Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 19, 1906, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper of Klamath
County and Leading Journal
of the Interior Oregon Country.
Th« largett Circulation and la
the Be»t Medium for R«achtnff
• Prosperous and Trad Inc Public
NO. 3
timt th« < 'nìit<>riita X'orthvuftrni K mi I*
way ('«inipuiiv, tho Klnnialli Jh’vHop-
riirnl Company, «ml Ilin Hot Hprinx*
Improxi'im nl ( '»I'lpiiny um the* rruult
of gli nt r<mt1<limrn in I I m * futuri» of
Kl«m«<th I h II m , «ml tin- country nur-
roumling. IU
«X I hi» rvMilMrnrr,
Shaded Driveways,
Great Hotel and Casino of
pire surrounding it, it require«
propilei to forecast a rapid growth and I
great pro»|>erity for it.
“Everything tollero for the making of
a city. Splendid agricultural lands, at I
fair prie*-«, abundant water fur irriga­
tion under u great system Iwing in*
«tallivi by the Government.
«trvlclira of forcata at our doom, ample
market« for agricultural, dairy and
timlier product* as •*»>n as th» rails of
tlx* t'alilumia Northeest.-ro reach thia
region, amblaat. la it not leust, a glorious
ch mate Im tlie major .pirtkin of tlie
overhanging shade tree«, tlie whole
picture tn lie a blase of light al night,
fur the entire «return will Im well «up-
plied with electric lights. The curtain
baa raised and Klamath Fella will ace a
transformation scene that, alum com­
pleted, will bo Imailtiful In the extreme,
and will make thia the Garden City of
In nply to rexcrnl question, pro­
pounded by the Republican, Mr. Salts-
ger aaid :
“Your questions are on broad in »rope
that it ia rather difficult to answer them
Intelligently, without involving various
"First, there is not much hew to re­
port Seto tlie California Northeastern
Railway, except that the work is pro­
gressing, retarded, however, on account
•i v*f Was lasavr
* aoorra and reins in th«
(tut wilh a continuanc« <>f
fair weather, we «hall pmdi It tlgoruusly
and hope to get here alsnit the time .
counb.l upon. Contracts have been Id
forahnut Jh miles of rovl-le*d. which
will bring it to Mt. Hebron This ¡»>r-
tlon of tlie road is through Butte valley.
From Ml. Hebron to the |M»s 1« pradi*
«ally level and of very easy const rudiun,
so you can are the railroad end of it ia
tn a very favorable condition.
"With reference tn <mr o|mration« in
■nd alsnit Klainntli Falls, I have to say,
of Cemetery
Proposition to Convert the Pres
Site Into a City
Considered Favorably
For tendinis part tlie queetion o<
changing ths location of the cemetery
has l«>eu discussed by many residents of
! this city, and it has been suggested that
' tlie present site tie converted into a pub­
lic [writ. One gentleman said, in dis­
cussing the proposition:
"The suggestion is a good one, and I
believe will meet with the cordial ap­
proval of everyone, including thorn* who
own lota in the present grounds. No
one ever dreamed when tin« site wasss-
Isclml that Klamath Falla would extend
■ its boundaries so far, and, in fact, com-
' plaint was made at tho time that the lo­
cation was too far away from town. To-
i day, however, it is just at tlie edge of a
; rapidly expanding city, ami in a very
I «hurt time it will not t*e very far from
I the heart of tlie residence district. 1
| atn very much in favor of the change,
■ and hope it will lie made.”
This represents the aetitiment of many
who have l*een approached on the ques­
tion. If the location ischangwl, the
’ only sale use I hat the ground can t*e
¡«it to la a public park. Fanitary and
health considerations preclude the poe-
• sibility ol converting it into building
I lots, for it i« a well known fact that in
I cities where such has twen done, it has
| resulted in epidemics ol diphtheria,
After week« and month« of work.
pUa-rwvislon «nd prr>|H> ration, Presi­
dent A. II. Nafteg*-r of the California
Northeastern Railway and associated
companies, consented to giie a general
catline of tlie pr >|awed improiement«
that arw to lie lua do by tliu curious en­
terprises he represents
11« make,
known enough to imlh-nt« the magni­
tude of his plane, and Io ebow that he
Intend« to ha«» an addition to Klamath
Fall« that will Im as near Ideal a« it ia
possible to make it One dona not have
to stretch hie imagination to see in the
near futurv, wide boulevsni«, beautiful ,
bornea, artistic Ian ns and park« au<I I
Plan to Change Location
here it large enough that, for many
generation« to r/rfue it will not he found
necessary to again change its location.
It ia to be hoped that the Chantier of
Commarree will take up this matter and
try and auivs it. A committee should
be appointed to investigate tlie quest ion
thoroughly and interview those who
have relatives interred in the present
grounds, and if possible have the change
auggrated marls, and the place made in­
to a park.
