Wanted, Every tmin. woman and child In Vlainaili ixmnly tn send lo reni« «<> Mra. llcrtliH IWan, llonutixa. Oregon, who will «end ymi it reel pt for u aliare In the new church organ. The ainn Of ten canta I* «mull and will I»- only a «Innull r ItanHMtling tile bualnaMOf the salt! estate, In Klamath « ounty Oregon. Dated tbl«nnih day <»l January A l> l*M. T. F. Htjgfe, Admlnialraiur. <1 Bonney, Attorney lur A lmlnkatraior THE KLAMATH PROJECT SPARSELY SETTLED REGION TO BE TRANSFORMED BY IRRIGATION Nolle. I. hsraby aivvii that thara ara (onda Iti Ilia town trva.nry for th* ra- d»mpUos of th* following warrant« ! No*. I.W, mot. nun. mtM, 110.1, 1307, Notk* of I’xrculoni' I Inal Account. too*, ihm , mo. 121«. newt. 1207. HIM. tuv. ino, nwi. imu . IMI, 1.127. 1313. Noll«*«* 1« h$*ruLy given tliRt llornlio 1314, Uli. I ’l'b IM Bll. 13U, 1317, E. Nmhli and Al«*v. Martin, Jr., rseent- IM«, IMO, 1322, IM«, IMO. 1331. 133?. ! or« of the lawt will of George W. Ktnltli, ini, nu, liais, mon, IW. 133*. 1341, I dereflMNl, ha?« Hied their tlhRl aecotint By E. 1. APPLEGATE. Secretary Klamath Water I,'»era Awaiclall'jn, Klamath Falla, Oregon. »MS. 134«. 1340, IMO, 1147. 1342. 1 114. i of the adminktration of hin (••tiite with ! 1345. IMO, ism . isso. IXM. 1302, 1343. In southeastern Oregon and north* ieR. home of tbe irritffltors o( Klamath cared for, are doing well. Mr. E. L. il»(’ County Clrrk of Klamath county, Interrai ma*** l«uii*ry 4, lOixt. u a vast interior valley, and they are lhe moat proaper-« Hmith, president of the Oregfrn htate 'alilomia i* ‘ >rrgnt), and that the Court ha« a|>|N»int* eaau-rn ( C_L.'......_ lutei *t Klarnatb Falla, Orvoon, till* led 10 o'iliH’k, A. M., «>( Monday, Febru­ | plateau region, cut off from the outside oua farmera, have already |»aid out to Hoard of Horticulture, who viaitwl th« 4tl> ( January. 1000, ary 6. 1IMKI, •• the time for bearing of world by mountain latrriere ami arid such companica for water fix) |»er acre valley thia *eaar>n, gav* it aa hi« opinion J. W. H ikm *«*. iobjecilona to nit'll rttial account ami lhe expanse* sparsely settled, and until re­ ami ow n no water. All of these com* that lh« footbill land* are apecially Town Trr**orrr. Flumt, •«'lllrmvht thereof. Thia notice if |»ub- cently wholly without transportation pani»-s have l**rn porcha»*! hy the gov­ adapted to apple growing. prune« and pear* do well alao. The liwhcd by order of «aid Court entered factlitiea- wonderfully rich in Ila poaai- ernment an I included in the ayatern* Nolic* to Creditor*. billtiea and only awaiting the enter­ No public lands will I* open for set­ native wild plum (Prunua mbeordata: n«*<'rmiM*t ? m , r»o‘>. prise and capital of man lor it* develop­ tlement for several year«. Practically occur* in great abundance and reacbea lloHATlo E. K mi TN AND « oi I bs I, l.srsbv *«vs«i. «hai Oi, »>n*ol««*«t »'» «hs <'0 feet atsive sea level. more than ten times as many ¡»eople. and (list said court Has appointed io o’rhirk. Nearly all of thia area ia to lie reclaitue«l «14. Je».w1 The princi|«l industry of the Basin Klamath valley. Tire percentage oil M W Kaaaaa. Al«o*n»y lor A.tmlnbiraior a M <»f Friday, lhe l(»j*ct. transportation facilities making it im* following analyaia made by tire V. S., CITATION. •urh final account and lb? settlement thereof. . Alxxit half ■>( it con.iat. of tnla and laka l«»Msible to maiket other produce. This Irepartment of Agriculture from beet* !a the County Court ol iliv Htate of Oregon, ThD notice !