Li I Y BRIEFS. CREAM teed. Full new line ot meni* spring hats. just arrived at the Bowtun ature. Al) ill« latest styles. J. D. Carroll, one of the promoters of the Merrill—Keno— Bonanza electric railway is in the city. He is perfecting plans for the securing of rights of wav. but «as not prepared to make any state­ ment at tins time. Bring that watch which other watch-. makers cannot make run. 1 will give *100 reward for a watch my repair de­ partment cannot put in good running order. L. Alva Lewis. IIan» bury and Totten, owners of the steamer Wincrna. on the Upper lake have about complsled extensive repairs on their bust. Ao soon as the ice is out of the lake they expect tn la-gin making daily tripe. Write to Charles S. Mitchell, care of the Coes Piano House, Ashland, Oregon, for price list ol latest |>opular music. He has an immense stock and tills orders promptly. A dispatch was received from Charles Wile««, who accompanied Samuel Walk er to Han Francisco, that the operation OB Mr» M’alker was performed and the aconite are very satisfactory. The j»a- tient is doing very nicely. Have you seen those ladies fancy1 Paris toe blucher shoes? The latest tiling, at the Boston Shoe Store. Roy Hamskar and Thad McHatton gave a stag (arty at Mr. Hamskar's home last Saturday evening. Games and refreshments were indulged in and a mret pleasant even-ng was enjoyed by Messrs. Holgate, Ackley, Kimball. Finan, Martin, stalilman, Taylor, Bald­ win and Williams. Messrs. Hsniakar and McHatton proved their gcmalitv as hosts, and the guests «<>ule within ten miles of Teter’s landing by July 4, and it is prohalde that it Is at this point the eernant will lie delivered, and will then t>e hauled to the l»>at landing.* This will save a great deal of time and •xpenas. Fin* watch repairing. L. Alva 1a>«ia. r I ; Furniture * : Store j : s Political Announcements Married At the residence ol Mark L Hurns. Saturday evening, March 3, Eugene |„ Hopkina of Klamath Fall» New gnorls arriving at Witters. and Margaret Hopkins ol Marysville, I ar County Cominlssl.inei. New Ssmvenir spoons just hi. L Alva Rev. John M. Brvaut officiating. F. ('. Sharkey of Portland was here Lewis. Munds) ami Tuesday looking over the I hereby announce invsell a» a candì A. T. Iavog- ll vrf Tangell valley, was canal tunnel preparatory to bidding for dat- lor notimi mon to the ortica ot Com h> town Monday. a sub contra, t. "It is a big job ami «ill tiiissioiiet. of K lamat II County, Oregon, .»ait a lot ol money," was all Choice liivt of Cigars at Frank E. say. aubject l<> the decision ot the Republi­ Ankeny's. Charlea and Emil Flackii» <>( l'aire, can voters at the Primary election to I»- T. J. Offield ef Merrill is registered at were visitors at the county scat this held April 1», ItW. fhe 1-akeside Inn. week for the purpom* of securing their J veoa Bi m k . 1.1 nor license for a saloon at Da.rv. Fine tins of watches, jewelry, etc I hev report plenty ol suow in the L. Alva la-wis. I'or County Judge. Yotitia valley. See those Souvenir trays of High The regular meeting of the Woman's club will Ire held at the Public Library school al Winters. 1 ani a candidate for lite offii-e of and Reinling room, Friday afternoon 11. II. Roberts and I. D. Rosa of Poe March 9. al 2:30 p. m. A full attend- County Judge. subject to the decision tallvy were here Wednesday. an.v I'.lirirol. By order ol the Presi­ of the Republican primaries April 20. “The interest of the county tirsi ; la- All grades of cigars at all prices at dent. Mrs. W. S. Worden, J Scott Taylor of the Express at­ voritisni to none." Mannings. tended a pow-wow of the democratic C. K. B kaxi ' kxu : bo . w Fred Rhrgs, one of the A'onna valley braves in Portland Wednesday. Mr. Fanchers «as in town Tuesday. Taylor is a candidate for the nomination l'or County Judge. state Printer. So tar he baa no op­ Frank Ankeny carries only fresh as position in his party, and his chance» candies and confectionery. seem very bright. I hereby announce myself as a candi­ Watches, clocks and jewelry carefuNy ¡In you wish to enjoy a pleasant even­ date for the office of County Judge, sub ing ’ If ao. walk up to the Public Li. ject to the decision of the Republican repaired at Winters Jewelry store. I brary ami Reading room and take part primaries ol April 20. J. B. Griffith of Lost river wss greet­ j in the St. Patrick’s social. given by the J. O. II VM VkXK. ing bis many friends here this week. 1 W. liian’s club. Fri.lav evening, March IS. A short program «ill tie rendered The Lakeaid* Inn Bar. C. Ross An­ and lunch served. Admission 25 vents. For Sheriff. derson tor an Optimo cigar. At the regular meeting of the Com­ a Commissioner N. S Merrill, ol Mer­ mercial club last night, the salary of I respectfully announce my candidacy rill, ia in attendance at the county the