison is ••very four WToka of l*r.*sl<lent Roo«*-
• 11 the while getting a stronger lio'.d on the system and whi n they are left ! volt's salary for a your.
off will manifest itself in worse form than !>efore. S S. S. is the greatest of
Th* Count has smilingly spent $t
all blood purifiers, and when it has cleanse.! the blood, thispure, riv h stream for a cherry nnd clieerfiilly glveu
circulates through the body, carrying healthful properties to the diseased ■ ■Hough to pay the bonded indebttxlness
parts. Then the inflamed membranes and t;s-iu«s begin to heal, the dis­ of a smnll city for a ptece of bric-a-
charges cease, the general con.lit ion of brac. lie has made for himself • repu
the system is strengthened, every one ' tntion «■ a spender that cauMd the fa-
of the annoying and disgusting symp­ moils literary men of this and other
toms pass »wav. and the patient is left eapltala to write nlxiut him, and he
in perfect health. 8. S. S. is the best (has Inflamed the Parisian populace
remedy for Catarrh. It goes right into more tbnn once no Hint he haa lind to
the blood and removes all effete matter plncate tlie city by great gift« to chart-
and catarrhal poison and cures the dis-
ease permanently, and at the same time build» un the entire system by its fino U.
One of hla little foibles was a vau«!*
tonic effei t. S S. S. is a purely vegetable rcmedv—non-injuiious to the sys­
tem and a certain, reliable cure for Catarrh. Catarrh sufferer» will find our vllle performance given nt
free consulting department helpful in advising local treatment to l>e used when, for 350 guests, he presented nn
with 8. 8. S.
THESWUTSPLCIHG CO.9 ATLANTA, OA. all star bill, uo act of which coat him
Ilea* than «JOO.
Why »crept a lower rate of intercut fr m
MTlnp banks when we own and offer for «al»
UB0.0UU of the $1,000,Out it»’ue of the Mount
Hood Electric Co (Portland, <>r*»oa) J) year
; a i-i<
i e l bv »
Hrwt Mort«a<«? on 9^00.000 worth of property.
Pafe«t investment armtiabl*
Write for par­
S«n Francisco. Cal.
for many, many yean ho cured
and continue» to euro
Prie«, 25c. and 5Oc.
riTÇ Ferma entiy < ured. No fits or nervousness
nnt N »rve
Re<*tnr*? '• d r r F ree »2’rial bo’tl*and'.reati**.
Dr. K. H. Kiioe, Ltd..Ml Arch EX.. Fhuadelphia, Pa.
The Sapre
A Rri«k Trade la Neraaoaa.
bualneM has Increased largely because
of this, slid many patrons of whom I
ma<le pictures not oftener than once a
year now come to me twice In the sea­
son, and some of them once a month.
Then, ngaln, many amateurs who go
nr. further than pressing the bulb bring
their undeveloped plates to me to finish
and print from. I'm not particularly
fond of this branch of the work, but It
_____ _________________
• on
(hr (Iron. < oinmnndrr
Made Major X.eaerat.
A scum—I think it's a splendid
portunity for you. What are you
Ing to do about It?
Henpeck—I haven’t the allghtest
Ascum—But surely you can give an
Hen peck—O. gracious! No, my wife
always hands down the opinion.—
Philadelphia Press.
The wife of a Philadelphia clergy­
man ro-ently sold a box of waste pa-
per to a ragman, says Success Maga-
sine. In the box were a lot of manu­
script sermons of her husband’s
month or so thereafter, the ragman
again came around, and asked if the
lady bad any more sermons to sell.
"I have some waste paper,” said she.
“but wby should you particularly want
•Well. mum. you see I did so well
with them that I got here a month ago.
I got sick up In Altoona, and a preach­
er there boarded me and my borse for
a couple of weeks for that box of ser­
mons. because I hadn't any money.
Since then he's got a great reputation
In those parts as a preacher. I'll give
ten cents a pound for all you have.”
Take LAXATIVI: BROMOQutnin*Tablets. Drur-
K'nts rafund moeay if It fai a to < ur«.
K. W.
GROVE'» «lguatarr Ison each box. 23c.
A llarrate.
“I admit,” said the merchant, who
had advertised for an assistant, “that
your experience In business might make
you a valuable man. But the salary
you ask la a good deal of money just
for your experience."
"Well.” replied the man who bad
seen better days, “I assure you Pm of­
fering my experience to you for leas
than It cost me.”—Philadelphia Press.
General Frederick I»ent Grant, who
ha. lieen promoted to the rank
major general, ia tlie ehloxt non of the
late General ITyaaea S. Grant, the hero
of the Civil War. Curing the Spanlxh
war he fought In Porto Hico, and later
dlatlngutahed hltnaelf In the Philip­
pine,. He haa l>een minister to Austria
nnd more recentlj- held the position of
For hla world famed mansion on the
liivenuo Bots de Boulogne, known as
the "Red Palace," Itonl spent more
money than he can ever accurately
He liked the location ao well
that he paid «740.000 for the land
alone, and before lie had got through
he hiiil produced a palace that nny
king In F.un>t>e might envy.
One of the details of the palace Is
a set of fountains built tn the garden,
which lie could run for ten minutes
nt the trifling ■•oat of «1,000. Then he
got the Idea that he wanted to be a
yachtsman, so he bought the yacht
Valhalla for $2t*».ooi> nnd planned to
sail her on a scale that totaled $IJO.OHO
n year. Later he had to sell this toy,
but that's another part of Ills story.
