Rtr richard Devin«. Come with tne to J r-r —!T --- ----------------------------- ------------------------- yonder houne and I will prove to yoa . Ihut I have jimt quit it,** to place hi* Innocence beyond Immediate question That courw of action waa hupoN«ible now. Knowm»r Sir Riehanl a« he «I d. rv«»ver. that In hi« rag- and beNeviag. By MARCLS CL/KRKB old ui.tn ha t hiui«elf lug passion I <2 ¿a -LÄ X met ahd luurd d Lord Rv!lH«ia. he ».iw hl himself In a poaition which ««nil com* pel hiiu to sa ritiee himself, lie knelt, stupefied, un: in hie to «peak vr move, Twe." et •red Mogford, again; “»ay. WOM ’ WANTS TOO MUCH CHAPTER I. princely magnificence. But th» burden On a certain May the garden of a of parsimony and a varies which he had my lord, 1« thi« the villain?" tit Juliet V. Strauss, Lord Bella»;« rallied his failing senses, sifi-li tn»« n III large rod brick bow-wludoweaeh! Bring accust med to lean. He waa confronted peared to inherit hi« father'« strong will If you sinrt out to an earn him on, JaekI What i* your name, by a man of two-and twenty, unusually aud imperious manner. Under careful <-st woman. Is- sure Unit yoll lire eh? ” tall and athletic of figure, drossc I in supervision and a just rule he might earnest about tho right things, nnd lie repeated the rough question twice rough seafaring clothes, and who held in have been guided to good; but left to Jl U|t. I l . ).A> » not ulwut a lot of triilcs that really DISHONESTY IN BUSINESS PAYS his arm», protecting her. a lady of bi« own devices outside, and galled by before hi« pri«oner answered, but at «1«» not count. Al»)», . try not lo bo earnest al tlie wrong /1» John 4. ffow land. middle age. The face of the young man the Iron yoke of parental d!«cipline at length Richard l»«‘vine raise«! « pate face which «tern resolution had already time. 1 ha«« 1 known earliest women to ilrlv«' the t bu« wore an evpnuMion of astonishment, home, he became reckless and prodigal. Only the other «lay a business innn m ho Is a hardened Into defiant nianho.sl. and bands to drink and give their sons a d stano for prayer aud the alight frame of the grsy-hain'J The mother—poor, timid Ellinor. who former priMclier, mid a stll.1 ent luisia "tic mem had been rudely torn from the love of said. “Dawes—Rufna Dawes.” woman was convulsed with sobs. uiei'ting that remained permanent through a lifetime. lier of tile church, declared to mc liiat the His new life had begun already; for These three people were Sir Richard her youth, her coysin. I.or>l Bella«!»— Alio\«> nil. dear woman. In seeking to put away child »orhi In It» business relations hud to l>e con I »»vine, hia wife, and his only eon Rich­ tried to restraiu him. but the heodatreng that night one Rufus Dawes, charged Isli thing«, be sun* you do not put away the wrong el«lerr«l wholly In the light of the times, that ard. who had returned from abroad that boy, though owning for Ida mother that with murder and robbery, lay awake in things. Do not discard the light and laughter nnd fun for the man In business to attempt anything morning. Strang love which is often a part of each prison, waiting for the fortune of the and save the aff«vtnti«»na. the selfi»hu<*aa. and the fool­ else vvouhl be to run headlong Into a atone "So, madam." said Sir Richard, .a the violent natures, proved intractable, and. morrow. ish little ambitions and emulation». Two other men waited as eagerly. high-strung accent which in crises of after three years of parental feud, he wall. Th«* thing» that men make are never miracles, great mental agony are common to the went off to the continent, to pursue then1 One. Mr. Lionel Crofton: the other, the "In my own case, h»>k whnt I nm compelled horseman who had apiHiintuient with the same reckless life which in Loudon most self-restrained of us, “you have everything that God make« In a miracle. Strange, then, to ilo," Im