Secretary «as increased to 125 00 I per month, «hicb he is to use in de­ for the nomination for the office ol eourt. fraying part of the expense of a stenog­ sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon, at The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Ross An­ rapher. Steps «ere taken to secure a the primary election, April 20, lik’d, on derson and sinoKean Alfonso. woolen mill tor this city, and the rep­ the Republican ticket. resentative of such an enterprise has K. C. Cantrail was in town Wednes­ iw-en a»ked to come here ami put his Strict attention to the business of the day oa business with bis extensive in­ plans before the Club. Several com­ otlice guaranteed. terests. mittees «ore appointed, and a great S ilas Onxxcu via. of important bus mess trans­ New line of wall paper at the Paint amount acted, about w hich we «ill have more F or S alk —Good seconddiand ll. inch Htore, opposite Court House. to say in our next issue, l-eing forced to Stoughton hack with top. Also set of David Fliook of Dairy has leen mak­ curtail this report bv lack of sufficient | hack harness complete, and part of a ing an extended visit at the coanty seat I »pace for a detailed report. camp outfit. All for *75 at the Crescent , A meeting ef the town board was this week. ' held Monday evening, at which .three Sash and Door Factory. Wo have a few tlainaand dollars to saloon licenses were granted to the fol- See Lewis the Jeweler. loan on farm lands, small loans pre- I lowing: Fred Biehn, Main and Sth streets, C. D. Willsun A Co., Main. l-e- lerred.—Mason A Slough. | tween Pavne and First; Barnes and E. B. HENRY If your eves trouble you, see Winters Auten. Main and 7th street. A petition at once, and have your eves tilt lev! be­ was presented asking for the placing of CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR I a hydrant at Sth ami ttarhington street. fore it is too late. KLAMATH FALLS ¡It «as referred to the Fire and «ater Fine watch and jewelry repairing. I.. committee, n ith instructions to report All kinds engineering and draughting ¡as to the desirability of the location. Alva la*w is. Petitions were also presented asking Boa»—To Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ald­ ' that an electric light Is- placed at the ridge, Conger avenue, Monday, March corner of 8th and Washington streets; I also one t >r a light at 9th ami Franklin 5, 1906, a daughter. COM I N (i streets. These were granted. Free Hot lunch served at the Bank We will donate *1000 to the "Home Exchange with drinks from 10 to 12 I for disabled Canal Boats,” if after a. m. and 8 to 12 p. m. H. BOIVIN There will !>• no services this week smoking one of our celebrated Bank Ex­ Plumber in the Catholic church, owing to the ab­ change or Africano Cigars, you say you are pot satisfied.—C. D. Willson A Co. sence of Father Feuei. about March i^ with a For Sale—320acres g.xwl farming land Iron clad shoes for school children, in light and heavy weights at the Boston t«o miles due West of Klamath Falls at full line of Plumbing *10 per acre. Also 365 acres of inv Hwe Store. home ranch at Keno, Oregon. R. A. and Steam Fitting goods if Call al the Billiard Parlors on corner Emmitt. Main and 2nd streets. Play billiards or Notice to Contractors. pool—get a good cigar—Dunham. Seale,! bids w ill lie rv-ceived by J. W F or B als —My property near post­ Siemens, Clerk of School District No. 1, office on Main and Klamath streets. Klamath county, Oregon, at Klamath Henry Janssen. TOILET Falls. Oregon, until 10 o’clock, A. M. of Joe Koescl left this morning tor Oak­ the 26th day of March, 1906, for the 1 land. Cal., to visit his brother. He ex­ completion ol the new public school pects to be alisent atiout a month. building according to plans and specifi­ i The Lake: ide Inn Bar. C. Ross An­ cations prepared by Chas. H. Burggraf. I architect, Albany, Oregon, all material I derson for High grade Wines, Li­ on ground to be used. All bids must ' quors anJ Cigars. Arehye Mason, ol Mason, Davis A Co., ls< accomjianied by a certified check in A delightful preparation for ditch contractors is expected here Sat­ the amount of 10 |>er cent ol hid and an bond must be furnished by I chapped bands, sore lips, or urday. Already five carloads of outfit approved the successful bidder in the amount of have been sent out from Portland. rough skin. It removes tad 50 tier cent of contract price. Plans I and freckle«, is not sticky or I now have on sale, a nice line of and •pecifications may be seen at the j of I. W. Siemens, School Clerk. Victor talking machine» ami records at otlice injurious. Klamath Fulls, Oregon. The Board oil the Novelty store. Tiros. Newton. Directors reserves the right to reject Ladle* caa wear Otovei Immediately alter Don’t buy those cheap glasses, they any or all bids. uei ng U. Dated this 2nd day ol March. ll<06. are nut ground accurately, and will ruin 3-8-06 J. W. siemens your eyes. f*ec Winters and have them 6entle:nei> will ñn.l tt rtcellcat to u»e scientifically fitted. All work guarau- Ready for Business. •llur «harlu*. 