Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 19, 1906, Image 7

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The family of the late Gen. Com»
French Feasant Who Nsd RIs Own
lnui pr'seutvd the Jeweled sword he r«
By it re arrangement of our contracts,
Idea of France’s Principal
■ lived from an American to tbs Na
¡■fating from April 1st, lisxi, .« offer to
Ouly Real Work ot the Tea» Is llonal museum of Havana
any individual or l'«r|«>ral" owner of a
Durlug ths Uai vvst Bsaauu —
Tho late Mary A. Livermore WM
telephone hue, using any make ot
time called "the Daniel Webster Ul
fajiuers Oeueralif Aia
phone, tl>" opportunity to connect
American women" bocauss ot her rim
■ ludan ta.
Jestlc mien, solidity of t harader, Doric France Into a kind of wallet garden. their line to our Klamath Falla switch.
Is still doeely In touch with nature, l«>ard, and have communication with
There are homes on th« wheat simplicity of thought ami weight of ul
and In spit" of agitators and polltl Hie s'lhsrribers of the Klamath Falla
ranch«« whure eulturw r wig us H-aiSS. tersnee.
fleturvs, tiiuvle, pianos •lid newspa
Miss lli sal» Bali', who Ilves on a farm clans, his presence In th« suffrage, to Exchange ' 175) >i|«m pairnent of a light
per« kssp ths II ...
4 13 fjL.e bear Chatham. N Y . has been appoint­ which he brings the sense and cunning , monthly switching ■ lisrg«; slemt 20 ol
with tho Lv.t tuiu;:w <>f life, says tbs ed ini overseer ot highways In her <t It nt ths fields, makes for national the laiigcll valley euliw tita rs, residing
Kansas City Hlar. Th • i,«ru.j> t.dl o, trlct. Mies llaln declares she will ... health In proof of this, says Youth's in that ami nearby valleys, have already
the wheat barvsst Is mostly Imagii. that ths work Is well dobs tills In Cbmpanton. I. a little scene reproduced
ary Th« only real work ot tbs y„ar • lends to have the best section ut road by one of ths authors of "Hketrhe. on asked fur a connection which will Ire
ths Old lioad Through France to maile «oon as |iossilde, this arrangement
daring the week ol l.a. vsst. 1 uruiug lb the township
removes the necessity of duplicate hoes
tbe wi>ll with a riding plow Is not hard
Ml«« Helen lluck. president of th» Florence.’*
Between Argentan and Alenroo the •nd |silea in the city, anil saves our sule
sw farm work guss I’lanilng tb« wheat graduating rlasa at Mouut Holyoke col !
with a drill Is easy. Waiting for II lege probably Is the greatest woman writer fell to oonverslng with a peas- •crilwra the rx|*nse of buying and
(<> grow Is not such dagrau.ug labor athlete In the world, but In attaining J ant who, with Immense patience, was maintaining another plume. We advise
with our su I hm rila-rs that la-fore making any
Men who raise tliiee crops ot alfalfa that illstincilun has »<•.' rlllreil bone ol I engaged In stirring ths earth
• y«ar work harder all summer that, heretudiia a famous university train- , vigor into harvest. 11« also professed font rai ls or purchase« lor or of other
do the wheat harvesters Ths harvos* er ••>• that with scleullflc Instruction himself Interacted In politic, and eco­
phones, we would Im plea > hI to call on
bands are softsned, wuakutied pr- duels Miss Buck would prove n worthy rl'Sl nomics. ami willingly talked on these
them soil explain how to avoid dupli­
subject i
c( enervating city life, and ihal la why ot some of the best male athletes.
''There le only one thing." the peas, cating ex|s-tise.
the work e««ms hard
1 hs harvest
Harold A Lxirlng of I'ortlaml Me.. '
During tbe year past our business has
e«aeon U a godsend lu rhess men Th« haa received an appolntmem from the ant said, at last, "that Franco lias
lm<-n fairly prosperous and we feel able
outlet to the Country for a season of sei re ary of the Interior as supervisor , to fear."