When lie wns elected to the Chamber
of Deputies he felt so good nntured
that he gave n fenst that would have
made I.ucilllun turn green, The bill
commissioner of New York. Gen­
waa »200,000. He seemed to like that
amount, for It figures frequently In eral Grant was born at St. Louis in
1S5<>, was graduated from West Point
hla accounts
The costly aflilltlon to the (louhi In 1S71, and for a time was lieutenant
colonel of the Fourth Cavalry, V. S. A.
family thought it nilulit be useful to
know the time occasionally, and he He was only 12 years old when bls
father took him to the front, and he
decided to have one of the finest clocks
was close to him during the whole of
In France. When the art dealers heard
the Vicksburg campaign. One of his
of this they started to procure what
experiences was running the batteries
ho wauled. In the end he paid »ito.ikxi of Vicksburg with his father's side on
for a Sevres creation, and It Is said
■ gunboat.
that for a year a eloekmaker had the
Good Time In Tame Daehn.
bisk of making It kee|> time.
Mrs. MeSosh I thought you told me
For his
a tor-
toise shell
Iaitila you had lieen duck hunting?
Mr. MeSosh Yes, in’ don r—t hash
Seize once
where I been.
Mrs. MeSosh Now. ace here, sir;
of thia. In
used by Napoleon on the night of tils those are tame ducks that you've
coronation, and tho rest of his private brought home.
Mr. MeSosh Ycahm. I tnmrd ’em
quarters had deeoratlous In keeping
with the bed. One of Ills hills was lifter 1 shot 'em Cleveland Lender.
for »10.IMXI for a small set of tapestry
A In ('anal Hill.
Father—What do you want with
For three Calndon vnses with old 11001
French mounts he gave »Hl.tioO, for a
Soph Five centh for car fare and
set of two Rose du Barry Jardinieres »90.03 for miscellaneous.—Tuck.
nnd two platen of the Mine pattern
While It doesn’t take any more time
»lO.tkkl; and for two pairs of Louis XV.
gilt candlesticks »I.IXXI. One bill he to be polite than disagreeable, the lat­
received for »104,txx) covered a Louis ter seem« ao much easier to most peo­
XIV. table In Hove marble, a pair of ple
For Infant« and Children.
Till Kind You Have Always Bought
Mothers will find Mr-. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup ths bet remedy tout, for their eAUdrea
during th. taethiug r.riod.
Bears th»
Signatur» of
Need lace
Secret Out.
"How do you manage to dlatlnfutah
between rheumatism and (out, doc­
tor Y’ queried the medical etudent
“By consulting the books,” repllad
the eminent physician.
"By consulting tha books.”’ echoed
the embryo M. D.
“Yes," snswered the eminent physi­
cien. “I look up the patients rating
with the commercial agencies. 8se?"
•‘I hav» come, »ir," »aid th» your<
man, as be entered the library, “to
ask you to <lr» me your daughter's
“Why," rejoined the surprised par­
ent, “when I came through th» hall
about an hour ago it was in your pos­
fforty ynrs
and after many years
of use on the eastern coast. Tower’d
Waterproof Oiled Coats wre introduced
tn the West and were called dickers by
the pioneers and cowboys. This {raphic
name has cone into such feaeral use that
it is frequent^ though wrongfully applied
to many aSstitutes You want the jerume
Look for the Aqn of the Fish, and
the rune Tower on the buttons,
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Th!« woaderftt! Chl-
«?••• Ductor ta called
treat becauaa ha curea
people without opera­
tion that are riven up
to die. He rarea with
tboee wonderful Chi­
ns a- herbs roota. buds,
bark« and vegwtabh»
that are entirely un-
knowa to metlical ac
enca in thia cornu try. Tbi»»»» .ha ■<•« U4
barm lew« remedies thia famous doctor knows
the actluu of over MI different feiiu'd!«? which
he sucveMiully utea In iliffen-n dtooaaNO. Ha
. uarante»» to cure catarrh, aatheua, lung, thr at,
rheumatism, nervuunnesa, stomach, liver, k d-
neyy, etc.; hai hu dr d<t of testimonials,
t harxeN m«N!erate. t an and see him Path-nia
out of the city write tor blankr and c rculara
.-«end stamp. CONSULTATION F k M fa .
162 , firat St., S. t. Csv. Morrison
Mention r»p«r
Prove It
the Oven Fire
Fut the wonderful K C Bak
ing Powder to the test Get a
can on approval. Your money
will be returned if you don’t
agree that all we claim is true
You’ll be delighted with the de
licious, wholesome things that
K f\
Rend a p<>«tal for
“Boc k t f I’lerauta.*«
A ad do!n< dental work all tha ttme-that la
the record ot Dr W. A. Wise. In our es­
tablishment are expert dentists who ar*
competent to perform the mast Important
dental operations. No matter the nature
ef the work, there la a man hare to de It,
DR. H. A. KTURDEVANT, Kpectallat on
Children's Tooth and Rofulatlng.
Fallinn Bld»., Third and Washington Bta
I a m. to • px m. Sunday a t to IX Main »»
W. L. D ouglas
W. L. Douglas S4.OO Cllt Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
will bring to life Ln your oven.
K C Baking Powder is two-
thirds cheaper and makes purer
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KCQualit 25 ounces for
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W«k Out
W m U v tai «Mtklv favaaab
G t »8( jshi 0
JjUBf a tiT*.
C asual
C1A nnn RBWARO to myo«« Who caa
disprove thia •tatamont.
If I could take you Into mv three large factories
at Brockton, Maes., and show you the In finite
care with which every pair of shore Is made, you
would realise why W. L. Douglas >3 50 shea»
coat more to make, why they nold their shape,
lit better, wear longer, end ere of greats*
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without hla name and priea stamped on bottom.
FfUt Color torlott onto; thou mill nt mtv Srusm
Write for llhutrated Catalog.
W. I. 1M1CUI.AS. Hrockton, IS a SO.