salvi "I live In we.teru Iowa, nnd nm In the murdered l.or«l Bellasis under the had offended Sir Richard. Sir Richard, been for twenty years a living lie! For that we should fret for the puny workmanship and bualneaa there. I nm in competition with men who have twenty years you have cheated and upon this, sent for Maurice Frere. hi» shadow of the fir-traes on Hampstead device for man nnd forget the singing waters aud talk ____ I dl»<“ov- never ___ hail ________ the least . ____ sense of ~ sj-nipuloiienom Heath. As for Sir Richard Devins, he stater's son. and bought for him a com mocked me. For twenty years yon have Ing trei 1 » around us. cred n good while ago Hint tho man who by nil t of stays, hair-dye and dicate the existence of bodies of coal, THE TRUE UNIT OF SOCIETY ear'll la that In northern California, Oregon nnd Wash me, have you not? Lookye,” he cried courage, yet faced the world with un­ usually of doubtful bituminous value, /1» llhhop Samuel Ffllowa. lugton. I visited Oregan first In 1887. and I remained In sudden fury, “1 am not to be fooled daunted front Of the possessions of the still giving moderate satisfaction In Ttie day of p«-ra«»nallty has many days 111 the vicinity, but had a first. Inst and only »0 easily. Your family are proud. Col- bouse of Worton WaJe. this old manor, the limited local uses to which the gone by. The man who writes tho view. The whole country was covered by a IMlI «>( Wqde ha» other daughter». My lord timberle«« and bare, was all that remain­ product has been put. editorial artlcIvN In the newspn|H-r Bellasis. even now thinks to retrieve ed, and it» master rarely visited iL smoke from the burning forests. The coal found In Thunder Mountain la unknown eicept to a few. It Is bls broken f-rtunes by marriage. To­ On the evening of the 3d of May This was more wicked than the destruction morrow yonr father, your sister», all the Lord Bellas!.« had been attending ■ Is said to have Increased In quality and so with the toarbera In •be pulille forests on the Atlantic only because the great world, shall know the story you have pigeon match at Hornsey Wood, and quantity with depth, having been de­ fuhnola—|M»rhn|Mi to a greater ex- of the Pacific are finer, and for the further reason that told me." having resisted the Importunities of hi» veloped about fifty feet Tests are tent than any other railing The they are our last. The example of the Atlantic States “Yon will not do this!” burst out the companion. Mr. Lionel Crofton, who claimed to show 40 per cent fixed car­ abMiird ami unjimt dlnrrlmlnatlona Is one to profit by. I remember the hills nnd streams of young man. wanted him to go on into town, be had bon and less than 8 per cent ash. It that have hervtufor«« I mmui matte the Eastern States In my boyhood. After long absence “Silence!" cried Sir Richard. avowed his intention of striking aero«» has lieen used for blacksmithing thero agnlnet n woman l*erauae aho 1« a 1 revisited some of these old stream», The trees had Lady Devin- slipped through her arm’s Hampstead to Belsize. *'I have an ap­ woman ure ceasing The iuo«t arms, and fell on her knees at her hus­ pointment at the fir-trees on the Heath.” and is said to give entire satisfaction. been felled ami the springs hail gone dry The swim- If these claims are borne out and if thorough Infidel, whatever else ho band's feet. he said, “with a parson." It uilng boles were filled with dry sand nnd gravel the properties continue to Improve with “A parson!” may deny, cannot deny that Chris« “Do not do this. Richard. I have been now looks ns if Niagara fulls might yet be converted to “Well he is only Just ordained. I development, the discovery will consti­ glorlth*« the heme. Tlx* Individual faithful to y.m for two and twenty a dry cliff, surrounded by nil sorts of mills years. I have borne all the alights and met him last year at Bath, on his