Àl^TkÀC'TEUs ENGINEERS Klamath County Abstract COMPANY It Is Teecsvary to Ifivs Oiitf’s Al Lxtv ive as Ihoa» cf Lu.t»,» el Osa»- cgm Far- titular«. SLOAN-ZUMWALT-WITHROW Tito l*b-nes r Ahetract Hitiiv id kiaUMth Gwiutv, Orv p»«t Have you a l>tV h tn survey ” I» your l*n>|»Tty Lille in iloulit? Is youv Tub- perfc-et? Wc have a cuni|4ete Abstract ami fengims-ring utHcv. These who think deer or mountain lion hunting to be hard work ought to A44rv,» P. O. Bas 1«. k lamatta Paste. Otego«. M smw . Mala y> try hunting hawk» nesti for «while and • ei » ta.te of tn» really strenu ■ ■:< 0VRVKYING ABSTRACTING Ufa. li.vvxs aeit all ever the world. frur:' '. the equator to the far uorth ths;- make up one of the largrst and mi: widely known of any of the l.trd fatu Lien. To t'.utu beloBff the great bill • « I everyone knows. Hut tueir habits are all different, so that mathixls which will result in tbe finding i f oae hawk s nest, says the U»s Angeles dime... v .11 take the hunter directly by tae home of anoih-r species. The little xpanow hawk lays Its egg* in a hollow ire • while the exglo builds a bulky nest of /W6. all sorts of sticks and place« It in the very tiptop of tbe btgbist available tree. | The hawk hunter--who. by the way. I -alls himself an "oologist"- takes with , him as much of an outfit a» woul 1 a I deer hunter. First of all. he wears a will place on the market the suit of duck or khaki, lemon, or. prefer | ably, forest green tn color, and instead d the usual heavy shoes of a hunter. subdivision you I light leather creations which ylsld t> Contemplate Making Investments Klam* .every luoverumt of the find and clint; 'as tenaciously to the bark of trei.i at or County, wait and see would the barefoot. To at,l bltu in ¡climbing still further, he carrlrs a what we have to offer. When our pair of the "cllmbeis" used by tele Addet ; I hone and tel, graph linemen to this Is a tin box having straps on car boulevards, now un each end so that It may be easily car | riel, and In which the eggs ar« care- der are completed, fully ¡lacked in cotton. Entering the forest o- the cliff wstle I picturesque spot, from which a icanyon, the tr. xiern hawker strikes o it magnificent view Klamath Lake, Mt. ■xrefully. treading as silently as any deer hunter, searching the s'.les fre- ■ rt!« wl’h a field gla«» ' r ■ ,r -t Shasta and Mt. Pitt be had. where birds lie seeks. Hawks, eagles an I most of the owls nest In early >rlng. is the scenic pan­ fr i the first of Februar- •<> th« c. 1 of May. so that th» collector must be orama of unequalled beauty, the fnost de- afield early In order t> get e. -s In 'wl.i-h Li.-v.hstlo'i has rot ■ I sirable residence section of Klamath ’ He scans the tops of trscs or such likely places as he knows and finding •Twelve to and cost s -me great bulk of sticks I< mtng darkly against the sun. he 1..' < <1 v i lv are to be in this sub- his paraphernalia and a»-, n Is t>e tr - If the hawk be one of the larvte ;•«>■ •• i this summer. It offers to the known as hurrard hawl s. a -:.p ,-n h-» trunk >f the tree will .suall v . : ■ . . an nesting bird In screaming flight f- mi her home. With the smaller hawks profit on this test does rot apply, but the ex perienied hawker rarely climb» to a nest from which no bird can be In- Cbe Canal I duced to fly. Once secured and brought saf«ly home, the next thing for the "oologist" to do is to preserve the eggs. This he does by drilling a small hole in one side of the egg and removing the con­ tents by means of a blowpipe Instru­ ments are manufactured for this pur­ pose. and many are of Intricate make I for use when the eggs are valuable On { I I I rot? Tnl COLLTCT*- 0TT9 1 KIS STÉC.M-NS. /. Che Klamath Canal Company lots in now being platted. If in Falls Klamath Street system and construction, this most of can presented to eye a Falls fifteen beautiful erected homes division investor opportunity to realize a handsome his investment. Klamath Company a,-d so far Inftbated a» M l>e unaav- able with the ui'Sldcd blowpipe When i he eai's are emptied of Invlr col tints, they are thoroughly Uriel with hid air and the I laid carefully away In tray a of cornmeal to l-econt» entirely dry in esse the air has left any drop« of moisture. In a day or two they are place.1 tn thilr Aral nest of cotton In th* drawer of a cabinet whet« many other hawks' eggs have preceded them r»< h collection Is eat alogue-l. and the eggs -ire marks I with a known symbol, so that not only may have taken up >f sport go this kind of git out. many of them ar« independently rich, others are in lucrative positions, ¡xisitlon». but tut they take It up as a means of getting out Int > the world of the wild, and bring home the eggs as souvenirs of th, ir trips. In time this has grown to l<- a regular study, until now almost all the large muneums have a deportment levoted esclustvely to the study ol Luc -jgs of birds, living and extluct. . --- r An Exceptional Occupaf. 