Greatest CHy on the Coast Wrecked
by Earthquake, Followed by
Fire end Flood.
practically ruined by lire. Call build*
ing fell in a heap. Fire around in every
direction and out in reeideot district.
Destructios by earthquake something
frightful. Oily hall dome stripped.
Emporium gone entirely, also Flood
Oakland—Thursday, « am.—Fire dy­
ing down. Police are trying to quiet
th« people, who sre in a panic and
crowding the docks to escape from city.
Southern Pacific lerry boats again run­
ning and taking the people off as fast as
Have sent for Government passenger
hr ata to take the dead to sea to bury.
3tDO Indies recovered yesterday.
Santa Crux ou fire and fighting firs
in San Rafael.
Cliff bouse fell into ocean.
7 JO—Operator on Goat Island says,
city in mass of flames, Conditions
worse than yestsrday.
south of Market street gone as tar as
twelfth, also best part of city.
W. K. Brown of tbs Klamath Canal
Company was seen by a representative
Betireen four and five o’clock yester­
of the Repuldican Monday, and quee-
day morning Han Francisco suffered one
Honed regarding the plana be had ia
of the greatest earthquakes of modern
view for the improvement of the tract
times, which completely destroyed the
owned by his company, he said:
entire busineee district and a great por­
"The Klamath Canal Compaury baa
tion of the reeident district.
been at work for the* past two weeks
The local telegraph office has been
pushing the work on ths tract of land
flooded with telegrams of inquiry by
owned by us. Tbs plat of ths property
farties here who have relatives ami
is nearly ready and aril! be filed about
frisada in the doomed city, but tlie
firstofMay. VVe are grading the streets
Western Union was compelled to refuse
*o<l preparing the grade for the street
to accept all message« for transmission
| car system which will girdle the prop­
erty and make every part of it easily
at preseut.
Chas. Pierce, of Ashland, received a Comes to Klamath Falls and conveniently accessible. We are
not prepared at this time to make pub­
wire from the city to come at once. It
lic all of our plans. U bile they are
is believed that his brother J. G. Pierce
T. W. Stephens, of Ashland, arrived quite well advanced, there are a fewim-
and family were in the Palace hotel, in tbs city tin first of the week and |mrtant details connected thefe-with
which was destroyed. J. V. Houston, will engage in the Real Estate, Insur*1 which we are not prepared to make pub­
lic at this time. Our company in the
Chas. Parrish ami many others from snee ami General Brokerage business past has shown its faith in Klamath
tliis city were in San Francisco, but it is here.
Falls and Klamath county; It has never
imfioenble to communicate with any­
•M r. Stephens, for the past twelve spared any expense to secure the best
results and in thia instance we do not
years, has rvpresented A. SchillingACo. proimee to deviate from this rule. When
Following are some of the bulletins of S<n Francisco, in Northern California . our plans are completed and our land ia
■ mall-pox and typhoid fever, and the received!
and Boathero Oregon. Hs is one of the I placed at the dispoaal of the public,
there will be nothing on the exast that
cause was traced to the ground on which
tian Francisco-11 A. M —Han Fran­ beet known and most popular men on the
will surpass it. Being admirably lo-
the buildings were erected, ami which cisco Examiner, Chronicle, and Cali road and bis fame in this section is only rated and susceptible of the highest de­
ha<l previously been used ss a grave- buildings total wreck.
equaled by "Shilling's Best," which has gree of artistic improvement, it affords
' yard. This city needs, and will event-
Palace Hotel wreck and ou firs. 100U become a household word through bis an ideal location lor homes. 1
I will be able to give you mot* detailed
. ually have to bare a public park, and lives lost in building.
efforts. Mr. Stephens has a reputation
no more opportune time will ever be
All buildings over four stories in as a hustler and hie wide acquaintance
As Mr. Brown says, thia property ia
found for securing a site for that par- height are wrecked. Now dynamiting and varied experience in dealing with indeed, beautifully located and coxa-
a view of unequalled grandeur.
pore than naw.
balance of building to save lives.
every class of people is an assurance of
Off to the south Ml. Shasta rears its
Water main all broken flooding city. bis succeee in his new profession.
Another question that must be con-
snow-capped peak heaveaward; to the
i sidered u tlie vise of tlis present
Most of city on fire.
north is Mt. Pitt glistening In the sun­
' , grounds,
—„. I.
it will be but a matter ot a
¿io estimate of liwes lost, bat runs into
light. .Surrotniding them ou all sideeare
mountains of leaner importance, though
1 few veers liefore they will be inadequate thousands.
gigantic in siae, that vie with each other
to meet the requiren vnts of a rapidly
All telephone end telegraph offices
Lowe's Madison Square Theatre Com­ in grandenr, whose sides ar* clothed
increasing |«>jiulation. When that time destroyed-ai.d receiving news from city
with ever green forests and in whose
pany are attracting big houses at ths
oomee. a change must be made. If it ia by means of boat.
crevices one can trace the silver thread
_ a_l_ stream as it wends
... its
the mountain
Oakland—11:45.—Ferry slips crowded
then decided to remove the remains of
way to one of the great iskee
At the
seeking vacations or «|«>rts, splendid ! those interred there it will mean a by 10.ÜÜ0 people trying to get out of city
here and they ere giving excellent satis­ bawe of these great monarch of the Vel-
spring«, tine stn ams, in short, every- greatly increased cost. If they are not before cut olf by firs.
canic age nature has placed her carpet
thing in our favor."