vaea- tute another highly important factor wlety. The unit of society eonalsta Rain produce* forests nnd forests produce rnln. Grent Insults you have heaped upon me. The tion from Cambridge, and he was good in the future of that section. ami Injurious changes of climate almost certainly follow enough to lose some money to me.' secret of my early love, the confession In Lemhi County the coal situation "And now waits to pay ft out of his Is most encouraging. It has passed tho that I never loved you. broke from me first curacy. I wiah your lordship joy when. in your rage, you threatened him.” A PICTURE SERMON. ROOT OF THE BOY BANDIT EVIL. experimental stage, having been de­ Sir Bichard, who had turned to walk with all my soul. Then we must push veloped to a point where Its superiority away, stopped suddenly, and bis great on. for it grows late." tartoon Which Low. “Thanks, my dear sir. for the ‘we.’ as a fuel for general purposes has white eyebrows came together In hi« the Boy-Hnnillt been clearly demonstrated and the but I must go alone. ” said Lord Relia ­ red face with a savage scowl, He The cities nnd towns of the country laughed, and in that laugh his fury sis, dryly. “To-morrow you can se ttle supply shown to be practically Inex­ seemed to congeal into a cold and cruel with me for the sitting of last week. haustible gauged by the present and are hating nn epidemic of crime of i greater or lesser degree. Ill which the Hark! the clock ia striking nine, G «od- prospective demand. hate. The Pollard offenders are mere bojrs wtio have “Yim shall have your wish—upon one night.” mines there have been opened up sys- At half-past nine Richard Devine quit­ started on the wrong path »0 early In condition.” tematlcally and are yielding a large “Whnt Is It. sir?” she asked, rising, ted bis mother's house to begin the new j life that for them the outlook 1» production. Teams are hauling from but trembling with terror, as »he «tool life be had chosen, ami so. drawn to­ | thing but encouraging. A strong with drooping arm» and widely opened gether by that strange fate of circum­ the mines continuously, the coal sell- I mon on the cause of this youthful stances which creates events, those two Ing for $4 50 a ton. and, according to eye«. j was preached the other day by the Salmon Herald, the consumers be- The old man looked at her for an in­ approached each other. t’Utcbeon. the cartoonist of the Chicago As the young man gained the middle Ing well satisfied. stant. and then said, slowly: Tribune, ills picture showed a father “That thia disobedient son, who has of the path which led to the Heath, The fuel problem has developed Into wrongfully squandered my money and he met Sir Richard returning from the such a serious one In this State that and mother sitting by the fireside, the father reading and the mother sew- eaten my bread, shall pack! That be village. It was no part of bis plan to keep himself from my eight, and never seek an interview, and he would have the coal developments will arouse the , lug. "Where's Willie to night?” asks liveliest Interest. It Is only a matter slunk past in the gloom, but seeing him set foot again in house of mine.” 1 the father. "I don’t know,” replied Richard Devine gently loosed the thus alone returning to a desolated of a short time until the Lemhi coal tlie mother, “do you want him?” "No,” arms that again clung around his neck, home, the prodigal was tempted to ut­ deposits, and others, too. will bs says tlie father, "I Just wondered kissed the pale face, and turned his— ter some word» of farewell and of re­ reached by a railroad. This will stim­ where he was.” To his astonishment however. ulate development that It is expected scarcely less pale—toward the old man. gret That is the picture, but what a “I owe you no duty,” he said, “You Sir Richard passed swiftly on, with body will eventuate in the opening