• published b) order of said c«»urt l land* to b* I aomawhat undulating plain* land* «sov- most of which area is growing alfalfa, Sugar in juice, per cent.. . Ftarba. <> I. Rice. K 1». Mire. heirs at law of Administrator' a Notice j ered with th» charaeterialic «agebru»li which has lieconir an important feeding Char Its Nuiler. deceased. an«1 to all other Coefficient of purity........... NuGew Is hrfrb) gtvvn that thvCnunly Court Heirs at law of said det eas« «!, unknown. II any of lhe great interior i.aain of the «eat. ground not only for atock raised in the In aome of the more favored localiliea, f*»t Klamatb County. Oregon, sitting In pro- •neb there be. sud to all «»thrrs interested in bate <1l«l «»ti January llih lwv>. spf>ulnt m? at The upland «oil i* mainly a rich *andy , Baain, but for many that ar* driven in notably along Link River at Klamath •aid estate tlreetlng •«Imtulstrstor ul lli? sstst? «>( Daniel f'roue loam of great unifolinity and corn|.*ee I** at t?n A«lmlnlsirator <>! (hr estate of Daniel Crone • •*art of the Great Baain and of which eat and Irext ftreding ground* and atock might proluee profitable crop« of cr«n- there to aliow eauen. It any there br. sb) an Klamath Valiev i* a northwraterly ex- pn.lucing wtiona ( the (mi auuthwe*t quarter ot south ' many of the ricbeat agricultural region* matic condition, arc particularly favor­ condition* neceeaary for «ucceaa in cran­ •eel quarter of see t Ion »ant (tie west half of Notice of Final Account. ’he nuetbrast <|uartrr an«l th? nrrtherst I of the world, including much of Italy able. The geographic |>o»ition make* berry culture are «oil* of a peatty or al­ In lhe County Court of the Rtata of Oregon, qaartrr of th« Mwitheast «piartrr section • ami the great plain* of India, ia el- it a splendid dislribuling point. luvial nature, located at high altitude* for ibe Count) of Klamath. all la Tp <1 R ot R A K . W M . containing Iso I treinely fertile and of la-ting product- Occupying an intermediate position or in high latitudes and provided with arras, should uut be ma«le a« praye«l lor In the In the matter of th? estate of Minnie (J. Mar­ i iveiM-ea. The lake and tula land* are with reference to the great semi-arid an ample and eaaily available water lin. deceased pvtttlnn ut Milas <>bru« Uaiu. ad>ainistrat«>r of Dr. W m Martin administrator of said estate ! made up ol a volcanic «oil containing plain« of the interior nml the more u Ge«» T Baldwin, J«tdgr of hailng t!l?d his final account ot his admlnls much organic mat'er, a vegetable accu- humid coast region with which it is con­ •tipply of aand." All ot which condi tratlon «»f sal«| estate, notice is hereby given the < *>«»«•<> « ourt ul th? Mtalr of Oregon f«*r the I mutation of ages, aud ia of a |>ealty cede«! bv the low Klamath Gap in the tiona are certainly prevent. Several Hut .0 o'clock tn the tn«enn«>n of said day. at the For a region of high altitude, tlie cli­ malic condition* are more favorable for and tlie native cranlierry i* found farther (MsalJ Attest OK«> i'll ANTAlN. < ler k ('«»art Room of said Court In the Town of mate, while cool, i* extremely healthful I agriculture than the greater part of Ri Qaran RMiva. Deputy I I* ua in- north. Experience lias demonatrated x latnalh Falls. Oregon, as th? time an«! place and not «ever*. There is rarely any | terior Oregon aixl northern California, that excellent asparagua, onions and Conteat Notko. for hearing objertwms to *ai«l account and the 1 winter weather Iwfore the latter part of I Many of the plant* characteristic ol the celery can he grown, the tule lands be­ U*Hrtm*nl o< th. tnlrrlur t'nlimt Mt.t». •eiiletnrni thereof DM WILLIAM MARTIN l>»ceinlH-r, and but little u ro weather coast region find their eastern limit in ing very similar to those of the Sacra­ lang '»fflee. l^kavlew, Oregon. January IA. Ailminlslrslor of the estate of Minor G Mar IMA during the entire winter. The annual the Klamath Basin and fraternise with mento and San Joaquin valley* of Cali­ tin. decease A sndlrlent contest am tavit haring »«evo l»ai«*d a* Klamath Falls. Oregon. January precipitation ia about 13 inches with their draert cousins, while several of the fornia, where such vegetables are so I »th. IWS. died in this olhir by A It Mead, ' «»ut*»i«ni little rain «luring the summer month*. forest trees of the north, including the successfully cultivated. Throughout the against b»>m?