' transferred, it will leave the cemetery
All boats stopped running between faction and are bound to become favor­ ' nt green and silver—great valley» that
"What are yon going tn do locally "" I practically in the heart of tbs city, and San Francisco and Oakland for fear fire. ites with the people of this city. Mr. hold untold riches for the funner ami
Lowe announces bis strongest trill for I the horticulturist, and lakes and riven
"The Klamath Development Com- with the neglected graves, which are to
No wire communication at present.
pony and the ll<>t Springs Improvement te* found in all cemeteries, it will not Western Union accepting no telegrams. Friday night, when will be presented
Company pro|s*re to do their full share make a very attractive spot. Now is
2 p. m., via Postal Telegraph Com­ “In Old Kentucky," with special scen­
in prv|>aririg the way for the rapid com­ the time to make provision for tho fu­ pany. Yreka—Tidal wavs coming wip­ ery.
ing of u large |Hipulation.
J. F. Salaido, of Bonansa, was in the
ture, to secure sufficient ground to care ing everything in its path.
mechanics, manufac­ for our dead for many years to come, to
2 JO—Postal Telegraph Co—City is city yesterday.
turers ami capitalists will come to this
coiiiiiiunity seeking opportunities for
btiaiiMMM ami investment. The tine
land« of thi« basin are sure to attract
farmers. The city will spread rapidly
la-voiid its present Isiumlaries, ami we
think the Hot Springs addition is go»
graphically ami physically so situated
that the center of the future large city
of Klamath Fulls will lie within tlie
boundaries of that tract.
"There will come to this community,
a« there doe« to all other new places on
the Pacific slo|ie, a |»eople of splendid
vigor and culture, putting energy into
their business nml taste into their
li ■me«. TI h * v will, therefore, want at­
tractive h 'in
with aUrartive -ur-'
“The Hot Spring- tract is jinrtieularly
well situated for this purpose. The
great t lovernnicnl canal winding through
The Acorn Brand—
the tract may seem to Im a detriment,
Imt. in fact, it affords a rare opportunity
for attractive improvement. This canal
wilt 1 h * like a large stream flowing
through the property, its hanks some­
what winding, but clean and nicely-
94.00, 95.00 and
94.00. 95.00 and
kept. On the upperliatik we shall make
97.00 HATS
97.00 HATS
a broad pleasure drive, to Im called the
"Aliiniedn." Trees will I k 1 planted, ce­
In Tho World
In Tho World
ment sidewalks laid, and electric lights,
along the drive, to turn night into day.
"On the Imailtiful knoll in the bend
of the canal, we shall have a great Imtcl
near and overlooking the Hot Springs.
The Alameda will half circle this hos­
telry which will overlook the whole
Klamath basin, and most of the present
city of Klamath Falls.
"Around the Hot Springs, we shall
make an extensive park and plnv ground
tor the public, but under such careful
supervision as to keep it free from any­
thing course or annoying; a plat e where
all the people of the city may feel free
"Strictly In flî" He wishes that, like hie
to come for recreation and amusement.
lather, and his big brother, hs osuld wear a
Here wo shall haw a swimming pool,
bath house aud, in due course, other
forms of amusement. Whim justified,
we shall erect a casino, where music
and drama will entertain.
“Across the canal from the hotel will
Im the plaxa with trees, flowers, a foun­
tain in the center and broad avenues
leading ia all directions. Not far from
Hie point above named, will be the sta­
tion of the California Northeastern Rail-
Prosilient Naftxgor of tho California-Northeastern Railroad
i*Xteii«iv<* plans have bren nimleand put
under way, not only to afford tran«|»r-
tut ion t<> tin« community, but to make
ln-al developments.
"Klamath Fall, ia to I»* the great city
of Southern Oregon. Situateli iui it in
not inore tlian four hundred miles Innn
Portland on the north and San Francisco
on the south, with an umirveloped ent-
What Smartly Dressed Men will wear
this Season, ask at the
CLOTHING in unequaled
variety now on exhibition ...
The moat refined ready-to-wear garments the world
designed for gentlemen, worn by gentlemen.
has ever known—
In Shoes
Spring Suits $t2.5o to $28.00
We have the
Very Latest
(Our special cut price sale
has been very successful.
A very few of these goods
are left.)
Stetson Hat
Leading Clothing and Shoe House
[Conüflued ou page 8.]
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