Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 03, 1906, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper of Klamath
County and Leading Journal
of the Interior Orogon Country.
The largest Circulation and la
the Best Medium for Reaching
a Prosperous and Trading Public
NO. 5
Magnificent Panorama to bo soon from the Heights in the Buena Vista Addition to Klamath Falls.
This Beautiful Tract is
Almost Ready.
Reason» Why the Klamath Basin la
Forging Ahead.
Streets. Sewerage. Electric
A Communication F rom Ml«« Steph*
ena on the San francisco Disaster
Car Une. Magnificent Hotel and
The following letter is from a sister of
Tin- Republican has lately received a
Other Improvements.
T. F. Stephens of this city, and ap;-ear- N., over on Haight street, so off we
At a tmvting of the ClmtnlM'r of Coin-
Oregon Eastern Is Being inrr<r, held la«t evening l’> new meni* large numls-r of inquiries in regard to
ed in the Ashland Tidings. It is truly start«!. Sncli a condition aa the streets
in style, and varies greatly from were in—people walking about, tbe pic­
Itela arre «ducted. Tlie proposition of a Klamath county and some of the towns
Surveyed to Fort
The Buena Vista Addition to Klamath
ture of desolation with a few valuables
woolen mill waa again presence*!, an«l therein, and in many of the letters is: Falls, which is lieing platted by the all of like communications published.
By Fire.
Miss H. B. Stephens of this city has in their hands; others sitting on the
Mr. (’lurk of Orogon City waa invited to What is the cause of the rapid growth Klamath Alratract Company for the
come bere ami make definite proposi­ ■ >f Klamath Fall., Merrill, Bonanza and | Klamath Canal Company, is almost receive«! a personal letter from her sis­ side-walk surrounded by their posses­
ter there descriptive of the earthquake sions ; chimneys down, windows smashed I This Can Be Replaced Within ■
Branch Une Tu Run Aouth Via tion. Cunaidernlde buaimwa waa trana* llie county generally? Or why are such ready to be place«i on the market. t'n-
acted, and more interval we* evinced great claim* made for the future of your ' der tbe direction of W. K. Brown, men in Kan Francisco. The story has fa-en streets filled with debris, houses oat of
Few Weeks and the Road
tuikeview to Alturas to Connect
them al anv prrvioua niwting lor tome* r'ounty? t he answer of tlieae questions and teams are at work grading the told and retold in the newspapers but plumb and some down flat. In the
Will Be Rushed.
With N. O. A C.
| time. A «|wcial m«*eting will I m ? held «■an la. suiutiii-il up in one wurd: “Irri­ streets and boulevards, and when the the Tidings request«! permission to
soldiers marching, automobiles hither
Friday evening to <*unaider die |toat* gation.”
plans are complete«! the addition will
and thither and any other oonfuaion
The report that the Kan Francisco «lie­
When the I'uited States government, . have more the appearance of a |«rk ly told from any it had yet s«*en :
I’liH’f Kuuin«*i>r I II. Grnhnin <»f It»«« <d!h*e matter, uml every member is
urgently r«»queiU<*| to I m « prraent.
through the Reclamation Service, de­ than that of the ordinary platted ground j Oakland. Cal.—Georgia and I are your mind can picture; although the aster would delay the construction of
<irt«|*>Hi I- AMt«*rii HuHrtHid
hi Klam«
alive anj quite safe. We saved what I crowd looked miserable, I saw no cry­ the California Northeastern railroad
«»th I'alU tin« Huck purrhiH’iiiit nupphvw
Elmer I. Applegate relume«! from cided to take up the Klamath Project I for residence purposes.
and poeeibly prevent its completion In­
In« uttrvvying t-«rp«, nti<l ivliirn»*l to Man
C-alitornia, loat Frnlay even­ and build reservoirs and canals that
Grading lor the street railway is pro­ cintile» we stand in, two night gowns, ing.
