A KLAMATH Official Newspaper of Klamath County and Loading Journal cl the Interior Oregon Country. VOL. XI REPUBLICAN The Urtest Circulation and la the Best Medium for Reaching a Prosperous and Trading Public KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 3, 1906 • * ',g • fí •fa'’j*' ' ■ E Ì,; /'■ '■* Â 't* NO. 5 /• ' ' ■ ■ , 4 * •f • •'»y : : ,. t »V . J « Magnificent Panorama to bo aeon from the Heights in the Buena Vista Addition to Klamath Falls. BUENA VISTA RAILROADS WILL ADDITION THE CALIFORNIA NORTHEASTERN NOT BE DELAYED NATRON TO KLAMATH FALLS LINE COMING At a inrvtiiig of the t’hamlier of C’om- inerir, held la-t evening 15 new iik - iii - lairs acre elected. The pnqerflition of n woolen null was again presented, and Mr. Clark of Oregon City ws. invited to com. here arid make dctlnlle proposi- Branch Line Tu Run South vu lion. Cun.iileraMe buainea. » m trans­ acted, and mme Intervet «sa evinced Mkevlew to Alturas to Connect lluiin at auv prvvmua meeting lor some- With N. O. A C. I time. A »fa-eial meeting will lie held Friday ■•veiling to eunaider lit. pret- Cliitd Kiitfinf<’r I H. Gmlmm th«» offi.-e matter, ami every memlrer la Or«*gi»n F.ANt«*rn ItaHri»««! ww> in KI miii . urgently requestor! to lx* present. «th Fill« till*» MtipphcB Elmer I. Applegate returned from (or hi« mirvt’ying < t>rp«, And rrliirned tn Han J.»e, California, laat Fr’day even­ «’•iiq«« . Tin* <>rv|fnii Kami* ing lie *><«■ anconaisuiied by Ilia Bla­ •nn ia th«* that in ■nrvuyr.l tera, Mlanra Evelyn, Buaaic and Elate, fr«»m O ii U mio an t*nnur< t who were atíldenla al tiianloraf I'mvrr- • Itli the tin«« Irotn Xatmn tn Klamath ally. The young ladies haul a liarorw itag Fall«. Th«* junction * til I*** tnad** in ex|K-riom» anal a narrow eai a|*. but th«« vicinity ol F«»rl Klamath, p« rha|M fortunately received no more I han a a G iu I twelve inilrw from that |*oint. nervous alias k, lavili which they are re­ Mr. Graham hi » ii Id vulunterr httlt* In- covering. /•>rni«tmn relutiv«? I • Ibr pr«>p.MH*<| hie. Tim Klamath Falls las ml will give a 11. -Aul: ixmcvrt at the opria bouse o a« tin« »■ dun«* <>n the new Instruments, This urganl- wu will iHsgtn the )<«Mmam*nt «ttrvry. Mlhro is ilew-rving of hearty sup|»art, <»rwding niewh«*rr ch»*« to th«* divide and arc city. He haa buvir employed by Ilio working aouUi a * (a*t aa mndltimi« will Boston store. admit. A" t<* when c<»i»*lrucii<»n work will begin it ia liar I to «ay, «« tlmt luuat I ks r»*aiily u ail on th«* ¡«ermanent *ur* vrv, hilt th» ie will la* mm liltlr d«*lay a« jstrnsil»U*, cmivi-triit with t*a**y grade* amt prA|«»rlo. atmn«.** “ f>o ymi think that the Nnn Frgnciw’n «li«;i"trr ulll have tin* <*fTrvt «»( delaying the c<»ii"tr*it lion of either of tlieae him«, a « reported?” “No, 1 tinderalAtid that it will have alMuiiitrly none, and work on l*»lh ol I hear road" will go forward ju«t tliu ramr a« if thatcataatfophy bad nevaruc.« curred.** When qurntionrd a" tn tin* probability E. T. Ablx'tt of Minneapolis has Ixxrn <»i a line miii II i from the Oregon Ea*U«rn ap|K>ml. in (.California lie Maids “There u ill in ail probability lx* ancli u I Thrall and I'okegauia. Mr. Ab|xrtt la a line. It will touch l.nkr\iew . nr a* nt*nr | man of recognised ability, and has had aa grade« will ;a*rniit and make a junc­ wide experience in the l.x-ating and con- tion with the N. C. A <>. at Altura« hi Mod'M* co«inty, (’al|lt»rnia, for I iintler- alruction of railways in the middle weal atand Iht* N. C. A (). in to l»r eitviided Since ha aaamurd the management of to that city.” the Klamath railway he haa tier n “do­ It wa« very evident tlmt Mr. Graham ing tilings." A Marked change for the knew mu h more aixnil the line noiith than Im cared tn tell. Krgarding ttm i letter is to lie found on every aide, and other two linea lieu a * more communi­ a systematic regime baa been inaugu­ cative, ami hi« mu vernation nmdr if rated. , quite plum that tlir««* road« Would br j Mr. Ablxrtt ia very reticent aa to the 43ou«tru<-t«*d nt once. I Oregon Eastern Is Being Sort eyed to Fort Klamath. RAILROAD 1 » I This Beautiful Tract is I Almost Ready. WHY DO WE GROW? Reasons Why the Klamsth Basin is Forging Ahead. If You want to be Dressed in the LATEST STYLE Come to the BOSTON STORE For your Clothing, Hata, Shoes and Furnishing». Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back. The Boston Store LETTE r | _______ A Communication From Miai Steph* ens on the San Francisco Disaster FRISCO DISASTER CAUSES NO DELAY (traded Streets. Sewerage, Electric Car Une, Magnificent Hotel and The following letter ia from a sister of The Republican haa lately received a Other Improvements. T. F. Stephens of thia city, and ap|*ar- N., over on Haight .tract, ao off we large numlx-r ol inquiries in regard to ed in the Ashland Tidings. It is truly started. Such acondition aa the streets were in—people walking about, the pic­ The Buena Vieta Addition to Klamath original in style, and varies greatly from ture of desolation with a few valuables therein, and in many of the letters ia: Falla, which ia being platted by the all ol like communications published. Miss H. B. Stephens of this city haa in their hands; others sitting on the What is the cause of the rapid growth Klamath Abstract Company for the of Klamath Falla, Merrill, Bonanza and I Klamath Canal Company, ia almost received a personal letter from her sis­ side-walk surrounded by their posses­ the county generally? Or why are such ! ready to be placed on the market. Un­ ter there descriptive ol the earthquake sion, ¡chimneys down, windows smashed great claim» made for the future of your der the direction of W. K. Brown, men in ban Franciaco. The story has lxx-n streets filled with debris, houses out of county? the answer of these questions and teams are at work grading the told and retold in the newspapers but plumb and some down flat. In the ■ an lx* summed up in one word: “Irri- streets and boulevards, and when the the Tidings requested permission to down-town district clanging of bells, gat ion.” plana are compieteti the addition will print thia story ls-cau«e it was different­ soldiers marching, automobiles hither and thither and any other confusion When the United Htatea government,; ¡,ave more the appearance of a pert ly told from any it had yet seen : Oakland, Cal.—Georgia and I are your mind can picture; although the through the Kvdamatmn Nvrvice, de- ihan that ol the ordinary platlial ground alive and quite safe. We saved w hat ; crowd looked miserable, I saw no cry­ < idrd to lake np ihe Klamath I'roject for residence pur|*oaea. and build reservoirs - ----- ami --------- < seals that G radinc lor tor the th., street slreef railway ’’ ------- Grading is pro- clothes we stand in, two night gowns, ing. Yon shonld have seen onr room after would woiild carry the w«t«*r« water. of «1 Klamath and irr„,„g „pidiv, and the tire for the some silver, a few pieces of jewelry, and Clear lake, throughout the great valleys hllr ,,o n0.000 acres ol , IH|11 The entire cut of this mill for the i awful exfierience and all the worries of on the shelves in the front room. In practically worthies« land, the ryes of ,ea.)n b„ )wn purchMMtl. .„j lhoM1 our lives dwindle into nothing in com­ the kitchen the kettle was on tbe floor, nivrelorw were turned thia way. They ^,1,1^ |n lh„ uti, ,UIUin,.r parison. I was dreaming of you and of the china cloaet was laid flat on the knew tint the expenditure ol »4,500,000 wl|| havu Ur»t call on theoulput, so that I your being homeless when the quaking floor, and everything in it amashed; by the government would mean the em i u^y win be tore oi liavjn< an ainple lagan. The walls swayed and all the everything in tb>-closet waa down and ploynn rit *d an immeiise amount of la- ,upply „( |UIulM,r for their home. Nev- lioii-ehold idols came tumbling down desolation was its name. All my house­ bur ami a eunsequent increase in all I eral handrome houses are planned for and the agony of the mind as the hold goods that I loved were gone and ■ I trad.*, that the.q.ning op lose- tin. summer, and the architects are at thought flashed through—ito tile end of we left them to their (ate. I beleive t.ial selttera cl such an immense tract of WOrk now preparing the plans for the everything—the rocking and the noises the house is all burned up. We were terribly tired from the walk land WO.11.1 meat, a large influx rd |xxe inaniUcient hotel that ia to bo erroleii | and I couldn't pray—didn't have lime out to Haight street and bac k to Wash­ pie land that the incrrare.1 |.q.ol.tion t|lcn.. w..rk on which will probably be- although I have tried to do it aince. ucxild mean new town«. ' 1 l.at their I jumped over Geòrgie and velieri, ington and then to the ferry, but thank­ «¡thin a couple of months. judgment u a « correct iv evidrnerd by ' A complete sewerage system will be "Get up, get up.” blie got as far as the ful to be alive. III«* jtrrMt inert*«"« in ]o»|Hiliitt<»n of* constructed, and arrangements will I m » edge of the lx-d and never said anything All services as usual at the Presbyteri­ Klamath Falls, which ba. jumxxi from n,.de tuTuppl/um r^ñleñts with light Then I tappeti her on the shoulders anti ' .. ............. .. 