up of have always hated and reviled me. bent forward as one in the act of fall­ vast deposits from which the greater story it tells! That boy la on danger­ ous ground when lie Is away from home When by your violence you drove me ing. and with eyes unconscious of sur­ from your house, you set spies to watch roundings. staring straight into the dis­ portion of western Idaho and eastern evenings and hit parents do not know Oregon will be supplied at prices far me in the life I bad chosen. I have tance. Half terarified at this strange where he Is or what he Is doing. The nothing in common with you. I have appearance. Richard hurried onward, below those exacted at the present worst may be Imagine)! when parents long felt it. I accept the terms you and at a turn of the path stumbled upon time. are so careless of the welfare of their something which horribly accounted for effer. I will go.” boy» that they jiennlt them to have the In Great Demand. Sir Richard Devine laughed again. “I ths curious action of the old mao. A The London "season” was partlcu run of the town without knowing their am glad to see you are so well disposed. dead body lay upon its face in the Listen now. To-night I »end for Quaid heather, beside It was a heavy riding larly active this year, and the crowded environments and awoM-latlona. The to alter my will. My aister's »on. Mau­ whip stained at the handle with blood, condition of all the high-class hotels temptations of tho cities are si varied rit» Frere, shall be my heir in your and an open pocketbook. Richard took reminded a contributor to the Strand and alluring that men nnd women of stead. I give you nothing. You leave up the book and read, in gold letters Magazine of a game of billiards he experience fall. It Is not to tie won- this house in sn hour. You change your on the cover. “Lord Bellasis.” once played with a friend at a West rlered. therefore, that youth becrjniea Where la Willie thia evening? The unhappy young man knelt down name; you never by word or deed make Eml hotel at the height of a previous nn easy victim. “I don't know, Henry. He went out Just after supper. beside the body and raised iL The skull claim on me or mine. I* return In an The nltuatbm Is no Itriire that the Did you want him for anything?” had been fractured by a blow, but It season. He says: hour, madam; let me find him gone.” ‘•No; I Just wondered where he was.-Chicago Tribune. It was close upon midnight, but for question should lie handled plainly, He passed them, upright, as if up- seemed that life yet lingered. Over­ borne by passion, strode down the gar­ come with horror—for he could not half nn hour or so we bad noticed a I Who Is at fault? Primarily the par- den with the vigor that anger leads, doubt but that hla mothers' worst fears weary-looklng American anxiously ob­ onto. When fathers nnd mothers are strike of jlffiüj lie whs for pence JOHN MITCHELL. had been realized—Richard knelt there serving our play. I may tell you we unconcerned as to where their boys and took the road to London. had to light th« corporations nnd bnt- “Richard." cried the poor mother. holding the man In his arm», waiting played a bad game, and It made ns 'are after night, they are giving an Arknowlrtlgrtf I.eadffr of the United tle ngalnsi the conflicting opinions of “Forgive me, my soul I hare ruined until the murderer should have placed nervous to have him watching. We ' impetus to the wave of crime. Juve­ Mint Wnrkrra of A merlre. hla own pe<>ple, but his business like himself beyond pursuit. It seemed an you. felt sure that be must be a crack play­ nile courts nre n unit In demanding methods, his sincerity nnd determina­ acknowledged John Mitchell, the hour to his excited fancy before he saw Richard Devine tosaed his black hair such changes In the laws as will per leader rf the United .Mine Worker« of tion attracted the attention of