"You moon." esld the writer, "this to redeem our promise ol Ja>t year for
«•creating lull siMiihM ths nerves of a of nn’lve Indian music Mr Uirlng has >
religious question tho dispute with lower rates in tbe Klamath Falls Eg-
fsrmentlng eleuisiil ths city breeds passid sum» tlm» among the Hloux In
dlana of ibe llosebud Indian reservation ebureb and pope’"
■ ad har lairs
change, so dating from April 1st, BSS'i,
"No. I don't mean that "
Ths femmes of ths w! eat belt, on in Houth Dakota becoming much inter
our monthly rate« for phones in Klam­
ths whole, seem to lie aisiul the hap
ath Falls will Im as follows: Residence
pleat agrlcullurlsl« to l„. f.jud
I Io
"I don't know. 1 wasn't thinking fll.00, Imsinees fllAO, making a reduc­
tepid growth of the western counties various reservations of the Indlaus In I
tion of ?•’> cents on racli, notwithstand­
th« west.
of that "
Into ths gigantic whval producing «•
Mrs Frederick Ferris Thompson, of ' "1 supt>oee you are not afraid of so- ing the higher coat ot construction and
lion I bat It now Is has offi-rod ample
operation, practically meets the lowest
opportunity for all ths farmers ol N«w York. Is an unknown woman Ini Clallam*"
"Not at all "
iiiausgiug ability to build up moder public sense, that Is to say who Is doing ;
rates id the state lor rxclisnge work.
"Well, then, what la the only thin*
■ le fortune« ami acquire Isrgu tracts list dsnme things wltb her money with­
If our business Increase« in the future
sit land
Tbeau they have adorned out the embarrassment ot conditions > F*ranc« has to fear?"
as in the past we hope to inske rolttc-
"Hall.” said the peasant, and went
stilb splendid homes, on hards and She has erec ted s ph) sli al culture build-
lions year by year and will do so when­
•hade trees, and have storked with Ing h r the Teachers' college. In New oa digging.
ever our businese offers any more than
•ae eat t Is ami good breeds of all d<> York, coetllig 1350.000. A library build- |
a fair return upon <>ur investment.
in«et|c shirk The wheal bell la ais i Ing which she gave Vassar took |5nn < mx >. I A SPANIARD’S INVENTION
The Midway Telephone A Telegraph
"tha greatest grass land on th> ami a college chapel building for Wil­
earth " That Is. native grass grows liams college, costing IW0.000. will be Ingenious Apparatus for the Control Company.
of Distant Electric
thsrs In profusion, and It makes lb- dedicated In a few days
l-eel grailng of any grass crop. Al.
Notice Sale ot Sc ho al Bonds.
lb««« things have enablsd the progres engaged In an occupation which so far
Notice is hereby given that «••le«l bids
Teleklno Is tha Invention of Don
•svs farmers to surround thiiiusrlvu« aa known la not followed by any other
with everything Ihal goes lu tnaki young woman In th» country. Khe is Bernardo Torres Quevedo, a dlstln «ill lie received tip to I o’clock p. ill. on
• -sk sergeant on the police force In gulshed Hpanlah engineer, who has April 30, lUlki. fur tbe purchase of
rural Ilfs delightful
Hh» Is on duty from seven been experimenting surrewsfully with School District Bond, isstleai by hcbool
I basse wideawake farmers ara stu that city
denis of everything that eemm Intc p m until flv« a m and In every way sn apnarstus for tho control of des- District No 4. Klamath county. Oregon.
their Ilves At a glance they can tel • tends to th» duties of the office which tsnl etertrlc power by means of wlre- Face value of Bond«, fl ,000 in denomi­
He Intends to ap
which of two steers will gal > a pound • he occupies There was objection to h«« telegraphy.
nations of t«u Ivvnda of f-'iOti each. One
th« quicker and on a glvin rail' n and her npiwilntment When It was suggested ply bis invention to vassals and mad«
hla public trials with them
The laind to I«* payable aliwiliitelv within 5
thia sama faculty makes them Judg.i by Chief Rebuilt but the police commit
tee sustaltivd him and Mixa Payne got transmitting station waa a wireless years, the other w ithin 10 veers anil op­
ot human character aa well
the place In which she has given com Ulograpblc apparatus. Ths beat car­ tional after 7 year«. Interest at 6 per
know what kind ot m«a th«y are dea.
plete satisfaction.
ried a battory ot accumulators, a m.> cent, payable «eini-annnally.
teg with ami treat tb«m accordingly
'or for driving the propeller, anoth.r
Many a man who rame to ths harvsst
listed st Klamath Falls, Oregon, this
for the rudder, and two sorvo motors 12th day of April, I’JOfl.
like a tramp, a man need io a cul­ I
for operating the mtrhanlam of tbs
tured home but fallen from grm e and
I„ Alva Lewis,
«'down on his luck." has Ix-.u singled
The public conscience consists mostly other motors The servo motors were
County Treasurer.
<>el by the farmer o, bls wlfn as on« of trancee.