400 ,o * ol »'»'* ; and water. Tlioqsaii.l. ol shade trees shoved ber towards the door and she an church next Sunday. The sermon f na nouu.i the rate <>l about 1*.» |.-r ,,MVU ....... purchare.1 and are now on fumbled with the lock anti couldn't I at < :30 p. m. will be of «pecial interest wck; the founding ol Merrill mid it. Uie ground resdy for planting this fall, open it. Finally I got it open and I Ho young men. Interesting and vital rnnid > ■ « caught up our w rappers and we thrust subjects are being discnsaed at t the rspbl ria««, rise, th« the birth of Wluts.lak«* WhiUdake Í'iív City Among lheee are 31XJ cork elm, noted and ila «ucce»«, a id the present growth for their rapid grow lit and luxuriant them on. Geòrgie was saving “Lord Wednesday evening service. Come aud have mercy on us.” Then we tore down bring your Bible. and activity in and around Bonanza. foliage. Klamath county and some of the Viwns CHANGE T. Abbott is Made General Man ager of the Klamath Lake Railroad The Boston Store SHADED BOULEVARDS _ INTERESTING future plana of his company, In fact lie has that stereotyped reply, “1 don’t t n-a.lv ______ 'when ______ asked ___ a. to know,” ever i ____ what changes or extensions are pro- pnaed. But in view of the feet that he The view from this addition is beyond l description. The Republican prints a panorama taken from the Buena Vista , tract,and a faint idea can lx- gained from at of the grandeur of the natural beauties I that are spread taefore the eye. But the camera, brusii nor |x-n cannot portray a truthful reproduction of the scenic wonders that are to be seen. With Mt. hbarta to the south and Mt. Pitt to the north. hmxting snow, surrounded by hills, valleys, lakes and streams, form a pic­ ture of such wonderous beauty as to I'l**'** beyond diacription. So im- pressed were the Sisters of St. Francis «“h thia aectioa that they purchased all of Block 70, representing an area of I,wo ,nd “no l,«lf Mocks, for their has an enviable reputation aa an eogin-1 l’roP0**^ Academy. Here will center rer, it would not lx* going wide of the the fir*» educalio"«! institutions mark if one guessed that the Weyer- . ■ of the stale, and will form the nucleus hausaer l.umlx*r C»m;>any had an ex . ­ ’ of the future supremacy of Klamath tension of their lino toward Klamath , Falla aa an educational center. Falla in view when they placed Mr. Ab- ' bolt in charge. This, however, is abso­ Bank & Trust Co. lutely denied by him, as might natur- : Major C. E. Worden returned to ally tw ex|x*cled. __ _________________________________ Klamath Falla last Friday, and l*egan almost immediately to make pre,«ra- Recently tlia Bonanza Improvement tiona to improve some of his property. Company wax incorporated, with such One of the first things he did waa to men as H. E. McKenney, who is heavily ' interested in Klamath county priqwrty, place a sign on his lol corner of Main and Fifth atreet, to the effect that when J. D. Carroll, one of the principals of the the proposed building to be erected Oregon and California Development thereon was completed it would be oc­ ! Company, H. L. Holgate of the Klam­ cupied by the American Bank and Trust ath Commercial Agency and others of Com pan e. equal prestige and business standing. Major Worden informs the Republi­ It ia practically assured that thiscom- can that on Monday brick will be placed i panv proposes extensive o|x*rations in on tbe ground for the erection of a $15- and around Bonanza, and thia together WM building, and that when it waa com­ w ¡th the marked activity of other large in- pleted it would be occupied by the lereata, augurs well for the future of this banking institution referred to. He war ' town. Situated as Bonanza is, it is con­ not diapiuxtl to make public Ilia names ceded that it will make a city of consid­ of those interested in the concern, but erable size. When the upper project is stated that ainpio capital was already nnder way, which will be the case ere subecrilied to make it one of the moat long, property in that vicinity ia bound solid l«nks in the state. No stock is to increase rapidly in value. And when for Mie. the great valleys directly tributary to Tiro memlrer. of the First Presbyter!