Yon shonld have seen oar room after to Klamath Falls liefore next March
« amp« W i 'H im ' ih Ltv . Tin* <>rrg<»ii Ea«t- ing lie waa Accoin|>aiimd by bi« ala­ would carry tbe waters of Klamath and gressing rapidly, and the ties lor the some silver, a few pieces of jewelry, and
•rn h » tliv rua4 that ia I wiiij ; aurvtfymj tele. Mi«ara Evelyn, iWaalc an«l Elsie, Clear lakes througlioiit the great valleys line are now lieing saw«! at the Odessa a little money and our lives. It was an the svenl—not a piece of anything left gained such headway and received so
h'lru Onlurio am! Vnl«»
!•» cniiiiri t a ho were students al Ktantord Univer- i and rxluim nearly ^50.0(J0 acres of null. The entire cut of thia mill for tbe awful experience and all tbe worries of on the shelves in the front room. In much credence in this city, that the Re-
• ith tlir Hu«« Iroin Natron Ui Klamath aity. The young la«h«-a hud a liarurwitig practically worthless land, the eyes of season has l>ecn purchased, and those our lives dwindle into nothing in com­ the kitchen the kettle was on tbe floor, |Hiblican, oo learning that President
Falla. Tim junction Mill I*«« inad« in rx|trririiue and a nnrvuw va ape, but investor, were turned thia way. They i Iniilding in the addition this summer parison. I was dreaming of you and of the china closet waa laid flat on the Naftzger was at Boyce's ranch, com­
the vicinity ol Fort Klamath, |«*r!ia|N* fortunately ror«*ived no more than a knew that the expenditure uf (1,500,<XX> will have first call on lheoutput, so that your being homeless when the quaking floor, and everything in it smashed; municated with him over the telephone.
When a«ked as to what fountiation
j U wh H twelve intlr« from
that point. nervous aioak, liuui which they are re­ by the government would mean th. em- 1 they will be sure of having an ample began. The walls swayed and all the everything in tbe closet waa down and
ploytio iit of an iiuui<-UMi amount <d la­ supply of lumber for their homes. Kev- household idols came tumbling down desolation was its name. All my house­ the rumor had, Mr. Naftzger replied
Mr. Graham would volunteer little in- covering.
bor Slid a «oiisequeiit inctease in all eral handsome houses ere planned for and the agony of the mind as the hold goods that I loved were gone and moot emphatically.
lormatlun relative to die prop imm ! hue.
Tim Klamath Falla hand will give a
hue. of trade, that tbe opening up to ac- ' thia summer, and the architecta are i t ! thought flash« 1 through—its the end of we left them to their (ate. I beleive
“Absolutely and positively no foun­
11« «ail:
«xrm vit at the opria inrusa <>n tbe Hth
dation at all. The only delay or inter-
”1 have a corp of 20 enfinrera an*l a** of this month, tho procee«la of which l.ial setlleia of such an immense tract of work now preparing the plana for the J I everything—the rocking and the noises the house is all burned up.
We were terribly tired from the walk fenence with the rapid construction and
alalaiita We are now running llie pre* will go to complete die |»aymrii<a dur land would mean a laige influx of peo­ ■naniticient hotel that is to lie erected and I couldn’t pray—didn't have lime
out to Haight street and twuk to Wash- prompt completion of the California
liinmary line and aa anon «• thia i« «lone on the new liislromvMU. Thia organi' ple; and that tbe increased population; there, work on which will probably be­ although I have tried to do it since.
I jumpel over Geòrgie and yelled. ington and then to the ferry, but thank­ Northeastern will be duo to replacing
w© will 1 k >«: ii ihr )M«*manrnt turret, iath>n is dearrving of hearty support, would mean new towns. That their' gin within a couple of months.
the equipment and supplies of the con-
<»ra<lin< «*p«*iatmna will lollun the and it is to la- I h «| mx J their concert will judgement waa correct ia evidenced by! A complete sewerage system will be "Get up, get up.” Kbe got as far aa the ful to be alive.
tbe great lm*rvas« in |.>|Hilation of' constructed, and arrangements will l>e edge of the lied and never sail anything
tractors which were destroyed in San
lae well attended.
