KLAMATH REPUBLICAN 1 (» pnivcnients to his front van» bv mnviiig •MKII: I Il'S OI KI . A M A I ti W E Siegler .............................. Re« Fallw-r Feu»i .. .. Ltk» out lii» fehct* thirty tret Io reai'li the .50 Mrwt line ami with the Mow ■>l making John Die......................................... a . o . r w luikkii;, i "JO 00 rumi U»r the new le-Liuiiiut which lie M .a J T Henley .... E. J. MURRAY, Editor ntfvlN iii tl»»' \. o. r. \\ I » wm T l'aldw m .................... 20.00 will »o«m vriH't. Tiu- is to Im * two r»it*Mhiv pvrtiing. Vintin, 5 Ikt story building. Il e upjsT story to lie ki mvb <» B Gate« ..................... W O. Smhh, J. W. > i « hi » viu », lltvtirdvr. 10 00 usisi lor o.’tiee». II Boivin 5.00 KEIIn Lei Hoy Kilgoie is »omi to ».Id forty feel 1'viinin Ib»»’ N<». ss •»( ih »«4 m in Uit» A, <» I’ \\ . 2 Ik) nn re to the west end ol' bls hotel, lie lliHHtr By »’»it h ........................... TWO DOLLARS THE YEAR IN ADVANCE Imi! «'v«*iv rt»b«l hmrth ThiiiM.lHXH 5.00 liitvmg I, mid out that he bad just almut 1 Frank 1. Applegnte ............ in 11»«' inonth. N hiicv X \Vliilv, C. »»I II. 1.1 \ n 2.00 half room enough to »esmuioiiatu the» «Iv.*»‘v Marple, Urvunlor. i Rex Bord ......................................... 20.00 tiMVehng public. \V. O. \\ Emalina Camp, X»». 7W. W. 2 00 ■ Benj Roliarge ........................... <». \ W *A . n»»'vi- » v»'i v \V«H|iivmlav vvenintf 2 tki I a»li at ‘ . 7 .................. e» o'elis'k ut S.-inderson'» ‘ hall. “ \ll j Renetit exesrsion Snrnlay on I iieiglilmis cordiiilli iiivile.|. C. K. Ihaiidenbiirg. Clerk. 25 00 »teamer Klamath. RY GERANK’W. t'oIhwtuMis na'eivisl |»y K. Bugeruhin k. F. A A. M -Klamath l.ilgv N > and turned over lo Committee. Die weather h tTuti and launins; ib 7*. Meets Batiirdav evening on or I h » hue tiie tuli luisui of esi li nomili in lhe K •'*uge> mm rapidly pi »‘^ ivm * ii »^. Masonie Hull. Alex Martin Jr. W. M. W WMtlock i W Mm. tits». Bray, who ha« Imam in M . E. ILiwdoin, SiH’rvlarv. I Wliitloik 1.0# Yreka the |ia»t w inter under rare ol a I O I». I' Klamath laslge No. 117 W F Met elluiii ................ IJ)0 plivtician, rtrtnrnvd home laid week for meet* weiv Batiirdav evening m the , T Frankenateiu .................... l.l» a nhort vihit with her |MtrvtilB, Mf. ami A th E. W. hall E. E. lamisoii, N.G. •r '* 4yfr -b *b -r •? 4* 4* *r 4* 4" 4- 4' 4* 4* + 4* 4- 4- + J B Otev ...................................... IkO# Mr*. C. C. Brower, Becivlarv. B. High. -b -h J C Buiith 2"'* Mi**- Amy and F.l*iv Heed • |>arted Fwauim Encampment No. 40, I II.O F. CK Baldwin for Chico >un»lav ni»»rning alien» they Eneanipluent meets second and louith 4; Ca»h f «r m-k < f |s’latiws doiiated by II. the * a ill join the rtwt ol the family who I Saturday» in tiie month in \ i> I' W. ball Ja»|s i IK nnetl, C. I*. j- W wtraw a ent a fra days previou*. T Geo. L. Humphrey, sctilw. W W ............................................... K R Rennies 1.00 Mdec »ulwciilied by A. Migenuaii 20.11Ü WHISKEY A Mr. Trail, of Oaklahuma Territory, •F I ’ rosiwritv Itelw-kah Luige No. IDI Md»e sulwcrilwsl by E. Btem . . 2.1» WB Wonieu 90.00 \ II ...................................... l.Ou la»»( fcerk pumhaml H»U acre« uf land, 1 l. O. O. F. meet» ill the A <>. I'. \t •F Nuiuerous lot« ot elullilllg and sup- aeoo D Mct'ouMlI................................. ♦teo R Hum 1.00 Ivintf five mi If* east of Picard, from I hall ever* tiist and Hurd Thursdays il. .50 I I'll** h»Ye Iw-eu received by K. Bilger- 90.90 F Oliver A Martin, Jr C\rn* tiialliM, ( »r a t'oinmlcrution of tiie month Jenille Hum. N. G. .Ji,) man. and |>acked for transportation by Loruilla M. Sauber. Benulary. 20.00 D Mockev Frank Ward.. 4- |l*J t>. He inunvdi *. r'y Iwcan making 50 him for San Francisco. 9 JO J D Bill ............................................ II 1. Holgate. [»» Xi». IMI K. ol I'.— Klamath preparations for fanning an l exfrecta Bob Hunukrr and C. T. Oliver agree ill the A. O. I*. hall e ve» y 10.00 John Dr ........................................ H I» Stout JB to lanld as boon as it in |H»NNiblv to ob- meets Monday evening, lien l»wr, C. C. l.Mi:ingto deliver tlio««- donations free to tain liitnttrr. Henry Jansen C H BM John Hamilton, K. ol 50 I'okegama. Claude 1* Chastain JoliH I Xie ....................................... Ilulwrt («reen, alio has t»een ill for M. W. of A.—L»lge BEER L R Rodgers.......... Sanderson Bros ............................. the past fra daya, is happily on t he A o. I . W. hall eirry first and third Ashland Normal Notes. road T W Btephans.... A E Gail...................................... to recovery. Weilliesdav in lhe month. Louise bargeant.. W K Bowdoin................................. 2.50 W. Il Mi-Eaiighlin, Consul I Miss Fannie < itirdon, a<'c«w. Madden ranch, has In'vn making regu­ !.. "uuith Wm A Wright ... Geo Chastain................................... 10.00 Oration lar Sunday virus to Oaklalioms of late H. Inlou Jam«*» B Moore... E W Gowen..................................... 10.00 Oration........ Wonder what is so attractive to him? DR. WM. MARTIN K. Jtuies « 50 Oration J I. Yaden............ A H News, in ................. Mr. S. Hedge, ol .Merrill, made a F. 1‘rterson Oration........ Austin Cox............ Mason A Slough............................ business trip to the valley this week, The orations, though short, wen veri DENTIST C Roan Anderson H I. Benson ........ ....................... returning taniN Neck, took usually go>.l, and tliinse who attended 20.1» Frank I’etett................................... B St Geo Bishop . SLOSS A. SONNAFRANK a ¡»»ad ol ln*gB I«» Keno tin* arvk. the performance well pleased. Bert Withrow........ 2.00 W E Spence.................................... Mr. Orem, the * aw mill man, I ma I 1’muter and imrorator, The Y. M. C. A. met. as usual, Wed­ W.OO I. F Willits...................................... Andy Hose............ week pure haw* I . Worden of Klamath Fall* *pent it U ", STRACTING BI -INE'.- San Franciaco during the eartliqntikc Burrell Short. Neil Camplwll................................. aconple of day* in l’i aid tin* week. Will Pirwi-h rtwirmiBOt title amt |W) iste. but as they start? I Wednesday they ( R I Hammond I S Vorheea ................................... Champ MuCoihim ha* erected a new tor non rctOem-. V' only, ..I'lied Oakland. They could >ce The r,-rl,lr»llon »Bit |s*rlecl E I Applegate. W T Smith../................................ house in place of the one recently burn­ In» ol essmlnallon Olle- s s|M-slall,. the burning city and tliev re|»>rted Oak J L Fielder John Kunts.................................... ed ami i* now at Imino again. Ofltsr. N«w Woshrx Hain* M»is srn«*i i land crowded with thn»e who escaped C h Knox. Schallock A Daggett Co................ Mrs. E. L. Nash, who ha* lieen in ill Tennis an I laiseball game» art- being A B Mead Joe Duvall........................................ health fur *on>r time,intend* leaving for MELVIN D. WILLIAMS pl a ye. I every day. Much interest is H H Van Vai ken burg J E Bodge...*.................................. •Snitnorn California so*»n to *pvnd the | taken in these games. Roy Hamaker... Cressler A Stilts............................. summer in h »p,«s that a change of clim­ Miss Rippy went to Geld Hill Friday. L B Yaden........ Geo Jones........................................ ate may !*• heiiHn ial. Chapel Notes G W May lone.__ land surveyor . 8 A Mull.......................................... Civil Servi,? t xamiriLtlon Ky Taylor............. J A Palmelien................................. Tuesday: Prof. Van Seay gave an KLAMATH FALLS : : OREGON L Purdee............... Geo Biebn........................................ address to tiie Senior Class. The I . *. Civil Service C< »tn in is* ion J a AMHVIN I If.1»!'• <* L A I-ewis............ H E Childers................................. , Wednesday: l’rof. Mulkev »;>oke <4 will hold an examination tor t lie it ion Don J Zumwalt.. y district, »nd A Tenbrook.. C C Hogue ...................... punting id wall«, | aintii g, plumbing, LANCASHIRE HRE INS. CO. J BCTaylor. C M Ramsby.................... brick work on lurnai e mid i-hiiuiieys, Ed Moneghon lathing and plastering S rooms, lath C C Chitwood................ BY WE, VS A CO. furnished by district, according to plans Good Honest Service John Kelley. D B Campbell................ and »JM-Citicatioiis pti-parrd by Chas. EO Potter... Dr Merryman................. the Card That Wins Judge Thos. Drake and Dr. Parker Burggraf, architect, nf Albany, Oregon E F Bernard. John Hibberts............... ol Klamgtli Falls were in Bonanza Tm-s- All Lid« must la- iio'oinpaninol by a ITS MINE J P McGIinchey, RA Telford................... day .ml Wednesday watching B*>nanza »■ertitied cheek in the amount ot In |s-r » ent of l-i-l ami an approved bond must Hou would a Sheet r-ti-el Front suit you W A Decordova J D Paquet..................... grow. I— furnished by successful) bidder in S T Summers... as a substitute for brick; doesn’t R E Cantrail.................. Hon. John 8. Shook of Dairy was in the amount of 15 per cent ol contract Otto Heidrich . John McKee.................... cost so much and looks better Bonanza to-dav hsiking after the in­ price. J C Siegler........ The Board of rlim-tors reserves the Frank E Ankeny.......... terest of iiis IM) adjoining the town. the right lo reject liny or all bid». C. L. NOEL Chas I Rotierte WG Smith..................... Town ia full of strangers looking for Dated this 3rd day of April, I'.Asi. J L Williams .. Klamath Lake Nav. Co investments and home». I-IIO5K 173 J. W. SiKMBxa. B Collins.......... Also since gave nee of steamer lot ex­ Messers. Hebrew and Matthews, from E H DnFanlt... Building Contractor $ioo Renard. cursion purpose. Balinas, Cal.’ horse buyers, were in ♦’apt O C Applegate.. 2.50 f-ee Louie (Chinese cookL,... . 5.00 town, Monday and Tuesday looking for I will pay the above reward for n I’laiif and Uioates Fr« T F Nicht. L................ 1.00 T G Donnellan. •»•«••«. 5.00 horses. They left this place for the watch my repair «lepiirtment cannot R N Coleeon................ J» I) W Murphy .. IJt reservation to buy ponies. put in |ierfuct running order. L. Alva Agent for Sheet Bteel Fronti and W Lennox.................... 1.00 E II Perry ......... I 5.00 ...................... Blivets and Murphy of Wliitelnke, the Interior Decoratimi» Jim Hughes................ *50 CT Darley......... 2.-50 hardware mid furniture men were ill I J M Honeton.............. ,50 W Sargent............ 4.00 town to-day hxrking for a lis.-alioii. E A Dunham .......... 1.U0 J G Little........... 2,50 Louis Gerber, of Lorella, who has Klamath Canal Co... 20.00 Ray !• Hubbard been in Merrill for some time looking Mont E Hatehison... 1.00 WB Heartburn after bis Stock interests, came to town KLAMATH FALLS I I OREGON T E Griffith.................. UH) Y W Steph ella Tuesday and remained over night. He L L Low........................ .50 M H Wanif 1er has lately purcbased the College addit­ A J Manning.............. 5-OtF W A Phelps .. ABSTRACTS <•!■' TI TLE nutrie with he.itness and tllrtpnlrh. Wc ion to Bonanza and will make some J B ('»sen................... .50 Virgil A Soil invito attention to our FFLING CABINET SYSTEM. needed improvements in the same in a E A Plumb.................. 2.50 C H Withrow few days. FH Mills.................... 5.00 B B Bchinneister............. .......... 1.00 Mr. McKenney »nd wife, ami a Mr. J V flooston................ 