- Bonanza are under irrigation, this town will torge ahead with rapid strides, anil an Church of Merrill purchased from its natural location will inaku it sesoud the Klamath Commercial Agency two only to Klamath Falla in size and im­ Iola and will erect thereon thia summer portance. It ia due to these things that lai rge in. a church to coat about IlHOO. vestment» have lx*en and are being ___ _ J. W. McCoy, of Fort Klamath waa in made m Klamath county; why the fail­ road is coming; why the street railway Klamath Falla Monday. He and Lind* system is l*elng put into Klamath Falla'; aey Kiaemore have just juirchaaed a why the electric railways have been perclieon stallion from La Fayette, In­ projected throughout the county; why diana, at a eoat of 14000. development ootnpaniee are spending James Emery of Fort Klamath, ac­ upwards of half a million in improving their projwrty ; why the eye« of thou­ companied by Ilia two daughters, are iu sands of investor« and homeaeekera are the city. Mr. Emery expects to make lurneil this way; and why Klamath | county ia destined to l*e the largest in application to the County Court lor a liquor license. | Ureguii, outside of Multuumah. New > I ' ' J. D. CARROLL RETURNS Head of the Oregon & California De velopment Company is Here. I I. D. Carroll, one of the principals of et. Ami thia confidence is not mis­ the California A Oregon l>evclopment placed. as will arm lie seen.” Company returned to Klamath Falls Further than this Mr. Carroll would Monday, lie was accomjainied by his not commit hiusaelf, but shut up like eon, and they expect to remain here (or the proverbial clam. When asked as to some time. the electrical railroad, all he would say “I expect to remain here for some was “wait.” From other sources, how- time thia trip,” said Mr. Carroll when I ever, it was learned that there will 1« seen by a Republican representative, something of importance develop along “and complete the plane I have on hand this line within the next few days, and for future operations. There is little to ' it looks as if thia enterprise was an as­ say at this time for publication. Every­ sured fact, aud that within a very short thing is progressing quite satisfactorily time. and liefore long our plans will 1« suffi­ I.ATXX ciently advanced so that the public can As we go to proas Mr. Carroll handed two for itself their scofie. The flatter­ ua a telegram lie received this morning ing success met with in the rale of lots from E. B. Hussey, one of the beet in the Bowne addition to Bananas in known engineers on the coast, stating the last two daya is wry pleasing to me. he would reach Klamath Falla Friday and shows that the people of Klamath evening. He comes here for the pur- county have confidence in their own ;xiee of making the preliminary exami­ nation of the route for the electric rail­ community, as well as in the corpora­ way from Klamath Falla to Merrill and tion placing this projwrty on the mark- I from Henley to Bonanza. the next Hight of stairs and aa I opened R. M. Richardson, formerly station the dixir, that stone arch lx*gan to fall, agent at 1‘okegama, arrived hero Wed- so 1 drew back and a woman residing in nemlay. Mr. Richardson will enter the the bouse tore past me, for the time be­ ¡em)4oy of Mason, Davis A Co., ditch ing a mad woman, screaming at the top contractors. of her voice. 