All services as usual at the Presbyteri­ Francisco. This delay will be very
Klamath Falls, which haa j<iin|s*d from 1 made to supply the residents with light Then I tappeti her on the .boulders and
•’Yea/’ »«aid Mr. Graham, “thie line
J W. Husta arrive«! here from Friero
shoved ber towards tbe «loot and she an church next Sunday. The sermon slight—not more than a few weeks, and
a settlement of 400 to a city of JOtN, and
Mill count*« t wHh the rnad front N.ilr«*n
Saturday night. He is one of the vic­ increasing at the rate ol about list per and water. Thousands of shade trees fumbled with the kick am! conldn’t 1 •« ' l30 P- m • will be of special interest
after they are replaced the work will
<o Klamath I .«11«. I'liu «iirvu><>rt (or
tims <>! San Francisco, baring occupied w«-k;tlie founding <d Merrill and its have been purchaaed and are now on open it. Finally I got it open and I ,o young men. Interesting and vital
be pushe«l with so much energy that by
thl« latter road ar«« now in Hie H«»i«i,
quartern in the Hapliael imuse in d.at
rapid rise, the birth of Whitelake City ' Among ,llrw. aro
v|nit IlouM caught up our w rappers and we thrust subjects are being discussed at the the time we reach Klamath Falls tbe
tafiiwaliwre cl<««u to die tlivide an<l are
city, lie lias bovi» employed by the!
them on. Geòrgie was saying “Lord Wednesday evening cervice. Come and loss will probably be more than made
working aondi a* f«t*t a« cundltioiia will
I><*t«in store.
| And activity in and around Bonanaa. ,or ‘l,tir r,P,d “rowU‘ a,,J I“«“'«"» have mercy on us.” Then we tore down bring your Bible.
M«linil. A« to Worn con«trm'lion work
“Will the unsettled conditions pro-
will l»e|fin it ia hat I to «ay. a« that imial
Thu view from thie addition is beyorni
duce«l by the financial losses sustained
li<sea«aiily u.nl««ti the ¡»eriiiaririit eiir-
description. The Republican prints a
by all classes in San Francisco have any
vry, luit ili< it* will I«' hm little dtday Aa
panorama taken from tbe Buena Vista
effect on your other plans'.’”
)>«M»pilii«*. conaiMeiit with cany gia*!«*«
I tract,and a faint idea can l<e gained from
“None whatever," replie«! Mr. Nafti-
an«! prAj <ir I« h ationa."
it of tire grandeur of the natural beauties
ger. “The calamity is so great and the
"f>oy«»u think Hint tbe San Franriw«'<i
that are spreail liefore the eye. But the
shock so severe that it has affected every
«liaantef will hat«» lb«» effect «»( delitying
j camera, brush nor pen cannot portray
' portion of the coast. This is not due so
the coii«trih tion <s( vidtrr «»I lliriw limi« ,
, a truthful reproduction of the scenic
much to financial stringency as to the
Aa rep < u ted '
1 wonders that are to be seen. With Mt.
fact that the people of the entire Pa-
MNo. 1 iin<lerelan«l that it will have
Khasta to the south mid Mt. Pitt to the
| cific coast have been stunned by the
aheulub'ly none, ami wutli on I hii I i til
north. hiXK'ed with their covering of
magnitude of the horror.
I hear roa«la will go forward just thu
ecsrlasting snow, surrounded by hills,
“Conditions are rapidly adjusting them­
tame a« if tliatCAtaatrupliy hw<l nevtroc*
valleys, lakes and streams, form a pic­
selves, however, and before long there
ture of such wonderotis beauty ar to
When qurationed aa to the probability
h* *T®*ter ludustrial activity than
beyond diacription. So im­
I. D. Carroll, one of the principals of I et. And thia confidence is not mis-
E. T. Ahlsitt of Minneapolis has l*cen future plana of hia company, In fact !'••*'**
the Pacific coast has ever known before.
«»( a hue »oiilli front the ()reg«»n Eaalern
spl>oin<cd general manager c( the Klam­ Im has that stereotyped reply, “1 don't
the California A Oregon I<eveh»pment place«!, as will soon be seen.’*
through luikevi» w to «-onn«*<*i with tho
' San Francisco will rise from its ruina in
‘bey purchased Company returned to Klamath Falls
ath railroad, which o;»erate« lietween know," ever rea.lv when sake«! aa to|w,lh,hl" **‘«®«‘
Further than thia Mr. Carroll would greater splendor than before ita distrac­
<>. in Caliioriiia lie « a »«I :
what changes or extensions are pro­
Monday, He waa accom)>anied by his not «xuurnit himself, but shut up like
“There u ill in all i«rubabihty lie anch u
line. It will touch l»akeview. <»r a« near man of r«*eogniz«-d ability, and h«« had posed. Rut in view of the fact that he two and one-half city blocks, for their eon, ami they expect to remain here for the proverbial clam. When askad as to tion and when the plans for ita re-con-
atruction are carried out it will be one
aa gradea will )«crmit and mnk«* a ju»«e- wide experience in the locating and con­ has an enviable reputation aa an engin­ proposed Academy. Here will center
some time.
the electrical railroad, all he would say
ti.m Aifh th«* \
»t Gt M l« ill
of the most beautiful cities in the world.