1 sm now ready to furnish to the pub- I Dinxcnoxs—Apply to the dry skin lie various makes of I'ianoe an|s-ars. which is one of the cheapest houses on , the coast, I can furnish a better piano > C. C. CHITWOOD at a l-etter price than any Agent that ; has ever come through tins country, li DRUGGIST sell goods that I can guarantee. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Time. Newton. M ason & S lough ABSTRACTERS KLAMATH FALLS : : : OREGON ABSTTl.VTS <>F TITLE made with neatness and dispatch. invite attention to our FILING CABINET SYSTEM. We lVv-ril We h ive a choice line of lands In tracts large or small, to stilt pur­ chasers ; also city property of all deirriptions. • • • I nsuranee • • • We carry a fall-line of Insurance, including Life. Personal Accident, Fire. Steam Boiler. Plate Glass, and Liability Insurance. H e have been too busy this week for ¿id. writing. COUNTY BANK Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin CASKETS AND FUNERAL SUITLIES Roy fiamakar, The Interests now behind this Bink represent through Its Shari holders a rapt tai In cxccm of *1,000,000, mak­ ing it one of the strongest Banks in Southern Oregon or Northern California, enabling it better than ever to handle your business with absolute security. ALEX. MARTIN. President E. R. REAMES, Vice-President ALEX. MARTIN Jr., Cashier E. M. BUBB, Asst. Cashier I Î J :: p and have fitted up a chappel where services may be Manager Í held. I also have secured the services of a compe­ tent licensed embalmer and funeral director, who Í will attend promptly to all calls day or night, either in the city or country, taking full charge of funeral relieving you of all responsibilities attend­ ant on such occasions. Phone, Store 61 1 C. e r Brown Leghorn Chicken Ranch 2 Choice Fggs For Sale I Í .... Residence 66 • < ■<•<»• 1 S1 n 1 fl Klamath Falls, Oregon 5 A few Ai Brown Leghorn Cockerels for sale 3,4. HENRY & HAMILTON, Prop’s WU-• J J à «* J * FIREMANS’ BALL MARCH 30, 4 4 1806 ♦ J À Klamath Falls Fii’c öcpartmcirt -♦.i • A T VV? k OPERA HOUSE ' I 4 UEO. T. BALDWIN 4 4 The Hardware and Implement Dealer 4 ••• 4 Offers fur your Inspection the most Complete Sti»-k In Southern Oregon and in order to rerluee stock aa 4 much as puMible before the arrival of Spring ship 4 menu will make apeciai prices : 4 4 BAIN or Studebaker Mountain Farm Waqons. Size 3 1-4 Steel Skein, at—$105 4 4 Deering Mowers, 4 1-2 foot cut— 60 f Deering all steel self-dump Rakes, 10 1-2 foot— 35 4 Soring Wagons at Special Prices 4 We have the gor>ds and arc in p< sit on to make lictter 4 prices than any otlier dealer In Klamath County and 4 offer you the benefit of our 30 yenrs' experience In the Hardware and Implement bus newt In Klamath 4 4 A O. U. W. Building - - Klamath Falls 4 X 4444*»*4444444 *’i**j«4*'è44444444** X 444444444444 444444444444X 4 t GEO. R. HURN 4 4 --------------------- - --------- " — 4 x, is showing a fine line of Crockery and Fancy Glass- 4 ware this week in his NEW CROCKERY ANNEX 4 4 A big shipment of dishes and glassware just received 4----------------------------------------------------- 4 Hardware and Plumbing Goods, X s* 44 44 444 4 44 4 The Largest Wholesale Tailoring Concern America 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Quick Delivery 4 4 4 L. F. WILLITS, Ajcnt 4 4 X 4444*i'“’r*444444C»l*4*i*4*1*44444*4*l*X Under the management of » X 44*?*4444444’, u 4^444444444444 X 4 4 4 “INTERNATIONAL” TAILORING 4 4 4 4 4 4 Is Renowned for its Superiority of 4 4 4 Fit. Style, Workmanship 4 4 4 i ... and Finish 4 4 4 $ THIRD ANNUAL 4 4 4 r 4 4 4 4 44444444444 X • z ♦ ‘ • « • • « • • z 44 I will pay the above reward for a watch my repair department cannot put in perfect running order. L. ALVA LEWIS Retiring... From Business Cr & The Brick Store Co. OFFERS FOR SALE Their Entire Stock of Goods Fixtures and Store Building $ Capital Stock increased to Si00,000 January 1st, 1906, all subscribed and fully paid I have added to tny stock of Furniture a full line of Klamath Commercial Co. Syracuse Walking and Gang Plows KLAMATH Parlors N-fcr •r. The Stock consists of Dry and Fancy Goods, Clothing, • V Popular Resort for Men Boots and Shoes, Hats, Gents and Ladies Furnishing 4* Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Widl Paper. Etc. Choicest Brands of Wines, Liquors ¥ t ,4 44 and Cigars These Goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices « Restaurant • and - Lodging - House C. D. WILLSON for Cash in order to close up their business. T. saleisnowon T7 tip tip tip up rp up up ep tip up rip tp up