1 Hew after her and as she Mrs. H. C. Chamlaerlain arrive«! here struck the curb she fell fiat and a very from Albany Tuesday night, to join her drunken man hcl|*ed her up. Then she husband who is a contractor and brick rnbbed her face with her hands and manufacturer. looked a sight. Mrs. 0. H. Harshbarger and two Mor husband did not show up, aa he children, who were in Frteeo during the waa dressing and we then prevailed on earthquake and fire, reached Klamath her to go into a house and there waa Falla Friday. another tremor ami out she rushed and E. B. Huston of I’ortlami arrived here up tbe street yelling “I won’t go into tbe house” and I ami another lady yell­ Wednesday anil will assume the duties ing out “Catch her.” It took three of chief eaigineei ol the steam-'r Klam , sth. men to hold her. G., brought me my slippers and we Mrs. LutieCaliff, daughter of Mrs. J. stood on the street and I got Mrs. H., a T. Henley, anal child arrivoai hero last wrap, then her husband came and I left. Friday from han Francisco. We got dressed, made a cup of coffee, Can you sell Klamath county proper­ and then there was another alarm—the chimney was on fire—ao we rushed out ty? If ao see or write E. B. Hall. Lib­ again, then came back and packed a few eral terms to agents. things and there was another shock and Mrs. Archie Mason, wife of the gov­ we rushed out again—dreset«I this time. ernment contractor, arrived in thia city We concluded we would go see Jessie I Wednesday eveuiug. In Its Construction-Only Equipment Destroyed By Fire. i ■ Thia Can Be Replaced Within a Few Weeks and the Road Will Be Ruatoed. The report that the Fan Francisco dis­ aster would delay the construction of the California Northeastern railroad and possibly prevent Ha completion in­ to Klamath Falla Ixrfore next March gained such headway and received so much credence in thia city, that the Re­ publican, on learning that President Naftzger was at Bovee’s ranch, cam- municated with him over the telephone. When asked aa to what foundation the rumor hail, Mr. Nzftzger replied most emphatically. “Absolutely and positively no foun­ dation at all. The only delay or inter- ferience with the rapid construction and prompt completion of the California Northeastern will tie duo to replacing the equipment and supplies of the con- tractors which were destroyed in San Francisco. This delay will be very .light-not more than a few weeks, and after they are replaced the work will ___ be pushed with so much energy that by the time we reach Klamath Falla tbe |,^, wji| probably be mure than made up.” “Will the unsettled conditions pro­ duce. 1 by the financial losses sustained bv all classes in San Francisco have any . effect on your other plans"' “None whatever," replied Mr. Nafts- ger. "The calamity is so great and the shock ao severe that it has affected every 1 portion of the coast. Thia is not due so much to financial stringency as to the fact that the people of the entire Pa- i citic coast have been etunned by the magnitude of the horror. "Conditions are rapidly adjusting them- selves, however, and before long there will be greater industrial activity than the Pacific coast has ever known before. ' San Francisco will rise from its ruins in greater splendor than before ita distrac­ tion and when the plan < for ita re-con­ struction are carried out it will lx» one of the most beautiful cities in the world. "As I said, we are going to go right ahead with all of our plana, and the only delay, if any, will lw due to our inabili. ty to promptly procure such material aa is absolutely neveasaiy for their con­ summation.” Mr. Naftzger, like so many thousand of other citizens, hwt heavily. His home waa destroyed, and what few effects he saved was only accomplished after mov- ing them from one point to another five different times. Great as waa his Issa and the ordeal through which he passed, it waa easily discernible from the force of hie remarks that he haa the utmost confidence in the future oi Nan Francis­ co. Ilia confidence is the same as that <>f every business man in the Bay City, and where men of such sterling quali­ ties stand shoulder to shoulder, it can have only one effect—the tip- building of a greater and grander metropolis on the I’acitic coast. The Merrill creamery is offered for sale. Enquire of Gua Newbury, Jack* sonville, Oregon. New and Second hand house furnish­ ings at Ilia bridge. Heoond hand Store. Virgil and Son. Choice locations can Is* secured in Bo­ nanza if yov buy now. E. B. Hail,Gen­ eral Agent. E. B, Hall and wife of IVhitalako were in the city thia week, returning home today. Mrs. R. B. Hatton and daughter ar­ rived here from Oakland Saturday even­ ing. James D. Fairchild of Yreka to reg. istered at the Lakeside Inn. James F. Farraher ol Yreka arrived in thia city Wednesday. For Iola iu Bonanza aee K. B Hall.