20.00 J G Boyle............................. .......... 2.00 Davidson and another gentleman from C T Oliver c 20.00 0 A Btearns......................... .......... 5.00 Kalama, Wash., arrived in town last I. Jacobe . 5.00 A V Stablman ........... 2-50 night (Tuesday). Mr. McKenney is one A Caste). 5.00 Will Balilwin............. 1.01» of the owners of the Bowne townsite First National Bank 20.00 W II Shirk, Lakeview 2.50 and is out today looking over the new- C K Brandenburg... 5.00 O A McKendree, Lirella ........ 2.50 city. • . . • I ii 9*1 trit noe • • • John Polling.............. A0 NG 2 Afl Grover By pea arrived here yesterday H L Royce ............ .50 J I. Hanks ..................... ........... ... 5.1» •o look after I be interest of bis late Robert Caney.. .......... 2.00 W (I rullrer hert, wboilieu in Ban Francis- J B Griffith .............. „ I 2.00 L B Applegate............... 10.1)0 co a short time ago. C K De Lap................ 2.00 Harry Whitelinr........... 2.00 Mr. M umiii of tlio firm of Manon A B S Grigsby............... 2.00 G A Cobb......................... 14» Blough and Jack Kimball were in town Silas Oichain........ 10.00 H F Murd^B ............. 5.00 Tiler 1 • , looking over our country. Oscar Hliives ...... 2.00 F H McCornack .......... b.'M Our new iowii Iroani ineMast Mon­ Last Monday wilneneed ono of the hottest contests ever hekl in this city. It LOtlo............ ........... L00 A I) Mapleron, Oakland 1.00 day night hh provided l>y tnbir charter w as over a piec e of priqe'rty placed in the hands of ii local real estate Ann lor G Y Garger.............. 2.00 Toni Newton................... 5.00 and oruHiiizeil by electing H. I.. Clop­ •ale. It waa a bargain, and two parties wnntial. Negotiations were on for some­ John Kenney.............. 1.00 Miss H L Whitney........ 2.50 ton ar president ul the board, and W. 1. time, and noon Monday was the lime sit. to close the deal. Ilolb parties made a W W............................. 1.00 Joseph Conger............... 2.00 Blown ar niarabail. Mayor Cloptoii ram for it, landed alioiit the same lent got worked up to a high pitch and then J B Casey.................... .50 Toy Gow........................... 2.011 lias orderd a new hat. began to hid up the property. Tin re was only one end to It—tlm highest bidder Max Bode.................. .50 Geo W Bradley............. Our stage and lour running^» f ween 1.00 Agent to Ills Majesty, the American Gentleman, gut it. ‘ TI ih I s the best bargain I ever made” said the man who got It. "l’nt Buesing A Bennett... 5.00 T.inkville Saddlery Co.. 5.00 tbit place and Klainatb Falfe put» quite gi.vl I pul my property in the handi of Horning A Casey, for limy certainly can for first class goods A L Sherman.............. 1.00 John Doo....................... .25 a city Hpfrearance to the line. do business for n rnnn,” was the opinion expressed by the owner uf the laud sold. Wui Ferry.................... 1.1» G W Smalley................. . l.UU j L, J, Bauiuan nt making ronie ini- Iry them aud see. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. Klamath Falls, Ore., Thursday, April 26,1906. PICARD ECHOES CONTRIBUTIONS FOR ’FRISCO SUFFERERS Twelve Hundred Dollars Already Contributed By the Citizens of Klamath Falls. HOLLADAY 4-4- t * ♦ -y 4- t: BOHEMIAN 4- : •F 4- C. D. WILLSON lik ‘dk A THE . . btk l rrimmings of all kinds. Shoes, Mens and Boys Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Lie. & 5^ KLAMATH BARBER SHOP 5- W NOTES FROM BONANZA I will pay the above reward for a watch my repair department cannot put in perfect running order L. ALVA LEWIS M ason & S lough ABSTRACTERS will find a complete line at WILLITS, and at prices that defy competition. When in need of CLOTHES that h,.. . style and workmanship, at Prices to sun your Pocketbook, you will find them at WILLITS. L. F. WILLITS f t