Prési­ er. By and by another spectator drift ­ a light pass along the front of the house from hla brow in sudden passion of lore he had quit, and knew that Sir Richard ed In and took a seat on the other side - niit them to punish careless parents, America, who presented to the opera­ dant Roosevelt nnd enlisted the sym­ and grief. had safely reached hia chamber. With of the table, and jhla made us still rather than their erring children, nnd tor« the desire« of the worker«, 1« one pathy of the country, to the end that “Mother, dear mother, common sense proves the need of such of the foremost labor lenders of th* by Presidential mediation peace was he said. "I am not worthy of your soma bewildered Intention of summoning more nervous. tears. Forgive! It la I—impetuous and aid ha left the body, and made toward At last, when the score was about modification. day. He did not organize the United estnbllalnvl. with the miners getting an ungrateful during all your years of sor­ the town. As he stepped out on the 70—7S, tlie first man broke in. Parent» who bring children Into the Mine Workers, but lie made the or- advance of 10 per cent, having their row—who moat need forgiveness. Lst path he heard voices, and presently some hours redtK’od «n<1 nn arbitration “Excuse me, gentlemen,” be said, world are bound by every law of na­ me share your burden that I may light- dozen men, one of whom held a horse, ture to protect and guide them through board I m U iik patalillabMl. • l it. He Is just. It is fitting that I burst out upon him, and, with sudden “but can you tell me about when that the formative period, nnd they should go. I can earn a name—a name that fury, seized and flung him to the ground. game will be finished?” We looked at l>e compelled to do so by statute or suf­ Jamair« Ha, Flab Story. At first tbs young man so rudely a. one another. I need not blush to bear nor you to “Are you waiting for a game?” my fer a severe penalty. The parent Labor Hay, 11X44, while fishing for hear. I am strong. I can work. The sailed did not comprehend hla own dan­ known the pitfalls of the city and world 1» wide. Farewell, my own moth­ ger. His mind, bent upon one hideous friend asked. blackfish over the wreck, near Itocka explanation of the crime, did not see er!” way Inlet, In Jamaica liny, I caught a “Well,” replied the American, “not town, and It should 1« his duty an “Not yet, not yet! Ah! see, he has another obvious one which had already that exactly. I was thinking of hav­ well as pleasure to guide the feet of few good sized fish and a couple of bls children until they arrive at the taken the Belsize road. Oh. Richard! occurred to the mind of the landlord of small ones. I had a piece of sn old ing a dream about home and mother.” The Three Spaniards. pray heaven they may not meet” yearn of understanding, If thia were woolen stocking, which I used to wl[>e “We don’t understand.” '¿Tush! They will not meet. You are "Heaven defend me!" cried Mr. Mog done, the road to ruin would have off the fishing jtole nnd reel with, nnd I “Don’t you. Well, I hate to hurry fewer travelers, nnd more boya would ford, scanning by the pale light of the pale, you faint!” tore off n piece of thin and wrapped If “A terror of I know not what coming rising moon the features of the mur­ you, gentlemen, but I’ve been waiting elect to become worthy citizens. around the fall of one of the small evil overpowers me. I tremble for the dered man. “but It Is Lord Bellasis! about an hour to get my bed made up. No boy starts out with the alm and future. Oh, Richard, Richard! forgive Oh, you villain! Jem, bring him here; You're playing on It.” liln'kAnh, throwing him back Into the All his ambition to become a bad man. p’r'aps his lordship can recognize him!" me! pray for me!” water. A yenr later, It Just happened Then the second spectator spoke up. aspirations nre to be a