“I expect to remain here for some was “wait." From other sources, how­
Modo«’«'oonty, ('aliiornia. (or I iimlcr* struction of railways in the middle west eer, it would not I m going wide of the
“As I said, we are going to go right
etaiui th«»
C. tic O. ia to l«r extended Since he assiiuu-d the management of mark if one gurssed that the Weyer- of the state, aud will form the nucleus time thie trip,” said Mr. Carroll when I ever, it was learned that there will be
aheati with all of our plans, and the only
to that city.**
the Klamath railway he has been “do­ hausaer Lumber C<>mi«any had an ex- of the future supremacy of Klamath seen by a Republican representative, something of importance develop along
delay, if any, will be due to our inabili.
It waa very evident that Mr. (irahani ing things." A markcl change for the
tension of their lino toward Klamath Falls aa an educational center.
“and complete the plana I have on hand thia line within the next few days, and
know mu h morn a I mhii th«» line auiith
ty to promptly procure such material aa
for future operations. There is little to it looks as if this enterprise was an as­
than h«i cared to tell. Krg^rihng the
is absolutely necessary for their coo-
other two hues he was more ««iniiniiiii- 1 * •>steiualic regime has been iuaugu- bott in charge. This, however, is abso­
Trust Co. say at thie time for publication. Every, sured fact, and that within a very short summation."
«stive, ami hia conversation mail«* it i J rated.
lutely denied by him, aa might nalur- |
thiug is progressing quite satisfactorily time.
Mr. Naftzger, like so many thousand
ronda Would
would be!
lie ¡ ... ... ...
quite plain that theati roads
«Mstruclial at once.
Mr' AbboM verr rel,c*’n‘
10 “'*• ally lie expected.
Major C. E. Worden returned to and liefore long our plans will be suffi­
of other citizens, lost heavily. His home
As we go to press Mr. Carroll handed was destroyed, and what few effects he
Klauiath Falls last Friday, and began ciently advanced so that the public can
almost luinusllately to make prepara­ see for itself their scope. The flatter, us a telegram be received thie morning saved waa only accomplished after mov­
Recently the Bonanza Improvement
tions to improve some of his property. ing success met with in tbe sale of lota I from E. B. Hussey, one of the beet ing them from one point to another five
Com|>any was incorporated, with such
One of the first things he did was to in the Bowtie addition to Bananza in known engineers on the coast, stating different times. Great as was hia lees
men as H. E. McKenney, who ia heavily
place a sign on hia lot corner of Main the last two days is very pleasing to me, lie would reach Klamath Falls Friday and tlie ordeal through which he passed,
interested in Klamath county property,
and Fifth street, to the effect that when and shows that the people of Klamath evening. He comes here for the pur- it was easily discernible from tbe force
.1. I*. Carroll,one of the principals of the
jaiee of making the preliminary exami-
the propose«! building to be erected county have confidence in their own i nation of the route for the electric rail­ of his remarks that he has the utmoet
Oregon mid California Development
thereon was completed it would he oc­
way from Klamath Falls to Merrill and confidence in the future of San Francis­
Company, H. L. Holgate of the Klam­
cupied by the American Bank and Trust tion placing thia property on the mark- i from Henley to Bonanza.
co. His confidence is the same aa that
ath Commercial Agency and others of
of every businese man in the Bay City,
, equal prestige ami business standing.