1. A Parisian actor who foitncrly ma le a good Income In his profession Is now arnlng his living as a cab driver He has taken this step to spite his dl voreod wife. Wherever h - went she put a lien on hlv salary, The actor found that tto only occupation In v hlch his wife was helping against him waa cab driving, because he drew no e vges an! had to pay for the hire of the cab. He says he Is making a jood living and Is quite hap:.. Qctting His Slispe. I.f.'llv I hear your brvtu»r U «aar­ it g corsets, now? I’holly—Uh. yea. he's t-v«- r»t In shs¡v* for th« winter —Yonkers S'._;e* rapidly to be separated by tbe eye. The traili »hown In photography of v •y bright flaahe* are caused by Ittettt lr»eenee produced In the air for a very brief period A new piodtiet of tbe electric f nace ha» been intrmliiei d In I'r.n under the d gnitien eal itonllo k 1» a double .aiblle of barium mil c.il Hum. produ,. .1 by M J Cartier, an electro met.illtirg'.st of Mancloux. which dec,i-np,,..e, ,-n c intact with water, like calcium carbide. A stervo»i pic star chart Is the sue cessful novelty of T 1-1 ll-'Mh, the Eng ■ section of the heavens are drawn front two points of view that are nip posed to be lit years opart, and un der a larto stereo». ope the double view gives a rough but very instructive Impression of the stars floating In space at an approximation to their relative distances. Instead of ns points against the dark background of the sky. Tint result la a most Interrii- ing one. * Electric waves i and »cnaitlve ro­ eeivers offer a means i of performing a variety of operations at a di-tance Prof 1-1 l> Branly has (»•en tn in« to attain ntch results, and hai »koivu the Paris academy an apparatus by which he can start an electric motor, cause Incandescent lamp» to glow and cause sn -xplo-h.n The«,- effects may bo produced nr discontinued In any de­ sired order, one after another They 4* were chosen arbitrarily for experiment, an I It Is po -ilble to bring about at a dlstan -e other mechanical action or »«- rlea of actions, or to work a comply catsd machine Lakeside Inn, t MRS. M. McMlLl.AN, Prop’r. I u ( •h 4* 4* -J- Under the Government Irrigation Scheme CO YOU KNOW YOU CAN BUY - * * + + Cheaper than elsewhere under the - - Governmment project of irrigation ? 4< Lost River Realty Company 4 Chas. Pattee. Manager. Bonanza, Oregon 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* Pure Bred Stallions 4* 4* 4« 4* 4- 4* + 4- Bull Cochin Chickens I I’htiin.-, Al ri !ii II BITS BY THE BABES. "Mamma.” said five-year-old Nellie, "I'd like to ask your advice atsnit something." "What la II, dear?" querle I her mother. ■After I get William I! Crane, the actor, says he through school, what would you advlaw first learned what true love is by ac­ me to do while I'm watting to be mar­ cidentally overbearing a brief conver­ ried?" asked the little mUs. sation between a young man and a very pretty girl. “And you're sure you A little girl called nt a mxvry and love me?" she said. "Love you?" echoed asked for n qur.rx of vinegar to tie the young fellow. "Why, darling, put In a gallon jug This being done while I was bidding you good-by on she askel for another quart tn be put the r-**h la r . On the Mulh. M'p!.ii u t (¿lit milt '» south of Khniath Falls u ill b<* in service t \ t ry Iiicsjus, I iuirsd ix and Sat­ urday tor the next three n. nths. Mans will be pastured. No liability for damages. Charges $io for season. 'r. 1". A? J. 1^. Siliort THE HOT SPRINGS IMPROV EMEE / I H . W A ft Will, about the first week in May, offer for sale Lots in the HOT SPRINGS ADDITION. This property is very favorably located, and we shall make such improvements upon it as to make it attractive to those wishing to build nice homes. We shall grade the streets. We shall lay cement sidewalks. We shall provide perfect drainage. We shall construct sewers. We shall provide a water system. We shall secure electric lights. We shall have a great hotel on the tract. We shall make a park around the splendid Hot Springs, situated almost in the center of the Tract. We shall have the depot of the California Northeastern Railway. We shall have a Street Car system as soon as required. We shall stand for A GREAT AND BEAUTIFUL KLAMATH FALLS. i k