useful citizen, “It was not I!” cried Richard Devine. “Hush, dearest! Come, let ms lead to t>o I.nlHir Pay. I was tlnhlng nt the “ Your bed? ” he exclaimed. “ Pardon nnd If he Is properly protected during you In. I will write. I will send you “My lord, say------” Then he etopped Hiinin old sjn>t The flrat fisli I pulled news of me once, at least, ere I depart. abruptly, and being forced on his knees me. That billiard table's my bed. I bls teens, the chances nre he will land up was n blackflah weighing nbout two by his captors, remained staring at the got it reserved at tho office the first all right And to whom should ats'lofy fb>. you are calmer, mother!" pounds, with n black woolen sweater Sir Richard Devine, knight, shlp- dying man in sud-Ien and ghastly fear. thing after breakfnat this morning." and the state look for Ills proper care Edwin llnuck In Recreation. Those men In whom emotion has the builder, naval contractor and million­ during these critical years. If not to Made Him Jump. aire, waa the son of a Harwich boat effect of quickening circulation of the parents? They cannot shirk the To He Kneowmaed. “That old plug moves pesky fast sponsiblllty. carpenter. Early left an orphan with a blood, reason rapidly In moments of “ Do you think young people should elater to support, he soon reduced hl» danger; and in that terribis instant, these days, Hiram. How did yoti What Is true of the boy, Is in a sole alm In life to the accumulation of when his eyes met those of Lord Belle- break him of the habit of stopping still greater degree true of the girl. If lie encouraged In literary effort?” money. A shrewd man of buainea«. a sis, Richard Devine had summed up In the road?” ■'Yen.'' answered Miss Cayenne. home is not made a haven for thorough master of hie trade, troubled the chances of his future fortune, and would rather have people write their “Why, I learned to make a noise youth, then. Indeed, nre society with no acruplee of honor or of delicacy, realized to the full hla personal peril. gnnlr.ntion the most powerful In the impressions of things In general than he made money rapidly, and saved it The runaway horse had given the alarm. like an automobile and every time he the nation In danger. labor field. He first gained promt Insist on telling them to ma.”— Wash­ slackens I go ‘ toot-toot ’ and ‘ chug ­ Where are your boy and your when made. He married bis slater to Ths drinkers at The Spaniards Inn had nonce In the strike of 18117, when he ington Rlnr. chug* and he starts off like a colt. ” to-night?- Toledo Rlade. • wealthy Bristol merchant, one An­ started to search tbs Heath, and had succeeded In bringing about tho sys­ thony Frere, end married himself to discovered a fellow in rough costume, A Deliberate Opinion. Hypocritical. tem of Joint conference which la now No Words Woated. Nlllnor Wade, the eldeat daughter of whose person was unknown to them, Mrs. O'Riley—Pfwat kolnd av a felly ■Th» you Imlleve In transmigration of In vogue between the minera nnd oper­ "Whenever I express a desire Col. Wotton Wade, an uncle by mar­ hastily quitting a spot where, beside a anything," said Mrs. Newbrlde, "my ators In the Knatern Htatea. There sre souls?" riage of • remarkable scamp and dandy, rifled pocketbook and a blood-stained Is It th' nsw sooperlntlndent do be? O’Riley—He’s wan av thlm felllst husband never objects.” "Well,” answered the man who Dev- over half n million men who are more I>ord Dallasia. At that time, what with whip, lay a dying man. ’ Th» web of circumstantial evidence that’s all th’ tolme shlappln’ paypie's lucky speculations In the funds, and the “Neither does mine,” replied Mrs. or less Influenced by hla will, though or admits that he donan't know every legitimate profit on his government con­ had enmeshed him. An hour ago es­ faces beholnd their backs. Oldun. "He simply Ignores it”—Phila­ he does not by any tnenns control thing, "I woiihln't recommend It na a tracts, hs had accumulated a princely cape would have been easy. He would them. In the memorable anthracite regular practice.”