R. M. Richardeon, formerly atntion and where men of such sterling quali­
Major Worden informs the Republi­ the next flight of stairs and as I opened
It is practically assured that thiscom-
can that on Monday brick will t .i placed the door, that stone arch liegan to fall, agent at l'okegama, arrived here Weil- ties stand shoulder to shoulder, it can
i pany prop.wca extensive ofierationi in
on the ground for the erection of a *15- so I drew back ami a woman residing in nemlay. Mr. Richardson will enter the have only one effect—the up- building of
' and around Bonanza, and this together
OdO building, and that when it was com- the house tore past nie, for the time be­ employ of Mason, Davis A Co., ditch a greater and grander metropolis on
w ith th«* marked activity of other larg«« in­
pleted it would l*e occupied by the ing a mad woman, screaming at the top contractors.
the Pacific coast.
terests. augurswell for the future of this
institution referred to. Ha was of hor voice. I flew after her and as she
Mm. H. C. Chamlierlain arrived here
| town. Situated as Bonanza is, it is con-
not disposed to make public Ilia names struck the curb she fell flat and a very from Alhany Tuesday night, to join her
; ceiled that it will make a city of consid­
The Merrill creamery is offered for
of thosa interested in the concern, hut drunken man hel]>ed her up. Then she husband who is a contractor and brick
erable size. When the upper project is staled that ample capital was already
sale. Enquire of Gus Newbury, Jack­
rubbed her face with her hands and manufacturer.
niwler wav, which will be the case ere subscrilied to make it one of the most
sonville, Oregon.
Come to the
looked a sight.
Mrs. O. H. Harsh burger and two
long, pro|H*rty in that vicinity is bound solid l«nk» in the state. No stock is
New and .Second hand house furnish­
Her husband did not show up. aa he
children, who were in Frisco during the ings at the bridge. Heooiid hand etort.
to increase rapidly in value. An«I when for sale.
waa dressing and we than prevail«! on
earthquake and tire, reached Klamath Virgil and Son.
the great valleys directly tributary to
her to go into a house ami there waa Falla Friday.
Thn tneinliem of the First Presbyteri­
Bonanza are under irrigation, this town
Choice locations can be secured in Bo­
will torge ahead with rapid strides, and an Church of Merrill purchase«! from another tremor ami out she rushed and
E. B. Huston of Portland arrived here nanza if yov buy now. E. B. Hall,Gen­
its natural location will maku it sMmid the Klamath Commercial Agency two up the street yelling “I won't go into
only to Klamath Falla in size and im-
the house” and I amt another lady yell­ Wednesday and will assume the duties eral Agent.
lota ami will erect thereon thie summer
ing out “Catch her." It took three of chief engineer of the steamar Klam .
E. B. Hall and wife of Whitelake
rge i in­ a church to coat about $1800.
It is due to these things that lar^e
men to hold her,
were in the city this week, returning
For your Clothing, Hata, Shoot vestments have been and are being
J. W. McCoy, of Fort Klamath waa in
G., brought me my slippers and we
made in Klamath county ; why the rail­
Mre. Lutie Cal iff, daughter of Mre. J. home today.
road is coming; why the street railway Klamath Falla Monday. He and Lind- stood on the street and I got Mrs. H., a T. Henley, and child arrived here last
and Furnlthing*.
Mrs. R. B. Hatton and daughter ar­
system is luting put into Klauiath Falls; •ey Kisemore have just purchase«! a wrap, then her husband came ami I left.
Friday from Kan Francisco.
rived here from Oak land Saturday even­
why the electric railways have l>een percheon stallion from La Fayette, In­
Satla/actlon Guaranteed
We got dressed, made a cup of coffee,
projected throughout tho' county; why
Can you sell Klamath county proper­ ing.
diana, at a coat of *4000.
and then there was another alarm—the
development companies are spending
or Money Back.
James D. Fairchild of Yreka la reg­
If so see or write E. B. Hall. Lib.
upwards ol half a million in improving
James Emery of Fort Klamath, ac­ chimney waa on tire—so we rushed out
istered at the Lakeside Inn.
their property; why the eyes of thou­ companied by hie two daughters, are iu again, then came back and packed a few eral terma to agenta.
sands of investors and homeM<okera are
James F. Farraher of Yreka arrived
Mrs. Archie Macon, wife of the gov­
turn(*«i this way; an<l why Klamath the city. Mr. Emery expects to make things and there was another shock and
thia city Wednesday.
county is destined to l>e the largest in
Oregon, outside ot Mulluomah.
liquor license.
We concluded we would go see Jessie Wedneeday evening.
For lota in Bonanza see E. If. Hall.
Equipment Destroyed
Head of the Oregon & California De
velopment Company
is Here.
T. Abbott is Made General Man
ager of the Klamath Lake
The Boston Store
If You want to be
D/essed in the
The Boston Store