«t?aer of necessary. • Itattk . asture.I on the proved method- and the careful study a private soldier, Ulhoer. •« amsn or Marine ttb «lay <nr<»p»-rty. to- March H ISUU. bafore) the Register and Re work of the great enterprise have law-n part of the Klamath valley was adapt«*! project which will do much toward de­ • Il : N ’tof the NW and the N % <»l th? relier al ihr Fu tir« I Ht ales land Gibe? tn Lake advertixed for. and the system w ill be to the growing of other grains, the only termining the crops adapted to these NF. 1« of Hurtion 11. T|» WH. R 11% Kaat of View. Oregon Willamette .Meridian, in Oregon, containing e,.mplet)<eing the lack of rain during conditions. The said contestant having. In a pr«q«rr al I hu acre«. ran adjust themselves to the new con­ I some season*. Immense crops of splen­ fldavit fll?d Januar> 13. IÄM. t«*t for h fart« For its development and prosperity Dated at Klamath Falla, Oregon. January ditions, and excess landa come into the which show that after dur dl Igrnce |»?rsoiial did wheat, barley an.I oats are grown the Klamath Basin must have people, ■ i. (i«»ir<.x service of th!« notice cannot be ma>1e, It I« iwih.iaw hand« ol |>ersons qualified to perfect a under irrigation. Klamath county and the right kind of ]>eople at that. Administrator of the estate ol James ('. hereby ordered and dircele«! that such u«»llcr government water right. With the ob­ wheat, grown without irrigation, took Its great need is intelligent, practical t'ruh'kshank, derea*?<1. • 1-11 OA Vv given b) «lue and proper publiratlon. ject of making homes for aa many fam­ the premium at the New Orleans Expo­ farmer* who understand tlie meaning of J. N WAYSON. Content Notice. Register. ilies a* [>o**ible. such right w ill not be sition. The moat in>|xirtant forage crop intensified and diversified farming, men I'NiTKD RTATKR LANl> OFFIt K. Lakeview, sold to any one owner for a tract of ia alfalfa, the soil being (w-culiarly who will buy land not for speculative Oregon. January, t. I wm . Petition For l.lquor License. A sofflclent contest affl ltvlt having been land exceeding lW acre* and only to a adapted to it* growth. The hardier purpose* but with tlie idea of clearing To the Honorable Co«in(y Court. of the Ille«l tn thia olhre btr (icorg? R Myer«, conirst- resident of lhe irrigation diattict. All fruit« and vegetable* do well. At pres­ off the sagebrush and making perman­ •Itate nt Oregon, for lhe County of Klamath. • nt, against homestead entry No. .MAA. made landow tier* being required to sell their ent there are comparatively few liearing ent and comfortable home*. Such men We.the undersigned, your petitioner« here ih iober I. Uirt. for NW%RW%, and excess holding*, there ia a large area of orchords, although a few small apple are bound to succeed. There is room by pray the honorable Count) Court, of Klam m W%KW% Bee U. Tp is R.. R. 9 K W* M . by ath Count), Oregon, to grant permission to W'.lliam Morrison Contr«lev, in which II leal- good land for sale at reasonable figures. ■ orchards were plant«*.! alamt 30 years for thousands of them. C. 1». Willson and F. F. Rtalilmait, (Cndrr the legr«l that the said William Morriaon has prices ranging from about $10 to $25 for I ago. Since coming into tearing they With all that nature has supplied, fir tn name ol Willson A Hiahlman.) tn aril or wholly abandoned said tract, that hr has unimproved and $20 to $.ai per acre (or have produced abundantly and of ex­ with all that the Government and the dispose of spirituous, mail or vinous liquor« changed hl« residence therefrom for more la !