—Washington Htar. delphia 1’resa, Bo aslf-confideut, but not concsltM kava had but to cry, "I am the son of for The Term of His Natural Lif fortune« and could afford to Uvs la >1 Itov. thMirgc II. HlimiKUia, who com- milted Niili'ble tn hl« homo, nt l’«M»rln, III . uh the rettili of i lliilge*! of n Menn diilotia iiniur««, limi I mm U i pitator of tho F I r a t H a |> 11 « t 1'hurt'll nnd nl«> wit* nt I lit»* brail of two bnnkhig lliatl- iiiiioint, .Mr.t Him* moiiM «uudlinl In Uvurfliduwn I ill t or 'ily. nod lupi held l»H«(or;il ‘ luijg«« In Kentucky, Telimi Htt. o. Il NI M UuN mid hidlitmi I**- fon» mliig to I'eorhi. Ilv lM>nl In isd| nt HlH'ohcrdi III»’, Ky . and llvml on n fnViii until In* hnd ivuc I h M the ngo of Id TI h ii he went to Lmilxf Ilio, nini With tin* nld of frhMld« |»rl iiinry liiNtrth'tion In the puldlc «rhoola. Prior to the tllnrloailiw Unit hxl Io lilt vienth In» hnd I hh im » ah ri'client rrpu UtUull. Chief Mnthrw Kiely, who ha« In^n NUM(n»tid4»d on cbnitf«*M of "graft*** lm«l Invìi at tin» lt< id of tin» Kt, l«otila Polln* IH'pnrtnmiit for «lx year«, but ha« Ivtui ewitinrrtrd with th«- force over twenty y e n r a. Anthmi) llth’bler then wn*< plnctMl nt th«« tieiid of th«* furefc, rMnbi Ing th«» |MMiltlon right yrarw, when Harrigan agnln an « u in r t| eomuiand On«« »tf hla drat n< tn maiiuw kia.it wna to make Kiely cajttain and tu placo him In « hnrg«» of tin» big central dia trlct W hile (¡«»vrrnor I "Ik *a« pr««»» ♦ t'Utlng attorney fri« tl«»u nr»»*«* l»etw«vn film nini Kiely, th»* r«*4i*on, ua alleged, Ivlng that Kiely had re fun«'« I to phier the |*»II< m di'pnrtnirnt under th«’ or* ■i. t a r Mi 10U1 Fre«1erlrk VIII , the new king of Ihmmark, I« well llk«»«t by Ihr |M«op|r. On tiw» 34 of June next hr will l*r <• y«*nra «d»L Hr la D m * fnth«*r of eight uhi ¡ilrt-ii, 0110 of whom, bl« »i»«l «««n, la King IIna koti of Norway. Fmlerlek*« broth­ er la Ring of (»ree««* One of hla alatera I« Queen <»f England : another la th«» mother <»f the Caar of Rua* ala. II«» nl«o la ran » imi i w viti. related by mar ringe with lb«« GeriMati, Kw«’dl«h nmt other roynl hou«*e« of p.ur< t««*. King Pre4lerl«‘k I « b«,a bbrary. Brigadier General William l! ir«1lng Garter, who I imm nf th«’ I ik' N U. H. A . la n vet eran of the r»’gular army nnd n nohM writer oti military tophw. F«»r more than two yen tn lie Inta I mm ‘|| mt ji 11«I In th«» Philippine«. II«» hna Juat cotnr from Jiipnti, where lie a|M»iit Hi«’ great­ er pnrt of n alx weekn* leave of abaem'r gathering «Intn on the Jnpnneiw« «'nvalry for a new «Ml- tlon of hla book, "llorMe*. Naddlea mid Bridlea.” which 1« n text for the honk» arm of the mtv I c «*. General Carter la 54 year« ohL John Rehaatlan, who Im« lieen mn<|e pHMM'iigi'r traffic malinger of the Frlaco mid th«* t’hlengo nnd KiiMtem llllixda Itnllroiid ayMtiuua, ' iiim Iwen with th«» l«M’k J h I iiik I r<»a«l for twenty • al x «•lira, lie hna lx*en yilMMetlger t r II ffi <• niinnger of the lock lalnnd «Ince lanuary. I in »3, nnd 1 I m two new ii |>- H'lntmontN place him In charge of th«» paNHeiiger hua- IneaN of mote ml lea of rnllrond thnn any other innn. The ayttein« over which he In now In charge coinprlw nn ag­ gregate mileage of more than Id.ooo mlloft of rnllrond. .Mr. Hrbimtlnn h«a been In tho railway service Rlnce INtMK Illa birthplace la Newimrt, Ky., where ho wna la>rn Jan. IMO, mid hla home I n In ('hlcngo. •!— » Every line of Mra. mid Mr Willlmn- aon’a novel, “My Friend th«» Chauffeur,** wna written out of doors nt their de­ lightful home in th«« aouth of France. Emil Zerkowlts hna written n hook (knllng with American commerce from the lliingarinn ¡»bint of vl««w. II«* trav- de«! IG,(M)O mllen «’«»llecthig