At f>>« better tblnge Such a man Is
Guardians Sale of Real Property
There are more kinds of conscience wherewith they formed a single sp
Herts wsvea wore rccalvad
treated a. one of the faun.y
Ills than you can rount.
!n th* tnatlpf of thr eel at* and Kuardian-
by tha teleklno. tills controls the aervo • hlp of Curfla <'hr»trr Hcldrlrh. a minor.
wtory Is learned If he wlahse to tell II
Th« man who stirs up the public con­
When the harvest Is over lis la given science sometime« gets stirred under motors, which sent currents either tn
Knllre 1» hereby fltrn «hat on and aftrr the
control the rudder motor or the pra­ 1*h «lay of April t h 1WK. the nnd*r«irnrd
etaady work
Tbu bond that throws himself.
pvller motor eo as to govern both tile * ill m -11 al nrH atr »a’e for <MMh In hand, ail
ywipl« together of an equal plane of
I he public conscience differ« from the
steering end the propulsion of tho thr Fight, title anil iulvrrat of Curtis Chestrr
thought banimee ««taldlslied
private c*>n»< leuce only In quantity, not boat. Taking up hla position st
the llfidrirh. a minor, (thr »amr bring a on«*-I
< «see ut this kind ran !■« related In
In quality.
transmitting ststlhn, Senor Quevedo fifth Intrrraf) In and io all or any portion of
•vary buuaobold In ths wheat b«K
Tin* cot .rlence of some peoj le closes began manipulating the transmitter, thr following drarrlbrd r«*a! property siiuatrd
(•aid on« termer's wife sho traced he.
It« eye« to Its own debts, hut keep« them whereupon the boat, containing nu­ In thr town of Klamath Fall«. Oregon fo-wit
•nceatry lo Kthaa Allen and other
Beginning on thr line l>ciwo'n lot Kin bln* k
wide op«n to the debt« of others
merous prees n proaxitatlves, aa If by J9. an<1 Main street st a |»oint 16 fret westerly
titahirlc name« of colonial days and I
Very few men are too conscientious to magic, slowly moved fvrward. gradu­ I frrwn tbe n«,rth« s»t*rly corner of said lot 6 In
was herself a collegs grad iale
•d ths newt Interfiling things of the permit their lien« In lay efcgaon Suuday. ally attaining a high speed, turning, block JV; thrnrr southerly at right Angles with
twisting, tacking, advancing, or re­ Main strrr« W, fret ; thence easterly sn«l |»ar-
barviwt |e studying tbs character of Most men work their layer* overtime
It t* funny what n fuss some people ceding Just aa If It were bn'.ng guided allel with Main street J» fe *t; thence norther­
the men
last year a young num
worked fur us who. we readily •aw make over the money another man • by an expert steersman The l»at ex­ ly and at right angles with Main street «•' j
tret to Main street, tbener westerly along the J
waa of gi««1 breeding and came from musclence baa allowed hint tuaccumu ecuted all manner of maneuvers with­ «niiherly line of Main »trert TO fret to thr
out a bitch under the sole guidance ot place of lieginnlng. taring f»art of tatd 1«H 6 In {
• respectable home
His hand «n lata.
The man whose conscience wears tbe Inventor on shore.
•or« la th« harvest au 1 I dr«s< »d 11
’•lock .*9 an«l ot <*edar street heretofore re- |
•ad doctored him the best I could
It 11 th i shoes 1« not an agmable eompan-
rated; M fret front on Main street hjr IMF, fr*t i
iyH worse, and one day 1 asked him
«■ri> of Cedar »treet. %acair<t, a<1 joining lol 1
mit on Ila corns.
» «irk SU; W.lrrt front on Main «trevt by W’j
what waa the matter with It H" sal I
The civilisation conscience Is culti­ Two Who llave flerved ünels Sara feet deep of lot M block '1' adjoining Cedar
*Ths blood does not circulate In It '
••reel; 21 fret front on Ma‘n street by GO feet
in That Capacity for Very
Thea h. rolled up bls al .«• and vated and Is adorned with lace«, tuck,
deep of lot I block *) adjoining lot 4 and IA
Long Periods
•howsd a sear thel waa 'rightful Ils and frills It wears a tailor-made suit
<eet trout om Main »irert b) fli< i«-«*t deepof lot
had been la sums srrapo aud had re •nd eats with a fork.
4 block SO adjoining l«»t X of block 3».
relred a bad ent, which I had been
In pursuant» of the order u< the euuniy
where faithful service has proved a court made March Slst, iWF*
evwnl up by a surgom Ills
hand go'
sell end he worked for us nearly s ness of the combination appeals to the barrier against Interference for politl-
Mr. / E ll.ldrlch.