••• quantified than One (I) gallou, at t hr than one year since making sahl entry; that improved land. The purchaser pay« for ceptional quality, with little care and no railroads are furnishing, the coming of town «1 Bly, In the precinct of Npragitr River, «alii tract 1« not settled upon an«l cultivated the water right at a coat of alsnit $18 |H-r systematic attempt to prevent or erad­ the actual tiller of the soil and the elim­ Klamath County. Oregon, tor a |>rrlod of 7 by said ¿arty as req'¡I red by law; that said acre to l. ItOa. present this our |»etl(lon. praying for a retail liquor license as prayed for therein, and vary rrs|»ert(uIly request thst same I m « granted aa prayed for. To, the honorable County Court lor Klamath County, and State of Ore­ gon. Willson A Htablman, Ry C D. Willson. th«« Army, Navy, or Marine Corps ot the United •tales, cither as a soldier, sailor, of­ ficer or marlite In any war in which lhe Unit«'«! Htate« ntay have been engage«!. Hald parties are hereby notlfb l toappear, respotul ami offer evidence toiiuhlng »aid allegation al 10o'clock a. in. on February 24. HWI, tiefore Geo Chastain, County Clerk ol Klamath ('ounty, at Klamath Falla, Oregon, (and (hat final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. on March lo, IMM. before) tin« Register and Re­ ceiver a*, the United Htatea Land Office in Lakeview, Oregon. Th«* said contestant ha\ Ing. In a proper af­ fidavit, filed January A, 1906, set forth fact- whirl) show that after due diligence personal •crvlcc of this notice ran not t»e made, Il I b hereby ordered and directed that sin h notice be given by due and proper publication. 1 IN on J. N. Watson, Register. ♦ * ♦ * Now is the time to buy Homes in Klamath County * 4 * * * Chas. Pattee, Manager, Cheaper than elsewhere under the - - ♦ ■ilft a^fe /Jft ¿JL - * Gorernmment project of irrigationi ¿fri liti ave ^B^ ¿fri 4 - * Bonanza, Oregon afri îfri ¿frt ^B^ lift -«frt *B'* KLAMATH PAL- Rigs furnished with or without drivers • We keep the finest • lot of horses In the • country. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD H. W. STRAW, Proprietor Lakeside Inn, M rs . M. M c M illan , Prop’r. Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club Rooms, Etc., Etc. SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > Klamath Republican Ft". O. Smith, Proprietor, Klamath Falls, Oregon Official Newspaper of Klamath County and Leading Journal of the Interior Oregon Country The Largest Circulation and the Best Medium for Reaching a Prosperous and Trading Public The Republican fights no man but prints all the news as It occurs good or bad try to please by doing everything just as well as we know how ■^S TER LA \J N D R Y NOW IN OPERATION All kinds of laundry finished in a M Ar. AM . Lv. Bartle W AM D 7 00 Waler 1'« mile weat Alffomah M. H. Burkhalter, R O. Johnson, Manng. r £ KLAMATH LAKE RAILROAD CO • Arri c Rogua Hlrel Bridge Fall Greek K lamatli Rprlnga I'll ie 4- Homes in Langell and Lost River Valleys «OOOOOOO^OOÏWOOOOOO Tuwoward Union From Vi»ton I’M. Lv. AM Ar 10 Iti :< no Upton W D 9 At Burk jt VJ 9 4< Howard W 3 23 9 3A 3 .V! Big t auon 9 52 Plere? 3 47 D 9 tO 9.A7 HlKtial Butte A .VJ 4 .x.vi rates Driving Teams are Specially Kept for the Public. HEADQUARTERS FOR CITY DRAY Walter Alfiryilt?, Proprietor