Guardian of thr estate and persun ul Curtí.
fi-r aev- < onsclrnce of the miseiuiisry and he en­ cal reasons with the rervlce of a
year. One llm» bs waa •lek
Chester Hculrlch. a minor.
eval weeks and 1 said to him: 'John. deavor« to utilize the mantle ol charity. Massachusetts postmaster la that ot
A * i lit tit on a man s conscience gives John 8. Fay. ot Marlboro who bas
why don't you write to your folks* I
know that you hai« a home ami that him inward dyspi>r«tA Confession and Lown In charge of that office sine«
your parents ar« worrying about you ' ri st Ku: Ion are highly recommended April 28. IMS. when he waa appointed
He Uwik my advice and wrote two let­ for tht. malady. Rome patients try by President Johnson at a salary of
ters. Awhile later be said to us
'I'm philanthropy instead and with indiffer­ 11.100. He had been successively re­
appointed. twice by Grant, once by
going to leave you I will «at dinner ent results.
There are men whose consciences will Hayes. Arthur. Harrison and McKin­
■«Ith my folks to morrow In Golden
Oil* Well drrsaeil and feeling good not |H*rmtt them to ride to church on ley. and cams under Mr. Cleveland',
with »250 tn hla pocket ha beite UR the trolley car Instead they are driven special care In each of his two turns
good-by. We wion received • lette* to the sanctuary by their coachmen. ! Mr Fay has over two years yet to
from hla mother. thanking us for «Ml who are left to meditate In dignified soil- I serve under the reappointment glvon
tude outside In the cold.
by President Roosevelt February IS.
we had dons for her son "
1902. when the salary was advanced U>
When ths men who have •rrnm’i
fated much land In ths wheat country DEFINITIONE AND DERIVATION 12.500 per year
die and divide their holdings, the Ian !
Milo T Winchester Is believed '0
will Im In smaller tracts and »■ thick­
The petrification acste was named for hold the long-service record aa poet­
ly settled that the local market will the river Achates, tn Stelly, where It waa master He is still performing bls du­
ties in charge of the office st South
supply ail the lal.ir needed In the har­ nrst found.
vest. That will mark ths end of th«
A brochure Is a small book, stitched, Amenia Duchect county. New York
summer migration
not bound, so named from the French under th» commission ».rut given him
July 10. 1R49. The record was held for
"brocher." to stitch.
Bwlnnnsrs' Cramp.
"By-law" owes tbe flrst part of Itself many years by Roswell Beardsley at
In drowning accidents where expert to the word "bye." the old llanlsb word the North Lansing (N Y.) office. 11«
was appointed Juno 28. 1828. and
swimmers sud lenly lose all rontro' of for town, burg or burgh.
their powers, the usual explanation of
The word
"amateur." originally served until his diath, November k,
cramps Is beginning to lie Io lked upon French, from the 1-attn "amator." a 1902, at tbu age of 98.
•a Insufficient
It has been noticed lover means a lover ot any particular
that persona having dlwca'ie of the art, but not a professional follower of ll.
Liquor and Insurance.
mlddls ear. who have already shown
At the annual meeting of the Ab­
The American word "boss." for mas­
symptoms of vertigo, are especially lia ter. is the modern form of the Hutch stainers' and General Insurance com­
ble to such arte lent«, and ns the "baas ' of the same meaning. It is ds- pany held In Birmingham recently the
eemlclrcular canals are the organa of scended from the original Dutch settlers chairman announced that the mortali­
direction. It Is suggested that even a of New York.
ty rale, favorable to the company, « i
•light hsnorrhago In this delicate
The word "billion" In England and the Heel Insured had again been main­
structure from a blow by the wave» the colonics means a million millions, tained ami that In ths 21 years of thy
would result In utter helplessness
in France and on the continent, as well company's existence the mortsilty hid
Parsons with cars not perfectly •on nt
as In the I’nlted States. It means a thou­ not yet exceeded W per eent of what
•re therefor« warned agaluat •wlnt sand millions.
might have been exported front th«
mlng In rough water.
The name "calomel" means "beautiful ordinary standard table of the Insti­
r •
black," and was originally given to tute of Actuaries, which represented
Carried with You.
black aulphuret of mercury. Aacalomel an enormous saving of Interest on cap­
Joy la a prise unbought. •nd I r Is a white powder, the name la merely a ital that otherwise would have t>een
freest, purest In Ils flow when It cornua Jocular misnomer now.
paid In claims He attributed the sat.
unsought. No getting Into heaven, as
The word "Boer." applied to the Dutch Isfaetory mortality record largely 1.»
• placo, will compsss It. You must
Inhabitants ot the country districts ot lb« members nbetaialng ftvoi the uee
carry It with you. else It Is not there,
the Cape of Good Hope, Is the Germsn of alcoholic liquor.
You must have It In you. as the music
for fsrmer and agriculturist. The Eng­
of a well-ordered soul, ths Are of •
Electricity In Siberia.
lish word "boor" had the same origin.
holy purposa. the welling up out of
Almost all the towns In Siberia are
The word "beverage" ban had many
tha central depths of sternal springs
changes In orthography. It la found having arc light« for street use and
that hlda tbu jratora there.—Horace
spelled "blberedge." "beverege" and Incsndracent lights for houses, ami
"baverldga.” It comes front tbe Italian the larger proportion of the people In
"bevere," to drlnsTtut more reuiutely Siberia have never seen gas. which
Fro grace.
they regard as aa lllumloant of a past
"When the republic was yotmg.” ob­ trout the Latin.
served the reflective cltlsen, " a man
waa satisfied It be could paddle ble
Hla Idea.
own canoe."
•What It your Idea of a true pa-
If you have the blues, read the twen­
Notice ot f inal Settlement.
In 'he maitar ol th« ««lain ol Huber' a. n«i-
!• herrhy flv<«n <h«t 4*mn»l bison.
a«lmlni«fratur nf (be R»t«ta ul Mob«*rt U. usi
braaih, dr»«aaRd, haa hir«| In th« I'lHialy
Courl ul the Hiata ut ()r*fun Ittf Klamath
rirtinfy th* Hnal ■««•(»«ml of hla »«Irnml«?ration
ol m I4 « •!•(* ar<f ihar eai<| «tourt lias Hie«! the
l-’«h «lay of May. Ila., ai th«’ h«Hir of 10 o’chN-h
In the forenoon of aai«| «lay ■« the ihn* l«»r
hoarlnx «»h)«-<Tlona t«» «ai«! a<«oiml an<! the
aelflement thereof.
iMted April >(Nh ItM
Ma rune I fMion,
A«tmtnlafrtior of it»» ««täte ul R«>ie«rt i>
««•Ibrrath, dereaaed.
4 12
Merrill, Oregon
Everything New
and First Class
Meals 25 and 50 cents
Rates $4.50 and up per week
Barber Shop, Baths
Bar in Connction
A* Complete a Stock of the Latest
as can
be obtained
4<<+'4*4*4*'4* 4*'4*'<F*
Don't fail to see those beautiful Bro-
mide Enlargements at the
Orders taken for
all kinds of
City Meat Market
Merrill Creamery Butter
klamath falls
F= Ä L L S
•^S T B R
All kinds of laundry finished in a
The Portland Clothing & Shoe Store
The New Store in Bishop’s Block
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Friend Bro’s. Clothing is Custom Made, give better satisfaction and fit
better because they are put up by the best tailors in the country
You will certainly agree with us after examining them
ty seventh Psalm.
"But now tho scheme seems to be to
If people seem unkind, read the fif­
fvol ss many people as possible Into
teenth chapter of John.
paddling tho craft for you."—Chicago
I If you are all out of sorts, read the
twelfth chapter of Hebrews.
If you And ths world growing small
Owed to the Mayor.
Bacoa- Out west th«y have elected and yourself great, read the nineteenth
• tailor mayor of a city
If you are losing confidence In men,
Egbert -Plenty of m«n In that city,
I euppuae. can refer feelingly to "what read the thirteenth chapter of First Cor­
«• owa to eur ■ayorl”
t inthians.
triol r*
"A true r •M.” answered Senator
Sorghum, "Is a man whose country r )-
wards hla services with a statue In-
I of • bank acuuuot.''—Washing
loa 3lar.
W d
Single and Double Breasted
From $12.50 to $21.50
We sell all-wool
pants $2.55 up
These goods are
made in fancy
worsteds and the
patterns are the
men’s Bats
ONLY $1.85
Fancy vests, new
patterns, at $1.50
Oxford shoes in pat­
ent leather and
vici kid French
$2.50 up
■ n^>
Wild Turksys.
The turksy la Cound in Its wild state
only In America. It was brought to
Europe towards tbe close ot tbe aeven-
u.'----- - w-uiurj.
¡Ke will also show the latest in Fancy Hosiery, Light Wool Underwear, Boys Knee Pants, Eta.
On Saturday with every Suit of Clothes we will give away a Fancy Silk Vest.